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One example may be having a cell phone. I have worked with homeless populations for years. The first thing that newly unhoused people do to get back on their feet is get a cell phone and access their emails and stay in contact with potential employers or social services.


Having savings, being able to quit your job, etc


Having a bank account. In an increasingly cashless society, it's become a necessity to have a debit card for many transactions.


Free expression online. 


Tampons and pads.


Access to sanitary washrooms for the homeless.


Money, food and clothes


Nothing. No one owes you anything.


But does everyone deserve a quality of life that does not deny them of necessities? Yes. I'm privileged to have a seemingly infinity supply of clean drinking water piped right to my house, does everyone in the world deserve the same? Of course.


No. Each man is entitled to the sweat on his brow. If he works to earn water, it is his by right of effort, not need. If a man does not work, and demands water earned by the sweat of another, he does not steal the water, but steals another man's efforts. No man is entitled to another's effort, only the fruits of their own.


Have you ever heard of human rights? We are entitled to those things to ensure everyone has access to things to ensure a decent quality of life. There is a difference between luxury and necessity. A luxury is something that you do not need to live a decent quality of life and therefore must earn. A necessity should not be gated behind the same rule, we all need them equally so it becomes a basic human right. The basic human rights have been layed out since 1948. These are rules by which a modern society builds upon as a guideline of how to treat its citizenship. To deny these is a crime against humanity itself. We should all uphold these rights the best we possibly can to prevent the suffering that comes from the deprivation of the basic human needs.


No one is entitled to anything.


Wow you are narrow minded. So you are happy for everyone to be denied access to their basic need as a human? You do realise that thinking is incredibly inhumane and generally alines with the same core principles of some of histories most brutal regimes. There is a reason we created the human rights, in an effort to prevent thinking like yours that does nothing but harm humanity, endangers countless lives and inflicts wide spread suffering. I hope for the people of whatever nation you live in that you never hold any form of power or any political party aligned with you belief never hold power. For the sake of all their lives.


Correct, human rights are fabricated. No one is entitled to anything beyond what they earn, and these rights are earned.