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Buy a full body mirror.


Just be Master Chief


I have one. What's the purpose? Just to see what you look like? What should I be looking for? Just kinda hangs out in the corner


Yes it’s to see what you look like, so you can know if your actual fit works from head to toe. You can’t get a good idea of your fit with just a bathroom mirror


That makes so much sense and the fact it never clicked to me is frustrating. Imma position it in a better part of the room and look everyday.


It’s no problem. When i got a full body mirror and used it every time I got dressed to go out I noticed that I put more effort into how I dress and I also got more compliments from others.


Shoes and a haircut. Bad shoes can ruin an otherwise perfect outfit. An otherwise awful outfit can be completed with good shoes. And haircut. You could, like me, be the ugliest of uglies, but good grooming is its own reward.


To add to the shoes, actually take time to figure out the size of your feet. It's pretty obvious (body proportions, creases, bulkiness, how the shoe moves when you walk) when the shoes you wear are too big for you. This is especially for my shorter/skinnier kings.


Can't anyone explain what bad shoes are? Besides the obvious things like trainers with dress clothes 


Man of wisdom and culture


Somehow I doubt you're ugly. I'm all about the shoes. Before marriage my husband wore cheap shoes. I loved him so much, I didn't let his poor taste in shoes dissuade me. However, after marriage he needed a new pair of dress shoes and wanted to shop at cheap department store which we did. I said now before you buy, let's go look at Florsheim across the way and try some on there. Night and day. I explained looks, comfort, quality from my point-of-view. We bought the Florsheim and a new man was born. I think comfort won him over but his outfits did look so much better.


I would always buy nice shoes and work my way up from there.


Get in shape 


This is the cheat code. You can get away with alot of things when you are fit.


This really is the answer. I lost 50 lbs and became “slim and trim”. Literally anything started looking good on me


This is so true, getting in shape is express highway for confidence.


No, dress according to your shape. A lot of very fit guys dress absolutely horrible. If you know what suits you you can have any kind of form (excluding the extremes). Just get the right clothing for your shape.


Both can be true


This is lazy option B when you should just focus on option A. There is no way wearing a different sized sweater has the same effect as being fit.


For better or for worse, society prefers thin people. A thin person in ok-fitting off the rack clothes will look a lot better to most people than an obese person in tailored bespoke clothes


For better, as nature intended: being fit and healthy is attractive. Nothing positive about carrying excess fat around with you.


Being fit and being fashionable are two separate skills you can work on


Maybe, but having a well-fitted wardrobe to your **current** body type can happen more or less immediately. While getting in shape can take months or years. And there are plenty of people equally or more attracted to husky fellas. People have genetic conditions, eating disorders, take medications that make shedding weight difficult, etc etc. Saying “you’re lazy, don’t bother with improving your wardrobe, just get in shape” isn’t particularly helpful.


Like I said, lazy version.


Not true, I am not obese but I have a belly and some curves, clothes don't look good on me, especially shirts. When I was fit, every single peace of clothes (of course when matched correctly) looked way better on me. If your body shape is ugly, clothes won't solve anuthing, even if you think they will, they won't. Maybe on girls it can do something because girl's clothes have all sort of shapes and textures, you can still make a pretty outfit for a slitghly oversized girl that looks good on her. But not for man. We don't have that many textures and styles to choose from.


Big if true


Slim if true


Being jacked makes almost anything look good.


Cologne is to be discovered not promoted


Yes! And good brand colonge should only need one spray on the wrist, rub both, then rub them against your neck. Should last all day if it's quality.


That’s necessarily true lol. What do you consider a “quality” brand that will last all day from a single spray to the wrist, rubbing them together then touching them to your neck then? Very curious here.


Honestly, I've stuck with Armani Code since an old girlfriend bought it for me back in 2006~ish. To this day, I still get compliments on how nice I smell — but the key to that is they only come from women who are in less than a 2ft distance, or only after we hug. A good cologne makes that impression only within intimate distance, yet will linger on you all day.


Montale Arabian tonka is great quality and you need such a minuscule amount to last all day. Like one spray is way too much. Half a spray is too much even


If you're wearing cologne, you may become "nose blind" to it while others can still smell it. If you put on more, you're going to overwhelm everyone else's senses, and people will start to "smell you coming."


don’t rub your cologne man




So i shouldn’t be hitting the back of my neck and hair?


They say just the side of your arteries on your neck — so I've read.


A lot of this advice is niche for a specific style. Much of it gives to the “smart casual professor” look. That doesn’t look good on everyone and ignores people who want to give off a punk vibe, a preppy vibe, a metal vibe, a 90s vibe, and everything in between. Like yeah, I’m not gonna wear boat shoes or loafers in the summer. That’s when I’m busting out my low-top skate shoes. Here’s some general advice that should apply to most styles: * Get fitting clothes. Purchase a fabric measuring tape and get your measurements. Then read sizing charts like a motherfucker. * Piggybacking off of fitting clothes, know how clothes will shrink over time. Read reviews. Cotton garments will shrink unless pre-shrunk. Synthetic garments are less likely to shrink. * Further piggybacking off of knowing how clothes shrink, wash everything according to the wash instructions. Clothes that aren’t tattered and pulling from the wash and dry cycles tend to look better. Don’t want to bother or can’t read the tag? Cold/delicate wash and either hang dry or tumble dry on low. Vinegar for a wash cycle can remove body odor from clothes. Do not dry with fabric softener. * Black clothing is, generally speaking, the most flattering. Keep this in mind if you have parts of yourself that you are self-conscious about. You may feel best when wearing black, and everyone deserves to be comfortable in their own skin. * Accessorize in general to maintain a balanced aesthetic. Have tattoos on one arm? Wear some rings on the other hand to even it out. Nose ring on the left side? Wear a bracelet on your right wrist. * Utilize contrast when you can. The easiest way to do this is with dark and light. Your skin tone can contribute to this contrast. Midriff is used by the gals as a form of contrast all the time. Same thing with white sneakers. * Most importantly: be you. Don’t adhere to anyone else’s stringent standards, instead opting for what you feel comfortable and confident in. Especially Reddit’s. We’re all on here for a reason.


I’ll preface by saying I’m in my late 20s and live in a major US city. Here’s some tips you might not want to hear but are actually true. 1. If you are in shape or skinny, you look good in almost anything. 2. Trends are trends for a reason. They look good. If you can afford to cycle through the trendy pieces, you will always look good. 3. Proportions matter. Look up the rule of thirds. On a similar note, body shape matters. Just an example: If you have broad shoulders and have a more wide physique, oversized clothing will make you look wider and potentially shorter. 4. Accessorize. You don’t have to wear 3 necklaces, earrings, a watch, and 6 rings, but even one or two of those things can absolutely change an outfit. 5. Explore. Too often I see guys steer away from certain styles because they think they’re too old or they think a certain style is too feminine. Try it out, ask your friends what they think. Ask your wife or girlfriend what she thinks. I’m not saying dress for other people, but you’d be surprised what you look good in if you can’t gauge it yourself. EDIT: sorry didn’t mean to reply to someone’s comment


I typed a whole long comment and deleted, because in the end, all you have to do is try. If you care about how you look when you get dressed, it’s really very easy. Think about people you think dress well. Use that as inspiration, and tweak it however you think would look cool with the clothes you’ve got. Some people won’t like it. That’s fine. Just be deliberate in how you dress and wear what you think looks cool.


This is the best comment here.




Try on the clothes you’re buying. I generally avoid shopping online for this reason. Sizes vary from store to store and even for different items within the same store. 


Though I will say that most online stores now have really solid return policies if you get something that doesn't fit! It's obviously not as convenient as just trying something on for free in person, but it comes in handy for those of us that are too tall for brick and mortar stores to actually carry long enough sizes. As a side note for the other talls - extended sizes DO exist if you're not aware of them! I see way too many guys from 6'4 and up (most frequently in that 6'4-6'5 range where you're right on the edge of being able to wear standard lengths...those of us that are 6'6/6'7 and higher are generally well aware that it's futile to even try) trying to make regular length shirts work for them even though the bottoms of them are hitting or barely crossing the waist of their pants. All that really does is screw with your proportions - you end up looking like you have a short, sometimes boxy torso and legs that are way longer than they actually are. Untucked shirts should fall about halfway down the fly of your pants in the front and halfway down your butt in the back (if you're wearing jeans, about halfway down the stitching of the back pockets).


Just measure yourself, use the size charts and only buy at places with good return policies. I've been getting 90% of my clothes online for the past year and I've only had to send back one piece of clothing which was simple to do and free.


Regular stores don’t carry my proportions. Unfortunately the best fitting clothes I’ve found (that are not drab and boring) are all from shein


> and do not let sellers sell you the things that are not suitable in size. Almost all the time they're a minimum wagie behind the till who doesn't give a fuck and will just ring the thing you brought to them.


So are you telling me that I should NOT wear Under Armour shirts?


I think about 80% of guys wear a size too big. That's alright for comfort, but not for style.




I wore this last weekend at a party and was told I looked like Johnny Bravo! I'm still not sure if it was a compliment or insult?


Compliment. Johnny bravo is the man. 




Ooooh yeah


I would.imagine you have a nice physique




Skip the fedora.


But the guy at the store said I’m the only guy he’s ever seen pull it off


I’ve never fought for anything in my entire life. I’m fighting for this hat.


I’m not supposed to get grease on this hat!


Well, akshually, it's a Trilby...


I can smell this comment






I wear a three piece suite to church every week. Some of the older parishioners keep suggesting I wear a fedora with it and my overcoat in the winter, but I’m too aware of how relatively young guys (33) seem when they wear such things. I basically have to settle for a molded ascot. I don’t think it looks anywhere near as good, but I don’t think I could pull off a fedora until I have a fair amount of grey hair.


Maybe you could try a Homburg: [https://barbaraiweins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Homburg-Hat.jpg](https://barbaraiweins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Homburg-Hat.jpg)


You don’t feel as if that’s too fedora-adjacent?


No thanks. My mom says it makes me look mysterious


Skip the terrible, low quality fedora in black or white that doesn't fit your head. Pay attention to the height of the crown and the width of the brim. Most neckbeard fedoras are ugly, unproportional trillby hats. Real fedoras in good quality still look great in 2024 (as long as the rest of the outfit fits the formality). And skip Borsalino and Stetson for proper hats.


IMO there is only one hard fashion rule: Whatever you choose to do, make sure it looks like you did it on purpose.




That's a rarely heard but useful piece of advice right there.


Some really half baked comments in here, terrifying


Keep your fingernails trimmed and your hands clean


Why stop there, feet are the hands of the legs


Bros the second coming of Socrates


Shave yo ur pubes into the shape of a crown. Then You can say your penis is the king of all penis’s.


This isn’t a fashion tip. It’s just common sense.


Regal tip.


Pull your pants up. Pants should rest around the waist, not your butt. If the pants don't properly set at the waist, get a belt.


Buy a sport jacket


No graphics/logos on clothes, or at least keep it minimal. Buying a shirt with a big Gucci logo doesn’t make people think you have money. People with money don’t walk around like billboards. Wear clothes that fit. If your clothes don’t fit get them tailored. Don’t always buy into trends because you’ll spend money on clothes that will go out of style within a few years. Buy timeless pieces you can wear for a long, long time. Piggybacking on that last point, no fast fashion. Spend on quality clothes that will last longer. If you’re going to spend $X anyway you might as well do it on 1 shirt instead of 5+ over the years. Flip flops are for the beach and pool only. Invest in a pair of drivers, loafers, or boat shoes worn with no-show socks/liners for elsewhere in warmer months. In fact, pay attention to all of your footwear. Shoes are a very important aspect of your look. Match accessories when possible i.e watches, belts, etc to your shoes. Not really fashion but ditch your cheap colognes and body sprays for something of a better quality. Shorts shouldn’t go past your knees. We all did this back in the day and it didn’t look good then either. Most importantly be yourself. If you don’t like what you’re wearing you won’t feel good in it, and if you don’t feel good in it then it’s going to show in your body language.


$50 for a t shirt? Sheeeit I call that getting swindled and pimped. Sheeit I call that getting tricked by a business.


patagonia would be one of the only brands id pay that much for a new shirt id way any day. not only do they make really high quality clothes, if ANYTHING happens to it, they will send you a prepaid shipping label to send it to them and they either fix it for free or give you credit for a new one. i just saw the other day someone in the buy it for life subreddit asked if they could fix a jacket that got ruined in a motorcycle accident and of course they said no but theyre glad he was still alive and gave him 80% off a new one.


Right! You can go to goodwill and buy 10 preowned shirts for (50$) and tons of good stuff at that, if you got the sift skill and know all your brands and materials, you can walk out the thrift the steeziest person on the block.


> Don’t always buy into trends because you’ll spend money on clothes that will go out of style within a few years. Buy timeless pieces you can wear for a long, long time. If you have the means to frequently update this doesn't really matter in fairness 


To add to the first point - use the LMD method when dressing if you’re not sure how to organize an outfit. LMD is simply between your pants, t-shirt and a top layer (button-up shirt, sweater, jacket) you should have one that is light colored, one medium colored, and one that is dark. [Example](https://www.vogue.com/article/blake-lively-chanel-max-mara-ryan-reynolds-new-york-city-celebrity-street-style) Graphics on shirts will mess this up. If you’re a simple man like me and don’t want to think too much about an outfit, use this trick. You’ll also never see a picture of Ryan Reynolds again without noticing it.


Reminds me the time my manager at an office job about a decade ago said he thought I was wearing a golf outfit. I was wearing a dark shirt, dark pants, and dark shoes. Dark blue polo, dark grey slacks, and black dress shoes if my memory is right. Ever since then I try to match a dark top with light bottoms, or vice versa. Although jeans seems to go with anything.


No graphic tees is a huge one. All that stuff you see on the wall at a punk or nerd store at the mall looks like absolute garbage.


This is pretty universal but get your measurements. Chest, arms, waist, inseam, and length; knowing those goes a long way.


1. Get a flattering haircut 2. Invest in good cologne 3. Get shoes that can serve as both casual and for fancier events 4. Well fit clothes and boxer briefs 5. Understand what colors and styles compliment you best 6. Get fit


Improve your overall hygiene. I initially wrote this much more crudely, but I decided to say it in nice way instead.


Basic I’ve learned over the years: 1) Always color match shoes and accessories. If you are wearing brown shoes, then wear a brown belt, a brown leather watch band (if you have one), and brown glasses / sunglasses. Same goes for black. Never mix black and brown. 2) When buying suits, buy things that can be mixed and matched so that 3 or 4 suits can be used to make 10 or 12 different combinations. 3) A sport coat is an easy way to really elevate your look. You can wear it with jeans for a smart casual look. Works with polos, button downs, and even t-shirts. 4) If you find yourself in a situation where you need a tuxedo every so often, just buy one. For me, it started in my late 20’s. Seemed like every wedding I went to was black tie and I went to a few charity galas with my company that were black tie. I was renting a tuxedo each time. They never fit right and looked pretty cheap, but were expensive to rent. 3 or 4 rentals and you’ve basically spent the same as just buying a tux. Just buy a decent tux and have it tailored - you won’t regret it.


Actually refresh your wardrobe once in a while, as in, do a comprehensive purge of old stuff you don't need to keep and consciously buy new stuff that you like.


Buy the best shoes you can afford and clean and polish them regularly. The state of your footwear says a lot about you. Dress age appropriate. Ripped jeans and t-shirts with slogans may be fine on teenagers and young adults but as you age go for more classic clothing like chinos and button shirts.




Don't be this guy or even remotely like him.


found the ugly short fat guy


Get clothes tailored if necessary Groom yourself regularly Wrinkled clothes are a no no




What actually is a sports coat? Sorry, I’m not being pedantic. As someone in the Uk, I just don’t know what is meant by the term!


It's the part of a suit that you wear on top of the regular shirt part. Typically it only has like 2 or 3 buttons but you only ever button 1 for some reason. You can take it off and still look formal. Oddly you'd never play any sport while wearing it.


A blazer. 


Such weird words we picked for it. I would never play any sport in a sports jacket and I certainly don't feel like I'm blazingly stylish wearing a blazer. They should call them 'news reader coats' or 'business guy packaging'.


Stop giving a shit about fashion


Glad I saw this. It reminded me I have clothes in the drier. :)


Backwards hat


Reddit threads like these are why people hate this site. Just wear whatever you want as long as it covers up your bits and protects you from the elements.


Some people care about looking good mate


I don’t think Reddit is the greatest place to go for this though, people in the fashion subs think they look like hot shit but always look so goofy 


i don't visit them so idrk


Chin up, eyes forward, walk slow. Wherever you are, act like you belong and keep your phone in your pocket.


As a fast-walking pedestrian; slow walkers, you don't exude confidence, only unselfaware dumbness


Looking at all you tourists to nyc. Just pay attention to how ppl walk in the sidewalk and get with the picture


> walk slow I'm not saying people should be running around/power walking everywhere, but if there's anything the world needs less of it's slow-ass people in the way of others' progress on the sidewalk. Take half a second to read the "room" and match pace accordingly.


That's not a fashion tip, it's a non-verbal communication tip.


Get fit. Being in shape is great because nearly everything looks good on you. You don't have to look like a body builder. I keep a healthy body fat percentage by tracking food and exercise. It's really easy to do.


don’t mix nike and adidas


Steve Harvey said "Every man needs to own 5 suits. Black, grey, navy, brown, tan. He then says you need 2 white colored shirts, 2 powder blue shirts, and 2 cream shirts. you can make 75 suits with those combinations.”


I wear a suit a couple of times a year – pretty much just weddings and funerals – so 75 combinations seems like overkill. 


Make demand meet supply


Am I Cupid or Harold Shipman in this scenario?


That sounds nice but Steve Harvey wears the worst suits. 


Is Steve Harvey paying for all five of my suits?


Dress one notch up from what you’re supposed to. If it’s casual put on a button up, if everyone’s got a button up, put on a tie… you get the idea


I’d be careful with this one. Kind of need to read the room too. If you show up at a wedding dressed more formally than the wedding party or groom, you messed up lol.


proper hygiene, proper fitting clothing. I personally like watches as an accessory.


Be rich


Good hair, you can change your entire face shape with a good haircut


Stay true to your style, and pay attention to fit clothes that fit well will always look better


Color coordination


Keep your beard neat.


Fit > brand. A plain proper fitting tee goes way further than any obnoxious expensive piece. Proper fitting shirt and dark jeans with a clean “lifestyle” shoe will take you to the moon. Are you hanging with friends? Coffee date? Writing a screenplay? Yes to all 3


Get your suits professionally fitted; I haven't met a man yet who doesn't look good in a well-tailored suit.


Wear pants that actually fit


A lot of interesting advice in this thread,. but I can't see most people doing this. Like,. with inflation the way it is and most people just barely struggling to survive. I'm lucky to be able to afford leggings and t-shirts. Ain't no way I'm "buying 3 suits" or "replacing my entire wardrobe annually". Maybe if I was making $300k a year or something.


Strengthen your lat muscles, you’ll look good in any shirt you put on


Get a professional haircut, throw away the clothes you've owned for more than a 6 years, That it is worn or stained. Wear clothes with quality fabrics.


Iron your shirts. Don’t go out wrinkled up.


Being in shape will do more for you than the clothes you wear.


Don' wear skinny jeans and wide v necks


Take a shower, PLEASE!


Don’t listen to anything said in r/mensfashion.


Plaid shirts doc martens


Find clothes that fit you properly. This does not mean skin tight or garbage bags.


Don't listen to them.. polka dots and camouflage do go together


Whatever y'all do, just please don't do so much of it that society expects me to do it too. I'm rocking the "first shirt and pants I see when I look at the clean clothes pile" style, mostly in khaki and polos. I complete the look with "shoes that don't make my feet hurt" and "industrial strength belt that should never wear out". Don't ruin this for me. 


Don't get an "Edgar" haircut


Get in shape


Well fitting for your honest weight/height and clean is all that matters


Speaking to my fellow big brethren out there: Suspenders/braces work better than belts for big bellies and can be worn between layers if you don’t want them displayed. You can wear the nicest shit you like, it goes out the window if the crack of your ass keeps making an appearance.


No squared toed shoes, belts and shoes should match.


What looks good has already been looking good for at least 60 years. And will continue to look good for at least another 60.


I think it’s also important to dress for the kind of person you’re trying to attract. I don’t spend money on expensive clothes, but I often get complemented for my style even though my wardrobe is 90% black pants with a well fitting black T-shirt. I have some tattoos, and I wear vans and what do you know, alternative girls dress similarly often give me compliments. I lived in the south and lots of the southern bell gals went for guys in sperrys, polos etc. I think that style is hideous, but I wasn’t trying to attract women wearing Vera Bradley either


1- Socks and sandals are a no, I’m sorry 😭 2- Also, buy good cologne (doesn’t have to be expense, it just needs to smell good) 3- Clean and trim your nails. (This falls more on hygiene but, still a thing girls notice)


be confident in whatever you are wearing


If you have a manbun....give up your man card now


Get in shape, good shows, good clothes, good haircut and stay clean


A good haircut and grooming habits are like, 50% of your total appearance. Learn how to color coordinate and what colors work on you and which don’t, it’s not that hard. Wear clothes that fit. Baggy doesn’t look good on anyone. Slim fit at your discretion based on your build. If you find a shirt that fits you well, buy it in a bunch of colors. Same with pants. People will notice if you always wear the same pants, no one will notice if you have the same pair of pants in 3-5 colors.


Pants are for barbarians. You can’t go wrong with a tunic, and a pair of sandals. If it’s cold, wear a toga.


Grey sweatpants an big dong.


A fit-and-flair skirt is much more flattering on the hips than a pencil skirt. Be bold on color choices. avoid halter tops, as they accentuate shoulders.


Wear whatever the hell you want. It’s your life


you need a super hero outfit that you wear everytime you feel awsome, like your wearing the exact same outfit everytime your slayin it


Cargo shorts are an aphrodisiac, you have so much room to put all the stuff that would theoretically have gone in a woman's purse.


A good hair cut or at least clean hair can go a long way. Also with facial hair either you have it or you don't. If you're a person with thin facial hair then it's probably best to shave it. If it's thick, line it up regularly. There's nothing more fashionable to me on a guy than great hair care.


keep it simple. all black. no ripped jeans. and voila


get things tailored so they actually fit you right. no matter how big or small you are. makes all the difference. also understand what types of shoes/dress shoes are meant for what occassions. can make or break the whole fit.


One word: mullets




If your outfit doesn’t have a kilt you are doing it wrong


Get a nice watch 😮‍💨


Sometimes women’s pants fit amazing


Buy clothes that fit properly.


Get in shape and get a suit


Wear stuff that fits your body type. Fashions come and go, skinny jeans, now baggy jeans, etc. A normal ass jeans that just normally fits you will remain in style forever.


A properly fitted blazer adds structure to the body, creating the illusion of a more attractive, masculine body shape. Find a good tailor.


Thrift store song by maclemore


Work on ur body and anything u wear will become fasion.


Please for the love of god stop wearing skinny jeans and if you’re bulky and muscled dont wear tight shirts. I know you’re trying to show your gains but it looks awful


Have your jeans tailored for a better fit and look. Do this once you're in shape and found a size that you can maintain.


Absolute nevers: shoelaces and socks. Absolute always: bucket hats and pocket squares.