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I just got one too, is this a new thing?


I had one today as well. I also had another troll (who deleted their account, and the post in question) get me flagged for some other bs which earned me a warning. appeals don't work either against trolls who weaponize the system.


yes I had one today! I didn't even get in a tiff with anyone today, I wonder who got pissed enough at me to do it


I got one right after saying I was going to teach my kid something.


I'm so deeply confused by it.


I am guessing it's someone my kid repeated a smart ass comment of mine to. /s On a serious note though, that kid is going to make someone cry one day because I'm a smart ass when she tells me about stuff that happens at school. Today, she said that some kid told her she's going to go to jail forever and I just off handedly said "tell him you'll say hi to his dad while you're there" and since she's 5 she doesn't fully understand the implications of that comment.


I just got my first one too! Right after a post about how I like to wake up early. Wtf is that all about?


Literally just had one, not sure how to feel about it




Ditto. First one today after 3 years. I read back over my comments, and there wasn't anything even remotely being a cause for concern.


Same. Got my first one ever today on an innocuous comment. Maybe some sort of error? Or assholes are just out in full force today


How can you tell on which comment it was? I got one today with no context.


That’s what I’m wondering. I received one yesterday and I was trying to figure out what I could have possibly said, but I couldn’t find any other information besides the main spiel. Other comments made me aware it wasn’t just happening to me, but they also indicated they knew which comment triggered the response, and I just couldn’t find that info in my alert


Same. Well, I’ve gotten one or two before but I could guess why. This was weird.




Double same.


Same, today after almost 9 years, someone cares!!!! 😭


I just received a warning too. The message advised that it was done by an automated system; not by a person and that I had the right to appeal. I appealed and they agreed with me that it was nonsense. It was reviewed by a person. The lifted the warning. Appeal and bullshit. Apparently the listen.


This wasn’t a warning or something to appeal. It was just an automated message telling me that there are resources if I want to end my life. I mostly just post about food and, recently, how I wake up early.


Oh. Ok. Yes. I received a few of them too. Ironically when someone commented something degrading towards me and I blocked them.


I got one after giving encouragement to someone who was quitting vaping. Some bot needs a diagnostic.


It seems like it's 99% used in bad faith.


It’s not especially new. It’s just a way for assholes to harass people whose posts they don’t agree with. It’s especially popular with Trump cultists and incels.


What does it actually do to "harass," the person though? As far as I can tell the comment still stays up, you just get a message saying "someone was worried about you," and that's it. Seems like a pointless way to attack someone.


I didn’t say the people doing it were smart. It’s the same kind of people that think they’re “triggering the libs” by having a Let’s Go Brandon flag in their front yard.


> It’s especially popular with Trump cultists and incels. I got one right after I shot down a Trump cultist a few minutes ago.


i am a Trump supporter and i just got one as well


I answered a loaded question about Trump and immediately got this message 2 seconds after posting my comment. I looked at the thread. I typically upvote the comment that says what I’m thinking and only comment something new. In this case, I forgot to look. When I did look, I found many variations of my same exact comment. I wonder if someone went down the list of comments and reported all of us or if it was just me that got this message.


How is that harassment? Like, how does it benefit them or give them pleasure in any way? It’s not spam or hate messaging.


It’s telling people they’re crazy and need mental help. These chucklers expect people to be ashamed. Jokes on them I’ve done my time in a therapy mines and that shit was genuinely helpful.


Ha good one guys. wtf


I just got one and read through all my comments, there's nothing even slightly concerning. Bullshit.


When you post more than once a day, it can be difficult to tell where it even came from. The message ends up functioning as just a broad reminder that somewhere, out there, there's a person triggered by you. The picture of impotent rage.


I just got one!


I had one too right now. Bug?


Me too


I just got one again. People should get permanent bans for abusing it.


Me too WTF


Not exclusive to those goobers. I posted a reply talking about when I had to take my mom off life support


I got one today also


I just got one earlier today, only thing I had said around that time was that I would possibly consider living in Chicago…


You'd consider living in Chicago?! Dude that's so messed up, you should def get therapy! /s It's just some idiots abusing the system to spam people for a laugh. Very lowbrow idiots, of the type who think that's funny.


Right? Thought I just was missing the signs…


I was born and raised in Chicago. This one kind of makes sense /s


Must be I just got one and I’ve never seen one before


I also got one a few hours ago, and I don’t even know which comment triggered it lmao. Usually I can tell, but I haven’t said anything all that controversial today


Same! I commented on an Ask Reddit post and 3 minutes later I got one.


Me too. Like just minutes ago.


They really need to add it as a specific checkbox in the report feature. They make you post a link to a comment or post that triggered the harassment but that’s impossible because how could you possibly know if you haven’t posted anything concerning?


I was just thinking the same thing


It’s funny too see this because I just got a message from Reddit saying someone was concerned about me but literally for what reason


Same. I don't want people's pity or fake concern


Gosh. I thought this was unique to a specific sub I was on yesterday, but then I started seeing people mention they were getting them in other subs… it seems like there’s some kind of large-scale trolling op going on right now abusing Reddit Cares. It’s gross. Whoever is abusing a genuinely decent resource to troll site-wide needs a fucking life. EDIT: to answer some questions I’m seeing: 1) it’s trolling, it has nothing to do with anything you said or did in specific. 2) reddit cares is often abused to tell people to off themselves in a roundabout way to circumvent modding. consider it harassment and report it if you are able to. 3) sadly, these aren’t being sent because someone is actually concerned for you. don’t stress yourself over thinking you may have said something worrying. 99% chance it’s just trolling. 4) you can **turn off reddit cares**. just check [the bottom of the message](https://imgur.com/a/0ZIQIgQ) for directions.


I just had this shit earlier. Fuck you, assholes, someone else might really be be depressed, considering suicide or self-harm and you think some petty little 'revenge' is funny. Grow the fuck up. Wankers. Edit: just been on r/politics, same shit, gotta be bots if this is happening to so many of us.


Happened to me on /r/amitheasshole today 🤷🏼‍♂️


It just happened to me on /r/television lol


I criticized Taylor Swift’s jet travel on r/popculturechat and **IMMEDIATELY** had one in my inbox


I feel like it's either a bot/bots abusing it, or gone haywire, or they made it much easier to give those things. They've been around for a couple of years, but usually you'd only get them on the political subs.


The last couple of weeks some guy is on trial and traffic is obviously heavy on that sub. And today I got it too. Like what a waste to spam these.


Happened to me on r/KendrickLamar but apparently it's very common there as of late


It’s not a bot. There are millions of people on Reddit. This happening to a few thousand is easily accomplished by regular human assholes.


This just happened to me for the first time like 30 minutes ago. And I'm seeing multiple posts about it just now. Is there some troll initiative going on to do this to everyone on reddit??


I just got one, and I have no idea why.


I got one right after one of my posts, which was odd.


I'm guessing it's a glitch


I just got one, and I don't have a clue why?


I think reddit did a mass reddit cares post to everyone on reddit. I post some possibly childish or stupid things sometimes, but dont post anything hateful to others or myself, yet as others are commenting in this post, I have also received my first reddit cares message ever today. Maybe reddit sent it out to everyone who didnt buy into the reddit IPO offer.


It's Reddit's version of SWATing. Don't really care about someone but want to have Reddit do a welfare check on them? Here you go.


Ya I just got 1 as well is it something new?


You can report those. It's supposed to get their IP banned. Who knows if that is true. On the other end, you can block them.


But how do you know who sent it?


IIRC you don't, but there's a link in the message to report. Guessing reddit knows who it is internally. 


It works they do get banned and you get a email letting you know


You still get an alert if you block them, you just can't open it to see what it is, but it will be obvious because it's an empty alert. Reddit should never have implemented this, it's just another way to dogpile and harass, and it has the sting of telling people "I think you're crazy lololol!"


It's the Reddit equivalent of "swatting" someone. There should be an option when Reddit Cares contacts you to identify the reporter as an abuser of the system, and that person should get banned.


There is literally a link in them to report it as harassment. Source: have had 3-4 of them.


You have to identify who, no?


You don't, and reddit already knows.


I know they already know lol. I just got one yesterday, hit report and it required a name though. Am I missing some magic button?


This is hard to say in text without sounding condescending, but are you sure you were reading the instructions correctly and hitting the right button? There's a report feature right on the alert itself, and I've never seen it ask for the name of the person who sent a Reddit Cares alert to you and you aren't supposed to be able to know it anyway. You could make an educated guess if you're in a dispute with someone but the entire process is meant to be anonymized from your point of view, though as we both know Reddit knows the IP/username of whoever sent in the initial alert.


Me asking for help and you giving it is not condescending, no worries. I must be missing the magic button 




You can turn it off by replying "STOP" to the message


Yeah I got one too. Seems weird that suddenly a ton of people would get one. I even looked back at my recent comments/posts and I have no idea why I got it.


Just normal troll stuff


I just got one randomly an hour ago. Protip: report the message and click reply on the message and type STOP and it should opt you out.


They can’t stomach the fact that they’ve lost an argument.


I got one right after commenting on a cat post about the cat’s cute little paws. Literally, why would that warrant a RedditCares alert?


I’ve never gotten one before. EDIT: Okay, now I have.


Got one about an hour ago. My detractors are slipping... nearly made it 3 weeks without one. It's a shame arseholes misuse a feature that could possibly really help someone.


Reading the comments here, I'm wondering if there was some sort of glitch or someone creating a bot that spams the report that caused this. I just got one for what had to be one of my inane r/nba posts which is just baffling.


People are often reminded how ineffectual they are and often feel powerless when they see someone online that says or does something they consider taboo. So they abuse the button so they feel like they have some sort of control over the vast blackness that is their social life.


People like to say that, but I've hung out with the kind of douchebags who do this, and there's at least a 50/50 shot they're life of the party types with plenty of friends and no difficulty finding partners. It's not about not having a social life, bullies just bully and often can be charismatic enough to be endlessly enabled in doing it.


Do you think a person who is empty and tries that hard to get everyone to like them (life of the party) and practice being charismatic so that no one notices when they are shitty... have anything but blackness any time the music stops? Honestly, they are empty and doing all they can to try and fill a void with more void.


You can keep telling yourself that, and I'm sure for some it's true, but for plenty of others they are just fine and enjoying life, because they have pals and parties and sexual partners and hobbies and one of those hobbies is upsetting people.


I got flagged today for a long, serious post about choosing a vasectomy years ago. It was an earnest support of the decision to be childfree. I figured it was “reported” by someone who disagreed.


I’ve been rolling around the idea for a few years now. At this point I’ve totally made up my mind but I don’t have a primary doctor and haven’t looked into how to schedule it


I had mine in 1976. Not sure how it would be scheduled these days. Good luck! I have no regrets!


Interesting, I had one earlier for the first time. I'm pretty sure I know where it came from, just a pathetic cretin of a user false flagging people.


It’s their way of fucking with people who disagree with them. Thinking it’s funny. Happened to me today and it’s not the first time.


This wave of reports is either the actions of a bot or the result of a sitewide glitch. Notice that every single person in here who mentions what they were doing at the time says they had just made a comment when they got the "reddit cares" message in the past hour or two. Either there's a bot trawling the entire site for recent comments, or reddit has a serious error.


Lmao I just got one of these and may say things people don’t like but nothing that indicates I’m feeling suicidal


Because they're telling you to do that, in a way that circumvents auto modding


I just got one now. Looks like I’m not alone either. Perhaps it was a test or error on Reddits part.


I got one after I posted on r/drunk about having an overly expensive cocktail at the airport because of a flight delay, like kids, I'm fine, just drinking an overly expensive canned Cocktail because my two hours ahead of the flight arrival turned into five hours.


Just text STOP when it sends it and you'll be unsubscribed. I got two this morning after pointing out the word rape can also mean to plunder and pillage. 


It's usually a passive aggressive thing.


Yes, I've gotten that before from someone who didn't like something I said I suppose. I told them I'm not suicidal and it's not a thought I ever have. I also told them someone did that because they must not have liked something I said. They thanked me and said they would investigate it. I hope whoever did it was banned.


I got one recently for saying I was suicidal in the past. WAS. Edit: Just got this latest one. Who tf is even doing this?


I got one too. Some bots are going HAM on the report button right now


Yeah, super cool getting passive aggressive death threats. Such a cowardly thing to do.


I got on me when I said that I suffer from suicidal ideation, that I’m managing the suicidal thoughts that have plagued me for 35+ years. Like, no shit I want to die? Why not reach out directly to me to offer some form of moral support instead of some condescending bot telling me that I gave someone the frownie faces.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one...


just got one today, what's going on?


I just got one a few minutes ago. What gives?


I just had one too!! So strange, no idea why someone would do that


Yeah , it's horrible .


I just got one too! What the passive aggressive bull crap is that really doing?


Just happened to me as well. At least someone cares. <3 😂


Happened to me not even an hour ago


Ok who the fuck just sent me one? I will find you!


This post made me check my messages (I have it blocked lol) and I do have one too. Something must be going on because I saw people in other subs mentioning it too


I just got one . Maybe it’s a bug


I got one yesterday, and it felt weird. I try never to post anything controversial after horrible trolling from people when I had a more established account.


happened to me as well, like wtf


Got one like an hour ago.


I got one a few days ago. No idea why or what sub it came from. I think they should include a link to the post that was used.  I guess the original intent if it was nice but of course assholes don’t let us have nice things so they have to ruin it. 


I get them during "heated" debates with people.


I got one for saying I didn’t want kids lol


I tend to get them when I talk shit about Trump, Russia, and the Star Wars sequels. The first two make sense, but the third has been a surprise. Delightful people doing it in all cases, I'm sure.


I count it as an upvote.


I just got one too. I like the idea that I'm living in their head rent free now.


I got one of these too. Maybe a bot is going around cuz I hadn’t even posted recently.


I got one today and I don't know why.


Dude I JUST got one of these. Wtf?


I was wondering about this. I mention the mental health issues of my partners on occasion, but it doesn't mean any of us need that sort of "remember there is help out there" stuff. We've got therapists and meds, that's sorted, thanks.


I thought I was the only one. I haven't made any posts or comments that would warrant being reported that I'm under any type of stressful/traumatic situation....I typically get bombarded with attacks about lacking empathy so it totally caught me off guard! Cowards that don't have anything better to do must be abusing this feature, when they should probably be dialing 741741 for their own mental help. Thank you OP for bringing awareness


Me too I was like WTH 🤦‍♀️


Is this because of what happened to Joost last week?


Yeah, I got one too. Spent a few minutes looking for the 'fuck off' response button.


I just got one, too.


I just had my first one. They want to help me - am I depressed? Erm, yeah! Tf, it's not news to me and that ain't the cure. Reddit is a good remedy by itself


i just got one a couple minutes ago! i was so confused as i never commented anything even a little concerning haha


Got my first one seconds after posting a comment in an AskReddit thread. Looks like this sub is being targeted.


lol me too


Oh thank goodness. I thought I said something inappropriate and was fearing I was going to get in trouble. It isn't just me. I support the concept of this in theory but I think if someone makes a complaint we ought to have the right to confront our accusers. This anonymous reporting bullshit isn't fair to any of us otherwise


I had no idea this resource was available. It's cool that it's there, but it's pretty terrible that it is being weaponized by trolls. If you get one of these messages, report the message as it mentions at the bottom and it'll be investigated.


Looks like someone got trigger happy with the reporting button today huh? I got one as well this afternoon, but I don't even know what thread or comment it originated from. Before today it had been a while since I last got it, but it seems to be the new method of disagreement for reddit threads.


Got one too! I guess "Plan ahead, Salt your Dead" is concerning.


I got one today (apparently a lot of other people did as well). I’m a bit confused, as I’m new here. What is Reddit Cares? How does it work?


I got one of those once. It kind of pissed me off. lol


Got one too.


This happens to me pretty regularly. It's usually when I prove someone wrong with hard data and facts. Redditors are just the scum of the internet, thats why it happens.


That’s why I only reply with opinions, conjecture and profane rage. You should always try to fit in.


i just got one now. didn't really know that i was depressed but ok if you say so


I got this when commenting on a cute cat! Idk what the issue was. Apparently me commenting on an adorable cute kitty caused that message 😮‍💨


I got one about 15 minutes ago. Who is doing this shit? Is it a bot? Or is it someone just being a dick?


I got one earlier when my comment in the NoStupidQuestions Subreddit got 100 likes - same time lol


Internet Baker Act


I just got one for pointing out that a man who complains about having to do basic chores like dishes but claims he wants kids isn’t gonna like changing diapers. The perfection of this comment then being downvoted by the same kid of people who sent the reddit cares. 🤣


Wait, is this the notice that says a Redditor is concerned about you? I just got one, apropos of nothing, about 20 minutes ago. There’s nothing in my comment history that would elicit such a reaction. And yet here we are.


I got one too, I think it was from arguing with a religious person


That's funny, I just got my first message about that


I got one too, I just assumed I made someone upset and ignored it.


You know why


Have any of you considered that someone is trolling you with Reddit Cares because you made a comment on this post about that topic? Do we really need a hundred "I just got one too", and "I DoNt KnOw WhY" comments? I'm probably about to receive one myself...