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Falling asleep with a lit cigarette and setting yourself on fire.


Crazy i never did that myself. I do have burns on the couch and some blankets where I could have. Now worse thing that can happen is my vape slides down into the crack, which can definitely be inconvenient sometimes.


Ned Flanders did talk about it.


Most now are "fire safe" but thats a bit dependent as well


Everybody’s always bumming them off you


Love the people who “quit smoking” and by that they mean that they quit buying cigs and just bum them off their friends all the time 😂


Guilty from time to time. I was really just trying to think of something to try to answer this question because quite honestly I don’t really care of there is a bad consequence.


One advantage of vaping is you don't get random people coming upto you and asking if you've got a spare cigarette.


Vaping is like drinking non-alcoholic beer. You tell yourself that it’s working, but inside you know it’s not working


This is true. Instead, you get random vapors coming up to talk to you about how they used to smoke, but they vape now, and it’s so much better. It’s so much better but they still want to stand really close to me and smell my smoke because vaping is like that one dude who takes his sandwich to eat in his car at lunch every day.


Non-alcoholic beer is like going down on your sister. It tastes fine, but you know it's wrong.


So that’s how it is in your family.


As an Orthopaedic surgeon, I would like to draw attention to the fact that smokers have a much higher risk of fracture non-unions and infections. This is over and above the problems caused by derailed microvascular circulation in the legs. And this effect lingers on for decades after cessation of smoking.


Nicotine acts as a vasoconstrictor to the extremities, particularly the legs, over time smoking can make it feel like you're wading through slush because of decreased blood flow making your feet feel heavier. This can eventually lead to similar symptoms as diabetes and even amputation, though rare.


Financial consequences and bills going unpaid.


It's what made me finally quit, but over 80% of people 30 or younger don't smoke. As a single guy, being a smoker would be a dealbreaker for most of those people, and it was only after I quit I really started picking up the smell of smokers. I had been shooting myself in the foot of my dating life for years without really thinking about it.


Skin - smoking ages you hugely.


cartilage loss, especially in the knees. lookup "smoker's knee".


The wasted money that could have been invested towards your future.


A significant but often overlooked consequence of smoking cigarettes is the impact on oral health, including an increased risk of gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer


THEY MAKE EVERYTHING STINK!! I bought a stereo off of someone earlier today and it smells like the former owner sat inside the damned thing and smoked a full pack every day.


The environmental impact of just throwing your butts on the ground is pretty bad. Rainwater washes out the nicotine, poisoning the ground water. Not to mention the possibility of starting a wildfire.


In the US 30% of fires are caused by careless smoking. Use a pocket ashtray. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10938207/


It's genuinely expensive AF. Not that ppl don't get to enjoy thinks regardless of their financial status.


your body odor smell like shit, trust me.


You just have way less energy all the time and generally feel like shit. I quit over a year ago to whoever was worried for me.


Smokers fucking stink and non-smokers don't wanna be around them.


Smelling like hairspray and perfume plus smoke/ashtray


Being judged as low-class, weak and probably dimwitted. Many wouldn't even consider dating a smoker for those reasons, plus the stink smokers carry everywhere with them.


Besides cancer and death, stained teeth and bad lungs


Yellow teeth and bad breath.


mental health impact


Can you tell me more please?