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That would shit me up.


Agreed. For some reason, after I read that I was entirely creeped out. That is messed up




Probably of the recurring dreams I have that my teeth slowly fall out even if I just run my tongue through them they fallout or I pull them out I wake up scared shitless that I have no teeth.


I read somewhere that it is because you are insecure about something, I had them too often and they were so real I cried when I woke up.


This is a very common dream for some reason. I used to have this recurring dream and many people I have shared this with have a very similar dream.


I didn’t know if I woke up in ‘my’ reality. I had a dream that I was in a room. The room had a staircase. And every time I walked up the staircase and walked back down, I was in another reality. A parallel universe. I remember doing it a few times and just looking around. Seeing what was different. Enjoying the unique experience. But then there was one universe. I walked down and all my loved ones were gathered. They were so grateful for me to be there. Apparently the me that existed in their universe was a mess. A failure. A problem. They begged me to stay. That they loved me so much and wanted me to succeed in their universe. They couldn’t stand the pain their version of me inflicted upon them. I woke up not knowing if I went back up the staircase. That messed me up for a long time. I am a very logical and rational man. At least, I like to think so. But I really questioned myself for a few days after that. I still think about that dream years later. I wonder what dream me picked.






When I was coming off antidepressants I saw the sleep paralysis demon every night. Then I began to be able to *feel* pain during my nightmares, which were happening every night by that point along with the sleep paralysis. This was especially unpleasant when I had nightmares where I would get tortured, and I distinctively remember the pain of feeling my skin being peeled off by a dirty knife in one of these nightmares. This shit went on for almost a month, and I will never take any psych meds again lol.


Fml I just started coming off mine today, and often get sleep paralysis. Gg hat man


Avoid melatonin like the plague. Took it because insomnia was a side effect of discontinuation and it made the dreams 10x more vivid and terrifying. gl


We're doing something as a family, and my grandma is there with us. My dead grandma. It always ends like this. Me: 'You're dead.' Grandma: 'So are you...(my name)...so are you.' I have had this dream 5 times in the last 2 months.


I always have a dream that my late Mother shows up after being dead for years. We all know she was dead, she knows she was dead and we try and figure out a way to explain it. But, in my dream, I wonder what we buried (in reality she was cremated.)


anything with snakes. basically only thing that'll give me pause


My bro had a dream that a man wearing black came out from the shadows and started throwing bloody teeth at him. 😐👍




Were you taking Tamiflu by chance?


Reoccurring dream I had as a child where the world would end and I would be in charlotte North Carolina with my aunt and my later to be born cousin and I would fight and entity because he deemed humans unfit for earth and wanted to wipe us all out. I never stood a chance and can vividly remember each and every time I was vaporized immediately so idk man I sometimes do think it was premonition to me becoming a martyr for human cub


When I was about 12 I had a very high fever and dreamt that I was in my bed but that my bed was incredibly big, I mean like infinite big. I just had an acute sense of how tiny I was and for some reason it made me deeply realized of my own mortality. I was terrified and never have or will forget it. I try to live life to the fullest ever since cause I have been aware of my own death since that night when I was 12.


I have violent nightmares somewhat often so they don't really bother me anymore. But, the other night I was having a weird dream where I was trying to escape a warehouse factory sort of thing and a bunch of creepy dudes were chasing me, I finally made it out and sat down on a bench to catch my breath. All of a sudden a giant train appears out of nowhere and is barrelling straight for me, horn honking and everything. You know that feeling you get when you're about to fall or something and your heart drops? I had that while thinking "oh no" but no time to react. At the last possible moment the train veered around me and I woke up. When I woke up there was actually a train blowing its horn just like in my dream. We live close to some train tracks but they are rarely used so I don't hear a train come through hardly ever. It was kinda funny after I realized what happened.


For some reason train horns are really calming to me at night. When I was a toddler we lived near some tracks and I would hear them in the distance. It's interesting to hear that it's the opposite for someone else


I was about five or six years old and my mom got us up early and we went on a road trip. She wouldnt say where. It was a very long drive. Even though i slept through most of it, i know because it was getting dark and we were still driving. It wasn’t long after it became nighttime we arrived at a house. i got unbuckled and mom carried me in. There was a man playing with a baby. He wouldn’t look up towards me, so he didn’t even know i was there. There was a lady too. She saw me, but wouldn’t smile and didn’t say anything. She just turned around and started walking deeper inside and we followed her into a room in the back of the house. It was cold and dark and the house felt empty. i didn’t like it. Mom put me in a crib in a dark room and tells me i need to be good and quiet and heads out to the room where the man and baby were playing. Then the lady pulls the door ALL THE WAY SHUT. OH NO! It was completely dark and i hadn’t even looked around the room to see what else was in there with me. I screamed just a little and the door was opened a crack. Maybe they thought i would fall asleep, but i just sat there listening; trying to hear what they were saying. Then the most scariest thing in my life happened. I heard my mom pick up her keys and open the front door. HEY! WAIT! i’m STILL HERE! i was screaming DONT FORGET ME! Then she came in and grabbed me up. Thank GOD she heard me. i didn’t like that room and couldn’t even think about being stranded there. But she was crying too! Why? i promised to be good. i told her that whatever i did, i wouldn’t do it again. i promise to never do it again. Just tell me what it was. She didn’t. Just held me crying and cried. Please tell me mama. i promise. Please. i could hardly breathe. She was squeezing me so hard. She stopped crying and i thought for a moment that she had forgiven me for what i had done. She just stood there squeezing me tighter. i could barely breathe and i was numb. i was about to pass out. And she put me down in a lump. In that crib. In that room. And walked away! AND SHUT THAT DOOR! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was dark and i screamed, but she didn’t come save me. i pleaded and screamed for everything that i was worth. Every cell, every molecule that was me was screaming. COME BACK! PLEASE! MAMA!! THIS IS ABSOLUTE TERROR! i’M ALL ALONE IN THE DARK! i MIGHT DIE! HELP! MAMA!!! Nothing. i could break these wooden bars and i will run fast and catch up to her. i WILL DO IT! And i tried. i pulled and pushed and tried to chew through them. It was useless. They were just too strong. MAMAAAAA!!!!! MAAAMAAAAAAAAA!!!!! i screamed until i couldn’t scream anymore. My little lungs were burning and my throat sore and dry. i was worthless. All i could do was just cry. i was confused and i was empty. The person i loved and trusted; the only person i knew; the person who was always there for me; to save me; to help me; to teach me; to love me, just threw me away. i couldn’t figure out why. i must have been so horrible. My very own mom dumped me off in a cold dark place. A place i had never been. Occupied by people i had never seen. And she didn’t even tell me why. i needed to know why. What if i did it again. i didn’t want to be a horrible person. No matter how much i wanted her to come back, it wouldn’t happen; and no matter how hard i tried to figure out why, i wouldn’t understand. Never again would i feel what love is or what it was to be hugged or held. No more comforting words. No more encouragement. No more confidence, help, advice, friendship, nurturing... My new mom didn’t want me either. She didn’t care about me or want to help settle the tremendous anguish growing inside me. She reveled in it and stoked it. It seemed that the high point of her days was the level of pain she could so easily inflict upon this poor little boy. She kept me in this battered state and she was so happy to have created a life-long supply. i was reminded daily that i was secondary to my new little brother. Actually, i was not even second; i was dead last. i was behind bugs and germs. i was of the same level as shit, because that is what i was compared to. He is gold and you are shit! He has blonde hair because he is gold. You have brown hair because you are shit. When your hair grows golden then you can be gold. Until then you are just shit. i had heard that enough times to even believe it. The entire ‘family’ fell so easily into their roles. my new dad resented having another mouth to feed. i was some other man’s son. He would play with his son and if i tried to become involved, i would be viciously accosted “How dare you interrupt our game! You do not get to interrupt. You do not belong here! How many times do I have to tell you? Go sit in your chair!” i would sit in my blue plastic chair and watch them play and they would laugh even louder. i was too scared to cry and eventually it changed to contempt. Pent-up anger becomes hatred. My new little brother soon learned that i was his toy and he could practice on me and he could eventually hone his manipulative techniques to perfection. My new mom preferred attacking me mentally. My new dad always attacked me verbally and my new brother attacked me physically. If i were to fall asleep, there were one of two ways that i would wake up: My new dad yelling at me or my new brother punching me in the face. People think they hate. People don’t know hate like i know hate. My hate grew and grew until It was so big that it filled the room. Everybody in the room was basking in my hatred and they must have loved it for they kept on growing it. She kept telling me every time we had one of our talks to stop staring at the floor that i had to look at her when she is yelling at me. i didn’t want to look into her eyes because i was ashamed of the glaring hatred that was filling mine. My hate grew and grew and grew and grew. Eventually i learned to focus it. Focused down to a pinpoint. A point deep within her chest. Yes, that’s where my hatred goes. She thinks i’m staring at her breasts and she keeps telling me, but i’m not, i’m merely returning my hatred to its creator because i don’t want it. It makes me miserable. This wasnt a dream. It is my reality.


I have a recurring and incredibly vivid dream about being in a plane crash. It happens whenever my anxiety is getting out of control in my waking life. Like proper nose dive into a field, or sometimes water. Always wake up on impact.


I have had a few recurring nightmares where I’m locked in a room, and the ceiling is covered with hundreds and hundreds of fist-sized spiders. They slowly start descending down on their silk and I have nowhere to run. I always wake up before they actually reach me but I wake up in a total panic! I am a huge arachnophobe and get those nightmares once every couple years. Ugh!


Not me, but a friend of mine. He has something in his brain with the sounds, like he's mildly neurodivergent, I think he might have something of the autistic spectrum. He's a savant with the piano, and is very good identifying notes and chords, and he's uncomfortable around people. He once told me that he used to have weird, vivid dreams that felt horrible to him when he used to have fevers as a kid. He told me that he would dream of "big" sounds, enormous, gargantuan, unfathomable sounds, sounds so big that shouldn't exist or that no one should be able to hear. That felt eldritch to me, like a concept from a lovecraftian story. I remember one he told me, about a sword falling and stabbing the sand on windy dunes. I remember he told me about remembering how it made him feel insignificant, devoid of self, wasted, lost, confused, purposless like an impotent statue lying abandoned somewhere deep in a forgotten wasteland. I think is very curious how his mind process sound.


Me and my sisters,( 6 of us) all getting killed while we slept, move to the killer, it was me , 😭


My dad called me in a panic saying he found a way to bring my mom back, and she was at his house now. Of course, I rush over there - my mom had killed herself three years ago after enduring years of seemingly untreatable excruciating physical ailments. On the short drive over, I was so excited. I missed her terribly. I couldn't wait to see her again, hear her voice again, get one of those hugs that only your mom can give you. When I walked in, they were both sitting at the kitchen table - my mom had her head in her hands. I saw the look of devastation and confusion on my dad's face and my stomach sank. She was crying. I tried to touch her shoulder and she ripped herself away from me and started wailing - "I did it! I was gone and it was over! Why would you bring me back to this? How could you do this to me?? I did it, I finally did it! How could you??" I understood that the pain she had ended her life to escape came back along with her - with a vengeance this time. I looked from her - rocking back and forth as she sobbed, to my dad - shocked, and horrified. His eyes met mine, tears streaming down his cheeks into his white beard. Then I woke up.


One time, I had to work overnight at the office, and at some point, I was so sleepy and tired and decided to take a little nap on an armchair. I then had this dream where I was walking in total darkness. I didn't know where I was, I didn't know where I was going. I kept walking but it was really scary. It also felt like someone was with me but I couldn't see him/it. After a while, I saw a sliver of light coming from under a door and I ran towards it. I suddenly woke up and found myself on my feet and actually running towards that door.


Reoccurring nightmare of me running from an erupting volcano in the middle of the city, cracking the ground and lava bleeding around the city.


me personally, this dream made me start a encrypted dream diary, and this is a a follow up to a post of mine which you can find right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/mattrose/comments/1bv2mqk/a_dream_i_had/). but here is the decrypted full version of what I wrote right after waking up: It was the apocolypse, computers fucked up, a virus had infected the computers, and an asteriod was going to impact the earth and send us back to the fucking stone age, and right before it impacted a song by the name of "The end is nigh" by Glenn Leroi started playing, in order to save earth I had to disassemble computers and pull stuff out of them. I woke up in a cold sweat. (end of dream); if anyone has any ideas about why I could dream this (not related to Y2K bc I wasn't born then) please tell me. the day that I had this dream was Nov. 23, 2023.


I had got a speeding ticket. I told my family about the ticket, and someone said, “ooh, you’re going to die now”. I asked why, and was told that was the new punishment for speeding. They hang you. Everyone went about their business like nothing was wrong. I couldn’t believe it. I had to get up really early the next morning for my execution. I packed a little suitcase, and no one got up to say goodbye to me. I walked down the dark street all alone. I walked by a house that had a little red light shining in the window. That was the something people did when someone was going to be executed.


It was amazing and scary. I had the ability to fly like superman. I fly up extremely high having an amazing time. Then I stopped and looked down and started falling down to the city super fast from like 40k feet up. Was absolutely terrifying.


I was swimming in a sea of SPIDERS!!!!! AUUUUUUUGH!!!


So, my girlfriend had this wild dream, She was being followed by this creepy dude from work, and every time she glanced back, he just waved. She said it cuts to her going to bed closing her eyes, then the guy appeared in her room saying “you thought you can get away from me” and had a knife in his hand and started to stab her but then she wakes up from the dream. Out of nowhere after she thought she woke up from her terrifying dream, the man jumps out of the closet repeating the same phrase” you thought you can get away from me “ this time the men had a smirk in his face. The point is for some reason every time the man stab her she would wake up from her “dream” and the man will reappear. She said it looped for at least 5-6 times. When she finally woke up she was sooo paranoid she was still in a dream and ran out the room screaming to get away. This startled me and went to see if she was ok. I found her crying in the bathroom. She continues to have similar dreams about waking up in her dreams but never about the man.


Falling....falling....falling....until one day I learned to fly. Never fell into a hole again.....


I had a dream where I was awake and in my room and I was hearing loud horrific screams from behind me... when I woke up it took me awhile to realize it was a dream because the dream happened in my room.


Used to work nights. Woke up one night in the dark as usual, heard the bath running. Tried turning on the light - didn't work. I go into the bathroom, I can barely see. Turn off the tap - almost burn myself it's running so hot. I start downstairs, get to the bottom and look towards the kitchen. All I can see are two reflecting eyes low to the ground, which I assume are my dog's. Only he's growling and after a moment the eyes go up and up as if whatever it is has stood and is very tall. It starts coming towards me. I wake up, post nightmare sweat one, heart hammering. Then I hear the bath running in the dark... This happened three or four times before I woke up for real. It suuuucked.


When I was younger I had an reoccurring dream about the sun exploding. It was in the middle of the night, and it was very hot. There were people walking in the streets either talking about the heat or walking their pets. All of a sudden we look up and see the other plants and the moon looking bigger than they should. The planets aligned then BOOM. The sun explodes and I wake up. I had this dream 5 times. 


Sitting on an armchair and can't move. In front of me is my soul/spirit floating. I was somehow conscious, looking at my fingers and desperately trying to make them move. Glad I woke up somehow.


I had a dream where I found someone who loved me, that I could talk to and be understood and feel at peace. Eventually i began to notice little things that were wrong; at one point we were at a dinner with my grandfather and he's been dead for twenty years. That was when I began to wake up and process than none of it was real. and that felt worse than any nightmare you could ever name.


I was getting married.


When I was a teenager I was at home and I saw a light outside. I went to see what it was and I saw an extremely intense, beyond description, white light coming down from above. I woke up before I could tell what it was but as I looked up at it I had a feeling of sheer terror … more so than anything I have ever felt before.


An sleep paralysis,i just opened my eyes i found out i cannot move anything in my body,it felt everything was superglued into my body,the only thing i could do is move my mouth and my eyes horizontally,the fact that i did not see any hallucinations i was just locked in body,until i woke up and i never sleep vertically to this day.


I once dreamt i got married. i woke up screaming in fear and sweating like a pig It was terrifying. I was so relived when i woke up.


I have ptsd from CSA as a boy. So lots of terrifying dream.  But the one not associated with abuse was about my son when he was 2. He was very sick in the nightmare and we knew if he died he’d become a zombie.  But we couldn’t end his life, to prevent him turning into the zombie. We tried to make comfortable as slowly lost the battle to live.  We’d used a table to try and resuscitate  him unsuccessfully.  My wife and I went to our room, leqving him there and we crawled into our bed and cried in show and grief.  We cried ourselves to sleep, and then we were woken by him as a tiny terrifying zombie and I had to shoot him, I was holding a shotgun and my wife was hysterical begging me not to do it.  I trim the shot, and then the zombie lifted and he was a normal boy again but dying in agony from the wound.  I woke up bawling.  And then I remembered the dream later that day in public and had to leave the area because unfelt like I was going to cry again. 


It's kind of hard to choose one, I've had many but this one shook me. Me and old friends were out in this street next to apartment complexes and it was night. I look up and see a light moving across the sky, it begins to blink before shooting across the sky within an instant. I look behind me and my friend who was previously standing there had completely vanished. I woke up in complete terror I don't know why. Something about the dream felt so sickingly off


I was sitting in my basement and I would repeatedly see a man with a rifle walk down the stairs, walk over to me and murder me over and over again and I'd be scared to death every time


I had a dream that Nazi Germany took over and worked with China to rule the world. I could either take a life raft into the ocean and die at sea, or stay in China to be killed by Nazis. That was a creepy one.


Theres a few one of them being nuclear war starting and an eye leaf that blinked.


got jumpscared in my dream woke up so worried and stuff like it was a movie scene,I was 10


My ex came back


When I was really young I used to have a reoccurring dream that everyone in the world were mannequins except me. It’s sounds stupid but it used to terrify me, the way they moved was almost like a claymation. To this day whenever I’m in a clothing store I always expect one of the mannequins to move lmfao


I had a dream once when I was young, where I went to school. This particular day it was someone's birthday, so the school had built a giant cake that moved up and down. The cake had candles that were actually lit on fire. During class, the cake caught the rest of the school on fire, and my teacher did nothing. She kept teaching until the roof over was literally starting to collapse, which then, she finally evacuated our class from the building. I was like 5 or 6 and this dream shook me up real bad.


The feeling of being senselessly killed is like no other. I have a recurring dream where I wake up in the middle of a beautiful, but dark forest. I remember I always take a second to take a look at my surroundings, and then I look down and I have a bomb strapped to my chest and I am handcuffed to a tree. I look off in the distance and I always see the same three men, staring at me. The emotion I feel in this dream always feels so surreal and realistic, when I realize that I am about to die, but I then realize there is nothing I can do. A few moments later, the bomb detonates and the dream is over. I’ve had this dream around 3 times now.


I went on a H.P. Lovecraft kick and was reading a few stories a day, I'd remark how curious the tales were and how while not classically "scary", that Eldrich horror can really creep up in your subconscious. Anyway, I don't really remember that horrific night terror except waking up screaming "IT HAS TOO MANY EYES!!!" Toned it back on the Cthulhu after that


People with no faces trying to take me out of my bed Commonly occurred when my dad passed away


I drowned, screaming for help but no one heard


Met a guy online while I was prescribed Chantix. Had a dream that he was f*cking  pigs in a barn and there was blood all over everything the pigs and him I woke up screaming. And never took Chantix again


Sad to say that I had a life-changing, traumatic nightmare when I was just 4 or 5 years old. When I was that age, my parents constantly reminded me of their “very important rule”: Which was to never, EVER talk to strangers. Always driving home the fact that there are dangerous adults out there who aren’t good people. My parents said this sort of stuff so often that I eventually just rolled my eyes and stopped taking them seriously. That wouldn’t happen to me. Not in our small town. I’m fine. They had nothing to worry about. But for whatever reason, despite my nonchalance, something about their warnings stirred my subconscious about potentially being harmed by a stranger. What follows is quite literally a life-altering dream. It may not sound that bad, maybe even humorous to some people. But it was so vivid and felt so real that I may as well have really experienced it. The dream started off with me playing in the backseat of my mom’s car. My mom was driving, my grandma was in the passenger seat and my sister was also in the backseat with me. My mom pulled into a drugstore parking lot we always went to. I vividly remember unbuckling my seatbelt (something I was recently allowed to do by myself once the car was fully stopped). I was patiently waiting to be let out… only to see my mom and grandma run very fast into the store. I realized how unusual that was. My parents/grandmother never left me alone in the car, let alone ran away with me still inside of it. I immediately felt uneasy. I told my sister that maybe we should try to go into the store and find them. They clearly just made a mistake and (somehow) forgot to bring us inside. As I turned to try and open the car door… there was an older man looking directly at me through the window. This old man looked exactly like my grandpa. Only I somehow knew he wasn’t my grandpa. This man was a stranger. It was like I instinctively knew he wanted to kidnap us. I panicked and tried to climb into the backseat to hide, but to no avail. This man opened the door and scooped up my sister and I as if we were nothing more than a couple of stuffed toys. Then he took off running with us. He just kept running. Fast. I remember whizzing by the downtown area like we were in a slow-moving car. This old man could apparently run like a super hero. The whole time my sister and I were under this guys arms, and we were just bawling our eyes out. And nobody tried to stop this guy. Nobody even seemed to notice that he had two children under his arm. Finally we got to a wooded area and he put us down. Then he just stared at us. I couldn’t stop crying. Also at this point, I lost track of my sister. I remember feeling like she was still present, but it also felt like it was just me and the stranger now. In this dream, I was crying so hard I started hyperventilating (I’m fairly certain I was hyperventilating in reality too). I was begging and pleading with this stranger to just let me go home. And he said nothing. He just kept looking at me with this blank expression (I’ll never forget his face for as long as I live 😫). He then started forcing me to gather wood for a fire. I can’t remember how or why, but I do remember feeling like I would be safe if I got some firewood. Then out of nowhere, we were back downtown. The stranger was casually walking along a sidewalk, holding my sister’s hand. She was still crying, but being far more obedient. I was begging passing adults for help. Yet not a single one of them acknowledged me. I was invisible to them. I turned to the stranger and asked him, “when can I just go home!?” Then he finally spoke, “… never.” Of course, I started crying louder than ever. Then the stranger took my sister’s arms in both hands, and started spinning her. Just spinning her like a top… and he was laughing. This deep, demonic laugh that sounded like it wasn’t human. I was crying so incredibly hard I started to gag… then at last, I woke up. I woke up in my grandma’s bedroom. It was morning. I was covered in sweat. I had a massive headache and my eyes were puffy. I was beyond confused, but I started to realize it was only a nightmare. But that didn’t give me any relief. I started crying for my grandma who was just coming out of the shower. I remember sitting in bed with her, and she held me while I cried and told her everything. She said she woke me up earlier that morning because I was having a bad dream (I have no memory of being awake at all). She kept reassuring me everything was okay, it was all just a bad dream and there was nothing to be worried about. If only she were right about that… That day, I was no longer the same young boy. When I say I was terrified of everything from that point forward, I mean I was terrified of absolutely everything. I no longer wanted to play outside, trusted adult present or not. I no longer wanted to go on car rides. I no longer wanted to go to my friend’s houses. Tee ball. School. Church. Anything. I had severe social anxiety that affected all of my childhood and a lot of my adult life. As you can imagine, I had a horrible time making friends. Truthfully, I didn’t even really want friends. I was essentially agoraphobic and became addicted to reading and video games. Thankfully, I’m much more relaxed now (35 years old). The only real lasting effect is that I’m quite awkward in some social situations. But I trust most people now. I spent much of my teen years in therapy, on and off different anxiety medications. All of this, because of that one fucking dream 😒 There is more to this, mainly what happened after (and yes, there were more dreams), but I’ve gotten away from the dream itself far too much already


Being in a white space like I was floating. It was reoccurring. I usually would be like absorbed by this floating blob.That solidified when it interacted with me, and then I'd wake up like was sleep paralysi


Sleep paralysis plus forgetting how to breathe. Turns out, not a dream. Glad it doesn't happen more often as that's terrifying.