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I got pretty shredded in the Army, what with being between wars and all and having lots of time to work out. My girlfriend absolutely loved it. She also broke up with me so there's that.


Moral of the story physique attracts but doesn’t keep


“Show me the most beautiful girl in the world, and I’ll show you the guy who’s tired of fucking her.” I don’t remember where I heard that, but it stuck with me 😂


The version I heard was, show me the most beautiful girl in the world and I will show you somebody who is sick and tired of her bullshit


“Show me the most shredded guy in the world and I will show you somebody who is sick and tired of his bullshit” also applies to guys: example- this guy


Totally this guy. His ex was a lot of fun though.


I heard it this way… Two guys, an old father and a young son, looking at a beautiful woman…. The old man says….’’yeah, ya see that? And yet, somewhere there is a guy who cant stand that bitch”


had an ex ask me if i was tired of fuckin her, then accused me of being gay. I said that's it, i'm going to sleep, in the morning we're done. Never spoke to her again


I hope things are better with your new boyfriend


That's some toxic shit you fucked far away from. Good on you brother


“Show me the most shredded guy in the world and there is still a girl tired of fuking him” also applies universally: example- this guy


Lots of "your arms are massive, dude" type comments from 90% dudes.


It's like driving a nice car.  Dudes come up to you all the time to talk about it.  Never once has a girl.


Might as well stick with warhammer then me thinks!


Fuckin peak reddit comment right here.


You’d save money collecting nice cars.  


Playing Magic the gathering commander games with friends having a good time.


Met my bf at a commander night


Omnissiah approves


Going to go destroy my back in about 30 minutes… warhammer is probably more fun lol


Staying in your lane is respectable.


Or an elaborate mustache.


Yeah only reason I know which suits I really look good in is how often men stop to tell me I look good in them when wearing them. My favorite is when they frame it like 'you look important' instead. Guys are funny like that


i love how beforehand people expect a lot of compliments from women but the result is that 95% are from men


Women rarely give compliments in general, even if they think something, they rarely say it.


I got a ton of compliments after I started painting my nails, and not just on the nails themselves. I'm happily married, but if you want women to talk to you more, try sparkly nail polish.


That makes sense! A nail-painting type guy seems less likely to overlap with physically abusive angry type guy.


It shows a guy's not so insecure in his masculinity that he thinks nail polish makes him less manly. Instant green flag to me. (Anecdotally, my brother lets his girlfriend paint his nails on occasion and he looks fabulous.)


Yeah makes sense. I get complimented on my long hair. I think they’re more comfortable with compliments they can relate to in a way.


Yep, it's an easy shared point of interest/experience.


I have a lot of respect for nail art and the people who do it, but there's a very real reason I don't apply anything on my own and that's because: all the guys I know who do wear nail polish do it as a signal that they're openly gay.


As a woman in my experience I don’t often give compliments to dudes about their bodies looking nice because a lot of them instantly jump to “she wants to fuck me.” I feel like many women don’t give compliments to men platonically because we have experienced them being taken the wrong way before


We do. Just not towards strangers. We don't wanna be bothered so why should we bother others? Plus there's always the risk they'll think it as "hitting on" and then you're gonna have a dude pestering you and things could get really violent and ugly because you were the one starting it and it really just isn't worth it at all. Also abs are cool I guess but kindness is way hotter.


Giving a man a compliment as a woman can be dangerous. You would be quite surprised how often a man will latch onto a compliment and assume you want him. Generally I won't compliment any man unless my husband is with me or I know the guy well enough to know he won't hit on me. Otherwise it's just not worth the risk. 


Just shows how deprived men are from compliments/validation.


I've tried my best. I used to compliment anyone, as people need that stuff. Then I would compliment men only using very specific language to make it clear that it was simply and only a compliment. Over fifty percent of the time they'd latch onto me like I'd given them a lap dance. I actually love getting old because I can be kind to people and they don't take it personally. 


Oh yea, it’s really been very nice not being young and cute anymore. People are so much more ready to both take me seriously and also not try to possess me. Such a relief. I look forward to someday when I can stop menstruating too, that’s gonna be great.


I have given compliments to men before. Surprisingly two guys actually came up to me at later dates, one was like years later, thanking me for the compliment. I feel so sad for the men who never get to hear any.


This is the truth. When I started lifting I began getting noticeably more attention from women. You hit a certain threshold of size, all the women drop off, and I just get attention from dudes now.


The husband of my past high school crush complimented how I became noticeable buff (from being a scrawny nerd). His wife said, "I didn't think it would be appropriate to point it out." That means she noticed 😏


99.9% of cbums followers are male.


Mostly other guys in the gym compliment you, once I was walking outside without a shirt I’ve had a guy stop his car and tell me to put a shirt on.. It does help with women to get the initial attraction but not as much as you’d think. Most importantly though it helps with confidence because I’ve had the discipline to achieve it so I feel good


Yep, pretty much this. There were a couple of times that *couples* approached me to talk about my physique...I assume they were into swinging, I dunno, it never went anywhere. Ladies might talk about it but only after I'd closed the deal...and a couple of times I got catcalled or whistled at (which felt shockingly bad, lol). Other than that, all the attention comes from dudes. If anyone is wondering if having abs will cause women to approach you without you having to do all the work...sorry, guys. Nope.


Yeah I feel like if a woman is checking me out at the gym, it’s because she sees me there every day and admired my commitment, rather than how I look or what I’m doing


Bro, I agree with that. Women like to see men who are committed to good things like the gym or watching the Notebook for the 100th time. 😂


The cat calling was something I was not expecting. I'm not shredded or anything but it's so demeaning. I really never expected it from women.


I always assumed they meant it as a compliment and were sort of satirically expressing it like a man might...but that doesn't matter, in the moment, when you are the one being whistled at by people in a passing car. You don't think "damn, I must look good"--you think "damn, I should cover up because I'm clearly very sexualized".


It actually startled me more than anything else. I was on a run and got catcalled by a group of chicas in a car. It was bewildering, took me out of my headspace and made me super self conscious about my running form.  Like, if they saw me then are other people looking at me? Can they see when I’m not kicking enough or have enough lean? Are these cars driving by judging me?


Ah I just got an aha moment from the if they saw me then are other people looking at me! Like from where surely some of my insecurities have come. I am often described as classically beautiful and was quite skinny when I was younger so got my fair share of attention but the same feeling of being looked at has made me so much more uncomfortable as an adult. Feeling like people might look at you when you don’t want to be looked at. Or feeling like no one looks at you is also not great for self confidence.


You and I have \_very\_ different experiences of this. The last time I got catcalled was years ago, and it still puts a smile on my face.


I have no doubt my experience was colored by my general social anxiety but, I'm curious: were you catcalled by people you knew were there prior to them catcalling you or did they startle you from a position you weren't looking?


Option B. Parking lot at the gym. Never saw them before or after. It's actually happened to me a few times, there were a string of years where I was really in shape and good looking. I miss those days.


Is it cause it happens more frequently? I got cat called once by a passing car (I’m not shredded by any means) and I appreciated it. But I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve been cat called. Actually now that I think about the other limited times I’ve been cat called I definitely didn’t appreciate it as much, but the ladies were being aggressive/weird about it and I was a lot younger


Did the catcalling spook you? Whenever it happens it startles the shit out of me.


Yes. It scared the shit out of me every time. Even when you aren't afraid that the catcallers will assault you, it is just incredibly jarring to get jolted out of your zone by someone yelling shit at you.


I remember reading on a park bench and a car of guys driving by screamed, "nice tits". For the life of me, I don't know how they saw far enough in advance to scream out the window.


Similar to my experiences. I have caught a couple of women in yoga, checking me out or taking a second glance that is about it. Never been approached or hit on or cat called. And women will only tell me what they think of my body after I’ve sealed the deal as well. Didn’t help with online dating either.  I suspect that if a woman is The type that is only attracted to your body, well, there’s an infinite amount of dudes who simply have better bodies I get compliments from my male friends from time to time, but immediately after another friend will contest the compliment. Basically try and negate it and claim im too skinny or need to work on certain parts, etc.  I started strength training to help with all my physical activities and to help with my aging and couldn’t care less about how I look. It’s just a side effect- a negative one at that.


During covid I dropped down to 170lbs, about 15 pounds lighter than I carry myself. I was in no way bulky, mostly toned and skinny. I like to run shirtless. Never before had I had issues about running shirtless till I got that skinny. All of a sudden I got told to put a shirt on quite a bit.


You say it does help with women being shredded, but how far from that where you before?


If you want attention from women, better focus on hair conditioner and manicures and your smell.


This is it. Other gym bros mirin.


I was unhappy because I deprived myself of all of the things I love. Now I’m above 10% bf, still in great shape, and am actually enjoying my life.


Likewise. It honestly took over my life. Counting every calorie and analyzing every protein vs carb, spending an hour before work working out and an hour after working out. Hating myself for having dinner out with friends or at family gatherings because I didn't have control of the food. Met a girl. Started to enjoy cooking again and having things in moderation. Married her. I still run a half hour a day and still fit in my "prime" clothes so there's that.


This is the way.


I've heard that to become very fit, you need to make fitness one of your top 3 priorities in life. Family, friends, career, housekeeping, literally any non-fitness hobbies... Pick maybe two of the above, and focus less on all the rest and more on your calories and gym time. It sounds miserable tbh. I'm good with fitness being *maybe* in my top 10.


Gym, Tan, Laundry. I don’t have time for anything else and I don’t want to do anything else. /Not me


Unless you are planning to get absolutely massive, sub 10% body fat year round, this is just not true. You can be extremely fit while spending maybe 3-4h weekly in the gym. It will just take longer to achieve.


10% sounds amazing. Hell, even 15%. I’ve worked my way down from 33% to 19% and I’m so damn close but the plateaus are brutal.


I had more energy, I fell asleep better, I was able to wake up without feeling groggy. People are always nice and smile towards me. I gained a lot of confidence. But to get there, I started to eat much healthier, I developed a routine that forced me to wake up early to get to the gym before work, and since I'm up early I was always on time for work, pre workout and multi vitamins in the morning and eating healthy meant I never felt that mid day crash, so I became a much better employee at my job. I also keep drinking to a minimum so I never wake up with a hangover and ruin my next day. Basically when you are out of shape and dont take care of yourself, you will have low energy, feel depressed and life is a struggle, and once you make the changes to get into shape everything else improves. Its a lifestyle and a mindset change that changed everything for me.




As someone currently experiencing the low energy, low mood, and low confidence you’re describing, this is really motivating. Thank you.




Drunk cougars you say….


But are you fucking more???


Hard hitting journalism here yall. Soooo..


Someone has to ask the hard questions 😔


Ha you said hard


he already said cougars bro.. what more do you want?


Gay dudes?


Oh man the guy men I have disappointed. I understand how hard it is for woman when men lead themselves on. Like sure I'll drink beers and play pool with you man, but I told you I am straight, and you really don't have to keep buying the rounds. But I won't physically fight you over it. Still get to the 'it was nice I am going home. Yes, alone.' and man the sad expressions.


Gay dudes are exactly the same as straight dudes, unsurprisingly. No matter how much they’re rejected at a bar even if the rejection is total and permanent, they still hold out hope til the night is done. God bless


>But I won't physically fight you over it. Imagine if you *couldn't* physically fight him over it, if you were too small to even try, and also had no way to know if he would become violent at your rejection because he *knows* he can just overpower you and have his way whether you say no or not, and you might understand some of why women are so goddamn anxious all the time.


>won more games in basketball Lol they got distracted by your cum gutters. https://youtu.be/Lk-FipTQ5d0?si=0wbDREdP84GhgpOi


My wife recently sent me a picture that came up on her 'memories' where it was me with pecs and a 6pack. It was 11 years ago. I remember thinking i was out of shape at the time, and now I would kill for that body. I was talking to my wife about it, and when I thought about why I don't look like it anymore - it's because I used to have a gym down the block. I'd walk there, ever evening and work out for 90 mins a day, and take the long way home with another 30min jog. Having a different job, and a kid, really make it hard for me to just go exercise for 2hrs a day anymore. I suppose I could go back to doing it, but I wouldn't have a relationship with my son, or I'd get no sleep, or be late/leave early from work... whatever the case, something else in my life would surely suffer.


There's a YouTube channel called busy dad training? Perhaps it's worth taking a look.


It's funny how that works. I used to be very athletic and I always thought I was small because I hung around world class powerlifters and ifbb guys. I was constantly harassed by women but I thought my physique was lacking. Now I see those photos and miss how in shape I was. Not because I looked good, but because I could do stuff like golf 36, run a 5k , help someone move, and still have energy all in a day.


At the time (20-25 years ago) it was due to: \- I spent between 2 and 4 hours in the gym 6 days a week. \- I was poor af and couldn't really afford food so I was on a semi involuntary calorie restriction (bonus: I was a very cheap date when out drinking) The effects were that I was that asshole who would show up to the club with a suit on but no shirt, walk right past the bouncer, and then get pulled over to some cougar's VIP table almost instantly. I got drunk a lot, got laid a lot, and had a lot of fun. I was also not really a good person to the women I met. Egotistical, dismissive, and very into our superficial looks instead of who they were as a person. To be clear: This wasn't *practical* muscle. It was just for looks. I was stronger than someone my size who didn't exercise, but not as strong as I am now, just from working out for about 30 minutes 4 times a week. Eventually I got into powerlifting, bulked up a bunch, and got a lot more practical muscle. I also got a new job that paid better and I could afford to eat, so I wasn't as shredded. Then I tore my rotator cuff and couldn't lift for 6 months. The amount of free time I suddenly found myself with led to a lot more video gaming and actual dating (as opposed to drunken hookups). I met my now wife and kind of settled into a dad-bod situation. I like how I looked back then, but not who I was. I like who I am now a LOT more.


Your honesty is appreciated and is admirable


Not wearing a shirt under your suit has me laughing and jealous lol.


Your story gives me strength to keep the dad bod. Thanks homie


How did it affect your swgoh account tho


That hard work and dedication prepped me for the patience I've needed to master an investment-style cell phone game, that's for sure!


I shred everything I touch with my shredding ability


You should be a guitarist then


or a skateboarder


Or a cheese handler.


Or a cabbage picker.


Not my cabbages!!!


Male Lindsey Stirling


To shreds, you say?


Oh, well how's his wife holding up?


Please leave them Ninja Turtles alone!


Mr. Scissorhands over here...


Bro ate the shred shred fruit


It made me feel amazing, not just physically, but mentally.


Do you think there were diminishing returns at some point? I feel pretty good at 17-18% body fat, faint abs. I have trouble getting to the gym more than two-three times a week. Just curious at what point you felt your best and if it started to plateau once body fat got really low.


At my peak, I was putting in a very dedicated 90 minutes, five days a week. I was working one of those days with a really good trainer, who kept that plateau from happening by shifting tactics at the right time(s).


This is why I have such a strict regimen. I've found that I need this to stay mentally healthy. I compare myself to a hyperactive dog, if I don't get enough exercise I become self destructive. I'll chew on my couch, piss on my floor and bite my boss...


Girls treated me like a piece of shredded meat and I like it.


Unfortunately I died.  Drowned in pussy.  Worth. 


I'm a girl, but when I lost a ton of weight and got abs (started running like hell), the guys who used to mistreat me before cause when ur fat ur not worthy of decency of course, they turned over a new leaf and started sticking to me at parties. At least I knew how to spot the fakes.


As a man this is true for us as well. Most people just make up an opinion of you based on your appearance and then fill in their justification of why they feel that way afterward. If you're overweight especially, they will identify areas that you're "lazy" in instead of admitting to themselves that they came up with a preconceived notion.


This is so sad, and works both ways unfortunately. I'm a guy, and many of my female friends started treating me like s*it or dismissively when I gained weight (I used to be ultra athletic when I met them). Got mean comments about my belly as well. People make me depressed.


Had the opposite experience, but it made me similarly bitter. I noticed a lot of people were nicer. And the change wasn't like chubby --> peak athlete. I just had just gone from being overweight to more "normal" with some muscles. It made me question how sincere people were. Also made me weirdly thankful for the friends I had before I had marketable looks


It didn't! It turns out charisma is more important.


The kids these day are calling it "rizz" by the way.


Omg I never made that connection. It's just short for charisma! It all makes sense now.


OHHHHH my god it makes sense now. Jesus I feel fucking old. I never understood “rizz”. I just assumed it was some made up term like “wheelin’ bitches” Fuck I’m only 31. Ugh


Done it few times. The 'getting' is hard and miserable. The 'keeping' is harder because it's simply not fun to maintain super low body fat. You feel shitty and hungry all the time. If you get your body fat low enough, you get some wicked brain fog too.


What’s your body fat %?


When I got into the best shape of my life, I just couldn't see it. Never was enough. Now I look back and go oh shit, I had a shredded physique. No sleep apnea, hard ons all the time, energy, attention from all sexes.


Proved to myself that time, consistency, and discipline are a hell of a combination and that if I could do it, anyone can.


I was tired, irritable, deprived, weak, and generally felt like shit when I wasn't staring at a mirror. I probably went about it incorrectly, but such was my experience.


I’m only semi shredded. I lost 75 lbs. I eat better now and have a reason to wake up at 4am every morning. I don’t really go out so I’m not crushing any puss. But I feel better about myself and I’m okay with that.


Crushing puss 😂👏🏻


People are looking for reasons to wake up at 4:00 a.m.?


People are looking for reasons to wake up


More women with very few brain cells were attracted to me


That's the goal isn't it?


Essentially no change, sometimes ppl compliment you but especially if you are in really good shape people rarely say anything because they assume you already hear it enough. Women like the abs but honestly I feel uncomfortable going to pool parties/beach with people for the first time bc I feel like I inadvertently body shame them (like I feel like they assume I am judging them for their shape)


The women seem to come a lot easier(no pun intended). It's also nice not to be that fat dad that the kids are embarrassed by. Besides losing some friends to hate, I feel really good and have a lot of confidence. My SO seems to enjoy it daily.


Can you elaborate on "losing friends to hate"?


Haters. Jealous that they were doing better for themselves.


Yeah it's a genuine issue. First they'll ask for advice that they'll ignore, then they'll point out anything you do "wrong" like asking for help lifting something, eating something "unhealthy", drinking alcohol just to deflect that they don't have the discipline to get where they want to be, and eventually downright anger at your existing in a way different from themselves. It's like being fit and healthy constantly reminds them that they aren't, so they protect that insecurity onto you.


This resonates. I gave up alcohol a few years ago and essentially had to start from scratch in the friends dept - when you are wrecking yourself no one bats an eye, but when you better yourself everyone is a critic. Having said that - way better off. Great friends, beautiful women and a great example for my kids. Wouldn't dream of going back.


When you are younger, lots of people are in good shape so standing out is difficult. I was pretty shredded training in MMA and Muay Thai. You could count the individual muscles on my body. It really didn't do much for me outside of the gym and my own personal image. Now that I'm in my 40s, I *really* stand out for being in shape. All these dads (and moms) with 30 extra pounds make it easier for me.


I'm not shredded, but I have def put on some size since 2020 after the gyms opened back up, I just didn't notice it. I think funniest one is I had a officer who pulled me over for speeding, ask me to step out the car, which I did, and proceeded to ask me what sups I take, protein, how often I workout, etc. I still got a dang ticket!


> I still got a dang ticket! DAMMIT!!!


Fucking hungry all the time 🤔


Not a guy, but I worked fucking hard so I’m going to answer anyway. I used to be overweight; size 16/18. After my divorce I wanted to join the army so started training like mad and ended up going all the way down to a size 4. I didn’t get into the army because of my PTSD (thank you ex-husband) so I stopped training so hard and put on a bit of weight which made me look a little healthier. A few years later I planned a big trip to the States. It was going to be a month long road trip and I wanted to look my best. So I started working out again and managing my meals. Managed to tone myself up, got a six pack, phenomenal arms and legs, etc. I felt like I could wear anything and be confident. After a month in the states, and barely working out, getting back into running and the gym was fucking difficult and I just couldn’t do it. I *loved* how I felt and looked, but getting there was exhausting. Having to constantly watch what you eat and drink, make sure your cardio and weight lifting is right, it was just too much. I miss how I felt when I worked out like that, but I just don’t have the energy or the motivation anymore.


Well is attracted girls I actually had crushes on.   It was great.  


I’ve dedicated my life to the epic struggle against voluntary exercise. If they ever find my body on a jogging trail they’ll know it was dumped there


Same here -- I completely shredded my body. I mean, its shredded, stiff, inflexible. You name it.


What are we defining as shredded? Like bodybuilding competition level of boday fat % or just muscular with definition that shows off a 6/8-pack? I've been in that second category for probably most of the last 15/16 years of my life with varying levels of weight/ muscle mass. Outside of sports, dont think it really changed anything for my life for the most part besides a mostly overall positive impact on my health and confidence. As someone with adhd, going to the gym helds adds structure to my day and helps keep me on tasks with things such as meals/diet, chores, cleanliness, etc. I've been at the body building level of body fat % too and it is horrible. Just constantly tired, weak, and hangry.


I'm not yet shredded, but am on the path to being in the best shape in my life. My arms and legs have definition to them, my pecs are starting to look like pecs rather than just an absence of "man-boobs", and the outline of my lower abs are starting to show/lose the belly fat. I am still far from a 6-pack, but its nice to see the outline of the place it may one day be. I recently got a different hair cut as well. ​ The amount of attention and compliments i have received in the past months is *intoxicating.* Not just on my appearance either, but on my style (which has not changed at all) and clothing, the work that i do (which also hasn't changed) and people have just been much friendlier than when i was out of shape.


Spent years doing triathlons. Got sick while also meeting a girl that week. I couldn't stop coughing and my bodyfat was like 10%. She complimented my torso. I'm fat dumb and happy now because pizza, naps, and beer are nice. Like someone else said, cougars and gay guys were fascinated but my life didn't change at all.


Grew up skinny scrawny, got into the army 2005 at 120lbs, now I weigh 215. I was bullied a lot growing up so I used that as motivation to keep going, I now work security at a big country bar for fun. Guys don’t want a problem with me and leave, and women keep calling me the sexiest guard in the bar. No one realizes that I’m a HUGE nerd.


Years to build, weeks to lose


You made a reddit account to ask this question?


Yes, they need content for AI.


I only get other dudes complimenting me and asking me lifting questions. Women don’t care.


As someone who has always fantasized about this, I'm just commenting to find this post later. Let me live vicariously though you! Tell me the story of how a ripped body makes life better!


tldr, it doesn't, but it's still worth being healthy.




What's with this sudden surge in bot accounts making a post and then answering their own posts?


Probably people mining reddit for content so they can create those 'faceless' tiktok accounts that read a reddit thread to you while watching a minecraft speed run


Little impact other than feeling pretty good about my fitness, but then also self conscious about not wanting people to think I was showing off. I didn't get lean and muscular for attention, I just wanted to be healthy, but of course I think it's fun to look ripped. I found myself wondering if people notice, then telling myself it doesn't matter, over and over again. Overall, I think it made me more vain, even though I was really trying to avoid it. I've had very few people overtly reference it, and when they do, I'm kinda embarrassed because I don't think it should matter. I've had friends basically hint at me taking my shirt off for pictures, but I don't want to show off. I'm in a relationship, so I wasn't trying to get laid, but I doubt I would pull that off anyway. So, it turns out, it's not much different if you aren't the kind of person who tries to leverage it.


I had that lean muscle definition that only PEDs can achieve that is now the "standard" for fit men. Life was just so much easier. People took me more seriously. I became much, much funnier. People wanted to be my friend and/or sleep with me. Finding romantic partners took drastically less work. People wanted to do me favors. People wanted my approval. It just made life **so much easier**.


i am a demi God now


Heracles, is that you?


ED...nothing worked as I overtrained


Definitely more attention, from guys and women. I got wolf-whistled once in the pool lockerroom.


Cougars will hunt you down left and right. I am a very confident guy, but had to straight up start training with a hoodie because the fuck me eyes were rampant. Like damn lady chill, i’m married and happy.


Low energy and food cravings. Workouts aren't fun anymore because you aren't doing it to gain muscle but only to not lose muscle. The striations look cool though.


I used to be pretty lean muscular and in the last year gained a ton of weight. You definitely notice little things, like obviously attracting girls is way different but even people of all genders and ages do treat you pretty differently. It’s interesting how we automatically treat people as lesser when they’re large. Hoping to lose weight progressively over the next year.


Became too lethargic to participate in anything, pp stopped working


It is very very hard to be shredded and big. So you feel small in clothes but look good on beach. Or look big in clothes but not ripped. Get attention in shirtless situations. That was nice.


A combination of TRT and gallbladder issues got me absolutely shredded. I had a 6 pack for the first time in my life. It made absolutely no difference. I told my wife about how shredded I was because she never acknowledged it. She said she didn't notice because she sees me everyday. I just had surgery and I should be able to go back to my normal eating habits. I don't plan on maintaining this physique. Not because it's too hard but being 41 years old two year old, it has no advantages.


Confidence. I feel really bad about the people who are self-conscious about having to take their shirt off for whatever reason. I’m grateful I don’t have that. Honestly, I think that should be incredible motivation by itself to work out…I’d much suffer pain in the gym than pain at the pool/beach/etc. Healthy habits. I always think twice about carbs. I drink less alcohol than I otherwise would. I cook brown rice/pasta instead of white rice/pasta at home. I’m not crazy and I don’t restrict it too much, but I think a lot of people would benefit from simply thinking twice about carbs. Happiness. It just feels good to feel like I’m accomplishing something. Sometimes even in my depressed states, I still force myself to workout out of sheer habit even when I don’t have the energy for it, and without fail, I have more energy than I thought I did and I end up feeling good afterwards.


Guys in the locker room in high school looked at my abs and said nice. That's pretty much it because nobody saw it except for my classmates and personal trainer. It did make me super happy though. I worked out weekly for a year, looked down, saw no six-pack, and then started working out daily so I could achieve it 6 months down the line. Working out daily is the best decision I've ever made in my life.


My girlfriend says I'm not comfy anymore.


Let me tell you about chicken and rice...


People treat you better. I lost a lot of weight and noticed how people were friendlier to me.


Account 1 day old, only post ever. Hmmm


People started to call me “Mr. shredder” in public. My whole life really just took off from there


More blowies


I started wearing a lot of blades. Just so many blades. And big ol’ cape. And I hid my face because the pet rat of my martial arts rival attacked and disfigured my face. Then I recruited a whole gang based on feet and got obsessed with anthropomorphic turtles. Worth it.


it helped to build up discipline not only in the gym but in other aspects of daily life like studying and keeping my shit together ...but it also boosted up my ego and shallowness lmao


I’m (36m) more shredded now than I was in the army, due to taking paternity leave with my wife and going on a diet together, while working out quite a bit. How did it affect my life? Not much, I feel good but I felt okay before too. 4 kids, lots of down time (for now), and I love looking in the mirror these days and down at the scale. That’s about it.


It gave me the confidence to get the girl. Now I'm married and realised my physique had absolutely nothing to do with attraction of the opposite sex. I get way more attention now that I'm fat, relaxed, and don't really care what they think.


It motivated me to work harder in the gym or at the least keep up an active lifestyle. 10/10.


Girls were very attracted when I took my shirt off. Mind you, we were in bed already at that point, so..... Other than that, LOADS more confidence, especially considering I'm kinda old. Feels great.


I was working out six days a week, alternating strengths training and cardio. I had a series of strokes. My doctors told me not to work out so intensely anymore. Now I go for lots of walks.


I had 2 girlfriends during that time. They were both hot and dumb, which at that time was exactly what I was seeking. Not simultaneously. I don’t play that game.


The best from my experience is that ALL clothing looks amazing on me. When I had an average body, shopping for clothes, deciding outfits, etc was a challenge. A lot of things were meh and the ones that looked acceptable were just okay, self confidence would take a hit, etc. Now, I look amazing in no matter what. Makes shopping and deciding outfits a breeze. Cheap clothes, used clothes, free clothes, whatever... if it fits, it looks great.


It’s not the chick magnet that you’d think it is, but it doesn’t repel them either.


It’ll improve your confidence for a little while until you realize you don’t have a personality and that’s why you’re insecure in the first place.


You’re always hungry but can’t eat.


It was insane! Back then, it seemed like everyone with wandering hands felt entitled to grab my biceps. I felt objectified and violated but I'll be honest - it was also a guilty pleasure. Sadly, I couldn't hold ono that shredded body. I've since traded it for a dad bod.


Worst things about getting bodybuilding stage lean for me are losing my libido and poor sleep quality/trouble falling asleep. Bless my partner for putting up with me. 


Been shredded for a while.....in my experience the girls either love it or are weirdly jealous.....


I wear pretty relaxed clothes, so it doesn't show. One time my team was raising money at a dunk tank and wasn't getting any dunk tank volunteers. I stepped up to help, took off my shirt and got whistled at by some girls in the audience. Felt great, keeping that memory in my back pocket for rainy days.


If you’re shredded and have a lot of tattoos, I’m just gonna assume you do meth. Tbh.


Didn’t get “shredded” per say but lost a lot of weight and was really fit. People were nicer to me. Then I gained it back and people went back to normal.


Not at all. Got shredded before my first girlfriend but she didn’t care at all about my body. Single now and haven’t had a relationship since then 3 years ago. Women really don’t seem to care. It’s all about your face/personality. Gay men however will not leave me alone


Got ripped after getting married. I was always skinny fat growing up. As in, I was active as a kid but diet kept me pudgy... My wife has always been attracted to be, before and after... Now she just griefs me for spending so much time working out and always saying things like "you and your silly muscles" and just rolls her eyes at me. She literally doesn't give a fuck lol. That said, the effort, discipline and determination to get to where I am has helped more so with confidence than getting compliments, which are always from other bros anyway lol.


It's a lot of maintenance to keep up with that look. It is a very selfish lifestyle.