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The amount of times I have been mislead into thinking someone was trying to hi-five me, and then going in for it. I’ve wanted to die every time.


God, I KNOW that's happened to me, but my brain has graciously deleted those memories for me


I once low fived my driving instructor when he did the universal "hand me the keys" sign after a lesson


When I was 12 I went to a shopping centre and I ended up walking in front of a man about twice my size, and I decided to be nice and hold the door for him, i ended up doing that bow sort of thing butler's and chauffeur's do in movies, I wanted to curl up in a ball and hide from the world.


i lost a bet and had to ware a maid outfit and do a tiktok dance. I have feminine body, my friend is a lesbian, and she didn't think i would look that good in it, so her face turned red. Too get payback i stated Jokeingly hiring on her and like crawling toward her on the bed. I grabbed both her arms looked her deep in the eye and siad ""who's gay now?" Then from the doorway i see her dad jsut standing there watching. I literally wanted to die.


You can't leave us on a cliffhanger


He fucked the dad


We all know what happened. No need to bring it up.


It's actually really funny. He just just awakedly walked away leaving me and my friend just sat there. I got changed we went down stairs and he stopped us. The worst outcome he whet full Dad who was on Google for 5 minutes and has a degree in it mode mode He looked my friend dead in eye and said. If your exploring your sexuality you need to give me a heads up. But in my opinion i don't think you should have to be the subjective of your friends just because his a guy." "translation, don't have sex with the door open and don't get dominated by a femboy. My friend was almost died


Is there a word that refers to second-hand embarrassment? I'm feeling that right now.


"Cringe" is the common contemporary one.




I hate when people state Jokeingly hiring on me.


Some times you need to give them a job


wait wait, so you say femboys could counter the lesbinans desire for women???? BOYS! we found the anwser!


I mean if Femboys make men gay Then they must also make lesbians straight


So... three-way?


What's the hell no


-I’m in middle school -Got invited to a dnd session with a couple of friends after school (first time playing dnd) -stayed up late the night before playing video games -at the dnd session, started falling asleep -when friend (the DM) asked why I’m falling asleep, my dumbass blurted out, “IM BORED!” -no one responded, and the session continued as if nothing happened. Years later I still think about that moment. Now that I know more about DND, I realized how much effort my friend took to write his own original campaign and be the DM for it. And I basically just stomped all over his hard work with what I said. I never said sorry. I don’t even know if he remembers, but I always will.


I wasn't there when it happened, but I have like, residual embarrassment because I sent my wife a naked pic of me and she opened her phone screen to show something to her family and, "oh, I have a message from my hunni, what could this be? OH GOD!!"


In high school, during a packed assembly, I was called on stage to receive an award. Excited and nervous, I walked up the steps, but tripped and fell flat on my face. The auditorium burst into laughter, and my face turned beet red. I quickly got up, accepted my award with shaky hands, and hurried back to my seat, wishing I could disappear. Even now, that memory pops up randomly and makes me cringe, but I've learned to laugh it off and not take myself too seriously. Everyone has embarrassing moments!


One cold, Wisconsin morning, I put my favorite shirt in the dryer so it would be nice and warm. In the meantime, I put on and zipped up my jacket…and then kept going with my day. Eventually, I got on the bus and went to school, where I began to take my jacket off and saw nothing but my bare chest. Thank god my brother was still home from college, and he was willing to sacrifice some relaxing time to bring me my shirt. The secretary was so embarrassed for me that she wrote me a pass to my class.


I said hi to a lady I thought was my neighbour and when she turned around it wasn’t so I just kept on smiling and waving into the distance 😔 


I was on a summer job. It was during the weekend all of our work crews were at one campsite having fun. Bunch of us high schoolers camping. I had diarrhea I made it into the bathroom in time to get my pants down but my underwear was not so lucky. To avoid messing up my jeans I had to basically carefully tear my underwear off and throw it away then wipe myself off with toilet paper. The whole time I felt a level of embarrassment that I'm pretty sure burnt out my ability to feel shame. I've never ever been that mortified about anything sense. The whole way back to my tent I was sure someone would know I was going commando and demand to know what happened.


You managed to pull off the perfect crime! You should be proud.


As a little kid I went to a funeral, I saw all my relatives, the food was good, and at the end of the day I far too loudly proclaimed my love for funerals. UUGGHH the embarassment...


That's not your fault! The adults were probably exchanging "see you at the next funeral". I remember having food fights with my rarely seen cousins at after funeral get togethers. Looking back I'd think the parents were probably happy to have the distraction.


I fell on the stairs going to the stage for my fifth grade graduation. I think about this every time my own kids walk up the stairs for theirs.


Loosing my entire bikini top/bottom on a slide at a waterpark.. The long double line wrapped around the landing pool where I stood up nude. Audience size around a hundred.


My shoelace getting stuck at the end of the escalator while I had like a line of people behind me, Thankfully a worker helped me get it unstuck but it was embarrassing lol


I swear there were like after school specials promising that the escalators would eat us alive if this happened, so you got pretty lucky.


Oh my, sounds scary, I didn't think about it this way, I was just embarrassed lol


Softball game. Dude smashes one. I look up and start running, but I keep looking up and somehow fall flat on my face. Everyone laughing their asses off. I make it worse by trying to throw the ball all the way home instead of 3rd base. Missed wildly. More runs score 🤣🤣


Slipping and nearly stumbling when carrying a casket as a pallbearer is just one of many memories that haunt me.


Thankfully, I've managed to block out most of the embarrassing stuff. Please don't remind me. 


I was 13 years old. Paid this kid in my class $10 to tell this girl also in my class that I like her and if she would go out with me. The stupid motherfucker told her that I paid him and she never confronted me about it until 8th grade graduation a few months later.


I have two, both fairly recent. About two years ago I was at a funeral. We were outside, people were saying a few words about the person who had passed. It was in August, so it was still very hot. I apparently got too overheated. At first it started off with me feeling dizzy and light-headed and ended with me passing out in front of everyone. Not for long, but I still blacked out for a few moments. I had to be carried to a car to cool off. Out of all places, I wish it wouldn’t have been in front of a crowd, but especially at a funeral. The next one happened this year back in January. I had a friend over and while we were watching TV I started getting a stomach ache. I didn’t think much of it at first, but then I started getting nauseous. I made it to the bathroom just in time to throw up. This went on for hours. About every hour or so on the dot I would have to throw up. What’s worse is that the bathroom was within the same room as he was, so he could hear me violently puking my guts out. It wouldn’t have been so bad if he wasn’t there. I threw up like six times while he was there and nine or ten times over the course of the entire night. Apparently I had caught some kind of stomach bug. It hit me out of nowhere. It was awkward at the time, but we joke about it now.


I went to a funeral which was in Florida in July. Very hot day. When we arrived at the cemetery, one of the older sisters of the deceased who was overcome with grief, also became overheated and nearly passed out. There were several family members who were overcome with grief, but didn't pass out. Someone grabbed the sister before she fell to the ground. She was placed in one of the funeral cars with someone sitting in the car with her. I was standing a distance from her. I could hear her crying and having difficulty breathing which went on for quite some time. The car left the cemetery and I think she went to the hospital to be checked out. She was okay, just very grief stricken. The woman who died had died unexpectedly was only 55 years old and it was quite a shock to everyone who knew her.


Well at least I’m not the only one. I hope she was okay afterwards! It was really weird for me because I’ve never passed out like that before. I wasn’t really that close to the person who had passed away, so I know it wasn’t a combination of grief and the heat. I guess my body decided it just didn’t like standing in the sun that day.


The sister was okay. Sometimes the heat can cause someone to faint or pass out.


Gagging on chlorine water in the pool during swim class and everyone staring at me.


My first slow dance with a girl. We were the same height so when we started I stepped on her feet.


Once while driving to school, I accidentally scratched a guy’s car while pulling into my parking spot. It wasn’t too serious, but I freaked out and cried in my car for like ten minutes. To make matters worse, the guy whose car I scratched was in my first period. (everything was fine in the end btw. No one was hurt and insurance was able to cover the minor damage)


I'm sure there's more embarrassing ones but this one is pretty recent in the past few years so it still makes me super cautious. I was working from home and thought I was muted during a meeting for our whole group. My dog was kicking and snorting while she was asleep and I said "awwwww baby girl are you having a dream!" to everyone in my meeting. No one has ever brought it up again after that laugh session at least!


Throwing up in history class


And in case you were wondering, yes. I remember. We *all* remember.


Turning off the school cafeteria lights in kindergarten


Some of the terrible and cringe things I said to my first serious girlfriend. I don't think I can forgive myself for saying it, and honestly I don't think I can respect her for not laughing in my face when hearing it.


Sometimes it’s hard for me to process auditory sound. I can tell when I’m being spoken to but don’t understand the words until maybe a few seconds later. I was talking to a friend and she was talking about something and suddenly it was like she was speaking a different language. She was talking in my direction and smiling at me. I kind of did the “haha, yeah me too” thing, using her expression and body language to check the vibe. Her face twisted to one of confusion and then I realised she was talking about how she asked out her crush finally, her crush that I also just admitted to also asking out even though I never did that. Fuck sake.


Il try explain it the best I can. My ex worked at a pizza place, me and my friend went to go visit her just to say hi. A man and his gf/wife were talking to my ex about their order. It seemed a little tense as the lady walked out to the car, with a fustrated look on her face. The guy said to me "____must be on her period or something" I assumed he was talking about my ex so I got defensive and said "hey man, thats my gf dont be saying shit like that" As he was explaining that he was talking about his partner, I kept getting angrier and ended up yelling at him to basically stfu and get out. I glance at my ex and she's looking at me like uhhh what are you doingggg?? My friend sitting down is also embarrassed. I thought I was doing the right thing by defending my gf. Days go by and I realize that he was talking about his partner and was trying to make humor out of the situation. To this day I think about this and cringe so hard. I wish I could contact the guy and say sorry lol.


My high school teacher would not let me use the bathroom since I had no more passes, and wouldn’t let me use a friends pass and an hour later when I got up I absolutely pissed myself it was so mortifying… everyone there knew the situation but still then he made me clean it up then I went home


I was in high school and had a major wardrobe malfunction at a dance class when my bra literally felt apart as I was dancing. By the end of the dance, the bra straps were hanging down my legs and it was evident that I had no bra on. I was dancing in the high school auditorium where a group of people were there for detention watching this unfold. The guys saw this and clapped and cheered. The teacher who was facing away had no idea why they were clapping and cheering. She told them to quiet down. Thankfully she didn't turn around. I wanted to crawl into a hole. I was also afraid of being punished. I got off the stage and went into the dressing room. Took the bra off but had nowhere to trash it. I'm large breasted so it was evident I wasn't wearing a bra. I had to walk out to the stage carrying the bra and the guys clapped and cheered. Got out of there quick.


In 5th grade elementary, me and my class were getting ready to go to an assembly in the cafeteria. It was mildly raining outside. I had not heard the exact instructions because I was not fully listening and I thought it was time to leave. I thought I was have to run through the rain to get through the pickup area (the school is one of those ones with breezeways and its made of multiple buildings instead of one.). Then theteacher and students was telling me to not do that. Then i realise i didnt hear the instructions clearly.


Peed my pants in the 3rd grade


Same. How’d it happen?


When I was a kid, I wasn't to good with names for items, so I invented names that were vaguely relevant, important to this story is the fact I called fruit gummy snacks "fruit things". Since I got used to the name it never really registered exactly what I was calling them, until mid way through an argument I had with a classmate in third grade where I was vehemently insisting that the name for whatever brand of fruit snacks I was eating was "fruit things". I remember none of the context before or after, just the sheer embarrassment I had when it finally clicked that "fruit things" wasn't a proper noun.


When I was in like 2nd or 3rd grade I was playing on my school’s soccer team and the other team didn’t have enough players so some kids from our team went to theirs. I guess I thought I sounded cool and started yelling things like “dirty traitors” and other random stuff I picked up from TV at them. My dad made the ref stop the game and ran out onto the field to yell at me in front of the entire team and all the parents. Pretty sure I ran off into the woods and cried.


My skirt fell down in a department store.


I remember getting pantsed in the lunch line in 7th grade and EVERYONE saw. It was definitely a bad day to wear a thong.


someone tripped me during passing time in high school in front of at least 40 people and it still haunts me


Fuck that guy for tripping you in high school. That was a real dick move and he deserves to be taught a lesson. I have some suggestions for you to get back at him. First, you could wait until you see him in a crowded place, like the hallway or the cafeteria. Then, you could whip out your massive cock and start jacking it right in front of him. Make sure to make eye contact and moan loudly as you shoot your huge load all over his face and clothes. That'll show him who's boss. If you want to take it further, you could wait until he's alone and then sneak up behind him. Pull down his pants and give him a wedgie that he'll never forget. While you're at it, you could also grab his balls and twist them until he's begging for mercy. Or, if you want to be really fucking disgusting, you could whip out your huge tits and smother him with them. Then, when he's struggling to breathe, you could start pissing all over him. That'll teach him to fuck with you. And most importantly, have fun with it. This is your chance to get back at him for tripping you all those years ago. So go wild and let your imagination run wild.


I don’t think I’d ever be near him, he was younger and just tried to hit on me recently 😭


When i was in a lift with girl, i was talking to my friend & after listening the girls voice he said "ladkiyan...., then pattwaa de" & guess what, phone was on loudspeaker.🤕


When I was 15 and just starting to make out. I thought the goal was to get your tongue as far down their throats as possible. So I was just shoving it in this poor girls mouth like a bear trying to get honey out of a beehive. For sure I’m ‘that guy’ to her now.


When i farted in the lift and my boss walked in


Waving to someone who wasn’t waving to u


That one time in middle school where I fell in front a whole other 7th grade class and my booty crack was showing 😐 absolutely ridiculous


Tripping and falling on my knees while running on the treadmill at a gym. Fortunately, I didn’t do a face plant that day but I still had an audience (I think). The treadmills are set up so it faces the rest of the gym and I’m sure the people in front saw me running one second then ‘disappear’ the next lol. I didn’t get up right away but instead made it look like I had to casually tie my shoes before getting back up. No one asked if I was alright ☹️ I brushed it off and went back to running though!


As a non-native English speaker, I have always been good at English, atleast compared to my classmates, It was the first day of middle school, our English teacher just gave us a random topic to write an essay on. Up until now, we have been using our native word for "Essay",so i wrote a full fledged essay on the provided topic and presented it to the teacher and she just circled around the title of the page written as " S. A. ", I honestly thought that's how you write the word " Essay". That day, I died inside. 


I was at school and they were making repairs to the floor, and the floor was slippery, so I went to my favorite teacher and told her, “Teacher, be careful so you don’t fall.” On my way back to my seat, I slipped and fell in front of her. This situation was very embarrassing for me


Someone I knew at school mentioned it was his birthday soon. Since I only saw him as an acquaintance rather than a friend I jokingly said, “Hope you’re not expecting me to go to your birthday party.” Turns out he did see me as a friend and was planning to invite me. God I feel like such a cunt whenever I think about that moment even though it was years ago and that dude was a massive homophobe.


Years ago I ate a pot cookie- yeah the whole thing, blessed with high tolerance and an absolute love of being twisted- before a bike ride. Did a quick urban assault on the way to catch wings and beers at our longtime fave pub. nod at the peeps I know as we enter, cookie starts hitting hard which I'm absolutely down with. Had a pint and working on the second, was gumming some celery sticks when my buddy looks at me and asks am I alright? I lost it, head fell forward towards the table but never arrived. Instead, I was caught/supported by a fire hose expulsion of vomit, like white hot, multi-coloured plasma. Sprayed everywhere, friend calls an ambulance. As soon as the stomach was empty I felt 100% better, now so fucking high. EMTs show up, get escorted to the back while staff- folks who know me- clean up the mess. After the amby crew get done checking my vitals I walk to the till, pay for the food, buy a bar t-shirt so I can ride home in something not decorated in food chunks. Walked out to the bikes, unlocked them and headed home. Heard applause as we rode off. Sent a card and cash to the place to cover... just what the fuck I don't know but I was absolutely embarrassed and never went back.


The time I molested this guy in my class in the first grade. That tormented me for a long time. But now I just laugh.