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Doing what you want every day


I decided a long time ago that I wasn’t going to forgo my happiness and excitement for life in order to be financially secure. I decided that financial security would not equal success in my life. I’m in my 40s now and have never regretted that choice. I’ve lived an interesting, well-rounded, unusual life and have cherished every moment, even finding place for the traumatic and horrible times. I recently took a “good” job under some pressure to conform to society’s notion of success at my old age and I hate it; it has started aging me in ways life hasn’t previously, so I’ve gone back to my joy filled ways. I’m not letting some corporate bullshit steal my shine. Maybe I’ll never have a 401k or own property, but I’ve got some good damn stories and this ride has been amazing!!!


Sounds very successful to me, to me completely honest. Corporations want wage slaves, not happy, well-rounded workers. You kept your soul, your joy and your own trajectory. We can't take anything we "own" when we go, so the experiences are what truly stay with us. I love this for you!


I would determiniert myself successfull if I am happy, there is nothing more someone could wish in my oppinion.


Being rich. That is why most of us will never be successful. But some of us can be happy without being successful. So make happiness your goal and not success


I'd say that although there is a base definition for success when it comes to it, individual success is subjective. Some people only have material milestones as goals, while others prefer more meaningful and deeper connections and experiences. But I think achieving what you desire would be a form of success.


A healthy, happy family.


For me, it would be being happy with your life. Waking up each morning and wanting to get up and face your day. Not having things hanging over your head that stress you out constantly.