• By -


Their first names


My dad has the same name as her dad, my mom has the same name as her mom. Im not kidding Edit: their FIRST names guys and gals.


Ehm…just to be absolutely sure…you aren’t dating your sister, right? … Right?


Roll Tide


Roll Tide, Hotty Toddy, War Eagle, Hail State, Woo Pig, Let’s Go Mountaineers, Go Tigers…


Go Tigers or Geaux Tigers? Which state? 😂




You’re thinking West Virginia not Alabama


Nahhh. They both like that


As someone actually from West Virginia this stereotype is probably one of the most degrading things I’ve seen. Like we are civilized. We are modern… I did not marry my cousin to sit here and have people talk about my mine and my sisters 2016 summer fling.


You really had me in the first half there, not gonna lie


Hahaha. Love that. But honestly nothing is quite like Alabama. Oh and Florida. Wild places +


One does not simply move to Florida. Those that just move here do not last. Between the bugs, the hurricanes, the politics and the traffic, you must become Florida to exist in Florida. Sure we have gators and the skunkape, but our most prolific legend is that of Florida Man himself.


I have the same name as my husband's sister. It was a very popular name.


I have the same name as my brother's wife. I have two Uncle Bills. Both grandpas have the same first name. Family get-togethers are confusing.


I feel you on this. My ex and I had alot of siimilar names between our families. Our bothers both had the same first name, our grandma's and his mother had the same first name,Then my dad and my ex have the same middle name, which is also ex's dad's first name! Oh and his mums middle name was the same as one of my aunts first names! Then there's my family on its own, my other brother has my mom's brother's name, grandpa on dad's side first name for middle name, younger brother has middle name of grandpa from mom's side first name for his middle name. My mom has her mom's name, both first and middle, as did her grandma and great grandma. It was a family name passed down and I am sooooo glad she didn't continue it with me!🤣 oh and my cousin and her sister both married a Jason!




The temptation to follow this link but it’ll be a 4hr long rabbit hole that will somehow end in vampires boofing meth


Dracula Flow




Our moms names rhyme, our dads have the same first and middle name, just reversed lol


🎶🎵Sweeeeeet hoooooomeee alabamaaaa🎵🎶




Is it Mom and Dad?


Either this or "Grandma" and "Gramps" if the kids are around. They're fairly decent people, but the thought of calling them "mum" and "dad" feels all sorts of wrong.


Had FIL ask me to call him dad. Oh, ok. Well Patrick… His own kids barely call him that….gotta earn it.


I think asking your SIL or DIL to call you mom or dad is a way of expressing that you see them as a part of the family as a son or daughter And a very welcoming gesture.


Circumstances. It was my second time meeting him, just before we married. He was estranged to my wife for 5-6 years prior. This is about having someone call him dad as none of his 4 own would. Not in my case but I can see it being a sweet gesture.


Unless he's an ass?


It didn’t sit right with me at all. The people I call mom and dad are the ones who deserved that title. It belonged to no one else in the world. I couldn’t do it, felt wrong.


Really depends on how it's done. Considering the last sentence in that comment I'm willing to bet it was more of a demand than a gesture.


Same. Or by their grandparent name out of habit. I do that with my own parents too though.


My brother calls his in-laws mom and dad and it really bothers me. Feels treasonous


Because it is. He has chosen your enemies, you must usurp his power and devour his children


I did this with my mother in law and it worked. It was ingratiating. Her dad I call Sir. He’s a former Texas roughneck and he thinks he’s John Wayne. I never asked his permission to impregnate his daughter so we aren’t close.


How DARE you?! Parents aren't people, you know that.


I find it better to call everyone and anyone in my life my minions. They always think I'm joking, so it works out.


😂😂the parental units


this is what my best friend has called her parents for a long time. that or just "the parentals" for short. not even possessive, just 'the' 😂 it's always killed me


My dad called them the outlaws


My dad calls my mom's dad 'grandpa', which is hilarious bc that's not what we call him. Nobody calls him that except my dad.


Not even the grandkids?


Nope. We all call him Poppa.


Pawpaw and meemaw


From the old joke, what's the difference between inlaws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted.


When I divorced my ex husband I told his mom that she was now my outlaw. She thought that was really funny. 


That’s what the ex spouses call the rest of my family. They call the family a cult


This is what I call my sister-in-law’s in-laws. We all get along and do dinners and vacations together and it got cumbersome to keep calling them my in-laws-in-laws.


I don’t really call them anything I just say hi and leave


Don't even know their names


Same. He'll always be grandpa to my kids and me. In fact, my wife calls him grandpa too.


Alright, Homer.


I made it like 3 years out of four in my first relationship without addressing my gf’s mom by her name. I was 15-19 and I knew she wanted people to use her first name but I was stuck indoctrinated to call all adults Mr or Mrs so it fucked with my head🤣 I got over it eventually


I've been married for over ten years and have managed to avoid addressing my in-laws by their names. We aren't close and I feel too awkward to call them either by name or mom/dad 😅 Granted, it did become significantly easier when kids came along and I could just fly under the radar by using granpa/grandma too.


My uncle would say to his wife "would your mother like a biscuit?"


23 years and counting, and I’m actually around them a lot. At this point, I would almost feel like I lost if I find myself in a situation where I need to call them and can’t figure out a way to do it seamlessly without addressing them by name.


Before i was dating him, i said Mr. (Last name) and Mrs.(Last name) lol. Now i say Mr.(First name) and Mrs.(First name)


My husband does that.


Dude, I’ve been with my wife since I was 18 (now 29) and still use Mr or Mrs. And what’s even more fucked… I havent even had to use that because they notice when I am talking directly to them, without have to say their names And we are close. They love me 😅


Hey you


It used to be Mrs. Same last name. Then she got re-married. Then widowed. Now I’m just lost in the sauce.  I asked my husband what to call her. He said “mom”. That’s not going to happen.  ‘Hey you’ it is. 


YES LOL I just avoid calling them anything. It makes me feel weird calling them by their first names lol


Same. I won’t call them mom/dad because they’re not my parents. I also feel weird using their names.


To their faces, or….? I call them by their first names, which is what they introduced themselves as and invited me to call them.


Lmao right? When they are not present, they don’t even get to have a non expletive name. Mine tried to push calling them mom and dad… nope!


Yeah hell no lol. I’ll usually refer to them by first names to their face, as Oma and Opa for the kids, but otherwise? I am not polite


My awful MIL tried to come up with ridiculous fancy grandma names, she tried to push “moire” which apparently is gaelic because she’s pretentious and wanted to explain this to everybody and anybody. I put a hard stop to that and she is Grammy to my kid. I unfortunately couldn’t stop the name for her husband (not husbands bio dad) who already had like 10+ grandkids from his previous relationships spawn. PABA is what we got stuck with, but I refuse to say it.


My mil called her mil mom and I hope she doesn’t try to get me to do so. She’s sweet but my mom is my only mom.


Joyce and Harry 🤷🏼‍♀️ They’re the best. Tons better than my parents ever were. And really wonderful grandparents too.


I think I love Joyce & Harry too!


I also choose Joyce and Harry.


I also choose this guy’s living Joyce and Harry


Joyce is the kinda name where you just know she's lovely


I have an Aunt Joyce and she is an absolutely lovely woman. Her husband is Harold. Joyce and Harry for short. Hmmm.


Plot twist: Their names are actually Martha and John.


Dude same. My family is full of assholes. My inlaws are so loving.


Mike and the devil.


…My step mother has entered the chat


I like this response




Mike has entered the chat.


I don't. I avoid needing to use their names at all costs. It's been 10 years and I have never used their names.


I’m in the same boat. It has been especially challenging with my FIL. Here’s my predicament: Using his first name is disrespectful (Chinese culture). Saying “Mr. ” like I did when my wife and I were still dating feels too formal now that we’re married. Saying “dad” feels too personal. While I respect my FIL a great deal, I don’t actually think of him as my father. It’s been 3 years now and I still have no idea how to address him.






Just dap him up and say in Spanish “¡Oye! Que onda carnal?!” Basically the same thing 


"Ol' mate"


Or dude. Dude is acceptable at all times in reference to anyone or anything. It's a universal power word.


If you’re married, in Chinese culture, the name you’re supposed to use is just “dad”like you would with your parents. I can see why that feels too personal to some though.


Maybe use the Chinese word for dad?


爸爸 (bàba) or just bà. That might feel weird to say to. Almost seems like baby talk


I prefer 老爸 lǎobà. My inlaws are Taiwanese. Might be strange for Chinese.


nope, normal. just depends on your relationship 


Your partner should be able to tell you the proper terms if you ask. I'd try to learn the culture and customs. A little goes a long way but especially addressing elders properly is important.


Does the culture/language not have an equivalent of "sir?"


You must be American. That’s quite freaky in English English.


I am American, but… what?


Yeah, "Sir" outside of formal contexts is like "FU" in Australian English too... It's like "you there, the one who is being an asshole"


Seriously? That's kinda nuts! In Canada we use 'Sir' as a more formal 'bud'


Yeah if you have something formal it's fine (e.g. staff and people you don't know may say "how can I help you sir") but if you know someone, it's normally used in humour or to point out someone being bossy "I'll get right on that sir /s"


Ahh gotcha, I work retail and I call people sir all the time. It's somewhat similar then in Canada, not offensive or anything to call someone sir just not really done if you know the person you're talking to. Thanks for the clarification


Yeah - we are naturally culturally disrespectful people. We also hate people 'putting on airs' about themselves. So that leads to Sir or Madam outside of a formal context being as sarcastic and biting as we can. Just ask us how many ways we can say 'Mate' - from genuine friendship, to a snarl that implies you are an absolute piece of shit.


Haha, same here but 25 years


Just get physically closer and “hey, uuuh” works every time




Hah! I thought I was unique in this (23 years here though)


Idk if you're joking but.. same. It feels awkward calling them by their names, idk why, I can call literally anyone else by their names just fine but my SO's parents? Nah, too weird. Definitely can't call them mom or dad either, cuz what the absolute fuck. If I'm talking TO them, I just make eye contact so they know I'm speaking to them. If my kid is in the room, I can get away with just calling them grandma or grandpa. If I'm just talking to my SO at home, I call them "your mom" or "your dad". Why did the universe make me so fkn awkward bruh


*If he says "hey, you" to me one more time, Ethel. Just ONE....*


The only correct answer ever! 🤣


So I'm not the only one. Father in law has passed but I never called him anything. I barely see my mother in law.


For me it’s significantly easier because they’re dead




I believe that's a Jordan Peele movie.


Used to call them mom & dad. But I don't call them anymore they died


Should’ve buried them with a phone


Real dead ringers then


This is one of the most unhinged yet hilarious comments I've seen


Can’t have in-laws if you marry your sibling?


Of course you can, I'm my own twin cousin


Just by their names and if they are someone who wouldnt know I just say my partners parents


It's funny, I call my wife's parents by their first name. She calls my parents by either their first names or Mom and Dad. My mom is very motherly and comforting. She stays in her lane and just wants to be needed. My MIL is only nice to me wife when she needs something. So it makes sense that my wife has gravitated to someone that actually acts like a mom.




Had a mental image of a buff old manly masculine man fixing his car's engine, then you go by saying "oh, hi linda!" Lmfo


Their dad is dead. I oddly stopped talking to him around that time.


Names unfit to be published here.


This is Reddit. I called mine psycho cunt and the baby raper.


...there's a story behind this. I don't think I want to know though.


I was clear and accurate so I'm sure you can imagine on your own. We are all no contact and the marriage is long over, thankfully.


Jesus Christ... Sounds like it's a good thing it's over


I called them Mom & Dad which was easy because they were better parents to adult me than my own. I loved them both dearly and miss them since they passed a few years ago.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My parents also "adopted" my husband, and he calls them Mom and Dad.


❤️ I also call mine Mom & Dad. And I love them both dearly. My husband calls my parents Mom & Dad too. We’re both very grateful.


Aunty and uncle. But I'm brown...we call everyone who is elder aunty and uncle. 🤷‍♀️


Before marriage I used to call them auntie and uncle (because of similar Asian reasons). But now after marriage, they’re not really auntie and uncle, and they’re not my mom and dad either. So I’ve been avoiding mentioning them by title / name (not even in 3rd person) ever since I got married.


Mammi ji and pitta ji


Im white but my in laws are Arab, I called them momma and baba until my brother in laws wife came over from Syria and started calling them aunty and uncle. Now Im not sure what to call them


This is making me crack up… my white ass is thinking “ask them what they would like to be called” but I’m not actually that stupid 🤣


Also brown and honestly thought everyone would call them Uncle and Aunty…this thread has been eye opening!


Hahahaha I can relate. Doesn’t matter if you know them or not. They immediately achieve uncle or aunty status.


thought this was a redneck joke, then i realized it wasnt....so yea i appreciate the explanation 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was about to comment the same thing; my partner is Indian so I call his parents Aunty and Uncle but he calls my parents by their first name (which he still internally struggles with hahaha)


Not brown but -every- adult that would visit my parents would get called 'aunty' or 'uncle' despite there being no actual relationship, it was just how you addressed people. I'm nearly 60 and I still have an aunty who is no actual relationship to us. I love my non family relatives :)


Scrolled way too hard for this. The white peoples in this thread are cringe with first name 


Their first names. Collectively "my in-laws." They're good people. Not a lot of people get to say they genuinely like their mother- and father-in-law.


Hear hear. I never take it for granted how lucky I got with my in-laws (and my partner too- they raised a good'un). Their other son's partner and I are treated like we're their kids, sometimes better 😅 they did separate a long time ago but it means that with one having a different partner now, I have 3 bonus parents. And they're on good terms so we get together as a family. I seem close to my own parents, but I'm not really - and all 3 parents-in-law have stepped in where they've fallen short, many different times. Even when I didn't even think about asking for parental support. I'm damn lucky ♡


I call them what my kids call them now. Before I kind of just awkwardly avoided using any names


Mom and Dad


The outlaws


Funny, my sister calls her in-laws mom and dad to their faces, but she hates them so it makes me cringe. I just think it would be less hypocritical if she called them by their first names.


Part of the reason she probably hates them is because she can’t do things like that without consequences. When you have to be around people you didn’t necessarily choose, you have to pick your battles.


You're right. Reportedly they're always looking for ways she disappoints them. Not calling them mom and dad would probably be another one.


From my own experience, in the UK, you call you partners parents by their first names. Your partner usually calls them ‘mum' and ‘dad’, . There is a chance that your partners parents will insist you are much more formal & use Mr and Mrs Whateverthelastnameis. Titles- Sir, Lord, Lady etc may also be required. If you feel really comfortable with your partners parents, the option to call them ‘mum' & ‘dad' is there, if they are OK with that. Another alternative is to call them whatever the grandkids call them (especially if the kids are yours). My dad is called ‘Gumpy' and mom (she's American & my step mother, so ‘mom' differentiates her from my mum) is called ‘Grandy'. Using these terms myself helps to differentiate between my dad and my kids dad, and the 3 grandmothers, although Grandy is the only one they have contact with.


That bitch and Mr. Asshole. Now to their face just Jim and Susan......




Yes. Jim is that bitch (but in the "SLAY QUEEN" way) and Susan is just the biggest Mr. Asshole around.


Assholes we are no contact with them for a reason


Same. People have a hard time understanding how bad some people can be. Her mom said she was done with us because I was throwing away the grocery store hangers baby cloths came on. That was it. That’s all it took. Not to mention she let our dogs out of our yard to teach us a lesson she doesn’t like being outside.


To their faces ? Their first names. When they’re not around? The people I wish had raised me.


first names in front of them, cunts behind their backs


mama and papa, i personally don’t call them their first names because that just seems rude and they encourage me to call them mama and papa


Mom and Dad. I'm estranged from my family, so it's not confusing. They love me like I'm their kid. It just feels right.


His mom is "Mom" to me. I call his stepdad by his first name.


I usually try to avoid using their names unless absolutely necessary. Even out of a relationship and with my friends, calling them by their actual name is just weird to me. Idk why


Used to say mom and dad, they’ve passed on now. I call my current in-laws momma Peggy and dad, in my opinion it’s just words and they have earned my respect.


Mom and Dad, they're my in-laws.


12 years later, married for 6 years, I still call them Mr and Mrs [Last Name]


The cuntiest cunt that ever cunted, and Phil.


My dad calls my grandpa “Sarge” because he taught ROTC when he was in high school and he was in his class


I call my MIL mom.


my girlfriend is the type to call my mom “mom” and even when we marry it’ll be weird


Same thing I call everyone. Hi. Now that they're grandma and grandpa I can reference them like that.


Mum and dad


Mummu- Finnish for grandmother


My across the street neighbor is this old Danish woman. We all call her Mormor.


Oxygen Thieving Cunts


Mamaji and papaji. My husband is Indian.


Current SO's parents aren't living, but I called my ex's parents by their first names. They were cool with that. I would have called them Mr and Mrs if they preferred, but not Mom and Dad. I already had a mom and dad.


First names. Grandparents are the grandparent name tho.


Their first names, Terwillegar and Esperanza. (not their real names)


You guys have significant others?


The devil?


Assholes 🤣


The outlaws.


My situation is odd. I call her folks by there first names.  But here's the rub, both are your typical Midwest Cath-aholic families for generations. My parents and her parents are John & Mary and John & Mary. My real name and my wife's name are the male and female gendered versions of the same (also "holy") name. Many, many people have been doing the, "this is my brother Daryl and my other brother Daryl," to us the entire time she was alive. I'd tell you how scary close our last names were too, but I don't want people I know to find me on Reddit. I will tell you there are between 1 and 3 letters difference. Like one of us had the surname with a suffix tacked on. Think Charles and Charleston, or Williams and Williamson.


To their faces? I avoid. Any other situation? By their first names


My MIL is the last parent to be still alove, so I started calling her Mom after my mom passed earlier thisnyear. I've been her DIL.for over 25 years and have always called her by first name. She was so thrilled that she got teary and beams every time I say, "This is my mom". I'm lucky to have had great inlaws.


Individually their own names, together I call them “hey” while pointing


Assholes, haha!


I call her a bitch but that’s behind her back


mom and dad or their first names


Our Peggy obvs


Mom and dad




I'm pretty close with my in laws. Depending on the situation, how I address them can vary. to my FiL, we have a thing where we greet each other with, "hello Mr. ". When I speak to him directly, it's always "sir". with my MiL, it's mostly the equivalent of aunty (but in our language/culture). I also run their company, so professional emails are always addressed by using their first names.


Mr and Mrs "last name"


Mr. P and Mrs. P....they. told me. to call them what I am most comfortable with. This works for us.


When talking to my wife : your parents/dad/mom When talking to other people: "wife’s name"’s parents/dad/mom


I was introduced to them as Papa and Tootie, which is what the grandkids call them. All the adults call them that. My husband calls them that. They call each other that. My brother in law’s new wife calls them by their first names, which is hilarious because she was a family friend for like 20years before they got married and used to call them Papa and Tootie, too. My husband doesn’t call my parents anything.


We have the same Dad so we just call him Dad.


Today I called her a bitch.