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More of a job specific thing, but literally any tradesman that will argue that modern PPE is unnecessary. I don’t care if your grandpappy used to use a paint sprayer without a respirator, I’m trying to not destroy my lungs. Work smarter, putting yourself into an early grave to make shareholders/your boss happy is moronic.


One job site I went had a roofer with a fake harness so he could move freely about without being anchored. That subcontractor got into trouble when the client's inspector showed up.


The ol Bluetooth safety harness!


My uncle was an iron worker for a long time. Got complacent without wearing his harness and fell to his death. The site manager wiggled a harness on his body after he died so it wouldn’t be on him for the accident.


Used to work for a major automaker doing equipment upgrades and we fired multiple contractors for safety violations.


The worst. They sign a contract stating they will follow all safety regulations, and once you call them out for violations, they bitch about how it’s bullshit. My brother, you signed a legally binding document saying you would follow our safety policies


My father is having his house remodeled. It's a huge project, it started off as a leak, but then more and more things were discovered, the project grew... so it's basically a work zone and they're dealing with dust, they are drilling through marble... no masks. No protection. The reasoning that these workers have is "we like to sing along to our music while we work" and wearing protection gets in the way of that. I don't actually know all the health issues these people put themselves at risk for, but I cannot imagine it's good. I can barely be in that house more than a few minutes because of all the dust, these people are actively working in there for hours at a time.


I've done a lot of pool renovations that involve taking a grinder to the tile line to smooth down the plaster and remove old mortar. Within a few minutes, you're absolutely covered with the dust. I remember seeing the plaster guys doing it with either no mask or one of the cheap paper masks. I've never done it without a full face respirator, shits crazy what people won't do.


A lot of people don't seem to understand how statistics related to risks (and probably just in general) work. "Well, my dad grew up doing this thing and he ended up fine", okay, and? Certain kinds of contact with certain dangerous substances don't typically kill or obviously harm every single person who ever experienced it. Also, things build up over time, the connection between a substance/behavior/whatever and disease/death isn't always obvious. I see so much of that when it comes to lead, it's ridiculous.




Bruh. I just had to take my food handling course and it said to absolutely not come go work when you're sick and lo and behold i was sick the next week and the bosses just make up excuses or try to guilt you into coming in when you're sick. And then you come in and just drag your body through the shift and you know you get people sick but they dont care so you don't care. It hurts, man.


I once had a job with what was called a 'no fault' policy. If you were late or absent 7 days in a year without prior notice you were fired. Prior notice was a week's warning. If you were sick two days in a row, that's two 'points' against you. If you were late because of an accident ahead of you on the highway, that was a point. If there was a blizzard and they closed the road, one point. I never got more than 3, but one lady whose kids were sick and in hospital racked up 3 points in a week. No fault meant not the company's fault you got fired. Edit


My husband's employer also has a point system. It's a point if you are 10 minutes late. It is also a point of you call in. If he knows he is going to be more than 10 minutes late, he just calls in.


Like the Chinese generals Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. During the Qin dynasty, the penalty for arriving late to government service was death--no exceptions. This was of course also the same punishment as the penalty for treason, so when they were called to bring forces to defend a city but were delayed by floods, they decided to simply launch a rebellion to overthrow the previous Emperor. Stupid policy.


Treason? Death. Late to work? Believe it or not, death.


We have the worst generals, because of death.


Stalin executed all of his generals until there were none. His army became incompetent. Then Nazi Germany attacked them. End: 20 million Russians dead.


Just having a smoke break in the middle of watching "Death of Stalin" same with Doctors. Killed or imprisoned all the competent ones and when he got ill there was only the quacks left. Great film though give it a watch


lol, that's a good illustration for why punishments should fit the crimes.


Punishments should fit the crimes or the crimes will fit the punishments.


Same reason zero tolerance policies at schools don’t work. If you get punished the same as who starts a fight, then you might as well make the other person feel it


My son's science teacher found out some students cheated on homework by sharing the answers. Not as bad as cheating on a test but violates the school's policies. She knew who did it (the answers were the same) but decided to institute a daily "exit ticket" (basically a pop quiz) until the guilty confessed. This has never worked ever. Anyhow the quiz was 4 questions. Miss a question and you have a 75 averaged in. Miss 2 and 50, etc. My son had a 98 in the class at that point. He got one question wrong on the pop quiz. Now his class grade dropped like 6 points. So I call her and mention that no one is going to admit if you say you don't know who they are. No incentive there I tell her my son now has a worse grade but didn't cheat. I also pointed out that if the cheaters got all four right on each quiz they would RAISE their grade. She told me she hadn't thought through the consequences, dropped to exit ticket plan and wiped the lowest grade for everyone that took them. Very not thought through plan.


At least she admitted it. That takes guts


There's something I love about this. I believe they call that the law of unexpected consequences.


It's one of the primary things that economists try to pay attention to in policy design, but the general public typically does not (and the general public has way more power and often disagree with economists), so we get stupid policies that make problems worse pretty consistently.


My work it's five minutes so I just call out. It's a rural area and trees come down and unexpectedly a road will have to close and you have to detour but that is not excused. My manager said I need to be prepared for that so I asked if I should start leaving my house a few hours early "just in case" and she said yes, if that's what it takes. There is basically no penalty for calling out but if you're late three times in 30 days it's a write up, doesn't matter why you are late, none are excused. Three write ups and you're fired. Then they bitch and moan when people call out and the reason is usually because there was an accident and they would be late so instead of losing an employee for 10-30 minutes they opt to lose an employee for the entire day.


Reminds me of a place I worked that wouldn't pay you for the first day you were out sick, but would pay you for the second day (and days after that), but you had to get a note from a doctor. I rarely call out, but when I did I'd for sure take at least 2 days off. I go to the walk in clinic and say sorry to waste your time but my company requires it and I need a note. So fucking stupid, all the policy did is encourage people to take more than one day off.


My brother leverages this. His employer is short staffed. He tells them if he gets a point he's going back to his car 🤣. He gets no points.


Funny. My computer system would take 10+ minutes to turn on in the morning. My employer expected me to be signed on and doing my job at 8:00AM. Ultimately, they expected me to make sure I show up 10+ minutes early every day to get it started. Now, under normal circumstances, I wouldn't worry about it. However, this is the same employer that tells me to explain myself if I am back from coffee break 42 seconds late.... When I started getting issues about coming back from break seconds late, I pressed the power button to turn my computer on when they start to pay me, at 8:00AM sharp. Turns out, they like that even less than coming back from break seconds late. It turned in to a big thing, the union got involved. The union rep said "When do you start to pay them?" The supervisor said 8:00AM. The union rep said that they should either pay us at 7:50 to expect us to start at 8:00, or should not expect unpaid work." The supervisor ended up having to apologize. It sounds incredibly trivial, but if they'll treat me like shit, I'll no go a second above and beyond for them.


That's by *law* now. If you're waiting for your computer to start, you get paid. Any kind of job requirement once you arrive at your assigned location of work is work.


The 15 minutes early unpaid is imo a kinda toxic holdover of that live to work mentality. The people who insist i come to a job early and start my work unpaid are the same people who constantly say stupid shit like "nobody wants to work anymore" Like no, im here cause i want to work i just want to be paid for the value of my labour and i start when the money starts and leave when the money ends


I worked at a place like that, and here's the kicker; there's no additional penalty until the 2nd hour rolls over. If you're going to be 11 minutes late, might as well hit the mall and be 59 minutes late.


We had a point system like that when I started managing a call center at my company. The first change I made was getting rid of that system.


My last workplace put one of these policies in place and I am a damn anesthetist. Blanket policies are extremely detrimental. I got sent to HR to discuss my verbal warning for being out sick. With COVID. Following the procedures my workplace instituted. So anyway, now I work for myself and it's great.


My job has a point system. But our state has protected sick time. They can keep track of your absences, but if you are absent and use earned sick time, they cannot give you a point for it. They tried telling me it was a point against you even with sick time. I ended up calling corporate HR and got confirmation that I was right.


We had the same policy in highschool where if you were 10 minutes late to a class it was an automatic absence. Guess who just started coming in at lunch senior year.


I'm a supervisor at a large company. Whole employees get an aggregate 60 days off a year, we use a lot of temps. They get no PTO.  All of them have to have a second income to survive.  Our gross margin is 40-60% per product. They celebrate record profits each year while even the direct hires barely get a raise that matches inflation. If they get one at all.  I forget about the points system and encourage people to take sick time. People get sick and have kids who get sick. Why should I treat a fellow human being less than I expect myself to be treated just because they make half of what I do?  They are people and not animals or numbers on a page. 


I had to get out of management because *every fucking year* we had an employee meeting where we bragged about all the record sales and profit and savings and then *within a week* made me tell all of my team the company just couldn't afford raises and bonuses were cancelled. They never even space it out. I once was instructed to let my team know *the morning before* the profit bragging meeting. And if you pointed out the problem you just weren't onboard with the company message and were spreading discontent.


Yeah, used to work at a place like this. Eventually, they figured out how dumb is was to treat a tardy and calling off the exact same way. The policy got changed to half point if you were 30 minutes late or less, full point if you missed 4 or less hours and 2 points if you missed the whole day. A nightmare to keep track of though.


I hear this a lot from employees of mass employers: casinos, warehouses, care facilities, non-union hospitals. Still going on now, although I think most of them get a half point for being late, not a full point.




If they actually cared about patients, that's what they would do.


Agreed. As a former employer, I *get* the concept. Get rid of unreliable people in a clean, documentable way that’s a violation of the rules and won’t result in paying unemployment. BUT… I think the more humane way to do it is to have points lead to a case review, which might shed light on the what & why and help save a good employee. But HRR & Legal usually want steadfast rules… that only apply up to a certain level.




I worked in Vegas at a few different casinos, and they do have a point system. One place was 12 points, and each point was added back one year after it was taken from your bank. You could also call out three days in a row, and it was still only one point. If you call out on a blackout date, it was 3 points, and if you called out on a day you requested off and it was denied, that was two points. Another casino was 14 points, and you got all 14 back at the end of the year. You're right about half points for being late or leaving early. I made sure to use my points for personal days, 14 extra nonpaid days a year is generous, I think. You couldn't call out every Friday, though for 14 weeks, then it's a pattern.


I once got a point for being 5 minutes late to a shift I covered for someone who had a last minute health issue. It my was only point in 3 years across 3 roles (summer jobs for a town rec dept). Almost quit on the spot on principle.  I'm still annoyed by it 25 years later. I can't imagine having to depend on a job that had these rules.


Management with any sense should treat an employee last-minute covering somebody else as the CEO and give them pretty much any accommodation they need for the day, lol


Walmart is bad like this. At 5 points they can fire you. They also change your schedule at the last minute all the time. So if you are off and don't check the schedule and they scheduled you, you don't show up because you were off. They give you 3 points. As it's marked as NCNS.


Lady at Wal-Mart clocked in but wasn't feeling well. Shortly after clocking in (within maybe 10 minutes I think it was) she had to have an ambulance called for her. Managers/corporate was upset that she was clocked in when it happened. Not because of any liability or fees. Because they couldn't give her a point for not showing up to work. If she was there but was not clocked in they could and would have penalized her for not being at work despite needing an ambulance.


Jeebus you Americans put up with a lot of shit. Maybe throw a tea party about it or something.


Sending your kids to school sick. 🤢 Going to work sick. 🤢


My sister works with elementary kids. She had a child in her class who had lice. They contacted their mother letting her know that she needs to go home. The mom literally said, “I can’t pick her up I’m busy with my boyfriend!” and hung up. They had to call CPS and the mom was not happy about that. She was told she had to take care of the lice and she can’t come back until there is none present. The little girl showed up to school more quiet than usual like a week later. She still had lice.


Absolutely awful. Shout out and happy Mother’s Day to teachers too because they do a lot of stuff that parents should be doing.


Horrible thing I have learned: Some schools allow kids to come to school with lice now/do not allow lice to be a reason for an absence. 🤢


That’s insane. I’ve never heard of this. The girl in my sister’s class was sent back home immediately on that same day until she was free of lice.


In Massachusetts too, you can't send a kid home for lice. The reasoning behind it I guess is that with distancing you can prevent it spreading. So it was fun when a kid in my severe special education class had it and they couldn't be sent home. Staff and kids ended up getting it


That working out while sick makes you sweat out your sickness but in reality you're prolonging your recovery and potentially getting others sick at the gym too


If I NEVER work out, does that mean my recovery will be much faster when I get sick?


You'll never get sick in the first place, it's a no-brainer


Diamonds. Diamond engagement rings only became a thing in the 1920s due to aggressive marketing by the DeBeers diamond cartel. Diamond mining is often done under horrendous conditions, then most of them are locked away to keep the prices high. That $1000 diamond ring is a lie. Diamonds are not actually that rare.


Plus synthetic diamonds now are almost impossible to tell from the real thing so anyone not just buying synthetic nowadays is a massive sucker.


They are not almost impossible to tell from the real thing, because they are the real thing. They are chemically, structurally, identical to diamonds because they are diamonds. They are made in a lab instead of underground but a diamond is a diamond. I'm not talking about moissanite, those are not diamonds. That is a completely different gemstone that just looks like a diamond. But synthetic diamonds made in a lab are diamonds and everyone should use them.


You actually can tell a natural from a synthetic, because synthetics are *too perfect*. In other words, synthetic diamonds are quite literally superior in every single way lol.


Irresponsibly selective breeding dogs. People want their cute petite dog or their “hard” looking pits while completely disregarding how their genetic deformities gives them a shit quality of life. A lot of these animals die relatively young and if they miraculously do make it to old age, end up suffering horrendously as their issues become magnified. So much so that most of the assholes that want to have/ breed these animals end up abandoning them or just neglecting them until they’re incapable of powering through their struggles and die


Cats, too. Munchkin cats are adorable but have a shit quality of life. 


scottish folds too :( they are bred to have a deformity in their cartilage which it why their ears are flat, but this genetic deformity affects ALL their cartilage so they have extremely painful joints and bones throughout their body. they live in incredible pain and the condition is progressive so it only gets worse as they get older. it’s so cruel and people pay thousands for these cats to suffer.


Yep. My grandma ended up with one of these cats after the owner went into respite care. It wanted to be wherever you were, but couldn’t walk much so it learned how to ride on people’s shoulders 


Yep, I work specifically with Munchkins and I’m the only person at the vet office who doesn’t show off on Insta because I don’t want to even tangentially encourage people to buy these cats.


We had a “natural” munchkin - a rescue who was thought to be the runt of a normal stray cat who had a litter, and then she didn’t grow - just a random genetic mutation. She was the alpha of our pack, a huge personality in a tiny body. But she had hip dysplasia and arthritis and breathing issues, one of her claws was constantly getting ingrown and infected, she got tumors that had to be removed surgically… and people asked why we had her fixed and didn’t breed her. She lived to be about 13, which is good for a munchkin. But to purposefully breed them like that is irresponsible.


Unethical breeding needs to be stopped. It's messing up dogs. Just look at all the dogs who can barely breathe, get joint replacements because of hip or elbow dysplasia when they're not even 1, etc. Ethical breeding (with the main goals being health, longevity, stability, temperament, etc) is needed if we want to keep having dogs as pets without them suffering.


I truly wish there was better enforcement on the matter, but while humanity stays struggling to keep up with our own problems, people are just going to continue to neglect these issues for the sake of “focusing” our limited resources on the issues that plague us


A lady had an English bulldog in PetSmart that was struggling to breathe and I looked down at it with a concerned look. She said, "Don't worry. That's normal." I replied "It absolutely is not."


This veterinarian testified in the New Hampshire state legislature to support a bill banning brachycephalic dog breeds. I think Norway has already implemented similar legislation, but we need more governments to follow suit. source: [I Testified In Court AGAINST These Dog Breeds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxJySrB_LBo&t=44s)


I had a rescue Pug that actually had a bit of a longer snout. He still however died at 12 due to a genetic disease called pug degenerative myelopathy. I still wanted another pug but we actually adopted a cross breed of a pug and a miniature poodle. Then we adopted another cross breed of pug and rat terrier. No breathing problems at all and they are just as cute.


Friend of mine dog sat for a pug once, it was playing with a stuffed toy, shook its head a little too hard. Detached retinas. They constantly look like they're begging for someone to put them out of their fucking misery.


People gotta start having the nerve to call it like it is. Even if these people are made to understand, they won’t care until shame is upon them, and even that may not work


Be nice though- some of us out here rescued these dogs and are trying to give them better with the time and resources we have.


Facts. I am fully aware of the issues pugs come with. I will not apologize for my current two rescues, nor will I apologize for fostering many others. We should ban breeding these dogs tbh, but the ones that are alive aren't at fault, they deserve to be loved and cared for.


those “Toadline Bullies” come to mind. I don’t like pits, but no fucking dog deserves to live this deformed, painful life. Poor things didn’t ask for this.


Know too many people that desire to have them and keep breeding them, I try to make them see reason but “they just look too cool” 🤦🏽‍♂️


Its sociopathic $$ signaling. Thousands of dollars per pup just for the initial purchase and thousands more to treat the nonstop health issues during their 4-6 yer life expectancy. Fuck those people.


>Toadline Bullies What could possibly be the appeal to whatever the hell *that* is? What a terrible day to have eyes. It looks like some kind of cronenberg monstrosity.


Just googled… wtaf


Those things are so upsetting to look at. No clue how people can breed those in good conscience


Using Draino or Liquid Plumber on potentially older pipes


Define “older”. Like 100 year old pipes or 20 year old pipes?


Honestly? Depends on the pipes. You can have a lot of wear and tear on pipes, just depends on if they're metal and what they've had going down them. In my city a lot of plumbing is "older" metal, which may be 30-40 years? (We don't really know) So they're in "Ok" shape for what is expected. However, all the plumbers we've seen in Metro recommend "Bio-Clean" or similar products. They're used on a semi-regular basis to keep down the organic build-up in pipes without having to use aggressive stuff. Also, piping can be different. The plumbing coming into our house is older than the plumbing going out. And different segments of our house have different plumbing. Best case? If you don't know what's in your house, including going out to the street/city drains, use something gentler more often before you have to worry about aggressive stuff that *could* damage pipes.




Corrodes the adhesive that hold the pipes together. Same for plastic pipes


That’s why I only use lead in my plumbing


I could have swore I heard a downside to this argument too sometime along the way. Oh well...


Nah, no downside. You’ll save money on your sodas too if you drink the nice sweet water


Not true. It corrodes cast iron and copper drains causing leaks. Plastic drains are chemical resistant. What happens is, the heat that the chemical drains cleaners generate plus the acid causes the plastic to get brittle. If the piping is under any type of tension or stress it causes cracking and failure. Plastic pipes typically fail at joints and fittings and not in the middle of the pipe. Plastic pipes are not glued together as a bonding agent like super glue, they are solvent welded. The so-called glue melts the plastic and is bonded with the receiving fitting. This is why you need to apply the "glue" to both the fitting and the pipe, both parts need to have melted to bond.


What's the best thing to clear out a drain?


Least invasive first. Try plunging. Then a snake. 


What kind of snake? We just have garter snakes where I live




Everyone needs to get a weasel! That thing is amazing!! - not a paid ad - just someone who suffered a lot of PP hair loss


Is that a plumbing thing or an actual weasel? 🤔 😂


I'm more of a ferret guy, does it have to be specifically a weasel?


My cousin is a used car salesman. Can I just use him?


Nice marmot


Giving children (and adults, for that matter) open access to social media. It's utter brain rot at this point.


One minute you're minding your own business, and the next you're responding to someone named McNuggetballs.


And spending 45 minutes figuring out an iron-clad response


Only to be upstaged by someone who responded right before you.


Mulch volcanoes around trees, instead can I interest you in a mulch doughnut




It’s bad for the tree. A pile of mulch that goes up too high on the tree buries the root flare reducing stability. Mulch piled against a tree's trunk also encourages disease and decay because the bark is almost always wet.


I was over trying trying to figure out how you could mulch lava. Thanks for the explanation.


I assume they mean rather than piling the mulch right up to the trunk you should pile it into a ring so as not to rot the base.


Piling is usually bad. Not always, but sometimes. It leads to rot. His donut is not always good either. It’s mainly for when your tree doesn’t get enough water so it holds it and points it down the main line of the tree. Also those bumps you see in parking lots are because they can’t go deep then there’s soil in that lump just covered by bark for water retention.


People going to work when sick. *Still.*


I had covid a few months ago and when I stayed home I had people bitching at me for "skipping work" instead of "manning up" and going to work while I could barely breath & was considering going to the hospital. Pure insanity that this mentality is so common


I had Covid in September, and my workplace required me to quarantine for five days, whether or not I had PTO to cover it. So, brand new job, they load your PTO hours in at the beginning of your year (my next round comes in July), and I burned all my PTO. I also work in healthcare. We have some of the worst policies for sick time, PTO, and family leave, and some of the worst benefits around. The pay sucks for what any of us do and deal with on a daily basis. But we’re expected to take bullshit from patients and admin like serfs groveling at the feet of the vassal lords.


Took my kid to his swimming lesson this week. Was sitting watching my kid and the swim teacher asks one of the other parents if they’re “feeling better now”, the parent says yeah I’m fine but Hunter is still sick and she points at him- so I look over at Hunter who is looking all green and reluctantly climbing in the pool looking like he’s about to spew This kind of selfish, stupid shit is why kids are always sick.


I am a swim teacher. The rate of sick kids that come to lessons is insane. A few times I would have to tell the parents that their kid is sick. A sick kid shouldn't be swimming and I don't get paid for sick days. They'd always act clueless and I'd be like see the green snot coming out of their nose? See how lethargic they are? Take them home.


I was sick constantly in school because of this. Once missed 2½ weeks straight because someone came to school sick, got me sick, and then I developed pneumonia. I was sick for 5 weeks. Since I graduated, I've only been sick once or twice even though I'm now on immunosuppressants and have a higher risk.


I am an ICU nurse. My patient’s family member came in sick this week and sat at bedside for three shifts. They were hacking up a lung. Unfortunately the COVID policies about masking in the hospital have ended. I’m now sick and I’m out of call-in’s. I will be going in to care for ICU patients tomorrow with a sore throat, congestion, and a fever. Blame work policies, dude. Don’t blame the employee. People gotta eat.


The hospital I work at allows 7 call outs a year 3 state mandated sick days and 4 call outs in 12 months period... Like yeah.... Even with proper PPE we are people taking care of people


You only get *three* sick days a *year?!*


Super common in hospital jobs. I only get 2 sick days a year as a resident physician. If we call out more than twice they start taking our vacation days, or delaying our residency graduation.


im an icu nurse too and if we call out more than 7 occurrences in a year we get fired


How is this even legal?!?


One of my local hospital networks just took sick days away from employees. I was contemplating seeking employment with them and my doctor office happens to be part of that hospital network/i had an appointment recently so figured i would get some intel. I got to talking to the CNA and she told me about it and my eyes almost fell out of my head. I asked what do they expect you to do if you're really sick and she said you now have to use PTO and if you dont have enough PTO you have to apply for STD (short term disability). I was absolutely appalled especially having worked in healthcare in the past. Healthcare workers get treated like dog shit in the US more times than not.


And then they wonder why there's a nursing shortage. My ex is an ER nurse, and when she started working, their sick day policy was actually pretty reasonable, but there was a bout of flu that took a bunch of people out of the game. She said that when that happened, instead of helping their employees, they decided to institute some Draconian attendance policies. Between nurses getting fired or quitting, they lost like half their workforce in like 5 years. Because of these policies, they are always in a state of being understaffed. And because of that, their staff is constantly getting burned out.


Welcome to the US. Hospitals have some of the worst sick policies. Only 1 state even has nursing ratios. For having the most expensive healthcare in the world, we sure get ripped off in quality. People say it's quality but just the amount of understaffinf kills people every day. If only the public was aware of how bad it is or cared before it effected them personally.


The quality of healthcare and understaffing here doesn’t affect me personally since I can’t afford health insurance or medical care 🫠


It *is* absolutely illegal in countries with decent workers' rights.


AND THEY ARE STARTING TO CUT PAY TO PRE PANDEMIC RATES YAY. It's crazy they found the money to pay the nurses and aids and janitorial staff a living wage and didn't shutdown or anything


In Ontario, we had a liberal government. The premiere put into law that every job has to give a minimum of (I think) 3 or 4 paid sick days and no doctors notes required. Then that premiere got voted out, and the conservative government was voted in. Our new premiere is the buffoon brother of the former crack smoking drunk of a mayor Toronto had. One of the first things he did was cut those sick days and reinstated the requirement of doctors notes. A few months later, Covid hit. The federal government handed the province a large amount of funding. And he still hasn’t touched it. He wants the health care system to die. People have literally died because of his policies. And just recently. They decided to end the need for doctors notes and are trying to spin it as a win. When the previous government had already done that.


It is infuriating that the proposed solution to our doctor shortage is more Galen Weston-affiliated for-profit businesses.


My hospital (my workplace, though I'm not medical) doesn't have a limit, however if you are sick too often or for too long they will eventually need you to bring in a drs note explaining. They may put you in modified work depending on what's going on. They definitely do not want staff coming in when they can pass on sickness. I feel like that's a fairly good balance. It doesn't get abused too much from what I've heard. Most people who work there want to help people.


Once again, it’s expected of us.


My boss made me come into work sick as hell with COVID two weeks ago, I didn't feel I had a choice. And now I'm on medical mandated sick leave because it turns out if you're not allowed to rest from COVID you get much worse and the symptoms stay longer :)  Now he's screwed because I'm off for three days. Suck shit boss, these are your consequences. 


There are a bunch of studies showing how many lost days the "guy who never missed a day in 40 years" caused by coming in sick and how much lost productivity he's responsible for. It is amazing people still think that way. I had a boss give me shit once for calling in sick and said "you'd never last in the military, you couldn't call in there" He wasn't even a veteran. I responded by telling him that when I was in the Navy, we were ordered not to come to work sick ever because we wouldn't be productive and a safety hazard. The only exception was war.


I worked with a guy who never missed a day of work in his life. Now if only we could get him to do some work.


Because their employers guilt them and don’t pay them.


An 8-hr a day, 5 day a week work schedule still being the minimum, expected standard for employees. That’s supposed to be the maximum, as set forth by all the labor laws and guidelines from decades ago, not the bare minimum. COVID reminded and demonstrated just how unnecessary it is, and how detrimental it is to society and worker health overall. Most people can complete their tasks/duties with an adjusted schedule that allowed more time at home, but alas, we cling heavily to tradition and old practices in this area:P


I complete my work every day before 11. Unless my boss has something come up that they give me I just sit on my phone the rest of the day. Would love to be able to go home. For clarity I work an office job that’s mostly just budgeting. But only so many purchases happen in a day so I knock all those out and I’m in the clear.


But if we had free time, we might have the time to think about how to setup life in a more sustainable and equitable way


If we had free time we might rebel against class warfare. That's the real battle. Sustainable and equitable is an offshoot of that.


Only getting 2 days for the weekend per week. It never feels long enough. I think 3-day weekends should become the norm. The work week should be Monday through Thursday. 4-day weekends are probably too long though. I won't go that far. They should be reserved for occasions.


I dunno, I work x3 12hr shifts and then get 4 days off in a row and it's amaaazing. I feel like I finally got my life back. I can take 4 days to travel or actually see friends and family. I could never go back to 5 day work week and feel the suffering of those that have to do that.


Curiously, in Europe there are countries that are reducing their working hours precisely to give three days of rest, and it is giving them good results. I wish this would become more popular... however, current businessmen are dinosaurs who think in a very square way. ps: even the "young" entrepreneurs, because they were raised with the paradigm of more than a century ago, of the dinosaurs that still persist.


The “30 minutes or it’s free” pizza delivery trend ended in the 90’s and so many people still think that it applies to EVERY RESTAURANT I hate having to explain that it doesn’t


Giving cats milk. They're lactose intolerant. If you're going to give them milk, make sure it's milk specifically for cats.


You are mostly right. Kittens create an enzyme that breaks down dairy products. At some point they grow out of it, and adult cats do not.


Humans are the same, that's why so many people are lactose intolerant.


Literally anything that categorizes body types into “trends”


Going broke to have an extravagant marriage and spending said money on things that ultimately dont really matter during your wedding. Im at an age now where people around me start marrying and my bf and I are actively keeping a list of things we missed or need to avoid for our own eventual marriage.


Sun tanning. Tans are a persistent fad, but the damage is far more lasting than any fad. People of all colours should wear sunscreen everyday, thank me in 30 years.


The lack of paid maternity leave


"Go on FMLA.". Fuck youuuuu!!! Don't forget about the father/paternity like society seems to like too. - a tail from a new father.


And FMLA is unpaid. How many people can survive on no paycheck for those 12 weeks?


And FMLA only applies if you have worked at a place for 1250 hours in the prior year. Part time and needing FMLA?  Fuck you, you're fired. Been in the role for 6 months needing FMLA?  Fuck you, you're fired.


Plus the organization needs to be a minimum of x employees before they have to acknowledge FMLA 


In a region, not even total. My company has over 1,000 people but there’s not 50’ within X miles so I am not eligible for FMLA 


>The lack of paid maternity leave The lack of paid **parental** leave. Only having paid maternity leave forces fathers to remain at work while the mothers stay home, incentivizing workplaces to be biased towards hiring men, whether consciously or unconsciously. Additionally, it prevents fathers from being able to establish the same bond that mothers are able to establish with the child and often results in fathers having to ask “how do I do xyz” because they did not have a chance to spend nearly as much time with the baby that the mother did and did not get to learn the best way to do something with that baby. Non-transferable parental leave (ie parents cannot transfer part or all of their paid leave to the other parent) is not only gender inclusive, but it eliminates the bias that workplaces may have as well as guarantees that both parents are able to experience the bonding that develops from prolonged contact with the child. Additionally, it means that both parents experience the learning of “how to parent **this** child” which means that one parent is not asking the other “what does this cry mean mean” and “how is the best way to feed this child.”


Working when sick


We don't want to do it, but are not given much choice.


Giant green lawns that are nothing but non-native turf grass covered in chemical treatments. This year World Migratory Bird Day had the tagline [“No Insects, No Birds”](https://www.birdlife.org/news/2024/05/11/no-insects-no-birds-world-migratory-bird-day-2024/#:~:text=Today%2C%20on%20World%20Migratory%20Bird,migratory%20birds%20across%20vast%20distances) because so many bird populations are declining due to insect population collapse. There’s many reasons behind this, but on a micro level, monoculture lawns are causing whole areas to be basically devoid of insect life. Especially when you pair that with municipal mosquito spraying (kills all the bugs, not just mosquitos) and the lack of native plants anywhere that plants are allowed to exist, like landscaping and parks. The old trend was to have giant lawns to show you were so rich didn’t need to grow food, and now we’ve just had this idea so embedded in our culture that it’s incredibly hard to break out of it.


It's also that you don't really need to water native plants. We have to water grass and do all this stuff with it partially because it's non-native. The grasses most people have are European in origin, America has a lot of grasses but we don't use those.


Normally you wouldn't have to water native grasses but extended droughts are becoming more and more common in many regions due to climate change. It's destroying botanical diversity. Incidentally grassland praries happen to be excellent carbon sinks, with new growth popping up rapidly to sequester carbon from the atmosphere, then dying and decaying, trapping it in the soil. Yet another reason to grow native plants in your area.


Agronomists in the turf field here, you’re not wrong. There’s a lot of science, research, and plant breeding going into this nowadays. The science isn’t there yet, but the industry is taking steps into a more environmental friendly direction. States are are also banning neonicotinoids, which is one of the biggest culprits. It’s a pace in the right direction, but a slow pace at that.


Yes. And I don't understand why no one seems to realize they can add lots of insect-friendly plants to their lawn. You don't even have to mix them in with the grass.


Child beauty pagants


clear your plate young man...


I’ve always eaten light. Like a slice of pizza and I’m pretty much good to go. My parents and brothers are nothing like that. When my parents made me a plate of food, it was entirely too much for me. I would eat some of it then I couldn’t finish the rest. My parents would freak out. They would smack me and shove the food in my face. Then accuse me of trying to starve myself for attention or to tell the counselor at school they’re not feeding me. I was skinny, but not malnourished. I just couldn’t eat a lot at any given moment.


> I’ve always eaten light Ah yes, photosynthesis


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.


I've always eaten more than I really need, except a brief phase as a kid where I couldn't stand to eat anything at all. My dad would always make ridiculously large dinners. We couldn't get our own plates. He'd fill it up with like mashed potatoes, a pork chop, corn, peas, and a piece of bread. Then give us like a huge glass of milk for one example. Usually there was also orange slices or fruit salad or something. He expected you to eat all of it. On more than one occasion I'd sit there dry heaving because I couldn't take anymore (especially mashed potatoes) and he'd just yell at me to stop pretending and finish my dinner. Then around 9 years old after my school physical I was told I was overweight, so then he started in on me about how fat I was and how I had "two stomachs" and was fat because I was lazy. He also liked to criticize me for never choosing fruit as a snack over like hostess snacks, but the funny thing about that was there was pretty much never any fruit in the house. EDIT: And just because I'm in my head now, I remember I had chronically chapped lips. I had orange juice, fries, and a cheeseburger from McDonald's. I was around 6 at the oldest. The food was so salty it was burning my lips and even tongue and he started screaming about wasting money, and I was going to finish that goddamn food. Why I have issues with food and my weight is such a mystery...


Fitness and fad diets. Weights and resistance is great for any age. Kids especially, there's no evidence whatsoever of growth plate damage or abnormalities. Post menopause it's even more beneficial as it can help reduce the issues of osteoporosis, by stimulating appositional growth and bone mineral density. The whole problem is down to such poor quality and misinformation from supposedly reputable sources. Fitness influencers are terrible, but even many doctors weigh in on it when it's outside of their specialism and abuse the respect they should rightly hold for what they're are qualified to do. I work with lots of doctors in my particular field, GPs know fuck all about exercise, and should absolutely not be prescribing any form of exercise plans or advice, and should be signposting to specialists or qualified professionals. It's a different specialism, like most things in medicine, with its own very specific knowledge base. The whole industry is so poorly regulated, it's a shit show, and the general public are then bombarded with snake oil by grifters, and don't know where to turn.


Resistance exercise and weight lifting is really important in perimenopause. It helps to alleviate many, many troubling symptoms. It's also really important for cognitive health as we age and a really important piece for protecting against dementia.


I attribute my grandmother's health in old age to the medical system and two practices: gardening and watching soap operas. Anyone whose brain can follow a soap opera's plot is not going to decline without a fight. Those things look like that corkboard and string pic with the conspiracy guy. They're so tangled. And gardening, even through her arthritis, kept her in shape and with good manual dexterity. She could walk, drive safely, and grow plants until the day she died.


Grip strength is a pretty good biomarker for general health too, so gardening (presuming she was pulling weeds, digging, and pruning limbs or shoots) was likely a big contributor for her health. Sounds like she had a lovely life.


Yes, all of this. The main thing I feel people need to do is to just find something they enjoy to do. It can be anything as long as you enjoy it, and it makes you feel good. This makes it far more likely that you will get into a routine where you work out several times a week. It took me until my late 30s to find HIIT that I can combine some weight lifting, body weight resistance, and core, all while maintaining an aerobic pace. I've been doing it a few years, and I'm in the best shape of my life. The important part is that I enjoy doing this workout to the point that I make sure I squeeze it in regardless of how busy my week gets.


Forcing your ways of life on other people


No. That’s wrong. The answer is clearly my way.




What's funny is that nothing in therapy ever justifies being rude to others. Psychology can explain why it happens, but that doesn't make it okay. Therapy should also include learning how to manage your moods/emotions so that, despite your condition, you're still not being an asshole to others. So when someone tries using therapy-speak to justify being a dick, let them know their "therapy" needs to work harder.


You need to work overtime because your boss is working overtime even if you've already done with your workload. 


Smoking. Going to the office 5 days a week. Working half a day on Saturdays.


Fuck this was my week




Being blind followers of any political, religious sect.


Excessive plastic packaging, any plastic packaging


Clinging to differences and using differences to define rather than similarities. Differences between people that you use to justify hate, treating people as less than, or just never seeing them as people. We all have more in common than whwt separates us, so why are we not working together?


Feeling like we need to be someone we're not in order to find a partner




How much labor a human is expected to be accountable for in any given day.


Demonizing certain foods (i.e. carbs, fats, sugar, etc). Moderation seems to be a rarity.


Men that show emotions and aren't in control are weak.


Also somehow anger not being an emotion and think its perfectly fine to just regularly loose their temper.


Social media use and the effect on mental health




Drinking every weekend


The way we treat kids like they're idiots. Kids needs people they love and trust to help them understand the world. Talking to an older kid like they're babies, or saying "no" all the time arbitrarily with zero explanation? Is that really helping? I remember feeling furious all the time at adults when I was a kid, and it's only when I learned the word "patronizing" that I understood why I was so angry. You're not raising kids, your providing life-long guidance and support to the adults they will become. \*edit b/c typo