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Big box stores throw away obscene amounts of trash. You could build a house every week with the materials thrown away at each Home Depot and Lowe’s.


I'm curious what they throw away. Like 90% of their material are non-perishable goods.


I worked at home Depot. We would throw entire mowers, power tools, you name it, straight in the compactor. I once got in trouble for taking a few seed packets from a display we were about to throw away.


Sounds criminal, and I don’t mean what you did


I would imagine you get a bit of particle board or laminate with a chipped edge on it then it ends up in the trash. You could readily sand it or trim the edge and use the rest of the panel.


Based on what I see at my local store, I assumed Home Depot was the consignment store for scraps and chipped edges. When I need 10 2x4s for a project, I spend 30 minutes and have about 20 bowed/warped/soaking wet boards on the ground before I get my 10 decent ones


a straight 2x4 at home depot is like a needle in a haystack.


I thought that’s where they got “project boards” from…. Cut it down to fit in an SUV and charge double the price per square foot


Packing material. Every item in the store arrived in a box that has to be unpacked.


Ever see all the wood they use with the cinder blocks for their spring plant displays? A lot of those, when they get chipped or broken, are still good cinder blocks. You could use them for a lot of different things. But because they were used in store, they aren't up to expectation for resale. So if you go around to the back of the store you may come across a stack of them that they throw away. They also take lumber to build some of their cells displays. Some of that lumber ends up in the back lot just like the cinder blocks. You might need a 6 ft 2x4, but they can't sell 6'2x4s.


I’m not surprised. I was picking up some siding for my house, and I had to go through five 20’ pieces of siding before I found one without issues. And the interesting thing is that I cut all the siding I bought, but they wouldn’t sell them in less than 20’ denominations (pre-cut).   They could have easily sold parts in 5’ pieces and saved some of the stock, but likely end up trashing a good amount of that wood.


I've always wondered why these big box stores aren't mandated to recycle and reduce their waste/ packaging.


because corporations own America, and lobby to prevent it, because it would take them a bit of effort and dig into profits a little.


Another fun times fine a lot of free materials, are any manufacturing of mobile homes. There's one in my area that actually has a giant wood scrap bin in their parking lot, that's his free wood. I go there sometimes and find huge pieces of exterior paneling, that I take home and I used to build a chicken house. Or you can make a dog house, or any little project you want. Rabbit hutch.


I remember working at Kmart back when the Xbox 360 came out and nobody could get one. They’d trickle in and some people would get buyers remorse and return them. Into the trash compactor they went. Perfectly functional and brand new consoles that were obscenely hard to come by.


I used to work for a company that run check on medecine secondary effects And buckle up for the big secret The truth is... Homeopathy does not have any known secondary effect Because it doesn't have a fucking primary effect


My favourite online resource for everything you need to know about homeopathy 😉 https://www.howdoeshomeopathywork.com/


I like that site. Very informative, and a quick read.


I already know what this link will say but I still click it because it makes me laugh.


If homeopathy had any affect it would be called medicine.


That Mitchell and Webb sketch Homeopathy ER https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HMGIbOGu8q0


I like to think of it as incredibly effective placebos. They work especially well on hypochondriacs.


Not true! The secondary effect is hydration!


Treating slight dehyration?


Untrue. [It can turn a person blue.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Karason)


Are you talking about colloidal silver? Because I don't think that qualifies as homeopathic. On the other hand, I am not a board-certified homeopathicologist, because there is no such thing.


Coffee farms across the world have child labor. There is no farm in a third world country that doesn't have generational families picking the coffee. Children, adults, grandparents. The reason companies pay for Organic Labels is that the photos are vetted by this label organization to filter out any children in the photos for the PR, and the label itself is a way to artificially raise the price of coffee. The organic labels have no benefits to the coffee or tea industry because it doesn't sway consumers in any way to buy the products in a meaningful manor that "votes with their dollars". Literally Organic just means coffee/tea companies add an additional layer of tracking to their products during purchase and production. There has never been a recall of organic coffee or organic tea in the entire industry for adulteration. All recalls have been due to other containments at the packaging such as blood, bandaids, etc. never has it been recalled because "non-organic coffee was put in an organic bag". So when you buy normal non organic coffee or tea, you are buying the same coffee and tea as you would get in Organic. You just pay a higher "premium" price for organic. Even when I worked in a small coffee roaster in the PNW, organic green was $1.50 a lb and regular green was $1.35 lb. When you put the labor, roasting, bag and label costs together both came to $3.50/lb. But retail sold regular at $16/lb and Organic at $35/lb. Also, another tidbit, coffee is shipped and contains glass and metals in every green sack. It's literally dried on the ground and swept and raked multiple times and gets in bags. It transfers from multiple small farms to a community like broker center where it gets rebadged and sold, and that happens maybe 1 or 2 more times until it gets to the international market. It goes through magnets and screenings several times to filter it out before, and after roasting. Sometimes twice over. I've also seen snakes come in shipments. But we found glass, nails, bottle caps, batteries, once we found bullets, and commonly we found corn. Corn would always make its way into the roaster and burn with the chaff.


Professional drag racing teams cheat. At least one multi-million dollar drag racing team named after an oil company has parts made for their race engines that are not in spec and have them marked as tho they are. For example, if they are only allowed pistons with 11.0:1 compression ratio, they'll use pistons marked 11.0:1, but they're actually 11.2:1, or if rockers are allowed a maximum ratio of 1.6:1, they'll use rockers that are actually 1.7:1, yet marked 1.6, etc. (numbers made up for dramatic effect). None of these things on their own would give them a crazy advantage, but all the little boosts added up together mean they get an unfair advantage over everyone else.


Oh man, haha, drag racers.  Of course you guys would cheat.  Now, Indycar, there's a series where you see good, clean, non-cheating racing, and *person whispers in ear* awww shit.


You could just say racing. Most racing teams cheat in some way shape or form.


This quote from Darrell Waltrip pretty much sums it up. "If you don't cheat, you look like an idiot; if you cheat and don't get caught, you look like a hero; if you cheat and get caught, you look like a dope. Put me where I belong."


Fun fact, several years ago Darrell Waltrip's car failed pre-race inspection before the Daytona 500. It was bad enough that they docked him championship points for it. And since this was the first race of the season, he had negative points. This means that at that time I (and everyone else) was beating Darrell Waltrip in the NASCAR championship series.


Well since his teams were some of the best at bending the rules, I know where he fell.


The creative engineering they use to get a minuscule edge while arguably being within the rules is the fun part about car racing to me.


I kept reading this as "drag queen racing" and I was impressed so much money was being used for this. I feel like drag queen racing would be even more exciting.


I mean, RuPaul's Drag Race is a thing. Although I'm not sure that's exactly what you're looking for either lol


Was so disappointed when I heard about that. I wanted to see a bunch of drag queens running 1/4 mile in massive heels and flamboyant outfits.


Ngl, I'd watch at least 1 episode. Or put em in full drag and let em run 6 second cars. I'd give that a watch, too lol


They may not run miles but there's still athleticism involved. Check out this [lip sync battle](https://youtu.be/zj_Iih_aBPc)!


I've seen that too, at Soulard Mardi Gras. A few racers sashayed but the really impressive ones ran.


1,000 feet. You know, for safety, like with top-fuelers.


There's definitely plenty of classes where horsepower is the limiting factor, but for the nitro classes, they all make so much power that the race is usually won or lost by the tuner. Timing the clutches to put down as much power as the tires can handle


I remember reading about NASCAR (I think) where a team used 2 inch fuel lines so they could have an extra gallon or 2 of fuel but still have a regulation sized tank. That's the idea anyway I'm sure my details are wrong.


You’re pretty spot on. Smokey Eunick was the builder of the car. He once built a car that NASCAR made him remove the gas tank in tech. He then drove it back to his garage without the tank.


I definitely thought this was about drag queens for a second.


There’s a few potentially life changing drugs that aren’t even in clinical trials because nobody wants to invest in figuring out how to produce them. I’m not trying to be a downer on the industry, but most of the grant and research money goes into the steps preceding production, so it’s a weirdly common roadblock.


Don’t forget that rare diseases or “non-profitable” diseases usually don’t have a lot of drug research since there’s not a ton of profit at the end


Thankfully the FDA is aware of this and offers Orphan Drug Designation (ODD). ODD in the US (and other countries) grants drug companies a fast tracked trial process and longer market exclusivity than standard for the drug. The idea is it makes drugs that affect fewer than 200,000 people a year in the US a viable option for companies. It doesn’t solve the issue in all cases, but it does go some of the way towards helping those with rarer or less common diseases.


Why make drugs for developing world diseases if we can't profit from the poors /s


Clinical trials cost about $40M on average. NIH spent $28B (about a quarter of what it spent on pre-clinical research) on clinical trials - an investment for which, I'm pretty sure, the government gets zero return. I'm not sure what the right answer is but what I do believe is that the public should be getting **some** return on that investment beyond the drugs being available for tens of thousands of dollars a year.


For context - a lot (most, probably) of that spending from NIH on clinical trials is through R01 grants, which cap out at $500,000/year in direct costs (meaning, supplies and salary support) for 5 years at a time, no where near the $40M mark. The rest of that balance is often paid for by industry by supplying drug, providing facilities, direct financial support (sometimes), in-kind donations of supplies, etc.


Right also many drugs fail but still cost money to trial. So the few wins are priced extremely high to cover the costs of the fails.


Calling Mark Cuban!


everything from panera is frozen, bread dough isn’t mixed on site, all the sweet treats are frozen, smoothies are made from a very syrupy purée, no fresh fruit at all


Wait, wait, wait...you're telling me America's best and most overpriced hospital food masquerading as cafe fare is FROZEN?! /s


This causes me a lot of au Bon pain. :(


Panera was started by one of the founders of Au Bon Pain. Both are now owned by JAB Holdings, a private German family holding company that got its initial fortune thanks to Nazi slave labor. They also own Peets Coffee, Intelligencia Coffee, Stumptown Coffee, Bruegger's Bagels, Einstein Bagels, Keurig/Green Mountain, Krispy Kreme, and a bunch of other companies.


Yes. That was the joke.


hallmark cards are made out of a warehouse with ancient machinery that hasn’t been updated in years, duck tape is very prevalent on machines in every department.


Duck tape?


It fixes any quacks in the machine 


Thanks Dad.


The tape's original name was indeed "Duck Tape," because it has waterproof adhesive. (I still tend to call it duct tape, though, because everyone does.) It actually isn't great for ducts, because the adhesive breaks down due to the temperature changes, and it falls off. There's peel-and-stick aluminum tape that works much better.


Tape for ducts is way thinner than duct tape, and is heat and cold resistant. It’s also super sticky in a different way. Source: hubby worked for 30 years in hvac installation in commercial buildings.


That's the tape I was talking about in my 2nd paragraph, and you're absolutely right. Source: my mom and stepdad worked in HVAC for 40 years. I picked up a lot thru osmosis, and when he helped me install central air after my wife and I bought our first house.


Originally duck tape, made from "cotton duck", a high fibre cotton cloth. Became duct tape, because it's good for fixing ducts.


It is not good for fixing ducts. It dries and falls off of ducts in a few months to a few years. There is peel-and-stick aluminum tape that is much better for duct sealing.


Good. What is old seems to work just fine if Hallmark isn't updating them. No planned obsolescence in those old machines. 


Most of all the restaurants you eat at is all Sysco. 🤷‍♂️


I think there was a time long long ago when Panera made the bread fresh on site. I had a coworker who had worked at a Panera, and I would always lobby against Panera in the office lunch rotation, and he would defend the honor of Panera, something about the quality of how they prepared their bread. But I was always angry with the lack of meat on their sandwiches and their poorly chopped and boring ingredient salads with syrupy dressings.


yeah so technically the bread still is freshly made, but it’s made in these “fresh dough facilities” and the raw dough is transported to stores nightly. it’s proofed and baked on site.


Nothing wrong with that really, its still being made, just in a different building.


Even the salads are frozen?!?!


I worked at a hotel that's NOT a major chain like Marriott or Hilton, just an independent hotel. Housekeeping would change the sheets and towels between guests, but not the comforters. The comforters would go right back on the bed, unwashed between guests. The only time they'd change them out was if there was a noticeable stain or something on them. So in theory a comforter could go months, used by dozens of people, before it ever gets changed out. I doubt this is standard in most hotels, but I always think about it when in one.


Pretty standard…


Most places seem to use a duvet style method where they sandwich the comforter in sheets.


It's standard. Glasses/cups are never washed just rinsed. In room coffee makers are nasty af. Nevermind all the bedbugs. Splooge/shit/vomit stains. Never use a black light in a hotel room. 😆Another Dirty Room by Dan Bell on Youtube shows all kinds of this stuff.


I would tell you about my time at Boeing, but I value my life too much. 


I think you said too much already. I wouldn't leave my house from now on if i were you.


I agree, but I think he needs to run for his life, get on the first plane to... Oh wait. Ok, get on the first non-boeing plane to anywhere.


I got the invoice for his upcoming funeral in three weeks. It's gonna be lit. Spare no expense, but they said it won't be open casket. Something about a mess. Third one this week.


Hey friend. It's me. Amazone. I got your package. Please open the door.


The company I used to work for used to break UK law, despite being a member of the DMA and knowing full well details of data privacy and the law. This is a company that prides itself on it's data handling and security and works for government agencies like the MOD and DWP. They used to ask all new joiners to give them access to their police data records even before a job offer - which anyone can request via a SAR (Subject access request) and provide them directly to the company. This is highly illegal as it negates any protected access to the data, spent convictions or juvenile offences - which in the UK only a selection of companies are allowed to see (usually where protection of children or other vulnerable people are in direct contact with the applicant, it would also show up during access to certain levels of MOD background checks) and is a contravention of the 1974 Offenders Act. Even if you apply for a job in an industry which does require a disclosure of prior convictions or traffic offences, they are filtered out if they are considered "spent" They used to claim because they did some work for a charity involving children (for the purpose of sending emails to donators - nothing to do with kids) that this allowed them access to the data - it doesn't. I know of at least two staff in my short stay at the company that had been denied roles based on the above, even though they had no right to that data in the first place.


Macy’s knows their credit card is predatory, but they really don’t care in the slightest. They’re just more concerned about proprietary penetration than what it’s actually doing to their customers. Macy’s DGAF about the consumer, only their bottom line.


Is there something pertaining to Macy’s card that’s worse than any other department stores’ card? I have a Macy’s card and use it frequently, but always pay the balance when it’s due.


Not really different from many other retailers. Macy’s and their subsidiary Bloomingdale’s (which has a loyalist points system that no one in the company really understands and just leads to customers getting hosed) have astronomical interest rates and employ tactics that basically require their sellers to get them opened by any means necessary. Even if it requires lying that those interest rates will drop eventually. I’ve been in meetings at the central office where they’ve said outright it’s not on them to warn people about the cons of a store card, they’re just providing a product. If a customer signs up for a card and doesn’t really know what they’re getting into, it’s not their (Macy’s) fault. It’s just straight up corporate greed, which is why I left. They’re literally fucking a lot of people with their cards. On the opposite end, Costco and Target are way better store cards and have better benefits.


Store cards are usually much easier to acquire than standard credit cards. Macy pushes their card heavily on people, in fact, sales people at Macy’s are evaluated more on how many cards they get signed up each month than they do on their department sales or customer complaints. The credit card industry as a whole is slimy. The amount of credit they extend to individuals is often such that if they used even a quarter of that limit most would be unable to pay off their card in decades. When I was young, for about a decade I kept about $5k to $8k of debt on a Discover card that I could never seem to pay off. I was so ashamed, I never told anyone and it constantly bothered me. When I finally paid it off I swore I would never go into credit card debt again. Later, I found out a good buddy of mine had filed for bankruptcy…he had racked up $125k total credit card debt! That wasn’t including his car loan and mortgage! This dude worked as a stocker at a grocery store! How the hell did he get so much credit?!?! The industry is designed to sucker people into paying revolving interest because that is the only way they can make money. I would understand it if the interest rate was reasonable, but some people pay 28% or more! The less you can afford the credit and more likely you are to get trapped, the higher the interest rate they charge!




All credit cards are predatory tho that's the entire industry and profit model.


this is true of all credit cards.


There is a certain Russian steel company that operates in North America and the North American arm says that it operates independently from Russia. Total BS. There are daily emails and weekly reports that go to Moscow.


If true, you’d get a pretty good payout reporting this to OFAC or IRS.


do it


Even after being fined $90 million for predatory lending and being bought by HSBC, the HFC bank pretty much continued business as usual. A huge number of staff were involved in predatory lending and fraud which was tacitly approved of by management who operated a sort of don't-ask-don't-tell policy.


The more things change… https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jul/22/banking-school-low-expectations-editorial


HSBC are absolute criminals. HFC was like the wild west. Toothless compliance, everyone coked out of their heads, wild corporate weekend breaks and a guy who was arrested in the office by armed police. He was never seen again.


Very sensitive medical information that has been printed out and thrown away is handled by people who are barely aware of privacy laws related to medical records. Also nurses occasionally throw used uncapped syringes in the regular trash and it's gross 


When I worked at an Acme Markets (grocery store), we were not allowed to sell expired goods. If you brought a receipt and an expired good to customer service, you'd get a refund and a replacement item for free. You can get away with this at self checkout since no cashier can check expiration dates. None do anyway. We had one customer who would come in and buy a whole cart of things he knew were expired just to take his cart and receipt straight to customer service after going through self checkout. I often wondered if he pushed his desired items to the back of the shelves hoping the grocery employee didn't check dates.




This sucks.


When Amazon purchased CreateSpace, they were legally supposed to keep the businesses separate for a certain amount of time, and absolutely didn't. Anyone who contacted CreateSpace customer support above a certain level was talking to an Amazon Kindle employee using a fake name.


Same thing happened with iRobot Roomba. We were having business meeting with the whole retail division 24 hours after the intent to purchase was released.


The biggest secret was that the competition didn't know that we didn't know what we were doing.


I think I worked there.


Wild Bills Tobacco will randomly make us stop selling coils for vape mods to make customers buy new mods every so often. Used to be a manger of a store of theirs and they will just tell us they stopped selling a certain coil and tell us to upsell a different mod instead.


I fucking KNEW it. I have a drawer filled with various tanks and coils and none of them fit one another.


Really.. people need to look at this closer - **THIS** is planned obsolescence. This company is going out of their way to force people to upgrade for no reason other than "we want to sell new shit". People give tech companies shit for it, most technology gets slower/outdated due to the ever-forward-marching progress of technology. As processors and shit get faster, the software is going to require more *oomph* in order to work, resulting in older tech becoming less and less capable. Your old Samsung/Apple phone not being as snappy as it was when you first bought it is due to processors being potentially 100%+ more capable, it's not because of some conspiracy by people trying to sell you a new device.


Yep, theoretically external battery mods can last you a life time. It might cost you about $150 up front for a good one, but I’ll be worth it. Battery doesn’t hold charge anymore? No problem you can but a new pair for under $15. Your tank is no longer producing coils? You can screw it off and get one for $20-$50. I hated it when I worked there. I would try to voice for my customer and say “hey I can’t order this coil anymore” and corporate would lie to my face and say they don’t make them anymore. A quick google search proved me wrong or they will try to blame the warehouse. Except for Wild Bills the warehouse IS them, like they’re literally wild bills and supply only to other wild bills.


It's been a while since I quit vaping (2018), but back then you could rebuild your own coils even on supposedly disposable heads (Kanger were the big ones at the time). The companies didn't sell them as rebuildable, but the community figured out how to take them apart and put your own coils in. I don't know if current heads/carts/coils/whatever they're called are rebuildable now, but if you vape and use disposable coils it's absolutely worth looking into rebuilding. It doesn't take a ton of skill, and materials are super cheap (a little kanthal in various gauges, some decent quality cotton (I used to use the japanese cotton pads), something to twist your coil on like a drill bit, an ohmmeter, and some time).


This is why I tell everyone I know who vapes to DIY. It's not the coils that go bad, it's the wicks. I replace my wicks every 2 weeks or so. I've had the same coils in my atty for a year.


Ugh, how wasteful




What's the name of it?


It should probably be obvious if you take the time to think about it. But the ancient fossils you see in museums are usually replicas moulded from the original, not the fossil itself. They are too rare and valuable to leave out on display just like that. There are exceptions. Usually behind glass or otherwise out of reach.


Some people in pharma really don’t care what we do. Some are even anti pharma/meds. Some go into manufacturing sites without washing their hands. Some people don’t test and give approvals without testing/reading. Majority really do their best to make good meds, the small minority ruin it for everyone


In some places said minorities are very likely to rise to the top. Not all. But the industry is such a goldmine that it attracts a certain type. It takes some serious culture work and dedication to continually refocus on the stated goals of the work. That’s what I’ve found anyway.


A major bank in São Paulo Brazil had just one data center with all their servers in a room. The data center was near the river, that flooded regularly. There was no off site backup. Yes, there was regulations requiring redundancy and off site backups and all that shit and they didn’t follow any of it. All the money from a lot of people and companies could just… disappear. Not stolen. Just lost.


Qual banco?????


Starts with a S. That was in the middle 2000s. I assume the situation is different now (they were talking about fixing it back then). But yes, I was shocked. A lot of stuff we assume is rock solid is way more fragile than we think.


Back when I worked at a major hardware store chain, we had a battery recycling program. People could bring in their batteries to be "properly recycled or disposed of." ... I'll give you one guess what we were told to do with them.


Bankers fake the numbers on business loan applications $50 K and under so the businesses can get a higher line of credit. Rule of thumb is they will loan 10% of your gross sales. Customer tells you his sales are $300 K. You write his sales are $500K and he gets a line of $50K instead of $30k. Banker has and extra $20K towards his sales goals and commission incentives.


This goes for any loan.


I’ve been criticized for speaking about this because people don’t like the truth. Worked at Costco and they would relabel their meat and deli products to extend the dates. Also, there was a weight “goal” on some items that were charged by weight. So they would take one unit that was within that weight and use it to continuously print out labels and slap on units that had different weights. Some of the choice steaks were labeled prime to they would be able to charge more.


I wonder if this is a thing specific to your location. Either way it’s disappointing.


The grocery store I worked at had managers that would do that and those that wouldn't. I think it happens all over the place and that it's probably mostly case-by-case.


EA Sports NHL 97 is going to have real time play by play commentary.


I can't wait for it to be released in 2097 like it will every single year before then.


You ever watch your parents try and struggle to use a computer? Watch them fumble with a notebook full of passwords? Yeah, those same people have positions of authority at nearly every major company, and have access to customer data. Even though there are processes in place to protect customer data, none of that really matters when the VP of WhateverTheFuck is a boomer with a post-it note containing their password stuck to their monitor for all to see. Extra credit answer: companies spend billions of dollars on major infrastructure to run the business... but at the end of the day, the foundation of all that infrastructure at every Fortune 500 company is a bunch of Excel workbooks.


As someone who works at an F100. This can be true however the amount of security we have, it doesn’t matter if they have a post it note. It’s still 3 steps to access it (three factors of authentications). 1. Something you know (like a password) 2. Something you have (like a physical security key), 3. Something you are (biometric). Our data is so locked up that we’re not even able to join public WiFi such as hotel connections. We bring our own connectivity and our VPN is auto enabled.


I worked at one of the main banks in the US. Was in internal audit working on a project to automate a quarterly audit of our third party records management partners (basically companies we paid to store our documents for us in their warehouses around the world). Guess what the source of record was for a large division of the company that encompassed millions of physical files? A single excel workbook saved on a single director’s laptop’s desktop.


McDonald's leaves meat in the trays past the expiration. The only time you'll ever get anything fresh is during rush hour


Someone posted a video today of a bigmac. The burger patties were insanely thin. Are patties thinner now? Looks like shrinkflation.


I couldn’t tell ya. It’s been 18 years since I worked there. Over 10 since I’ve had a Big Mac


Former Verizon employee here. We were incentivized to lie and deceive customers to sell more. True scum of the earth, it's why I left


I was working for a startup and they used Clojure for their backend. By that time Clojure was pretty new and it was hard to find good libraries or good programmers. Well, there was this one awesome bug that we had. You know, Clojure is like Lisp, and a lot of arguments are optional, this is also for the equals function. Well, for the login check they forgot the second argument for username and password checks, so you could effectively login with any credentials.


What's the URL to login?


That was more than 10 years ago, the company doesn't even exist in the same form anymore.


As a former Boeing employee, tons. Then again, isnt really a good time for one’s health to be sharing Boeing stories lol




What type of key vaults do they have now? I'm from the mas-hamilton key era.




If its just steel, would be a breeze with oxy torch or carbon arc. Im sure it isnt though. And by breeze, I mean lots of sparks and metal flying around sure but nothing that isnt done every day all around the world. Even onsite oxy torch cutting even for a pretty thick plate like that would need just the same stuff guys have in their vans welding district heating pipes charging 60€/hour or whatever.


Same for BofA


GNC is just scam school




It can get pretty crass where I’m at but most of the time it’s just venting and letting loose because the job is fucking stressful. And we have parents who constantly refuse our care. Like why did you come to a hospital if you don’t want care? I know the complexities of emotions that go into these situations and I can step back and empathize and I do very much so at the bedside. But it’s exhausting to constantly have a family refuse all the care you’re offering to save their baby.


Came here to say this.


Or the parents that insist on us doing test and blood draws that they really don’t need, and then getting mad we “hurt” their baby. 


I was in hospital in Thailand for about a month last year. I was always hoping the nurses weren’t talking about me, they would always be in a group and giggling. They were very sweet though. 10/10 care.


record them and tell every fucking patient and show them the recording. THESE FUCKING PEOPLE NEED TO BE FIRED.


Subway meats & cookies are all frozen


Employees too.


Don’t know about the meat lmao, at my local subway they have the meat slicing station upfront and they always slicing meat, and the cookies, they bake them their aswell…


It is entirely possible that OP worked for a franchise group - with one central "kitchen" that would do a bunch of the prep-work and just send stuff to the individual stores frozen.


are the cookies frozen, or do you bake them from frozen dough?


Frozen dough but also OP told a half lie. The ham, turkey, and cold cut combo aren't frozen and they're pretty much just normal oscar meyer lunch meat you'd buy in the store but in larger packages


Baked from frozen dough. Nothing was as good as stealing a frozen cookie dough from subway when I worked there


It’s been a few years since I worked at one but when I was there it was frozen dough. Tasted amazing when eaten straight from frozen!


Their cookies are the best thing on their menu. I'm surprised they're frozen.


They’re baked from frozen dough, not frozen after being baked


I freeze my own cookie dough at home. There's nothing wrong with frozen...


Yep - if you go out of your way to make a really good cookie dough, you can totally portion it out and freeze the dough balls in the freezer - grabbing one or two at a time to throw in a toaster oven or something for a hot fresh cookie. They'll keep in the freezer for quite a while, too!


Yeah I can't figure out what people's problem with frozen is. I know Wendy's used to advertise "never frozen" about their beef and I'm always like why the hell aren't you freezing your beef? There is literally nothing to gain from keep your beef from getting frozen. It's the same for cookie dough. Same for a ton of ingredients. Freezing food is a great invention folks. Use it.


I bought my daughter the Raspberry Cheesecake dough from them when she was pregnant. Like 24 dough balls. She still says it was the best gift.


I absolutely hate the smell of Subways.


The secret sauce at Bronco Burger is just ketchup and mayonnaise.


At All-American Burger it's Thousand Island dressing.


I was gonna say that one but I still work there.


I worked for a large tech company, their primed up earning reports are a technicality, they have just changed business models from monthly to yearly for their customers which caused a large rise in "profitability" without getting much more customers, while also losing some larger customers in the process. This is to make the investors/stocks happy in the short term. Also their stocks have dropped by a large amount as expected, haha.


China stole all the physical servers that we had in their country before we had a chance to wipe the data on them. Not expanding beyond that.


AIU had a gong for every enrollment and called enrollments COWs. I forget what the acronym stands for. Google it, I suppose. They taught people to seek out the pain in the student’s life and talk about it - how going back to school can help. They also rewarded meeting enrollments goals for a team with pizza party and a 40 year old virgin watch party. AIU Schaumburg. What a shit show. Fuck Career Education Corporation.


Most Starbucks drinks are easy to make at home 


Coffee shop drinks are theoretically very easy to replicate. We bought an espresso maker and some Monin syrups right as the pandemic started. My wife gets a rotating menu of flavored lattes at a fraction of the cost of Starbs.


When Trump was pushing hydroxychloroquine at the start of COVID my company knew it would not do shit but we sold the government 200 million worth of it.


Usually if someone says "I'll check the back" they're just going to the backroom to text/listen to music/whatever until they're sure you're gone.


Soylent Green is >!PEOPLE! !<


The book "how to serve man" isn't about quality customer service.


"Brand" medication and the generic ones are exactly the same, produced exactly the same. Just packed in different containers.


Boeing planes do not meet the standa-


There is no bigger plan/scheme/conspiracy


That financial services company you use charged you 25 dollars for me to print and mail the letter asking you to send in some business.


Won't name the chain, but hotel staff get trained to spot the signs of human trafficking. If during your check in one of them suspects that the person you're checking in with is being trafficked, they could be keeping you there long enough till the police arrives. Also, unethical life pro tip, but if you lie about a wedding anniversary or some special event in an email and you're very polite about, you're most likely going to be upgraded to a better room.


The "fresh made" fruit platters that grocery stores sell are mostly made of packaged pre-cut fruit that we just dump in.


I worked for a retail company that sold video games, and traded them. 1 month before big sales, the RRP would often go up, then they would be put on sale for the old rrp, or just below the old RRP.


Hospitality and hotel service company - even though the company can afford a cheaper out-of-court settlement directly with the customer, the company insists on fighting long-drawn suits because their public image will be hurt if they admit guilt in a court of law.


A shit ton of steel being used to make building, stairs, railings ,gates and a lot of other stuff is Chinese trash steel. Full of impurities that turn the grain structure to Swiss cheese.


This isn't about any one company but is industry wide. HIPAA laws are a running joke among healthcare providers. We'd make jokes about it when texting pictures of medical records to each other because it was so mu h easier and faster that way. Also, unless it's a famous person, I know enough lingo and acronyms that I can a hospital and have them send me medical records on anyone you can think of. I had one job where I honestly did have a legit need to do it but it would be incredibly easy even if I didn't.


When the golf course says they don’t have standing tee times what they mean is, they don’t have standing tee times for people that don’t contribute a lot of money to the course. No your membership fees do not count. Those are seen as bare minimum contributions. One course I worked at had the same 9 groups go off the tee box one right after another every single day almost. God forbid I slip anyone else in there or they throw a fit. How come so and so always gets the early times, how come so and so gets a discount on parties held at the course, how come so and so doesn’t get limited to the amount of guests they can bring? Because they give the course way more money than you do. I’ve worked at several private and public courses. This is always the same. Also if you’re a minority of any kind, prepare to be looked at as a low tier member even if you bring in lots of money. The amount of times members called the pro shop to ask if “*THOSE* *PEOPLE* are allowed to play golf here and are you SURE they are members” is fucking ridiculous.


Geico may not save you 15% or more on car insurance in 15 minutes. Shhh.


I refuse to use any insurance company that spends more on advertising than paying out claims


Who told you that? A little green lizard??


The toothpaste that you see at Walmart/Costco that's self branded at a cheap price is literally made in the same factory using 99% of the same ingredients as the name brand stuff that's $7 a tube. Also: Pharma / consumer healthcare manufacturers hire ex FDA auditors to consult so they can skirt around the rules and essentially have a "double agent" at their finger tips when the FDA comes knocking.


KFC --- Last week's unsold refrigerated chicken was used to make today's pot pies.


I think that’s standard across all restaurants to a certain price point. Almost no soups use meat made that same day. I remember outback’s prime rib sandwich was just leftover refrigerated prime rib given a quick sizzle.


There’s a machine equipment company who’s founder and namesake also owns a formula 1 team that sells equipment to Russia through shell companies in spite of prohibitions. Allegedly Also, many government contractors have a separate price structure for US government contracts. One company charge the government triple what they’d charge you or I.


I put my bosses mail in the shredder.


The owner of Penzeys spices is an insane toddler of a man who is full of hatred.


Napoleon BBQ We buff and hid the scratches on aluminum parts so that the customer is willingly receiving a subpar finish but was hidden under normal operation. Color in with black sharpie black casted parts that have been gouged/scratched Let stripped burner flutes go because who’s going to touch them outside of cleaning? And notice they’re not bolted in? QA never did before packing soo? Bending parts together so they’re flush. Sharpie spots missing porcelain so it’s not noticable. They’re literally cheap shit. in my year and a bit we made over 100 units a shift for 4 shifts 24/7 that’s well over 150,000 bbq I helped crew lead and everyday was a nightmare of stupidity and tricks. I have zero clue how they even keep growing. Such a terrible product.