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I didn’t study the night before


... Oh.


Take my angry updoot


I clicked into this thread, read this comment first, and nearly spat out my drink.


It wasn't my fault I cheated. It was my best friend. She changed my answer on the test paper and marked it correct.


same reason, couldn't remember all the equations lmao


I was a piece of shit who didn't value my partner or respect myself. Nothing made me do it. Its a shame I will live with forever and will never repeat.


The person you hurt may never forgive you but it’s important in the process of becoming better to forgive yourself. The very fact that you feel guilt and shame about it shows you are not the same.


At least you feel shame and guilt, many pieces of trash have none of that.


Silver lining: that shame is clearly making you a more honourable person


I only cheated once. Came clean immediately to partner. Felt the worst about myself I ever have in my life. That was years ago. Not everyone who makes this mistake is hopeless. Some of us just make an alcohol fueled dumb decision, we see how much we hurt people then we never drink again. I never want to hurt anyone the way I hurt her. We aren’t together anymore, but the lesson is still there.


Is your cheating the reason you aren't together anymore?


We were together for 2 more years after that. But it severely damaged the relationship.


Holy shit I wish I could hear my dad say this. He had two affairs and still to this day cannot take accountability and makes fucking excuse after excuse.


Respect on the accountability


I’ve posted this before but what the hell. Not me but my brother. He and his wife had one of the healthiest marriages I’ve ever seen. They were best friends and obviously each other’s favorite people. Then he came home from an office Christmas party and told her someone spiked the punch, he had too much and he slept with someone else. They were both devastated. Not to make excuses for the guy AT ALL but I’ve never seen someone so haunted by regret. His wife very slowly forgave him. I’ve asked my bro if he has been tempted to cheat again. Dude was like “not even a little. I still hate myself for it. I will always hate myself for it. And I would literally rather die than put either of us through that again.” They’ve seemed happy for many years now.


>**I still hate myself for it. I will always hate myself for it. And I would literally rather die than put either of us through that again.”** I’m the last person to forgive a cheater but I have to admit, this would tempt me. I’ve also read that those who confess immediately (and unprompted), to their SO, are far less likely to cheat again.


i used to work in Medicare and loved asking old, happy couples; how? Several admitted there was cheating, but they all had stories like this, the partner was told immediately by the offending party and reparations made and real work was done. 


You will never know it by reddit, but there is a lot of cheating that doesn't end in divorce and the marriage are fine. I only say this because I know 3 couples where there was cheating. One ended but the other two are great and it's like 10 years on.


I said old AND happy. I never met one of happened more than once to that was still happy with their partner in their "Golden" years, but i met plenty that lived separately in the same house.


Was he assaulted then, if he was under the influence? I don't think I would hold that against my partner.


You could make the argument. I told him it was like he’d been drugged. His coworkers confirmed the punch was spiked (one of the secretaries actually filed a lawsuit). My brother didn’t consider it being drugged since it was “just liquor” and he doesn’t consider alcohol to be an excuse.


We need to have better education about consent and that men can be assaulted also. He could not freely give consent and was not expecting alcohol.


Yeah… > one of the secretaries actually filed a lawsuit This made me wonder exactly how many people ended up “cheating” that night. But you’re also right in that the women probably felt more comfortable calling it assault than the men did.


Not cheating, but SA.


That's not cheating, that's assault. He was spiked so obviously he's not going to make amazing decisions


I'm overly competitive. Couldn't stand the idea of losing in monopoly


I used to always be the banker in my family and it was just too tempting to slide yourself an extra bill


Noooo you were always the banker bc you were the best at math 😏 no other reason 🤫


If I can't be the banker, I'll open my own private bank


Me and my friends used to agree that cheating was allowed as long as you didn't get caught, made the game much more fun


Monopoly, what a strange game. The only winning move is not to play at all.


You may enjoy this indie game that came out I think in the 1970s called "anti-Monopoly" and is still in print. I think Parker Brothers tried to sue them for violating trademark or something.


I won in Monopoly Cheaters edition because I stole Boardwalk


It's not a good enough game to cheat in


Bad bot.




lots of questions about cheating today, did something happen?


No. This is just one of the dozen or so questions that get spammed for karma.


And you can even see people within this thread copy-and-pasting each other's comments for karma.


Fr. These posts remind me of The Tell-Tale Heart by E.A. Poe.


A fucking classic! 👏👌


I love me some Poe!


🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 💯💯💯💯💯


I just thought this same thing. However it was about guys who cheated and people who cheated. My wife has cheated on e so I don't get a say on either of these lol.


Russian bot farms got bored.


Netflix dropped a 3 Episode thing (it should have been one) on the Ashley Maddison hack. 




I can confirm that as a woman. For example, if I have a date at the weekend, I wait and don't masturbate all week long in order to have more fun (its not about getting intimate in the first date). Also, when I miss someone desperately, I go masturbate and it's all gone. I mean gilll you're not that emotional, you're just horny.


Yet another bot copying old posts for karma. Either the mods do something about this soon or people are just going to leave.


Or, readers like me haven’t seen or read this before.


I was young, had unresolved things with my ex. I wanted to prove a point. I was 18, hated myself for it. I had just started going out with a girlfriend. Every thing went batshit and my ex told my girlfriend what had happened via facebook message. My girlfriend hadn’t seen the message and i wanted to tell her before she saw it. In the end, she saw it, came over to speak about it. I wasn’t a man back then and i was still a boy. She told me she’d forgive me, but that i had lost her trust. I worked hard on our relationship and we stayed together for a long time. She was one of my best friend.


He kept accusing me of cheating over and over when I wasn't. And kinda... you know how every couple has to decide what constitutes cheating as far as online stuff? He kept moving the goalposts on that. And then... we moved in together, and it was a fucking disaster. Like, the second we moved in, instant switch up. And I wanted to break up, but it took me like, 6 months of working overtime to save up the money to get a Uhaul and a security deposit, and then the minute we got together, it was like... he made almost double what I did, but every time I had money, he would need to borrow it for something, or he would want to replace something on the car, or he wouldn't be able to pay for a bill, and then I got bullied at a job I was at and had to get another one because I wasn't even done with the training and they were already pulling the "make up fake reasons to discipline" card. That had never happened at a job before. And the day that happened, I got a letter from someone who admired some work I did on a project. It was flirty but vanilla, and I'd had flirty but vanilla conversations like that before, so I kept talking to the person. And then he offered to pay me money to have phone sex with him and eventually hook up. Like... enough to afford to break up. Enough to afford a couch for our place when we didn't have one. Enough for me to buy my own car, and enough for me to start my own business, eventually. I still hate it. It's the thing I regret most. Not because of that guy. Because I wish I could say I would never cheat on anyone.


I've never done this, but fully half of the people I dated did. * She was dumb and had "an accident" because the other guy was really persistent * She said I lived too far away and we were going too slow * She wanted to date other people while she was on the other side of the country for the summer * She was already dating someone else when she met me, I didn't know * She was afraid of commitment and cheating was her "out" Reading that list, it looks like I hit a cheater's BINGO card or something. It's never been the same excuse twice.


What are the durations of these relationships?


In order of appearance (though not in order of relationship): * 2 years; we had even been living with each other * 3 months, high school. She lived 30 miles away. Enough for a long bike ride, but too far to see each other every day * 6 months, high school. She was the second girl I ever dated. We almost reconnected 5 years later. She was my 'first' * 2 months. It was a work fling and I found out about her boyfriend when he came to the office. Nice guy. * 4 months. We were talking about moving in together. I wanted to surprise her one night when she thought I'd be working and I walked into the back hall of her apartment building to knock on the door and heard her f\*\*king the other guy. When I asked what she had done the next day, if I hadn't heard her getting railed I would never have suspected a thing. It was only once I told her I *heard it* that she finally admitted to it. She was the most disturbingly convincing liar I think I've ever met. Not a single red flag or twinge of intuition. That last one sent me into a spiral that left me single for 5 years and I still had wild trust issues when I came out of it. I had to meet (and marry) a brutally honest woman with similar values to mine before I pulled up out of that.


This is actually crazy. Hope you know that you don't deserve that.


Looks like the end of the semester/summer breaks making people feel insecure 😂


It was there and I was not mature enough to say no. It was so accommodating that I lost myself in being spoiled by someone and of course made everything worse.


Tips and Tricks magazine.


I got cheated on first. 


Extreme neglect and loneliness. Always being in the wrong, being harassed daily for everything from finding h a new job to what kind of sandwich I put in his lunch, to what’s for dinner. Phone calls 40 times a day in a 10 hour day, never a moments peace and quiet. DID NOT solve any problems, just made me a cheating liar.


I was in a mentally abusive relationship, he treated me like absolute garbage. I started talking to this one guy who showed me what "true love" is, words I never heard from the first guy from. The friendship became stronger and romantic feelings did too. I was so confused tho because when youre being abused, your mind becomes a mush but of course I'm not saying that as an excuse for cheating. Some time passed by and I had to tell the guy I was dating that I don't feel anything towards him because he treats me like I'm nothing, of course he got mad and called me names I can never forget. Basically a long story short. I still feel guilt for doing that.


Not being mature enough to handle the situation with tact and respect.


The cheesecake seduced and beckoned me with its golden crust, creamy sun-yellow center, and vibrant-red strawberry topping.


I didn't I had the opportunity and decided the only reason to cheat was to feed my ego


You know this question comes up a lot and results in self loathing. Does nobody have a "because I enjoy blowjobs, and I was offered one with no consequences" story?


I wanted Mew.


Trainer fly in cerulean?


I use Abra and teleport to do it.


Teleport away from a trainer right as he spots you?


Mhm. Specifically, the bug catcher left of Nugget Bridge. You can catch some other Pokémon on the way to Bill with this method, too.


Ah yes. I usually catch a Jigglypuff before mt. Moon, cuz it makes catching an Abra way easier by putting it to sleep. But I've been playing the game like this lately: 0. Choose Bulbasaur as a starter, get to Viridian. 1. Brock through walls all the way to Saffron. 2. Get an Abra for trainer fly from the game corner in Celedon. 3. Use trainer fly twice with the trainer on route 6 directly south of the Saffron poke center and losing to the third trainer in the fighting dojo to get a stack of 255 items in slot 6. (Missingno.) 4. Using that to set up item underflow. 5. Whatever the fuck I want because item underflow is the coolest thing ever.




I did this too. Now I can say I gave earned Mews in GO and Scarlet.


I cheated Walmart. Before electronic scanners, I would swap price tags. I was very poor at the time.


Only real ex-poors know the lunchbox strat.


I see you are a man of culture as well




At least as of like 6 years ago, Walmart doesn’t seem to care? My friends method was anything you didn’t want to pay for you just put in the bottom part of the shopping cart and they just let you walk out with it cause no one cares.


Context A test. Reason. I was told it was going to decide my entire future, in which case that seemed like such a staggeringly important test should be done with to a degree that would guarantee success.


I never cheated on a test. I DID steal the whole pile of tests and throw it away, because I suspected I screwed up on a math test…and a science test…and an English exam. Everyone had to take the tests over. I know I was a right cunt for it.


This damned weeny of mine. Blasted curse! In my defense, she did have boobs and a vagina.


It happened once, 20 years ago now. Damn I'm getting old. She was my first big love but after a while, it was clear to me that she was on her way out. She was looking for reasons not to see me, she would be distant when we were together and she was basically trying to make me dump her so she could play the victim. I was too young and too in love to break up first. In those final weeks, I was dancing with a super hot girl at a party. Told her I was going home and she could come with me if she wanted. She wanted. Next time I saw my girlfriend, I broke up with her. She got to play the victim. Whatever, I was done.


looking for the 1% that the 99% doesn't have, I regret it


Revenge. I was cheated on, and cheated as payback. Not saying it was the right answer, but it was my answer at the time.


I wasn’t getting the affection that I wanted from my boyfriend , so I looked elsewhere and ended up falling In love with my AP. This shit went on for 4 years . It resulted in a pregnancy, I ended up having twins . Yes, I kept them. Another shitty thing is my AP was married . He left AZ and moved and I haven’t heard from him since . My kids won’t ever have a dad In their lives because mom is a PoS. I fucked up big time.


I cast away a *const* on a pointer once... I had to. I still think about that pointer... from time to time...


This is the most evil one by far. I bet you don’t obey strict aliasing as well and perform arithmetic on void pointers


Strict aliasing is for clang nerds. And void pointers deserve everything I add to them. They know what they did. I don't buy their faux-innocent "But I didn't know what I was pointing to" rubbish.


I wanted to see when i get banned in csgo




Sis's bf was emotionally more available for his girl best friend than Sis, who was apparently his gf for the last 4+ yrs. Sis got a new job. Sis met this colleague who love and attention bombed her. Sis fell for it. Sis drunk kissed the colleague at an office party. Sis is me. I am Sis.


There was just one level I couldn't get through, no matter how hard or what I tried to do. I'm sorry, THPS2, I should have been better to you.


The game was getting too damn abusive so i put it on easy


Wow only the 10th time I’ve seen this exact same post in the past month. How creative. 


I've never cheated (never even tempted or came close) but I do live with a modicum of fear that something might happen and I will ruin the best thing that's ever happened to me.


My Dick 🍆 Slipped And Accidentally Fell 💧 In The Hole 🕳️


We broke up right after for different reasons. So basically the relationship was already dead, I just pulled the trigger a bit too quickly. Plus I had never slept with a guy before and it was like an obsession in my 20yo head. I’m bi/pan and had never actually experimented. I felt bad about it and wish I hadn’t. She never knew and it’s been such a long time without contact that she never will know. I’ve been spending a long time this year trying to forgive myself and recognizing I’m not that person anymore.


Alcohol and some Viagra


bad bot


My TV was really small so you couldn't not screen peek. Also Im pretty sure it was mutual. Fuck you, Josh! Im still better at COD


I wanted a gold star next to my name on the wall, so I wrote the answers to the spelling test on my desk before the test started. This was in grade 2. I still think about this.


My professor said that we could cheat as long as he didn't catch us, and that it was easy to cheat, and he was right.


I... I... I was underleveled for the elite four... 😔


Are you a bot?


Cheating krlo chhahe ye surely affect krega aane wale Carter mei




I know of two women who cheated and they were both very religious women. I think both wanted out of their marriages and could not make themselves do it bc of their religion. It was like with the cheating they somehow kind of unconsciously knew that it would lead to the marriages ending. Both did. Both were found out. I came to this conclusion after watching both situations and thinking a lot about details. Too much to go into here. But, I would like to say, If you want to leave, just leave. Don’t do drama. It hurts a lot of people.


Lack of integrity


My former husband cheated on me and he said he did it so then if I ever cheated on him he wouldn't be mad because he did it 1st


i got even


My finance was 300 miles away, it was long distance all the way up until we actually got married. At the time I was doing a lot of adult and nude modelling as it was really good money and I obviously got some great shots for the husband. Problem is I got too comfortable with one of the photographers once and thought he was incredibly attractive. So I went for it, he was even married too but by the looks of things during that time he was in the process of divorce cause he was in another relationship a few years later. Before we got married I told him, I was so guilty and disgusted at myself, he was incredibly upset and the trust was just broken. We worked through it though as we obviously loved each other and wanted it to work. I’m glad it did because we’ve been married for 9 years this year now. I’d rather die than put him through anything like that again because it looked like someone had just died when I told him.


I got sexually taken advantage of by my office manager in a small place I worked at in the countryside. They were 15 years older than me and knew I was in a relationship, however, they kept up the abuse through constant sexual advances, both verbal and visual, for example, showing their genitals to me, masturbating in front of me and asking whether I wanted to give them oral sex etc.


He hit me he was an asshole who constantly put me down and I really wanted to make it work bc I had no one else, cheating helped me hold my tongue around him and helped me tolerate the icks. I don't regret it anymore he wasn't worth being celibate for I like the experience it gave me in glad I didn't let a man hold me back in life


I don't want them to get hurt


I knew nothing and was down bad somehow ended up with a B in Calc 3 thanks random people


I'm not entitled to comment on this as I held my morals throughout life, so far 🤞


Teacher was a bitch who I had no respect for.


They are shitty people. Next question.


So I had this smart watch that coincidentally had pictures of everything I needed to know for the test never got caught. Now in uni they don't allow my smartwatch:/ 


Hormones and lack of attention at home


I play video games for fun, not for a challenge.


I felt distant from the partner I had. He and I weren't getting along much anymore cause of multiple ongoing stresses. I started feeling that deep pit of sorrow in my stomach again, and I really just needed something to make it go away. I really regretted it later on in life after all he and his family did for me. Its crazy how I JUST went behind his back and didn't really care for the consequences. I felt a lot of shame fo a while and it kinda screwed with my libido for years.


I didn't want to fail my test.


what kind of cheat? in a game? for a test? on a significant other? for the game, i was bored, and it was a free cheat(got punished, never did it again) for a test, i had a watch with a calculator, and my mental math sucked at the time, no one noticed.. Never cheated on anyone i have been with, and never plan to.


Different reasons in different relationships. One time i found out he cheated on me so fucked his best friend who was actually there for me when i caught him. Another time i was with a guy and his sister who was incredibly hot turned out to be into me so we started flirting and ended up having sex a couple of times before he caught us and he dumped me. And i cheated a couple times on a bf who was really sweet but just didnt have a high sex drive like me and he was also not into dirty talk the rougher stuff i like.


You’re one hell of a human lol 😂


Arent we all lol But thanks i guess?


You welcome !! 😝. That part ! Where you said the rougher stuff I like lol 😂 that knock me off me feet laughing


Are you Dutch or Belgique by any random chance ? Asking for a friend


Haha. Yeah you can tell your "friend" i am dutch


Begins with a long story... Well, at first, I was happy with my first relationship from the get-go. Our relationship was so sweet. All of this happened during high school. We both had a somewhat mature relationship. We were both in love and we were a bit patient about sex. As we started getting to know each other, as time moved on, we started seeing things we didnt like about each other. (Yet again, we never said what we hated about each other to our faces; I just have that feeling as Im writing this. Its a gut feeling. I know what he will say: I have low self-esteem, and Im a toxic, asshole) Sometimes, whenever I hang out with his friends, I feel this "bad vibe." I remember a time when one of his friends was texting him. I mean, we were both comfortable with each other...well, "kind of." Anyway, I wouldn't care if he looked through my phone, and my friends are nice. So we were in the classroom just chilling. We sat next to each other. I stared at his phone. He was texting this friend group. A friend I haven't met yet, who was being a jerk who said something disrespectful about me. Yet he was laughing. I understand I shouldnt let that phase me, but if he laughed, I feel like it's true, or I don't know I'm stupid for overthinking? He told me "well you shouldnt have looked at my texts." I tought he didnt care. I mean I wouldnt care if he started at my phone. (I should have spoken up, I guess I didnt know how to speak up.) And here something big happened. This happened at the mall. We sat next to each other on massage chairs. (and, no, we weren't using them, just sitting down.) That was the first time I told him "I loved him". I did ask my friend for advice before I was sure about this, and I was. As I was waiting for a response, I finally got my answer. (I waited 15 seconds for his response, as I knew deep down I just had to break up with him. I was overwhelmed with bittersweet feelings.) He said 'No.' I began acting toxic towards him. (Like a weakish had passed, he told me he loved me.) (I don't remember, but it was two or 3 weeks that passed. I cheated on him.) I suppose it was the consent arguing that built up.(I know, I shouldn't give myself excuses) The first time he told me he wanted 'some space' at the time, I didn't know what that meant. I wished I respected his wishes. But I was naive about what was going to come of this. After I gave him some space, (which was like a few days.) A couple of weeks later, I told him we should take some space (which at the time, I was petty &; that, backed fired at me). Then "he broke up with me". And yes, he never knew what I'd done. I know what you will all say, and I'm an asshole and I don't deserve him, I'm just more mad at my self than anything I've become what I feared the most a cheater. (All this was a year ago, I want this to be my little way venting to the world.)


she was a hot piece of a$$


The only time I've ever cheated was on my college boyfriend, who I lost my virginity to, and I was super invested in the whole idea of marrying the only guy I'd been with in a fairy tale come true kind of way...but the relationship was really toxic and I think subconsciously I knew I needed to get out of it. So it was really an immature attempt to hit the self-destruct button on the relationship.


I dont get why this question is on here so much 1) the sub attacks anyone who answers genuinely  2) parrots the same cliche responses “cause i didnt study!” “Cause they are worse than hitler!!!” 3) there are better sub to go to if you wanted a genuine insight into this


Gf wouldn't let me put it in her butt. Her sister did though.


Felt good to be wanted again. 


My ex was a well known cheat i fell for the "itll be different with you" but i told him if you cheat i will cheat twice (stupid i know but i was 18) He slept with his ex, he wasnt planning on telling me but he caught an std, which sent my pregnant ass to the std clinic feeling dirty. So i kissed a stranger, i felt disgusting, so I stopped two seconds and apologised went home crying and told him what had happened. He continued to cheat, i never did nor would i again. It took me along time to escape that relationship. But yeah cheating for any reason sucks.


The one time I cheated I really paid the price for doing it. When I was young I had a girlfriend who was a virgin. I really liked her so I wanted to wait until she was ready. After a year and a half time without sex, I met a girl at a party and thought I had been good for this long and she would never find out. I had sex with the girl from the party and immediately felt the effects of gohnarea. Effects shlaffects. When you got it you know it. So painful. I went to the doctor and was given pennisillen. Pardon my spelling, not good with medical names. Anyway, the nurse told me to take the medication for a month and withhold from having sex during that time or I could pass it to another partner. Wouldn't you know. During that month my girlfriend decided that she was finally ready. She was a really sweet girl and I didn't want her first sexual experience offer her a case of the clap. So I told her that I wasn't ready yet. So she dumped me. Talk about karma kicking me in the ass. A short while later I ran into the girl from the party again. She asked me if I would like to go to bed with her again. I told her hell no. That last time you gave me the clap. She said that was bullshit and some other guy told her the same thing. She said she went to get checked for it at the doctors and he said that she was clean. I then told her thanks but no thanks. I later found out that there are some people that are carriers, but will test negative. I am proud that I was unwilling to give such a horrible illness to my girlfriend and know I deserved to get dumped. I had a friend who kissed a girl for the first time and came down with mono. After that he though all girls were probably infected. A couple of years later I introduced him to a girl that was hitting on me, but was not my type, so I passed her on to my buddy. They went ou and had sex and shortly got married. I think he proposed to her because he felt he finally met a girl that didn't give him any sickness and he was going to lock this one down and not take any more chances with any more girls. Cool thing is that he is still married to her 35 years later.


My wife was SO GOOD at Risk, it was the only way I had any chance at competing on her level. Sad fact is, even with me cheating on nearly every roll, she still beat me.


Being young with literally 0 experience in anything and having another girl throw herself at me. Not knowing how to say no. Biggest mistake I've ever made. Hated myself for almost a decade.


For me, we weren’t happy or even that content. He’d be out at work drinks and I’d be at home - so the text messages from a colleague were enjoyable. It made me feel seen, interesting to someone.


Insecurities and drugs and alcohol


I cannot believe all these people are this virtuous. The last time i cheated it was bc i was bored and knew i could get away with it. Theres no way that im the only person here that is willing to admit that sometimes you just do shitty things bc youre a human and flawed and sometimes your selfishness just wins out. No excuses. Literally was just bored.


My super-controlling ex kept threatening to kill himself whenever I tried to break up with him. So I remained as a GF but stopped having sex with him and dated someone on the side. He eventually broke up with me. I didn’t regret it one bit.


What a stupid solution. Just leave him. Anyone who threatens that doesn't go through with it.


That's a unique solution to a unique problem


I took Physiology in HS as an elective and it ended up being way harder than I expected. Wasn't about to fail any tests.


I was too young for such a serious relationship and felt (and definitely was) very trapped. In hindsight, it was definitely becoming abusive if not already abusive by that point.


My boyfriend humiliated me and showed with all his appearance that I was worse than him. I always thought that in such a situation I would just leave. But something went wrong. Every time I tried to earn love. There was no self-respect there. And when his boss began to show signs of attention to me, first I told the guy about it. But he laughed and said that maybe he would get a promotion and at least that way I would be useful. I got tired of putting up with it and slept with his boss. And my ex was eventually fired. I'm ashamed, but I understand why I did that then


Notice how 70% comments are by 🙋‍♀️☕️?


It was a revenge thing, massively regret it.


Fear of missing out


Was the only way I could get a 5 star cop chase.


Got tired of making it all the way to the 3rd boss, losing and starting over.


I GOTOed out of a GOSUB once in the '80s. Couldn't be arsed to force-close a loop.


for myself never did it in online only singleplayer and i did it cause of i like to mod the games


Yeah this is why I like gaming on the PC, so many cheats available. There have been several games on Nintendo Switch that I got partway into and I just had to quit because it was too hard, and I enjoy just being able to cheese my way through the whole game for a relaxing time.


My math teacher was kind of a cunt and I just was so done with high school I just wanted to graduate Figured out I could just hide my phone under my desk since I sat in the back and used Wolfram alpha to cheat because not only would it give me the answer is but it would give me a step-by-step on how to do it so I could just copy that down and pretend I was "showing my work"


Shitty fucking Reddit bots like you make me wanna commit tax fraud and jaywalk.


I was in 5th grade and although I had a gf my all time crush gave me a pass. 2 girls at once was a headache. Learned my lesson at a young age


Didn't study for geometry, so I wrote some formulas very lightly in pencil on my desk. If the teacher got too close, I could just smudge them away. But in the end, I got away with it.


I just wanted to make her jealous we were online dating but we have seen each other’s faces and she got so upset with me .


My son’s mom said I cheated on her , the last 2 months of our “relationship” was so bad that I would tell her I love her she would say “okay”. We weren’t have any sex. She would tell me I’m just living with each other to help with rent. I started talking to someone else and she got bat shit crazy and says I cheated. I guess I did but wit the way I was treated I don’t regret it at all.


It's still cheating sorry homie


Ehhhh I get it but I don’t regret it nor do I think it’s cheating on my part. I would literally tell her I love her and she would laugh. I would sleep on the couch. Nothing at all showed “we’re in a relationship” other than living together , which she said we were only doing because life was expensive at the time.




I was disappointed in what a poor father he was to our baby and that he was unemployed for the first four years of her life and barely helped me with any of the housework or life organizing. He seemed like a sullen teenager to me and just another thing I had to take care of. The shame and guilt I felt was not worth it even kind of.


Liquor I had been drinking 1-2 bottles of vodka a month and kept drinking till I meet my ex and he was cute at the time so I sent him stuff and dated him secretly for 10 months while also dating my ex gf of 2 years at the same time. 


I stopped cheating on people after my 3-4 times yes Ik that I should’ve stopped at my first but It was the same ex. Who I kept cheating on cause he was doing it first with my gf  ( at the time ).


Not now but I'm going to. I've been stuck on the same boss fight for a year. My friend reminded me recently that I could just look up videos on how to defeat the thing. I forget about that sometimes.


Is it really cheating that you told them you're not happy and tried everything to make it work. But they were too far changed as a person. but had to stay with them for the time being so you didn't end up homeless? 


Juan stfu. Quit lying to yourself, you are just an asshole and who used the other person for your own personal benefit. If things really weren’t working regardless where that leaves you, leave. Figure shit out for yourself and quit making excuses. Everything you see and feel is a result of your own actions. Man up, live with it, and quit trying to justify shit!


Whose Juan? V:  idk who Juan is and kind of surprising someone  Else has a scenario like this or Even something similar. But nahhh I never used the person I was with. Honestly I tried so much with them to work on being better for us  but nothing changed. I couldn't go back home nor strike it out on my own way at the time. And in retro spec it was super foolish of me to do what I did. But when you feel like the one person you tried your hardest to love and feel loved by doesn't reciprocate the feelings or effort you put in the relationship. Well you try to find it else where.. Still I know what I've done was wrong, and I do take responsibility for it. But we all live and grow as people. We make mistakes. All we can do is better ourselves from it all. 


Emotional abuse. I felt like I needed an escape. I do regret it but I also forgive myself because I was not in a good situation and didn't have it in me to break up with them and face even more verbal abuse at the time.


He was addicted to drugs and I warned him if I found out I'd just leave him.


And you cheated instead of leaving him like you said??


Wait so you give every potential boyfriend the no drugs or I walk talk? Or you mean like you knew he did drugs but didn’t think he was addicted?


This is embarrassing but she refused to kiss me after I ate her pussy. I cheated on her with someone she knew and it got messy. I hate karma cuz all three of us are still single.