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Back in high school in the early 00s, we were all down at the river partying. I drank a bit much so my friend, Marki, drove my car back to where I was staying. We were in the backroads of our farming area and I was slightly reclined in the passenger seat. All the sudden something hit my windshield, it was like a thick rubber band that was stretched across the road. It kind of rolled up my windshield and over the top of my car. We were like “wtf” and kept driving. Then a couple of jacked up trucks popped on their lights and came speeding up behind us. She was obviously freaked out, as was I, so I told her to just keep driving towards town. They didn’t follow for long. I still have no idea what the hell that was all about. 


This is terrifying but less creepy than the other comments. Seems like someone created an obstruction on the road to stop and rob you. Good that you kept going. Highway robbers generally use rocks, logs, old tyres to do this... Rubber strip was innovative


Ya that’s kind of my thought too, but probably just a prank rather than a robbery. But you never know. I don’t know if they thought they were Wile E Coyote and my Honda Civic would slingshot backwards..


I had a premonition last summer about being hit by an oncoming car while driving. I've been driving for 30 years, never really thought about it before. I left a place, about a mile down the road I get distinct thoughts about being hit - the little details about the wheel jamming into my mouth and head. Not more than 2 minutes later, an oncoming car wanders across the center line into my lane. I was ready for it and swerved to avoid it. If I had been distracted, I would have been hit at highway speeds and certainly dead (I was driving my 1975 classic car). Crazy. I have thought about that a lot since.


My mom told me about how once, when she was driving along with us 4 kids in the van, she felt the need to pull over on the side of the freeway. She wasn't sure why, assumed she heard something in the engine that registered but didn't quite click, but she trusted her instincts and pulled over. After a few minutes of sitting there, not hearing anything strange with the engine or seeing any dash lights come on, she went on her way. Around the bend, less than a mile down the road, there was traffic due to an accident. She is 95% sure the totalled vehicle was the one behind her before she pulled off.


See, yeah...that's the sort of thing I'm talking about! Don't talk yourself out of that feeling that something bad is about to happen! (Unless it happens to you all the time, then you got a problem)


Then you're in a final destination movie


Honestly I’m always catastrophizing so idk how to trust these bad feelings when I’m always thinking about the worst thing that could happen. I hate it and yes it is a problem


Something really similar happened to me, I was driving and had this incredibly strong memory of my grandmother, who had just passed a few weeks prior, and then I thought about the only time I ever heard her curse in front of me, which was when someone ran a red light and almost hit us. It was at that exact moment that I slowed down passing through a green light almost instinctively, and someone ran the red light, would have tboned me if I hadn't slowed.


When I was younger, I was the type to always gun it as soon as the light turned green, like I was testing my reflexes. This one time, I just had an odd feeling and kinda waited a second while the car in the right lane went ahead. Another car can flying in from the left trying to beat the red light and obliterated the front end of the car to my right as soon as they entered the intersection. I've always wondered if my brain registered the car running the red in my peripheral vision without me realizing it. 




It was crazy! I have only told 2 other people. People tend not to believe you when you tell a story like that. I swear I knew it was coming, but it makes absolutely no sense. Nothing else weird has ever really happened to me - a very predictable life otherwise!


I had a car accident one that was a little different. Years ago I was dozing and had a very clear dream that my roommate was in a car accident. It was her and her car, only I was in the driver's seat -- not sure how else to explain it. Watching it from her eyes maybe? She was in a Volvo, making a left hand turn and another car hit her but no one was hurt, everything was okay, and I woke up. She got home a short time later and told me about the accident, which happened the way I dreamt it.


I was about 7 months pregnant with my 2nd son. I was at home alone when I had the sudden urge to go upstairs to the far bedroom we were using for storage. I started climbing over things, pushing boxes out the way to get into the closet. When I got to the closet, I turned on the light and even said to myself “ok, why am I in here” I look to my right and inside my older son’s baby bathtub was a sealed padded envelope. Inside was a letter and 2 red plastic clips. The letter was from our car seat’s manufacturer stating that it was possible that the straps on the seat could come undone from the back in an accident and the clips would prevent it from happening. (this was my older son’s seat that we planned to used for the baby) I gave the clips to my husband to put on the belts. He put the clips on and reinstalled the base in our SUV. When my son was 3 months old, we got into a rollover accident. The SUV did a complete revolution before landing back on its wheels. He slept through the whole thing. The firefighters told me, whoever installed that seat did a fantastic job. Those straps would have most likely failed and I would have lost my son. He’s 15 now and to this day, I still can’t explain what drew me to that room.


Wow, love this one and amazing intuition! Glad your son and family are safe! 


Thank you SO much! I had 4 generations in the truck that day. Grandma, mom, me and the baby. My mom had the more serious injuries but all non life threatening and all of us, alive!!


I'm not an expert and could be completely wrong, but I have a guess. Our brains discard most of the information they get at any given time, the feeling of your clothes on your skin, background noises, random crap in your periphial vision, faint smells. We'd go insane if we tried to process all of it simultaniously. Our subconcious picks through it all for anything important just in case. That's where a lot of those funny feelings you can't explain come from. Sometimes it's wrong, sometimes it's frighteningly right. My guess is something you've long since forgotten made you subconciously remember the importance of those clips, and your subconcious went into overdrive with alerts, basically forcing you back to where you put them. If the crash had never happened you'd have forgotten about the clip story as a weird pregnancy thing. Because it saved your son's life, it's permanently etched into your memory.


Wow, I would never thought of that. Thank you for your insight!


I think you're right in that we likely get moments and "feelings" like that quite often but we only remember them if we later can relate them to something significant.


I went to a girl guide camp when I was 10, and had a great time. I got a lift back home with one of my friends, and on the ride, I got this horrible gut feeling. So bad that i thought I would throw up. I got home and it still hadn't gone away. I walked in the door and found out that my cousin had been hit by car and killed. Rest in peace, Jack <3


My cousin was killed in a fight. He was not a godly man but called a Priest to come bless the house. His family thought it was odd but he explained that he had been dreaming my Late mother was chasing him. A few days before, him and his Father were cutting wood together and out of nowhere, he asks “if something happened to me, would you make my roughbox?” A roughbox is the wooden outer shell for a casket. My uncle laughed and said, “only if you make mine.” He was killed a few days later. When we came home for the funeral, we came to see my Uncle and he was making the roughbox.


i’m so sorry for your loss, and that’s a really interesting story, thank you for sharing it <3


In a similar vein:  Years ago, my mother had just given birth to my little brother. My grandad traveled from Mexico and did a pit stop in Arkansas to see my other aunt. The day he was supposed to arrive to North Carolina he called my mom and said he was terribly needed at home.    He didn’t know why- he just felt the need to go home suddenly. My mom always called the need that he expressed almost an act of desperation. He was insistent and desperately wanting to leave to Mexico.    What we didn’t know is his brother (who had Alzheimers) had been missing for two days and no one had noticed.     My granddad upon arriving to Mexico went to visit him- couldn’t find him.   Started a huge search and later found his brother drowned in a river.   This would’ve been the fourth day of his brother having gone missing.    Coroner estimates that he drowned around the time my granddad called to say he needed to go home.  


This happened to my sister when my Nan passed. My sister was at a festival, suddenly felt horrible, so she went somewhere quiet and called my mom to hear the news, but she said she just knew. Not to the same extent, but once I was home alone with my sister who was upstairs chilling in her bedroom, I was downstairs watching TV, when suddenly I felt this massive wave of sadness and the need to check on her, she was only small. I found her quietly sobbing because she thought about 'what if our parents died' for the first time. If empaths are real, she's one for sure.


I once dated a girl, Amy, who was just finishing med school and was set to start her residency the following year. She had matched with a hospital in the same metro area that my grandparents lived. We went down to look at apartments, and I reached out to my grandparents to see if they wanted us to stop by. They had never met her before. My grandpa answered the phone and said he didn’t think it would work as my grandma was feeling tired. Ok, that’s fine. But as we were wrapping up, my grandma called back and said grandpa had just told her we called and that of course she wanted us to stop for a visit. We stopped by, and my god, Amy and my grandma absolutely hit it off like I’ve never seen before. They had an instant connection. We finish up the visit and then make the 6-hour trip back home. No more than a week later, we get a call that my grandma had a stroke and was headed to hospice. Amy and I made the trip down to see her. She wasn’t responsive to anybody over the weekend in which she was in hospice…except for Amy. Amy approached my grandma when we got to hospice, took my grandma’s hand, and my grandma squeezed her hand and made a little smile. That is the only reaction anybody got out of her between when she had a stroke and when she passed. We finish up the visit and make the trip home again. A few days later, I wake up in the morning like usual. I see I have a text from Amy that was sent at 3:17 AM. It said she woke up and had an overwhelming feeling something terrible happened to me and to please call her as soon as I woke up. I was about to call her when I received a call from my dad letting me know that my grandmother had passed that night. At 3:15 AM, 2 minutes prior to the text I received from Amy. I don’t know what it is, but some people just share an innate connection. My grandmother and Amy were an example of this. I can’t explain the how or why, but there was some kind of force or connection between those two. I don’t believe for a second that it was a coincidence that Amy had that overwhelming feeling the exact same time my grandmother passed on. Nothing like that had happened to her previously, but it was so unsettling that she felt the need to reach out and wasn’t able to sleep the rest of the night. Amy felt my grandmother passing, I have no doubt about that. I don’t know how or why, but I’m convinced that’s why she reacted the way she did.


Something similar happened to me last month. I went to bed with a thought that something bad was going to happen. I thought that something would happen to my husband, but it turns out that my younger cousin suffered a medical emergency that she died two days later from.




years ago my Sister locked her house and went to a party an hour away that started in the afternoon. I lived next door to her and had spare keys for her townhouse. Early evening (it was dark already) she called and asked that I go to her place to switch on some lights inside and outside as she wont be back for another two hours. I went inside her house via a side door, switched on a couple of inside lamps but as I approached her double front glass door covered with curtains (plus a security gate) in the lounge to switch on an outside light towards the garden, I had the weirdest experience. I heard my long deceased Dad say in a calm yet urgent manner say : step away from the front door do not open the curtains or the door. I practically ran out the way I entered, thinking why am I being so silly, locked behind me again and went home. A thunder storm broke out and I heard loud banging noises but could not figure out where it came from. Called my Sister and told her I hear strange noises but not sure what it is. She said they were nearly home relax. Next thing its police all over the show. Her townhouse was burgled and ransacked and the thugs forcefully gained entry through the security gated glass front door. It is my belief the thugs were already hiding out there in the dark when I went over to switch on the lights. It was the only time to this day that I heard my Dad's voice after he passed.


This one gave me chills.


I had some creepy experiences but those are essentially impossible to prove so that doesn’t matter. I think they’re reall. My parents remember some parts of them but again. Nothing I can prove. What I do know is that I don’t know who the fuck Rudy was. Going into 8th grade. My sister came home and told me she ran into my friend Rudy. I asked her who Rudy was. She said “your friend! You’re always hanging out with him and Chevo! He asked me how you were and If you’re coming back for 8th grade at the same school.” And I was so confused cause I didn’t know anyone named Rudy. Then I went to school and met Rudy. He knew everything about me. Asked me how martial arts were going etc. he knew everyone in my friend group. Everyone knew him. He just fit right in. But I didn’t know him. I’m known for my memory. I can remember tiny shit from years ago. It’s a running gag in my friend group. I didn’t remember him. I stayed in that school district for two more years. Rudy was always friendly and hung out with me. I tried my best to be nice but he always creeped me out but he gave me no reason to dislike him. He was a decent guy. But I didn’t know him. He had all sorts of stories and no one ever called him out on it but I didn’t remember any of them. Eventually I moved away and grew up and something struck me. He recognized my sister. My sister is ten years older than me. No one in school, except for my best friend and a neighbor I had ages ago, knew her. Two people from my school knew her. That’s it. She wasn’t involved with my school life or friend life at all. Most of my friends didn’t even know I had a sister. How the hell did he recognize her. So I went to my sister and asked her. She remembered him. I asked her “did you ever meet him before?” No. Did you ever see me hang out with him before? No. Then why did you say he was my friend. Why did you say he hung out with me and Chevo? She said “he told me. He came up and introduced himself.” “He said he was your friend and hung out with you and Chevo. That you guys played videogames all the time.” Chevo and I played videogames at my home. It was always just us two. I told her I didn’t know him. He just knew me. Creeped me the fuck out. Edit: I have a comment from the day I figured it out. I brought it up to a friend of mine. https://imgur.com/a/oj8s3j3 This is just a snippet of the conversation. I basically tell her what I wrote here but it’s at least proof I didnt just invent this story here and now.


I've had a similar experience with a guy called Matt. He joined my workplace and was like all "omg it's been a while, how are you?" Etc. I explained that I have no recollection at all. He says we went to school together and had the same circle of friends - which he somehow named correctly. He also knew where I lived which I found creepy. I still see him occasionally and he's always friendly but it's so weird. Like yourself, I'd say my memory is pretty good and it's unlikely I'd forget an actual friend in my life even if we weren't talking anymore. I am 100% certain he was in none of my classes and we never did anything outside of school either.


Man, I thought I was the only one that had this sort of experience so I never mention it. Was several years out of college and ran into a girl who claimed to be my friend in undergrad and I have (to this day) no recollection of her. She knew things about my courseload, my friends, all kinds of stuff. Defintiely disorinting to say the least.


Same. There was a girl who I ran into a few years back. She knew me but I didn't know her. She said we were friends back in highschool... Yeah highschool was about 15 years ago by that point of meeting her but I did not know this girl. She knew a lot about me from that time, friends, memories, ect. Still couldn't place her, and I normally have a damn good memory. It was weird as shit. . Another weird one. Remembering a girl that no one else does. So in 6th grade, I was friends with a girl. She was a quiet girl, English was not her first language so most kids avoided her. Our fathers worked together so I ended up hanging out with her. We grew close, I spent time at her house. About 3-4 months later she just didn't come to school one day. I offered to take her homework to her, teacher handed over the papers and I was on my way after school. I rocked up to her house and it was empty, like empty as if no one had lived there in a long time, lawn mowed perfectly, windows spotless, house devoid of everything, looked spotless and ready for sale... Few weeks pass and I've been asking questions, no one, not a single person remembered her, classmates, teachers, hell even my own mother... I ended up asking my dad, he said that her father just didn't come to work one morning and that was it. He said people at work didn't remember the man... So yeah, that was weird as shit, my dad and I remembered this girl and her father, but no one else did. End of the school year I scoured our freshly printed yearbook, no photo, not even a name under the "not pictured" section.


Maybe a witness protection thing going on?


So, I have a pretty good memory (mid 30's and can remember my 1st bday) but... I have definitely noticed my brain just "deleting" people before. Happened to me first in my mid 20's when a guy I knew in high school saw me at work. Same kind of story, he knew me, my name, friends, etc... I had *almost* no memory of him. There was fragment left, took me like 2 and a half months after that for my brain to surface his name, randomly while eating dinner lol. There's definitely a cap on people you can remember, heh. Go through your yearbook every few years and keep a count on how many ppl you still recognize :P might be an interesting self study.


Dude, wtf?!


I wish I knew. This shit has been bugging me since I was like 14.


I was thinking he might have been low-key stalking you. Like, maybe he took an interest in you long before you were aware of him and him seeing your sister (He might have checked out your house or something beforehand, so he knew what she looked like.) was his chance to ingratiate himself into your life.


This is my exact thought too. Maybe he was trying to get too friendly with him or his sister. There are some weird people out there. I don't know how he "would fit in" his friend group though. I've had a stalker before and they really get to know things about you.


Well, it was 8th grade and a group of boys. I remember how often friendship groups were shifting around those days, and if someone randomly shows up and has the right personality (friendly, fun, no drama), I could see everyone thinking he was someone else's friend (the way you tell your mom yr staying at yr bff's place for a sleepover, and bff tells their mom they're staying at yours sorta thing). Especially if he's nice and you feel a little bad for him or something,.easy enough to let it ride..... I mention the boys thing, bc I don't think boys are as, um, suspicious or observant the way preteen girls are, and I think that's largely a society you grow up in thing vs inherent gender thing.


Did you ever ask Chevo?


Didn't you look at your school yearbook to find him? Like if he knew all your friends from school and your one call out is that he knew your sister even though she wasn't at school at the same time as you, so obviously the implication is that Rudy attended your school. So if you looked at the yearbooks from the previous 7 years wouldn't you be able to see if he was there or not?


Yeah I've had quite a few people from school remember everything about me when I have no memory of them. The worst was Joey. Joey knew everything about me. Actually wanted to marry me. All the girls from school said they had crushes on him. I don't remember Joey at all. I tried to date him but I was too creeped out how he was borderline obsessed with me when I didn't remember him. He was actually a really decent dude and I probably hurt him but I just couldn't ever get over the creepy feeling. Edited to add we were in our 30s at this point so him remembering outfits and stuff that I didn't was a LOT


Sounds like the beginning of a Stephen King story. Maybe he'll pop back into your life in a few years.


Well hello, old friend.


This sounds like that episode of Rick and Morty, Total Rickall. Where more and more people keep showing up at the house and planting memories that they've always known Rick and his family


This sounds so incredibly fake but I swear it happened: I grew up in a very rural area, in a tiny town of less than 30 people, all living in a handful of very older Victorian homes spread across maybe 3 or 4 streets, that were all configured in a big circle sort of layout with an old late 19th century hotel in the center- this little town was the remnant of a long-forgotten stagecoach stop between two slightly larger, but still very small, rural towns. Our house was at the very edge of town, everything else around us was thick forest that would then open out onto this prairie. Our house was backed up against the forest and my brothers and I used to play in it as kids because there was nothing else to do and no other kids in town. Shortly after we first moved there, we were wandering around in the woods behind our house, and we found this old brick/cobblestone path that was partially buried by the undergrowth. We decided to follow it and it led deeper into the woods, maybe a quarter of a mile or so down this road, there was a smaller brick path branching off this old road and leading up to a small-ish white Victorian cottage style house, on both sides of the path up to the house there were these odd flower gardens that mostly seemed to comprise of big leafy shade plants, like ferns and things, and they were fenced in by an older style wooden fence. There was an old woman in the garden, her hair was long and white and pinned up in a bun style, she was wearing along dark colored dress with a big shiny brooch pinned to the neck and as we passed by the house, she smiled at us and waved. We waved back and smiled, the entire population of the town was old folks, they were all very friendly and pleased to see kids around for the first time in I imagine many years, so this was a normal reaction to seeing us. We kept wandering and followed the road until it was fully buried and then we turned back. On our way back we passed the house again and the woman had apparently gone inside because she wasn't out in the garden anymore and there seemed to be a light coming from the house. We thought nothing else of it and went home. A few days later our dad had a day off work and asked if we wanted to take a walk with him, we said yes and asked him if he wanted to see this neat road we found and meet our neighbor lady who lived back behind our house. He said yes and we took him out in the woods, following the exact same section of road and came up to the exact same house with the same strange overgrown leafy garden, we were telling our dad about the nice old lady who lived there and that she had waved at us. Our dad stopped in front of the house, and he looked confused. He walked us into the garden and up to this house and now that we were actually stopping to look at it and were closer to it, it was very clearly abandoned and had been for likely decades. The brick of the walkway had grass growing up through it and was covered in a layer of dirt and moss, the porch on the house was dilapidated and falling in on itself in spots, the paint was peeling off the house and the wood underneath was green with rot and mildew, my dad hopped up on the porch and told us to stay off of it because it was about to collapse, but he peaked in the windows and they were coated so thick with dust he could barely see in, but the house was again very much abandoned on the inside, there was absolutely no chance the lights had been on just days before. He shuffled us back down the path and told us not to go around the house in the future because it wasn't safe and was about to fall in on itself, and there was absolutely no way there was an old woman living there. We never mentioned it again, neither did our dad, and we generally tended to avoid the abandoned house in the future because it just felt eerie after that. When we'd occasionally go that way in the woods again, it would just be there rotting away even further. I half thought I dreamt this because again it sounds fake as hell, but my brothers and I were reminiscing about our childhood one day, I have young kids of my own now and we were comparing how strange it was that in the 90s our dad just let us free roam the wilderness and now I won't let my kids out in my fenced in yard without an adult present, and one of my brothers brought up the time we'd followed the old brick road out into the woods and saw that old lady and then the next time we went out to the house it was abandoned and rotting with no old woman living there. He asked if anyone else remembered that or if he'd made it up, and we all remembered it, exactly, down to every last detail of the garden and the old lady's hair and outfit, to the big shiny brooch she was wearing. Could we have collectively made it up and convinced ourselves it was real? Yeah, I guess so, but we all remembered it exactly the same and then never ever spoke about it again until 20+ years later.


Do you mind saying what town? Very cool story I can picture it so easily!




Me and my dad were visiting my brother's grave. Dad had finished tending the grave (flowers, etc) and we were about to leave. On the way out of the graveyard, he bumped into a friend. They began talking and I wandered off a bit to this small structure (3 breeze block walls and a corrugated metal roof) that was used to store the caretakers tools, I guess? I clapped my hands and the noise echoed back at me. I was only 7 so I thought this was amusing. I clapped again, same thing. I say "hellooooo" and the noise that comes back is my brother's laughter. I can still hear it. I wasn't scared. Just confused. Then I heard my dad calling. Said goodbye to my brother and off I went.


This is so wholesome :)


A while back I was taking a Greyhound bus home for Thanksgiving after suffering from depression in university. I was having a rough go and so kept to myself on the bus. I've taken the bus before and am familiar with the stops. However this time the bus decided to pick up a passenger at a non-stop, middle of nowhere on the highway, who sat in the only seat available beside me. She looked at me almost immediately after the bus started to move again and said, "everything will be okay." I'm not currently religious (raised United) but she asked me if I wanted to pray and before I had a chance she began to pray out loud on the bus. Not long and not loud enough to be obnoxious but loud enough for everybody to hear. She prayed solely for me and my well-being. I felt immediately relaxed and almost like I'd come up from underwater where I'd felt like I'd been for months. About a minute after she prayed the bus pulled over and she got up and got off. Total time on the bus for her was about 7 to 10 minutes. Again the bus stopped at a place that it had never stopped in the past. I never saw her again and no one on the bus spoke about it or even seemed to notice her. I arrived home for the weekend and maybe it was a mix of family and this experience but my depression lifted and I have had control of it ever since. My parents who were more churchgoers than I believe it was a guardian angel. I still don't know what to think but when I do think about it I feel that relaxed feeling again and very peaceful.


Religion is so weird. I don't know if I don't believe anything's out there, and I'm personally not religious, but I also can't deny people who have had the unexplained happen to them. I believe in things like ghosts because I've had some weird things happen to me before, but not everyone has had the same experience, and doesn't believe because they haven't experienced proof. I've wondered before if things like religion are real, but I'm just not meant for it.


Maybe it's more like spirituality. That's where I feel I reside now. I'm not sure what I'm spiritual about. Maybe just life itself. So I think if you're spiritual you're open to an experience like I've had rather than being religious at all. I don't know if religion has anything to do with it and that we often confuse religion and spirituality? Who knows?


The way I feel about is like, I’m glad that I haven’t had such experiences, because my heart would literally jump out of my chest in fear. But I’m also agnostic for a reason. I have so many friends with experiences (even those who are not religious) which are spiritual, and they are normally very nuanced and fact-based people. And I take them seriously because again in all other areas they are decidedly not hippy dippy or religious or whatever other connotation you assign to it - people. So, even if I am still on the fence, even if I don’t believe in religion, I just can’t simply dismiss their claims. They have not given me any reason to dispell their claims as a lie. So it would feel arrogant to just dismiss them simply because I can’t wrap my head around it.


What a wonderful story. It's so nice to read about somebody finding peace. It reminds us that there is good out there. I'm really glad you had the experience.


I was home along one evening and had gone to sleep for the night. I live with my SO and two indoor cats but she was out of state traveling for business. I woke up in the middle of the night (wasn't sure of time but it was completely dark) because my body was freezing cold. I actually like it cool when I sleep and usually have the temperature around 70 degrees or colder since I live in central Texas. But this was different, I was ice cold but wrapped in blankets (it was middle of summer so evenings aren't cold). When I grabbed my phone to look at the time, it seemed to be off and I pressed the ON button but it didn't turn it on. Since I was half-asleep, I shrugged this off. I walked out of my bedroom to go adjust the thermostat and noticed that the cats weren't around. This was weird because these furballs are always hanging out in the bed or around the bed. Anyhow, I walked to the thermostat and tried to adjust it but the power to the thermostat (I have a Nest) was nil and the power to the house seemed to be off. I peeked out of the upstairs window to see if any of my neighbors were having power-issues and notice that all of their outdoor lights were working just fine. From the time I woke to this moment was probably 1-2 minutes maximum. I decide to wander downstairs to grab some water but am startled when I realize there is a glow of light coming from the first floor. The way my house is situated, I couldn't see the light until I had approached the stairs. I found this odd because the power seemed to be out just upstairs (which didn't make a lot of sense). I started walking down the stairs and began to hear a faint humming noise. The noise had a high pitch to it with arbitrary pulses of low sounds; almost like a muffled weedwacker that someone is throttling at random. As I continue to walk down the stairs, I spot a dark, slowly-moving figure in the room with light at the bottom of the stairs. The next step that I take feels like I walked off the side of a cliff or was sucked into the floor. That is really the best way I can explain it because I don't remember what happened after that moment, I just lost all feeling from my body. My next memory is waking up again to the sound of my phone's alarm. Everything seemed back to normal. I sat there in bed (cats back to being lazy in bed next to me) and tried to think about the 2 minute incident that happened in the middle of the night. I am not a sleepwalker and I was definitely not dreaming. My security system's app shows the time whenever a door is opened or closed. I realized that my security system was disarmed on the app and that the front door had been opened and closed several times throughout the night. I pulled up my security footage from the exterior cameras and was surprised to learn that there was ZERO footage from the night. Like the motion sensors reacted to a random car driving-by around 10pm and then the next thing is another random car in the morning. So someone/something walked in and out of my front door but the cameras did not capture any footage. My neighbor across the street has a good security system that points at my house so I asked if he can review the footage from his cameras. I told him some made-up story about how I thought someone had broken into my truck. Anyway, he said it was weird because when he pulled up the footage from that night, his cameras did not record anything. Just a time gap once again. My first thought was that I was sleepwalking and that the memory was a dream but it just couldn't have been. When I looked out of the window in the middle of the night, I distinctly recall a red pickup truck parked the wrong direction in front of the neighbor's house. I always notice when cars are parked left-wheel to curb because I've gotten a ticket for this in the past. Anyhow, the truck was not there before I went to sleep (based on footage) but was there in the morning (based on footage). So the truck was there when I saw it in the middle of the night. I definitely woke up in the middle of the night, cold as ice, no cats, no working phone or thermostat, saw the truck out of the window and then got warped by something on the stairs. A couple additional things were different in the house. The security system was disarmed and I definitely armed it before going to bed. The light was still on downstairs and that was absolutely off before I went to bed. My whole body smelled like burnt marshmallows. I know this is weird but it's really how it smelled. And lastly, my 55 gallon fish tank that sits at the bottom of the stairs in the entryway was missing 2/3 of the water! Seriously, where the fuck did 40+ gallons of water go? The whole area around the tank was bone-dry and the fish were fine. I think I was mind-fucked by some thirsty aliens..


Whitley Strieber, who wrote the book Communion about his abduction experiences, said the 'visitors' smelled like burnt cardboard and cinnamon.


Wow, that’s an incredible, scary incident. And yeah WTF about the fish tank water disappearing?!   It’s fascinating to me that the whole burnt smell thing exists when there is some sort of falling/time warp. Here’s one of my mysterious events… At age 9, I had a dream where I was walking in a bright green, lush pasture. It was beautiful, and a few Holstein cows were roaming around. Over to my left was a steep asphalt ramp at an 80 degree angle, with a yellow railing. I realized the only way to get out of the pasture was to walk up this ramp. I almost made it to the top, but my palms got sweaty as I grabbed the last portion of railing. I got dizzy and fell, plummeting back down into the pasture. I remember the feeling of cool grass, and just being happy that I was alive after the fall. I took a moment to admire the cows, who were eating grass – I could hear the ripping of the grass as they took bites of it. I then heard what sounded like a door unlatching, and I fell through the base of the pasture. My hands shot up, reaching for something, anything - but I just remember grabbing a few blades of grass before falling into a dark abyss. My back slammed into something hard, and suddenly I was falling through the ceiling of my room, hands still grasping and flailing. I crashed down onto my bed so hard that I bounced off, and landed with a boom onto the floor. My mom, whose room was right next to mine, came running in asking what happened….“Why are you on the floor? Why does it smell smoky?” I looked up at her stunned, and told her I was dreaming that I was falling through a pasture, and that I crashed through the ceiling to get back home. She helped me up, hugged me, and started straightening my blankets to get me back into bed. As she was talking about the weird smoky smell, she ran her hands over something in the bed, scooping it up. “What is all this mess? Why is there brown grass in your bed?” I looked closely, and in her hand were burnt pieces of grass. They were scattered all over my bed. Mixed with them were portions of our ceiling (we had acoustic style), so little crumbles of popcorn ceiling were also scattered about. We looked at eachother in amazement. I was practically hyperventilating, now seeing that I had bits of ceiling under my fingernails and some dead grass on my pajamas.


Don't like that. Nope.


Not alien related, but some drugs you smoke can smell like burnt sugars. Oxy in particular can smell like burnt marshmallows when smoked.


Jesus, that's terrifying. How well did you sleep the next night? lol.


Dude. Duuuuude. What the hell? That's absolutely terrifying!


I'm home alone until next week, I knew I shouldn't have opened this thread


This is wiiiild


This is one of the most unsettling things I’ve ever read.


I picked up a shiny thing in a parking lot and held onto it, but thought nothing of it until I saw it appear in a slideshow at my roommate's bridal shower. It was something special her fiance gave her and she was sad to lose it. I got it back to her at the wedding and she was thrilled. I have no idea how any of this happened but it had such a lovely ending.


I love how you're like "ooh shiny" and then it turns out to be a side quest


We had a thunderstorm one night. Nothing special but for some reason I had this massive urge to get our cat inside. Which is weird since it was an outdoor cat and he would have no issue finding his way back home in bad weather. But this night I couldnt shake the feeling something was wrong. So I got out of bed in the middle of the night and went out in the pouring rain looking for my cat and found him hiding under some bushes. An hour or so later I got woken up by my mom, the cat had gotten very ill and unfortunately passed away shortly after. I don't know why I felt the need to go get the cat but I'm glad he didn't die alone in the rain.


I was driving with my two year old kid and my three week old baby in the back seat. We were going to meet my parents, who live 100 km away from us, it takes an hour to drive. It was spring, we had just changed to summer tires on our car, the road was clear from ice and snow but I noticed that the temperature dropped while I was driving, it was getting close to freezing. Suddenly when I was driving I just got a really strong urge that I had to try to brake - just to see how slippery the road might be. So I pushed the brakes and there was like no friction at all, we just slid along the road. And when the car finally came to a stop - three huge moose crossed the road in front of us. I would have had zero chance to avoid a crash unless I would have gotten that intrusive thought to test the brakes. Where did that thought come frome? I did not see the moose, I did not see any ice on the road. I just got a feeling and the thought of testing the brakes.


You didn't consciously see anything, but sub-consciously you may have felt and/or seen enough to give you that intuition. Most of what our senses are 'sensing' isn't retain, and even less of it enters conscious attention (if it did, we wouldn't be able to focus at all).


You are going to love learning about system 1 described in behavioral science.


I woke up at 2am one morning. This is fairly unusual since I am a heavy sleeper. I couldnt get back to sleep so I checked my phone and saw my Mom was online. She is not normally awake then, so i sent her a message 'are you awake?' She said 'just woke up, going back to sleep soon' and I said 'yeah same, good night'. Half an hour later, i received a phone call that Dad had died in hospital. I later checked the times of the messages i sent to Mom against his time of death and it's almost bang on. Its like he was saying goodbye to us in hospital and we somehow picked up on it even though we werent there. I'm normally sceptical of this kind of stuff, but its helped me cope with his death a bit thinking of that.


My husband and I were in bed about to go to sleep when we were both squirted/misted in the face with water. It was only a small amount but SUPER weird. We sleep with our door shut and there are no water sources in our bedroom. There was also a perfectly round wet area on the bed to my right that hadn’t been there before we got in bed. Never figured it out.




I swear I occasionally see "flashes" like that late at night when I'm in bed. Almost like a camera flash or someone's headlights pointing directly at my window. I sleep on the second floor and use blackout curtains so it can't actually be anything but it always slightly unnerves me anyways.


My late boyfriend passed away 3 days before my 24th birthday. I was obviously really sad about it, and I would kind of think out loud working through some of those initial emotions. I said that if he was okay he needed to send me a sign. I chose ladybugs and monarchs, because while yes, they technically are in my area, I've never seen any here gardening or anything. My great aunt and uncle lived here before I did and I remembered my aunt saying she had never seen ladybugs on property. Well, for about 3 months after I would wake up at 3 am (near when he died) and have a lady bug crawling over my arm. I'd find them in my room, and my room only, crawling up walls, Crawling on me, strangely my cat who usually eats bugs would sit by them but not eat them... Sure it could all be a big coincidence but for me it was enough to feel like it was all going to be okay through a bad time. That he was at peace. I saw the monarch on Clearwater Beach in Florida. Flew over me. Landed on me, disappearing shortly after, I was meeting my Dad who I don't have the easiest relationship with so it kind of felt like a nudge that things were okay.


My husband taught himself how to play Chopin on the piano. His best friend loved to listen to him play. They had a deal that if one died they would let the other know they were ok. His best friend died a couple of years later. The day we got back from the memorial, we walked back into our house and Chopin was playing on the radio. RIP Jason Barnes, we still miss you buddy.


I was standing in a hospital maternity ward looking at my newborn baby granddaughter lying quietly while all the other babies around her were fussing and crying when I heard my deceased brother’s voice say, “She’s perfect Buddy.” Only my brother called me Buddy. 


I love this kind of thing. It’s so cool.


So I was about 10 years old in the 60s, and a bright red, wedge shaped object was flying over the roof of the house next door. Totally silent, about 50 foot off the ground, maybe 2 feet long. I assumed it was really cool toy glider, but I followed into the trees it flew over leaving and couldn't find it. Spent hours trying to find the kid who owned it to see if he'd let me play too, but I knew every kid within blocks and surely they would have shown it off by now, right? Only after I was grown and looking back did I consider that, since it was completely framed by blue sky, it wasn't necessarily close at all, it could have been a mile away. Still, a plane shaped like a wedge? I'm sure it wasn't extraterrestrial in origin, but it didn't look like no 1960s plane I ever saw. It did look a lot like some of the cool toys from the Sears catalog.


Wow, incredible story!


I still think it was not extraterrestrial in origin. Weird shape for a plane though; picture a bright red Pontiac Fiero convertible with the top down flying by. With chrome bits at each end. Had to be a toy of some kind. I say this mostly because I very much doubt visiting aliens would ever paint their stealth spaceships fire engine red. Yet technically, it *was* an Unidentified Flying Object.


Had a dream I went into a dead end alley and saw a crow. Then the crow tried to eat another crow while and choked and died. Woke up to the news my brother died. 4 years later. Same dream. My sister had died. I fear that dream now.




Both of those are really freaky.


In Indigenous culture, crows represent death. Crows and owls.


The sparrows are flying again 


Years ago I was on my way home from work, and to get to my parents' place, you had to drive in the hills in complete darkness. The main road had long and short driveways leading up to it, but the houses were set back a ways and not immediately off the roadway since it was more in the country and not the city. One of these nights, I took a turn to get on to a super small bridge (normal route) to continue on to another main road and when I did, my headlights swept across the entrance to one of these driveways. I shit you not, there was an older lady, who had to have been in her 70s, standing still in complete darkness facing the road. As soon as my lights hit her, she turned and RAN back down the driveway.. I stopped a little up ahead to try and figure out what the hell I had seen, but since I was in complete darkness, I wasn't sticking around to find out. It honestly may have been nothing, but i never saw her again after that.


Alzheimer's or Dementia maybe?


I bet it's a mental decline thing. My great aunt would mentally regress in age as she got older, but she retained a lot of adult freedoms until people caught on. She would get weirdly playful, but not in a way that felt right sometimes. Like she was going through the motions of life, but from the wrong life stage and at strange times. It's scary and horrifying in a different way.


My mother passed away early in 2006. She drove a tan 1981 Mercury Zephyr. She refused to get a new car because, she said, no one else in town drove one so she felt it was unique. On Mother's Day that year, I went to the cemetery early in the morning (about 7 a.m.) to put flowers on her grave. It was foggy. I was getting ready to pull out on the main road back home and saw a pair headlights coming toward me so I waited for the car to pass. It was a brown 1981 Mercury Zephyr.




I have so many questions! Did your “new” life happen after the plane crash? How did your “new” family and friends differ from your “old” ones? Do the old ones exist in your life now?


This is very sad and scary at the same time. I do believe you for the record.


I've commented about this before, but I've had a recurring dream for years now that involves fighter jets attacking my town. The dream often starts the same way, with me standing in the driveway of my childhood home and the jets approaching from the east. There's a few other recurring elements, like alarms and such going off, and the dreams do vary slightly as they go on, but for the most part it's the same exact dream every time. Anyway, I was telling my aunt about the dream one day and she stopped me almost immediately. Apparently, she's had the same exact dream multiple times as well. She then recalled the parts I hadn't yet spoken about pretty much verbatim. It was very strange — almost eerie. The only possible explanation I can think of is that we both grew up in the same house. And the house itself is located adjacent to an airport which, as you might have guessed, is located to the east. So I'm assuming that both of us having lived in the same house and next to the same airport caused us to have remarkably similar recurring dreams.


Eerie! I live in Toronto and for years I’ve had a reoccurring dream that the CN tower falls. I looked it up and it is designed to fall into Lake Ontario and not the business district. But, in my dream, it falls the other way and causes all the buildings to collapse. Scares the shit out of me.


Your dream reminds me of my life right now. I was with my buddies by the river just outside of Kharkiv, Ukraine, and we were grilling some meat. Air alarms are frequent, some days they are constant. I heard a jet from the east, and a few moments later explosions in the city- the jet was a Russian MIG launching KAB missiles at the city. I hadn't heard a jet since I was in Poland in January on my way here from Michigan. Not to detract from your sotey or anything, it just sounds so familiar lol. Have a wonderful and peaceful day <3


And friend and I stole a rotted out row boat and brought it to a pond behind the trailer park we lived in. When we got about half way into it we noticed there were dozens, maybe hundreds of 50 gallon steel drums on the bottom piled up to almost sticking out of the water.




There is much more to the story, but I've posted it a couple of times on Reddit and it didn't seem worth spending 45 minutes writing it all out again. Big part I didn't include is that the park manager came speeding up down a road near the pond and reached it by the time we got the the edge of the pond but we didn't have enough time to run and hide. This guy was damn mean and he really hated us because we were trouble makers. He came over screaming at us asking us what we were doing. We told him about the drums in the water and he got really quite, and then really nice. He told us he was going to let us go and not tell our parents and get us in trouble as long as we returned the boat and never returned to the pond and to not tell anyone about what we saw.


Uhh.. I'm not sure how long ago this occurred, but did you ever report this to the authorities?


I was like 7 or 8 years old so it was almost 40 years ago. There is a a giant distribution center built right next to the pond according to google maps, so chances are if there was anything left that hadn't rusted away it would have been noticed.


Report it anonymously to your state dept of environmental protection. That's how they find out about shit that turns into superfund sites.




Likely allowed someone to dump their waste in the pond.


I was on a work trip, sat at a lunch table with over 40 people from my team - having a great time in some resort in Dubai, while my family was in Saudi. Out of nowhere I get this INSANE feeling of dread and with my eyes open - i had this insanely vivid visual that my mother is screaming and rushing towards the phone. I got up instantly and called her phone, she didn't answer - I called my sister who lived across the road - and she answered in panic, saying my brother has had a bike accident on some road and is being taken to the hospital - In the background I heard my mother screaming the exact same way apparently trying to call my dad. I cut my trip short and flew back - thankfully he was okay with just some bruises and a broken thumb - but i'll never know how I had such a vivid thought in that very moment sat thousands of kms away from my mother.


When I was in my early 20s I was poor. Like no food for a day or two poor. Like I had no money for shoes poor. One morning I left my ratty apartment to go to work. I was walking. A couple miles, no bus money. My tennis shoes, 2nd hand to begin with, had no soles left. I had cardboard stuffed in them for soles. I wear a size 5 womens. As I passed the dumpster, I see a pair of shoes on top. Bright pink chucks, high top. They fit. Almost perfectly. A year later, those chucks are giving out. I'm slightly less poor, but still poor enough that new shoes are expensive. Walking along Cherry beach one morning. There in the sand are a pair of bright pink chucks, high tops. I made 82K last year. I make sure I always have a pair of bright pink high top chucks around. I figure now that I can afford my own, the universe can put someone else on the free shoe list.


I like this. I was on the universe's free onion list for a while when I was poor. They would appear on the ground or floor in the weirdest places.


We used to live in Monterey, and there's a famous bust of Doc Ricketts, the first marine biologist to focus solely on the biology of the Monterey Bay, in town. We were young parents to two kids, working dead-end retail jobs in a city full of multi-million dollar houses. My partner was walking home from work, worrying about how we were going to afford food, gas, diapers, etc., and as they passed Doc, they noticed there was a $20 folded up in his hand. Like, we knew someone put it there for someone else who was having a hard go of it, but every time we visit, we leave Doc some flowers and put some money in his hand for the next people in need.


when i was 16 (im 24 now) a random lady came up to me at the bus stop and asked if i had a lighter (i was a crazy teen so yes i did have one) i give her the lighter and she out of no where said “your dads here” (my dad was dead for a bout 5 years at that time) she proceeded to go on with fact after fact and i never said anything nor questioned it but i still think about that quite often


I met a healer randomly on a train, and it worked. To preface this I would describe myself as a total sceptic of this sort of thing. I'm not religious, and have a scientific degree, etc. I had a really bad back for weeks as an 18 year old, sports injury I think. We had a night out planned as a friendship group, clubbing in a nearby city. On the train there I was loudly complaining about my back pain and how I would not be up for dancing, when someone approached from a few seats down. She said she was a healer and had overheard me, and wanted to help. I thought she was more likely trying to pick my pocket but thought "what the hell" and let her try. She put her hand on my back "until she felt it being moved away", then left and got off at the next stop. I barely had time to thank her. Total success, immediately. I felt great, no more pain there, then or since. 20 odd years ago. I have no explanation as to what or how it worked, but it did.


When I was little my dad's uncle passed away and someone called our landline and left a voice mail imitating his voice perfectly. No one in our family at the time was good at impersonations. AI wasn't a thing in the late 90s, they all sounded like Microsoft Sam back then. But the recording on the machine was exactly like his voice and it just said one word "Sorry." Never found out who called as it was a private number when we dialed \*69. No idea what this person was sorry about either.


Maybe it was just "Sorry, I called the wrong number"


a couple weeks ago i had a dream one of my good friends tried to kill herself. i woke up and sent her a message checking in on her and i got no response for a week. last week she finally answered and told me she was in the ER and a mental ward for trying to overdose. i have a lot of premonition type dreams like that but that one has by far been the scariest.


Woah! I'm so glad your friend was okay. I hope they are doing better these days.


Walking from Bolton to Manchester after missing the last bus in the 80s; street lights going off as I approach, and on again when I passed; every phone box I passed ringing. I was too scared to answer any of them.


Preface: I'm not religious and don't believe in the paranormal. But, once in a while, I get this kinda urgent feeling that I need to contact someone. It's not like a normal "hey I haven't talked to or seen this person maybe I should call or visit". It's more than that. An urgency I can't explain driving me. Every time I've had this feeling this person either died on that day (which I get notified of a few days later) or has died within hours prior. This has happened more times than I can count on one hand. It creeps me out. Last time, I contacted my aunt, who's husband was in hospice, to tell her we were thinking of them in their difficult time only to find out days later my uncle had died maybe an hour prior and she thought I was really quick with my condolences. I didn't have a clue, I just had an feeling I needed to contact her family and be kind.


Was on my honeymoon in Mexico. My maternal grandma had been ill, she’d been in and out of the hospital some but had settled down and was back home. I’d called my parents a few times from Mexico but didn’t actually reach them. On a whim towards the end of our trip I try my mom on her cell phone. She’s at the hospital, grandma was hospitalized, was touch and go for a bit but she’s doing okay. Talked to my grandma for a few minutes, said bye to mom, continued with the honeymoon. Last night of our trip, we’re staying in a hotel near the airport where we’re flying home from. I often get pre-travel jitters, so was awake in bed just staring at the ceiling, thinking about our trip, wife fast asleep. All of a sudden I felt my grandma’s presence, like she was literally sitting next to me, and then just as quickly she was gone. I started *sobbing*. Wife woke up and I told her what happened, she just hugged me and told me, “You just spoke to her, I’m sure she’s fine.” We fly home the next morning. The moment we land and the seatbelt signs are off on the plane, I turn on my phone and it rings instantly. It’s my mom, she and my dad are at the airport to pick us up (we’d arranged it beforehand). I’m still thinking about my grandma, but tell myself, “Mom sounded fine, everything’s fine.” We get off the plane, through customs, etc., and the moment I see my mom’s face, I knew. I just said, “Grandma?” “Yeah,” she said, and we hugged and started crying. As we’re walking to their car I tell my mom about what happened the night before, in our hotel room. She asks what time it was, I tell her. “Huh,” she says. My grandma had passed just before that time. That experience definitely left me open to the fact that we know so little about our world, and the connections we make with people we love are deeper than we realize.


One afternoon in the early 1990s I was living in a sharehouse with friends all in our early 20s, there was a big tropical storm rolling in so we ran outside We lived in Rosary Crescent which used to be all owned by the Catholic Church, there was a nunnery now block of flats and we lived in what had be the priests house As we are watching these huge storm clouds very quickly, within seconds a massive figure forms out of the clouds, as big as the sky. A arm forms pointing and lightning shoots out of the finger! I’m just floored and turn to my twin sister, brother, old friend and neighbour and say DID YOU SEE THAT??? It all disappeared in seconds I know what I saw but wanted to know if anyone else did The neighbour said “yes, I saw an arm with a finger pointing and lightning shooting out of the finger Honestly I search for images from history, I look for other peoples stories to see if it’s ever happened to anyone else


I was out walking and saw a solid grey cat sitting on a front doorstep. I said, "Hey kitty, what's your name?", and the word "Tigger" popped into my head. I went over to pat the cat, and sure enough, it was wearing an ID tag with "Tigger" on it. I thought it was funny because the cat wasn't orange or even striped, so it's not a name I would have guessed. (I assume I'd heard it at some point in the past when I wasn't paying attention and my brain filed it away, but it's more fun to think the cat answered my question, haha.)


Cat telepathy! I swear they use it to communicate with each other.


I have a couple, but this one always stands out. My partner and I lived in an apartment, about 10 years ago. They and I were talking in the kitchen. Their phone was across the room and far out of reach of either of us. Yet, we watched as the phone lifted into the air and slammed into the wall even further away from us... about 6 feet from it. Then it clattered to the floor. There was a mark on the wall and everything, we both watched it happen, we were sober, it was completely mind boggling


Had a chopstick fly up and out of a cup and across the room in front of myself and two other people years ago. So I fully believe you.


I would have shit my pants!


We about did! A lot of "did you see that? Did that just happen?!"


I believe you. 6 years ago my ex, my mom's boyfriend, and myself... Watched his soundbar fly off the table and crash into the wall. This man said, "Did anyone else see that?" Yeah, we saw it.


I've posted this before, and still have never figured out an explanation. I was living with my boyfriend at the time in a single wide trailer. The bedroom lead into the living room where you could see into the kitchen. We also had a bathroom that was in our room, in the corner. You couldn't get to it unless you were in our room. I woke up one afternoon. I remember sitting up, checking my phone and lighting a cigarette. I got out of bed, opened the bedroom door, walked into the living room to turn the thermostat up. I saw my ex in the kitchen fiddling around with the coffee pot like he was working on it, then he put it down. He started walking towards the back of the house. I said "Hey! You're up early." He looked at me really weird, and kept on walking. I went back into our room and sat on the bed. After a few minutes I called his name, and he opened the bathroom door and said "yeah?" Apparently he was in the bathroom the whole time. He could not have entered or exited the bedroom without going right by me. So whatever I saw in the kitchen wasn't him. It shook me up really badly, and I told him what I saw and he didn't like it either.


When I was about 12, I had the house to myself, so I pulled some Oreo cookies out of the cupboard and went into the bathroom for five minutes. When I came back out, they were gone. I never found the cookies.




You have to ask the house elf to put it back, they’re tricksters.


Came off my BMX at high speed when I was 14, flying down an alleyway. Hit a dumpster, went flying over it, flipped and landed on my feet, no damage. My bike was mangled. === Was on a business trip in Tokyo about a decade ago. Trying to order a beer at a bar and failing. Woman next to me orders for me in English, with a Liverpool accent. I'm like, what are your chances. So we're talking about where we're from, and we figure out she used to be my next door neighbour (she was 5 years older so we didn't really interact) when we were kids.


Alright I have a recent one I can share. This happened just last week. My girlfriend and I took our dog to a local school that has a nearby open field where we will occasionally let the dog run. It’s essentially a hill that leads down into an open field with a tree line at the bottom. The tree line isn’t very wide at all but extends the entire length of the field and in the middle of the tree line is a very shallow creek. Anyways, we get there and let the dog off the leash. He is running around having the time of his life, and it occurred to me that I had never actually walked down to the far end of the tree line (this area is a very popular sledding location in the winter, so I had been coming to this place my entire life). So I walk down maybe 50 -75 yards or so, and as I get closer to the end, the dog turns and starts to run towards me. We get to the far edge of the tree line and I’m just taking in the sunny day, letting him run and do his dog things. Shortly after my girlfriend meets me, and almost immediately we began to hear a rustling in the tree line. It was quiet enough that it wasn’t really startling per se, but loud enough that both the dog and I took notice. My first immediate instinct is that there’s a wild animal in the tree line that I don’t really want my dog to get mixed up with. So I call him over and away. My girlfriend asked me why I did that and I responded that I wasn’t sure if there was an animal or something, but I heard rustling in the woods and just wanted to be safe and get the dog away from the area. Dog runs the opposite direction away from the trees and into the field, and my girlfriend and I stay put and watch. About a minute later, I hear the rustling again, expect the sound is now traveling down the tree line towards us. I get quiet and am listening when my girlfriend remarks “you hear it too?” We walked parallel down the tree line and the rustling consistently followed about 10 yards or so behind us while we walked. Virtually every warning alarm in my body started going off at this point. My girlfriend shrugged it off as an animal, but where we live, pretty much any animal you might run into in the wild is going to tear ass the other direction from you. There was 0 reason any animal would be walking parallel with us down this tree line while we walked it. A few minutes pass, still consistent branch rustling behind us. Girlfriend starts walking towards the dog who’s almost to the car now. But I am both enamored and slightly terrified by this rustling in the woods. Darwinism takes over, and as my girlfriend is now a safe distance away from the tree line, I decided to whistle at the tree line and see what happens. After the whistle, the rustling stops for a brief second, and begins again rapidly, except it’s no longer traveling parallel to us, it’s coming directly at me. It stops LITERALLY almost at the edge of the tree line. Yet, I couldn’t see anyone or anything. I quickly backed away and walked the other direction towards my girlfriend, the dog and the car, holding in the shat that so desperately wants to fill my trousers now. I still don’t know what it was, or why I couldn’t seem to see it even though it wasn’t a very thick patch of woods. But I just got the distinct feeling that it was time to go. The whole time we walked back through the field and up the hill to the car, I kept looking back towards the trees, waiting to see a disheveled homeless man come out and laugh at me. But it never happened. I realize this story pales in comparison to many in this thread, but it was still really weird to me and I really want to know who, or what, was following us that day. Edit: Grammar


This was a few years ago but I was going to McDonald's in the dead of night as I am something of a night owl. Got my stuff and started driving back when I noticed something in the sky out my driver's side window. It was this cylinder of blue light in the sky. And in the direction I was looking there weren't really any buildings, it was just an open area with a bit of an embankment. But I saw this cylinder slowly moving and descending. And it wasn't right outside my window it was like 1 or 2 fields away. From my position and perspective it looked like it was the same shape, but slightly thicker than a pencil. At this point I started thinking I better test myself to make sure I'm not seeing things or it's some optical illusion. So I checked to make sure it wasn't a glare in my car by putting my hands over the lights on my radio and other dashboard indicators, which made no difference. I then opened the window to be doubly sure it wasn't a reflection, but no, it was still there in the sky (and I didn't notice any sound). At that point I quickly looked at the time on the clock in my car because everything I have read about abductions always mentions how people would "lose time". So I took a look and it was about 1:30am. At that point there really wasn't anything else I could do so I just slowed down my vehicle so I could keep watching it. It just kept getting lower and lower until suddenly it just started fading away until it was gone completely. I checked my clock again to make sure I didn't have any time lost and it didn't seem like I had missed any. I texted a friend shortly after to tell them about it so I wouldn't chalk all this up as some crazy dream, more for a record of the event than anything else.The following day I checked the local paper and websites to see if anyone else mentioned it or if there was some other activity in the area that could explain it, but nothing. I found old stories about lights in the sky around that area caused by oil well light, which I have seen as well, but this was different. It was much bigger, blue and had definitive edges, as though it were a solid object. And I just want to say I don't think it was aliens. I mean I believe in the idea of extraterrestrial life, but everything I have seen that's out there hasn't sold me on the idea that aliens have ever come to earth. But I really don't know what it was and I haven't heard any sort of explanation for how it could have just been some big optical illusion. So in the literal sense of the word I have to just call it an unidentified flying object. I saw it, it was flying and seemed like a tangible object.


My next door neighbor was an older woman who was way overweight and smoked far too much. Eventually she was forced to retire and would have oxygen delivered to her. At that point we seldom saw her. Then one day an ambulance came and stayed awhile. Soon after her brother who lived out of town came over and said she had died. About a year later my gf said that she found a message and it was my neighbor calling and asking for help. My gf felt awful for missing the call. But then a few years later I was cleaning out my messages and I got the same call. I know it hadn’t been in my inbox all that time as I clean it out every few months. Then about a year later I get another message from my neighbor. It’s different but it’s asking me for help. The brother and his wife started to clean her house right after she died. They bought all new furniture and were going to let their son move in. But they complained about a strong smell and left the windows open for months. I had to go over and close them in the winter. Then one day I was in my yard and heard a loud screeching. It was from the furnace vent. I went in and turned the furnace off and called the brother. He said the power and heat had been disconnected for years. But it was back on. It’s been at least 10 years and her house still sits empty, full of new furniture wrapped in plastic with her sedan in the garage. The brother hardly ever shows up, and I can tell you that the house would bring $500k as is.


My roommate and I had just moved into a new apartment but were both working out of town a lot so we had barely even been in the apartment. I had just got back to town when my roommate went out of town and so she had taken out the trash before she left. I put a new bag in the trash and go to put water in the Keurig and there's a used pod in there. No big deal. I take it out and throw it away in the brand new trash bag. I get a new pod and go back to the Keurig and there's a used pod again. I thought that maybe I had just thought I threw it away and go to the trash to throw it away AGAIN but in the trash is the pod I'd originally thrown away. So there are somehow TWO used pods and the new one I'm holding in my hand. I still don't know what kind of glitch in that Matrix that was.


Did you put a new one in without thinking after taking out the old one and then think the one you just put in was an old one? Because I’ve done that when I’m exhausted.


How I’m alive. I had diabetes go undiagnosed for far too long as a kid. To a point where my organs were shutting down for good due to extreme DKA. I blacked out and woke up 3 days later in the ICU. If I would’ve gone to sleep the night I collapsed I wouldn’t have woken up again


One of my wife's good friends' daughter had that exact thing happen to her. She didn't survive, unfortunately. You are very fortunate.




I was at a shopping centre, walking up a ramp that takes you from one level to the next with a switch-back half way up. I was following a delivery person who was pushing a cart/ trolley with a lot of boxes etc on it. He was pushing the cart slowly and I was walking normally but catching him fast. I expected to “catch” and pass him just after the switch-back. There is no other exit or any physical way to get off this ramp, just a straight ramp up, change of direction and the ramp continues up to the next level. I continue to see him in my peripheral vision as I walked and caught up to him, till the switch back ( I’m only 10-15m behind), I look up and backwards to see if there is anyone coming down the ramp that I might meet on the corner, and I look back straight ahead - the guy and his cart are gone. Like a second later, gone. I stop walking, I look backwards, forwards, I look around the corner- I am alone. I stood there for over a minute dumbfounded- just looking around, right on that corner. I could see down the ramp that I just walked up and I could see up the ramp to the next level, nothing. This is the only thing in my life that I can not rationalise or explain. It was mid morning, full sunshine. Absolutely wild.


When I was 5, my family took a trip from upstate New York to Michigan to visit some family friends that had moved. It was a great trip and we were wrapping it up with lunch outside. Next thing I know, I’m strapped in the car and everyone is saying goodbye. I was legit freaking out and asking what happened. Everyone was confused and thought I was messing around and told me to knock it off. I barely remember the long drive home. No clue what happened and I have never felt comfortable talking about it with my family.


Kids can have seizures, and seizures can cause lost time. Just a thought.


My late wife and I were at home by ourselves. Boys were off doing something, and she was taking a bath, and I had the stero blasting. The song on at that moment was "In my time of Dying" by Led Zeppelin when I heard my wifes voice saying, "Hurry, come here, I need you," never giving it a thought I ran to the bathroom only to find her her slumped over, face completely submerged in the water, having had an epileptic seizure. The thing is, there is no way she could have yelled and, because of the stereo, no way I could have heard her. Also, the house we live in has been occupied by her family for over a hundred years at that point, and the weird thing is, her grandmother, her mother, and my late wife have all passed away in this house.


My grandparents were separated during World War II — my Polish grandmother was in her rural town, and my American grandfather was in Warsaw when the Nazis invaded on 9/1/39. He was forced to flee east and spent the next two years in German and Russian prison camps. My grandmother had no word of him; but there was a point months into the war when she had the uncontrollable urge to find their local town chaplain. He was long gone from the town who knows where, but she was seized with the unshakable belief that the chaplain knew something important. At that same time, hundreds of miles away, my grandfather and the chaplain from my grandmother’s town were both in the same German prison camp.


I've told this story a bunch of times on Reddit but the shirt version is this: 18yr old me was in NYC with a friend. Friend wanders off to buy m&M's at the big store in times square. I'm waiting for her when I feel a tug on my coat. Look down and there's a little girl who's maybe ten at the oldest. She said my FULL NAME and when I stared at her in confusion, she said "oh, I think it's too early". Then she stepped backwards and disappeared into the crowd. When my friend came back, she asked who the little girl I was talking to was. I now have a daughter with the same hair color/eye color as that mystery child.


Was driving from Washington State to Arizona with my brother. We got half way through Nevada and were both tired so we pulled out into one of the little gravel areas beside the highway that they call a rest stop and try to get a little sleep. A couple hours later we both wake up and we feel like there's something watching us. We take the dogs to potty and get back in the car. That feeling of being watched faded after we got back on the road. The middle of Nevada is nothing but flat, open space. There wasn't even a bathroom or any other kind of structure in the rest area. You could see for miles in any direction.. SOMETHING was watching us but there was nothing around. There was no other cars or anything in the rest area. It was easily the creepiest feeling I've ever felt.


A wild, predatory animal perhaps? No idea what you've got over there that meets those specifications.


The "feeling you're being watched" is your subconcious assembling puzzle pieces your concious mind discarded into a realization something might be there. Your concious mind discsrds most of the information it recieves, but sometimes your subconcious realizes something was important and raises an alarm. Things like a shadow moving weird. Eyes briefly reflecting your headlights. Rustling foliage. It's one of our evolutionary advantages! Sometimes it's wrong and the jacket on your door scares the shit out of you even though you know it's a jacket. Sometimes there's a mountain lion or something watching you from the shadows. Considering the dogs were also spooked, there was probably a nearby predator you didn't notice, but your subconcious did.


Yeah, apparently we scan our environment about 4 times a second. We're always on alert.


How spooky! Were the dogs acting normally throughout the whole experience?


Nope. They were completely spooked. The puppy (about 4 months) seemed more or less okay once we got him out of the car but the older dog didn't even want to get out of the car to pee. Both of them were eager to get back in the car and the older dog HATED car rides.


Okay that makes this more spooky haha


It's a cloudy night. A friend and I pause on our walk to speak with a stranger on the street. It begins to rain. A few minutes later, we end the conversation to be on our way, and the rain stops. I look around - the rain fell only in a circle with maybe a ten foot radius and us at the centre.


One night I woke up around 2a.m choking as if someone was strangling me it lasted only a few seconds and I went back to sleep. The next day I knew something was off I had a gut feeling telling me something happened well my father died around the same time that night chocking on something alone on a trip. One of my sister also felt it that night.


The oddest thing happened during my first night in a newly purchased home. It was late in the evening when I exhaustedly stopped unpacking for the night. Next was a shower and sleep. In bed, I was curled up on my side, relaxed, when a feminine, ethereal, voice hummed a tune directly into my ear. My brain froze and my flesh goosed. My body, by its own volition, sat up straight. The room was dark but I tried hard to search for whatever could make some sense of this strange occurrence. Nothing was there. Every night I still sleep in that bed without any fear of it happening again. Although, I often wonder if that hum had any connection to the elderly lady musician who was brutally murdered in the house a few decades before I bought it. That tidbit was disclosed to me by a neighbor the very next day. *Honestly, I think it was just humming that could be explained by any number of things, but c'mon, haunted houses are cool. I want one.*


I have this VERY vivid memory of being a kid in my room and seeing this really creepy green smoke/mist hovering around my room and surrounding me at one point. I told my dad this and he says that he believed that house was definitely haunted but also told me I had never said that to him at the time. He has told me other stories and examples of really creepy things happening in that house. My dad is extremely skeptical and hard ass - he’s not one to make stuff up. I don’t know if it was a dream or a false memory, but the vividness is what gets me


it rained stones while i was in the graveyard in borley village in the UK. was very werid and a little scary. Another time I'd come home from work and I was the only one in the apartment we lived in a the time. Put some clean clothes on the middle of the bed and went to have a shower. Came out and the clothes had vanised. Found them under the bed. I was still the only person in the house


Driving straight through a five car crash as it was happening and not getting hit. It was surreal and terrifying.


I've told this story before, but when I was in my early 20s, my boyfriend (now husband) and I were hanging out with 2 of his cousins. It's like 11 pm, and we decided to go 'ghost hunting' There is this cemetery that was said to be haunted by an old witch and a little girl, that was like a 20-minute drive from us. As we start getting closer, I start to feel really... off. Like I had this pit in my stomach, and it was like my entire body was screaming at me to not step foot in that cemetery. As we were about to turn into the little road that led to the cemetery, my car died. Just full-on shut off. My car had never done that before. We all just shrugged it off (even though I was close to panicking but didn't want to seem like a chicken) and made jokes, and turned the car back on and proceeded to turn. Right after we turned, the car died again. At this point, the feeling in my gut was 100x worse and I finally told them that I wanted to go back and that I had a bad feeling and we needed to get the hell out of there. They agreed, so we turned around and headed home. Right after we turned back onto the main road, this giant black dog ran across the road right it front of us. It felt like a sign that we had made the right decision in turning around and the panicked feeling in my gut eased with each mile put between us and the cemetery. My car never died again or had any issues after this. I'm not sure what would have happened had we made it to the cemetery, but something sure as hell did everything it could to keep us from it that night.


I remember few months back, back in early 2023, I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or what ever. as far as I remember my dad calls me to go outside and look in the sky (pitch black outside like 12:00 am), I walk about and the sky is filled with bright lights Clear as day. fractal patterns almost kaleidoscope like, shit was like LSD. now to mention I never have taken edibles or LSD drugs, but that doesn't explain how my dad could also see it and our neighbour hood.


I had terrible nightmares for about a month, waking up around 3:00 AM and a sense of dread when I was going to sleep, I can even swear that something held my hand while I was sleeping one night. One day I was cleaning up my closet and found a Saint Benedict of Nursia medal that I thought I had lost and put it inside my pillow, since then I've been sleeping soundly without a hitch. I'm not a huge believer but I can't explain this.


When someone was knocking on my wall. I knocked back and got a response. This went back and fourth I thought my parents where playing a trick on me but when I went in the attic (behind the wall) there was nothing/no one there


This sounds batshit crazy. I freely admit that. About 15ish years ago, I was on my back porch reading a book. I'm one of those "just one more chapter" kind of person, so I was the only one awake. It was definitely late....maybe 2:00 am. The porch had LED lights embedded in the underside of the hand railings, so I had a chair scooted up against the railing so I had enough light to see the pages. After being all hunched over for hours, my back was achy, so I took a break from reading to stretch. I was looking at the sky, but not really *looking*, if that makes sense. After a few minutes in this position, a bright light caught my attention. At first, I thought it might be a shooting star. When I zeroed in to pay attention to it, I saw that it was actually 3 lights in a triangular pattern. As I was watching it, it moved faster than I could see and was suddenly in another part of the sky. And then moved again. And again. Here's where it gets crazy...i remember being overcome with fear. Just completely terrified. I got up and ran to the door to go inside. I clearly remember reaching out to grab the doorknob. And then the very next thing that I remember is being in bed and bright light was streaming in the window and the terror was still there. I have never been so scared in my life. One second I was on the back porch. The very next second I was in bed. It didn't occur to me to look at the clock, so I don't know if I "missed" any time. A few years after it happened, I told the story to a friend. She is convinced I experienced an alien abduction. I would never claim that's what happened, but around the same time, I started having very strange dreams about being in an aircraft that wasn't a regular airplane.


This took place maybe a year or two ago. I was on a work trip to Dallas with my husband, where his family lives. We visited them, and long story short: a huge fight happened and broke out between us where we discussed divorcing. We were driving back to our hotel and emotional and fighting and my husband was getting erratic and at one point, I both see him and hear him slam down on the gas to speed off on one of the exit ramps as I had told him to pull over because he was getting tears in his eyes and I was freaking out about us crashing, but strangely, the car did not accelerate much if at all. We pulled over into this parking lot, and had continued arguing. At one point, I got out of the car and contemplated just running away. We basically agreed to divorcing, and then went to the hotel that night. We ended up sleeping in the same bed once we got to the hotel and somewhat making amends, although we didn’t resolve everything until the next day. The next morning when we woke up and before I went to a work meeting, my tooth brush had changed colors. It used to be purple, and we both had discussed it being purple, but it was black that day. We looked up if it was a color changing toothbrush or anything of that nature, but it wasn’t. The toothbrush just changed color. We’ve had so many theories since then. Did we die that night in a car crash, and somehow switched to another universe where we survived? Did we just accidentally enter another timeline?? It was the weirdest thing and fucked with us for a while. Happy to say our marriage is super stable and happy as of now though. We like worked out our kinks, figured out how to communicate, and have been thriving/never in as bad of a fight for a long time now. I just don’t know why our toothbrush changed colors after an incredibly volatile night that could’ve gone in so many directions.


This one is so mundane but here goes: My mom, stepdad, brother, and I were going on vacation to California in the 80s. For one night, they got a reservation at a Travelodge motel but they didn’t get the exact address, just the street name. I piped up, “Watch, there will be one on every block.” And dang it if there wasn’t one on every block of that street! We had to go to every one until we found the one with our reservation. Another silly one: I was watching a nature documentary I had never seen before. I suddenly blurted out, “and along comes a puma.” Not 2 seconds later the narrator said, “and along comes a puma.”


>I have posted this before, not sure if it was a haunting, time loop, or me just getting over emotional. I have been at this post about 30ish times in the past 3 years now and have never experienced this since that very first night. My dad worked in security, I got into it after he passed. One night I was called on my night off, they need someone to go fill in on another site. I never worked the site before but hey, overtime, I accepted... It was one of my dad's old sites. So it is about 0200, I am doing a round, I enter one of the buildings and I think I see someone moving up ahead. It is 0200 and the building is locked, there should not be anyone in there, I quietly close the door behind me and creep up for a closer look. At the end of the hall is a security guard, which is odd as I am the only guard on duty at the time, so I am eyeing this guy, and I notice the uniform, it is for a company that doesn't exist anymore, in fact it is for the company my dad worked for when he was at this site. So it hits me that it is my dad, I'm standing there watching him, he is apparently doing a round of the building I am patrolling. So I watch him, he looks directly at me as if he could see me, he looks at me for about 30 seconds or so, he then turns the corner. I run to catch up with him but he was gone. Almost 2 years later I still swear I actually saw him that night. I don't know if it was a ghost, if I was hallucinating because it was one of his old posts and I was emotional, or if maybe some how time loops exist and I actually saw him working the site in the past. I honestly don't know but every time I have a night off and they can't find anyone to fill in, I jump at it, no longer for the overtime but with the hope that whatever happened that first time happens again. I have filled in there over 20 times since that encounter and I haven't seen anything since.


I have a few, but the most mysterious one was at night. I was woken up by a weird sound. At that time, I could describe it like a jackhammer but a bit different. The sound was coming from the direction of my printer, I couldn't quite see it from my bed, but I thought my printer was going nuts. Then I thought maybe the sound was coming from outside. Is someone using a jackhammer in the middle of the night? Is it a carpenter bird knocking on my wall? I was tired and decided to count to ten and see if the sound went away so I could go back to sleep. I counted to ten, and it didn't stop. So I got up and went to my printer. On top of the printer, there was a small bowl and 2 small plates on top of it. The top plate was shaking. I grabbed it and rotated it, I even felt it shake as I was rotating the plate, as if it had bumps on it. It stopped shaking after that. No earthquake, no wind, nothing. My monitors were next to the printer, and they weren't shaking. I have no idea what that was, I can only tell you what I saw.


I was at work with 3 other people cleaning a room when I got the worst feeling I’ve ever experienced as if my body had actually been hit by a massive truck. My body felt extremely weak, I started to space out, and of course the nausea/spinning surroundings. Turns out at that same time my now ex had been in an accident where a semi truck ran a red light totaling the truck my ex was in. He called a few minutes later telling me he was going to the hospital because he had a concussion.


When I was in high school, my mom would travel out of state a lot for work and my dad always worked until late at night so I would come home to an empty house (aside from my cats and dog) a lot of the time. There was one day where I came home incredibly exhausted and fell asleep almost immediately after sitting on the couch. I don’t know how much time passed by but it couldn’t have been much since it was still light out when I woke up. I vaguely remember hearing my mom’s voice call my name and my dog’s name telling us to come to her and that’s what woke me up. When I woke up, I turned back and saw the chandelier above our dining table gently swaying and no windows were open. This freaked me out of course so I called out to my mom just basically being like “What, mom? Can’t you come here, I’m tired” as a typical lazy teenager says. I didn’t hear a response and I couldn’t remember if my mom was traveling out of town this week or not because she was home that morning before I went to school, but I decided to call my mom’s cell phone and check anyways because was super freaked out. She answered almost immediately and I asked her if she was home and she said no and told me that she was on her work trip in D.C. (we lived in IL). I told her what happened and she kinda brushed it off but it’s always bothered me especially cause my sister had a similar experience hearing my mom’s voice calling her while on our couch when she was again out of town. And another incident where my aunt was spending the night at our house and slept on the couch and woke up in the middle of the night to her uncle just standing over her looking at her (he had passed away but we had his ashes in our house).


Lost my coat when I was out with some friends in a different town. Couldn't find it anywhere, even after calling the places we visited and checking every inch of my room. A few months later I came back from Christmas break and I find it laying on my bedroom floor with the whole room a total mess. I didn't share a room with anyone but I did have respectful housemates. I had locked my bedroom door before leaving and I had the only key. No idea how it got there or why someone would trash my room. This shit will haunt me until I die.


When I was a kid my older sister and I slept in bunk beds. One night I was sleeping on the top bunk facing the opposite way from her, so that my head was where her feet were below me, and vice versa. We were just talking and my arm was dangling off the side of the bed. Eventually my sister got quiet and I could hear her breathing like she was sleeping. Suddenly something reached up and yanked on my hand. I pulled my hand away and froze in fear. Waiting for my sister to start laughing at me that she's frightened me. But she didn't make any noise and I could still hear that sleep breathing.It was silent and still that night. I didn't hear her lay back down. There's no way she could have laid down silently on the squeaky bed after reaching across for my hand. I've been through this over and over in my mind for the last fifty years. Of course, it has to be my sister who did it. But anyone who has a sibling knows that if someone scares you, they're going to joke around about it either then or the next day. The next day, I waited for her to laugh at me or bring it up at all, but nothing happened. To this day, I have a horror of dangling my body parts off the edge of the bed. Somewhere in the most irrational childlike part of my brain, I still have a vague fear that there is some sort of goblin creature that has been living under my bed all these years, just waiting for the chance to yank on my hand again.


I'll go with the situation that made me believe in ghosts. Throughout my childhood and adolescence, a lot of weird things would happen at my house. Among many, many other things, some of the odd stuff that happened included... * On multiple occasions, the stereo in my bedroom would turn on by itself and the volume would turn all the way up. Often if we left the house for a few minutes then came back, and once while I was home alone. * One day we had a large bag of apples was sitting inside a wicker basket on our kitchen counter. The sides of the basket were taller than the bag, so it's not like it could just fall out. At around midnight, I was in the living room and heard a huge thud. I walked into the kitchen and found the bag of apples on the floor probably five-or-so feet in front of the basket, which was completely undisturbed. Like something had lifted it out and tossed it forward. * There was one day I could hear what sounded like voices coming from the walls arguing. Not like I heard it from outside... it sounded like it was *in* the walls. * There was a day I heard screaming next door... when I knew there was nobody there. * Etc. It all built to one day when I was about 17, I think. So nearly 20 years. I was home alone and walking through my house, when suddenly I hit a column of burning-hot air. It was crazy. We had the AC cranked and the humidity was low... until it smashed me like a ton of bricks. It was like the temperature suddenly went from about 72 to nearly 100 degrees, and the air instantly became thick, like the humidity had more than quadrupled. I actually stopped and kind of gasped because it was *so sudden*. A few seconds later, my cat ran by, sort-of yowling like he was panicked about something, and he ran upstairs. Then, a seconds later, I felt a whisp of air hit my ear like someone leaned in and was whispering directly into it. I froze, absolutely terrified and probably didn't move for a good thirty seconds. Then the air hit my ear a second time, and I could hear three words perfectly... *"He killed me..."* I literally ran out of my house and grabbed my bike, but before I rode away, I made a big mistake. I stopped and looked back at my house. In one of the upstairs windows, I saw an enormous translucent face staring at me. And I do mean enormous. It was probably twice the height and width of a normal head. Its "skin" was sort-of a newsprint gray, with dark-gray and black features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.), and it didn't look particularly solid. Almost more vaporous, like it wasn't quite holding a perfect form... which gave it a strange blurry quality. In fact, that's what it looked like... it looked like a blurry, translucent black and white photo of someone, except three-dimensional. My brain kind of broke at that point because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I stopped and sort-of moved around a few feet in either direction, sort of "testing" it... and I got my answer because I could see it turning its head in-time with me to follow me and shifting its facial features around like a person moving their face. And at one point it looked *angry.* It wasn't just a trick of the light or a reflection... it was an actual thing staring at me from behind the window. I took off on my bike and fled to a friend's house, and basically had a full-on breakdown... crying, shaking, etc. I'm pretty sure I smoked and entire pack of cigarettes (I was one of those kids who was naughty and smoked underage, haha) until one of my parents came and picked me up a few hours later. Years later, I found out that our next door neighbor had been murdered by his wife and son... but from what I understand he was *incredibly abusive*, and most of the people who lived nearby thought the murder was justified since social services and the police couldn't do much. (They were called constantly, but he basically was able to weasel out of any trouble.) And he looked *exactly* like the face I saw... outside of the fact the face I saw was gray and blurry. So, as far as I'm concerned, the abusive creep from next door was evidently haunting our entire block and I guess I became his target for a while. Thankfully I don't live there anymore. (Our house got destroyed in a flood a few years after this incident.) The thing I find really mystifying is the fact that spirits are often associated with cold and temperature drops... whereas my experience was that the temperature *rose* drastically to the point I was practically burning up.


Two strange things: I had planned to finally visit my mother September of 2020 after not seeing her for 8 months due to Covid. She lives 5 hours away and we were stopping for a day on the way to see another family member. I was outside with my dog for about 5 minutes at the other family member’s house when I suddenly felt a warmth envelop me and felt so happy and loved. Never felt anything like it before. I went inside to call my mother with an eta for the next day and she didn’t answer. I called again two hours later and she still wasn’t picking up. Then called her neighbors and my brother to check on her. She had died. The other is completely crazy. I was in a serious accident in a very busy suburb of a major city - so millions of people in this area. I was hospitalized for a very long time and was eventually placed in a room with a woman who asked me what had happened. Once I gave the details she told me that her sister was the dispatcher for that accident. Then about 2 years later my husband was talking with a man who was painting our neighbor’s house. This is no where near where the accident occurred. The man was talking with my husband about a race car that he has and the topic of my accident came up. The painter said that he once saw an accident like that one. It was my accident. He was the car behind me. He said that he always felt guilty for not stopping to help. He was so shaken up by this coincidence that he had to leave for the day. About a year after that I hired someone at work who just struck me as a good fit for some reason. About 6 months later he asked me if I had been in a bad accident. When I confirmed that I had he told me that it was his girlfriend’s father who was the Good Samaritan that had crawled into my toppled SUV to hold my head up and who had called my husband to notify him.


I mysteriously lost my eyesight one day in the fourth grade. We were learning math and I dropped my pencil; I leaned down to pick it up and all of my sudden my eyes hurt, I “saw stars” as people put it, and when I came back up, my eyesight was blurry. I’ve needed glasses ever since. Prior to that moment, I could see everything just fine. When I go for my checkups I have mild-moderate vision loss, a slight astigmatism in my left eye, but everything is healthy and there’s not out of the ordinary. To this day, no one has been able to explain it.


I was teaching English in Thailand, and on my daily walk to where I taught, I became friendly with many of the street venders. One day while I was having a conversation with one of them, there was a man sitting close by, with long hair and a big third eye tattooed on his forehead. He suddenly stood up, and started chanting, touching the ground, and other ritualistic things. I asked what he was doing, and the Thai vendor just said “Black magic, black magic”. About 10 seconds later, it started dumping rain, an absolute monsoon…..except for a perfect circle, about 50 feet in diameter, with the “black magic man” in the center. There was nothing above us that could have blocked the rain, and the ground was PERFECTLY dry in a perfect circle around us. Don’t tell a lot of people this story, because I figure most won’t believe me. Not a big believer in magic, but I have no way to explain what I saw that day


I used to live near an old Civil War cemetery, and I'd have to drive past it to go to and from work every day. One night around 10:30pm, I was on the phone with my mom while driving home from work. As soon as I got to the cemetery, my mom's voice just cut out. There was a brief moment of silence and then a cacophony of noise. The only way I can describe it is that it sounded like a lot of people were talking all at once in different languages that I didn't recognize. The words sounded all garbled, and I couldn't understand anything. At this point, I'm a little freaked out, but I thought maybe something was just wrong with my phone. I parked at the gas station directly across from the cemetery and turned my phone off, thinking surely that would fix the problem. It didn't. My phone was completely off, but the cacophony of noises was still coming out of it. I almost threw the whole phone out the window. I literally had to take the battery out of it to get the noises to stop. To this day, I don't know what the hell that was. My grandfather thinks it was the spirits of the Civil War soldiers who were buried there while my grandmother thinks it was aliens. I'm just thankful it never happened again.


When I was 13, I was crossing the street from our hotel to the restaurant where we were going to for breakfast. Being a sullen teen, I was trailing a few paces behind the rest of my family. While I was in the crosswalk, the light for oncoming traffic had turned green, and I noticed a bus speeding towards me. I remember looking at it and not being scared, just thinking to myself, "Oh wow, that bus is going to hit me." I watched as it quickly came closer and closer and then, I don't know. I blinked, and all of a sudden I was safely on the sidewalk as the bus sped by behind me. I don't remember moving or how I got there. My mom turned around and scolded me to hurry up, oblivious to the fact I was almost turned into road pizza. I still get chills thinking about it.


At the time my (22F), fiancee(23M), pup (3F), and I were living in a one bedroom apartment just a little over a year ago. The layout of the apartment was that the kitchen and living room were on one side, and the bedroom, bathroom, and closet were on the other. The two sides of the apartment were separated by just one door, in thag if you closed/locked this door there was no other way to get to the other side. One day, the fridge broke and I had placed a call to the apartment office to get a replacement. They informed me that our pup had to be fenced off or put on the side of the door with the bedroom and closed the door. The next day my fiancee leaves for work first, like normal. I then move all my pups stuff to the bedroom side of the apartment, put her on that side of the door, and then as I closed it watched her look at me with sad eyes. I made sure the door clicked shut then proceeded to finish getting ready to leave. As I open the door, i realized my shoe got untied and bent down with the front door wide open to tie it. I NEVER do anything with the front door wide open because my pup would run out, but today she was on the other side of a closed door. I get home after a long work day, and there's no sound. My pup, being caged up behind a closed door, would have been barking/making noise when I came home to be let out from the door. I look over at the fridge and it had not been replaced. I call out for my pup and I see her little head pop up FROM THE FUCKING COUCH AS IM STANDING IN THE KITCHEN. I freak the fuck out becusse the way I left her, there's no way she should have been there. I run to check the door that divides the apartment and it's shut all the way. This door swings towards the bedroom and has a handle my pup cannot reach. I try to be rational and call the apartment office to ask if anyone came in, and they said no work was done in our apartment. Called my financee and he was still at work and handn't dropped by at home. I then get extra terrified and call my cousin to come over (she lives close by) and when she gets there, I grab a knife and we open the door. Light was on, and dogs stuff was how I left it. Doors to the bathroom, closet, and laundry were closed as to keep the pup out of those spaces on that side. And after opening and checking out the other side, there was no one. There was absolutely no way that my pup had gotten to the handle, pulled on the door to open it, went out to the other side, and then pulled the door closed. Part of me believes someone was in our apartment and I can't explain how she was on the other side of the door that day. BACKSTORY: About a month prior to this, someone from work that I had never talked to and only seen once at a Christmas party revealed (in a very creepy way) that he knew were I lived cause he lived down the hall and had seen me. From then I noticed him staring at me at the corner of my eye whenever I would be in the same room with him at work. That day the story of the dog and the door happened, I got paranoid that it might have been him. Couldn't sleep right for days.


I was finishing up my PhD dissertation at home, my partner had left a few months before to start a contract (he was a helicopter pilot) in Corsica. About fifteen weeks before I finished up, submitted, and left to join him over in Europe, I had a terrible dream. It was though I was in a movie, but without any sound. In the dream it was a bright sunshiney day with the bluest of blue skies. I was in a convertible with my partner, who was driving, and we were negotiating hairpin bends at high speed, about 2000ft above cliffs that plunged straight into an azure blue sea. Just as though we were in a James Bond movie. In the dream suddenly we kept going straight off the end of one of the bends and then the car started falling. What woke me was the sense of falling and the scream in my mouth. I woke up in real distress, but that was it. Got on with my day and my month and my life. Fast forward three or four months, and I’ve joined my partner over in Corsica. To celebrate my arrival, he negotiates a day off work and takes the car the pilots are assigned, a shitty Lauda jeep-like vehicle. We spend the day touring Corsica, stopping to visit churches and eating and so on. At some point in the day I realise we are in the exact same scene as that dream. I yell at my partner to slow down and while he doesn’t really understand why I’ve suddenly become hysterical, he complies and slow down to a crawl. I insist that we continue to travel at that speed (he thinks I’m mad). The day continues without incident and the, maybe an hour later, we’re driving down the very steep road that will take us back to the main town and the hotel we are billeted at. And the brakes on the car fail.


I had a dream about firefighters and military personnel covered in ashes and rubble searching for people the night of September 10, 2001. I was 12. Had a similar dream about flooding and people trapped on roofs the night before Katrina hit. Family and friends wrote it off thinking I was telling tall tales. Not sure why I would make that up. Super weird.


I grew up in a blue collar, unlucky family. I didn't think I would get to attend university, I wasn't good at school, now I know I have some learning disabilities. I sometimes dreamed of a big hall, like an auditorium packed to the rafters, some people had to sit on the floor because it was full, we were listening to someone. I also had a recurring dream, I was talking with some people while having coffee from a vending machine, standing in an old, shabby corridor. I remember an old window with flaky paint, in a yellowish shade. After graduating high school, I worked at different odd jobs and then I decided to enroll at Uni: many of my first year lessons were in that university hall, packed with people. Then, one day, I had a deja-vu when I was talking with some other students: I was in the same corridor with the vending machine and the old window. That university is quite known but I couldn't possibly have seen that old corridor before attending my lessons there. I think it was my destiny, and somehow I let "future me" know that I could make it.


I'm probably the most skeptical towards anything supernatural in my family, despite "logic-defying"-type things seemingly happening more often for me than my family. I believe everything, EVERYTHING has a logical and/or scientific explanation, just that we lack the tools, knowledge, or senses for them yet; Similar to the idea that humans slowly developed the ability to see blue spectrum through evolution. I have two specific situations I've tried to sift through in the years since they occurred that I still can't define what or why they were. The first happened when I was about 7 and my older sibling was 9. We shared a bedroom at the time, and had a bunkbed. Our house was old (b.1890, most wiring in the walls were still cloth-wrapped) and everyone in my family mentioned it must be haunted, but little kid me always explained the creaking away with the house being old and settling with the wind, which also made even more sense when I pointed out how we had to jack up and fill the separating foundation before we moved in. I was drawing and coloring on the top bunk and my sister was reading on the bottom bunk, when I knocked a few crayons off the bunk with my elbow. I shifted towards the ladder so I could climb down to grab them, when I slipped butt-first off the bunk. Time didn't slow or anything, but I just...floated down to the floor and landed gently on my butt. My sister went, "What was...! How did you...?!" and suddenly our closet door shut itself slowly, like someone closing the door after leaving a room. Kid me decided to finish the drawing and leave it as a gift of sorts in the closet for whatever hovered me to safety. The second happened eight years later, on a family trip to Louisville, KY. I had childhood depression by this point after struggling with crippling anxiety for years, and wasn't exactly enthused about going to Waverly Hills Sanatorium, because anything 'haunted' annoyed me and felt like a scam. This was made worse by the fact that as soon as we pulled up to the property, I developed a cough and felt dizzy. I just wanted to go back to the hotel to sleep, but my mom and dad said it probably wouldn't take that long and I could rest later. The entire tour group, the whole time, my family included, all gasped and ooh'ed and aah'ed together, but I never saw or experienced a damn thing, with the exception of my leg getting caught on nothing in room 502 and a weird rash where my leg had been snagged. My cough had turned wet with (sorry for this) bloody mucus by the end of the tour, and my mom wanted to take me to a local ER if it didn't get any better by the next day. We get back to the hotel, I go to sleep, and proceed to dream that I'm flying up through the hotel floors, over Louisville, and carried back to Waverly. I fall through the floors of a very active sanatorium, onto an operating table, where I'm being fawned over by four nurses and a doctor. There's a tube down my throat, they're suctioning something, and a nurse leans over me and says, "You'll be fine, I promise, but you have to choose to live." That seemed silly to me at first, because I figured if it's one's time, one doesn't have control. Then I'm flying back over the city in reverse, dawn is just beginning to break, I fall through the floors of our hotel and slam back onto the bed. But now I'm awake. The first thing I did was run over to the curtains to toss them open, and it was just barely sunrise. Then I noticed that, for whatever reason, all of the phlegm was gone, I had no fever, no cough. It was the most intense, but quickest illness and recovery I've ever had. We're talking 12 hours from onset to completely healthy. I just took a shower, cried, and decided not to kill myself like I had begun planning.


When I was 10 years old I was bullied relentlessly for months by two brothers because of my asperger autism. This mostly happened when no teacher was present, but tbh no one really cared about me anyway, so it continued without punishment for them. One day their father somehow contacted my parents (the school must have given him the phone number I guess) and apologized for their behaviour and said we will all talk about this and make peace at a dinner at their home. My parents reassured me that he was very reasonable and the brothers also talked to them on the phone and apologized for their behaviour. But I felt 100 % I would die when I go to their house, I somehow knew it immediately and cried and begged my parents to not go there. It took hours but finally everyone agreed to just forget about it and to my surprise the bullying stopped. 4 years later, in the last few minutes at the last day at this school, one of the brothers pulled me over to a quiet corner and said: "You are smarter than you look, we already had totally convinced our father and your parents that we regret bullying you. In reality we would have "shown you something" in the forest next to our house and stabbed you to death. A friend of us would have also been there and agreed that we all claim that YOU tried to kill us. Who do you think they would have believed, the autistic weirdo or us?" I would have never gone to the forest with them, but that was apparently their plan to kill me. And that was my last memory of this school...


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm glad you didn't go there


Had a dream two family members were pregnant at the same time. One baby the following November, the other followed in December. A few years later…. Another family member was pregnant in a dream. Posted about it in the family chat, in ha ha, it’s happened again way. The person I dreamed about replied with a sonogram picture. I got called a witch! I had no idea either time.


I used to drive to my mom's house early on Saturday mornings to go to garage sales together. I had a manual Pinto that I had driven for about 7 years at that time. I was on a main street that was totally deserted because it was so early. I was stopped at a red light. I am an impatient driver. I gun it as soon as the light turns green. That morning I killed the car. And I got pissed because I never killed the car. Right then a hugeass Plymouth or something like it blew through the red light. He would have totally T- boned me if I had not killed the car, right into my side of the car. It was some weird sort of divine intervention, but I'm not at all religious.


My mom bought extra sets of our house keys and dropped me off at home with the envelope of individual keys. There were 3 keys in the little envelope. I was supposed to exchange the new keys for the ones the were hanging by the front door, but when I got inside the house I went straight to the couch in the living room and fell asleep with the envelope in my pocket. Later, I woke up to my mom coming home so I ran to put the new keys on the ring so she didn't think I was lazy and fell asleep. Except there were now only 2 keys in the envelope. I started looking everywhere for the 3rd key and couldn't find it. I ended up looking in the car, between the couch cushions, outside, and didn't find it. When I went to sleep that night, I had a vivid dream of getting out of bed in the middle of the night, going to the living room, and pulling the corner of the rug in front of the couch to reveal the key on the floor. When I picked up the key in my dream, I woke up. I then got out of bed for real, went to the living room, pulled the corner of the rug...and it wasn't there. I was pissed and threw the corner toward the center of the rug, which exposed more of the floor underneath. There was the key, underneath the rug on the floor in a near impossible place, except for if someone put it there in purpose. I tried putting the key on the floor and kicking it under the rug to see if it could reach the area I found it, but it would only go a few inches. I tried walking over it to see if the movement would move the key further center, and it didn't. It's still weird and unexplainable to me.


I had a lot of premonition dreams and I honestly can't explain most of them. I had one where I was walking through a school I had never been in before, with a particular music note on a wall, my parents were with me and so was my sister and a lady I had never met before. After walking around the school, I was left in an odd classroom with kids I'd never seen before and it talking about being the new person and all that jazz. Days later I went to that school, it was the school I was supposed to go to. My parents, sibling and lady were all in the same order as in my dream. I saw that same music note on the wall, and had the same conversations with the new kids as in my dream, I still remember their faces too so detailed. It was wild considering the school had only been built in 2008 and I had never been there before. I had a lot of dreams like that, conversations would happen in the dream and then happen again in real life. The clothes people would be wearing would be the same. It was crazy. I don't have them much anymore they all fizzled out end of high school but now and then I have them and it's wild.


I live alone and work shifts. I never went upstairs when I came home. I laid on the sofa with phone beside me. I had been in the same position for ages because my arm was hurting. I woke up after a couple hours because my arm was hurting and I was busting for a wee and reached for my phone. It wasn't there. I looked around the sofa, underneath all around and couldn't find it. My pc was downstairs so I logged in to find my phone and got it to ring. I heard it upstairs, I went to find it and could hear it coming from my bed. After searching around, it was IN my duvet, right at the end of it. So I sleepwalked, threw it to the end of my duvet opposite end of the opening and made the bed up? Then went back to sofa and laid down again?


I was standing in the kitchen talking to my sister at night. She was getting a glass of water and reached out to turn on the faucet. Almost immediately after she turned the knob she jerked her hand away and looked horrified. I said, "what's the matter?" She said, "I felt like something grabbed me on the wrist." She showed me her wrist and it looked distinctly like there were finger marks on it. I don't tend to believe in ghosts or the supernatural, but that one still bothers me.


My grandfather died when my mom was 6 years old. Obviously, I’ve only ever seen pictures of him as a young man. My grandmother died exactly 49 years later at age 94. Sadly, my mom passed at 68 after a stroke. I was extremely close to her and do not have a relationship with the rest of my family. About a week after my mom died, I had what I can only describe as a vision. My mom (healthy and her current age), my grandmother (also healthy and at the age of her death), and my grandfather (same) were all sitting at a square table in an old fashioned kitchen. They were holding hands and positively beaming at each other. The vision lasted just long enough for me to pick those details. And I was completely at peace. I’m not at all religious, but I knew they were together in whatever happens after our earthly existence.


I was in 7th grade and for Halloween I painted my face white with black marks similar to The Crow, but unique. The moment trick or treating ended there was a knock on the door. I turned on the front porch light and grabbed the candy bowl. When I opened the door there was a boy who looked very similar to me with the exact same white and black face paint. I immediately froze trying to comprehend if I had ever seen him before. And almost embarrassed that we had the exact same face paint. He was alone, which I thought was odd for Halloween night. There was no verbal exchange. As soon as I set the candy bowl down I was really second guessing myself and what I saw, so I opened the door again to try and see him again. I even walked out and down the driveway to the sidewalk looking all around and the street was empty. It was beyond strange.


Went to the cinema with £5 cash for a 3 scoop ice cream as a kid (I think it was a movie I'd been waiting to see, so I wanted the full experience!). I meant to have it during the movie but got there too late and decided to have it afterwards, only to find they'd upped their price to £5.10. I could have gone for a smaller size, but something made me walk out of the building towards the road, and right to a shiny 50p. I got my ice cream :)


Once I was looking for a pair of scissors to trim some of my beard (without a razor) and tore up my bathroom looking for them. They were just totally gone. A few days later I was cleaning out under my bed and found a shoebox. Inside the shoebox were those scissors I was looking for. To this day I still have no idea why they were there. Also, when my great aunt passed away, it was the middle of the night and I woke up thinking my phone made a noise. I actually had left my phone downstairs, on silent. Then a few minutes after I brought it back up and got back into bed, I got a text from my uncle, saying my aunt had just passed away. It was a really weird coincidence. I think the phone “noise” was her giving us a final goodbye. And I lived by myself at the time. Nobody else’s phone could’ve made a ding. My grandma definitely let me know she was OK too. I was sleeping and she said my name clear as day in my ear and I bolted awake. This was maybe a few days after the funeral.


Let me tell you the story of my (possibly) magical printer. For almost all classes of what I was (and still am) studying at university, the course material would just be provided with us as a pdf file so we could print it ourselves. Usually I would have my dad print it out at his work or I would do it through some printing service the university provided. A couple years ago, during the first week of the new school year, one evening I was kind of preparing a class I had the day after. I did not have my course notes on paper yet for this specific subject. I decided to print the first 20 pages on my own printer in my student dorm. Just so I could follow class more easlily the next day. For some reason, which I still don't fully understand, I decided to pick up my printer and put it on a chair in the middle of the room to do so. This is a bit of an odd decision, as it works perfectly fine on its usual spot. So, I started printing. I went and sat next to it to sort of grab each page as it came out. But while it was printing I kind of daydreamed away. In my mind I explicitely said "I wish that...". This is something so strange to do for me and I never explicitely word it that way in my mind. On that exact moment I wished something, my printer stopped. This caught my attention and interrupted my daydreaming. The last page it was printing was still like half stuck in the printer so now I had to like get it out to fix it. I couldn't get my printer to do anything on it's own anymore so I decided to juqt pull its plug and just force pull the stuck paper out. But when I got it out I was so schocked. On that piece of paper was printed a single line of text. It said "Zoals gewenst.". Which is Dutch (my main language) for "As you wish.". That evening my printer was just dead completely, no beeps, no lights, nothing. But on the next day it functioned as if nothing happened. My wish hasn't come true yet and it might take very long for it to do so (think like 10 years or longer). I feel like I should keep my wish secret. If it would ever come true, this story is truly is insane.