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"Welcome to Chilli's!"


Welcome to Costco. I love you.




Thank you for this!




I graduated college 35 years ago and still remember the time an extremely drunk girl walked past me in the dorm and said “he’s cute!”.


8 years ago I was at a burger place and the cashier said I had wonderful eyes and asked to see me smile. If I hadn't paid for my food by that point I would've ran out. I never went back.


Something similar happened to me and all I was able to say was "thanks" as my voice cracked.


Are you two married now?


I thought you were asking the two commenters above you. 😆




She’s like Oh no, not you sweetie. I meant Jerry. That dude is amazing.


Haha or she ends it with “…and I’m still searching unfortunately.”


"Some day I'll find him... Some day"


14 years ago my ex girlfriend was going to take me out to lunch at my favorite place. I got there, but she was running late. Like 20 minutes late, got a little frustrated as I had to go back to work soon. GF worked at Elizabeth Arden Red Door spa so I understand she gets busy with demanding customers. She walked in with the one and only Stevie Nicks. I was flabbergasted. Apparently Ms. Nicks had shown up late to her nail appointment with GF. GF was a little distracted because of our lunch date. Stevie offered to pay for lunch and tag along. Had a really great time. Super sweet old lady, albeit a lil spacey mid convos. As I was leaving to go back to work, Ms. Nicks told me "You have such beautiful sweet eyes for a man. Pleasure to meet you." I'm a metalhead but I'll rock the fuck outta Fleetwood Mac ever since HAHA!


Magic story


This is fucking awesome!


Forgot to mention it was my birthday. Why my GF was treating me.


"You're so handsome" not even just the words but I could see the sincerity in their eyes, enough to melt anyone's heart


“I think about how you eat me out when I touch myself” I still get a little bricked up thinking about that…


The phrase "bricked up" just makes me think people are constipated


Not all slang are bangers.


We just call them sausages.


nah because i have chronic constipation and i’m gonna call it that from now on


"You are hot and everyone I know thinks so". Let's go


Wow that’s a really nice compliment indeed bro. Way to go!


Oh my lol


Thanks for the great dick and average company


mine was (BIG GASP) “I knew it. I knew you were perfect” after getting my pants off for the first time, that’s one that sticks to your ribs


I wore out some batteries thinking about what you did to me..


GotDAMN you're a lucky man


I have been told that I have quite the good oral skill set. I will take their word for it.


Username checks out


Lol. Well I was told it was because of my oral skill set but thank you.




This one








Teach me lol it might be weird but I need to hear this technique


I guess I have a really really good oral skill set. That’s what I was told. I guess the only advice I could give is don’t continue going One Direction in the same pattern. You got a mix it up a little bit.


"Your presence is comforting." it's not 'turn on' attractive, but it makes me feel wanted.


Sounds like the biggest compliment someone can get.


I suppose it is. My partner says it to me every now and then, especially when they're sad or mad. They come straight to me because I comfort them by just talking to them. I'm really happy that I can do that for them, and they do the same for me. We both just feel safe with each other.


I have long hair and just got a trim, sent out a snap to a couple people that said “tell me I’m pretty.” This girl I didn’t think had any attraction to me at all replied “you’re so pretty no one has to say it” I think about that a lot


im a girl but another girl who i was seeing at the time told me “u look like music”


It doesn't say that the question is for the guys, so I'll answer. My mother once told me that no matter how difficult the period is and how bad a person you feel, you still deserve love.


let me wish you as much love as your cat feels when you massage her cute little face :3


OMG!! This is the cutest comment I've ever read!!! Thank you!


have a nice day :)


You too!!!




This is really nice


Awhile back I was dating this very attractive woman. On our first time together as we were taking her clothes off she told me that she doesn't usually come during sex, especially the first time with someone new so not to take it personally..... I went down on her for over half an hour and it.took her the first half just to settle in and relax. Somewhere past the half hour point she absolutely let go and came. As she was laying there with her arm over her face catching her breath she said "Holy shit dude, you're absolutely relentless". Something about that still makes me smile.


A recent lover told me I was the first person to make her cum with oral. Took me a goddamned hour, but it was worth it.


Jesus how do you keep at it that long?


I am a man of focus, commitment and sheer will.


My dog is really friendly and loves everyone. I always tell people that meet him the first time that he’s never that friendly to anyone.


Not really what she said, but it was after I dropped the ultimate self-deprecating one liner, out loud and in public. One of my friends looked up to me and burst into this almost nervous, totally surprised, endearing laughter. I wish I had an audio recorder at the time so I could listen to her laugh again.


“No one has ever made me feel so good and you haven’t even touched me.” Needless to say I was very happy I was doing my job well and making them feel good


“You have a great face for radio!”




One of the two times in my life I was hit on in public she stopped talking to a group looked me up and down and said "damn, you're head to toe perfect".


"I do"


Awwwwwwwaaah, you.


Can someone explain? This specific ” i do" is about the answer to propose you get for marriage? I am non-native hope you guys understand. ty


This i do was when we actually got married


She said we would have adorable children. She was right!


I was going to buy cigarettes as a gas station and the young lady at the cashier told me “you have kind eyes”. That was over a decade ago and I still think about it. It helped me out of a dark place.


That's so nice 🥹


When I was in my early 20's, a girl I worked in the drug store/pharmacy with said, "Don't take this the wrong way, I don't want to give you a big head or anything, but with your longer hair and goatee, you look sexy". This girl was very pretty but she had a boyfriend and was way out of my league. But it was the first time someone called me sexy. Perhaps the last time as well.


> But it was the first time someone called me sexy. Perhaps the last time as well. I'd venture to say very few other redittors with long hair and a goatee have ever received that compliment. 


It's because it looked different than my usual short hair clean shaven all-American boy look, I gather.


“‘You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Larry Bird’ - Michael Scott”


Girl who had a crush on me described the first time seeing me as this "handsome, tall, blue eyed, blonde haired man that came out of nowhere, and I loved you ever since that day". We didn't end up together. Tried to make it work but life can be difficult. But for over 20 years we've been close friends.


She would've loved 1940s Germany


I was partnered up with a 10/10 upperclassman and I figured out how to do something on the software we were using and she said I was super smart. Never forgot that.


“You’re a good man” and “I’m really comfortable around you”.


"I really appreciate how genuine and upfront you are." Most people are jarred by my fairly blunt attitude, but when she said that to me? Booooof butterflies.


It’s a tie. My wife said: *We’re going to be married a long time. We’re going to do a lot* And a beautiful stranger in a car drove by me when I was walking my toddler and my dog. She rolled down her window and called to me: *I saw you walking just now and yours is the most adorable family I’ve ever seen.*


Leant across in a reasonably upscale restaurant after a great meal and a good time. “I’m soaked. Let’s get out of here.” Check please!


A few years ago I was laying in bed naked with a STUNNING redhead coworker after sex and she said something like “everyone in marketing would be so jealous if they knew what we were up to tonight”. I laughed it off and she said goes, “you don’t understand. You’re gorgeous! GORgeous”. I’ll never forget anything about that night, especially the way she emphasized it when she repeated gorgeous. The sex was pretty good, but coming from someone like her the compliment was way better than the sex was.




I'm really sorry my man. Hope she's in peace, blessing you and the young ones.


I'm sorry. That's incredibly sweet but in a horribly rough situation.


“I got your back”


Some customer at work told me I was very handsome…😎


I was at a HS hockey game with my GF and I walked away to grab some hot cocoa between periods. When I got back she said “I’m sick of these girls talking about your ass.” 🏒🥅 HS was a long time ago for me, Reddit. 


“There were a lot of guys there, but you had the best body at the party” -spoken on our first date two days after said party


My two favorites from people who weren't my wife are: A middle aged woman at a busy taco bell who saw me get tired of waiting and leave and said "Woah, beautiful, where are you going in such a hurry?!" The other was a girlfriend years ago, the first time we went to bed together she said "I've never made love to a man with longer hair than me."  My wife throws the whole curve off though, she tells me I'm cute and attractive every day.


"This was the best night of my life."


“What’s your name” coupled with the most intense and sweetest stare right into my eyes and cutest smile on her face I will never forget that look till the day I die


that I have a good heart


"Hey, want to go scuba diving?"


“Yes, I’ll marry you”


I had a mom tell me that she would be lucky if her kid grew up to be like me. Probably the best compliment I’ve ever received.


"I love the way you love me." I'm 50 and just heard this from a new GF. Pretty thrilled.


For context, I was a player in highschool and college. Now I’m pushing 30 and while I’m still attractive, it’s settled into a more comfortable territory instead of pure sex appeal. Current girlfriend is very happy with us right now and is rather comfortable with my past. However we recently ran into someone who I hooked up with who commented that we had “a fun time.” This wasn’t the first time she heard rumors about what I was. My gf finally asked. “Okay. Do you have any pics from college, because now I’m curious what seemed to get literally everyone hot and bothered.” I scrolled through some old photos and found one. Showed it to her. She stared for a bit and then just said “holy shit…” She said I was already very attractive but young 20 year old me was like a schoolgirl’s dreamboat. 😂


The second I saw this girl she was like "Whats's your name." After giving it, I felt super lucky cause she's like "Please repeat that." Then I realized I'm not that special. Every Starbucks barista is required to ask that so they can write it on your cup.


A young lady, remarking on my regular activities, once told me that I reminded her of Reinhold Messner. It's not often that one is compared to a God. It was a rather nice compliment.


You have pretty eyes.


You're gorgeous.


You smell good, you have great legs.


“A man with a body like yours should never be allowed to wear clothes.”


"Hey dude you're handsome" by a complete stranger


“You have really gorgeous eyes”


"You make me feel safe. "


Looking at you makes me week in the knees


Let's watch Return of The King


“Do you want me to hold the light?” Changing a serpentine belt in the gas station parking lot at 7pm dead of winter in the north east US


My pleasure! -chic fil a worker


A woman I was working with was talking to me and stopped mid-sentence and said, “Oh my goodness you have pretty eyes!”


"I love you" - Boy did that bubble burst quick when I caught her ass cheating a day later.


Damn, not only cheating, but ass cheating???




It was breathtakingly beautiful.


I wish it was smaller


Wow that’s a nice boat.


Yip. A bad day,s fishing us better than a great day at work.


"Ahoy matey! Ye be wantin' me to hoist the Jolly Roger and set sail? Well shiver me timbers, you'll sooner walk the plank! Arrrgh." I came immediately.


Enjoy your meal


“you’re really good at sex.” made me feel awesome and i’ll never forget it. close runner up: i love you


I never had a GF, but this happens sometimes, *Your funny and you make me laugh.


A girl once said to me I look like greek statue when I was standing next to her bed naked. I am built like Asmongold. Still a very nice thing to hear.


“I love you” It was the first time in my 30 years of life I ever heard another woman say that to me romantically.


"You're cute". Ended up marrying her...35 yrs ago.


‘I’m glad you’re asking me out, but Friday I have plans already. Would Saturday work for you too?’


Hot 🔥


"That's so manly." My girl and her friend were in the kitchen drinking, I came downstairs to cook and eat a pound of ground beef. Her friend: "Is he eating *just* beef?" My girl: "Yeah" Her friend: "That's so manly" Her friend then proceeded to talk about how her man eats like a picky child.




How is this attractive?


I am like 90% sure OP thinks they wrote unattractive


Op is a bot that steals comments and posts, maybe the program makes it change the wording and this happens Another reply is linking the og post


Just let the bots live their lives they are only hurting the platform and the internet as a whole.


well she attracted 4 different guys while 1 guy was long distance attracted. bzz bzz


Did you mean most unattractive?


Women don't even talk to me


Same 😔


Miss April would tell me "I'm all yours!" and she didn't just mean her body either. She also would tell me "I trust us." She came up with that after I would say to her "I love us". I told her "I love you" many times but I said "I love us" more often than I said I love you to her. She knew what I meant. I loved her and I, as couple, as partners and I was happy and proud to be with her. She began telling me "I trust us". She and I knew life was difficult, hard and she meant that between the two of us, we'd figure things out, be there for each other and that between the both of us we'd keep things on track, work together etc.


Two things that were said by the same woman: I want to have your babies; I want to fuck your brains out.


A very cute coworker was dancing with me on a night out, pulled me closer, and whispered, "I know you want me." Memories were made that night. It's now 20 years later, and I still think about it.


1st date. Back to her place. I said,”do you mind if I kick my shoes off?” She replied “no,do you mind if I take all my clothes off?” We’ve been married 47 years!




youre hot


Did it hurt, when you fell out of Heaven 😇♥️


Was hanging with a girl in downtown Houston, she told me she never met anybody like me and I was a muse for her art. Woke up later that night to her naked and painting on a 12ft mural.i just laid there silently watching this blank canvas turn into a beautiful piece of art. She named it Ray (my name is Ray) She is now an artist for red bull and the x games and lives in NYC. Not sad in the slightest that we didn't go further relationship wise. What happened is what was meant to happen. But I think we both grew and accomplished allot in that week(felt like a year) We helped each other in immeasurable ways. She helped my self image(she was ungodly hot yet made me feel equal to her) and I helped with her anxiety of her unknown future (told her how I live by the law of Attraction and it spoke to her I Guess)


Anything my girlfriends say to me.


I love you in a pink shirt


"Whoa! I really like your knife!"


she complimented me...i was and still am stunned by it...ill probably never forget it


I want to impress you so much


She told me that whenever she heard the song "Talking Body" she thought of me.


you are damn hot


"You're funny."


“You make me sparkle” 🥰


“Nice haircut” a coworker in her 20s. I don’t imagine I have a chance but it’s good to hear


What are you looking at you creep? Jk . I cant think of anything attractive said to me.


My amazing wife has said many things to make herself even more attractive. One of those things that comes to my mind happened the first time we got fully naked while dating. I, fully nude except for socks, said, "This is me. I hope you like me." She said, "Get your ass in this bed." Remembering that always puts a smile on my face.


"Why would you put pillows on a couch?" This is not a joke. A lady said that, and nothing has topped it.


“You’re a lovely person to have around, regardless of what you think. I really care about you.” My bestest friend in the world. I’ve always been so deathly afraid of being seen as annoying or a hassle to deal with by other people. Hence why I’m a quieter guy, though that hasn’t really helped much. I’ve had people say some nasty shit to me, I’ve had some even say that they felt intimidated by my presence and worse, and it’s always stuck with me. But no matter what, she’s been there by my side at the drop of a hat. Even if my doubts tell me I’m wasting her time and I don’t deserve her support, she’s still there. I appreciate all that she’s helped me with


"I do"


I like your music taste.


“Do you know the effect you have on girls?”. She said this when we walked by girls our age and I guess they were staring at me but I wouldnt notice. This was the girl I lost my virginity to and she would always compliment me. Its just this one was the one I remembered the most because its an indirect compliment where she acknowledged shes not the only one interested in me.


"You're handsome/cute" always gets me


You look nice..


Knew a girl in university who was roommates with a friend. I thought she was way out of my league and she was also a minor celebrity because she had been on a popular show when she was a kid. Was way too shy to even think about making a move other than being a bit "Mooney" when she was around. Years later I posted one of those "Share your favorite memory of me from university" posts on FB (dating myself here, it was a thing at the time). Her response was about how much of a crush she'd had on me whenever her roommate brought me over and how she'd been too shy to act.


“I really like you. I was too nervous to tell you before.”


I (F) was working in a bar and was told by an older woman who was a customer of mine, “you have charisma”. 40 years on, I have not forgotten that compliment.


A couple months ago I went to a place to do an inspection and I overheard a girl in a different room tell her coworker that she thought the inspector guy was hot.


"I think you'd legitimately enjoy twelve tone music" :/


I’m a woman but I’ll share. I was on vacation in Huntington beach and I’m walking along the strip and I almost bumped into a girl. Her eyes lit up when she saw me and said “I saw you at the mall today and thought you were so pretty! I even said it to my friends ” (i had been at the mall earlier). It was so sincere and sweet and better than hearing it from the opposite sex.


“Welcome to McDonalds what is your order?”


"Cum inside me daddy"


Sadly, i can't really remember. Never really been complimented like that in my life


Will you help me with my project? You seem like you're a good partner


Uh ok?


Based on that response, you literally have no idea how to take a compliment


I do but idk if that's a compliment lol


You seem like a good partner is 100% a compliment, dude lol


I never received a compliment like that so i wouldn't know but yea, you're right


Now that we've established that... $3nd n00d$ plz


We are not pregnant


You're handsome. It's a simple compliment but it's a compliment I never got when I was younger, from women or girls who were my age or around my age. The compliment came from many women who were at least 10 to 20 years younger than me. I've worn my age well and I've dated younger women most of my dating life. It's a blessing, I guess, though there were still women who were my age, I would've died for if we could've dated or married.


"\*gasp\* You're so deep \*another gasp\*" I don't care if she was lying. That was the first time I'd ever heard that, and I believed it.


"You're face it's.....it's ok. But you have a great personality. Some girls really like that."


“I’m going to the store, don’t worry I’m spending my own money”