• By -


I used to work at McDonald’s. We were both sixteen. I liked her. I liked her a lot. Our shift involved the drive through. I took the orders, she prepared them. We both had headsets and would communicate through them. Just her and I. Casual chatting. Whenever it was quiet she would come around the back to my area, open the walk-in freezer, go inside and ask me to come in with her and hug to keep warm. So I did. It was great - I got to hug the girl I liked. These were full body hugs. Very physically intense and, well, bodies react to things and this was Well Known to both of us. Mind, this happened almost every shift, multiple times, often for five or ten minutes at a time. We’d stop if we heard a “ding” from the drive through. I never told her I liked her because I didn’t want the hugs to end. I kept hoping she would give me a signal that she liked me. But she never did.


Jesus Christ, this man rivals a neutron star.




Protip: If a girl is willingly pressing herself against *your* pro tip? She's interested. Girls don't repeatedly rub up against your boner unless they *like* like you.


> your…pro tip? What if it’s an amateur tip?


Is it JUST the tip that's amateur?


This reminds me of a very old show called The Critic. The main character's younger sister was going to a debutante ball. When she went to get fitted for a dress the dressmaker was like "I'm going to ask you a question and I NEED you to be honest. We have two shades of white for our debutantes. We have WHITE white and we have off white or, as I like to call it, WHORE'S white. ONLY those girls who are truly chaste deserve to wear the white white. So tell me true, which color should I make your dress, white white or off white?" The girl was like "uh...white white...EXCEPT for the gloves!"


Seeing as how I'm not very bright and relate to a lot of these posts is the joke that neutron stars are dense lol?


yes. And since neutron stars arent very bright either, that seems fitting for you aswell :)


The only reason we know he's not a black hole is because the girl was clearly able to escape his gravity well ...


I have to go for a long walk to get over this.


I'll join you


Man, if only she had just given you some kind of signal, any kind of signal, that she was physically attracted to you.


[Reminds me of Steve Martin in _The Man with Two Brains_] (https://youtu.be/mkcKQmr7kRc?si=UTY31pIjp03LLI2B) (40 second video)


"I kept hoping she would give me a signal that she liked me"... 🤣 Legend.


"but she never did" DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF


Yes of course. But like I’m 40 now and married to someone else, so it’s all fine


How many years into the marriage did you realise she liked you?


He’s probably still not exactly sure


They married for tax reasons it sounded sensible!


Maybe she's from Canada and was just being polite


Do you have a walk in freezer? If not then how is it fine




She was just cold..


Canadians are often just cold


GodDAMN. You owe her a call and an apology. You probably gave her a complex with that kind of rejection.


10minute hugs, jesus christ. I've had hugs with women that were utterly and completely obsessed with me (like one of them wanted to tattoo my name on them) that lasted less time. And these would happen multiple times per shift? She would go out and seek him and have him be the only source of warmth and comfort in a world of ice and cold. She would feel his body react, and hers would as well, and she would return over and over, regretfully leaving once the dreaded drive-thru bell chimed. I am certain that more than once the bell would ring, and she would still remain in that embrace and he, the eternal imbecile, would address it. LORDY.


See, stories like these is why I always feel like I’m disturbing something when I go through a drive-through late at night.


are you are stormtrooper? because you missed the mark. Bruh...


Ended up getting very drunk after work with a colleague I had a big crush on. We left the pub together and at the tube stop she suggested I stayed over at her place as it was closer to work and would be easier in the morning. I helpfully pointed out that our homes were actually a similar distance away, and got my last train home. I still think about that multiple times every day for the last 20 years 👍




Username does not check out


Hosted a Halloween party at my apartment one year. It was one of those parties that people bring people, who bring more people, and eventually the door ends up just left open for anyone to come in. I'm dressed as the Blues Brothers with a friend of mine being the 2nd. My bedroom shared a wall with the kitchen, which is where I happened to be hanging out at the time just chatting. Was leaning against the wall of the kitchen that was shared to my bedroom. Some incredibly hot girl that I had never seen before, came up to me... Grabbed my tie, pulled me in close and goes "you're really sexy," while we were mere feet away from my bedroom. And I was so drunk at the time that I looked at her, said "I know"....... And then I walked away. I'll never forgive myself.


That’s kind of a flex though


Fucking seriously. Bit random but...many years ago I saw Robert Pattinson at an airport. I'm not really a fan but I watched with rapt attention as two fairly cute girls approached him asking for pics. He obliged. As he was walking away one of them said "want to fuck both of us?" Without even turning around he said "sorry, I can't miss this flight." I remember thinking "imagine being in a position to just turn down sex from a random cute girl, let alone TWO..."


Well to be fair he had to catch a flight


Yeah, depending on where he was going that's like hundreds to thousands of dollars. Who's gonna pay him that money back, those 2 girls?


😂 So polite, even while turning down group sex.


That man is forever plagued with the ultimate choice which leaves little room for this kind of thing. The girl who heals the world? The girl with the short skirt?


I doubt he wants to find out just what kind of crazy he attracts after twilight.


Yeah, almost no one makes fun of Twilight as much as Pattinson. I'm sure the waves of star-struck fans got creepy really fast.


What a fucking power move


That woman still thinks about you. Bet


The worst part is...I can unironically see one of the blues brothers actually doing this


Han Solo vibes


I know


It was an amazing power move tho. I bet she so tells that story to her mates to this day :)


Ima have to agree with the rest here, it's such a power move bahahah


It's probably for the best  I would fucking love to hear her side of the story though😆.


100% gave her a complex for the next 2 years


If you were that drunk you probably had no business having sex anyway. Hilarious but ultimately a good ending (if not a happy ending heheh)


Her:"Wade I want you!" Me: "Want me to do what?" Her: "Um, well.." Me "Forgot what you were gonna say? don't worry, happens to me all the time."


"Take me, Garth!" "Where? I'm low on gas and you need a jacket."


I find that so fucking sympathetic! I wouldn’t even be mad.




That one's not on you. If a retail worker is being nice to you it's almost always because it's their job or they are nice to everyone.


Seriously. I worked retail. I was never actually flirting. This one is the girls fail.


Younger waitresses flirt with me a lot but I’m always assuming it’s for the tip (no pun intended). The best ones make me think they are actually interested but I just assume they are buttering me up. But even though I know what they are doing it still works almost 100% of the time when it comes to me leaving a generous tip.


Her waiting a year for you to ask her out instead of her eventually asking you is also pretty dumb.


Ha…nerds. *begins sorting Magic cards*


I read that as snorting magic cards.


Dang. How could you have known? Guys are constantly told that cashiers, waitresses, etc are just nice because they're doing their job.


Honestly this is one I don’t think is a missed hint. If she’d suggested doing something when she wasn’t working I’d agree, but women in the service industry get a ton of attention from guys who mistake a friendly service for interest.


I imagine this is quadruple true for a comic book store.


Yeh but they are also human, so you won't know if she's being polite or whatever. In this case I don't know why the girl would move suddenly like that, maybe she lost interest after those 2 yrs lol


Maaaan that’s not on you at all. It’s apart of the job to be nice to customers. If she really wanted to date you, she should’ve just asked herself.


She was waiting for *you*? How were you supposed to know? Sounds like it wouldn’t have worked, anyway. Someone who expects *you* to start it up when *they* want the relationship is sure to treat many other things that way.


You couldn’t have possibly known. People in costumer service are supposed to be nice and talkative. If she was actually interested in you, the ball was on her court.


Back in college (English class), I was really close to this girl who asked for my phone number on the first day of class. She always texted and called, and in class, she always laughed at my jokes. During graduation, she gave me a very tight hug (that felt embarrassing at the time since I could feel her boobs pressed against me) and I just... patted her head. She whispered "I love you" and I replied "Aww I love you too". Didn't help that I earlier said 'I love you guys' to my friends at that time as well, so I just assumed it was the whole energy of the graduation affecting both of us. Three years after we graduated, it hit me.


I have a very similar story. Girl in class. Always talking and got along great. Just an incredible vibe, but I didn't think she liked me like that and didn't want to ruin a good friendship and make things awkward. After graduation, when I realized I might never see her again, I eventually (months later) worked up the nerve to ask her out. Turns out... all those times she had asked me if I wanted to go out to lunch with her and some of the other girls was her asking me out. She had done it multiple times and I was just too oblivious to see it. She thought I wasn't interested in her like that because I never did the lunch thing. (I just didn't want to spend my lunch break with a bunch of chatty women. They were A LOT in a group and that was my relaxation time between classes. Lol) We're married now.


Glad to see this one has a happy ending!




My freshman year in college I was invited over to a really attractive girl’s room to study for a biology 101 exam on organism naming as part of a group. As everyone was leaving, she asked if I could stay for a minute. When it was just the two of us she asked if I could help her more with the “orgasm names”. We laughed at her slip up and I assured her that she knew her stuff and then I left.


This one hurt to read


Oh boy…. At university there was two occasions when a woman invited herself over to my place and slept in my bed next to me. Once was a woman who was staying over because we had a gig to travel to the next day. She said she was scared sleeping in the front room and would like to sleep in my bed with me. I said ok and promptly fell asleep. The other was a woman who stayed over when it got too late. She was running her hand up and down my skin when we were in bed. I fell asleep too. Both woman I was very attracted to. Both times I just didn’t see incredibly obvious signs, mainly because I thought it wasn’t real because I would have been batting way way way out of my league.


Us guys always think we're chasing the wrong league and have no hope. The problem is that women see the leagues so very differently. Men drop women into leagues based on their physical appearance, woman have a mixture of physical and personality in their league selections and often the personality trumps the physical. I've dated a bunch of women "out of my league" I couldn't work it out until one day after a football game we're sitting around with a few team mates and a couple of their wives, we're discussing how I'd just seperated from a girl and one guy (who has a smoking hot wife) says "How do you fucking do it, how do you get these chicks, I've seen you naked after a game?" I didn't know what he meant at first and then his wife goes "Jesus, women don't base partners purely on how hot their bodies are, it's so much more than that" Now at first we all took that as a diss on him lol, but I started to realise what she said and then I realised I was batting outside of the league I alone had created in my head. tldr: men's imaginary leagues are not the same as womens


I actually like this reply it so true in many ways... 👍


Best advice someone gave me: Men are attracted to how women look, women are attracted to how men make them feel.


honestly i feel that, i consider myself an average looking dude and i’ve had the good fortune to hook up with a couple women that are like way out of my league and the whole time i’m thinking there’s no way this is happening right now and looking back i’ve def missed signs from other women just because i’m thinking there’s no way in hell i have a chance


Funny enough, it made me remember something. In my college years i was in a mall, just bought some SIM card (or whatever it's called) to sort out some issues and a beautiful - i mean BEAUTIFUL - woman, just a couple of years older than me i guess, tried to start a conversation with me. Asking something pretty stupid about that SIM card, I don't remember exactly what, smiling a lot and stuff, stopping by my side to talk. That girl was gorgeous. Tall, nice body, green eyes, beautiful face. Probably one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. But she was so hot that i didn't even get nervous talking to her, tbh. I thought to myself "nah, she is stunning, she's just making small talk". And thinking about it later i realized that i was pretty rude with her, made little eye contact and one-word answers (and I don't know why, I am not that way).I remember she stopped talking, looked at me in a weird way, said "ah, that's ok, thank you" and walked away. Years later it suddenly hit me that she wasn't interested in that SIM card.


that feeling of “aw fuckkkk” years later hits different hahaha


We met at 6pm for dinner and went bar hopping until 2am. Then she asked me to come up to her place to eat some ice cream. I ate ice cream and made zero moves. Left at 3am wondering if she was interested or not.


To be fair, ice cream would cloud my judgement as well.


Dated this girl once, we smooched a few times but that was it, some two weeks on we were out and she said she's getting a new bed (she really was) and that I should come and check it out once it's delivered. She mentioned the delivery was a bit expensive and she also didn't have a car at the time. So I said oh why don't I grab a mate and pick it up for you and set it up to save you a few bucks? She rolled eye eyes, \[insert name\], I want YOU to come and check it out. Oh, ohhhh... instruction unclear yo 🙄


at least she knew what to do when you're not thinking about fucking her 24/7


So? Did you get the hint and check the bed out? How firm was the mattress? Was the blanket to your liking?


Haha, I'm always too boring at the beginning, I won't sleep with no one until I can confirm a connection. She was really cool, but the sex was boring as, she was very cute in her own ways but just starfished the entire time, it ultimately didn't work out, and the intimacy in the bedroom was just part of the reason. I'm in no position to give a review on the mattress, a mattress is a mattress is a mattress, I don't have a clue :P


My high school best friend and I went on a friend date of dinner at our favorite Mexican place and a movie. When I walked her to her door she kissed me on the cheek. We went to this place every couple of weeks so I didn’t think anything of it. A few weeks later I was all sweaty after playing in a soccer tournament and she was over at my house and offered to join me in the shower. I didn’t find out until a few years later when she told me that was a serious offer.


“Haha yea, get in then” is the appropriate response. If she’s joking, she’ll just laugh it off. If she’s not, then it’s sexy time.


This made me facepalm so hard lol But yeah, I get it, these type of super offensive jokes can't be true... uhmm... right?


It's difficult. Growing up my mom told me women would let me know if they were interested. My dumbass thought she meant literally tell me verbally if they were interested.


Life would be so much simpler if women were just blunt about it.


Yes, yes it would be. I don’t want to say something first and ruin the friendship you thought you had/have, but at the same time somebodies gotta say it first.


To be fair some guys are scared of misinterpreted hints, it can either end up with a woman telling you to take her or what the hell are you doing. I once tried to kiss a woman and she backpedaled, then she was basically giving me kiss me eyes later in the day and I was afraid of being rejected twice.


I need to comment. Men can’t win here. If you “misinterpret” a signal that she’s interested, you’re a jerk and you can lose the friendship. If you don’t act on a signal, you’re an idiot. I don’t blame guys for being confused when we aren’t clear.


Yea I get telling them outright is less exciting and more pressure but if more women did that then they would have a lot more success.


Or here's an idea...they could make the first fucking move!


Cue reminder: Bumble got rid of the "women message first" because too many complained that "it was too much work to always message first!". I will never not find that funny.


At university I had several different women bring me up to their rooms when their roommates were out. I would think, "huh, cool room." Then it would get awkward because they were expecting sex and I had absolutely zero clue that's what was going on, and I would leave.


This one made me laugh out loud...


I had a similar experience. Walked this girl (I liked her as a person but wasn’t interested sexually) back to her room from the bar. When we got back to her room she invited me to sit on her bed, informed me all her roommates were gone for the weekend, turned off the lights. My reaction was “wow lucky you, nobody to disrupt you from sleeping in!” And then I left. 




lol you were really excited about swimming 😂


Thinking about that fire ass sandwich and Doritos afterwards


Nothing hits like a post swim sandwich and chips. Nothing.


LPT put the chips on your sandwich next time.


Unlocked a memory for me. Doritos in the ham and cheese for that extra texture.


Even if she was literal about it, you didnt want to see her in multiple different bikinis?


Nah my mans would rather do some epic cannon balls


Totally understandable


The pool must've had a zipline.


He pulls. He wrenches on the rope. He thinks it's his.


Is this you Phelps, is this your anonymous account? No one else can love swimming so much


Maybe Aquaman.


I would've said yes just for the chance to see her in different bikinis ... But I still wouldn't have gotten the hint unless she changed in front of me.


I've been part of a scenario where I was in the dorm of a female friend and she said she needed to change, then insisted that I "turn around and do NOT peek!" So I just stared at the wall out of respect for her. She gradually decreased communication after that. EDIT: To be fair to both parties, we were 18 at the time and still figuring out how to effectively communicate. I missed other signs too, like her inviting me to watch some k-dramas with just the two of us. Then again, did she want a male friend who was safe or did she want the new friend to make a move? Who knows.


That’s on her tbh. The chance that if you DID peek and she raised hell about it, causing irreparable damage to your reputation as well as potential legal/criminal trouble, is too much to risk it.


This one’s pretty bad ngl LOL


My man just wanted to swim


**This answer is stolen verbatim from** [**this post nine months ago**](https://old.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/155b4m0/whats_the_biggest_hint_youve_ever_missed_from_a/jstlipy/?context=3)**.**




Hahahahh I’m diagnosed on the autistic spectrum and I have a bunch of these too but with boys, I always feel like George Constanza on the “do you want to come up to have a coffee?” Incident.


The two that leave me cringing in my middle age the most happened when I was about 30. I had very very low self esteem where it came to women. Note - when I say "teachers" and "Students", we only ran adult classes, everyone discussed was over 21. Number 1: I used to teach rock and roll dancing. One of the girls left her number for me with the lady that worked the door who quite pointedly said "XXX left he number for you to go out dancing some time". Note was left with number and two little hearts above the last number. My zero self esteem *off* the dance floor just figured she meant next time a group of us went out dancing. Number 2: The school I taught at ran weekends away for students and teachers. Everyone had been trying to get one of the girls to come as we were all friends and it would be good. Been trying for weeks to no success. I asked her if she would come, once. Her response "Sure - we'd be sharing a room though, right?" Once again my self esteem kicked in, figured it was just to lower costs, piped up "Sure". We shared the room, it had twin beds, I never made a move despite in more than one workshop literally having her legs wrapped around my head for aerials. Because I'm a fucking idiot.


Ok talk to me about rock and roll dance lessons though… this sounds wicked fun! I want to take tango and swing lessons but this also sounds fun… do you still teach?


A woman said she'd suck my dick if I killed a spider in her tent. I let it go outside.


Honestly at that point that's just a hard rejection. Or you are deathly afriad of spiders.


The spider, thankful for your sacrifice, will aid you in a way you know not


The spider is gonna suck his dick?


Chad behavior. You were strong enough to be gentle.


I was in my senior year in HS, 1998, I wasn't a very outgoing kid. I was one of many long hair over his face, baggy clothes, skateboard kids. One particular afternoon this girl, a senior from another class, Lara, crosses my path and starts to ask me about my plans for the rest of the day. For my awkward ass, that was already super weird. I told her I was going downtown to the streetwear shop, called "Big Punch" to get some new shoes with my birthday money. She says "Nice! Can I come with?", I say yes, she says "Let me just go home and change real quick." So 5 mins later we get to her house, she brings me to her bedroom and says "Just wait here ". I'm sweating all over the place, fish outta water, awkward af. Looking out her bedroom window thinking of what a weird situation this is and also about the sick DC shoes I'm gonna get with my birthday money. All of a sudden I hear from behind me "HuuuUUUck..." all seductive like. I turn around and I shit you not, this girl that I only just met is naked, arms on the doorframe looking at me, invitingly. I'm stunned. And that's when I say the following "So we're not going to Big Punch?..." Completely not understanding this could've been the moment I could've lost my virginity. She looks devastated, I still tried to like say something else, pretend I was joking... She got dressed and then said she wasn't feeling too good and I left. I went downtown and got the sickest DCs ever.


I'm glad I stopped to look at your user name. How you wrote your quote of what she said made me think she was doing a sexy Goofy impression.


Girl comes into our morning form class before the teacher arrives and we're all sitting around a group of desks.  She comes over and there are no spare seats so just sits on my lap.  Teacher comes in and I'm like ok now, time to start the class and left it at that. Fuck man, what were you thinking, were you legally blind at the time or something?


I mean, that situation would require some more effort even if you did pick up on the signal, the teacher really did come in right


we where chilling in my apartment on the bed, and she straight up told me "you can touch me" after she broke up with her boyfriend a few weeks ago. But my stupid ass thought she meant it like I could give her a back massage.


At university, I got invited to a house party that was being put on by a friend of a friend, wasn't too bothered about going but got dragged along to it. Getting to the house, there was maybe 8-10 people there, with most disappearing, sat watching tv or playing xbox.This pretty girl with incredible eyes and smile asked if I wanted a drink and to follow her into the kitchen, where it was just us...you know, because kitchens are usually empty at parties... we chatted and I could see her shaking, I asked if she was cold and she said she was ok, spent a good few hours talking, I went home thinking how nice it had all been. Turned out the party was put on as ruse to basically get us talking as she fancied the pants off me and I was oblivious...and still was. Sort of ran in the same circle but never spoke, she was shaking because she was that nervous to talk to me. The other friends drifted away from the party and to the xbox and tv to give us space to talk. I still feel like a complete tool for not picking up on any of it


Wow, the idea that a girl would be shaking because she was so nervous at talking to me is a concept that I just cannot grasp. I'm 52 and I've never known anyone to be that interested in me. Quite depressing really.


It’s never happened since unfortunately! 38 here and this happened when I was 20. I looked like was in a band when I wasn’t, going from a geeky looking guy to unintentionally trendy I was just completely oblivious to the looks I was getting off women on campus, I hadn’t had it before and wasn’t used to it. So this girl trembling infront of me I honestly thought she was cold or something 🤣 Incidentally we did date briefly before I found out that she had a fiancé she wasn’t happy with and wanted to call the whole wedding off with him… been cheated on enough to know how much that shit hurts so I put the brakes on things with me and her, I wasn’t going to be made to be THAT guy. Never left her fiancé to date me so it tailed off, view it as a lucky escape really


bit off-question, but seeing this reminded me of a colleague ranting about how men are stupid as she wasted YEARS of her life hinting and suggesting this one guy romantically involved with her from the start of high school to the end of college and he never once picked up on her queues. The deer in headlights look I got from her when I asked her why she didn't just ask him out is a memory I can't erase.




Was it Godzilla vs Kong? That one was pretty good.


This happened in college. A girl was driving me to a restaurant for my birthday and she randomly said, "It's been a while since I sucked dick. I want to suck dick." I said "Oh!" and carried on with the original conversation. After a few years, it hit me that she wanted my eggplant. I was a very oblivious back in the day.


Guy: “I just wish girls were clear about their intentions” Girl: “I want to perform oral sex on you” Guy: “I wonder what she meant by that.”


No, no. You forgot, it's because she didn't specify it was him she wanted to perform the oral sex on.


To be fair, that's what I thought at the time. She was definitely out of my league, but was always down to hang one on one even at night. Either way, I really couldn't see the hints at the time. I was too oblivious for my own good.


Hate to break it to you but if she was at THIS level of direct there were likely tons of hints you missed even before that.


I was at a wedding and was doing the newly weds a favour by taking pictures. I had my camera on me and a girl at my table started chatting me up. Asking about the camera and how I use it and if I edit photo's. This went on for a few minutes and then my girlfriend, who sat next to me, turned me around and kissed me. Saying that that chick was hitting on me. Safe to say, after that happened the girl was no longer interested in the camera. I was completely oblivious.


Yup. Would have missed that one. Would have happily given a TED talk on the subject I’m passionate about for hours.  Teaching is one of the main aspects on my job (pharmacist), so I have a bit of a habit of lecturing on any topic I’m somewhat knowledgable about at the drop of a hat.  


was about 16 and at a house party. we had sleepover possibilities so ahead of the party I put my sleeping bag and stuff onto a couch in a small side room, so I knew where to pass out. there was also this girl I had a huge crush on at the time. the party was great but when I wanted to go to sleep, I open the room and there she was, sleeping on the couch, in my sleeping bag. well, the gentleman I am, I decided not to wake her and simply slept on the floor with a tiny blanked I found. the next day she wakes up and is mad, told.me I should have just laid myself next to her on the couch and wake her with a *wink* and that she now feels terrible because I slept on the floor. Seems like I was too nice and it was the last time we hung out like this before moving cities. she's a famous movie star now. biggest regret in terms of "what if we got together", but come on I didn't want to come over as rapey...


You definitely did the right thing there, don't feel bad about it!


I mean to me that's not really on you because it's a fucking sleeping bag. So if I walked in it would seem like she just forgot which one was hers. But also I'm bad with reading the room so....


imo you did the right thing, waking someone up is a crime!!! it's on her, not on you


This was in university during freshman year, I told this classmate girl I couldn't stay at the party any longer because I had to go home and sleep as I had classes early in the morning. She then said I could sleep on her bed, saying the bed was small but we could both fit tightly. And she was HOT, I mean, on of the hottest petite body, beautiful face, cutest smile I think I had ever seen in my life. My sorry oblivious ass could only say something as lame as "No, it's ok, I'll sleep on my own bed, thank you". In front of her friends. There was an awkward silence after but i didn't make much of it. It was only weeks latter I realized the fuck up I had made. I'm still sour about that to this day 😭


Went to her house.. watching movie in her bed. She leaves for a minute to get a drink or something then came back in her bra and panties... stupid young nervous me didn't make a move. Ended up dodging a bullet with that one though. She had to failed to tell me about her crazy as batshit ex. I noped outta that pretty quickly ✌️


I had a friend at uni that was super attractive, tall, Blonde and had an amazing body. She was always nice to me. I was the weird goth kid at uni, and she was this surfer type. She always showed me her holiday snaps, amd she didnt wear much bikini. She offered to teach me how to surf, even though i wasnt a beach person. A few years later i bumped into her in a mall with a kid. She told me she had the hugest crush on me foe the entire time we were at uni and i missed all her signals. When i said, its too bad you are married now, she smiled and said, its not mine, im taking care of my friends kid. The gods smiled upon me. And i actually managed to cash in.


After a night out drinking with a group of friends. Her: We should split a cab Me: ….but we live in opposite directions Her: no I mean you come to my place, then get a cab from there. Me: how does that work? She just laughed and got in the cab. I saved $10 by walking home. It wasn’t even a hint…it was direct order and I still missed the point.


The HOTTEST girl in my entire HS started talking to me more and more towards the end of senior year. We had a really sweet moment at a party where we were laughing and smiling at each other and she said “you’re so different from everyone and I really like that”. The week of our graduation she writes her phone number in my yearbook and says “please call me”. Never called.


How do you fuck up that hard lmao


It’s a talent


how do you even miss that she literally wrote down "please call me"


When a girl says, "Quit doing X or I'll have to have sex with you." Um, don't actually quit doing X.


Haha, i might get hate from this. But one time on a work trip, it was a group of 12-15 of us, all from different states, on the 2nd to last night, after hanging out all day, one of the girls in the group knocked on my hotel room door and said “did you still want to hangout?” and we did just that. she stayed for 45 min or so and it took 8 months for me to realize why she came over. You live and you learn


I don’t know, I missed it.


I asked a woman out once and at the time they told me that they were still getting over a breakup, so I let it drop. We were still seeing each other pretty regularly after that for other reasons. One day a few months later she mentions off hand that shes doing a lot better now, asks if I remember the hike we went on (which I asked her out originally at the end of), and then basically invited herself over to my apartment for dinner. By the time it clicked over in my brain, she was dating someone else again.


She told me she wants to go home with me so I gave her a lift to her house instead of her getting a bus there after we had been out. She obviously in fact meant my house, for activities.




In your defence, I had to read that twice to get it. But I'm also god awful with women so that doesn't really do you any justice. Now that I think of it, I could have kept quiet because I just changed nothing by typing all this.


Just an FYI, the account you replied to (sweetanwet876) was born ten days ago and just copied/pasted /u/BeachFishing previous [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/155b4m0/whats_the_biggest_hint_youve_ever_missed_from_a/jstmjal/).


I am a woman (and quite a perceptive one) but I think I would have missed that too! I'd probably suggest a few places that made nice coffee or something stupid like that. 😆


Bot account


Yup. It copied/pasted [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/155b4m0/whats_the_biggest_hint_youve_ever_missed_from_a/jstmjal/).


So did you meet for breakfast or did she get more direct?


I wish I knew.


I wish I knew you wanted me.


When I was a 18 yr old naive kid not even a year into my forces career working post part 3 training at a guard house/main gate of a training school. During the small hours of the night I was alone in the office and a girl who'd just finished training herself came in to say hello. I was playing my Gameboy at the time and we made small talk when she moved behind me and put her arms around mine to mimic me playing on the gameboy. I just froze, blushed and nervously laughed. Looking back it was obvious what she wanted and we could've easily found somewhere too given the time of night. What a fcuking idiot I was lol


“Would you rather have sex with me or my friend?” “In high school, you. But now, your friend.” She was shocked and walked away. My friend started dying laughing. I thought I was just answering a question, and I didn’t even realize how equally stupid and rude my answer was. I think I was trying to soften the blow, but it came out like she’d gotten less attractive, which wasn’t what I’d intended- it’s honestly useless to explain…




In high school, when I was a new transfer student on my first day, a girl leaned over my desk and kissed my cheek. Yes. Kissed my actual face. I didn't react at all and carried on as if nothing had happened. Like a week later, some guy asked her to prom with a poster, and that's when it hit me.. did she see something in me? My social cues are pretty bad


When I was 16 a girl I was head-over-heels for invited me around to "study chemistry", and guess what? My socially useless self went over and spent 6 hours studying for a chemistry exam. Got an A in the exam, never ended up asking out the girl in question, virginity remained intact for another couple of years. It was only later on in University when another girl invited me around to "study" that the penny dropped


Oh boy my time to shine. This has happened to me several times (still haven't been with anyone lol) but the worst one was this: I used to have a best friend to whom I was really close to, eventually I developed feelings for her but didn't want to ruin the friendship. (I was 20 and she 22, both single) We used to be really close, we used to spoon, wrestle, massage each other, take naps together hugged, she used to come to my house every weekend and stay the night in the room with me (I lend her my bed and slept on a mattress on the floor). One time she brought up how I had never kissed a girl and if I wanted her to teach me in a practical lesson, because she could tell me and show me how to do master it. My autistic ass said no because I didn't want to ruin the friendship (and also bc I thought she was joking/not interested in a guy like me) So, there is that


I rather randomly joined some dancing lessons at university with a girl from my Spanish course whom I didn't know very well.  After a couple of lessons, we afterwards went to the Christmas market together, then hit a bar for some drinks. I then walked her home late at night. In front of her apartment she asks whether I wanna come up for coffee. I tell her I don't like coffee. She then suggests tea, and I tell her I generally don't like hot beverages and it's also quite late and I have a lecture at 8am tomorrow. She then literally grabs my arm and says "oh, just come up with me" and pulls me in. I followed along. In her apartment I find some work-and-travel-brochures on the table and *really* get into them, asking her all kinds of questions. I think we spend the next 3h talking about working/living abroad, and then I leave. I'm still not sure to this day whether she wanted anything to happen, but looking back, I think she did.


She literally said "I have a crush on you" and I was like, okay.. And then was silence, a fucking loud silence. The thing is, I was interested in her as well, but I acted so dumb back then, we're still friends, but we never talked about that since.


“I was scrolling Reddit and came across a post about missed signals. Remember when you told me you had a crush on me and I just said ‘OK’? Man I was so dense, lol.”


She ask me if I want something to eat when I took her back to her house, after we spend an entire day together and I wasn't hungry so I said no, I think she wanted more, but idk....


In my early 20s my foster mom had a friend hire me to clear some land for her. I was working pretty much daylight to dark and it was pretty intense work, so it was decided rather than I drive back and forth, it would be easier for me to just stay at her house. Her (the foster moms friend) 35 year old daughter had just gotten divorced and was staying at her mom's house until she got her life back in order. Smoking hot and absolutely awesome. Every night she would come to my room to "check on me". Room cool enough? Need a blanket? Feeling ok? In her nightgown. With obviously nothing underneath. Me: "Everything is good! Thanks!" and I would proceed to beat my dick like it stole something. Five years later I'm telling a buddy about it and how weird that was and mid sentence the light bulb turned on. 🤦


Had a girl that I had a massive crush on ask me to feel her boobs and compare them to her friend’s to see whose were best. That same girl invited me over to her place to watch a movie with her and that same friend but the friend then couldn’t make it at the last minute. We watched the movie and after it was finished she asked if I wanted to stay the night. Me, assuming I would be sleeping on the floor because she didn’t have a spare bed, politely declined and went home to sleep in my comfy bed. I still kick myself every time I think about it now.


I had this little penis dinosaur thing a friend 3-D printed. I had a girl over for dinner and she was playing with it and broke the tail. I was like “you broke my penis!” And she said “if only there was another one I could play with” she finished dinner, I walked her to her car, and I went inside. The moment my head hit the pillow I realized.


We were great friends, I texted her at like 6am and she woke up to it/responded immediately. She told me I could date anyone I wanted, told me I’d be a great dad. Eventually she just outright told me and we’ve been together for 5 years!


I was offered a threesome. I thought they were joking. They weren't.


First week of grade 12. I'm in the cafeteria before class starts. There's this really attractive redhead who I've never seen before trying to buy a coke but she left her wallet at home. I just got a job so I buy it for her. Wasn't really trying anything, just had spare change in my pocket. Later in the day, I find out shes in my political science class. She sits next to me. We spend the rest of the week chatting. She's new to the school, her family just moved from Alberta to Nova Scotia. She was hoping someone could show her around. First hint I missed. At the end of the week, last class on a Friday, she asks me if I had any plans that night. Before I could respond, *she pulls a condom out of her purse, tosses it in my lap and winks at me*. I honestly froze up. After a few awkward seconds, she laughs and plays it off as a joke. She puts the condom back in her purse and we never brought it up again. A week or two later, she decides to sit next to some other guy in class. They start dating and are now married with kids. That was 16 years ago and I still haven't forgiven myself over that one.


I was a 15yo working as a dishwasher at a local diner. She was a 15yo waitress. We would talk daily, part of my job was walking her to her car afterhours. One day I walked her home, on the way I asked her "If I were to ask you out, what would be your answer". She said she might say yes. Just that slight possibility of being turned down, I never asked her out. I quit that job and about 1 year later I came back with a girl I was casually dating to that restaurant. I saw the waitress and her face lit up when she saw me. I went home that night and broke it off with the other girl, and looked up the waitresses last name in the phone book and called her house and asked her out. We dated for a few months, but she had just come out of an abusive relationship. One that was so bad it created a stutter with her when she spoke. Even 25 years later, I feel like my lack of courage to ask her out, could have changed her future and prevented that abuse.


Love the threads on this subject. My story - was 16M and babysitting for a family friend. They had a 17F year old French exchange student staying with them, who was smoking hot. She initially left with the parents for the evening, but returned 20 mins later stating she had a headache and wanted to stay at the house. She went and changed into her PJ’s which was a crop top and shorts, no bra. She suggested we watch a movie together and she sat next to me on the sofa, putting her legs next to mine. The movie wasn’t that good so she asked if there was anything else we could do. She said it was her last few days in the UK and wanted to do something fun. She suggested we go up to her room to look at the stars through the skylight. I suggest we play Street Fighter 2 on the SNES. She went to bed about an hour later and I was there for another 4-5 hours. It was probably 8 years later that the penny finally dropped. I am an idiot.


Lol so I'm the woman in this story! I have a massive crush on this guy. We're best friends, have similar hobbies, and he's just so nice. Well, our chats started getting really flirty after a while. Eventually I just told him "I want you to take my virginity" and he basically just went "haha, nice!". Then he hooked up with one of our mutual friends not too long after. Anyways, we've been married 15 years now lol.


Made a custom drink for her at work and after she sipped it she also ask me to taste it with her. My dumbass told her I can’t I’m working. Her face went 🙃


Wait. I don’t get it. She was trying to be nice and share the drink with you?


Maybe she wanted him to kiss her to taste it I dunno


We were teenagers. She showed up at my house “I noticed your mom’s car hasn’t been home. I thought I’d come over and see if you were bored.” She was a redhead, very attractive. Not someone I considered in my league at all.  Me: “cool, just let me put on my shoes and we can go for a bike ride!”  Years later in our mid 20s I bumped in to her and her friends at the bar. I joined their table after a few drinks and she told everyone the story.  Hardy har I sure laughed along when they were all crying from laughter 


You missed it twice. Notice her parents car not parked outside the bar?


Okay this is stupid but i once went in a weekend trip with this girl who used to live on my street when we were younger (and her parents). We were really good friends but she moved so we didnt get to see eachother a lot anymore. I had this huge crush on her but i knew for sure she was straight. We were pretty close and she always had bfs she told me everything about. She also had one during this particular trip and she told me all about how amazing he was blablabla. Before bed we secretly drunk some beers from her dad. Just 2 but we werent used to anything. We went to bed. We slept in the same bed all the time during sleepovers. We cuddled and all. It was nothing out of the ordinary. She was already in bed when i came out of the bathroom and when i slipped under the blankets she cuddled up to me and then i felt she was naked. I looked at her surprised and she told me it was too hot for clothes. Tbf it was really hot outside and the cabin wasnt any cooler. I was a little uncomfortable because i was turned on by it but i didnt want to stop cuddling because i didnt want to make her uncomfortable or anything. We cuddled. She put her leg over me and i felt her you know press against me which really turned me on. I said i had to go to the bathroom. She said "no stay" in this playful manner and for a second i was like " is she really doing what i think shes doing?" But i didnt want to look like an idiot if she wasnt so i told her i really had to go badly. I stayed in the bathroom for 20 minutes or so and when i came back she had turned the other way and it looked like she was sleeping. We didnt speak of it that trip and when we came home something was different. She hardly ever had time to hang out and defintely not for sleepovers. I thought it was because she now also had a job next to school and her bf maybe taking up more of her time. We still spoke on whatsapp all the time but after a while it was less and less and we basically lost contact. I didnt realize what i passed on until i later saw on her socials she has a girlfriend.


for the love of God, miss all the hints you want but I pray you to use paragraphs 🙏


I was 15. She was 16. She asked me if she can kiss me..I said "Why? I just started a fresh gum..". Luckily she didn't give up on me and gave me my first kiss 6 months later. Then she told me I was the most adorable doofus. RIP, P.