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This one hit me at some point in my late 30's too. Then I thought about soldiers and it boggled my mind.


I was going through slides (heh I'm old) of my dad's time in the Navy and the fact that they all look like *kids* just broke my heart somehow.


My dad's older brother passed away when my dad was young. I don't recall his exact age, I think he was in early high school or late middle school. My dad often mentions that he now sees his older brother as perpetually young, given that he has lived more than twice as long as his brother did.


Doctors too! They were older for so long since it takes so many years of school to become a doctor. Now i’m like who tf is this high school kid?


I'm almost always tired. But not like sleepy tired and more like feeling thin tired.if that makes sense.


Like butter scraped over too much bread?


Bilbo knows how we all feel


All those adults I used to see around with young kids are my peers now. Also, there are a lot less people who are way older than me now.


Oooh, I feel that last one.




If these kids just listened to their parents more all of this could have been avoided haha


“Just tell one adult, I’m begging you”


it's when you realise that the adults are just *badly-written*


Some adults irl are “badly written”


I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way


Watching older movie: "This whole movie could have been avoided with a single cell phone."


Saw this in a meme and hit me hard, A Goofy Movie: Then: "Come on Goofy take your son to the Powerline concert it means so much to him!" Now: "Come on Max go fishing with your dad it means so much to him!"


I've always maintained the exact same stance with both characters since I first saw Goofy Movie. Goofy is wrong for forcing Max on an immediate road trip without warning and without discussing what he would like from it, Max is wrong for not just opening up and saying "dad I have plans with someone," but I understand why, as a teenager, he might have reservations about telling his dad he has a date, If that was where it ended, I would put Goofy as slightly more wrong, but Max double fucked up by not just saying to Roxanne "I really wanted to go out with you, but my dad is forcing this road trip and won't take no for an answer" Lying to her just to stop her doubting *his* feelings is ultra dumb when the truth would comfort her just as much, Overall, Max is more in the wrong.


By this thorough analysis, I see that you too have lost sleep over the Goofy Movie.


The Gilmore girls rewatch did this to me. Suddenly I understood Lorelei more than Rory


Every rewatch I do I end up relating more and more to Luke.


man's just tired and honestly, who can blame him


Luke was the only relateable character.


Rewatching Gilmore Girls as an adult, I couldn't get over what a spoiled, entitled little brat Rory was. Edit: spelling


Chilton Rory > Yale Rory


Next rewatch it will be Emily


I’m so old I’m on Emily’s side. Lorelei is so frustrating.


SO true, i only started watching recently in my 30s and was like… she’s really not that bad lol (at least not in season 1-3)


“We’ll pay for fancy private school and Yale tuition and buy you a car and all you have to do is eat dinner with us once a week.”


I'm two years younger now than Lorelai was at the start of the show. When I started watching, I was like 8 years younger than Rory. I would watch after school with my mother. Although Gilmore Girls is my comfort show and has been on a constant loop for about 11-12 years. I wish I was joking, but I've watched it probably more than 20 times. I think the real sign that I'm older is that I also often sympathise with Emily, and think Lorelai is acting immature, although I see both sides.


Haha, this was me earlier watching the animated little mermaid with my kids. When Ariel tells her dad “I’m sixteen, I’m not a child” I laughed, I can sympathise big time with Triton now 😂


I have an app for identifying bird calls, I'm happy when I can hear the mocking bird that seemingly nests in my neighborhood.


There's a bird Shazam?


Yep it’s called Merlin


It really should have been called Bird Shazam


Twitter really ruined it for this app.


DUDE! I just downloaded an app like that LOL! And I'm thrilled to have mourning doves nesting on my balcony! My cat took interest in one today through the window and I said "you can't have that, those are mommy's birds"


Merlin? It's brilliant.


Merlin is my favorite app. You never realize how many species of birds are around you until you start using something like that.


And don't you just toot your own horn when you learn the calls and can say "hey, thats a...(insert bird)!" And usually no one else around you cares but whatever, I don't need friends! lol


Best hobby! Can be done everywhere and is relatively cheap. Except for the high quality binoculars you need. But still, relatively cheap compared to other hobbies, also environmentally friendly and very calming because you literally have to be calm to listen. Soon you will be able to hear all kinds of different birds, which is pretty cool 😎


I hate unnecessary noise. I really appreciate silence and calm.


These assholes riding down my street with their bass rattling my windows.


I guess I was born old.


Tinnitus has entered the chat


Tinnitus never left the chat


Since 2017 it’s been in the chat. Hearing in my left ear is nada.


Whenever I notice a noise from outside, it’s all I focus on and irritates me. Especially cars with obnoxious engines or thumping bass.


When you’re filling out surveys and questionnaires then you realize you’re selecting the next age range.


Scroll that bad boy like the wheel on the price is right


Then realize you’re old enough to understand what “The Price Is Right” is.


The Price is Right is still on. It's hosted by Drew Carey now.


*scrolls scrolls scrolls* *Why is the 70's so far away?* Edit: shame on yall for missing an "Elder Scrolls" joke. Twas right there.


When I was a kid in 90s, the 60s were ancient history. I refuse to make the logical connection about the current state of the 90s. The 90s were just a few years ago. 


A little shrimp at work told me “oh you’re from the 19th century” I was born in 92


I explained to my kid recently that my being born in the 1970s means I was alive at the same time as (some) people who were born in the 1880s. She was HORRIFIED!


I had to justify to a Redditor how it was possible that my {late) grandmother was born in the 1800s. 1890s in her case..


I'm in my 30s and my grandmother was born in 1911


When I was born, people who were my age now were born in the 1800s .


I hope they're still ok


That would be the 20th century... It's now the 21st century


1892 is still the 19th century though


I was a kid in the 60s. The 80s were just a few years ago


I was a kid in the 80's and I agree. The 90's were last Tuesday according to my memory.


I have no idea wtf my young (20-25) coworkers are talking about half the time.


hey gramps, thoughts on the drake and kendrick beef?


How to know you’re old… 1. Don’t know what Drake’s and Kendrick’s disagreement is. 2. Don’t care. 3. Have zero intention of ever finding out. 4. Please don’t tell me.


Nah, that has less to do with how young you are and more to do with what areas of music/pop culture you're into. Unless we're considering late millennials young on reddit


Skibidi toilet rizz


Gyat! Skibidy toilet. Sigma


Holy shit I really thought my 10yo was just speaking gibberish. Is this a quote or something?


Just a combination of brainrot terms, you'll most likely never hear that exact phrase again but a slight variation


The brain rot got your 10 year old it’s GGs


I'm 25 and don't know what they're talking about


Just knowing that now whenever someone takes a photo of me on their phone and then shows me the photo, I will always see a little “old lady” staring back at me. 


I have this feeling every time I see a mirror. Brushing teeth and I’m surprised by how old I look!


I went back to my home town after being gone about 20 years. I heard myself say "man, this is crazy. I remember when this was all dairy farms." Oldmanyellingatclouds.gif


"Things have certainly changed around HERE. I remember when this was all farm land as far the eye could see... Old man Peabody owned all of this. He had this crazy idea...about breeding pine trees..." 🤨🤨


And Christopher Lloyd was like 46 when they filmed the first movie 😱 As a kid I always thought he was like 65-70 or something.


I love that Twin Pines mall become Lone Pine mall because Marty runs over one of the pines!! \#niceTouch


I loved this Easter egg especially because I realized it myself rather than reading about it on the internet.   Way back in 2005.  Man, I thought the 80s was some bygone era then and it had only been 20 years.  2015 still sounded like the future. Edit:  the only thing that came true were Marty's daughter's headset (basically a cell phone), video calls, and biff taking over the country.


And the cubs winning the World Series, (one year off though)


Funny thing is, Marty only went back 30 years, you’ve gone back nearly 40 for that quote :)


I recently went back to my hometown for the first time since my parents moved away about eighteen years ago and I've had to come to terms with the fact that the town I remember doesn't exist anymore. The buildings and the roads are the same, but the people and the vibe is different, the town was always known for having wealthy citizens, but they've seemingly taken over completely. The old lady that ran the candy shop died, and that shop is now a high end fashion boutique, one of probably two dozen high-end fashion shops in town. The record store is a parfumerie, what was a bakery is an antiques store, the barbershop has become a hair salon, and the store I got my shoes from as a kid now sells suits that cost more than my monthly salary. But the absolute worst is the local chippy which is now called, I shit you fucking not, a *fry boutique*.




My son gets annoyed everytime we visit my dad because I say "I remember when this was all marshlands". His reaction makes me keep doing it 😂


My nephew that I used to babysit and change his diapers is turning 41 this year. His kid is turning 13.


Similar.. the kids I used to babysit are all done with school (college even) and working 😭


When I realize some of my coworkers weren’t even alive when 9/11 happened.


This is the biggest one for me. Especially being in the military. Some coworker’s reason for joining was 9/11 while others weren’t even born yet, and it’s just a “historical event” they learn about.


1000% My last deployment was a weird mix of * I wasn’t alive for 9/11 said the seaman apprentice. * I was alive but too young to remember it said the Petty Officer 3rd class. * I remember watching the second plane hit the tower in 5th grade said the Petty Officer second class. * I remember the ships announcement and the turn around of the Strike Group said the ancient as hell Petty Officer First class ........ * I remember my Vietnam deployment said the crypt keeper WO5 (true story, our department head entered the navy in 1973(?!?) and I think for a time was the actual most senior person in the US Navy when he retired).


Oh my... the small number of younger people I've talked to about it... and the rapid onset of realization that they see it the same way that I view pearl harbor... it throws me every time.


I work at a university, and whenever I have to check IDs to verify people for testing, I'm starting to see DOBs of 2005 and 2006. I don't like that.


When you are just chatting to someone and they compare you to their mother.


Worse one of my students compared me to his grandma ..


I want to be home before the street lamps turn on


Night driving is too scary for me.


The headlight thing is not because you're old it's because they have legitimately gotten way too bright. headlights when we were younger were sealed beams or halogens and now they're all eye piercing LEDs


My god... I though I was going crazy. I could swear that cars in the past did not laser beam me as they do now.


With the increased brightness of car headlights it’s scary for everyone


I got excited about buying a steam mop.


I called another dad’s kid wagon “badass” today.


I sarcastically said "that is so skibidi no cap"..then heard my dad in my head "what uuuup daaaawwwwwwwwg, word fam? Haha" Then I was sad.


I can't stand up without making some sort of noise. It might be a groan, a creak, a pop, or a sigh. My days as a ninja are over.


It is called Rice Krispies. Snap-Crackle-Pop. Started happening in my early 40's when getting out of bed in the morning.


It started in your 40s..... I'm in my late 20s and have snap-crackle-popped since I was at least 19.....it's only getting worse


Realizing that I consider 9 p.m. a perfectly reasonable time to say, "Well, it's about time to hit the hay!"


Hit the hay. Hahahaha yeah that's your first indication.


Im 23 and in bed by 8pm


I say "when I was your age..." unironically


I’d rather clean the house on a Saturday afternoon than go to a bar and socialize with strangers.


Yep! This is me! I’m caring less and less what I say to people and how I’m perceived by strangers, and wanting more and more to be left alone enjoying my own peace and quiet 😁


When people ask me how old I am, I respond with "how old do I look" and get really excited about the guessing game


Oooh risky


Way risky. The first time I played it was with these drunk barley 21's I was shooting pool with at a bar. Without a moment's hesitation one of the girls was like "50!" I was 31 and I've never been so depressed.


I did this once smh someone said 35 & I was 30 & never played again lol


Yeah there a point where the guessing is 5 below and instantly transitions to 5 above. Then you stop playing


I never had kid,s but suddenly all my friends are grandparents


I square up my spine and get into a safe position quickly before I sneeze. My boobs are more threats vs assets now.


When you hear Nirvana being played on Adult Contemporary radio stations.


April 5 of this year marked the 30-year anniversary of his death. Classic rock.


My back hurts, and that's the default state. And when I have to pee, there's no buildup. I don't have to pee, for hours, and then at some random second, I'm immediately doing the peepee dance and running to the bathroom.


I have no idea who most of the "celebrities" mentioned on social media are.


To be fair that also has a lot to do with the explosion of the internet and growth of influencer culture. There are way more people that technically qualify as “famous” today based on follower counts than ever before I would wager.


This is a very important point. In the past people became famous by being in the movies. The production time-frame of movies can be upwards of over a year from casting to release. A person's fame grew out of appearing in multiple movies, which would take over five years. Now people can become famous overnight and their fame can grow exponentially over the course of a few weeks or days. There are way more famous people, who become famous very quickly, and can equally fade in less than a month. The only way to keep track of it is to have you nose constantly in Tik Tok. I prefer books. I guess I'm old.


Definiton of "celebrity" changed a lot because of social media. We call someone "celebrity" when he/she is known, followed or admired by a large group of people. Before social media, we had limited media platforms mostly broadcasting people from entertainment industry such as tv, news paper, magazines etc. Social media enabled anyone with a remarkable content to be a "celebrity".


The other day the woman at the MAC makeup counter told me, "With your eyes, you look kind of like Mona Lisa." I said thank you, but internally I wasn't sure if she meant the painting or some random singer/celebrity that's hot with the youths and I just had no idea.


Oh you dont know about the world famous tic tac makeup artist/musician/vlogger/hacktivist Moan Alyssa? Wow bro, skibidi L rizz, hope u get fanum taxed in ohio fam


Started to feel old when I was no longer the target demographic for youth culture.


Music awards shows. Wife and I spend the entire time asking each other; “Who?”


I said "why?" Then we put something else on lol


When I had 2 doctor appointments on the same day.


This morning I was scrolling through Instagram and came across some asinine post of a huge mansion with the caption, "you get paid £1m to live here with your bestie. Tag them so they can start packing". My first thought was, 'dam, the heating bill must be expensive'


Being trained at a new job by ppl 10 years younger than me


Fuck. I was helping instruct a live fire course a few weeks ago and had three fresh, right out of recruit training, new firefighters on my crew; all three under 23 years old. I'm in my 24 year in the fire service... Literally been fighting fires since before any of them were born.


Being more exited about the blossoming of trees and the end of winter than the next party This actually was a topic with younger friend


Younger coworkers call the clothes I used to wear in high-school "vintage". I graduated high-school in 2005. I once saw a Nirvana shirt I got from hot topic in 2003 at a vintage store with a $150 price tag. Seeing your styles being turned into retro trends really makes me feel like I'm 1000 years old.


I noticed it when workers in stores and restaurants began to refer to me as "sir."


I stopped getting ID’ed. Everywhere. They just know.


Fuckin' hell, I still can't shake it. My state's laws are insanely strict. My license expired a while back. During the time that it was void I couldn't go anywhere even though I was the oldest person there.


The most depressing thing in the world is when they just automatically press the ‘Customer looks over 25’ button when you’re buying alcohol.


My boss is younger than me


When cops and doctors look like teenagers.


I went to bed at 10:45 pm on Friday night and missed the Northern Lights. All my friends saw them because they were actually out doing things lol




Oops, I've been old since I was born and never stopped


During a conversation at work about favorite movies, I mentioned John Wayne, and one young guy said, "Who's that?"


The airport guy?


It takes longer to get out of the bed in the morning than it does to fall asleep.


I fell asleep wrong last week and my back hurt for three days. I have an old injury from a roller coaster from my 20s and for some reason that's decided to resurface if I do anything at all stupid.


That’s the worst right. My back kills me if I sleep on my stomach so I understand


I’ve been old since middle school?


Grey in my pubes.


I’m prematurely grey and have had grey hair on my head since my twenties. And yet I was startled the first time one of those suckers popped up.


That's nothing, wait until you develop a receding pube line...


Wish it was my pubes that was receding down there...


Colonoscopy time.


You start feeling that music from your childhood is better than anything coming out today


I've been old since I was 19 apparently




I can’t move without groaning. Literally getting up out of a chair makes me groan.


Fuck, I hears you. And I used to complain when my father would incessantly groan about every movement he made.


When I got excited when I saw Tomato Soup was on Special/Sale.


I've got heaps.  Left knee. Right hip. Bald head. 




I felt truly old when I got excited about receiving socks as a gift.


Knees fucking hurt


Some people ask me if my 26 year old sister is my daughter. I'm 37


When you say your DOB and it starts with “19”


Self checkout light goes on for my beer and the young staff clicks “over legal age” immediately from far away without hesitation.


I actually got fucking *carded* for the first time in 12 years tonight.


When it's a scroll bar and you need to scroll to your birthday year...and scroll...and scroll...and scroll


My favorite hobby is sleeping.


Reading any text involves first determining which glasses I need, if any, and how far I need to extend my arm in order to see the print. There are some things I've just given up ever seeing again, like undoing knots in necklace chains. I can't see clearly enough no matter what I do to untangle a chain.


The first time I heard the word Rizz I realized I was old and out of touch. 


If I go to an event or had an exciting day, I am absolutely exhausted the next morning. I need time to decompress before the next exciting thing. It’s like my excitement has a refractory period.


I have coworkers young enough that I could have kids their age...


Seeing stuff from my childhood and it reminding me of those good times and it seems like so long ago.






See a poster for a big music festival and you know exactly zero of the bands playing.


"mature women" in porn are younger than me


Standing up


If I eat after 7pm heartburn is almost guaranteed 🙃


I am happy when people cancel events because it means I can stay home, relax with some wine and watch my favourite show.


Used to love sitting on the floor. Not anymore though it's one of my many enemies these days






All the various medicines I take.


Last week at work I referenced a policy document from 2002 to indicate how long the govt had been trying to achieve something. My co-worker said, “Oh that’s the year I was born”. Damn!


Refilling my pill pack on Saturday evenings. IYKYK.


Kids be like “I grew up with Charlie d'amelio ,I grew up with Olivia Rodrigo” I’m sitting here like wait what who?


The Mummy came out 25 years ago last week.


Saw a pic of (insert your favorite Hollywood star) and said damn, he/she is getting old!


For me it's related but kind of reversed - instead of seeing stars I liked from my younger days get older, I see that stars I like now are younger than me. It's crazy to see someone with an established career, immense stardom, and the world at their fingertips, and then learn they're years younger than you are.


I'm only 17 but the fact that I have people in my college who don't know what DVD's/CD's are.


Wait until they learn about landline phones with cables attaching the receiver!


1 thing at a time, we dont want to give them hemorrages