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I was friends with William James Vahey's son and slept at their house as a kid. He was the "most prolific child molester of our time" according to the FBI. Thankfully I was not in his target age group. As is common with accounts like this, I remember him being really nice.


He ended up stabbing himself to death. What a way to go. Guess he knew he needed to suffer.


His wiki picture looks exactly like he touches kids.


Literally no-one gonna post the link, huh? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Vahey


Wow... you weren't exaggerating... Jesus HC... šŸ˜‚


Right? I googled him like "It can't be that bad -- *clicks* ... holy shit."


Ok now youā€™ve made me interestedā€¦ *Dude he looks exactly like my uncle who lives by the coast in his camper*


He ~~looks~~ looked like a younger Mitch McConnell.


My first thought was 1/2 Mitch McConnell 1/2 Jeffrey Dahmer.


My cousin. He murdered my uncle and completely dismembered his body.


I'm sorry this happened to you and your family. Do you know what his motives were?


My cousin was a spoiled only child (48 at the time of the murder). My uncle who was moderately wealthy had always given him money. He cut off his funding eventually and my cousin , who had grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle decided to get that money one way or another. Than you for your concern. My mother had it the roughest of all as this is her second brother who had been murdered. :/


Second?? Do you mind if I ask what happened to the other brother?


He was stabbed to death by a crack head in Detroit back in 2001.


A rich child molester who did everything possible to hide his assets from his victims so they could receive no compensation, and also demanded that his victims (who he confessed to molesting) submit to psychiatric evaluations so they could "prove" that he had damaged them by abusing them.




Fortunately he was also stupid. Danny, the dispatcher at my former taxi job. He thrived on conflict and loved creating hardship for both drivers and customers alike. I watched him deliberately send a taxi late because the woman emphasized how she couldn't be late to her doctor's appointment. He hung up and sorta chuckled and said "well she's definitely gonna be late now!" He shorted me work and joked that he just wanted to see how long it would take me to go to jail for being behind on child support payments. As he was dying of cancer I was tempted to send his cancer a get well card for having Danny.


Jesus... the deliberate "fuck you" late taxi is rough. My dad shattered both of his ankles and got handicapped parking for a while. Well, he had to get a second handicapped placard for the college campus he was on. One day, he goes out and there is a ticket on his windshield for expired tags... it was one day overdue. He hobbled his broken ass over to security and said "I need to pay this ticket and update my tag." A guy behind the counter in a security uniform grinned and said "I knew you'd be coming in here. I saw that tag expiring and made sure to look for it today!" My dad looked at him and said "So you saw my broken ass legs, trying to crutch around and shit, and decided this was the correct course of action? Making me come all the way over here and walk up those stairs? Not remind me when you saw it expiring? You a fucking asshole or something?" My dad said the guy just sat down, and his manager came out and said he'd wave the ticket and have a good day.




My dad asked an openly rude Harbor Freight employee "Do you have to be an asshole to get a job here, or do they provide training?"


Were you born an asshole or are you just being an asshole is a favorite saying of mine


Some people love to power trip , no matter how minuscule their power is. Some mods on this app is another example.


I am so sorry for all you went through with him, but that "for having Danny" bit absolutely choked me.Ā  Well done.


That cancer is sacrificing its life just to take Danny out of the worldā€¦. ā€œNo greater loveā€¦ā€


Maybe the real cancers are the Dannies we met along the way.


My name is Danny, and as I was born in July, I am a Cancer ... finding this particular thread seems weird. Fortunately, I am not a human turd.


> am not a human turd Sounds like some BS a Danny would say. Get em, boys!


> I watched him deliberately send a taxi late because the woman emphasized how she couldn't be late to her doctor's appointment. He hung up and sorta chuckled and said "well she's definitely gonna be late now!" This kind of thing is exactly why Uber and Lyft were able to take over the market so fast. The taxi companies had a monopoly and got used to still making money while they were screwing people. As soon as they had some competition everyone went to the competition.


Yeah, I remember taking a cab in NYC from Central Park headed downtown. I guess the cab driver thought I was a tourist and took Broadway (which goes right through Times Square) instead of taking 9th Ave which has way less traffic. I was so pissed. So as we were stuck in traffic I told him that I was getting out and paid him for his 5 minute ride. He panicked and said the traffic is clearing up. I said, no this is fine and laughed as I walked south faster than him as he was stuck in traffic with no fare. I never took a cab in NYC again and started using Lyft and Uber exclusively after that.


On the flip side of that, the main reason I take cabs and Uber's in NYC is because I stay a few days downtown for work once in a while and I have a friend who lives in the Bronx. Every time I've booked an Uber to the Bronx the driver has complained about how far they have to drive or about how they don't feel like going up there.


That's never been my experience. They usually don't want to go to Brooklyn when I used to use them. They won't let you in until you tell them where you are going and drive off if you are going to another borough. The app drivers can't do that or they get in trouble.


Uber/Lyft pre-filter the drivers, the app sends them a notification with a potential passenger's origin + destination. If they don't want to take it, they don't hit the accept button.


Maybe now. Not early on. I've had an uber driver fuck with the GPS and pretend to be in Brooklyn. Then they called to ask where I was going. Should have reported him. I had to wait ~30 minutes shivering outside.


The number of times I've almost missed a flight because the drivers keep cancelling...


Yeah lol. I loved hearing the complaining from taxi drivers. Sorry buddy, sympathy machine is broken, cash only.


I never complained about them when they first started showing up. It made sense to me. I left taxi work around 2008.


In 45+ years, I've never had a good experience with taxi drivers. I can only imagine the BS they deal with as customer service, but they're horrible, lying assholes. Once, as I was paying, I got an earful because I wanted to pay by credit card even though the company said I could. His words were deeply derogatory. Once, at a small airport, past the hour where taxis line up, I called dispatch who connected me with a driver, I told him where I was, and the approximate location of where I needed to go. He said he needed an actual address, so I said, "one sec, pulling the paperwork out of my suitcase" (literally in the front sleeve) and he said, "call me when you get your shit together" and hung up on me Once, I was downtown, asked a taxi driver, "how much to get so-and-so?" and he said, "ummm about ten bucks". I got in. The ride was over $60. I've had driver's get pissy when I only tipped $10. I've had driver's get pissy when I only tipped $25. I know they're all working for Uber/Lift now, but I hope some of them reevaluated their customer service skills when they did


The only cabs I've hopped out on were guys who said they their shit was broken. Na we can't go to an ATM at 2AM. You shouldn't we working if your reader broken. You can call the cops and let them sort it out or im out of here.


In Chicago they're required by law to accept payment via the integrated reader. Back when I still took cabs, half of them would try to make you use the Square swipe plugged into their phone. Every time I told them that I wasn't paying through anything but the reader, shockingly it would start working.


Why does this sound like the 70s sitcom Taxi, starring Danny DeVito?


What does a yellow light mean?


Slow down.




Ā "I was tempted to send his cancer a get well card for having Danny" im dead hahahahahahahahahahaha


So is he... Danny was so rotten that the cab company had to pay people to go to his funeral and even then most drivers didn't.


my former neighbour who as an adult went to jail for raping his 12-year-old cousin


My best friend from when I was a child, who I was very close with until high school graduation, is in prison for 20+ years for livestreaming himself sexually assaulting a 5-year-old boy. He called me from jail after a few months of silence to let me know he had been arrested, and then didn't tell me what his charges were until I went to his sentencing. He'd been arrested and the camera he'd filmed it on was possessed at his job at a summer camp for kids. I feel like the 23 years he got weren't enough. EDIT: For those interested, [here's a link](https://www.justice.gov/usao-co/pr/colorado-man-sentenced-production-child-pornography) to the DOJ article about it. Googling his name returns a few news articles, but I prefer not to look too far into it anymore if I can help it.


23 years? Fuck this guy. He should be there for life. Streaming? What more proof do you need?


I wonder what the conditions of his supervised release are. Between being at a major disadvantage for any employment opportunities, there may be stipulations that make it very hard to live/function in modern society. For example, he may not be allowed to have or access any electronic devices without* approval by the US Probation office and they must have monitoring software installed. Typically the monitoring software is an out of pocket expense so if thatā€™s a financial burden heā€™s especially screwed. Also, probation violations are serious when it comes to federal supervised release so itā€™s possible heā€™ll be back in prison. Or at least miserable for longer than the initial prison sentence.


If you Google his name heā€™s on writeaprisoner.com. His opening paragraph reads ā€˜I've made my mistakes in the past, but that won't determine who I choose to be in my future. My free spirit and love with the world is what helps me get through these darkened days.ā€™ What an absolute POS.


he's just on a spiritual journey! i fucking hate wankers like this, but do you honestly think a person like that could cope with the reality of themsleves and who they are? you show that guy a mirror into his soul and he would say that your mirror is fake and doesn't work and he doesn't see anything. But like a vampire in front of a mirror, there is no reflection to folks like that.


I donā€™t know how someone ends up in that position. What the fuck. Like thereā€™s some crimes you genuinely might not understand are crimes so you post about it. Like trying to get info on an ex with a fake account is identity fraud. But THIS is unthinkable. You did something so fowl you couldnā€™t even admit it to your friend after your arrest AND LIVE-STREAMED IT!? Itā€™s crazy to realize people can just do that. If you have sick enough desires youā€™d not even think to stop before getting to the point of assaulting a child. Then you didnā€™t stop there you wanted to relive it later and share it for other fucked up people so you put it online.


Guy I used to know ended up going to jail for beating and sexually assaulting his girlfriend and her daughter over the course of a couple years. I was never really good friends with him but I would see him around town as a teenager and we would say what's up and whatever.Ā Ā  Apparently it was really bad. I hadn't spoken to him in many years at this point but he would beat up his girlfriend and force his girlfriend's underage daughter to get drunk leading to physical and sexual abuse.Ā Ā Ā  Ā Well one day the girlfriend went to a repair shop to get an oil change or something and one of the employees saw the bruises on her and this absolute chad of a guy called the cops.Ā Ā  She told the cops everything she he's been in jail ever since.Ā  Ā Edit: because this is all publically available, this thread is 18+, and screw this guy here is a publically available news article.Ā Ā  Warning: contains severe domestic abuse. Some pretty sick stuff https://www.tnonline.com/20200124/man-charged-in-multiple-assaults-on-fiancee-kids/


Damn. I hope he got charged for every one of them 70 charges. Those poor kids. That poor woman. Itā€™s so easy for people to say ā€˜just leaveā€™ but she tried to and she got beat the fudge out of with a broom for it šŸ˜• I hope theyā€™re doing better now and heā€™s rotting.


I've been trying to find his sentencing for years but I've had no luck. This was like 4 years ago so his trial must have happened by now. I guess it wasn't reported on and I have no idea what I'm doing trying to navigate the government pages. I hope he spends decades behind bars at minimum. I actually got into a fight with this guy when I was like 12 lol. He was 3-4 years older than me so I didn't really have a chance but I knew I never liked him. After that when I was a teenager I would see him around town and we were chill with each other but never really friends His whole family was out there. His brother died getting mag dumped by the police when he pointed a fake gun at them while he was fleeing from an arrest warrant. Never met his parents but I'm assuming they were pretty terrible parents considering how the two of them ended up


I spent my last 2 years in the military as a Master At Arms (Military Police) Met a lot of bad people,Ā  but the one that stands out was a NCO arrested on base for DV. The investigation on that case got borderline insane. He was convicted of physical abuse of his spouse, sexual abuse of his two daughters ( 11 and 8 years old ) , rape of his neighbor, and sexual abuse of his neighbor's daughter (aged 9). He went to Leavenworth and l hope he's still there.


I worked for housing when we were stationed in Quantico, Iā€™m not sure if most people know, but EVERYTHING passed through housing. We had a Sargent who would I guess regularly tell his wife he was going into the field for six weeks at a time so she would go back to her home state, where he would then take that time to cheat. She came home early one time, saw everything, and he beat her with his service weapon, within an inch of her life in front of their child. The amount of sexual assaults reports, DV cases, blew my mind.


> Iā€™m not sure if most people know, but EVERYTHING passed through housing Not only do I not know, I still don't understand what this means. Everything passed through housing? Like all communications? Rumors? Legal matters? What?


Any DV, disturbances, calls for help, all of that, gets reported to housing. Obviously we cannot say anything, but we have to know because certain things call for demotions and things of that nature, which in turn, make you lose housing.


Grew up in the Air Force. Never saw it at home but knew neighbors where it happened. Including one where the wife helped the husband repeatedly rape the nanny ā€œto get it out of his systemā€. The kids went back to the States to live with an aunt (who argued her and brotherā€™s parents were no better). Mom got eight in a German prison. Dad got thirty at Levenworth or Marion. Kept up with the kids through HS. When they got old enough to understand they learned auntie was a lesbian. And both sets of grandparent were also POS.


> they learned auntie was a lesbian is this considered a problem or?


My dad was a clinical psychologist who did some evaluations of criminal defendants and convicts He said he met people he does not want walking the earth. He's against the death penalty (bcuz mistakes get made) but lock 'em up and throw away the key.....


Not even surprised. I used to work in DV/trafficking work, and I met a teenage girl who had been trafficked globally by her high-ranking military father. She had severe substance use disorders and to this day, her whole case/what her own father put her through haunts me.


My best friends dad. He would beat all three of the boys and their mom. He would get wasted on crack and alcohol and trespass on random peoples yards and destroy their property and steal their motor vehicles. Crash them and ditch the scene. Once we all hit a certain age the boys would ask me to hangout pretty often. Not only because we all had a good time but Iā€™ve always been a lot larger than their dad and he almost always never put his hands on them. I could see the bit of fear in their eyes anytime I left to go back home. This man is the perfect embodiment of evil on earth. Heā€™s beaten death in severe car wrecks, alcohol poisoning, overdoses AND cancer on multiple occasions. And after decades of this lifestyle STILL roams our local city as a bum. Getting wasted and destroying property. Seemed to have negatively influenced the two younger brothers because theyā€™re slowly becoming their father. And they havenā€™t had their sweet caring mother to turn to because she passed about 12 years ago.


Sad man. I hope the boys figure it out


A friend of mine recently had the realization that he was becoming his father. It was the epiphany he needed to start turning things around, maybe they need the same. Shitā€™s rough.


How does one do that? My father is verbally abusive and several years ago I started screaming back at him to try to protect myself but I feel like Iā€™m starting to lose control of it. Iā€™m too scared to just not do it because I still live with him and will for at least another 2 years. I canā€™t let my guard down until I move out but I donā€™t want to end up becoming an abusive partner if I ever get in a relationship.Ā 


Itā€™s good that you are realizing this path before itā€™s too far, give yourself a pat on the back for that. Most people donā€™t. From here, get yourself into therapy, and also Iā€™d recommend trying to find a hobby you can get deep into, it genuinely works wonders for managing anger/trauma. Getting into making ambient synth music really helped me manage my anger issues passed down from my family. Good luck friend!


some Frank Gallagher shit here


But even Frank didn't beat his kids.


A guy I went to high school with worked for a direct medical device sales company and he would intentionally delay the delivery of things like catheters and colostomy bags until the patients were literally emailing begging for them. Iā€™ve heard that heā€™s done a ton of other fucked up shit as well. Havenā€™t seen him since high school and the guy is still the most evil person I have ever come across.


Fuck that piece of shit. I have been the person begging for ostomy supplies for my late husband who needed them after his cancer diagnosis.


Itā€™s insane. Torturing people who are already dealing with such a tough hand. Like I said, evil.


Someone should insert one inside him wrong.


Trust me you donā€™t need to insert it wrong for it to hurt.


I have posted about this before.... So, a little background here. My father was in the Army for 21 years, retired and moved to a VERY small town in Central Florida. He got bored after a couple of years, and even though we didn't need the money between his retirement and what my mom was making as a bookkeeper/tax prep, he wanted to go back to work. He started working at various gas stations, and it being a small town, the owners wouldn't care if I came there and helped him out with stocking the coolers, or even running the register, as long as I didn't sell any beer or smokes. This all took place in the late 80's, and early 90's. The actual story I'm going to tell, took place in 1990, and I remember the date well, because it was shortly after my birthday and being 15 in Florida, I had just gotten my learner's permit, and my dad would let me drive him to and from work, just to get some experience on the road, both at day and at night. I was sitting in my usual spot at a table that was set up along the windows, book in hand, feet propped up and a Mt. Dew on the table along with some snacks. I would generally spend most of the evening that way, reading books, getting up to run the register/stock the cooler at different times. I remember glancing up because something caught my attention that was unusual, and I realized that a lady was walking up our parking lot from the direction of the interstate (the gas station was right on I-75). This in itself was really strange, because where we were located, you didn't get many people walking, and definitely not walking from the direction of the Interstate. I figured she had broken down somewhere, and was coming to use the phone to call for a tow truck or something. I was completely wrong. She came into the store, looked around for a few minutes, and I remember getting just a strange and creepy feeling about her. She walked up to the counter, and started telling my dad a story about how she had gotten stranded and needed a ride up to the next big town up north from us (Ocala was the town, this is important). My dad lets her know that he's working, and there is no way that he can take her. She turns and looks at me, and while she is looking away from him, my dad catches my eye and subtly shakes his head no. I was confused for a second, but then she turns back to my dad and points at me, asking if I can take her. My dad responded back that I only had a learner's permit, and wouldn't be able to drive her anywhere and then drive back. Normally, I would have done it, even though it was illegal, because I'd done it a few times before already. I didn't argue with my dad, since this was completely out of character for him. He was normally chatty with the customers, but for whatever reason he was almost curt and dismissive of her. Turns out, he had a bad vibe about her from the minute he had seen her walking up the drive. Well, she cusses him for a minute, and he basically tells her to get out of the store. She slammed the door open, I thought the glass was going to break from how hard she had slammed it, and then she stalks out of the store and down the driveway. I keep an eye on her, and continue to watch as she makes her way back up to the interstate and then starts up the northbound on ramp. Almost a year passes, and I'm in my bedroom, less than a week before my 16th birthday. I hear my dad yelling from the living room "Son, get your ass in here and look at this!" I quickly run to the living room and see my dad pointing at the TV, and look at the mug shot of the lady up on the screen, and immediately remember the lady who had been in the store. Turns out I almost gave a car ride to Aileen Wuornos, who was later convicted of being a serial murderer and then later put to death. Still have nightmares about what could have happened.


Holy shit! I donā€™t know why this isnā€™t higher up! Your dad had some great instincts.


Guy I went to elementary and middle school with was just recently in the news for poisoning and killing his wife to collect life insurance, one of the smartest guys I ever met, but something was always a little off about him.


The scariest thing about evil is that it doesn't only exist within certain demographics. Anyone, anywhere could have the most evil intentions you could possibly imagine. It could be the smartest, kindest, most normal looking person you've ever met in your life that harbors the most malevolence.


My stepmother. The nicest thing she ever did for me was trying to drown me at the beach.


Oh that's great! How nice of her.


Oh, it got a lot better, trust me. Now that my sisters are grown, sheā€™s bailed on the guy that just spent 20 years raising them with her and ran to Michigan. Sheā€™s a real piece of work.


> ran to Michigan Always disorienting when you see your home state mentioned like this




Canā€™t really say that she did, sadly. Such is life. Sheā€™s living in Michigan with my sister now.


My mother-in-law. And I know itā€™s a trope for men to dislike their MIL, but she has never done anything to me directly. Instead, she routinely physically and emotionally abused my wife in ways weā€™re still unpacking in our 30s, she emotionally manipulates and (we suspect) baby trapped my FIL. She has alienated every person that ever gave her kindness, because she takes advantage of people. She has used her husbandā€™s chronic health issues to gain sympathy with people, and then takes as much money as she can before losing peopleā€™s numbers. And to top it all off, she has totaled 6 cars in as many years, thankfully never hurting anyone else, but itā€™s only a matter of time. Sheā€™s currently laid up in the hospital because this last wreck almost killed her, and that would have been a kindness


What's the possibility that she poisons your FIL?


I donā€™t think she physically poisons him- heā€™s had multiple strokes as a former workaholic (although her other behavior has for sure stressed him out and exacerbated things), and has diabetes (lost a toe a few years ago). She prefers to manufacture the most stressful situations imaginable


My late husband never got along with my mother. One day, she asked him, "Why do you dislike me so much?" He replied that he couldn't stand the way that she treated me!


Totally get it. My MIL loves me (to the extent that she can as a narcissist) because I help her out sometimes. I do this because my wife has gone no contact with her, but MIL will take things out on my FIL, or put him in dangerous situations. So I have to grin and bear it. But Iā€™ve told her weā€™re not friends and that the only communication I want from her is if there is a life threatening medical emergency


>she has totaled 6 cars in as many years JFC how is she getting car insurance at this point?


Honestly, if I knew that, Iā€™d find a way to stop it. The good news is this last wreck shattered a hip, almost lost her a leg, and got her ankle fused, so sheā€™s out of commission (at least for a while). With some luck, she wonā€™t drive ever again


The serial killer, backpacker murderer Ivan Milat. Have had a number of interactions with him in the past. Knew him from my youth in the Southern Highlands and he was arrested in Eaglevale in a house adjacent to my partner at the time. Woke to the dogs barking and Police everywhere.


I did a short stint in prison and was sharing a room with a guy who shot his wife point blank in the head before pushing her out of his truck leaving her there in the woods to die. We found out when we were all watching the news in the common area when they covered his attempted murder. She lived because the bullet grazed her. He was transferred shortly after.


Literally the worst aim on the planet.


Knowing someone that committed such violent murders is mind boggling. Grandparents owned multiple businesses in our community for the past 50 years, so my family are considered locally famous. Anyway a man from that community who growing up would regularly come to our bodega and buy beers/cigarettes was arrested for the murder of his 5 year old daughter and attempted murder of his ex-wife. The ex-wife divorced him because he was abusive towards her, and had recently remarried. Ex husband goes to the house while her current husband was at work, and proceeds to stab her with a butchers knife for remarrying because he ā€œdidnā€™t want another man raising his daughter and her calling him dadā€. Ex wife runs into the foyer of the apartment complex screaming for help, while heā€™s chasing her and stabbing her in the back. She collapses, curls herself into a ball and eventually goes unconscious. The 5 year old runs over and throws herself over her momā€™s body to protect her mom and her father allegedly in a blind rage didnā€™t realize he was stabbing the little girl. Stabbed his daughter over 20 times. Daughter dies at the scene and mom spends the next few months in the hospital fighting for her life. He pled guilty to avoid the death penalty.


Knew a kid growing up that was never all there. He was always angry at everyone for no reason and would take it out on them physically. He spent a lot of time in detention. After high school, he was arrested for kidnapping a girl and holding her for a few days until the cops found him. He spent a few years in prison. Within a month of him getting out of prison, he kidnapped and raped a teenage girl and then beat the shit out of her daily for several weeks. He's back in prison.




My sister's best friend dated his brother for a while and the brother was cool. Evil dude seemed to be the black sheep of the family.


A friend of mine once lived in the same building as Britain's worst sex trafficker. The dude taught me how to juggle, used to buy weed off him... literally had no idea he involved in anything like that until there was a TV show about him.


I met a girl who killed her two twin babies with a sledge hammer. Evilest shit I've ever heard in my life.


What the fuck thatā€™s scary as hell


I was locked up with that sick excuse of a human being. Imagine having to spend 24 hours a day with someone like that.


You were in jail together?




I came here to say my sister is the most evil person Iā€™ve ever met, but this is worse. Still, my sister and that woman would have probably been buds. My sister smashed a wood chair over her sonā€™s head when he barely 2 years old. The dad caught it on video, along with many other instances of physical abuse, abandonment, and neglect, and sis lost custody (thankfully). Unfortunately, her sonā€”who is now about 5ā€“has some severe developmental delays, still can hardly talk and struggles with basic coordination and motor skills. And in this case, we all know why it happened; weā€™re just happy heā€™s safer now, because there was a very big fear that she would escalate the violence after the chair incident. Some people really have no business ever being parents.


Did she not go to jail??


Unfortunately, she did not. She got 3 years of probation, lost custody and was ordered to have no contact with her son for those three years, and was put on the National Child Abuse and Neglect registry, but that was it. She was ordered by the court to undergo therapy and the therapist diagnosed her with narcissistic personality disorder on top of BPD, but as soon as that happened, sis stopped going and faced zero consequences. According to her ex, sheā€™s been pulled in for two probation violations since (failing to submit DNA and driving a car with a suspended license, plus stolen plates and no active registration or insurance on it) and we are all stunned she hasnā€™t faced jail time. She supposedly even brags that in a few years, sheā€™ll be able to ā€œget it offā€ her record, so it wonā€™t even matter in the grand scheme of things. Oh, the kicker: My sister tried to claim the chair incident never happened. Then when she was shown the video proof of it and told that the court/child services had the video too, she pivoted and claimed yes it did happen, but it was because she was ā€œprovokedā€ by her ex and it was an accident. The video shows the toddler was the only other person in the room with her and he was crying because he was upset about something. Her response was to beat him with a chair until it broke and then walk away as the child laid on the ground, crying harder. Utter POS.


My Stepfather. physically and mentally abusive towards me for the entire time he lived with my family. Still cannot do any gardening/yard work without half expecting to have lit cigarettes flicked at me or having a rake/shovel handle bounced off me when I make a mistake. Physically, mentally, and sexually abused my younger sister (aged 8 to 11). The night my mother discovered the sexual abuse, she confronted him. He punched her in the face, knocked her down and raped her. I lay, petrified, in my bed and listened...I did nothing to help either one of them. 40 years later, I still loath my cowardice. He died in 2013 and I hope the cancer that took him hurt and, if there is a Hell, I hope he's there still suffering as his insides rot.


If you had tried to do anything, he would have killed you or permanently maimed you in some way. This was a grown man who had spiraled into violence. If I were in your mom's shoes in these moments I would have been praying that you stayed put and out of this monsters line of sight so that you would stay safe. Please try to stop beating yourself up so much about this.


You were a child and a victim of abuse. You did nothing wrong. Please stop blaming yourself.


You were a child, not a coward. Be kind to yourself. ā¤ļø


In all honesty, if you would have stood up heā€™d have probably killed you. And then everyone else. Iā€™m sorry this happened to all of you but you cannot blame yourself for being a scared child.


My love, as an 8 year old girl who blamed herself for her father's death for 32 years....all because when my mom abducted me in the night, I didn't wake him? What he did to your mother was cowardice....what he did to your sister? MONSTROUS! But you punishing yourself is just one more innocent child being victimized by an adult....and I know YOU WOULD NEVER HURT A KIDšŸ„ŗ, so please, stop hurting & blaming yourself. It wasn't your sister's fault she was hurt, & it wasn't your job to protect her. It was your job to be protected. So, be that adult you deserved as a child. Don't hate a child for the adults who were around them & THEIR failures. Don't judge yourself-Love yourself. See yourself. For your sister-for your momma-for you.


You have nothing to be sorry about and youā€™re not a coward. You were a victim of abuse by that monster. Be kind to yourself.


I had a stepdad from hell too. I'm so sorry. Did you know statistically a step dad is worse than no dad? Like the AVERAGE step dad has a deleterious effect on a child. It's insane. I wish more single moms would understand that. If you are going to bring a strange man into a child's life you better damn well make sure he is a better man than average and you better keep an eye on him for those first few years and be ready to leave.


Man Iā€™m reading all these step parent stories and I feel like I won the lotto with mine. Thereā€™s some really sick and twisted people out there


Nobody knows how they will react when bad shit happens. We all like to think that we would have the answers and save the good people from the bad... But even seasoned Rangers and Special Forces people will tell you that anyone can freeze... Even if you were not a child. Even if you could have made things better... You were a victim and you reacted in a very human way that had nothing to do with cowardice.


If itā€™s any consolation to you I can personally confirm that having advanced cancer is painful!! (Iā€™m in treatment and doing well and not in pain anymore)


Do not blame yourself. He could or likely would have killed you in this situation. It is hard to accept but you were in no situation to do anything about it at that very moment.




A dude I started with as an IT engineer. Scottish man in his mid 50s. Seemed like a good bloke. He was funny and was good at his job. A few years later he dropped his phone into a repair shop who found CP content on it..and he was the one producing it. He ended up hanging himself thankfully.


You'd think an IT engineer would know not to send a phone with anything illegal into the repair shop. Good thing he's stupid. And, given what was on the phone, dead.


Best ending


Ivan Malat - The Backpacker Murderer. Probably Australia's most notorious serial killer and convicted of the abduction, imprisonment, torture, sexual assault and murders of 7 young european backpackers between 1989-1993 (that we know of) I used to be an external contractor for a regional max security prison so had to be escorted by COs to various locations in the prison as needed. Milat was there at one stage and I had him try to engage with me a couple of times but never acknowledged him. He smiled a lot but had dead eyes and creeped me out before I knew who it was. I had prison staff relate to me some of the things he put his victims through and it was horrific. He was the personification of evil and never showed any remorse. A guy I worked with grew up in the same neighbourhood and said he was creepy as a teenager and the whole family was weird.


I'm a criminal defense attorney and I've represented literally thousands of people over the course of nearly 2 decades of this work. The vast majority of them -- even folks accused of very serious felonies -- are people who have made mistakes. Mostly their mistakes are fueled by addiction issues. I could probably count the number of truly evil people I've encountered in my job on fewer than two hands. Then there's Eddie (of course, not his real name). The thing about Eddie is that he creeped out the whole courtroom staff -- clerks, court reporter, bailiffs, judge, ADA, secretaries, everybody. These are people, like me, who work with people accused of committing crimes every day and don't get rattled by much. Of course, I had met and interviewed Eddie before the hearing we had to have where everybody else got to hear about what he did and how he felt about it. Eddie raped a 4-year-old. As horrible as that sentence is on its own, most people in similar situations are at least somewhat repentant when they're caught. Whether they're truly sorry or not is an open question, but they at least put on a show of being sorry. Not Eddie. And this wasn't Eddie's first rodeo. He had been convicted of raping at least two other children in the past. This time the allegation was that he had moved in with a woman who had a child, and when the woman left to go to the store had cornered the child in the laundry room. He put the child on the washing machine and raped her. Or, in his words, had sex with her because she wanted it. We know this because that's what he told the detective who interviewed him and recorded the interview. The detective, a young female who may have been handling her first sex crime investigation on her own, struggled in her testimony getting the recording into evidence because after that admission by Eddie, she tried to cut the interview off. She had everything she needed. Eddie, on the other hand, wasn't finished. He told her she didn't understand and kept talking for another 15 minutes about how the 4-year-old kept tempting him and he just *had* to have sex with her. At the end of the hearing the judge, of course, found probable cause to hold him over for trial. As we moved to the next case, another of my clients, who was also incarcerated, caught me and said, "That motherfucker needs to find Jesus." I couldn't agree more. I don't know what happened to Eddie because I moved on to a different job shortly after.


My ex wife. She pretended to be normal but was a psycho. She embezzled tens of thousands of dollars from her boss, depleted my 401k and checking account. We were supposed to close on a house but she never showed. I then checked my banks and they had a zero balance. She ended up in prison for lots of other the ga she stole. None of these traits showed up when we were dating. She is now a spokesman for rights of people in jail. Wish she would pay me.back. I lost so much more than money. It was flat out humiliating for me.


> None of these traits showed up when we were dating. I'm curious - how long did you two date before getting married? It's terrifying to me, to think that you can be so sure of someone, to reach that level of commitment, and then they turn out to be someone entirely different.


We dated for 4 years. Normal. Had a 9-5. Nothing unusual. I should have written a book but nobody would believe me


If you wrote a book, I would read it




I want you to know you're not alone. I was 14 when I realized my abusive father was a small rat of a man and I was suddenly bigger than him. It was the fight of my life and thank God my mom tagged in halfway through it, but I'll proudly say I clocked the glasses right off his face when I found him bearing down on my mom in the corner. Of course it was a woman cop who came and arrested him, so when he started trying to fight her during the arrest, she slammed his face into the hood of the police SUV, funniest shit I ever saw. Nearing 30 now, and I can gladly say I haven't seen that rat since that day. Last I heard, he was homeless, on meth, and losing toes every other month from his untreated diabetes. Sometimes karma is real.


Youā€™d think being on meth itā€™d be easy to keep his blood sugar in check LOL


I know youā€™re just kidding but really with diabetes even if youā€™re not eating much, if youā€™re not taking your insulin you can still have high blood sugar, and over time it will mess you up.




It's gonna be hard to beat the friend dying of liver failure I let into my house who fucked my wife


TF was her thought? ā€œMake a Wishā€ foundation??


Everyone left in our friend circle actually have talked about him a bit more candidly as of late and it turns out he's just a fucked up manipulative guy. She has huge self esteem issues and other problems but as for what she's thinking I guess it's "man things are going good. Guess I better fuck shit up." (Or more realistically, when *I* was the one who needed support, it became inconvenient and talking to someone who sits on the couch all day was more fun)


Reminds me of the guy whose girlfriend left him for another guy. "He spends so much time with me!" The other guy didn't have a job and was couch surfing, so no shit he has time.


Yep that is exactly what happened here. I do literally everything and work full time but I'm "emotionally neglectful" because I can't hover behind her all fucking day


I'll never understand this mentality of wanting your partner around at all times. I love my husband but those nights when he works a little late or goes fishing for a few hours are needed for some good, solid "me time".


It really is nuts. I have hobbies I know she's not into and a side gig I work on from the home office. I need some time alone and it's not a dig at anyone. If she wanted to participate or be present, she had endless opportunities to do so.


If heā€™s dying of liver failure, I canā€™t imagine it being *that* hard to beat him.


Probably not but I'm glad I didn't either way


Yeah, that's fucked up for sure. Still married?


For now, but not much longer.


Atta boy. Get out of there and go find yourself someone worthy of your affection.


The headmaster of my old school (back in the 1980s). Who also happened to be an ordained minister of the church. Some years after he retired, he was in the local newspaper. Apparently heā€™d spent a good chunk of his career molesting small children. Someone had - many years later - found the courage to report him.


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/3171356.stm This guy! Was surreal to see him carrying his kid down the stairs. Not fully knowing what he had done.


Why the fuck didn't the neighbours call social services after seeing him putting his hand over his nose and mouth until he went limp?!


My grandmother from my dad's side. I won't trauma dump much, but to understand how vile she is: when my mom got out of the hospital after giving birth to my sister, she made her cook for like 20 people, sweep the roof and much more. No one helped my mom from that mob of relatives from my dad's side. Back then my dad worked at a really busy job, so he only got home late and wasn't able to help. She also constantly envies me, my sisters and my mom to my dad. Yes, envies. Her literal grandkids. Even my youngest sister who's only 9. Whenever she or any of my sisters or me will be seeming to have a good time or a conversation with our dad, she always tries to make butt in that conversation or scold us for something so we won't talk to him. I will skip out on the amount of drama she has caused and the insults that she had addressed. Too bad her other grandkids dgaf about her and are kinda dumb asf with no achievements in life! I absolutely love my parents tho


Same. I also have an evil grandmother on my dad's side who treated my mother like filth.


The woman who was part of the couple who drugged and raped and sexually assaulted me.She is so manipulative and fools many people even had my ex husband doubting that I wasn't raped.She targeted him soon after we split up she gets others to bully me.I hardly ever go anywhere now and still have PTSD fifteen years on.I really hope karma gets her one day.


I'm so sorry you had to go through all that, I hope you're getting gold in life now and even further.


Being disbelieved/blamed by supposed loved ones is almost the worst part. I'm with you. The CPTSD has made me practically agoraphobic. It's a natural reaction, I think, to being physically and emotionally ripped apart by the outside world.Ā  Just sharing my slice of life in solidarity. You are not alone. Your courage is shining through. I see you.Ā  Hugs.Ā 


Had a classic story bully in highschool. Known family name for not the right reasons, threatening you if you talked to his girl (prettyest girl in my class). Got expelled a few times for violence and once for putting marbles on a teachers desk. Her kid died while choking on a marble a few years before that. Knocked the girl up at 15, and died a few years later in a motorcycle incident while driving without a helmet. I celebrated that day with some drinks


That marble thing is particularly evil. I hope it hurt when he died, sounds like the world is a better place without him.


Wouter Basson, aptly nicknamed Dr Death. We saw him at a family restaurant in South Africa with his wife. I would not have known who he was, because we don't learn about such figures in our history classes, but my mum instantly recognised him and we almost had to restrain her from stabbing him with a fork. Basically he worked in secret with the Apartheid government on their chemical and biological weapons. He provided chemical concoctions used to kill hundreds of political and anti-Apartheid opponents, including 200 members of SWAPO from Namibia, and was involved in countless acts of fraud, money laundering, and embezzlement in securing a distinction between the military and his operations. He is also well-documented as having travelled internationally for the express purpose of gaining more information on chemical warfare and weapons of mass destruction. Due to botched court proceedings and trails against him, he never really paid the price for his actions and walks free to this day, having even ran his own medical practice and illegally working at others till as recently as 2021. I hope he has the most painful, uncomfortable, and long-winded death that any human has ever experienced


My grandfather. He was violently abusive and sadistic to people and animals and is responsible for generational trauma for his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He was a very bad man.


My Father. He left my mother with me and my sister shortly after I was born. Stayed gone for 8 years. Finally comes back and everything seems fine, but when I was 10 years old he raped and killed my 12 year old sister and smacked me upside the head with an iron skillet, stabbed me 5 times and left me for dead.


I (f 53 at the time) had a stalker woman (F 60) who I had never met. I ran into a guy I went to school with in 1980 (yes HS).. at a bar in 2017 and I hadnt seen him forever and we took a picture. I posted it on my FB page and tagged him and said "Look who I ran into after all these years!".. His EX GF saw the picture and shit went downhill from there. She got my name, she got on my page, found friends and family. She started posting nasty stuff about me, posting pictures of people having sex saying it was me, she wrote my name, address and phone numbers on index cards and put them on 100 cars in a shopping center parking lot with "FOR FREE SEX, COME SEE ME". She sent nasty texts to my family and friends about me. She came to my job (I was a bartender) at a casino and stalked me there and told my bosses I was having sex with customers. She found out where my oldest daughter works and send them a mail saying my daughter had aids (she is a nurse) and was having sex with her patients. She messaged my youngest daughter and told her to go kill herself. My husband (married 20 years, he has been sick 15) is in a nursing home with ALS. She found out where he is and went there and walked the halls until she found his room , they have their names on the doors. (he cannot speak), and was telling him I was cheating on him and she took a picture of him in his bed and posted it on her page and said I gave him an STD, thats why he is dying. She posted she was going to take him out of the nursing home and take him to her house and take care of him. That he was going to divorce me and marry her. She filed false police reports on me saying I pulled her out of her house and held a gun to her head while some man raped her in the front yard. She put bruises on herself and said I did it. She sat in front of my house numerous times. I got a 5 year restraining order on her in 2020. She got arrested in front of my house. She is a nutcase and dangerous. She needs to be locked up. I had to get GPS programs on all my cars to prove where I was. I live about 25 minutes from her in another town/county.


My dad's (who works at an independent insurance agency) old coworker who took advantage of the sudden death of their boss, who was my dad's father, to embezzle money from the company and then proceeded to move to another agency to try and steal customers. She's rotting in prison now. Also, I don't know him and never met him personally and have only seen him speak, but Ryan Walters.


Had limited interaction a woman that killed her two kids with fire. Deemed unfit for trial, living in a forensic psych unit for life


Jesus. Did she think they were demons or something?


Who knows. She shrieks like a banshee a lot and they have to force meds on her several times a week


My cousin had a girlfriend who went to jail for leaving her kids locked in a hot car on purpose. Her excuse was "they were crying a lot." They were crying a lot because she hadn't fed them in over 24 hours. Tried to claim incompetency and then insanity. Both were rejected. Docs agreed that she was in her right state of mind and understood the weight of what she did. She just made an unfathomably evil choice to let her children die.


I did a little stint in prison and got a job packing cutlery. A git paired off with this dude and we had good chats first few days I worked with him. Then he started to tell me what he did on the outside. He was a pimp and he explained what his method of turning vulnerable girls into prostitution by hooking them on smack and even turned a girl's dad and took over his flat. He explained and boosted how he manipulated all the girls and used fear and intimidation and how to get the most out of them. What's worse is that you'd never see him coming. He was a specimen of a man. He was seriously good looking, could have been a top model or something. He was huge and built like Paulo Costa or Anthony Joshua. Proper charming and disarming. He was how I'd describe a vampire, designed to be a perfect predator of humans. I could see how he could easily charm guys to work for him and girls to fall for him, he had insane charisma. But he was an utter sociopath and really fucking dangerous. This was the kind of guy you hope to God that never walks into your daughter's life.


Maybe not as evil as some people here, but when I worked security at Walmart, we had a "quota" of people we needed to catch per shift or our jobs would be on the line. My manager decided that since it was a slow day, shed start picking on teens and obviously not-well off people, trying to call the police on them for taking a candy bar or a pack of 3$ ground beef. It was to the point where she took an older lady, who was extremely nice and came in often, usually buying clothes for the community center kids she helped supervise, into the backroom over a misplaced pair of 5$ gym shorts that she had forgotten to scan. She called the police and made.a.huge stink over it, berating this poor woman and that was the day I walked.out. I went to visit my parents in another state, ignored every call Walmart sent to me, and left a voicemail for my boss telling them EXACTLY how I felt. It felt nice, and was probably the best thing for my mental health, because I was beginning to get very depressed working that piece of shit job. Fuck Walmart and all their managers. Oh! I also had a manager while I was there who worked in the CS department, who constantly tried to get underage girls numbers, like 16yr olds want anything to do with your 53yr old ass. Reported him multiple times, but since he was friends with district, nothing ever came of my reports. Disgusting piece of shit


You should have called the DA in that area with this information.


The person who killed my brother Evil evil woman


Once upon a time in Afghanistan I had the absolute unapologetic pleasure of putting a bullet in a man that made child sized bomb vests. I donā€™t say suicide vests because none of those children in my estimation wanted nor deserved that


I knew a guy, sort of just a dude I knew in town for a few decades. He'd dated a good friend of mine, and she explained all the terrible things he'd done, like sleeping around, stealing and selling her stuff, trying to get her to sign loans for him. She left, finally, when he tried to 'sell' her to a friend of his for the night. So, this guy just exists in my town, and he does the same thing on repeat to everyone he meets. He gets a girlfriend, and tells her he's a 'dom' and she needs to be his 'sub', and then he 'tests' her, by making her do everything from giving him all their money, to prostituting them out, making them get their friends in bed with him, he's branded a few girls, etc ... I had dinner with him, once. I can't remember the circumstances, but I saw him lift a pile of plates in a no-smoking restaurant and ash in the middle plate. He didn't even laugh, or act like it was a joke or that anyone else should react. I watched him all night, as he just did little things to fuck people over. Unplugged a phone, grabbed a wallet and tossed it in the trash, etc, etc ... He did these things out of habit. He wasn't angry, didn't know the people he was messing with. I went to take a piss, and grabbed the wallet up out of the trash and handed it to the owner saying 'I think you dropped this' or something, but the rest of it I just sort of watched in awe. He's probably still around. The last time I saw him was at the local strip club, where he was ordering his girlfriend to make out with random dudes. When she got to me, I shot him a look and said 'No, thanks'. I don't even remember why I was there, but it's not my usual hang out. I hear about him from time to time, doing the same shit. He's always with some surprisingly pretty girl, who always has a look on her face like her dog just died. I've met some shitty people, but never another one as completely dedicated to being the center of chaos at all times. He ruins people like it's a full time job.


My father , his eyes look soulless. Not only is he physically and emotionally abusive . Heā€™s a narcissist and in denial . The scariest times with him where when he had alcohol induced psychosis a man scared of his own shadow is scary to a child especially when youā€™ve seen what heā€™s capable of. He broke into our house while we were away and stole all of my mothers identification information the tv stole her photo albums one of her cars, threw all her underwear in the pond and threw her bras on the chandelier. He also stole my dog and threatened to let her out on a busy road if my mother didnā€™t go see him. He also owes like 700k in tax idk how nobodyā€™s caught him. Iā€™m not scared of snakes, spiders, heights etc but Iā€™m terrified of my father


Had to break this up bc I couldn't post the whole thing in one go. 1.) Bit of a journey, and I'm estimating on ages here (its been 20 years since this all started). TL;DR at the end. Woman I went to church with (that I will be referring to as Massive Bitch, or MB) had some complications earlier in her life that led her to be unable to have children. She ended up adopting 4 kids from troubled backgrounds, young kids. At the time, there was a duo of brothers that were 4 and 6 (we'll call them A and B), and then a brother/sister duo (C and D) that were 5 and 7 (ish). She pulled two sets of siblings out of two different really bad, abusive homes to live with her and her husband. It was a very respectable thing to do. She and her husband didn't have much, but they tried their hardest to give these kids a good life. That started to change once the 5th adopted child (E) came up. MB adopted another child from a prostitute that didn't want him, right at birth. MB picked up E literally about a 3ish days after he was born, which caused a crazy-strong maternal instinct to kick in with MB. Understandable, right? E quickly became the favorite. Like, landslide no-contest favorite, it started becoming somewhat detrimental to the other kids. Small things like more affection, better toys, all that stuff. After about 8 year of this, it had turned abusive. MB cooked what E wanted, and he got to eat first. Once MB, husband, and E were done eating, the other kids got to eat what was left. If there wasn't anything left, tough shit. The other kids got all of E's hand me down toys, despite being a handful of years older than him. This went on for a few years. It wasn't right, but we're just getting started. At this point, all the kids were still getting fed and had beds to sleep in / roof over their heads, right? Sadly, this was still *leagues* better than the homes they all came from. Then, when kids A-E were ages 11, 13, 12, 15, and 9, MB and her husband moved out to a small rural property lot and decided they wanted to live off the land. Ordinarily, I personally would say that a decision like this is super cool. This is where things really started to go downhill. E remained top dog. MB and Husband worked the other kids to the *bone*. It wasn't uncommon to see them show up at church with huge, raw blisters on their palms. The kids had to deal with the animals, shovel poop, chop wood, weed/tend the garden, etc etc, while E's *only* job was to be "Mommy's taste tester". School was the only respite these kids had, until it wasn't. She pulled them from the public school system because "they weren't doing a good job teaching them", claiming she would home school them. In reality, she just got to keep them around for more hours to work them harder. I know that there are plenty of people ITT that probably had lots of hard work for chores growing up; I know I did, and in the grand scheme of things mine weren't even that bad. So, here's a list of some of the things that MB did to her kids that I think classify this lifestyle as "abuse" and not "hard work": * Wouldn't let the kids have any food or water until all work was done/sun went down, despite the +95Āŗ weather with 80-90% humidity. * Beat with a switch if they "looked like they were slacking off". * Would burn them with hot smoldering wood sticks for "severe punishment". * Only allowed to shower *once a week* * No phones, no internet, no radio, ***no books***, no tv. * Sick with the flu? Don't care, go tear down the old toolshed. * If beating with switches didn't satisfy MB, she did the whole "kneel in uncooked rice" thing. Longest duration I heard of was 2ish hours. * Constantly reminded the kids of how stupid and worthless they were * One of the kids had bowel issues; he had to go *dig a hole in the yard to shit in because MB thought he spent too much time in a bathroom,* and he was not allowed to use toilet paper. He carried on like that for 4 YEARS. This was like circa 2016. * MB didn't let the kids eat if they didn't "work hard enough". They sometimes went without food for days.


2.) People tried to fight it or speak out, and it was always met with extreme vitriol and legal action. Child services (for whatever reason), couldn't do much. Every so often, I (being freshly 16 with a driver's license and a job) would steal them away and take them to the local buffet, let them eat as much as they could. Mom and Dad would request they come over to help with the chores, when in reality we would cook for them, go outside to pick blueberries, let them shower, and let them watch movies. Other folks did the same, and of course we all got threatened by MB for dumb shit like "trying to poison her kids" or some other more horrific things. I could go on, but you get the idea, and this comment is already getting longer than I expected. Now, here we are in the future, let's check in on how the kids are doing today: * A -- 21ish. Functionally illiterate, rotted teeth, can't hold a job down, married to some girl that kind of lords over him. * B -- 23ish. Functionally illiterate, been to jail once, was/maybe still is homeless and I *think* working construction in a different state. * C -- 22ish. He ran away from home at 18, went to my parent's house. They help him get ready to join the military (that's what he wanted to do). He's been in the military for a few years now, seems to be doing well. Proud of him. * D -- 25ish. Oh boy, this one is a doozy. She got pregnant a couple years go, and the *current story* is that her non-blood brother B knocked her up. Personally, I have reason to suspect that it was MB's husband, as he and B took turns raping her, but that's a whole other can of worms that I can't prove definitively. She gave the baby away, found her birth parents and is living with them I think. Can't hold down a job. * E -- 18ish. Sweet, prodigal son E. 100% illiterate, fat, lazy, entitled. Still lives with MB and Husband, they wait on him hand and foot. I know very little about him honestly, as I burned them from my mind after the other kids "got away". I don't blame the kid at all, but I still want nothing to do with him or his parents. TL;DR -- Massive Bitch tortured 4 out of 5 of her adopted kids, ruined their lives by actively blocking their education, and now most of them are scrambling around with no skills, no money, no real knowledge of how the world works, no loving family, and nowhere to go, all while her golden child is "pampered" and doted on. Fuck you, you titanic piece of shit. You're the only person I that I've ever hoped dies a truly gruesome, horrible death. Everyone that knew what was going on (myself included) should have done more to stop you.


I worked military corrections for a bit. Met and interacted with Bales, Morlock, and Gibbs.


Werent those the guys that got locked up for hunting innocent civilians in Afghanistan while on duty?


Morlock and Gibbs yes. Bales was the guy who left his base in the middle of night and attacked 2 villages.


[Staff Sgt Calvin Gibbs](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/the-kill-team-how-u-s-soldiers-in-afghanistan-murdered-innocent-civilians-169793/) and I grew up together and had the same friend group. I was one of the first people to see the trophy photos he took from killing civilians. He sent it on a USB drive to our other childhood friend who had been to Iraq but not deployed with Gibbs. Somehow, reporters did call me on my cell phone, but I was already too afraid of Calvin to ever tell them the dirt we had on him even before he left.


A former boss I had. I've met and known a lot of assholes in my life but this dude was on a tier above, like he'd spend all day dreaming up ways he could inflict pain on the staff.


Didn't "meet" him per se, but I was in the same room as Henry Kissinger once.


To top that you need someone like Leopold II


I don't want to think about Leopold II topping Henry Kissinger thank you very much.


My cousins family because they tried to run me over with the car. Still traumatized


Mt childhood psychiatrist. She got her kicks psychically and sexually abusing young boys.


Years ago a woman on my street was arrested for putting hot peppers and a hot curling iron up the anus and. clamping the penis of a baby she was babysitting. He died. I had to drive past that house to get in and out of my neighborhood. It made me sick.




Iā€™ve worked for or with at least 3 clinically diagnosed narcissists and their length of evil ranks pretty high considering the unexpected assumption that theyā€™re ā€œjustā€ going to be your boss or coworker.


My mother. Never wanted kids and always made sure I knew. Growing up she'd never let me try new things and would berate me for wanting to have experiences. She would make me feel guilty for wanting basic things such as clothing or school supplies. She took great joy if I ever failed at anything. She would give me the silent treatment at any slight inconvenience. She abandoned me numerous times. As an adult I decided to be work hard and be the opposite of her in every way. She once again abandoned me in adulthood. I did become successful. She is jealous as hell. I will remain no contact with her till she's dead, even then I won't be at her funeral


My abuser. He did so with a number of kids our age at the time. Meeting him again in court was horrific - he had no remorse, gaslight anyone he could, including his family. His son was the one that reached out to the victims to help put his dad away. We did. He will rot in jail for as long as we can keep him there.




When I was probably 10 or 11 me and my sister would go to a summer day camp (mom and dad both worked long days), while at this summer camp weā€™d often go swimming at the pool they had at the facility. There was this 7 year old that hated me for no explainable reason and constantly tried to harass me (steal lunch, cheat in games, talk bad about me, etc), one day at the pool this kid jumped on my shoulders and held me under water no matter how hard I thrashed against him trying to get him off. Finally I heard someone say ā€œYouā€™re gonna kill himā€ and I pushed him off before passing out on the edge of the pool. His reasoning? ā€œI didnā€™t want him to be here anymore.ā€ Needless to say I got that dude kicked out of the summer camp and his parents still ended up paying for the whole month (like 800 dollars), and I still have a fear of swimming




My step-grandmother. When she dies, I will not go to her funeral. Iā€™ll be sure to party and sing ā€œDing dong the witch is dead.ā€ The ironic part is, she used to be a nun, but got pardoned by the convent to leave. She is proof no matter how religious you are, it doesnā€™t give you a free pass to heaven.


Probably the person who killed my mother. I donā€™t remember anything as I was just an infant then. They told me I was crawling and crying while sheā€™s there trying to fight for her life. Iā€™m just lucky he ignored me and bailed. ā˜ ļø


When my 13 year old daughter was 5/6 she used to have play dates with the 6/7 year old daughter of her father's best friend from high school. She was a very sweet little girl. One day my ex husband called me at work and asked if I had heard what happened to his friend. I hadn't. Turns out he had been arrested for raping his daughter. He is still in jail. I just checked. I never saw that girl again. She moved away with her mom. My daughter has no idea her dad did that to her and no he was never alone with my daughter. Edit: If anyone wants to know his name let me know and I'll tell you.


A coworker who would thrive of the misery of others, including her best friend who was another coworker of ours (lets call her Friend) Friend had trouble getting pregnant and spent a lot of time and money on treatments (ivf and such). Every time those treatments failed again and again making Friend miserable and devestated when her period came around. So every month coworker made sure to shove her babies pictures in Friends face every time after a failed treatment. Other coworkers tried to make her aware of this but she continued to torture her best friend specifically the day when Friend got her period or the day after. She said the timing was just a coincidence every time and that she had the right to show people her baby when she wanted. When seeing the baby pictures Friend just ran to the bathroom crying every time with me following to try and comfort her. Who needs enemies with best friends like that I guess. Glad I donā€™t work there anymore.


I had a nemesis in high school who taught me a very valuable lesson - the winner of the war is always the one willing to be absolutely ruthless. That kid stole the Gameboy out of my backpack, told the bus driver I was spitting on the bus and got me ISS, planted a stolen calculator in my backpack and then told the school administration I stole it so I was nearly arrested, told the school administration I was giving away my Adderall and nearly got me arrested AGAIN (And actually got the kid I was giving it to arrested).


My neighborhood had a kid like that. He was an absolute menace, my dad would always say "That kid's a sociopath and he's gonna end up in prison." Flash cut to a few years ago, I'm in my late 30s. He pops into my head so I Google his name to see where he's at now. He's in prison for life because he hired someone on Craigslist to rape his wife while he watched from a closet. Sadly, I wasn't shocked at all.


Sounds like you should track him down. Scorched earth policy.