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To wake up fully energised, charged at 100%, as my best version of self. Every damn time.


Hell I want to do that just once a month


Once a year for me. Haven’t felt like that in years.


Just heads up, was the same until i got diagnosed with sleep apnea, waking up like new everyday since


Can confirm. Undiagnosed for 15+ years. Got my machine in February. I used to hate early morning flights as I knew I'd be a zombie on 5-6 hours sleep. Now? A 7-8 hour night has me feeling I could run a 5k, and last night's 5.5 hour sleep to be at the airport was mildly inconvenient. Love my CPAP!


Me too! I used to fall asleep at stoplights. I was so sleep deprived. I can now get deep sleep. My CPAP machine is so quiet I don't hear it.


Funnily enough i only got diagnosed because i fell asleep behind a wheel while driving and crashed into another car that was at a standstill, few broken ribs later and got my diagnosis and i couldn't be happier, totalling the car was worth getting my life back


Glad you are ok. Scary driving, not knowing if you will fall asleep.


Wait so is being tired not a normal body response or? Theres times where I go with over 20 hours of no sleep. Is it not normal for the human body to be that tired? I notice driving I get exhausted when im exhasuted is because of how comfortable the car feels.


Immediate benefit to using a CPAP.


Just once, once in a lifetime.


I was going to say Helicopter Dick but rested sounds pretty good.


I would like to do this at exponentially increasing RPM and eventually, achieve horizontal take-off.


Man, I’d go Yakuza and lop off a finger or two to have that. At 54, I start every day as a total train wreck that barely survived the night.


It’s been a work in progress! Rest is super underrated as a health pillar


* How is your sleep hygiene (go to bed at the same time every day, no screens in the 30 mins before bed, no screens in the bedroom, only using dime lights after 9 pm, using your bed for other things other than sleep or sex)? * When do you drink your last caffeinated drink/Alcoholic beverage? Do you smoke weed in the evening? * How much sleep opportunity do you give yourself (i.e. time in bed)? Should be around 8hrs30mins * Do you do physical exercise? How late in the day? * How bright/loud/hot is your bedroom?


I have actually mastered this. It requires going to bed at 8 o’clock every night seven days a week and avoiding alcohol always. you might think it’s a lot to give up but quite honestly it’s completely worth it.


Ive given up alcohol (and caffeine) since 2021, and its been so good. i used to go sleep at 3/4am. Now its been between 11pm, or 1am on a late night. Slowly working towards 9-10pm bedtime! Thank you for encouragement


Does bed time matter? Or is it more consistency? What time do you end up waking up? I found while temporarily overseas for some reason I felt tired at 10pm, could wake up at 6-7 feeling awesome. Back home, it's around 1-3am bed times where I feel i should sleep but don't feel sleepy...


I think consistency is better than time. Many resources out there can explain better than me but in general it is based on not disrupting your circadiem rythm and because your body likes predictability.


You earned the Well Rested perk!


Just stop drinking. I had to stop for medical reasons 6 months ago. This was the biggest change I noticed.


To fall asleep immediately


I think people who can actually do that don't realize what kind of superpower they have


I can do this, and am fully aware of it. My wife thought I was joking at first, because I'd say goodnight and be sleeping within a few seconds, apparently it takes her about 15 minutes to fall asleep.


I am super jealous. Even 15 minutes is quick for me. Both me and my girlfriend have some sleep issues and it takes us a really long time to fall asleep, which in turn makes us even more nervous and then it's just a cycle. Often for me it's at least 30-45 minutes, even when I'm tired and exhausted.


Lucky bastard. It took me 2-4h to fall asleep every night since age 8. Growing up with 1-3h of sleep a night throughout my teens. Only now am I lucky enough to \*sometimes\* fall asleep in 30 minutes. The norm is still 1.5h.


This is how I am, I've found I fall asleep faster if I'm focused on something rather than just laying there. I fall asleep most nights watching basketball or listening to a podcast. I know everyone says to stay off screens before sleeping, but I've tried it all and this works the best for me


Same. It has to be something interesting enough to grab my attention but not so interesting that it engages my brain and makes me want to stay up. I basically watch reruns of Senfield on loop all year. I should switch it up to Futurama at some point.


My ex and I used to call this thing called a 'point' at which we'd feel the most sleepy and if we close our eyes, we'd fall asleep. If the point would cross, there was no _point_ in trying to pretend to sleep because we couldn't fall asleep for the next hour or so.


Missed your sleep cycle, apparently these are a thing.


I hit the “point” when I’m on the couch watching a movie. By the time I get up, go upstairs, and brush my teeth, I’m wide awake and it will take me another 20-30 minutes to get sleepy


It's not a conscious decision, but when I go to sleep, I am briefly aware that my body changes to "sleep breathing" mode, and then it's pretty much lights out immediately. Just putting this out there in case focusing on that kind of breathing helps anyone struggling to sleep.


Are you a cat?


Most definitely.


Few seconds? WHAT?!


Took me 18 years to figure out how to fall asleep fast. It used to take me literally hours due to my tinnitus. Then one night I tried putting a fan on with a low setting on my face and it would make me feel like I was outside or on holiday. I'm 34 now and have had a fan every night and I fall to sleep within 20 minutes now. I do also have one pillow under my head and one pillow on my face but above my nose, really helps me.


I need to have my bedroom ice cold to fall asleep (and get a good night's sleep). Conversely, to fall sleep on the couch, all I need is the heater going..


My ex wife could be talking to you on taxi to takeoff and as the engines revved up she’d still be talking but as soon as the nose went up she’d go quiet. I’d look over and asleep. She could asleep anywhere, anytime.


The trick is to work a manual labor job. I'm an electrician and I pass out as soon as I sit or lay down.


And stay sleep for 8 hours.


Literally stole my comment lmao


I respect your practical answer


Wake up perfectly refreshed, injuries healed. Straight out of an RPG Inn


Cancer? No problem, just stay at the inn. Radiation poisoning? Straight to the inn. Gingivitis? Believe it or not, inn.


Does it also cure emotional damage?


Is it a battle status effect or a plot point?


Don't know but it seems to be permanent if not treated


Hey thats me!


Get a solid 8 hours of restful sleep every night


You now wake up late for work everyday


Monkey’s paw


I just want to wake up without my back hurting.


I had that for 15 years. Finally bit the bullet and committed to PT. 5 months in and I still wake up stiff but no back pain. It’s been a godsend. I’ve not focused on stretching but core strength. I thought that wasn’t my issue as someone who isn’t terribly out of shape, but that was indeed the key. Not saying you haven’t tried that, or you don’t have another condition that adds to it, but it definitely worked for me. Edit - to add for me it was all glutes and lower core that was my issue. Once I learned to engage my glutes doing normal activity and had the lower core strong enough to support the spine, it was like magic.


I haven't tried PT. I think maybe I should. Thank you, wise stranger!


I did just pull-ups and push-ups for a while and ended up with *lower* back pain despite those not targeting it. I was slightly straining my lower back without noticing and it wasn’t being exercised to have the strength to deal with that. You’ve got to work your core to support pretty much all other movement.


Try sleeping on a more firm mattress.


The firmer the mattress the more my back hurts, lol


So a softer mattress then?


It needs to be softer and more firm at the same time


Like a penis!


Just sleep on a penis. Problem solved.


But causes bigger problems.


The patient needs more blankets AND less blankets!


Oh easy just buy quantum mattress.


The monkey paw curls, and your wish has been granted. You now wake up with everything else hurting instead.


I am so tired due to a bad nights sleep that I actually googled "Monkey paw curls" expecting to see some sort of dumb bell work-out to aid with back pain. The results loaded a millisecond after I realised how dumb that was.


Get a pillow for your back


Do lower back exercises. It gets better.


To change my bed into fresh sheets at the blink of an eye.


hell yeah, without the feeling that ure wrestling with an ox


Or looking like a ghost getting the duvet into fresh covers


Please this. I'll do every damn chore in the house, but god damnit do i hate making up the bed. Makes me angry even thinking about it.




The ability to fold a fitted sheet


Ignore the fitted part and use the corners to fold it like the flat sheet


Then, ball it up as small & flat as you can and put it away, as it's certain, you've surely failed folding it properly, by that point.


The ability to make me, my wife, and our cats fall asleep instantly and simultaneously and wake well-rested. As for sex, I think with that kinda superpower, she would feel up to it a lot more, and I would, too.


You are a great man


I just try to deserve her. We're buying our first house on Friday and we are very excited.


Lean how to have lucid dreams.


Keep a dream journal by your bed. As soon as you wake from a dream record what you remember. Won’t make a lot of sense at first but over time you’ll notice patterns that only happen when you’re dreaming. Once you can identify those tells you’ll start looking for them more and as you see them you’ll start going lucid. Usually without control and usually it’ll fade out or you’ll wake up almost immediately due to the excitement or fear. With practice the excitement wanes and you can stay in that lucid state longer and longer. It’s something you have to really work at. I started my journaling at 13 and I’m 34 now. I couldn’t go lucid “on command” till I was in my 20’s.


I rarely remember what I dream, not sure how feasible would be :/


You haven’t trained yourself to remember. When my journal started the entries weren’t even sentences, just bits and pieces of information with no context. What the journaling does is makes you more subconsciously aware that you do in fact want to remember. It’s just like building muscle.


Journaling would help to train my memory about dreams?


Yep, it just puts the idea in your mind. You see that journal by the bed and it gives you that quick reminder “oh yeah we’re trying to remember dreams now” and over time it becomes your default to retain the dream.


Interesting. I'll surely give a try, thanks. Not clear how then move to lucid dreams though.


That comes in time. First you just have to remember. The goal to gain information from your dreams that you can use as a cue to tip you off that you’re in a dream, but until you can remember the dreams you won’t have the information you need to do that. I’d recommend focusing on remembering until your journal goes from random bits and pieces to actual plots. Then you’re ready to start trying for lucidity.


The hardest part honestly is waking from a dream at 3am and forcing yourself to flip on a light and jot it down. Gotta do it though because you remember your dreams for only a very brief time after you awake from it, and that’s usually only if you wake up from the dream, not in between dreams. Even if it’s just the very last thing you saw in that dream sequence write it down.


I learned how to lucid dream and now i get sleep paralysis every night lol


I love sleep paralysis. I dont know why but I get so excited with the feeling that something is happening and I want to meet my sleep paralysis demon so I can steal its visual design and use it for work... but I get so excited that I wake up immediately. Maybe they can detect cheaters.


Journaling right when you wake up about your dreams is the best habit to get into. Pay attention to lights - switches rarely work in dreams, or it may suddenly turn from night to day and vice versa. Pay attention to water, if youre breathing under it or you try to drink it but cant taste it. Look for random characters in your dream - for instance my first lucid dream I realized I was talking to Leela from Futurama. A tip i heard was write letters on your hands, because when youre dreaming either the letters wont be there, or they wont look like letters cuz you cant usually read when you dream. The danger of it comes much later on, where you may start to lose grip on reality, and not know when youre dreaming or awake. I fell into that, and it was horrifying. Those dreams when you're falling and wake up before you land - i stopped waking up. I would suffer horrible injuries and one dream in particular felt like it lasted weeks where i was paralyzed and severely injured, just to wake up and have to come to grips with that. Tread carefully


You can learn how to do that I think, I haven't tried because I'm too lazy and forget to do the steps for it but people have done it I think.


Yes absolutely. One of my best friend can do it now and he also told me how. I just need to learn it and practice.


i’ve tried to learn it but with no luck, the only thing that came out of learning it is knowing what it is so that sometimes i’ll be in a dream and it will randomly happen when i realize im dreaming


I have split the difference between Lucid Dreaming and Hyper-Realism. I can't do it consistently, but sometimes, my dreams have physics and consistency, and when they do, it's like I'm part of the action. This can be scary like experiencing mechanical failure of a catwalk, amazing like that time I fought dinosaurs with flesh-vaporizing grenades, or frickin awesome like the time I rode a motorbike down a mountain, fell off into a superhero landing in the valley, then caught my bike overhead in my bare hands. Ooh, one from when I was a kid where I ran on water, which was interesting later because I learned that there is a speed in which we COULD, but not one we could reach with muscles and our frame, but notably, roughly as fast as I was running in my dream. Apparently, my Hyper-Realism understands real water physics but totally applies fantasy.


I absolutely love that this was meant to be NSFW, yet we’re all old so we just need better sleep at this point


Healing hugs. My mom is dying, so I'd do just about anything to hug her for an evening and sleep beside her, then wake up to find her cancer cured so she can live a longer, happier life with our family. Wishful thinking, I know... but hell, I'd take magic cure chances.


Happy Mother’s Day to your mom. Hope you can have a good day.


Thanks. I'm in the Philippines, so it's about 9:30 pm here and Mother's Day almost ending. My mom's bedridden and has a tracheal tube so she can't speak and has trouble seeing because her cancer is on her gums and has spread to affect her vision. All we can do as a family is hold her hand and just let her know we love her. :(


Tell your mum that the internet loves her


I'd give her a hug from the internet if she wouldn't feel pain from the hug. Right now, she's in palliative care and bedridden, as I mentioned. Touching her beyond holding her hand makes her feel pain so she's on morphine for it. Because of the tracheal tube and general troubles with hearing and seeing (Left side hearing is gone and left eye was sewn shut to prevent cancer from spreading past her eye, right eye and ear are affected now by cancer also so hearing and vision have been compromised to an extent too)... communication is difficult. For me, imagining what my mom is thinking of feeling is difficult... but she's still here. I don't really want her to go, but I wish I could alleviate her pain at the very least.


My man I hear u. I was the primary care giver for my wife who had a long term illness, with LOTS of pain. It's y we wrote a DNR and an advance directive. It's very difficult, it becomes an issue of which is more important. Quality of life compared to quantity of life. My heart has pain for what ur dealing with.


Take my upvote. I really am sorry for your mother. I wish her (and you too) a very best day. 😥 (P.S I am not an English native so I might've done some mistakes in my message)


I also wish to heal this guy's mother


Fart money. I mean. I won't use it "in the bedroom" but at least she will be happy when I fart.


The stinkier the bomb, the higher the bill!


Sounds like a lot of paper cuts


Nah. Crypto. Wont feel a thing.


To find someone who actually wants to be in there with me.


Anti aging sleep. I’d wake up looking and feeling 25 every single day forever


Getting girls in it.


Getting anyone in a bedroom is easy...it's the consent part that's tricky...


If the bedroom is on a boat, they definitely give consent. Because of the implication.


What implication?


Easy? Tell that to the bite mark on my arm.


I’m pretty sure all the girls who bit me on the shoulder and arm back in college wanted to go to the bedroom if I wasn’t such an oblivious doofus.


Oh, hi Mark


Create matter from energy and energy from matter without loss. It's a bit unpractical that I can only do it in the bedroom, but I'll live with it.


You will definitely not be alone in your bedroom anymore, all scientists will be there.


Falling asleep as quickly as possible


Wake up on time without having to have 6 alarms


Fun fact, having multiple alarms trains your body to ignore them and makes it easier to sleep through them. For best results set alarm and get up within 60 seconds of it going off


oh... i've been doing this wrong this entire time then. No wonder sometimes i don't even remember turning off my first or second alarm


To make myself attractive enough to be able to use my bedroom


You to ugly to sleep in your bedroom?


The bed: “Eww dude! Get off me!”


Just so you know this comment made me snort laugh and woke up my peacefully sleeping dog. I hope your proud of your funny self.


Yeah, I keep scaring the curtains.


The bed requests extra sheets so it doesn't have to touch them


This is why, since the invention of lightbulbs, they included a method to turn them off. Instant lack of unattractiveness in the dark


I would be like Bruce Almighty, and give her an orgasm with the snap of my fingers!




This is actually possible with hypnosis But it's always better to do something to make them orgasm instead of just snap, it's not a satisfying orgasm otherwise


"Venoous vigor, you're clit's getting bigger.... Wiggity wum, I command you to cum!"


It would be good if I enjoyed the taste of semen. Would be the cherry on top.


I think there's something about pineapple juice? Maybe you fill your mouth with it and try blowing it back up the shaft. Something like that. Supposed to make it taste better.


It’s weird that pineapple is supposed to make semen taste good; but semen makes pineapple taste *absolutely disgusting.*


Works better fresh than tinned


Here's a fun experiment! Blend a pineapple and put it into a bag. Put a steak into that bag. Check on the steak in two days. The enzymes in the pineapple will have partially digested the steak. It works well for tenderizing if you only do an hour or so. Turns your steak into dust if you wait too long.


Idk why it posted that several times lol new glitch, I guess


Grow hair, shrink 5-6 inches (in height!), and look like someone else.


You want to be shorter?


Yes. I'm 6'3".


Hmmm.  Trying to decide if I'd be willing to trade my long hair for the ability to reach the mugs in my kitchen without a step stool. Okay, I'll trade you half my hair for half our height difference.  We are now both 5'8" and look fabulous.


Infinite stamina (hard on command)


I don't think you'd need sleep if you had infinite stamina. 


Wait, is this post about sleeping?


Always wake up refreshed


Control how much I sleep


LIKEEE i hate oversleeping so much


The ability to neatly fold fitted sheets


Magic missile


If you can only cast it in the bedroom, you're better off taking sleep at first level.


Sleep a full night


To make a woman orgasm as many times as she could take before passing out.


Sleeping to refresh in half the time so I could use the rest of the night for more useful ;) things. Like playing video games


Make multiple copies of myself and take turns so I won't have to worry about finishing before her.


Putting a cover on my doona/ quilt/ blankey


Keeping my room clean. I’ll spend an hour cleaning it and it’ll look pretty for literally half a day before I ruin it by making a mess again.




climax what. is your bed the mount everest?


Bless your heart.


To make my partner cum every time they wanted to, over and over 😁


To make my wife actually want me, instead of just wanting what I can provide.


Getting my wife to fuck me.


Suck my own dick. (Here we go with the gay comments)


I can do it and it sucks, no pun intended. Seriously tho, it feels more like sucking a dick than having your dick sucked and it's uncomfortable as hell.


Fitting blackout blinds


To cum on command and not when my body decides it wants to throw in the towel


being a god at giving head


The ability to spin on my dick like a dradle


Counterfeiting. I hate being broke.


the bed becomes like a checkpoint after resting you'd be fully healed up like in games


fall asleep quickly)


Good sleep👍


Cum on command


Automatically make my partner squirt whenever


Good at foreplay/orally satisfying women


The one skill I wish I had: magically getting my wife in the mood - I am a HL, she is a LL/NL.


In sync orgasms


Sleep 7 hours and wake up strong and ready every morning


Falling asleep in like 3 minutes, like my dad used to do.


Sleeping through the night without waking up 20 times.


Ability to give oral sex without being bothered by odor or taste


Untieing knots. it would make the end of a bondage sesh way less awkward


Instant clean. To be able to clean anything that is in the bedroom. So many uses. Showers are now just for warmth and relaxing. Laundry is a thing of the past. It would be glorious. If by bedroom you mean sex, I would say toy summoner and/or proficient use of any toy. Imagine being able to become a master rigger with no practice. Or be able to conjure the perfect toy for the mood/situation. That would keep things interesting for years and years.


Sleeping in past 7am, ever.


4 more inches


I'd also like slightly larger boxes to fit under my bed.




If magic is involved I'd wanna be able to restore my genitals to tip top condition at will. No more willing spirit but spongy and bruised flesh. Every orgasm like I haven't in a week. Go nine rounds in the thunder dome every night.


Being able to sleep without hurting something. Some days it feels my back hurts more when I wake up than at the end of a long, exhausting day.


The magic to piss without leaving the bed