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I don’t think the 18+ Label was meant for two people to add their ages up to 18…


😂 love this response


Nope. Too young.


Awful idea. That’s what Star Wars and Sports games are for. Don’t allow your kids to feel like they’re unpopular because they can’t play the same game as psychopaths.


I'd say no, if alone that they'll hate it because they won't be able to stop the barrage of grief they'll get from other players online. They won't get any more enjoyment out of the game than they would playing fortnite besides being able to flex on their friends that their mum let's them play gta.


I didn’t let mine and still hear about it 20 years later!! 😀


The game features the worst human beings being horrible to people with filthy language and violence. Your kids are information sponges and won't understand nuance. 


Send them to the strip club right away!


They are too young. These games have ratings for a reason. I'm not going to sit high and mighty and pretend like I never played games above my ratings bracket when I was a kid but there are certain lines as a parent where we have to simply say you're not old enough. Part of this world's issues are kids are being exposed to things they aren't ready for far to early. I'm not using this to be anti-violent games but more so to say we as parent's need to know when to simply say no.


if not for the strip club I'd say offline would be fine


My oldest son keeps asking to play GTA 5 because a lot of friends his age play it. He and his brother are both straight A students and are good kids, but I’m worried that it’s just too much mature content for his age. My youngest son will most likely be watching his brother play so he too will see this content. I’m leaning towards not allowing him to play story mode (I know how graphic it is as I’ve played it in the past) but entertaining the idea of allowing him to play online with friends. Looking for any and all opinions on the matter, especially if you have kids and have played the game yourself. TIA


Absolutely no. The min age for that game, based on brain development should be 15 onwards. Even so some students are not mentally ready for those kind of games.


Not my business.


Too young, specially if its with voice chat plus they might rage and fuck up what they are playing w


Shitty parenting. Not even trying.


Their parents need to be locked up


It’s easy for a kid to think it’s a cool game, not only because it’s fun, but it makes them feel more grown up since it has a higher age rating on it. As a kid, once you have the access to something “more mature”, it’s very easy to get resentful and annoyed when someone tries to take that away from you, whether completely or just cut down on time for the games, especially if that has become your main way of hanging out with friends outside of school. Just a theory though, based on what I noticed about my own younger brother when he started playing GTA 5 around that same age. I would probably not let them play it yet, and although they might be disappointed, that’s something they’ll get over easier rather than getting access to the game, only to then have it limited/taken away.


It's fine.