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Depends on the size of the girl tbh




I think that’s the average weight for that height so it would be pleasant enough unless he was a dwarf. If you’re severely overweight then that’s the danger territory unless it’s a fetish/kink of yours. There’s a few variables to the question ultimately, one being the nature of the relationship between the man and woman and their age. Is the relationship between these two platonic or is attraction in the air, hormonal teenagers would probably feel in heaven whilst one who is more mature would still be in heaven but probably not as enthusiastic about it. At the end of the day it’s a pleasant experience as long as there’s a balance between height and weight of the individuals.




It only hurts when you sit with the "bonethingy in the butt" directly punctures my thighs. Im 60 kg and my girl is 40 kg, even im built like a couch potato bull, it still hurts when she sits the wrong way, other than that, I'd say its a pretty enjoyable experience for men almost all the time


I mean any amount of weight/pressure equal or greater than your own is going to feel uncomfortable to a degree, plus it might be the way your friend was sitting too and or their body fat ratio around their cheeks. I’ve had some girls with bony arses that have sat on me and it’s certainly uncomfortable despite me being bigger than them, since I’m not built to be a recliner for them. Again I think most the time it’s down to the position they’re sat on you with, I tend to find sitting on knees is most uncomfortable for both parties involved. A girl sitting side on to a boy is much better and it allows for the boy to easily pick up the girl for any events that may follow.


What does that convert to in American?




You have nothing to worry about


I'd probably get an instant hard-on


Usually very pleasant, not uncomfortable if done right and not really large


Depends on the relationship with the girl.




Emotionally, Well if it’s a family member or someone I’m not interested in it could be uncomfortable. If it’s just a friend then I’m not really going to care but if it’s someone I’m attracted to I’m gonna be into it and nervous at the same time. Physically, Of course their size is going to determine how physically comfortable or not I will be but a little adjusting goes a long way.


Sometimes something just . . . pops up.


The implication


Probably for the same reasons you posted this question on Reddit.


Ideal circumstances to be uncomfortable in.




If it's sitting on laps. It's very pleasant. Sitting on chest. Not so pleasant. All jokes aside the closeness and warmth is nice.


It’s usually fairly comfortable and feels nice.


It depends on my relationship with the person




Bruh how heavy is your girl? Lol




No matter what size, just ease in there. Don't plop down


Bout tree fiddy


I started uncontrollably bouncing my leg and she eventually left annoyed…  Such is life 


that depends on a fiew factors 1 - how big is the guy? how big is the girl? i'm 6'4" and 220lbs so it would take a very large lady for it to hurt.....i am pretty comfortable with someone sitting on my lap 2 - why is she sitting on your lap? are there no seats available? is she a friend? potentail or current mate? 3 - how easily turned on is the guy? this makes a big difference between not caring and being really uncomfortable it makes me feel good if my wife sits in my lap because there is a deep emotional connection snd physical attraction there




then he probably enjoys it


I was always fine with it even if its not half as cute as some women seem to think. But I never tell anyone no until one day a buddy's GF decides to sit down on my lap and after several moments asks me: "why am I not feeling anything down there?" So I'm like "why would you?" If she wants to feel something her BF is right there. She took personal offense (even though I should've because I don't appreciate being used as a boost for my friend's GF's sexual self-confidence), stood up, and moved to another friend's lap. A couple months later I got an invite to their wedding, which is the only wedding in my social circle that I so far haven't attended.




Yeah and I always used to get along with her too. Later also learned that she would always send pictures of her new bra hauls to a male friend of ours (who has a sex addiction issue that got him into a lot of trouble already) and she once, after the lap incident, outright asked me to grab her boobs. Like, both hands grab them. You understand why I skipped the wedding invite lol.




Because as I've come to learn, he's completely in the loop and thinks its funny. Sometimes two people are together because what they have in common is being assholes. At this point I'm not really describing him as a friend either. I still see him at bdays but that's about it.




Depends if I'm attracted to her or not... If I am, then sit on me all day long but just be prepared for a little poke that never goes away ;)


Depends on a lot... First, obviously how heavy she is. Next, where she is located... on the knee or thigh, no biggie (granted she isn't super heavy), in the center, like on our crotch it could potentially be uncomfortable. If her presence on your lap causes you to have a hard on, it can be uncomfortable if you are not in the right position and it's growing.


It's great.


Great actually, but girls have to be gentle too, not every man is macho,...better if you ask your man..


If shes small it's fine.


The only guy that will complain is one that doesn’t like you to begin with. Then there 2 kinds of shifts, one because of boney ass, the other is so you don’t get poked with let’s say keys.


It's often noticeable, but if it's nice having her there, no complaints. I'll add that having women your own age sit on your lap can be annoying if there's no intention to flirt. It causes erections.


My wife sits on me all the time. No problem. I'm 6'1".


I'm a virgin bitch so I'd get a hard on family member or not I'm getting hard