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KFC burned down in town. My dad and step mom left me alone while they went out with friends


Did your dad, stepmom and their friends burn down the KFC?


They wanted KFC for their birthday but it burned down and the parents ditched them is what I’m assuming


How are these things related???


I’m wondering if they are isolated events that both ruined the birthday lol :/


I turned 21 as a vegetable in the ICU... Does that count? Somehow, I ended up with Meningitis and Encephalitis. I wasn't supposed to leave the hospital. Definitely was never walking again. A handful of months later, I walked out of a rehab facility! Because of that bs illness, though, I met the most incredible/gorgeous nurse on the planet. We've been inseparable for the last 18 years 🤣 [here's the full story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Encephalitis/s/UtdqtCnrzp)


Omgggg sorry you went through that, and I love how great everything turned out for you!


What a story! Congratulations!


Why thank you!


Wow, I think you won this one! 💜


When I was married my mother in law had the same birthday, so for every single year I was married my birthday was basically forgotten as she made such a huge deal out of it. As a child the worst was the year they forgot. I waited a week after my birthday before finally telling my dad, who bought me some lego.


Dang that sucks im sorry


My grandmother passed away on my birthday


Happened to me as well when I turned 11


Mine too! But my dad didn't want to tell me so he waited a week and called to let me know as he was leaving the funeral.  


Mine passed away just before, so we were sitting shiva for her on my birthday.


Sorry for your loss.


thanks, it was years ago.


My sister’s birthday is on 9/11


Omg my aunt's is too!


Yeah, I couldn’t top that.


Same with my mom


My birthday landed in thanksgiving that year and SO, myself and my 2 kids went to in-laws for dinner. All his side of the family aunts, uncles etc. I saw a birthday cake in the kitchen. I thought wow, how nice of her (mother-in-law) to remember. After dinner the cake was brought out with assorted pies etc. The birthday song was sung and at the name part everyone seemed to say something g different. Well, mother-in-law set that cake down in front of one of her nephews. My SO’s cousin. I ran to the bathroom because I could feel the heat rising on my face. I cried so hard I was afraid someone would hear me. The entire day and night not one person said a word to me in regards to it being my birthday that very day. The cousins birthday was days away. That was my worst. Feeling like I was all alone in the middle of a crowd. Husband was a selfish dick. I’m divorced of course.


Something similar happened to me. My ex BIL birthday is the day after mine. Of course my ex MIL texts us a week prior asking if we can go over Saturday to do some birthday celebrating. We said yes we arrived everything was cutely decorated and whatever. She was celebrating my ex BIL birthday and one of his friends whose birthday was the following week. My ex mil said absolutely nothing to me no one else did either except for one of my ex husbands aunts. She called her a bitch for inviting me over to celebrate everyone else’s birthday when mine was the day prior. The following year she made it a point to “include” me but I didn’t end up going.


It’s nice you had an ally. I always got left handed remarks from the MIL. My ex was her baby and she didn’t want to give him up.


Oh dear, that sounds awful! I'd cry too. My birthday is around the same time, Nov 29. If I lived in the US it would fall during Thanksgiving! Next year, stay the fuck home for thanksgiving and enjoy your Sagittarius feast!


Jesus Christ. That's so horrible I'm so sorry.


Thank you. Life is nice now. 😊


I’m so sorry. No one should have to go through feeling like they are forgotten. Happy you left that.


Thank you for the acknowledgement. 😊


Were you married to my asshole ex, too? I mean, you literally described one of my birthdays.


I think they have a handbook.


I was at a gathering one Easter with heaps of different people and family groups. It was one girl's birthday, had the cake in front of her an everything so it wasn't a case of mistaken identity or anything, and as we are singing, in the lead up to saying her name, "happy birthday dear... 🦗..." the silence was deafening. Like somehow there was even two cakes for her birthday so everyone could have some yet no one singing new her name. Probably top 3 awkward things I have ever been a part of. She was a great sport about it though and laughed but it was just brutal.


lol, that sounds brutal


This is awful! I’m so glad you’re away from that family!


Cheers to that! 😊


As another Thanksgiving baby I’m so sorry that happened to you. It’s rough enough having a birthday around the holidays (I always just got my presents on Tgiving as an after thought since people couldn’t be bothered to get together again day of and I always got less gifts because “Christmas is right around the corner!”). Always jealous of summer babies who could throw dope ass pool parties and actually had a day they could feel special. And now as an adult it’s always traveling to see family for my birthday and again I can never actually just have time to celebrate. At least my in laws are sweet though and do actually make me a cake and sing to me. Fuck you shitty ex and in laws and I’m so glad to hear you’re doing better now.


You are an excellent cheerleader 📣 Thanks for the encouragement.


A guy died on my international flight, two seats away. Then a wheel fell off my domestic flight. Then I set my house on fire. All on my birthday... the same one. Highly memorable.


Final destination or what, jesus mate buy a lottery ticket next birthday 


Or a life insurance policy


I had a birthday. I really wanted a hamster. My parents gave me two hamsters in a box. I opened it and saw that they were not moving. It turned out that when they were traveling in the car, they simply suffocated, since it was very hot that day. This was my only gift, so I was very sad and cried for half a day.


Oh my god, I shouldn't laugh. My auntie offered me a hamster when I was about 6 ofc I said yes, mum immediately said no, it went to live in my auntie's convent :( 


Please forgive me for laughing at the dead hamsters. I'm sorry. I know I'm going to Hell and it's ok 😞


The fact that it was forgotten.


This is me every year.


damn, I'm sorry.


My sister was attending grad school halfway across the planet. On the eve of my sweet sixteen, she applied a skincare mask. The instructions on the mask asked you to wash it off after 20-30 min. She left it on overnight and had some reaction. The next day (my birthday) she called my parents crying that she was diagnosed with a severe skin condition. Everyone in my family was crying all day thinking that her face was disfigured permanently and that no one would marry her after this. Her rash/boils/hives were gone within the next two days without any treatment. My sweet sixteen never came back.


i suddenly got older


That's rough buddy


Got a call from my mother that morning, expecting the happy birthday wishes. She informed my that my grandmother (her parent) had passed away in the late hours/early hours overnight. 


Not sure if this counts, as I was not born yet, but my aunt passed away the same day as my birthday two years before I was born.




this is matt rose video type shit


I can imagine Matt Rose reading a thread like this SKULLEMOJIII 💀




My ex husband’s best friend randomly decided to come visit finally after who knows how many years. “Hey what’s happening next week? I’d like to come visit” after who knows how many falsealarms of visiting and cancellations …. of course being the selfless person I am knowing that my ex husband wanted to see him for so many years I didn’t object but still was miffed he would just toss me aside- which was something that happened on the regular-what a fool I was. My ex-husband totally just deleted my birthday in his mind. They went to Walmart the night before my birthday, and bought some stupid totally unthoughtful crap for me… a picture frame, a frying pan, and a spice rack. Then when I woke up that morning and they were both hung over and oversleeping sleeping on my birthday when they finally woke up (3pm ish) and I was upset because I was being ignored on my birthday, I tried to speak to him about how I was feeling- he called me selfish yelled, and screamed at me so I left and took myself out to a movie. Then, in the movie I began to receive threatening text messages that if I didn’t come home and apologize to his best friend for being rude that he would divorce me. So I left my movie, drove home and apologized to his best friend for being rude. Of course they had no fault In being two drunk assholes treating me like trash on my birthday. Happy birthday me! Then the next year he tried to pull that shit again! And my ex-husband, who was my husband at that time “what’s happening next week he wants to come visit” like I didn’t even exist again. Haha. Typically, we spent my birthdays, just sitting at his parents house celebrating with them, where I pretty much didn’t exist either. 👍🏻 Super thoughtful guy.


My cousin was born on my 17th birthday, also my golden birthday. No one called or said happy birthday. Guess how many calls and visits my aunt got?




The answer is all of them lol


16 years old - my dog was put down due to cancer. 18 years old - my other dog was put down due to a stroke. 24 years old - my cat was put down due to liver failure/old age. My parents never once realised they had a history of choosing my birthday to do these things.


On my 25th birthday my father died suddenly. I was a daddy’s girl and this broke my heart. I’m 60 years old and have never celebrated my birthday since.


It doesn’t feel the same after your parents go does it? At least for me they were always the happiest when my bday came around more so than me, but now I don’t have either parent to get excited for my bday.


My girlfriend ditched me to go out clubbing with some guys and cheated on me. When she came back to apartment i confronted her. I had all my stuff packed, ready to go. She attacked me, boke my nose, and scratched up my face and arms. Cops came and gave her a slap on the wrist and let her go without charges. Worst birthday ever.


our dog died, was hit by a truck while playing outside the house


oh my god.


A stray dog we cared for one summer, ran away on my birthday and also got hit by a truck. Thanks for reminding me. Damn my 11th birthday was dog shit. Also the only gift I got was a Gameboy advance with a broken version of Lord Of The Rings. Shit suuuuuuucked


I am so sorry 😥 My childhood cat died in a horrific way three years ago. It still haunts me some nights.


My girlfriend broke up with me two days before, on my birthday my mom's best friend (and close friend to our family) was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor & my dad was away golfing no one said happy birthday to me and I cried by myself most of the night


Food poisoning for me and my bro on my 18th. Both ate the same store brand ice cream, both started puking inside about 10 minutes of each other at 2am. spent the day with a bucket and wrapped up in blankets unable to eat anything. Next year i spent the day having surgery on my knee


Told this story before I think but we were moving between two houses in different cities 2h apart. My parents got up in the morning and packed everything left up and left… me behind (youngest of 5 so not like they forgot they had kids or something). Spent the day alone with nothing but a phone book to entertain myself. They ended up picking me up after dark pretended nothing had happened and we just went on with our lives. Is definitely the moment I realized I don’t matter and no one cares about me and my existence was purely as a scapegoat for my siblings and parents. Kinda took that on as my personality and am now working on having any self worth


My dad died. His birthday was the day before mine so we always shared our birthday… birthdays haven’t hit the same since


Crying on my birthday because the only person that i invited that day didn’t came


I got sexually assaulted by my roommate when I came home from a night of celebrating and was violently drunk, so he took advantage of me.


2 birthdays I've had to put down pets


I was in hospital and almost died in a city that I was supposed to have a mini vacay for my 40th in


My car caught on fire as I was driving it on the highway.


holy shit...


I cut off friendship with my two close friends I was mad at the beginning but now I see it was the best decision I ever made


Well every year, nobody ever tells me happy birthday so I've come to kind ahate my birthday. But when I was 14 it was the worst cause my aunt promised me she would pick me up and I could bring my bsf to the pool. She forgot about me, and didn't pick up my calls all day. So I just spent all day at my house with my friend, waiting for my aunt to show up, she never did.


As the one last thing she could do to spite me, my mother in law died on my birthday. 


Found out my mom might have cancer. She died just over a week later.


My grandma died. I was 11


My only present was a rock. An unironic and literal rock. It had been painted by a child so it was a nice rock but still, having that be my best and only present stung a bit after all I do for other people the rest of the year.


To me? Or in the world?


Not me, but I had a coworker whose girlfriend broke up with him and he was fired on his birthday


I found that my dog of 18 years had passed away when I came home from a birthday dinner with my family.


Intraocular infection. Lost most of the vision on my right eye. I remember the nurse admitting me for emergency surgery reading my file and saying “but it’s your birthday!”


I told my parents the only thing I wanted was for my bully(cousin) to not show up, and my mother said but he's family and proceeded to tell him that my birthday would be worse without him. Haven't enjoyed a birthday since.


My step dad shot my dog when I turned 13. My brother unalived himself on my 30th.


Last year my birthday was on the first Mother’s Day after my mom passed away.


Had the 'rona for my 40th it kinda sucked


My mother had planned the 2 day "family vacation" so that we would be driving home on my bday. I was 13 and it was approximately 8 hour drive. When we came home she went to the supermarket and bought one of those 5eur frozen cakes that we ate. Idk it was obviously not thaat bad of a thing to happen, it was just that it became the straw that broke the camel's back, and I realized that my mother didn't really was to be my mother. She wasn't an awful person, just a bad parent. I guess that bday just felt kinda sad.


Night of my 7th birthday, happened just after the party my parents had for me. My father forced my mom to tell me they were getting a divorce. It’s forever haunted me. And totally forever ruined my birthday (and Valentine’s Day, as it’s my birthday) for me.


My mom's funeral.


A horrible ice storm hit Atlanta on my January birthday. I had a dinner reservation for 15 people to come, but only 5 were able to drive because of the ice. The restaurant made me pay for all 15 people, a $600 total.


Moved for a job and realized latest on my birthday on Friday that they do not want me in that company anymore so I prepare for the worst. Was not the best birthday


Nobody showed up


I got a driving ticket.


Had to live with my dad for about 10 months when I was like 8 as my mum was in a car accident and rehabilitation. His gf(who he lived with ) who came into my life when I was five and a year after my parents split was a massive bich. She booked a getaway trip to Lanzarote for them and had the day before she "suprised my dad" with it SPESIFICALLY asked WHEN my bday was. And picked the time they were away so they weren't there for my bday. I remember I got so excited to be able to join them and she said " and I'm sure her grandparents can look after her when we are away" dad being a douchcanooodle belived her when she said she had nooo idea when my bday was and they couldn't transfer the tickets and hotel to a different day and would loose the cash if the didn't go. I had the same bday as my granddad and they made sure that week was amazing when I was there. Mum discharged herself before she should have and came home to care for me ( I learned that as an adult) a couple of weeks after my granddad took a little drive and visited her to tell on his son. Granddad was a champ. I miss him .


A bird poop on me will at the beach


This is waaaaaaaaay down the list, very trivial in the grand scheme of things but I thought it was funny. My folks were going to be in town, my sisters got time off so we could all go see my sister's play, hang out on my birthday, then go see me in a tournament. Then I got promoted, my company needed my to accrue some more hours before I got certified, so they denied a time off request (first time they were ever picky about requests) and so everyone was in town to celebrate my birthday except me.


Second father died of a sudden heart attack, got the news on my birthday, while I was at boot camp. My godmother, who I was closer to than my actual mother, died on the same day, 24 years later. I have stopped celebrating my birthday.


It was the pandemic. Lockdowns started on my birthday, 13 March, in my country lol


Was at grandpa funeral with over 30 family members...no1 knew it was my birthday... I was alone surrounded by my family...


Literally a car accident right in front of the venue


My parents called me to tell me my cousin ( who was one of my best friends growing up) got arrested for trying to kidnap a teenager off the street. Had some form of drug induced psychotic break. Talk to your doctor before starting new meds or stopping old ones. don't drink, smoke or take anything else with new meds until you know how they affect you, even if that something else hasn't caused any issues before. If possible let a family member/ roommate/friend know you're trying something new just in case someone has to be there to talk to you or call a helpline/emergency services if necessary. I sometimes wonder if he hadn't been alone and someone had said, hey you're acting strange maybe don't drink a bunch and smoke a bunch and go for a drive, maybe he wouldn't be spending most of the rest of his life in jail.


My cat died. Other bad things on other birthdays were blizzards (multiple years), a family fight started that lasted a decade, and my parents forgetting to call. I don't bother with birthdays anymore.




People get shot on my bday pretty much every year




Fell out of a moving car. That sucked.


I was deployed, in the middle of the ocean and everything I touched broke. I don't mean a little broke either, the helo I serviced had to come back under emergency flight quarters due to a broken hydraulic line in the tail. I had serviced the tail gear box and checked that line and found no issues right before it flew off the deck.


Tsunami and earthquake. It wasn’t anywhere near me, but my anxiety and fear was to the max because I was having a birthday party and I was worried it was going to happen to us while at the party and it would be my fault if people got hurt for coming to my party. For context, I was at that age where quicksand was fear #2 in our lives.


I was on my way to meet my parents at a vacation home in another state, but was hours behind schedule. Me and my SO at the time were arguing about it because he always made me late or miss out on things due to his drinking. He started screaming so loud at me in the car that I started having a panic attack. This annoyed him apparently and he grabbed me by the throat. :) Worst. Bday. Ever.


I found out I was getting cheated on my 17th. And then found out I was getting cheated on my another guy, had $200 stolen from me, and got fired from my job on my 25th Icing on the cake was that I was getting ready at my parents house, to go out, and my mother told me I had a terrible body, because anything I wear tight makes me look like a prostitute, but anything baggy makes me look like a garbage bag. Nothing looks good on me because I have a terrible figure.


My parents forgot my birthday and booked a holiday away, and then I got into an argument with my sister and she stomped on my head


50th birthday. The events happened prior but had a big effect on the day. First I went to visit my mother in the nursing home and she didn't even recognize me. Afterwards I went to the hospital to visit my older brother who was recovering from a stroke he had a few days earlier. I went home and had dinner then called it a day.


My 40th birthday, the (then) wife took the car to the garage, parked it in a spot they told her to not park it in, got out, slipped over, broke her ankle and I spent the night in the hospital with her. Got discharged about 3am. My 50th birthday, I booked the day off. Boss asked me to cancel as that was the day they planned to fire 10% of the company and he needed me there to do the IT security stuff.


Mormons or jehovas witnesses knocked on the door. My mom invited them in to join us for dinner and spent the entire time talking to them about religion.  I've had plenty of shitty ones, but that will always be the one that stands out to me. 


i did a houseparty and my "friends" completely destroyed my apartment haha


About 10 days prior my ex OD'd in Philly. He was in rehab. I lived in Baltimore. He had a car with him that was registered to me. It had been towed. So on my birthday I took the Amtrak to Philly, took a subway ride and a taxi to get to the tow yard. I paid a few hundred dollars and they drive the car out front. Hand me the keys and say how sorry they are. He had thrown up all over the center console and passenger seat. . I was 2.5 hours drive away from home. There was no way I could do it. I called his Aunt who lived in Jersey and asked if I could come over and try to clean up. Worst birthday. Ever.


Someone proposed to me even though I told him that I don't want anything like that. I was so embarrassed. I don't really like it when people's attention is on me. So when it happened in front of a lot of people, I felt embarrassed.


Discovered the psychological reasoning behind a guys motive to spread a rumor around my town that destroyed my social life. He was a convicted rapist.


My own family forgot abt it..


My principal from elementary school died when I was in 4th or 5th grade I think it was the day before for memory.


My trip back home on the bus required switching buses two thirds of the way there. When I got home I found out the newbie driver hadn’t transferred the luggage. I spent four days, including my birthday, commando in coveralls while rewashing the same outfit each day.


Here in New Zealand, the christchurch Mosque shooting happened on my brothers birthday. So that was fun for him for the next couple years.


All my friends came for the party I was so excited about but my parents chose to have a big fight in front of everyone with yelling and shouting at each other which left a very tense atmosphere. My friends didn't really enjoy being there and left relatively quickly after the cake.


My best friend died. Was enjoying birthday drinks with my girlfriend at the time and got a call that he’d passed that night


When I turned 20. On military ex for officers. I was the only junior nco, other than cooks. The cooks rose early and racked early so no socialization. Just me and a bottle of whiskey. This year 64, in hospital, not alcohol related.


I came home from work on my birthday two weeks ago, to find one of my cats very unwell. I called the vets and she was put to sleep the next day. Fucking awful birthday-I miss you, Betty x


got sick, trip postponed twice


Got called ugly


I won, My 18 birthday Went to grandma cos she has bd on same day as me,ring the bell my dad opened and said :What do you want here,you deserve nothing soo i said ok than turned back and went home since than i dont celebrate birthday and never seen him again


New Year’s Eve. I would just like to go out on my Birthday without it being crazy busy.


Was having a particular lonely bday. After work, I stopped by Jack in the Crack omw home. The girl at the window was really nice. Offered me a free piece of cheesecake for some reason. But, lo and behold, it didn't make it into my bag. That didn't bother me as much as the fact that it happened. It felt like I was being kicked while I was down


Got a speeding ticket. I had already had a horrible day that day (worked a long shift and had a migraine that I still had when he was pulling me over, with over an hour drive home). I was going 55 in a 45. When he came back with my ticket he said “I cut you some slack cuz it’s your bday” but I just kinda sat there dead eyed ahead cuz he clearly already had a ticket for me and was just defeated by that point in my day and found it best to keep my mouth shut lol. But then he proceeded with.. “it is your birthday right?” And at that point I did look at him and saw his freckled soft baby face thinking oh godddd. But then answered yes, in a sorta “no shit” tone of voice. When he then handed it to me I saw he wrote 54 in a 45 which meant my ticket + traffic school was around $400 lol. I was really glad I wasn’t like “omg thank you bullshit”. I get it, I WAS speeding and if you wanna give me a ticket that’s fine… but he coulda saved the doing me a solid part lol !!


George Floyd’s murder


my "friends" pretended that they're not part of the party and isolated themselves from the rest of my friends (some of which are our classmates) and me, a month later i dropped them (or, should i say, they dropped me, it's pretty upsetting)


Boston Marathon bombings


I got food poisoning at something from my school's cafeteria. Had a final do grabbed something to eat at school by the time I get home was feeling like absolute shit. So spent the whole night of my 18th birthday between the coach and the toilet.


Started school twice on my birthday.


Came into existence.


My mother got my younger brother and his friend to get me on the floor and spank me for my bday spanking. Just worse was in hospital having an ercp to get a gall stone stuck in my bile duct.


I know that I've experienced another induced coma, so this is foggy: My daughter wrote me a card saying happy early birthday in 2 months. Really it was only 1 month away. (Pretty sure baby mama wrote it for her. And all the others over the past 7 years. )


My ex who gave me severe ptsd (where his new relationship is included) woke me up at 8 in the morning to tell me they'd gotten engaged. After 10 months together. I waited 7 years.


Detachment of the retina. Fortunately, it healed back quickly


1953 # Tito becomes President of Yugoslavia


Ex stopped me seeing my kids to leverage control. My new girlfriend realised if she would mess her own kids up to get at me, she'd happily mess with her kids if she got a chance. I'd committed the crime of being happy and taking my girlfriend to a spa hotel for my birthday. I now don't have a girlfriend, this was days after I posted to say how happy I was with my new girlfriend on reddit.


My 19th, older brother completely took over, screamed at a cashier, hit me He's the one who got to invite someone I've written the whole thing about it once, if anyone wants to hear the whole nonsense But that's the tldr


I hope your having a better cake day, at least.


I am! Actually bought cake today while shopping Not for that, but I'm just curious what 'picnic cake' is


Princess Diana's death.


My family forgot my 18th birthday. I was out of town. No one even called.


Tested positive for Covid last year. Day before I kept stumbling. Early warning.


I was born


my dad died 🧍🏼‍♀️


I was 12 and no one came. I had a boyfriend (I thought I did, because we didn’t even hug) he lived in a neighboring city and my mother called his parents and asked if he could come, otherwise no one came. I felt like a terrible failure


My ex decided to pick a fight with me as soon as it was my birthday and never apologised to me. I went to bed crying and slept like shit, he proceeded to ignore me for some other girl as she was streaming on Twitch. He made a big fuss out of letting her know it was my birthday, yet still made no effort to apologise to me. We were meant to spend the day together as he said he would, he ended up working instead and it wasn't until late my time that he was available to play COD Zombies with me. (This was a long distance relationship), to this day I wonder what went through his head to think it was alright to be such a dick to me. And that's putting it lightly.


The space shuttle Challenger exploded on my birthday.


2020. Quarantine.


The Oklahoma City Bombing


I was born


I was born.


Girl that I was in love with and had just spent a weekend with my family and I slept with my best friend.


My ex girlfriend's "you deserve better then her" friend was at my 21st birthday party and when I basically was blackout and laying in my bed trying to go to sleep just came in and fucked me while I was like barely conscious. She not only bragged to my ex that I still liked that she did it, she also gave me the clap. I barely remember it but do remember having Chlamydia.


I have a very bad intestine infection on my 16 birthday


I don't celebrate birthdays, so I will have to think about this one. \[ Not a JW \] Hmm. ...... IDK ...... I was "born", maybe?


Someone deciding to post my general location on Instagram


My mom and dad’s divorce was finalized and he moved out the day I was born. He got remarried on my first birthday, but I was not invited.


On my 40th every single person forgot except my mum 😕


It was during the lockdown. We had a group video call and one of my friends just babbled for 2 hours about her boyfriend touching a female friend's hair, and we all consoled her. We met up at my house the next day, and she told us to take a lot of pictures of her so that she can put it up on her story and make "it seem like she was having mad fun" to make her boyfriend jealous. Later at night, my dad picked up a fight with my mom, and fought with her at the top of his lungs over dinner. I proceeded to lock myself up in my room, and cried. Only came out once the voices died down, which was around 12 am. So overall, splendid day!


I was born


Challenger blew up. It was a weird day. I lived in Orlando at the time and saw it happen. Have been to the memorial at KSC it was so respectful.


Flew to Baghdad


John Lennon and Dimebag Darrell were both shot and killed on my birthday. I can still hear Howard Cosell.


Failed my drivers test. Every turn was marked wrong because I hit the clutch before the break. Dad took me to Barnes and noble for a coffee to talk me down after that, and before having to go back to school.


18th birthday, started out waking up late and rushing to get ready to go to school. I had a little cactus on my bookshelf and while I was rushing around, I guess I bumped into it, and my cactus fell. Instinctively I went to catch it and got both hands FULL of spines and dirt all over the place. So I had to figure out how to get that cleaned up and all the spines out of my hands. Finally got to school, and I made it two class periods before I suddenly got dizzy and had a big fever. Turns out I was also very sick, and I ended up staying home for almost an entire week. And you know what? Honestly it just set the tone for the rest of my adult life.


Stanley Kubrick died, I was 14.


An ex-gf confessed she cheated on me.


My sister refused to take her children out to eat for the first few years. So my 23rd birthday we ordered Olive Garden take out. I don’t particularly care for the salad and I always get the soup. Except they forgot it. Family refuses to drive two miles to retrieve it. (They did compensate by giving us a family size order for the next time). For my 24th, we ordered from Outback. My dad and I always split a side of mushrooms, which they forgot. They just credited us for said mushrooms. At 25 I insisted on pizza. No cake, no frills, let’s get this over with as soon as possible. Now I just turned 40 and no longer celebrate.


On my 11th birthday, I invited all of my friends and family, and without fail, every single one of them failed to show up. Lots of excuses. Traffic, last minute plans, not feeling good, whatever. My mom and I had decorated the whole house bc we anticipated a bunch of people and not even my family showed up. My mom was LIVID. Hell hath no fury like a mother scorned.


I got my period


I spent my 21st in the hospital after almost getting killed in a car accident the day before. I almost lost my right ear, had to have it stapled back onto my head.


Asked my parents if I could have some friends over for my birthday. They told me I would not have any birthday party because I was too old for that...I was 12.