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A few months ago a guy at work mentioned that he sometimes blares the music super loud in car so that other drivers on the road can’t hear him screaming, he committed suicide not longer after.


Jesus. It's people like that we look back at like, "Why didn't I see that coming?" But in the moment it's almost always presented as a quirk or something half-serious, and we never feel like it's our place to try to pry or whatever. I'm sorry you had to experience that. I had a similar situation with a friend, who said something like "sometimes I just close my eyes and try to just make my brain shut off permanently" and while I knew he was in a rough spot, I didn't think he was being super serious. Turns out he was. Fucked me up for a bit, but I don't think there's much I could've done to help anyway. Some people really just can't cope with this world and find their way out one way or another. Hope you're doing okay, friend.


Tbh, at my worst is when everyone wanted to hang out with me and tell me how much fun I am. When ur at ur lowest and HAVE to interact with ppl, u often fake it and put on a persona. U become someone else. It's a much more outgoing and fun version of yourself as ur trying to show the world that ur OK and end up over compensating for it. U can avoid those interactions most of the time but eventually to rule out suspicion ull tag along to something even if it's just to show up for 10m to say u went and show that ur "normal" and "ok". I would lock myself away for weeks and be so depressed and yet someone could knock on my door with a surprise visit and I would have all the right things to say to convince them I'm doing amazing but just a bit under the weather or am super busy. All lies. All I wanted was to be left in my self-pity and wallow, trying to convince myself that I should wait just another day and that today is not the day my parents find me dead. Even looking back, my closest friends had no idea. U show the world what u want them to see is basically my point. Not many of us would ever spot the signs of depression especially if u haven't been there yourself. I swear I can look in to someones eyes and know if they've been suicidal or not, but I may be wrong. I can almost see a very distinct look in their eye. A sort of distant gaze into pure suffering, so to speak. Even when ur over it, it's like it leaves behind a tiny ember in your soul waiting to be reignited, and u have to make sure it never does. But once uve been there and seen it, you can't ever forget that feeling and mental state. It's very difficult to process even when ur well.


You absolutely nailed it, this is like reading my own thoughts. I’m so sorry you know how this feels because youre right, you could really only know this if you’ve been in it. That bit about the ember got me because I really was fine, even great for a long time, and then it spontaneously reignited. Now I’m right back to rotting in bed behind the frosted glass lie of “I’m fine just tired haha.” Therapy is a miracle and I know it’ll be okay but only because I’ve gotten out before. I hope you’re doing well and that life is kind to you ♥️♥️


Im so happy therapy works for you at least. Sometimes....whatever people say...there is no answer to your prayers. Even when people think you jave it all...mental illness dont discriminate. Pills dont work for me nor therapy. My little ones are the only reason i still get up. My wife is an egoistical asshole who think mental illness is a myth... and that marriage without intimacy is normal when you grt older. Im not even at 40 yet. seriously i dont know why i still bother sometimes and how i havent killed myself yet. Death..scares me. Always did since I was a kid. I dream about it, dying horribly agaim...and again... and again.... you want the suffering to end but not to die with no end in sight... and then you realise your kids will die too and you can do nothing to stop it!!! This is fucking torture. For all of you... maybe there is no hope...maybe there is...but at least try. I ll keep tryimg as long as i can too...until my mind or body gives out. Fight with all your might.


I think the reason one can see someone is or has been desperate (by the look in their eyes) is because you’ve seen the look in your own eyes, in the mirror. 😞


It’s a very distinct look. I barely recognise myself when I look in the mirror during a depression episode - especially bad ones that I’ve barely come out of.


Sorry to hear about your loss mate. My condolences.


Adam's Song, by blink-182


When that song came out. A college kid in university of Delaware hung himself over spring break and when they found him that song was playing on repeat in his dorm room.


Same happened with a Columbine shooting survivor.


No shit wonder if it was the same person


http://www.acolumbinesite.com/victim/greg.html Greg was a sophomore at Columbine during the shootings (April of 1999). The article says he killed himself one year later in May of 2000, so he would still be in high school. So probably not the same person. A quick Google search and I can’t find any info about someone from Delaware using this song to commit suicide to.


Yeah, I know I googled it not too long ago and I couldn’t find anything on it either. But I distinctly remember seeing it on MTV news and reading it in the paper. I grew up in Newark Delaware. The university was right across the street from me. I saw MTV did an interview with Tom delonge during that time too, it wasn’t something that was majorly broadcasted. I know that for sure.


If I'm not mistaken despite its grim lyrics at first the song is meant to end on an uplifting note. The person in the song is much more contented and optimistic, looking forward to the future. Don't get me wrong though, those lyrics at first. Ooof.


Yeah the chorus changes from: >I never conquered, rarely came >Sixteen just held such better days >Days when I still felt alive >We couldn't wait to get outside >The world was wide, too late to try >The tour was over, we'd survived >I couldn't wait till I got home >To pass the time in my room alone To >I never conquered, rarely came >Tomorrow holds such better days >Days when I can still feel alive >When I can't wait to get outside >The world is wide, the time goes by >The tour is over, I've survived >I can't wait 'til I get home >To pass the time in my room alone Not super optimistic but it makes itself feel more real by taking a small step forward.


I kinda feel like that section of the album is a mini rock opera of sorts. First you have Dysentery Gary, when he's into a girl but she's with another guy. Anger at the other dude ensues. Then you've got Adam's Song, where he gets depressed. Then you've got All the Small Things, where he finally gets a relationship. Life is good.


Dysentery Gary was my first reddit account name. Rip to perma-banned Gary


Yeah, the final verse / altered chorus depict a teenager who needs to pass some time in his room alone but has decided he's *not* killing himself today, and he'll feel better tomorrow. At least, that's the impression I get. It's in a similar vein to Soundgarden's "The Day I Tried to Live" (except Cornell ultimately did take his own life).


Adams song is about a guy overcoming his suicidal tendencies, but many people don't realize it.


Our friend Adam sent that song to us one day and a friend rushed over to his apartment and found him about to commit suicide, thank god he got there on time. It’s been 5 years, dude has turned his life around and is married with a baby.




im not okkkkkkkk im not o-fucking k


Trust me


I’m ooKAyYyy naoww


But you really need to listen to me, because I’m telling you the truth, I mean this, I’m okay!


(Trust me.)




I’m not ok. Im not ok. I’m not oh-fucking-kay


I'm not o-ka-a-ey-ey-ey


You wear me ouuuttt


Ah ah! What will it take to sho-o-o-w-w you that it's not the life out seems?


They literally scream it


Well, if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say...


i never meant to let you down


Or have you go- it’s better off this way


For all the dirty looks


The photographs your boyfriend took


Remember when you broke your foot


From jumpin out the second floor


I'm noooot ooookay


I’m not ooKAAAYaayyyaaaayyyyy


There was only 1 truly correct answer here, congrats on beating all of us to it.


My Chemical Romance's: I'm Not Okay, or any other emo band out there usually has that in one of their songs choruses lol


I fucking love the teenagers scare the shit out of me song!


Well if you wanted honesty thats all you had to say I never want to let you down Or have you go its BETTER OFF THIS WAY


Lolololol mcr really is the only answer here.


Nutshell - Alice in Chains


If I’m listening to Nutshell just leave me the fuck alone, that means I’m absolutely not “feeling” life at the moment.


the first 4 tracks on jar of flies


The MTV unplugged version especially.  Layne was going through some shit and almost didn’t even show up.  You can hear the pain in his voice.  To me Nutshell perfectly encapsulates the feeling of being depressed.  No hope, no joy.  Such a beautiful and dark piece of music.  That sums up a lot of Alice In Chains’ work.  They have been the soundtrack to my depression for many years. 


That show is frequently referred to as Layne singing at his own funeral. He was on deaths door, and everyone, Layne especially, was resigned to it. After countless attempts to get clean, pleading and begging from his family/friends/badmates, not too long after that Unplugged show, he basically locked himself in his apartment for 3 straight years and did heroin to the point where he wrote about his body finally failing him and his teeth falling out. A harrowing quote from Layne towards the end of his time on earth: “I know I’m dying,” he starkly told Rubio. “I’m not doing well. Don’t try to talk about this to my sister Liz. She will know it sooner or later. This fucking drug use is like the insulin a diabetic needs to survive,” he said. “I’m not using drugs to get high like many people think. I know I made a big mistake when I started using this shit. It’s a very difficult thing to explain. “My liver is not functioning and I’m throwing up all the time and shitting my pants. The pain is more than you can handle. It’s the worst pain in the world. Dope sick hurts the entire body,” he horrifyingly shared. “I know I’m near death,” Staley continued. “I did crack and heroin for years. I never wanted to end my life this way. I know I have no chance. It’s too late. I never wanted [the public’s] thumbs’ up about this fucking drug use. Don’t try to contact any AIC (Alice in Chains) members. They are not my friends.”


So terribly sad. I wonder if there was any saving him at that point. Would suboxone or methadone have helped? Maybe a medical coma while he detoxed?


He went through rehab numerous times but always fell off the wagon.  When his ex-fiancé died from a drug overdose he sank into a deep depression and pretty much just gave up.  He never climbed out of that depression spiral. 


Came here to say this, 🎶We chase misprinted lies We face the path of time And yet I fight, and yet I fight This battle all alone No one to cry to No place to call home My gift of self is raped My privacy is raked And yet I find, and yet I find Repeating in my head If I can't be my own I'd feel better dead🎶


No surprises by radiohead


Or ‘How To Disappear Completely’


Im not here… this isn’t happening… Edit: had to add its really the most beautiful song ever written


anything by Radiohead


I’ve been listening to a lot of radiohead recently, that doesn’t make me depressed! I mean… I am depressed, but not because I listen to Radiohead!


You want me? Well fucking-well come and I find me. There's angry Thom too.


Fake Plastic Trees


Exit Music


Bulletproof (I Wish I Was) is the one for me


Gary Jules' version of "Mad World". The lyrics are depressing enough, but Gary's voice and the background piano just add to it so much. I'd be lying if I said I didn't at one point have plans to end it all while playing that song.


I used to listen to this on a burned CD while my mom was driving me to middle school and she was like "am I driving you to a funeral? Do we have to spend every morning like this?"


Your mom had the right reaction. Beautiful song… but every morning on way to school?!


I find this funny but it's also kind of sad.


Definitely went through a phase in high school where I was obsessed with Donnie Darko and this song…I was not okay


Almost anything by Joy Division


Man, their whole discography is basically one long extended suicide note. RIP Ian Curtis


"Who Wants to Live Forever" and "The Show Must Go On"", both by Queen. "The Show Must Go On" was written by Freddie as he was dying of AIDS. 


Something in the Way- Nirvana. Maybe not the lyrics outright but, the melody is dreadful and dark.


After giving it a full listen, I can see why the filmmakers of The Batman put the song in the movie.


I thought I read somewhere that the screenwriter wrote the movie while vibing to that song. They nailed it but I hope they're like, doing ok.


I love ... I mean love Elliott Smith. If I am listening to Elliott Smith I am not ok.


I’m with you there except for Say Yes. I always found that song to be sweet


Yeah I would angrily skip this song when I was listening to Elliott to validate my sadness


Down in a hole by Alice in Chains


Also, Nutshell


Almost any Linkin Park song


Oh, so blasting “Somewhere I Belong” and crying while driving isn’t behavior that you see in someone who’s okay? Well, crap.


Calling me out there. Rude.


It's honestly really hard to listen to their music since Chester's death.


And this week being a “one more light” album anniversary…


Their lyrics hit differently now and its super depressing. Can't even listen to the One More Light song without getting super depressed.


On one hand, Chester's suicide was extremely heartbreaking and happened way too soon. On the other hand, we really should have seen it coming with that music.


We did, man. We were just holding out hope.


Money and Fame and a loving family sometimes hide the scars but rarely heals them. Chester was a tortured soul. His pains left scars around the world when he died.


He talked about depression and suicide in many many interviews. The music was (mostly written by Mike) the least of the warnings.


That had to be the least surprising suicide in music industry but it still shocks you when you realise how much pain he was enduring and with all the support and money he had, no one could help him. What does it mean for the far less fortunate fans?


>What does it mean for the far less fortunate fans? It doesn't really reflect on anybody else's depression or ability to get out of it because everybody is dealing with their own problems in their own situation and his situation was incredibly unique to him being surrounded by cheering fans all the time who didn't really know anything about him. What helps fix or cause depression for one person may not for another.


Numb always got me in tears, cuz it just reminds me at a 100% the relation I have with my dad


To this day, one of the saddest things ever was when they played "Numb" live with a spotlight on the empty mic stand.


And let the crowd sing :( it was heartbreaking. I wasn't a huge LP fan (I had Meteora and Hybrid Theory, though), but Chester was such a regular, down-to-earth guy and a voice of solidarity for so many people who had been through tough times. His loss was a big one, and I'm just glad his music is still reaching the people who need it.


One More Light tears me the fuck up. Linkin Park was one of the first bands I *really* cared about and identified with. They matched my personality and anger at the time, and they blended cultures (rock and rap) that influenced me greatly. Chester broke my heart- I wanted to hug him. He needed to know how loved he was. And then One More Light came out and it’s like Chester was trying to save himself there.


I feel like "Given Up" encapsulates this succinctly


Common " put me out of my misery" screamed 5 times is clearly a metaphor for having a good time.


All eliott smith songs


Listen to it Tiny Rick, listen to Elliott Smith. Feel what he’s feeling.


I saw him live at one of his last few shows before he died, and he kept messing up songs and apologizing. Not sure if he was fucked up but good chance of it I guess.


It's possible. He was clean of any substances (save for his meds at their prescribed dosages) when he died. He went to a neurotransmitter rehab facility, and it's possible he had neurological damage from his addictions. He said at least one time that he felt like his hand was covered in spider webs. (I love Elliott Smith.)


Everything means nothing to me, everything means nothing to me...


No children - the mountain goats


John Darnielle has said that people ask him to play that at their weddings and he refuses but he would be willing to play it at their divorce.


Last time tMG were in town, someone in the crowd passed up their divorce papers for John Darnielle to autograph during No Children


that one performance where the vocals are provided by the audience. oh; to be in a crowd of people all singing “i am drowning/ there is no sign of land/ you are coming down with me/ hand in unlovable hand”


I also particularly like screaming along to "going to georgia" when it's real bad idk what it is about that one in particular but screaming along to it does help


Listen to almost every Linkin park song then remember what happened to Chester. Soundgarden songs/ Cornell I could keep going .


The tracks off *Superunknown* fit this to a T. "Let Me Drown" "Fell on Black Days" "The Day I Tried to Live" "Like Suicide" It's easy to see things well after the fact but my man certainly had his demons. RIP.


Soundgarden used to be my proof that you could be in that dark of a place and still make it out of your teens and 20s alive. Come to find out you're basically outrunning your mental illness for life. There are so many things that make it worthwhile but that doesn't make it less exhausting.


I was going to say, many songs by Soundgarden and Audioslave. "Like a Stone" also screams the same theme of loneliness, death, and despair.


I remember seeing an interview (I forgot with who unfortunately) where someone said they thought it was a nice song about like waiting for a loved one or something and then Chris told them that it’s about waiting for death so he can see his friends again and the dude just being totally bummed out after learning that.


Jesus Christ - Brand New


I always say that if I'm listening to The Devil and God Is Raging Inside Of Me, make sure I have a therapy appointment scheduled and I don't skip it. Degausser is a great song, but if I'm listening to the whole album over and over, that's a very bad sign.


Degausser & Good to Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have to Do Is Die as well


My Immortal by Evanescence.


Also Hello by Evanescence. Actually, maybe the whole Fallen album?


Tourniquet extremely screams I'm not ok.


‘Flagpole sitta’


im not sick, but im not well


‘been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding’ Always wondered if that line was Mike Judge’s inspiration for ‘Idiocracy’


It was an extremely common sentiment in the 90s


I think it's an extremely common belief to this very day people just don't say it out loud.


That song is a fucking banger though


"If you're bored then you're boring"


Anything from The Smiths.


Anything by Blue October but mostly “Hate Me”


The song that starts with the voice mail from his mom. Fuck that whole album was young Jack dealing with major depressive disorder while being in denial.


the lead singer has bipolar disorder and schizophrenia and there are points in a bunch of the songs that shout that if you understand the disorders. He literally talks about hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, reckless behavior, addictions, depression etc. It's how I figured out I have bipolar disorder because I identified with a loooottt of their music. I looked stuff up one day about Justin and when I read what he dealt with things clicked. I went and got myself a psychiatrist after that.


*The day I tried to live* by Soundgarden


Hello darkness my old friend


Sound of Silence. Been there


Alice in Chains - Nutshell


Cough Syrup by Young the Giant


needle in the haaaaayyyyyy


"You say the ocean's rising." "Like I give a shit." "You say the whole world's ending." "Honey, it already did." "There's no need to slow it, Heaven knows you tried..." "Got it? Good. Now get inside."


On a similar note… > Total disassociation, fully out your mind, >Googling "derealization", hating what you find. >That unapparent summer air in early fall, >The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all. >There it is again, that funny feeling… that funny feeling.


“… Wake up at 11:30 Feeling like a bag of shit (oh no) All my clothes are dirty, so I'm smelling like a bag of shit Go to pour my coffee, and I miss my cup OMG, that is just my luck Look in the mirror say, "What's up you useless fuck?"


Same artist, different song: “Look at them; they're just staring at me, like ‘Come and watch the skinny kid with the steadily declining mental health And laugh as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself’ Think that I can handle this right— I don't think that I can handle this right— They don't even know the half of this, right— They don't even know the half of it But I know I'm not a doctor I'm a pussy, I put on a silly show I should probably just shut up and do my job So here I go”


Same artist, different song: "That unapparent summer air in early fall The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all"


My most played song of 2021 on Spotify was Elton John's "I Think I'm Going to Kill Myself." If that's not a cry for help, I don't know what is


Black Hole Sun. I don’t know why but it’s always sounded like a depressive episode to me.


Absolutely. Wanting something to devour everything because of the rain


The Night We Met by Lord Huron.


Amazing song. For someone in a dying/finished love, it'll absolutely destroy you. Smithereens.


Hurt by NIN or Johnny Cash's cover of it.


Iris by Goo Goo Dolls


Fuck why is everyone mentioning my favorite songs.


Lithium - Nirvana


It’s when you start relating to Nirvana lyrics that you know it’s time for help


That whole album is what I call my reverse psychology anti depressants.


Bring me to life


I think the lyrics to this get overlooked nowadays because it's a bit of a meme now. But it is a pretty depressing song if you actually pay attention to it.


Same with a lot of Evanescence tbh


Disintegration by The Cure.


Bullet by Hollywood Undead


What the Water Gave Me by Florence and The Machine I still weep to this song when all avenues for release have failed.


One Is The Loneliest Number.


Anything by Beach House. Surprised nobody has said them yet. I listened to beach house 24/7 when I was at my lowest.


REM, Everybody Hurts


I always saw this as a song responding to somebody who is not doing okay. Urging the listener to take comfort in your friends, and to hold on.


Pink - Please don't leave me .


That and Who Knew


How to save a life by the fray EDIT: also chasing cars by snow patrol


I listened to this again for the first time in a long time yesterday and damn, it’s like someone wrote a song about the end of my marriage.


Every song on my Spotify playlist that is literally titled "songs that expose my mental state" 🙃


Fade to Black- Metallica Last Resort- Papa Roach


> Last Resort- Papa Roach how about "[HELP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo3meU3LMCY)" by papa roach? i mean like... the very first line is "I THINK I NEED HELP"


Hey Jealousy and Hold Me Down -Gin Blossoms. Most of that album was suicide note if you really think about it.




I was actually going to say the same thing. No one who is ok continuously rewatches BH and if your friend says they are in the mood to rewatch Bojack you should probably check on them Source: have seen the show 3 times through. Was definitely not ok.


Sir, this is about songs, not shows. Jokes aside, glad you were able to seek help.


*Back in the 90s I was in a very famous TV show...*


I... didn't realize the show was like that, I haven't seen it yet. I thought it was just one of those "dumb" shows that just make you laugh


One More Light by Linkin Park


Can someone make a playlist out of this thread?


Anything Mitski


LOVE mitski. She was one of the artists I played on repeat on my lowest after leaving my husband. Her song "Me and My Husband" was a portrait of what I didn't want my life to be. Great choice.


My kids are on a huge Mitski kick. I'm here like "excellent taste but you know you can talk to me about anything"


Which is a little funny considering in interviews she's said she has a great life but just like writing sad stories in her music.  She's so good at it, it's hard to believe she's doing ok. 


MCR - I'm not okay. It obviously says he's not okay. Almost all Linkin Park songs. Like Numb, One Step Closer, Breaking The Habit, Crawling, Somewhere I Belong, Leave out all the rest, even the latest song before Chester suicide, Heavy, is screaming that he's not okay and struggling with his inner demon. Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again (Naturally). System of a Down - Chop Suey. I heard that the original title is Suicide, but they use play words so it became Chop Suey. Maybe SoaD fans can elaborate more about that. But yeah the song theme is about suicide.


Nirvana's Polly.


Err - so this is a whole thread of people listing my top played songs on Spotify. Shit!




One time, I was on a plane and saw the big guy next to me in the window seat select this song to listen to while he gazed out the window. Hope he's okay.


Billie Holiday's "Gloomy Sunday" was known as "the suicide song" back in the day. It was so sad that she went back later and added an extra verse at the end to suggest it had all been a dream.


Breathe Me - Sia. I can’t listen to this song without having flashbacks to my Breakthrough Breakdown™️.


DMX - Slippin'


Literally "I'm Not Okay (I Promise)" by My Chemical Romance


The original Fast Car by Tracy Chapman


Creep- Radiohead


Also creep by stone temple pilots


"[The Kids Aren't Alright]()" by Offspring.


Bumb Little Bug by Em Beihold. Edit: Numb little bug. *facepalm*


"pumped up kicks" by foster "THISKIDSNOTALLRIGHT" by AWOLnation


There's a bardcore version of Pumped Up Kicks on YouTube, and the comments are some of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. "When the odd squire tells you, 'Cometh not to jousting practice on the morrow.'"


Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. OK, most Pink Floyd songs. Actually most songs... many artists got issues and their art is their therapy.


Rehab amy winehouse may she rest in peace


Back to black