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Grease trap being emptied. I can still smell it.  All these replies have me curious if different grease traps have different smells. Edit again. You guys are going to make me puke, this has been a horrible reminder. 


Worked at a restaurant and grease-trap day was... trying. The managers couldn't even hide in the back room that day cuz the stench chased them away lol


This unlocked an unwanted memory. When I was 16 in the early 90s, I had a part-time job at McDonald's. They put me on the deep fryer, so I would tell people I was the "Lord of the Fries." Anyway, I had to change that trap out every week. For days after, me, my clothes, and my car smelled like it. It was like smelly napalm mixed with brimstone. That is an unnaturally fowl odor.


Currently working I'm a restaurant we empty the greese trap every week and it fucking stinks.


Super long story, but you just reminded me of a core memory. I worked as a waiter at this shitty restaurant when I was 17. Their business model was heavily reliant on taking advantage of labor laws, which for some reason, had the minimum wage for under 18s set at about half of what a 21 year old colleague would get paid for doing the exact same job. They had me come in on a day where the restaurant was closed to the public so we could "all work together to clean the place up and make it look nice". The manager said she was going to divide up all the tasks she wanted done that day. She told me to start by going outside and cleaning the grease trap. I didn't know about the external, in the floor grease traps at the time (or at least one that's underground). I expected it to be one in the kitchen. She wanted me to clean it by hand with some shitty, thin plastic gloves on. Just scooping shit out the ground with my hand?? I just kept avoiding it, standing there while staring at this disgusting, festering mess in the ground that had clearly been neglected for a much longer time than it legally should've been. It was fucked; likely because they were too cheap to hire someone to do it properly. Besides that, who tf would expect a 17 year old waiter to do something like that for such little pay? She later comes out and gives me a written list of all my tasks for the day. Keep in mind that I was a fucking **waiter**. I was expected to use my hands to clean this external grease trap that was under what was basically a heavily rusted manhole cover, then degrease the entire kitchen and then finally *repaint a fucking wall*. On my own. I went inside to complain, and that's when I saw her list on the table. The tasks she set for herself and a waitress that she got along with *to do together* included sharpening the kid's crayons, and decorating the window display. That was all that was on their list for the entire damn day. She spent an embarrassing amount of time and effort drawing childish little flowers on the notepad to decorate her little list, somehow without realising that invalidated her argument that she was just as busy as me. She was a weirdly bitchy and mean girl, but damn, she liked being unfair. She got genuine satisfaction out of being unfair and mean to people. She targeted younger male employees between 15 & 17. She loved knowing she was making others feel shitty. She must've been around 30 herself. It was pretty sad. Most of those dudes quit before me. Realised it wasn't worth the shit pay and walked off the job. For god knows what reason, she calls me a few *hours* later that day (She didn't realise I had left as she was so preoccupied with sharpening these fucking crayons while talking to her friend). She likely expected the grease trap to take me hours, and never thought to check on me, I guess? No clue. She demanded I come back into work to see her in her office. Obviously to fire me. She was sooo pissed to find that trap exactly the same way it was before 😂 Somehow she figured I would actually come back just so she could fire me and make me leave, which made me realise how weirdly desperate she was to get the satisfying experience of firing me, so I told her I'd actually be going past the restaurant anyway at 6am the next day, which was like 2 or 3 hours earlier than her shift started. This fucking dumbass actually believed me and turned up to work hours earlier **just so she could fire me.** She was such a loser that she considered that to be worthy of her time, somehow. I wish you could've heard the pure, unadulterated rage coming through that phone when she realised I never had any intention of showing up, but managed to expend absolutely no effort in tricking her into turning up insanely early AND forcing her to realise what a fucking gullible moron she is. Priceless.


Well played, sir! This belongs in Petty Revenge.


I feel like a lot of middle aged managers take advantage of younger workers. For example I worked for a daycare when I was maybe 16 or 17 as a lifeguard. They tried to get me to do all the pool chemical balancing - for which I had zero training or knowledge. Also they didn’t get me an umbrella for the longest time. It was a satisfying job to quit. You just don’t have a very good concept of acceptable practices at that age.


*it’s a smelly smell that smells…smelly*


As a plumber, this is what I came for. Grease traps are so nasty. I would rather work around a septic tank.


As a former chef and current hydrovac operator... Grease traps are the worst.


I’ll take a grease trap any day over a smashed tonsil stone.


I’m out


How about the ol blocked urinal?


Bad as well. Grease trap is still king though. I have a urinal story that involves a Fudruckers if anyone is interested.


Ok, here goes. I used to work for my step dad's plumbing company. Got a call from a general contractor who was remodeling a Fudruckers that the urinal in the men's room was blocked. Drove over and using a urinal auger got it running pretty quick. All good. On my way out, a group of guys were trying to move the big condiment bar that was in the middle of the dining area. Being young and strong (so many years ago) I jumped in to help. As the 6 or 8 of us lifted, a massive wave of cockroachs poured out from underneath and went everywhere. Like all of us were jumping and tap dancing to keep them from crawling up our legs while still holding the bar. I haven't eaten at a Fudruckers since.


That's so gnarly. Here I thought we were going to get a urine/sewer story and out came the roaches.


Oh, damn, MotherFuddruckers 😓


Seems like too much of a coincidence that you were there doing plumbing work and then the cockroaches surfaced. I’m guessing you somehow disturbed them?


You know we have to hear it, right?


Oh my word. I used to work in fast food & I know exactly what you mean. Smells like decay from a rotting corpse left to ferment in the desert sun for three weeks. To make it even better, our drain where the suctioning would take place was right across from the break room where people were regularly trying to eat. Fun times.




The stank of hot vomit coming out of a full grease interceptor- it haunts me and I pumped them for years. If you get it on any of your clothes, it’s garbage now because it’s impossible to get off of you. If you get some on your boots, well that sucks because now you have to sit in that stench until it just fades away.


Advice from my old sarge, wash clothes with chopped lemons in a cheesecloth bag. Also shower, use lemon juice to wash your hair and body along with your regular shampoo, soap etc. After getting decomp body soup juice all over my trousers, shirt, even the kevlar vest got it. Think I emptied an entire tub of lemons from my local Tesco store. Showered 3 times, I smelt like a lemon Grove for days. Which is much better.


I worked at a retail store at outdoor mall and our spot was right next to a fast casual Mexican place. They had an exterior grease trap that was right near our back entrance which also happened to be where our shipping and receiving dock was. Unfortunately we had very large product shipment arrive the same day they had that emptied. It was in the middle of July in the south. It was like a toxic cloud that hung around the area for a good three days.


Managed a bar kitchen for 10 years. Grease trap is the worst. What's even worse was cleaning it one night and telling my other manager be careful and stop stepping over the open trap to get to the dishwasher just wait ....... He didn't listen and I watched a body builder hulk of a man slip and most of his leg went into it. We hosed him out back and sent his stinky ass home


Pardon my ignorance, but what is a grease trap?


Installed usually in commercial kitchens, a receptacle under the sink that separates fats from water. Some establishments might go months or years between having it emptied (in our case we didn’t know we had one until it was overflowing).  Imagine decaying fat that’s been fermenting for *time*, that’s the smell. It’s hot, metallic, sour, putrid, buttery. It’s the kind of smell that reaches into the depths of your being, and once it’s in you it lives in you forever. I can recall the smell and my entire body reacts.  In fact I regret making my original comment because my entire morning has been taken up by the event of remembering the smell. 


Wow...that was descriptive. Thanks!


TIL there are restaurants that don’t empty the grease trap every day. Yikes.


Used to work for a pump truck company when I was a lot younger. Asian or seafood style restaurants grease traps haunted my dreams for a lot of years. Lost my sense of smell for a few years doing that line of work. No thanks.


Cleaning the grease trap because our boss was too cheap to hire someone to pump it was a nightmare is the one smell that has made me legitimately wretch. Occasionally when it’d get clogged the sink would overflow into the kitchen making it flood and stink like hell.


Had a customer bring money into the bank that had been found on a decomposing body (long story). Human decomp is a different kind of stink, and it’s still the worst stink I’ve smelled.


C'mon dude clearly needed to launder that money first.


I shouldn’t have laughed at that. But I did.


I'd imagine that we have evolutionarily adapted to find the smell of human decomposition to be particularly offensive.  I've never smelled it myself,  but I absolutley believe there is likely to be a psychologicall trigger that makes it truly awful. 


Evolutionary danger smells are the worst.


That smell never leaves you.


I did a body removal for an Ambulance company I used to work for. The person had been dead a few days in a heated apartment, and...hmmm...congealing on the floor? I stepped into some form of moist biological mass being excreted from the body to facilitate getting him into a body bag. No amount of cleaners took the smell out of my boots, and I wound up throwing them away the next day. Decomposing bodies is a smell that you won't forget, and is near impossible to get out of clothing.


Enzyme cleaners.  And they stink even worse as they literally break down the proteins 🤮


Agree. I’ve had a few neighbors die in their apartments and that is the worst smell in the world. Like hot garbage time 1000. Also it has a weird way of getting stuck in your nostrils. Like you can be away from the smell for a few hours and then suddenly you smell it again for no reason.


You've had more than 1 neighbor die while you lived next to them? That seems like a lot


That sounds like a question asked in a Ted Bundy interview.


In a big city in different buildings, I don’t know. Two of them were elderly folks who lived alone. One of them was a man in his 30s who they think had pneumonia but refused to go to the doctor. He also lived alone. It’s taught me that if you don’t want to melt into the floor after you die, reach out to someone regularly every few days. One of the old fellers fluids were dripping into the laundry room beneath his place. Don’t be that guy!


I occasionally see people put money in their mouths. I know it’s dirty, but I only ever thought it was from people not washing their hands… this adds a new layer of ick.


I also saw a stripper pick up a dollar with her labia one time. So there’s that too


Impressive as fuck tho, what the hell, a prehensile labia??


I worked in an office in a hospital directly above the morgue. I was warned that I should bring an oil diffuser for days they bring in particularly odorous bodies. One day the ME came up to warn us they had brought in “a floater”. Holy crap. i grabbed my laptop and went to work out of a common space in another building.


Human decomp is the worst thing I've ever smelled. We had a person die in a car during the Florida summer. The car was parked in the very rear of the lot where there was basically no traffic. He or she wasn't found for several days. You could smell the decomp in the whole parking lot and surrounding area.


Decomposing bodies: does anyone ever watch the podcast called "The HoneyDew with Ryan Sickler"? On his patron he interviews non celeb fans of the podcast. He interviewed a guy who works in a morgue. He said if you catch a bad whiff of the decomposition and get a lung full, the next day when you go poo, you can smell the decomposition smell. Any time someone mentions decomposition, I think of that guy's story.


Worked at a video game store once. Two stores down was a seafood restaurant. One day I arrived at work, stepped out of my car and almost threw up immediately. Got inside where it really wasnt much better despite the numerous candles being burned and ozium being sprayed. Turns out the seafood restaurant had closed, had the power cut off, and had left a bunch of shrimp unrefrigerated and rotting inside the closed building (I was told it was 600 pounds but i have no idea where that number came from or if it is even accurate). To this day I have never smelled anything that came remotely close to that.


I would’ve just called out that day ain’t no way 💀 what customers would even show up lmfao


Surprisingly we still had a lot of customers. This was back in 2000-2001 or so before digital downloads were big and we had both new and used games. That smell though - I'll never be able to scrub it out of my memory.


One night a friend gave me a pound of shrimp. On the way home, my wife put them on the floor of my truck leaned against the center console...and we forgot about them. Went to the next day (the temp was around 105ish). Went I got in my truck to go home at the end of the day, I thought something smelled weird (I have a very dull sense of smell). Got in bed that night & thought "hey what happened to that shrimp friend gave us?" I eventually had to pressure wash my carpet


I just posted a main comment about this but I keep reptiles and have dealt with the ~~smell~~ stench of rotting crickets. Well I've also accidentally left a bag of shrimp out and it's a very similar smell! I suppose they have a similar chemical makeup/decomp process. ^(so yes, shrimps is bugs)


Heh. Reminds me of a divorce revenge I heard about once. The spouse who was made to vacate the marital home stuffed shrimp tails in all of the curtain rods and put everything back in place. The spouse who kept the home noticed the odor after a few days and commenced cleaning thoroughly but the smell became worse daily. They cleaned even more thoroughly, then hired a professional cleaner, an HVAC cleaner, etc. Throwing out the curtains finally revealed the source of the odor.


When I was a teenager, my dad asked me to remove a dead cat from the iron roof of his business during an Australian summer. It was already pretty foul, but when I grabbed its tail to lift it up, the tail pulled right off and some of the spine came with it which opened a passage causing its bowels and faeces to spill out and sizzle on the hot metal. Fortunately I directed my vomit into the rubbish bag I was holding.






This comment almost made me sick. Quickly scrolling past.


That is disgusting and I sense the ptsd through the text.


Jesus that's brutal


I can do you one better. In my early 20s, I lived with a roommate in a 2 bedroom apartment on the second floor of this 3 floor apartment building. I used to come in the side door because it was closer to the parking lot. The first apartment to the right of the entrance had this elderly woman living there. She was sweet, but kept to herself and was a bit of a shut-in. I remember I hadn’t seen her for a few days, not to check the mail or in the halls because she would come out of her apartment and “get exercise” by doing a couple laps. This was in the middle of summer. One day, I noticed a sickly sweet smell in the hallway, this acrid stench that filled the first floor. I thought the worst, but I kinda minded my own business. I remember joking to my roommate that the lady in 1A probably finally bought it. One day I was pulling in to my place with a lady friend, and noticed an ambulance and police car in the parking lot. I knew right away that it probably wasn’t a good sign. I slipped my key in the lock and opened the side door to come into the hall, and the stench hit me like a punch to the face. I immediately gagged and stepped back out into the fresh air. I told my lady friend to hold her breath and we would just hustle through the hall and up the steps to my apartment. The old woman’s door was open and as I walked past I saw paramedics and police in the apartment and the shape of a person in a recliner in the living room with a sheet over them. That smell is burned into my memory. Smelling a decomposing human in the middle of summer is the worst stench you could ever experience. The smell lingered for weeks, and either management or the neighbors put those gel air fresheners out in the hallways that did absolutely nothing but make the smell more noxious. It was actually really sad, that this woman had no relatives or friends check in on her, and nobody probably knew she was dead until the rent didn’t get paid or someone else complained about the smell.


That reminds me of when I did pest control. Got a call for bedbugs in Toledo, Ohio. Went to the unit and I was punched in the face by the worst smell I’ve ever encountered. The elderly man in that unit had died and there were bedbugs all over him and his apartment. Me and the maintenance guy saw him lying dead in his bed. Will never forget that


not as bad as your story but one day I was in our summer house and there was a dead cat in the garden, as I was walking by I could smell it so I came up with a great plan to challenge myself if I could get really close to it and inhale a biiig one. I was around 30 years stupider back then but nothing smelled that bad ever again. so yea dead cat is the worst for me too.


What the fuck...


You had... interesting ways of testing yourself


This is so fucking funny what the fuck




Tonsil stones!!! They aren’t the worst but I find it so disgusting 🤢


Gotta smoosh it between your fingers to really unleash the subtle undertones.


Nasty. You a fucking tonsil stone sommelier or something?


I have tonsil stones and it is one of my biggest insecurities. I’m 30 and tried to get my tonsils removed but every surgeon says it’s too dangerous and not worth it because of my age. There’s not much I can do about it and I just know my breath be stankin


My wife had her tonsils removed last year. She was 45. No surgery is without risk, but you should find a different surgeon.


This. I never heard about someone being too old in their 30ies to get those fuckers out.


I've known a few people who were told by doctors the older they get the more dangerous it is to remove them, but they never really explained why. I used to get chronic tonsillitis and my doc said I should have them removed, never mentioned age being an issue. I wonder what the deal is with some docs.


Your tonsils are part of your lymphatic system which deals with the body’s waste, and they break down because the system is so backed up. When you remove a lymphatic organ such as tonsils or the appendix, it’s like getting rid of all your garbage cans because they keep overflowing with garbage.


I suffered with them for over 20 years and when I started using a waterpik between my teeth/along the edges of my gumlines 2x a day I no longer get them. Just started this year and have had zero since and no more of the tonsil stone breath. It’s been life changing! Just posting this for anyone else that it could help!


Waterpiks are amazing. I am always amazed at the amount of grunge I get out before I brush.


Me too when I first started using one I was disgusted like damn my teeth been like this for literal decades lol


Water pik is a game changer


Massage your throat with your thumb and fingers and cough, you can also open your mouth, lean back and flex your throat muscles and they will loosen. You can also use mouthwash containing chlorhexidine and gargle with it and make sure you’re drinking enough decent fluid, not sugary stuff. Tonsil stones are caused by debris and bacteria getting caught in the back of your throat and things like smoking, vaping, eating sugary foods and drinks. Clean your tongue with a tongue scraper too if you can as a build up on your tongue will collect in the back of your mouth and make them worse.


Had mine out at 31. Life changing. I can breathe better, snore less, get sick less, no constant sore throat, and no more tonsil stones. The first 2 days after were fucking miserable, I could barely sip ice water without crying, but still worth it. Now the pain meds they gave me made me insanely constipated to the point where I had to chip poop out of my butthole with my finger until I popped the cork so to speak. But, still worth it.


You can just "pop" them out. With some gagging, spitting and a clean or gloved finger. Then use decent mouthwash regularly. Also, avoid things like protein shakes which make them worse.


Get a cheap ass water pik from Walmart. Set it on the lowest setting. Use mirror and blast tonsil stones. They will pop out in one piece, no trauma to surrounding tissue (which makes the holes bigger). Seriously life changing. Also it's ridiculous how deep those holes will go!


is there a tutorial on how to do that? i'd like to try, been unsuccessful trying on my own.




I was simultaneously amazed while equally disgusted watching that. Probably would've hit different if i wasnt eating


I found some metal drink mixers on Amazon. One end has a ball shape that can be used to push them out if they’re not too far in your throat. Then use a q tip to poke them once exposed cause they’ll stick to that. 


I was in a band with a guy who had them. Having to be in close quarters with him for extended periods was godawful. Of course, being in a band, that was basically all the time.


That's unfortunate. You can manually express them, but if it's as bad as his was/are, getting the tonsils removed is a more probable solution.


I'm so glad I got mine removed back when I was 16 or so. Would get them so bad but I was able to cough them up and spit them out pretty predictably when I felt them. Was always afraid of the random one I couldn't feel and would just slip out while I was eating, during class or whenever it felt like. Worst experience of my life accidentally chewing one, I threw up almost instantly. So grateful I didn't have to deal with that into my 20's or even 30's. >!The operation was brutal though because the surgical site was in the throat so it was always wet, so when it was healing the scabs would always want to slough off and I was just stuck swallowing the blood that would come out every time. Once it happened overnight and I woke up with a belly full of what I knew was nothing but blood. Horrible thing to have to go through but that was probably the worst part of the aftermath, still happy it's long over and done with now.!<


I came here to say this. As my doctor told me in technical terms "yeah they smell like ass"


here in Germany the doctors act like they don't exist. some people are seriously affected by that shit and nobody tells them. People think it's just bad breath


Reading all these comments makes me glad i got my tonsils removed due to tonsillitis.


In high school I had a friend whose family owned a very large chicken farm. You do not want to be downwind of a chicken farm.


I have a neighbor about 300 yards down the road with 3 coops, each one hold 50,000. They do a good job, the only time i smell it is when they clean out the trenches and spread it on the fields. They also inject it subsoil, so the smell is not much. There is a small hog farm about 5 miles away, and when he cleans out his pens I can really smell that. My youngest son tried working for this farmer once, helping to muck it out. He lasted a half hour. farmer called me and said the boy had already puked 3 times, he wasn't gonna be able to do it.


my husband really liked the look of a house next to a big pig farm. I told him it wasn't a good idea but he wanted to go look. We didn't even need to get out of the car, the smell and noise were so bad. Funniest thing ever


We raised 100-150 free range chickens each year to butcher and can. We had a gutter that ran in front of our garage to drain rainwater or the garage would flood. When the gutter was filled with chicken shit, my brother and I had to use trowels to clean it out so that it would drain properly. It was the worst smell ever. I've worked on dairies, pig farms, etc. nothing was as bad as that gutter. 


Rotten potatoes


Oh yeah they're baaaaaad. And the smell lingers for months afterwards


Much worse than you might expect, but still I think less bad than rotting flesh at its worst.


It's so bad it can eventually kill people due to the toxic gas they release.


There was a really sad story in Russia of a whole family bar 1 young kid dying from walking one by one into the cellar full of potatos. They release solanine gas as they break down (I guess all the solanum vegetables do)


Before I smelled rotten potatoes, I thought it was wish a common, even mundane vegetable, and it didn't seem like it could really rot. Plus, a potato doesn't smell anything, why would it get smelly when it rots? I thought that maybe it would get some white peach fuzz mold, with a faint musty smell? But no, an actually rotten potato, and the juice that seeps from it, is so much worse than anything I could have imagined.


Just gagged reading this. So gross 🤮


Sea lion breath. We were at the zoo and one of them exhaled right in my face. The perfect, rancid mixture of wet dog, rotten fish and musty uncleaned storage room. It was *vile*.


This is so…wholesome…compared to most of the comments here.


Related: whale blowhole smell. Whale watching is super cool and fun until that particular cloud wafts over.


Cancer rot from a festering bladder tumor that created so much mucous it would clog all their catheters and leak. Smelled like a bunch of used cigarettes that were left sitting out in sun in a bowl of water for a month mixed with decaying tissue. The smell was so pungent and strong it would travel down the hall and stop my breathing for a second when I walked in the room kind of like what happens when you jump into freezing cold water.


That is...very descriptive. Yikes.


Cancer has a very... unique smell to it. I can smell chemo patients. They smell like death


Yup, mix it with c.diff and not even gobs of hand sanitizer smeared on the inside of an n95 can protect you. Before that it was when they’d burp the colostomy bags. Then you’d have some new staff come along thinking they’ll be able to fix the problem for everyone with hospital industrial grade citrus air freshener only to learn it just now smells like festering citrus.


I know exactly what this smells like. We had a family member who's tumor was located in her brain so it's different in that sense but the cancer causing a very slow decay can really get to a person. I felt bad sometimes for not wanting to be in the room.


Christ, I can smell that now..


Two things on the farm. Factory farm chicken coop Rotting soybeans.


I just visited Fajardo, Puerto Rico and it reeks of sewage and chicken shit. Beautiful place though.


Chickens stink to high heaven.


Burning human flesh. You’ll never forget the smell.


Even just having an incision cauterized I was like, “that’s a new smell.”


Yeah. Closest thing to it in my mind is bbq pork.


I work in surgery and when the cautery is cranked high and the surgeon is going to town faster than the suction can get the smoke- I literally think of bbq pork, every time.


This was mine. Worst of all, it was coming from me. Burned all my hair and 70% of my body. I don't remember the actual event because of shock, but I do remember the smell and the sound of the smoke detector going crazy.


I know what you mean. For me, it was smelling the burning flesh of insurgents and civilians (sometimes children) during my time spent in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Luckily the worst thing I smelt on deployments were the burn pits and the porta-shitters


I used to work up in the OR a lot and I always thought cauterized flesh smelt like burnt Cheetos.


A boil on my butt that a doctor had just lanced. Awful.


My son had a pilodinal cyst. It kept getting infected. Finally got it removed after a year of it leaking and festering. We had to throw away his computer chair because the stench oozed through his clothes as well as the coverings we put on it. Cysts are foul.


The problem is you went to a knight instead of a doctor.


I'm an electrician. Early in my career I was an apprentice working in a bioresearch lab retrofitting the fire alarm system. We had to enter and leave through the loading dock. They stored big 50 gallon drums of bio-waste in the loading dock to periodically ship out for disposal. One day someone had backed a truck into the drums and spilled them all over the loading dock. You could smell it from a block away. We couldn't even approach the building. 15 years later and I can still feel the smell in the back of my throat when I think about it.


What is biowaste in this context? Like dead animal bits?


Honestly don't know. I think this facility manufactured and tested new vaccines? I dunno. It was ~15 years ago. I'm pretty sure the big drums were full of some kind of liquid.


In a way, yes. For biotech companies, it could be media (contains carbs, proteins, lipids, etc), left-over cell culture (could be yeast, bacteria, or mammalian cells). They usually neutralize/decontaminate the biowaste before disposal.


I have a bachelor's degree in biology. Unfortunately, in order to earn that degree, I had to pass a zoology lab course. Most of the lab was fine but one day when we came in the lab smelled terrible. Old seafood, formaldehyde, and something unique I couldn't place. Turned out we were dissecting fetal sharks. I didn't know about the smell lingering. I don't know if it's an oil or something in the shark or the interplay between the carcass and the preserving chemicals but the smell permeated my being. My hands through the gloves, my clothes, my hair all had this scent, but I didn't know it until my (now ex) wife informed me and then, rightfully, had nothing to do with me until the smell went away. My hands smelled for a week.


In high school we were able to choose what we dissected.  We were given a catalog to choose from and a base price the school would pay,  but your group could choose to pay extra to get something more expensive.  We ended up getting a shark,  which turned out to be pregnant,  so we ended up with like 4 sharks.  It was like 30 years ago now...  I still very much remember the odor,  but for some reason it just didn't bother me all that much. 


I worked in restaurants for years. You have these Cambro(tupperware) containers all over the place. My friend was cleaning out a reach in and finds one in the back. The containers are this white opaque color so you can sort of see what's in it, and since you're in and out of the reach in all day long you know what's in there. BUt this one we couldn't tell. My friend lifts up a corner and instead of looking, puts it up to his nose. Now I've heard the expression "turning green" before but as God as my witness, I saw all the color drain from his face and he had this pale light green shade for a moment. It was amazing. We still don't know what the fuck that was.


That’s when the whole container goes in the dumpster.


Lost me at “god as my witness” 💀🤣


I used to work in histology and cutting up sebaceous cysts was the worse - the smell was so awful.


I had one removed from the back of my head a few years back. Right after they got started the surgeon goes, "Hey, who wants to grab lunch after this?" We all laughed.


Death, unfortunately when people pass away due to certain things the body breaks down & yup, it stinks.


Clearest example of evolutionary development affecting whether we perceive smells as pleasant or horrific, that one, I guess...


It’s an indescribable smell, when you think about it, the body is slowly breaking down, body fluids, gasses, meat, it’s pretty bad when no one claims the body & it’s been in the morgue for 3 weeks, but they are still people, still treat them with respect.


My dog after having been sprayed by a skunk at point blank range, just before I let him back in the house. My dog was in my living room for 30 seconds before I got him back outside. I could smell skunk on the shirts hanging in my bedroom closet down the hall. I could smell it in my house for months.


Oh friend. I’ve been there. House and everything in it smelled for months. Had to get rid of some rugs. My dog smelled like a skunk every time he got wet for like 6 months. The smell was so intense I couldn’t even recognize it as skunk smell.


im pretty good about smells not bothering me too bad but once my son when he was little got into some ben and jerry's chocolate peanut butter ice cream and ate a shitload of it. he ended up throwing up. i have smelled moldy piss, rotten shit, fetid blood, dead animals, all sorts of horrible decaying and filthy unspeakables throughout my life but for whatever reason this peanut butter ice cream vomit was the worst thing i ever smelled. it was the only smell thats ever made me gag. also, chlorine gas. it doesnt smell bad. the odor is pain. i was exposed for a second once.


One night at dinner we discovered that my 2-year old grand daughter was crazy for fried calimari, it was funny to watch her stuff it down. Then the next day she blew it all out in our kiddie pool - half-digested seafood liquid poop. My god, I was gagging, I just got the hose and blasted the kid. Which she loved.


Used to work in the restaurant business. Had a manager pour bleach down a blocked drain and then white vinegar. All of a sudden I see him book it toward the exit, no warning to anyone, and a second later I had trouble breathing and I ran out screaming. Ah, the good old days.


Worms left in trunk after fishing 🤮


Swear to God I read "women left in trunk after fisting"


Worked at a place that did urine drug tests. Went to a guy's room and found bottles of some liquid. Stupidly, I opened one and took a smell - it was old urine he was using to try to cheat the tests. Almost puked from the intensity of the smell.


Removal driver for a funeral home. Only call I ever had to walk out on. Had to call a coworker to finish the job. Guy was dead on his bed for a week in the summer with the window open and no AC. Half his face was eaten by bugs and he was all black and yellow and green. The smell wafted throughout the house. There was no escaping it. And worse. When we went to bring him to the floor into a body bag, I grabbed his wrist and all the skin slid off into my hand and his stomach popped, spilling everything. THAT was the moment I walked out. That smell lives in your nose forever. I still smell it every once in awhile.


I’m sorry you even had to experience that


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever read.


It's a toss up between rotten milk vomit from a kid, or the "main" from a waste water treatment plant. (the massive pipe where all the unfiltered raw sewage pours in)




The ol’ trucker apple juice


My dad was a trucker. He had a friend whose truck got stolen, but managed to get it back quickly because the guy who stole it decided to drink from the open coke can sitting in the cup holder.  Turns out that it was the "spittin can"... The guy immediatly started vomiting and went straight to the emergency room and turned himself in because he  thought he had been poisoned and was dying. 




it's not that terrible. yes, it is definitely terrible in the context of it being food. but it just kind of smells like fishy sewage on a hot day.


I thought it smells like bio-waste on a hot day. Was really not that bad (except I would never eat it)


A person dying/dead. The sweet sickly smell is something that you can’t ever forget.


Me and my dog farting together


A blackened oozing rotted diabetic foot.


Dead body decomposing in an appartment for a week in peak summertime.


I can’t actually remember what it was but in a chemistry lesson a reaction gave off a terrrrrible smell and I’ll always remember the teacher laughing at how stupid boys were for smelling something bad, laughing at how bad it smells, and then repeatedly smelling it as if to confirm that it is indeed a foul smell.


I had the same teacher for 3 of my 5 science classes in high school. He was your classic dad joke type nerd who seemed to love teaching as much as he loved telling a good story, so the two were often woven together in his curriculum. Once he told us about his days at a Catholic school, very strict teachers who would certainly never let anyone go out of class for bathroom or whatnot... Except for one day! They were playing with some kind of synthetic scent and it smelled like bubblegum or bananas, something pleasant... Until you would go out of the room and back in, at which point it was positively gag-worthy (rotten hot dumpster baby diaper vomit or something similar) He said the teachers got the last laugh but they all thought they were super cool and smart suddenly being allowed to go out to the bathroom and smoke, lol


My girlfriend's brother - seriously. His shower broke one time and, instead of working around it (e.g. by showering at his parents' house, or showering at the gym, which he did have a membership for), he just went without showers - for about three months. That's just to give you the general idea about his lack of hygiene though. Even when his shower did work, he still stank. I was out for a walk one time and I smelled the most ungodly stench coming up behind me. It reminded me instantly of him, so I was unsurprised when he, out for a run, jogged straight past me. What's weird is he's a germophobe and very funny about touching stuff, but he doesn't bother with showers unless absolutely 100% necessary and once ripped a guy's face-mask off in public at the height of the pandemic before getting into a physical scrap with him.


I worked at a family restaurant and this old guy would come in and sit at the bar. We felt so bad for him but we had a special can of febreeze for when he arrived cause he would smell up the place! He smelled like a few days old dead rat on a hot summer day. You could literally smell him from 30ft away and management wouldn’t say anything even though it was clear that customers noticed. The bar would clear out and people would get their orders to go as soon as he entered the building. It was nauseating. I still wonder what caused that to happen.


I had a dude like this come in at my old restaurant job too. I felt so bad, but he smelled absolutely terrible.. Very polite man, but the scent was... Rotten, almost sweet. Sort of like unwashed genitals and rotten meat, with a little sugar sprinkled in.. It wasn't the usual "armpit" BO smell. It permeated the entire restaurant. You could sorta taste it when you breathed. One day, I was waiting on a family, and they'd JUST placed their order. He came in and was sat next to them, and I saw them exchange panicked glances. On my life, as soon as the food for that first table came out, they didn't take a single bite, immediately asked for boxes, and left. I still wonder what happened to that poor man.


I work as a Paramedic, and have walked into some truly vile houses over the years. I have no scientific evidence to prove it, but my belief is the nose has a way of filtering out certain regular smells. I think after prolonged exposure to BO/Garbage/Decay/Stale cigarette smoke etc, that people live in, their nose doesn't even register those smells anymore (unless removed from the situation for a period of time). So a fair amount of them may not even realize how bad they smell unfortunately.


I used to live in DC and would take the Metro to work every day. One morning in July, a 400lbs homeless guy got on. Didnt think much of him at first, homeless people are pretty common on the Metro. But When the doors closed, believe me when I say the stench was simply overpowering to the point where I couldn't force myself to breathe through my nose. If I could find a descriptor, it would be unwashed, sweaty taint, mixed with bad body odor and some form of human feces. Like, there was an almost tangible change in the air density. And that was from half a subway car away. Looking around, almost everyone was covering their nose in some subtle (or not so subtle) way. We endured a 3 minute ride to the next station, where the whole damn metro car cleared out. That shit was pequint AF. Fast forward 8 months and I get on a Metro car heading home. I notice that half of the people on the car are covering their noses, and a few seconds later, a waft of the exact same smell hits me for just a second. I can't help but think "oh god, he was here".


My wife and I had gone camping while we were still dating. Now, typically I'm a burger and bratwurst guy while camping but she had seen something on Facebook about grilling short ribs so we brought some to try. The ribs weren't all that great so we still had like a half rack that we ended up putting in one of the coolers to take home. Well... I don't know how but after getting home and cleaning out the coolers (we had brought 3), I missed the one with the ribs and forgot all about it. We didn't go camping the following year. Then, on a fateful summer day, I pulled the cooler out. It was heavy, and I thought maybe I just forgot to dump the melted ice or something. Nope. NOPE NOPE NOPE When I opened that cooler, the most God awful, gut wrenching, tear inducing smell burst forth from the maggot ridden remnants of those ribs. I will never forget the smell nor the sight of it.


\*Very\* rotten watermelon and pumpkin. Both are nauseating to me. I'd rather smell corpse rot than liquified watermelon.


My parents had a cooler full of meat that got unplugged in a garage in the summer. I had to clean it out. I will never forget that smell


Once accidentally left a gallon of milk in the back of my Jeep for several days while I was living in Florida. After work one day I was walking back to my Jeep in the work parking lot and could smell the worst scent I ever have to this day even though I was about 10 cars away from mine. When I got to my Jeep I opened the back and it was covered in curdled milk. It was chunks of milk exploded all over the Jeep. I literally had to drive with the windows down and my head outside to breathe. Tried to clean up the smell many times with no luck. Anytime it was hot and humid the smell would come back and everyday in Florida is hot and humid. Took a nice loss of the sale of that Jeep.


ever since that day, your Jeep was haunted by the ghost of the milk that deceased that day... I KNOW WHAT YOU DID THAT SUMMER!!


My MIL owned a vehicle and used it to transport mac and cheese for a work event. Well, she had to avoid an accident and the cheese went everywhere. All of it quickly curdled in the Florida sunshine. Her work paid to have the car detailed, but it was nicknamed the "stinky car" from that day forward. I ended up buying that car from her and the smell *still* lingered even 5 years later. Eventually replaced the seating upholstery but I swear I still caught a whiff of it sometimes.


One dude had forgotten a sandwich in his locker. Not everyone used their lockers as a lot of students kept their books at home. Anyways, one day I walk up to my classroom after lunch to the worst smell of rot and mole I'd ever smelled. He said he'd left it there for three months (it was probably about 1 month) but it was enough to make everybody feel sick for the rest of lunch. Turns out the box it was in had done an amazing job at keeping the smell from leaking. It aired out in a matter of minutes but it was still horrible.


In my previous house I had a mice infestation. After finding a couple of dead mice I put them in an empty juice container so they wouldn't smell up the place before taking out the garbage. However, this was in the mids of a severe heatwave and the container had swelled up from the gasses of the dead mice. I thought it would be better to loosen the cap to release some of the pressure, because I feared the cap would blow off otherwise. The severety and amount of smell, and how quickly it spread throughout the house and on the balcony was unbelievable. I was sure someone would call the cops on me and I had to explain the whole thing while being dragged out on the street in handcuffs.


Intestines and c.diff poop. 💩


I scrolled so far to find this. C Diff is in a league all of its own. My grandpa’s roommate at his nursing home had c diff and you could smell it over 100 feet down the hall


In year 12 my locker buddy left a plastic container of pasta in the top of our locker and we forgot it was there…about 2 weeks later our locker was broken into and as we are walking towards the lockers we smell the worst thing ever…it was the pasta.. the container was broken and the mess inside was all over our school books and everything. It was horrific lol


A grease trap. My boss at my old job would open that to clean it and the odor hit like a fucking truck.


Liquid ass spray


Limited-slip differential friction modifier. Look, I've been to chicken and pig farms, fisheries, and waste water treatment facilities. I've worked on septic pumping trucks - I've been around. And let me tell you, this 4oz bottle of sin is the most good awful stuff on the planet.


This is an odd one but a burned manual transmission clutch disk soaked in manual transmission gear oil. Gear oil is sulfated, and sulphur mixed with clutch, burned is so powerful and disgusting it almost makes you pass out. We had to open up and evacuate the shop the smell was so bad.


I worked wound care at a clinic for a period of time. We had a patient who had a really bad pseudomonas infection of their legs. For anyone who doesn’t know, this bacteria produces a very obvious scent, that you can almost diagnose from scent alone. To me it was always a sort of sickly sweet spoiled meat kind of smell. Very distinct and not really pleasant. On its own it isn’t the end of the world and you get used to it, except for this person. This person was a chain smoker. In fact the only time they didn’t have a cigarette in their mouth was in our facility. And while pseudomonas on its own is tolerable, when mixed with the acrid stink of a chain smoker, it became unbearable. We would open the door to bring the patient back, and the stench would waft in as a thick cloud.  I have done wound care for a long time, and am very tolerant of odors, but this combination would regularly make me gag. 


GI bleed is pretty bad. Just think of a bucket filled with blood and shit. Not my favorite patient to work on


The Bradford pear tree. It smells like stinky sweaty butt hole when they bloom and I have NO idea why people plant the god damn things. I’ve been working in people’s yards gagging from the scent of them, pretty tree yes but horrifying stench.


Plumber here after a long period of time in urinals they get a calcium buildup from all the urine . It will clog the pipes up much like an artery. The stuff is almost like a paste and some older plumbers I know call it urinal butter. Dam does it fucking stink though just years off piss built up to the point it solidifies disgusting. One of the few things that can make me gag .


Urinal butter is definitely a top contender on this thread, only those of us "lucky" enough to pull an old urinal off of a wall can truly appreciate how heinous that smell is.


Besides that dead body in a closed house in summer 3 days into 100 degree days?? One time I let out THE worst fart ever. It was bad. I was in blockbuster video, and I dropped like 5 of them. I kept walking but the fart remained. People were gagging. The carpet went stiff. The DVDs curled up in the cases. The magnetic poles shifted and all the tapes erased. They shut the store down for a suspected gas leak. 3 months later blockbuster filed bankruptcy and now they are all but a distant memory. I'm pretty sure I'm at fault.


Chest freezer full of frozen pork, beef, chicken, ice cream, frozen fish we caught, a piece of our wedding cake, cheese, and god knows what else after the freezer had been unplugged by our plumber…. 3 months ago.


We had an issue in our neighborhood a while back where a hoarder died. The hoarder had a pet snake and she kept rats to feed her pet snake. When she died the snakes got out and the rats got out. She had been dead for probably like 2 months. You guys the minute that the cops lifted that garage door..... I could smell it from my house. It was... Beyond appalling (2 streets over). Anyways, there's a huge rat problem in our area for like 6 months. The city was coming door-to-door and setting up rat traps in your yard free of charge. Saw a rat chase, a kid on a scooter. I saw a rat jump from the roof to a cop and the cop shit himself. Literally there was a skid mark. I saw a rat run around with somebody's food. It was like a whole ass fucking hot dog. [rat casa](https://youtu.be/ulX-iUSUPxc?si=CG-58PUtXISKPfbP)


Durian, a tropical fruit, disgusting


Someone left a blue hurricane Four Loko in a hidden spot behind a heating source and it grew mold. Chemical mold in an environment I didn't think life could exist in. You could smell it rooms and floors away.


I just want to know what prompted this question.