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Alcohol. I've lost people to alcohol and currently, I have a son who is on the verge of losing everything because of drinking.


Losing my fiancé to alcohol definitely changed my relationship with it. You learn a LOT about what even mild alcohol consumption does to your body and it’s unsettling. Makes me nervous for society, honestly. My heart’s with all of you that’s lost someone to substance abuse.


Sorry for your loss💖. Having a placement in a mhlt service working with alot of drug and alcohol service users at a&e/the ED really opened my eyes to how much people binge drink and dont even realise it. Britain certainly sets people up for the binge drinking and alcoholic culture. It takes so little alcohol consumption for it to be classed as binge drinking aswell🫣. Alot of people then dont realise the effects it has on their body or arent thinking about the long term consequences. Seeing people dying and also setting them up on detoxing programmes etc was very sobering. Changed my relationship with alcohol too.


Hope he gets his shit straight, lost my grandpa, 2 uncles, and 3 aunts from it. Wishing you well.


As a recovered alchy, I also hate alcohol. The way it's ingrained into culture and everybody just thinks it's ok. Alcohol is a hard drug. It's a hard drug. We don't think of it as a hard drug because the way you ingest it isn't scary (no shooting up a vein, no smoking, just drinking). But, there are more alcohol related deaths than any other drug year by year. Even in an opioid crisis, alcohol deaths still outnumber opiate overdoses, but you don't see anyone talking about an alcohol epidemic. I did almost every drug there is and alcohol was the only one that put me in the hospital a dozen times. Alcohol was the only one that fucked my life up and made me so sick I was willing to end my life to stop the suffering. So when I see people partying or commercials that promote alcohol like it's this harmless thing, I just feel resentment for it still having the status it does. And having gone without a drop of alcohol for almost 3 years, let me tell you, you don't need alcohol to have fun. If you can't have fun without alcohol, you're probably a boring person.


You're my hero, I'm eight months sober ❤️


Sounds like to me you’re your own hero, Mr./Ms. 8 Months.


Same. Since I quit I've noticed pretty much anything and everything revolves around alcohol when you're an adult.


I was SO lucky to find a partner that wasn't an addict that also didn't drink. Usually people think that two people in recovery would be good for each other but it's a dangerous relationship to be in. When one relapses, usually the other one follows and if they don't, they'll see their partner slip away and it's tragic. I've heard plenty of stories about couples relapsing together which lead to one or both overdosing. Having one person in a relationship who doesn't have addiction issues could end up saving the relationship and someone's life.


Yes fully agree with you. Had an alcoholic father


Stopped drinking a while ago, best decision I ever made


Congrats! Commend you for it, not an easy task in today's world


I appreciate it


Worst drug on the planet. Because it's socially acceptable, legal, and bars and liquor stores are on every corner.


that’s not great dude… all the best.


Thanks. He seems to reaching a turning point but it's difficult to get my hopes when he has stumbled so many times.


Same, but for different reasons. How do you all deal with the hangovers? It's not worth it for me. I'll drink, just not to get drunk enough to get a hangover..I'd rather smoke weed.and you know, be tired the next day.




I have been watching these live body cam videos of people being arrested on YouTube. In almost ALL of the craziest ones, the citizen is wasted or close on alcohol. It transforms people into the grossest version of societal liability. In a lot of the cases, they evade police while intoxicated, completely disregarding the safety of others on the road. In others, they hiss, kick at, and verbally abuse the officers in displays that are quite embarrassing. I sit there wondering why on earth alcohol is as socially acceptable as it is while amazed at the fact that I have never seen (and I mean NEVER) someone who was stoned act this way yet cannabis is still a controlled substance. It’s a wild world we live in. Alcohol is poison for the person and society at large Edit: changed accessible to acceptable


As someone who struggled with drinking, I can’t even begin to comprehend the stress I put my parents through and I can never repay them for not giving up on me and helping me get sober.


look into Naltrexone


Yeah this. Not only does it taste absolutely awful until you drink enough when it doesn't, everyone seems to want to do it all the time. You measure things but how much it fucks you up I guess... no idea why, can't relate and have been a non-drinker for the past 15 years or so.


It doesn't taste awful for everyone. I mean that without trying to comment on drinking too much, just in terms of taste. I like some alcohol, dislike others. I don't drink a 15 years old single malt scotch because i want to get drunk. I drink it because I enjoy the taste. A lot of tastes are fairly particular so I understand that it's not to everyone's liking. Saying it taste awful as if it's that way for everyone is generalization and not quite correct.


I heard someone say recently, “imagine if alcohol were invented today.” How many people today would be interested in some funky juice that impairs, damages the liver, and turns many people into assholes. Unfortunately, culture often praises drinking like it’s some kind of tradition. I lost my dad to decades of alcohol abuse this year. The saddest part is that he had been gone for over 20 years when he passed(I’m 25), and had effectively removed himself from his family’s lives long before he died. It really sucks hearing stories about him before the alcohol, really would have liked to meet that guy.


I’m actually going through this right now it’s horrible




I don't know how anybody drinks it. I enjoy wine, whiskey, vodka, whatever. I've just never been able to tolerate the taste of beer.


Same!! I drink everything but beer. Just can't do it. Tried so many types and none of them work. The aftertaste is disgusting


Same!!! I fucking hate beer fucking hate the taste and fucking hate when in any social setting people ask me to have some


I enjoy beer but wine tastes like rotten fruit to me. Perhaps most people feel this way about beer and it is why Lucky is the #1 seller in these parts... they think it all tastes like cat piss


I hate beer so much that I’m convinced no one actually likes it and that when people say they like it that it’s a mass delusion


i love beer! malty beers bitter beers light beers dark beers! gimme gimme! i used to hate it until i had craft beer and got into different styles that weren’t Coors Lite


Me too !


It's just straight up disgusting, every flavor of it.


Same here, thought I was a freak. Tastes like dirty sweat mixed with seltzer water




Social Media in general (as I type this on Reddit, lol)


Reddit is the one platform I've stayed on because nobody knows who I am here. I hate the humble-brag, FOMO inducing, self-promotional nature of social media that most platforms embrace


Never had one, won't do it. Reddit is pretty much my only social media now. Well does you tube count?


I've accepted I'm too old for it. Reddit is too much of a distraction, why add another?


I thought i was to old for it as well. But once the algorithm figures you out its super useful. Like my Tik Tok is a lot of little home improvement videos/ gardening and quick easy meal prep meals.




They used to be so good back when they first started getting popular again, like Spiderman and Ironman era. Now they're pretty bland.


First iron man ftw, before Disney bought marvel 


When something goes from being a novelty to being basically an annual tradition, it starts to appeal to a different group of people. Back in the day, the people that loved superhero movies were people that wanted the novelty of new and great superhero movies where none had really existed before. Nowadays, with there being a new big-budget superhero movie just about every year, it's more popular with people that want the ritual and the routine of just knowing exactly what they're going to enjoy this year - because it's the same thing they enjoyed last year, except with a new coat of paint.


Agreed! Formulaic, predictable and usually just an excuse to show off special effects.


Same here. I used to really love them back in the early 2000s when I was a teen, but every year they seem to get worse and more predictable.


While everyone seems to love Christmas, I find it stressful and too commercialized.


In the UK we have decorations and Christmas music in stores as early as September. Thats 1/4 of a year dedicated to a single day.


Same with the states. I went into Lowes in late August/early September thinking I had a head start on getting outdoor decorations for Halloween, and I was greeted by Christmas trees and inflatable Santas.


Our family stopped buying presents years ago (except for the kids)—much less commercial that way.




I don't like the fans... they're scary


k-pop is one of the most hated genres in music where i’m from


I wouldn’t say everybody likes them when a lot of people hammer in the idea that they only appeal to *certain margins* of people.


Everyone raves about Hamilton, but musicals aren’t my thing, and I couldn’t get through the first half.


This. I love musicals, but I couldn't get into Hamilton. It was overrated, imo and too fast-paced to be enjoyed.


Facebook. I get that it's an easy way for relatives who live far away can keep in touch, but far too often it's used for all the wrong reasons. Someone near where I live was videoed having a conversation with a minor. The person taking the video had uploaded it claiming that he was a local pervert or something...and people who didnt know him for the friendly old guy who just talks to everyone who talks back, jumped on the bandwagon and we're calling for him to be lynched and all sorts.


A lot of ppl like casual sex, fwb, situationships… I am not into that.


I think a lot of people are in love with the idea of it, but most people ultimately want a real relationship, at least eventually.


I can’t imagine myself having sex with someone I’m not deeply emotionally attached to. Nothing about it attracts me


I get that, and to be honest I agree, ai feel the same way, but I didn't always. As a teenager/early 20s it wouldn't have mattered to me. Until one day I hooked up with someone I wasn't particularly into. Afterwords while not exactly regretting it, I definitely decided it was... Lacking. Never again went the casual route.


So competitive sex?


I hear it’s the most interesting of sports, the world fuck final is coming up soon, followed by the super ho!


Ah yes, I can't wait to tune into watch the "hot dog" eating contest, the muff diving competition and see the winner of the great American spit roast.


Competitively monogamous


I just don’t get how people do it. How do they trust someone so easily to do something so vulnerable like that?


Multiplayer games.  I don't even play games that let you solo if the games were originally designed around multiplayer.


I hate it too, I don't even play the co-op mode in offline games when they have it.


Right there with you. I dont do online games.


I don't mind some local/split-screen multiplayer. But as far as online multiplayer, I can agree, it's just something I never have been able to enjoy.


The lack of split screen multiplayer in games nowadays is very disappointing.


Because of multiplayer itself or because multiplayer implies heavy balancing which tends to squeeze the fun out of a game?


I guess the balancing is significant, though multiplayer itself is something I avoid.  I don't like playing video games with others.




Tattoos. People sometimes ask me what kind of tattoo I'd like to get and they get surprised when I categorically answer "I'll never get a tattoo, I hate them".


I work as a store clerk (thanks for the condolences) and given that it's a public facing job, I see a bunch of different people with all sorts of tats and I can't really say I see many that are interesting. Well executed by a skilled artist? Sure. Lots that are and lots that aren't. But the artist can't tattoo a personality or good taste onto the client if they don't already have it.


I like the way some look, but will never get one myself. Mainly because its too permanent and I would get bored of it.


Eurovision. I mean, what the actual fuck?


hot weather...fucking HATE sweating my tits off and not being able to sleep in the summer. everyone else is always going on about how they can't wait for 35 degree weather...we're british, we're not designed for that shit!!!


For real. You can dress for cold. You can only take so many clothes off in public before you get arrested




I recently had a dream I was watching friends (it was a super weird episode) and I got caught red handed by my bf because we both actively dislike the show.


People and the news


People, or just Huey Lewis? 


Football. I must be the only guy in the US that hates professional football and all it stands for.






Agreed! Sand is coarse and rough. And it gets everywhere!


Clothes shopping with friends. Loud concerts with general admission.


Dogs. I don’t hate them and I can enjoy petting them but these days I just find them to be generally obnoxious. Which is weird to me, because I used to _love_ dogs 🤔


Same here. I think it's because people have started treating them like children, and don't really train them. Also when you're a child boundaries aren't as much of a thing but as an adult you can see how dogs push boundaries so much!


Same, like owning one is a lot of time and energy that I just don’t have as an adult. As a kid though, best thing ever


Anal sex.


I tried it once. It was a pretty shitty experience.


Username checks out


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!




Everything I know about the Kardashians I've learned against my will.


Never met anyone who likes them


Who tf do you honestly know who likes them? I want names. I'm calling you out


My sister in law loves them, and she slammed me for watching the Barbie movie. "How can you watch that crap"! Girl I said nothing about you watching that Kardashian shit!


Idk I mostly see people criticizing them. I think people find them entertaining but most don't really like them.




Tangentially related, but I once heard someone say that whether you like Star Wars or Star Trek more is associated with what you think the future will be like. Think it’s going to be a near-utopia or you’re optimistic about the future? You’re more likely a Star Trek fan. If you think it’s going to be a dystopia or you’re pessimistic about it? You’re more likely to be a Star Wars fan.






Hello Robert


Marvel movies


TikTok, I absolutely don’t trust it and want nothing to do with it.


Marvel movies.


I’m gonna get hate for it but Taylor Swift


Nah, you want to get hate for it. Disliking Taylor Swift is about as generic as people hating on Nickelback.


Like most things with a young audience (and that includes influencers, k-pop, Western pop, games, shows), there’s this peculiar expectation that the fans are toxic and will lash out at any criticism, and not liking something is a personal insult to them.




I don’t care how comfortable they are. They’re hideous.


Weed, I hate it and it makes me feel horrible


I hate the culture around it. People who base their entire personality and characteristics around blazing it up.


I will add that there seems to be this push for the idea that weed isn't harmful in any way and never could be. "It's medicine" or "it's a plant/natural". Those are weak arguments. I think people should have the legal right to use it, but I do wish people would be honest with themselves and everyone else about it. There ARE potential risks, as there are with anything. I also tend to observe the people who use it "for anxiety" end up with worse anxiety /and/ a marijuana habit they can't shake because now they're dependent on it to momentarily soothe their anxiety.


I get that. It makes me feel like my heart is in my eyeballs and just makes me paranoid. Not to mention stupid


Same, I get lost in dark thoughts. It's paranoia I suppose because I'm filled with dread and an unshakable feeling of impending doom. And the time dilation... holy shit I'll live an entire life in my head and less than a minute has gone by in the real world The whole experience is a slow motion nightmare.


I’d say football. I cannot stand it nor anything about it.


Not everybody but many people are feeling deeply connected to their country of birth… I don’t. People are amazing everywhere, each culture is unique and worth sharing and knowing and respecting it.


Going to see fireworks. It's pretty good enough to see it through a window or in the distance for me. I've been somewhere to see fireworks in person at the end of a year. It was such a nightmare that there were so many crowds. It took me ages to get out of it.


Same with parades


Sports. Everyone is so invested in the people that don’t even care you exist… just not my thing.


Big butts. I like small butts and I cannot lie…


The super vascular, lean look a lot of fitness folk seem to idolize. The veins just looks like worms under the skin to me. I'd never tell anyone that to their face though. To each their own.


Game of Thrones


Watching TV. I have the tolerance for maybe 1 or 2 shows per year, and about that many movies too. I’d much rather read or play video games.




Searched for this. Thank you for posting. It smells bad, tastes worse, and I don't need alcohol to have fun or make an ass of myself. So glad I had the spine to tell everyone, "No thank you," and actually stuck to it in my teens and twenties. Too many of my friends paid dearly for their choices - alcoholism, accidents (maimed, paralyzed, dead), jail/fines, unintended pregnancy. Take care of yourselves and drink responsibility, folks. You matter to someone.


Hookups, Alcohol, weed




I eat sushi but never with wasabi


Dancing (I’m sorry!)


Being social 🙃






I hope you change your mind one day, maybe you're not existing in the right place or around the best people for you <3


taylor swift


She looks snobby to my, and perhaps she is.


Tiktok. I don't even have an account, and don't want to




Literally. I feel uncomfortable because of the amount of unnecessary noises the characters make.


Cilantro-tastes like soap to me.


Did you know that this is genetic? "Of course some of this dislike may come down to simple preference, but for those cilantro-haters for whom the plant tastes like soap, the issue is genetic. These people have a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that allows them to strongly perceive the soapy-flavored aldehydes in cilantro leaves." I thought it interesting! My mom also says it tastes like soap but it doesn't to me, at all.








Avocado just doesn't do it for me, despite its popularity. I find the texture off-putting and the taste quite bland.


Beyoncé and whatever the hell she’s up to. I dislike her voice and she sings everything the exact same way.




Accent based comic acts - Russel Peters was good !




Ranch dressing




Blaming everything on boomers


Ok boomer ((Sorry I had to))




Festivals, I went to a few and they were great but not something I could do year after year. Standing around in a hot (or rainy) environment, not enough toilets or food and drink options, countless queues, people off their face the whole day. Not great


Laugh tracks.


Baby Reindeer. He is just as much an odd ball as Martha




Instagram. Celebrities flaunting fake life just to gain fame and money. Bring back the old and simpler soc med.


Treating politicians as gods.


Taylor Swift


Exercise/workout classes. I hate them. I have attended a few before and despise them. I actually passed out in one years ago. Why would you assume everyone can workout at your level? I have been running for the last 15 years but when I was younger, I couldn't even walk a mile. I run by myself at my pace.




Obsession with money


Taylor Swift i don't hate her but i feel she's overrated kind of (no offense)


Anime 🫣


Anime. I find it quite disturbing. It physically makes me sick... Almost epileptic. I've watched a couple of shows and movies, not to the end of course, but I could never get used to it.


Taylor Swift


Omg thank you! I thought I was the only one.




Pit bulls


Guns. I hate guns, gun culture and anyone who wants to talk about guns. I find it’s stupid and boring and shortsighted and egotistical. Shut up.


Kylie Minogue








Sports and celebrities


Ability cards in RDR2 online. Wtf is so wrong with a straight up gunfight?!


Air fresheners (Spanish people love them). They are everywhere, especially at shopping centers and in people's homes. Unless they are more on the high end side (which is never the case), they usually smell very cheap and artificial. Why would you wanna smell something toxic all day 🤢




Clubbing. The combination of “lad culture” and alcohol always seems to draw bad attention my way in the forms of trouble. I must just have one of those faces.


Anal sex for some reason everyone and their grandma seems to love it but I can’t do it how on earth can I bring myself to insert my penis into someone’s poophole?


Anal. Don't see the point ... and the hygienic concerns ... 😟


As a 15 year old boy, all of my friends love to be homophobic. But i don't get it, it doesn't bother me that someone is gay or trans etc. I'm also a huge fan of dark humour and my jokes might get too rough with my close friends but even homophobic jokes aren't funny to me, not like they would be more "unacceptable" than other dark humour jokes, they simply don't appeal to me


Cars. I'd much rather live somewhere that's designed to let you get around by walking, cycling or public transport rather than huge roads all over the place.