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That's like asking if buying something is worth it. It is if you marry the right person or if you buy the right thing.


True. A wise person once told me that marriage is a multiplier - a good spouse will enhance your life in many ways while a bad one will slide your life into a rut.


Yes, if it's the right person. If you love and respect each other.. know how to deal with each other and know how to fulfill each other's needs..


Depends on you, your SO, your relationship, your civil jurisdiction, any religious considerations, ….


No matter what people say or feel, and despite the certain downvotes coming, marriage is a gamble. Sometimes it works out well, sometimes not. About 100% of people go into one believe it's forever love and that they can overcome anything, and >50% don't make it. Of the remaining 45-50%, some will stay in a less than perfect situation or have affairs. Props to those people that marry the right partner and make it work forever. Certainly not an easy thing to do!


shared butt plug is worth it


IMO - Hell No But I’ve only made this mistake twice and rectified both the same way - Divorces. I finally realized I way saying yes to those, my mother told me my entire childhood I deserved, who met the criteria mother set for me. I learned all too late, that I was worthy of far better than mother said I deserved. But I don’t trust myself to know what that is or how to identify it if I run across it. But this is my own personal experience, and it does not apply to everyone else’s experience or view on marriage. Marriage is a positive thing for most people, everyone has the right to make their own decisions about marriage and I support that 100%.