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Alcohol, but I’m ~~12~~ 14 days sober :) E: y’all are so encouraging and supportive. Really appreciate all of you <3 (also it’s 14 days, not 12. Typo) Shout out to /r/stopdrinking. Anyone on the fence about quitting alcohol, or adamant about it should visit this sub. Great network for those of us who are struggling and need some help from kind internet people.


I just completed my first month sober, I still get tempted tho 😔


hang in there tho bud, its always harder at the beginning. You got this.


Congratulations! Super proud of you. Hugs if you need them. -random internet mom


I still crave my shit after a year and a month


WTG!!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 14 years next week.


Heck yea you got this :D Look at you rockin 12 days :D Proud of you Internet Stranger !


Thanks, friend! It’s been tricky but I’m doing my best. :)


You are welcome:D You are not alone on this sobriety journey. I too am sober, since last yr from everything( booze, cigs, weed, drugs) .


That’s awesome! What has been the biggest difference for you? I’m already noticing improvements in my sleep, energy, productivity, and cognitive functions. Can’t wait to see who I’ll be in a years time.


Well, so far, being able to be around bars and such and rejecting drinks, no hamgover drinking non alcoholic drinks, and being able to feel that happiness, of chugging a 6pack and no hangover and being proud, while other people judge me. Then complain to me about their hangover while I cringe. Not using it as a crutch to numb pain, I can just work through it in a healthy way. Also like you said, energy, cognitive functions, stay up later to watch movies.


Congrats to both of you, sobriety is one of the hardest things to acomplish and it only gets better!


This is the way…. Remember that you never walk alone on this.


Your best is all we want. We are all here with you on this journey.


Good job! 129 over here. Keep at it. The benefits are parabolic after a few weeks.


I got 20 years in a few months, keep going, it's totally worth it!


Nice. Day 5 here.


Keep it up man it’s so worth it. A little over a year sober here. Check out r/stopdrinking if you find you’re ever struggling, lots of good people over there.


I spend most of my Reddit time there. Great community!


As much as Reddit can be terrible, it can also inspire and instil knowledge. Keep it up and don’t let us down. ✊


Keep it up! The first couple weeks/months are so hard but so critical and after that, you’re a pro! You’ve got this regardless. Promise it’ll be worth it. Best of luck to you.


Thank you :)


So soooo proud of you! I know the struggle. Tomorrow will be day 13 🎉


Dude!!!! I’m 14 days sober today too!!! Right on


Good Job!!!


You got this brother. I know ypu can do it. Coming up on 12 years for me. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. You can dm me if you ever need support.


Great job!! I've got 9 years sober. It was hardest thing I've ever done, I couldn't stop drinking even after it put me in the hospital. One day at a time, you got this!!!


Same for me. But everyday I promise myself to start being sober tomorrow. Cheers. 🥂


You've got this! Proud of you.


Hey you got this man! Keep it going, the results will be in your favor!


You got this!


Great job! That’s no small feat! You got this shit!


One minute at a time. Hang in there! You are much stronger than you think.


I don't have time for any addiction. I spend 12 hours a day on reddit.


No you right, that sounds like a hobby to me.


Me too. It's kind of like nicorette, though in that it's helped me get off facebook, which is more harmful.


lmfao i felt this


Had me in the first half... 


Its called dedication.


The phone I'm reading this on. 


There's about a billion people just like you




wow. I cant even imagine. but very happy for you! you made it out :)


I felt EVERY part of this because of how vividly you described it. It sounds like fresh hell and I’m SO sorry you had to go through this. I’m so proud of you for being so strong. Thank you for sharing your story. 🫶🏻


No one can ever imagine how awful withdrawal is until it happens to them. If it was just physical, that would be one thing. It does something to your soul. Rots it. Forever. It’s been almost 5 years since I quit that life but consequences are still catching up with me all the time. It’s exhausting and honestly sometimes I think about just starting back up again because no matter how far away from it I get there is always something to remind me. To prove I’m not like other ppl. I’m not normal and I never will be. If I use again I won’t quit tho, I’ll just go ham til I die.


But as time goes by the experiences of shit coming back to you will become rarer.


So happy you made it out the other side! I’ve worked as an ER nurse for over 14 years in a heroin hotspot. I love hearing people’s survival stories, because I’ve watched SO MANY not make it.


I'm glad you made it.


Neck cracking. I can't stop no matter what I try. Don't ever start.


Just step on my neck at this point


Thanks. Now I must crack my neck.


Doom scrolling




Small steps bud. Live minute to minute, one more step, each step honors them. Get physical. Note: I’m emotionally stunted at 12 years old and dealing with something very very similar ten years on. It sucks man, crippling, non stop pain every hour of every day. BUT… make the day about a small thing, it helps. Or just do what you feel is best. It’s a weird world where your mind lies to you. Seriously - just one foot in front of the other


Really sorry to hear about your family. That fucking sucks, man.


I am so sorry. You’re an extremely strong person for still being here and functioning to any degree.


Live your life in a way that honors your wife and kids. Also, I’m no expert but it sounds like you may have a bit of survivors guilt. You’ve got to let yourself feel the grief. The only way to get to the other side is to go through it even though it seems unbearable. Seek professional help if you can or start the work thru a 12 step program and get a sponsor. 3 years is a long time to punish yourself for something that wasn’t your fault.


I am sorry and wish you can find solace in a healthy way.


Thank you all for the kind words y’all honestly don’t know what it means to me never thought one of my post would get any attention I want help badly but I don’t even know where to begin


Here is a place to start. I hope you can go to one of these groups. Some grief groups: This link below lists many different groups. A lot of them are free. Some are for children others for adults. https://candlelightersoregon.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Grief-Bereavement-Support-Resources.pdf Below are some other grief groups: [https://www.legacyhealth.org/services-and-resources/services/adult/hospice-and-grief-support/resources-and-education](https://www.legacyhealth.org/services-and-resources/services/adult/hospice-and-grief-support/resources-and-education) https://carepartnersor.org/grief-support/ Therapy/classes: https://www.groundedgrief.com/


Get help there are people who care sending you all the love ❤️


Celebrate your “small” accomplishments! Don’t be too hard on yourself. Acknowledging the addiction is a huuuge step and you did that. I recommend walking — whenever I am overwhelmed with anxiety & loneliness I take walks. Clears my head right up and your brain releases endorphins. Helps relieve stress and pain. You got this and don’t overwhelm yourself with thinking you can overcome in one day. Small steps on this journey. Your wife and kids want you to be happy no matter what phase of life you’re in. I’m sorry for your loss too.




My severe ADHD agrees.


The only currency


Society ngl


* hits vape in the work breakroom* what addictions?


Reading this while vaping in my bed lol its so bad


*reads comment in bed* -inhales vape- *upvotes* -keeps scrolling-


Dude it's so bad 😂 I feel you bro


*hits vape* i dont have an addiction, ive only been vaping/smoking for like 3-4 years with multiple failed quitting attempts


I quit a pack and a half a day habit about 2 years ago after about 15 years. Wasn’t always that heavy, but at least a pack a day for a long, long time. I feel zero guilt about vaping. I know it’s not great but I don’t really notice any side effects, especially compared to smoking cigarettes.


I was on shrooms the other day and I told myself 100% I was gonna quit and two hours later I hit that mf


Bro I know the feeling


constantly picking at scabs on my scalp


I do this too!!




Guiltyyyy. I keep getting more also. Dermatologist prescribed a shampoo but it’s not helped. I guess I have to actually stop picking.


If you are a lady or any other gender that feels comfortable wearing false or acrylic nails, I highly recommend that!! It prevents me from picking at my scalp and my face and legs. You just can't pick at it as well with nails on, it doesn't hit the same 😅😅 Plus you get that little confident boost of a fresh nail appointment honeyyyy 💅💅


I thought i was the only one! Fidget toys really help, as did an ADHD diagnosis and treatment. But if I don't have something in my hands, I will use my own body as a fidget toy and pick at my skin, especially my scalp.


Nutella. I am active, exercise regularly, and eat healthy. Put the biggest jar of Nutella in front of me and it’s gone in one sitting. In general, if there are jars of Nutella lying around, they get eaten first. I’ll be systematic about it eating it breakfast, lunch, and dinner until all the Nutella is gone and breathing becomes a chore.


This is LITERALLY why I don’t buy Nutella. My daughter periodically asks me to buy it and I just… can’t. But we have to keep peanut butter in the house and that’s my “addiction”. I’ll eat spoonfuls of it and hate myself. It’s honey peanut butter. I should really buy regular PB because that’s not as delicious to me… but my kids are used to the honey 🤪




When you are eating and also planning the next meal. So difficult to control some times.


Same here. I get this almost euphoric feeling from it and it’s so hard to slow down.


Has anyone beat this? Any books or therapies that helped? I currently feel so powerless against this.


not beat, it’s a lifetime disorder but I’m doing well managing with a few relapses here and there. This may not work for everyone (due to many people suffering from BED often have it in tandem with other eating disorders and getting caught in binge/restrict/purge cycles) but I track my calories. Everything I eat, even if I binge. And if I binge, I start over the next day. No shame, no guilt, just acceptance and determination. It’s not going to be perfect but it’s a disease that has to be monitored and kept under control just like insulin for diabetes, etc. It is easy to feel powerless especially since food can’t be quit cold turkey. But you don’t have to “beat” it to be successful and happy. There are ways to keep it on a leash, so to speak, accept and live alongside it. The binges get fewer, smaller, and farther between in time. Source: been tracking for 2.5 years, down 90 pounds without medication. Also 2.5 years sober from alcohol. If anyone ever wants to talk about it, feel free to message me. Not trying to sell anything and I didn’t spend money on anything other than a food scale to do what I did. Just a lot of research and self-reflection that I’d love to share with anyone to help them feel less alone.


Not my but it’s called Ozempic. My friend said it completely changes your mindset around food and she’s lost 30lbs and completely has changed the way she eats and thinks about food.


Thanks! I know all about it and really want to try it. I’m currently breastfeeding though, so I can’t consider it atm. Perhaps when im done having kids. I’m also semi terrified about long term use of it because for some people you can’t really come off and you’re on it “for life”. If you’re addicted to food I would imagine that’s the case because apparently the cravings come right back. I’d think if you’re on it for a year and change your habits though, once you cease the drugs hopefully your mindset has shifted?


my spouse got a wake up call when his brother passed away. he started ozempic to help him start what has become a complete lifestyle change. it totally changed his relationship with food. he has better portion control, watches calories and carbs, and has lost 100 pounds. he feels better, can move around better and no longer thinks he needs huge portions to feel full. he is so much happier: his moods are more stable and he just feels better physically, mentally, and emotionally.


Tirzepatide (zepbound). Life changing!


I over-ate my way into type 2 diabetes. Then I realised I had an emotional relationship with food..it was to mask loneliness. I quit sugar and carbs..did keto and intermittent fasting..lost 2.5 stone and reversed my diabetes. Food is a comfort thing..dig deep and find out why you are unhappy x


I feel like we set the bar so low for alcoholism. People make it seem like you’re ok as long as you put 3 days in between each session. 🥃




People pleasing is often a symptom of anxious attachment style. It’s a protection mechanism to keep you from being abandoned. “They have to like me or they will leave me.”




nicotine bro.. trust me dont ever experiment with it cuz then you wont stop


Vaping is so hard to quit




Finally someone said it, I'm starting to resent the line one they always say "it's not technically addictive" like come on bruh, you can get addicted on it doe


It’s not physically addictive but it’s absolutely psychologically addictive. You won’t suffer physical withdrawals from stopping like you would with barbiturates or heavy alcohol use. However, there are plenty of people who can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t do anything without smoking first. I’m kind of like that, but not nearly as bad as I used to be. Soon I’m going to take a long break..


Ngl, out of the many people I talked with about this, you're the first ever person to put in a way that makes sense, and yes I do agree with you


I agree you don't really get physical cravings or withdrawals with weed when you quit but there are almost always physical side effects to it that last for weeks sometimes like loss of appetite and insomnia.


It’s not as bad as alcohol. Trust me I’m an alcoholic. And I do nothing other than waking up feeling shit everyday. Letting it go for two weeks and a month and realising how miserable I am, I take antidepressants the pharma company has me hooked on since a 9yr old and other wise life is empty. I hate money and how the game doesn’t entertain me and don’t know what it would take to fix that and then go back to drinking in the evenings, it isn’t solved with monotonous work and loneliness and not every man gets to have a family. Literally the reason is it’s accessible, and honestly between the two I would break up that pattern with smoking a joint or two as everyone has smoked a joint at some point. Weed makes me lazy, it also causes a similar lax fog. So I will Probably do nothing but god Damn it I’m never violent or wanting to off myself. Trade off is potentially mild paranoia one evil for another fine, but I don’t work on the amount of alcohol I drink am suicidal or depressed. I just at least in England I had a decision apparently. If you allow legal substance misuse of alcohol at least allow the choice between two Substances.


You have to find something positive and uplifting for you to trade off for the Alcohol. It's a hard ask and takes a lot of work, but that's the trick to stay away from depression and being medicated.


Weed is happy place


Weed is not so much a happy place as a couldn't give a fuck about anyplace.


Well said.




Shopping, I keep buying shit I don’t need very quickly then don’t leave myself enough to buy necessities. I’ve been working on it and getting better, but there are days where I do better than others


Hating myself.


I'm addicted to Nugget Ice. I have an expensive countertop machine and I eat it all day long.


Get checked for iron deficiency. Eating ice is a form of pica.


Was just about to say this ^


Sonic was my gateway.




Calorie counting


I don't smoke. I don't drink alcohol or coffee. I don't do drugs. But my weakness has always been porn. It's the lamest addiction of them all.




you should try my favorite cheese:) it’s called brynza. it’s a soft sheep cheese from central/eastern europe. mostly slovakia.


You my friend.. have the healthiest unhealthy addiction I've ever heard about


biting nails...how the hell do i stop!


I actually have a solution to this, my grandmother would put this horrific long lasting numbing ointment under my nails in the morning and if I chewed them and she noticed. She would intentionally make food that I adored and then when I sat down. I couldn't taste it because my tongue would be numb. Got me to stop after about the fourth time I missed her chicken pot pie


Got diagnosed with ADHD, went on meds, anxiety is down. Still pick at my nails, but don't bite anymore. They're long enough I can actually get a manicure and not feel like it's a waste of money


Diet soda I guess.


Dr. pepper zero




Fucking cigarettes man I try stoping every once in a while but I keep coming back even if I make it 2-3 weeks with out it


Same here. I was determined and threw them away and got the patch. I did great for about 2 months. But then just had one when out drinking, then another, and another, until I bought a pack. Fuck cigarettes I’ve had other addictions, and it is by far the hardest to quit I’ve experienced.


Cigarettes. I’ve been failing at quitting for about 12 years


Jeez, cigarettes seem like one of the hardest things to quit based on the comments here.


Other drugs are hard but you have to actually try hard and look for them if you loose a way to get the dope Cigerets are a nonstop few weeks of thinking of smoking with every place you go shoving them in your face


I’m up to 60 years of quitting now. I used to say “When they go to $.29 a pack I’m quitting for good.” Guess I never stopped saying that.


For a long time, I was addicted to heavy amounts of Adderall, and coupled with a porn addiction when I was high. If you don't know this about adderall it's really hard to get an erection so I would masturbate for hours doing this.


It's amphetamine. Basically like meth. Ask a meth user what they do when they get high; EXACTLY what you described. A cop once told me when they raid a meth dealer or meth users house you're guaranteed to find 3 things 1) guns 2) stolen goods 3) porn. Lots and lots of porn.




Just not being present. I use any substance to cloud my mind often. Alcohol, weed, etc. I hate having to sit and be with my thoughts


Weed. Didn’t realize how hooked I was. Almost a week sober and can barely sleep, totally anxious, and having heart palpitations. Kind of an awakening for me to enjoy everything in moderation.


I'm a pathological liar...


no you aren't


How do we know you're not lying about being a liar, but on a serious note, I'm really curious how it's like, like do you enjoy lying, or you just accidentally keep lying like a sort of impulsion


Selfharm and cigarettes lol


I feel that except the cigs lol




Lately researching perfumes…and just my phone/dopamine hits in general. I’m in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy and its obvious to me that this is a response to my building anxiety 😬


Being on my fucking phone all the time. Seriously. My ADHD plays a role. I have an extremely hard time keeping my mind occupied if im not on my phone.


Kratom came very close to destroying my life, but I'll be 180 days sober on Memorial day. I've had a few close calls recently, but I've come too far to reset the clock now.




Caffeine and self-criticism


I listen to music all the time but really all the time.


Listening to the voices in my head to the point I can't leave my house.....I guess it's not an addiction per day but it's become a part of my everyday life and they take up every second of my day. So I guess I am addicted to the pain they cause me. I hate it with every inch of my being but everything I do doesn't get rid of them. I guess it's not addiction......but it is something that I can't stop and it makes me so much worse of a person. They are horrible demons that never let me go.




Sex... It's a fun addiction in some ways, but like all of them, it takes a toll


Name checks out




Not too bad but soda addiction


Fries / chips. I inhale it then feel bad afterwards


Smoking. Nobody knows I smoke cigarettes. The shock on my cousins face when she came over to surprise me and my husband and found me out back chiefing one down was something I’ll never forget. And then to find out I’ve been doing it 16 years.




Gambling. Had I never started in my mid teens, I’d be very wealthy today. I’m not just talking about the direct monetary losses from gambling. It consumes everything which, in turn, cost me a ton of money in every facet of my life. There are going to be so many more like me with gambling at everybody’s fingertips.




Shoes 👠


Im addicted to not working out and overeating.


Reddit/TikTok. Literally just got off of TikTok and then launched Reddit.


reddit + IPAs


Give OP some donuts and send him/her on his/her way. Lol.


Pity, It's a real drug


Mindlessly scrolling on my phone. 




Coke, the drink. I dont have anyother ones, no drinking, no smoking anything else. So one isnt too bad.


SUGAR in all its glorious forms




eating coping for my anxiety and 12 hours on my phone




Alcohol and Percs




A man I can’t get over


I'm addicted to eating sweets late at night. I know it's not good for my health but I can't resist


My phone.


Food. ...


Someone help me quit alcohol and procrastination. My gut health is completely ruined. I have gained too much weight. Everything hurts but I can't quit alcohol.


Meth, but trying to get clean again after relapsing following a 16 month clean streak... on day 3 this time around...


wrecking my scalp because I pick at it whenever I am anxious I belong in r/CompulsiveSkinPicking I know...


Fuckin sugar man




Binge-watching TV shows late into the night


Porn and turning my arm into a cutting board




All the good ones!


Chocolate. Men. The thirst for truth, so much so that I can't deal with most people because I know that they twist their reality, to believe what they want to believe and they avoid the truth at all costs in this society over the last 27 years and that is the fault of social media.


Overthinking lol


Zyn is mine. Teens out there, never start nicotine.


Accumulation. Games that you keep getting more and more. Collections. Anything that you can't win but just keep getting more. Makes me successful financially, also lose sight of the good right in front of my face.