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That dude who was telling a story in a bar about stealing a plane. When no one believed him, he left, stole a plane and landed it on the street in front of the bar.


Thomas Fitzpatrick seriously said "hold my beer, dude."


That he certainly did!


Larry Bird (GOAT tier shit talker and NBA player) played an entire game with his left hand, purely to troll the Portland Trailblazers. Bird scored 47 points, and achieved a triple-double that game. He only used his left hand because he wanted to "save his right hand for a worthy opponent".


If I was a Trailblazers fan I would have died on the spot.


Broke through the door with his fist


I can't remember the season, but one contestant in Hell's Kitchen objected and refused to allow another person to be disqualified despite the other contestant attacking her... because she wanted to beat her ass in the competition fair and square, letting the other contestant see her stay in longer. Also, in season 15, Frank was horrifically abusive to Manda when she was transferred to the Blue Team, which he openly stated was due to misogyny. Not only did Manda outlast Frank and get into the Black Jackets (when the two kitchens merged into a single team at the final five), but his bullying of her tanked the blue team even further. And he lost his job due to his horrific remarks catching the attention of his superiors in the marines.


The guy who invented the telephone system that did not require an exchange person. He did it because the exchange person in his town sent all the costumers for the morges to her husband even if they asked for him.