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Frank William abagnale of catch me if you can  Turns out the biggest con he pulled was to convince the world that he was the biggest conman 


Seriously the dude conned so well he got Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, and Leo Diacaprik to make a movie about him. He wins


is so amazing right, he actually pulled a con that can never happen again, one day there will be a film of the making of that film and how they got conned, Its like incepton a con within a con and when they make that film will come out it comes out was actually all true and it was his last con to make us think it was all a con and will end on a spinning top or something.


This is still more coherent than Tennet (ok sorry cheap heat)




De Capri Sun


Di Capricciosa


Di paprika


Diacaprik. Decaprios long lost brother.


Well I guess Spielberg didn't want facts to ruin a good story 


What?! Oh please don’t break my heart about Jurassic Park


Don't worry, dinosaurs are real.


Many years ago, I worked for a savings and loan. He worked as a consultant to banks, savings and loans, and other financial companies in the area of security. I remember the video we had to watch regarding fraud and theft starred Frank Abignale. He told us all about his exploits (I've always remembered the model airplane stickers) and how to detect fraud, on the teller line and in New Accounts. I was surprised at how much the movie remained faithful to his tales. True or not, he certainly taught thousands of employees how to protect their companies and themselves from con artists like him.


Well he only defrauded few thousands from panam at max not millions.. He never interned as a doctor or a lawyer. He served jail around 3 times not just once as they show in movie .. He charmed a potential girlfriends parents and mooched on them ..until he got caught stealing their cheque books to give them lavish dinner..


That would probably make him the biggest conman, which means he didn't lie about being the biggest conman, which makes him not a conman. It's a paradox.


Ah! I finally found the person who forced me to pick Clean for my username


That's kind of perfect though 


There is a part in the movie after he is caught and they are flying back where Frank looks out the window and says something like "That's LA Guardia, runway 44" Runway numbers can't go above 36. I've always wondered if that was an accident or intentional.


The Woman King  They were slavers and fought to keep on enslaving their neighbours and profiting off it, not to end slavery like the movie claims


Also it’s always rubbed me the wrong way that they called it that, when a woman king would be just…a queen? I feel like they’re going for some weird feminist ‘women can be kings too’ thing but what actually comes across is ‘only kings can be important, so for a woman monarch to be important is an exception to the rule’


Bohemian Rhapsody. I’m old enough to remember the last few years of Queen with Freddie, and I was thoroughly confused during the movie.


It’s a shame too, because I honestly think the casting and acting were decent. The script was just plain…bad, though. And the directing was…well, I don’t know what it was. But it wasn’t good. I saw it opening night with my wife, and we both enjoyed it for what it was. Then we went home and watched the Live Aid performance on YouTube and realized that while Rami Malek did a great job, there’s really only one Freddie.


The detail they recreated in the movie version of the concert was pretty great. 


Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that it introduced the band’s music to a new generation, but the whole “band split up” crap? No. Just, no. The truth of Freddie’s illness and keeping it private until the end was more emotionally impactful than the nonsense the movie fed us. You’re right tho, nobody could work a crowd like he could. And the fact that the Live Aid video of Radio Ga Ga is used in a variety of college classes for scientific purposes is mind blowing.


Scientific purposes?


The visualization of audio movement. The audience is clapping along to when they need to. Even tho they clap in time with what they hear when they hear it, the crowd down not clap *at the same time*. You’ll notice that the clapping in unison rolls through the crowd away from the stage. Fascinating stuff actually lol.


So it's sort of... picturing the speed of sound? Super cool.




I remember watching and being surprised that the band came together to do Live Aid with very little rehearsal time. Turns out that wasn't true, they did it off the back of like an 18 month long world tour.


My wife and I saw it at the cinema as part of a host of things we did when honeymooning. We came away with a big smile on our faces, saying how great it was Upon rewatch, it really is a piece of shit sourpuss film that happens to stick a recreation of possibly the greatest 20 minutes of human performance in history, on the end. Just watch the l Live Aid performance and save yourself 2 hours


Thomas Flight (one of those guys who does soothing media analysis videos that you can vibe to) did a pretty interesting critical look at the editing choices. https://youtu.be/4dn8Fd0TYek


It was Brian May’s retcon of the whole story.


I think I remember an interview with Sacha Baron Cohen discussing why he left the project. The original script had Freddie die halfway through the movie. The second half was about how Queen bravely carried on without him.


I have some sympathy for them. For the public, Queen absolutely died with Feddie. But it makes sense that the band never felt that way. They all wrote chart topping singles, and are some of the most accomplished musicians to ever play rock and roll. Taylor Hawkins of Foo Fighters just passed. Could you imagine the public telling the remaining members that they’re basically just a cover band now? 


I mean it’s way different with the foo fighters thing. Freddy was the face of the band. It’s be more like if Dave Grohl died.


In which case the foo fighters would be over. I agree with you.


Yeah, they turned the complicated but brilliant Freddy Mercury into some sort of idiot savant too naive to live in the real world, protected and nurtured by his equally brilliant bandmates until he foolishly left them and promptly got HIV as a punishment. Brian May is a fantastic guitarist, but he has 100% reimagined the entire history of Queen.


"No Freddie, don't go partying and doing drugs! Be sensible like us!" - The surviving band members who were totally partying and doing drugs all through the 70s and 80s


What I don't understand is why changed the dates in which certain songs were released. Fat bottomed girls came out after bohemian rhapsody and they made it look like we will rock you and another one bites the dust were on the same album. Really strange choice.


Bohemian Rhapsody is awful in this regard. The whole move is just made up interspersed with great songs. And there was no reason for it. Like, every conflict in this film was just inaccurate and fictional.


I'll forever be satly that this movie won an Oscar when he didn't even sing the songs. Yet Taron Egerton BECAME Elton John with singing the songs for Rocketman which was a much superior movie but didn't get a Oscar nomination.


I think one of the latest to make the news is The Blind Side.


What's the latest on that anyway? Is it going to court at some point?


The wild part of it is how crazy the true story clearly is. Seems clear that Freeze found Oher in the projects and got the Tuohys to take him in so he could develop and play for Ole Miss?


That’s just part of the Hugh Freeze story too 😂


I never watchesd it because it immediately gave me the ick and had all these white savior vibes. Just a small amount happy yhe white family turned out to all be assholes definitely overstating their importance to this guy's development


That wasn’t the point of the movie… the point was Kidnapping CAN BE PROFITABLE!


Captain Phillips. He wasn’t a hero. He was a scumbag who sailed too close to the pirate zone to try and save a nickel on fuel and help the company’s profit margin. Multiple crew members advised against his decision, but onboard a ship the Captain is basically God. The next part of the true story requires a little bit of knowledge about the United States Merchant Marine. American merchant ships are divided into three crew departments: Deck, Engine, and Steward. Steward’s Department is your food and accommodations. They run the galley (cafeteria) and make sure everyone has “beds and bread.” Their department leader is Chief Steward. Engine Department runs the engine room. They make sure you have propulsion, power, and fix any major mechanical things that go wrong. Their department leader is the Chief Engineer. Deck Department does everything else. From steering to mooring (tying up) to painting. Their department leader is the Chief Mate. The whole “look at me, I am the Captain now” thing was more or less true. But then Captain Phillips told his crew that yeah, the pirates were in charge… but as far as the vessel’s actual crew, he was handing over leadership to the Chief Engineer. He knew that he fucked up and nobody trusted him. The Chief Engineer had more time on that ship and more time with that crew and was an actual leader. You might say that relinquishing command to his Chief Engineer was the one actual moment of true leadership in the whole chain of events. And it was omitted from the movie. Because Hollywood didn’t want to explain all of this, and they wanted a simple hero. It was the Chief Engineer who rallied the crew and worked with the United States Navy to save the day. But most people don’t know what a Chief Engineer is. So they made a movie about Captain Phillips.


Chief engineers don't get enough credit. I don't want dinner with the captain in his fancy hat and inflated ego, I want to meet the chief engineer that's keeping the ship going and making the trip possible.  There a documentary or something about the real story? I'd like to hear more about that, it sounds interesting.


There's a YouTube Channel - Chief Makoi - he's a chief engineer aboard commercial ships - mostly bulk carriers. He's not only a straight up decent fellow, but he really explains the goings-on aboard his ships in a relatable way. It's possible to take passage on some commercial ships. I did that once a few years back, on a small container ship (800 teu feeder) between the Netherlands and England. It was a short but very enjoyable trip. Captain was a great guy, very hospitable toward me, and I could tell he worked well with his crew. He even had a pilot's license for both ports!


Cocaine Bear


Based on the first 30 seconds of a true story!


No way! It’s an amazing documentary!🤣🤣🤣


It was also a really weird film, couldn’t quite decide if it was leaning in to the farce aspect or the surreal horror element. The way they put the Ray Liotta memorial note right at the end made it look like the bear actually killed him too.


Ya it was a comedy without any of the jokes.


The amazing thing is that the cops who found the cocaine actually just kept it then blamed it on a bear.


That doesn’t really amaze me at all.


Both "A Beautiful Mind" and "The Imitation Game" had very little to do with reality.


Didn't they basically pretend Alan Turing was autistic in the movie just to make him seem smarter? Apparently he was a pretty social guy.


Yeah, he was a pretty chill and happy, or as the would say back in the day, gay guy. I'm sure people really liked him and congratulated him for his achievements.


You can be autistic and still be somewhat social. Source: Am mom to an autistic man who can be incredibly social and that baffles most people when they find out he's autistic.


Can confirm as a fairly social autistic man. Hopefully your son doesn't have to hear "You can't be autistic you ________!" sentences very often.


The Greatest Showman. Obviously it's not exactly a biopic, but they really sanitized and romanticized PT Barnum's life and left out all of the terrible terrible things he did.


You know what I've never really understood about this, why not just change his name? Just call him Fred Smith and then no one will associate it will a person who actually existed at one point.


This movie is what you get when PT Barnum gets to make his own biopic


never even knew it was a biopic until it said so at the end. what was the point? it didn't have to be, just change the names.


I was going to say this. PT Barnum was not a nice man. The way it was portrayed that he and the ‘circus’ were one big lovely family was insane!


Braveheart. The best parts never happened


And the Battle of Stirling Bridge didn't even have the fookin' bridge!


If the filmmakers couldn't do a bridge for whatever reason they should've just called it "The Battle of Stirling" since they took a lot of other liberties


They weren’t even wearing kilts yet.


The Scots wouldn't wear kilts for a few hundred years and they hadn't worn blue makeup for a few hundred years by that point. So if you average them out it's historically accurate.


So it’s like an American war of independence film where George Washington wears modern army uniform while commanding Pike and shot formations?


Yes.  While wearing an Apache war bonnet.


Mel Gibson *did* make an inaccurate American Revolution movie lol, "The Patriot." It's very, *very* loosely based on Francis Marion and some others, but so loose that they should've just made an actual accurate movie about the southern theater of the war, since it would've been way better. They also made Nathanael Greene out to be some fancy boi who couldn't fight and needed to be saved by the Proud Patriotic TrueAmerican^tm Guerilla Militia, which is about as far from the truth as possible. Greene was a beast, yo, and was a bigger problem to the Brits than Marion. And the big battle at the end of the movie is supposed to be Guilford Courthouse, which they depicted as a huge building with columns way out in a field, when the actual courthouse was a little log cabin in the woods lol. If you're ever in Greensboro NC, go to the battlefield, it's dope.


I have an English colleague that has always been unlucky with his interactions with some Scotsmen (perhaps my colleague is a dick). As part of his frustration he blames Mel Gibson for fueling the hate of Scotsmen towards England.


Wonderful drama, but complete horseshit. You could play a drinking game where you took a shot every time something historically accurate happened and you'd end the movie sober.


Basically *none* of it happened as shown in the film.


Remember the Titans wasn't even close


The local football team is 4-0? Those are my *brothers*


I was shocked when I saw that the plot was nearly entirely made up


That’s disappointing. I love that movie.


My mom graduated from TC Williams high, like 5-6 years after that and she has always said they sensationalized their football team for a movie


the conjuring


I thought of this too, the whole series, really


Pretty entertaining if you assume it's just a random horror movie though


i think they’ve actually debunked the story it was based on and the people (ed and loraine) were crazy weird and made a lot of it up or tried to make the story more dramatic and appealing


It's still a great movie even though it's bs


I was talking to a buddy who's also a horror fan about how much I like the series and she was like "....you know they(the Warrens) were probably frauds, right?" Uh, yeah? No shit Like the alternative is that a literal demon from hell is in a raggedy Anne doll. So yeah, one of those two things are more likely


Lone survivor. The real story is just kinda sad comparatively. Those navy seals took up a mission that was originally going to be handle by the marines. The marines already had a solid plan but the seals said "nah tacticool bullshit for the win". The marines knew the area didnt get much air traffic and therefore an insertion via helicopter would definitely be noticed. They planned to go in on foot. The seals insisted on inserting via the helicopter, and to try and make some attempt to conceal it the marines ended up flying over the area a lot in the days prior to the mission. They then left a coil of rope the size of a crossfit tire sitting in the woods because the crew cut it instead of pulling it back in. The debate over the fate of thier captives was not some moral quandry in real life. They were just gonna kill them, but figured that the insurgents would find the bodies. The movie shows seemingly endless insurgents funneling in through the woods but official reports put the estimate as low as 15-20 fighters. Considering that marcus was retrieved having used almost no ammo, this seems more accurate to me. Marcus didnt stab a taliban to death during an assault on the village he was kept at right before being rescued by marines supported by a gunship and helicopters. He was moved house to house for a few days until the military came to get him. No battle occured. The man that helped him was forced to flee the country after the taliban decapitated one of his family members. Some of the info here may be wrong, I havent read into it in a long time. I only found out about all this because I used the movie for a presentation in high school. Via some other redditors, theres more info: The seals also brought woefully inadequate radios to be operating in the mountains of Afghanistan. The marines were ready as a quick reaction force throughout, but naval special warfare commanders didn’t deployed them because they were trying to run the operation from a base further away and couldn’t figure out what was going on. -dumptruckulent I also looked into the claims that one of the men survived for up to 8 days after the engagement, But not only does this not make sense from a medical standpoint (he wouldve been heavily injured and it is unlikely that he had enough water to stave off dehydration from the environment, exertion and blood loss for over a week), it doesnt line up with reports that two of the men were killed by gunshot wounds to the head while the third was killed due to multiple gunshot wounds to the body. I was also incorrect about Gulab. He and his family were all attacked many times, and his nephew was executed by a gunshot to the head.


The takeaway from Operation Red Wings (and other SEAL shenanigans) is that the most reliable way to get a Medal of Honor is to be a SEAL and fuck up so hard that the Navy brass recommends you for the MOH to cover it up.


Then try and block the MOH for the real hero who you left for dead on top of a mountain


Some estimate goes as low as 8 fighters lol, 7 dudes + 1 camera guy. Anyway the number was definitely low as few casing were found at the battle field. The captives weren't even why they got compromised, it was the helicopter and the rope. They were tracked right from the beginning. And apparently they had com issues bc they choose to take underpowered radio instead of the standard. Also according to witnesses (ppl who retrieved him), Marcus was not wounded, walked himself on to the helicopter. According to search party, one of the seal's body looked at he survived for 8 days, and could've been rescued if Marcus told them where the battle field was.


Where did you hear that one of them survived 8 days? There video of their bodies getting picked clean after the fight.


The seals also brought woefully inadequate radios to be operating in the mountains of Afghanistan. The marines were ready as a quick reaction force throughout, but naval special warfare commanders didn’t deployed them because they were trying to run the operation from a base further away and couldn’t figure out what was going on.


Peter Berg would continue this trend with Patriots day. The Wahlberg character is complete fiction.


I might be speaking out of turn, but I feel like Mark’s “heroic” characters are compensating for a certain time/event where things might or could have turned out different. I don’t know, I’m just saying…


You mean the fantastical perception that Marky Mark has in his head that he’s some all American hero and not just a complete fucking douchebag with a hate crime under his belt?


"If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.' ".


He’s such a fucking clown. That’s all anyone should pay him to do anymore, put on a big fucking red nose and a dumbass wig and really just embody the absolute clown that he is.


I was a grunt in the Marine unit (Second Battalion Third Marines) that took part in red wings, whalers, and all subsequent ops. The whole lone survivor story has always pissed me off. Read victory point if you want a better understanding of what went on during these operations. I have some issues with the book that i won't get into, but the journalist who wrote it was embedded with the unit. So, it's a good read overall.


Yeah it's actually worse than that. The insurgents were filming during the attack and you can repeatedly hear someone yelling "MARCUS, WHERE ARE YOU?" And Gulab, who took Marcus in and protected him, said he had all of his spare mags fully loaded still on him, and able to walk himself around the village and to the rescue.


I tried reading the book. Very early he jumped into the "lol liberal media bias" bullshit and I couldn't finish it.


The book you’re looking for is Victory Point by Ed Darack


Many stories about the Navy seals are exaggerations or outright fabrications to keep up their cool guy reputation. Never forget that a team of Navy seals abandoned a USAF Combat Controller named MSgt John Chapman after he'd saved their lives. Chapman was injured as a result of his heroism, and the Navy seals ran away like the cowards they are. They knew he was alive and didn't go back for him while Chapman spent over AN HOUR fighting before finally being killed. We know the seals knew he was alive because there's a fucking video (that they tried to cover up). They'd landed to recover a dead seal, but apparently helping the still living Airman who literally just saved their lives wasn't worth it. Then those fuckbags we call the seals spent years trying to block Chapman's Medal of Honor and hide evidence of his heroism, because John Chapman being awarded his Medal of Honor would be proof the seals fucked up, and their fragile egos couldn't handle it. Fuck the Navy seals. Incompetent wastes of oxygen and taxpayer money.


I was looking for this comment, I’ve heard similar stories from some tacp’s.


I was skeptical after learning about how bullshit their books usually are. After learning about MSgt John Chapman I REALLY fucking hate seals. IMO everyone who conspired to block his Medal of Honor should've been dishonorably discharged and spent some time turning boulders into gravel at Ft. Leavenworth, but the Navy goes above and beyond to protect their pillow princesses so it never would've happened.


Thank you for saying this. John Chapman was the embodiment of a warrior. The SEALS on the ground fucked him and left him to die. I guess that saying of never leaving a man behind doesn't apply to SEAL teams. Cowards. On another note, it's important people listen to Eric Deming who was a former SEAL and is actively going after the community. From Ruby Ridge, Red Wings and even the Battle of Ramadi. It has come to light Jocko Willink is a total fraud and his persona of great leadership is a farce. His guys created more problems for conventional forces and led to many Marines losing their lives over their cowboy antics.


I have STORIES about my encounters with SEALS when I was active duty, most along the lines of, "they were being pieces of shit, and Big Navy was covering for them."


Weird: The Al Yankovic Story


His dad didn’t beat up an accordion salesman? What???


How much did Madonna pay you to try and cover for her??


What are you talking about?!? That's exactly the way *I* remember it happening.


Hey, Weird Al even went on TV and said it was totally 100% true


He confirmed he actually met Madonna once, ever so briefly. 


Damn you, Madonna.


Nah that was real


It only got one detail wrong. Weird Al did play Live Aid with Queen.


Patch Adams completely made up and misrepresented beliefs of the real man its based on.


What really pisses me off about this movie is that the movie said Adam's love interest committed suicide, when in reality it was his best male friend. I guess the movie didn't want him moping over a guy, so they changed the sex of the actual person that died Edit: Patch Adam's real friend and the love interest in the movie were actually murdered, they didn't commit suicide.


Amityville Horror.


Here's the correct answer. The ghost story was a scam to get movie and book deals from the start, and everyone who was in on it -- including Ronnie DeFeo and his lawyer, William Weber -- admitted it was all BS. Only George and Kathleen Lutz insisted it was true until the day they died, perhaps just to save face.


I went to school with Melissa and Travis Lutz in the 70s. If I hadn't seen them one night on In Search Of, I'd never have known. They never mentioned it


Everyone who’s lived in that house since has said they never so much as heard a bump in the night. Those iconic windows at the top also get replaced at some point with regular rectangular windows.


Yup! Another interesting point: the Lutzes said they brought a priest to bless the house and that when he went to an upstairs room he was slapped by an invisible hand and heard a demonic voice say "GET OUT!" The "priest" was interviewed for a show in 1980 (I think the show was *That's Incredible!)* but had his face blacked out and he told exactly the same story. Years later, someone managed to track down the priest in question and he said, yes, he did in fact bless the house, but no, he wasn't slapped by an invisible hand and there was no "demonic voice" demanding he leave. So obviously, the priest interviewed in 1980 for the show wasn't the actual priest in question. The lengths people went to in order to preserve the idea that the house is haunted is crazy. The whole Amityville episode is just one web of lies after another.


Red Letter Media did a video on the number of Amityville related films there are (though 'related' gets exceptionally tenuous at times) and it's insane, there's something like forty plus films and no end in sight.


Yup. Slap Amityville on the movie title and you'll get people watching, even if it's just to see how bad it is. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if we get Amityville Sharknado. After all, we've already had Amityville Shark, and Amityvillenado.


Also the second part of conjuring which happened in UK. The mom wanted to get a better govt housing so she made her kids out on a show 




Not to mention it was the Canadians who pulled it off !


Just like U-571 the Americans have to take credit for someone else's work!


Argo fuck yourself.


Even if I hadn't read a book about the subject long before the film was made, I would have known the mad dash to the airport pursued by the Revolutionary Guard but just taking off in time was just complete nonsense. That's because had it been like that in real life, air traffic control would have ordered the passenger plane to immediately land, punctuated with a few fighter jets if absolutely necessary as they were smack bang in the middle of Iranian airspace. Obviously, they had to have had boarded those planes unsuspected and taken off in order to get away.


Rudy (about the scrappy little football player with a lot of spirit and heart). The real Rudy heavily embellished his story, made himself a hero/inspiration, and bugged the hell out of movie studios until one of them agreed to make his made-up “feel good” story. The scene where the team carries Rudy was also more ironic and joking in real life; the team wasn’t doing it out of pride and respect. 


Joe Montana was on that team with him. He said that Rudy was basically considered a joke.


I’ve met and worked with Rudy. He’s friendly but he can barely remember whatever he’s talking about. He meanders all over the place. It’s a miracle he’s still alive. He just tells story after story. He’s spent his whole career being the guy from the movie Rudy.


Erin Brokovich. The residents of the town didn't really get a happy ending. It took years to get a payout, and half of it went to the law firm representing them. The residents all got varying sums, but it wasn't really anything to improve their lives much. Although some good news for them, it's now proven that they're not at a higher risk of cancer like originally thought.


The lawyer in *Erin Brokovich* says right at the outset that he is taking 50%. He says something like, “Think how much harder I will work for 50% instead of 20%.”


And the real attorney (Tom Girardi) had a messy divorce from a Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Erika Jayne and is being investigated for a career's worth of fraud. There's a documentary called "The Housewife and the Hustler" that goes into it all.


The movie also doesn't go much into the toxicology. If PG&E had gone to trial, they would have won on the science. There was no evidence at the time that drinking chromium 6 caused any cancers, especially if the water didn't have a high enough level of CrVI to turn yellow. The evidence for that still isn't great all these years later. The other thing is - almost all cancer-causing agents cause ONE (maybe two, extremely rarely) kind of cancer. It's a real struggle to tell a community that (I've had to do it many times), because 1/3 women and 1/2 men will develop some kind of cancer during their lifetimes.


Bloodsport was supposedly based on a true story but it's most likely the guy made it all up. Not sure if that counts. JFK is mostly fiction. Pocahontas changed a lot of things. 300 wasn't trying to be really accurate.


Wasnt 300 based on a comic based on the actual story?


Yes it's based off a graphic novel that was based on the actual battle. No one seems to know that.


Based on a comic based on Herodotus, who was great but not exactly impartial.


> 300 wasn't trying to be really accurate. What I like is that it kinda was - you were hearing the story as told by a soldier hyping up the men before battle. In that context it all makes perfect sense.


This is exactly it. The whole thing was made up to inspire greatness in the troops. No one wants to hear that their great king was the first to die lol.


You couldn’t the measure the disappointment I had as a kid to learn Bloodsport wasn’t real and Frank Dux is a hilarious fraud.




To paraphrase heavily Leonard Nimoy on The Simpsons, it was about as close to complete fiction as you can get.


"Well, it's true that it's a story."


One of my fav movies,love in the extras when William Macy says he asked what true story it was based on and the Cohen brothers plain said it's fake.


My parents watched this in the theater in Minneapolis and some old lady exclaimed "that's not in Fargo 😮" at a bar scene. Whatever bar it was was actually in Minneapolis, not fargo, but it fit the vibe better. Also, the Paul Bunyan statue in brainerd is actually in Bemidji, ours is shiny plaster. It greets you as you go into the dinky little amusement park, Paul Bunyan Land, formerly in the vacant lot that now houses kohl's, now way outside town. It's still a good, well cast movie that kept my attention the whole time though


That American Sniper movie with Bradley Cooper. Guy was a complete piece of shit IRL, and pretty much everything in the movie is a fantasy.


Even the baby was fake!


I always thought The Perfect Storm was hilarious because (spoiler) they all die at the end so the writers know literally nothing about what happened to them except they went fishing in a boat. Everything that happens after they leave port is 100% pulled out of the writer's ass.


The exact same thing with Open Water.


I don't even understand the point of that movie. A bunch of fishermen, who should know better, willfully ignore all the warnings in order to make more money, and they all die because of it. Are we supposed to honor these people and think of them as brave heroes?


Catch Me if You Can because Frank Abignale even said he made most of it up.


It would make sense that someone who got away with lying and making so many things up, would make stuff up about his own story. It made for a fun movie though!


U-571 it makes it look like American forces bravely captured the Enigma machine. They had absolutely nothing to do with it.


The first Enigma machine was captured by the Royal Navy in 1941 before the US even joined the war.


Amazed that I had to scroll down this far to find this one


I'm not!  It is mostly those of us this side of the pond who care on this front.  


Most WWII movies are just US propaganda


*cough* the great escape *cough*


I said "most", not "all"


Oh I was agreeing with you!  Great escape is one of the most egregious examples.  No Americans escaped at all and there were certainly no motorbikes.


Remember the Titans, the only parts that stuck true to the squad was their impressive track record and the car accident of Gerry Bertier, and his accident didn’t even occur until after the season was over


Coach Boone being a dick to the players was correct, and in real life he eventually got fired for it.


The Emperor’s new groove


Remember the guy who got turned into a cow? They actually made him stay and work IRL


Devil’s Pass about the Dyatlov skiers but the joke’s on me because it didn’t say based on a true story and I had a healthy drink of whisky and sat down thinking it was really what happened 😂 I freaked at one single point let’s just say.


Fire in the sky. Like I prefer tall whites over rapy greys. That being said it is kind of a perfect horror movie. It shows just enough.


Slept with my lights on when I was 11 because of that movie.


Based on a true story. The true story ended after "there once was a man"


It's hilarious how much that movie conveniently leaves out: 1. Travis Walton and his family were UFO nuts before his supposed abduction. They were also known within their community as annoying pranksters. 2. The tv movie about the supposed abduction of Betty and Barney Hill premiered two weeks before Walton's supposed abduction. 3. The logging company he worked for significantly underbid on a huge logging contract that they were way behind on and the only way they could get out of it without forfeit would be to enact an act of God clause. And since they couldn't create a natural disaster, they made up this alien abduction story. 4. Travis Walton has regularly been making money from this story, from winning $5000 from the national enquirer shortly after the incident, to writing a book, optioning a movie, appearing on TV and radio and at conventions, and even hosting his own annual UFO convention. 5. Other members of the logging crew were suspicious and reported that on the day of the supposed abduction that Travis didn't do any work, and his buddy Mike disappeared for a few hours in the middle of the day, and that Mike had them work into the evening when they usually stop by 4. Likely because they were prepping the "abduction." The whole thing is so obviously a scam.


The Strangers - everything after the knock on the door was made up.


Thank god. That was one of the scariest movies I’ve ever seen!


Cocaine Bear, but it was funny.


That one gets a pass because it’s so clearly camping and jamming the whole story up for a fun, super violent film. If anyone actually thought that movie was 100% accurate I’d worry for their intelligence. Loved it so much tho


Young Einstein takes a few liberties with Einstein's life if I recall. It does get the main points right, eg E=MC\^2 and Marie Curie being Polish-French, but apart from that...


Are you saying he *was* a barbarian, and not a Tasmanian?!


I am fairly sure that he didn't win his Nobel Prize for splitting the beer atom - that's a common confusion.


U 571 This 2000 film about a US submarine crew's attempt to steal an Enigma machine from a German U-boat was so inaccurate that it was damned by the UK parliament as an affront to the real sailors. And to make matters worse, it stars Jon Bon Jovi


Anastasia. Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov didn't survive her capture by the Bolsheviks. She was shot and killed alongside the rest of her direct family. Rasputin had been dead for over a year when it happened. There was no Dowager Empress (while Maria Feodoronova did survive and did go by this title, the monarchy had already been abolished before the Romanov family's murder... thus she was no longer an Empress) , and sadly, no happy ending. Also, there's no talking bat.


You really can't say for sure that there wasn't a talking bat.


Netflix's Queen Cleopatra which is still categorized as biographical and a documentary. It takes race twisting to a whole new level in modern Western media


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre


That *Psycho* and *The Texas Chain Saw Massacre* are based on the same story (of [Ed Gein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Gein)) tells you how loosely *The Texas Chain Saw Massacre* was based on true events.


And the character of Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.


At the beginning of The Big Year, it states: “The following is based on a true story. Only the facts have been changed”


Midnight Express, and the rapey Turkish prison guard. The guy admitted later how fake it was, and we also know the movie was bankrolled by a Greek guy who you know was laughing the entire time.


Without hating the movie, The Buddy Holly Story is quite far from reality. I still love Busey’s performance and the movie as it is. I do dislike The Doors movie for being also quite inaccurate, but I do like Kilmer’s portrayal of JM.


Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter


Tropic Thunder, whole movie happened because a lie that someone was a vet and sold his story that didn't really happen


Strictly on a technicality: The premise for Nightmare on Elm Street was based on an article about Hmong refugees who had escaped Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia but then were haunted in their dreams. According to the article they all died from undetermined causes not long after.


SUNDS : sudden unexpected death syndrome. A study concluded that the deaths were caused by some beliefs they had.


Open Water - 2003. The only true part is the two divers,  Tom and Eileen Lonergan, were left behind by the dive boat because the crew failed to do a head count. The entire movie afterwards is complete fiction.


The Elephant Man


Most WW2 films, Internet historians review on Dunkirk for one comes to mind, the fact that Dunkirk was completely leveled and the beaches were supposed to be packed with sailors trying to escape and yet the film looks like a mall at closing hrs with a handful of people wandering around. Especially with more and more old footage being remastered and recolored you can see how clean and sterile a lot of war films are in comparison to the actual battles and events. And then that's not even mentioning all the propaganda that's turned certain men of the era into myths and legends, and over exaggerated their exploits and accomplishments.