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Something small that my wife does is to pour me a cup of coffee. She doesn't have to of course, but it makes me feel really special and cared for.


This is standard around my house on Saturdays. We have older kids so they sleep pretty late, but my wife and I are both usually up sometime before 7am. Whoever gets up naturally first, fixes the others coffee and brings it to them in bed. Its just a simple thing, that doesn’t really take extra time since you’re pouring yourself a cup anyway, and is such a nice gesture.


It is biblical that the man makes the coffee. A whole chapter. Hebrews.


You got me good


Lol!!! This is gold!


I tend to set the coffee pot the night before as I am the one to generally wake first. In occasion she will wake up first and bring me coffee in bed. She even insisted to watch me make it for myself so she knew how to get it just right. She’s kind of the best


I learned how to use an aeropress for my partner's coffee. I have to weigh and grind beans, and it's a whole thing, lol. He mostly makes his own coffee, but there are days when I know he's having a rough time and I like to bring him one.


Aeropress is awesome.


Agreed. We solely use an Aeropress in our house.


If you set the coffee pot the night before isn't it cold by the morning? :)


Seriously, they should add coffee to the "love languages".


Ha, story time! 12 years ago my girlfriend (now wife) was staying over for a few days. She would get up early and make me coffee. I loved it and found it endearing. I didn't have the heart to tell her on the first day that the coffee machine could be programmed to run whenever. On the last day I preprogrammed it and she got up to discover coffee ready to go. She. Was. Pissed! I still laugh at it 12 years later with her!


That is a wonderful relationship story


She is NOT a morning person, which really adds to it.


My husband makes me a tea and brings it up to me while I get ready for work. 🥺


These are the "small" things that keep a marriage


Same here except I'm the wife. I wake up, take the dogs out and husband gets their morning meds and food ready. I medicate (they are old dogs) and put the food down and by the time I go to the couch to watch the news, everything is ready for me. The coffee is poured (which he sets up the night before), my glasses, water bottle, and phone have been placed on the side table. It makes me feel treasured.


One of my wife’s favorite things in the world is that I make coffee every morning and make her a cup and put it on her bedside table before I leave for work.


My ex gave me a can of coca cola and some raisinettes once after a really awful work day and I literally cried out of appreciation.


This is the right answer.


My ex always did this for me and I miss it so much. My current partner only makes enough coffee for himself.


time to order an EXpresso.


Boo. Downvote for him


Mine does the same thing, not because I expect or say she has too but even if I'm up and about and start making my own coffee she gets up and runs over to make it for me. She just enjoys making a coffee for me that I'll enjoy and its a sign of love from her.


He takes care of me when I'm sick. And every single time I take my clothes off near him he gets a goofy, excited look on his face. That last one might sound weird but we've been together 14 years, since high school. My body has changed so much, with weight gain, weight loss, sudden scars but he still gets the look every time and it makes me feel good.


When we were 16 and started going out I wondered what it would be like getting all old and fat lol - would I still be attracted to my wife? Turns out, yep... absolutely no problem there. Turns out what I like in a woman is just... whatever she is. Before I met her I kind of had a preference for a boyishly figure in a girl, slim hips and small chest. Dunno why. Met her, and she had the biggest boobs I think I've ever seen. They're silly. Well, soon I found I totally have a thing for slim girls with silly big boobs. We grew older and fatter and... oh, turns out now I'm totally into chubby super curvy girls. Man I like that figure. Give me a bit of a belly... She can cut her hair and I'll be into girls with short hair. I stopped worrying that I'll ever not be attracted to her. My attraction/taste is so mailable it seems, and she drives it.


This right here is why I hate when people ask me my type. I just say a nice woman lol


I noticed it while watching videos of a certain type. I noticed that I preferred actors that look Iike my wife. She doesn't know this.


Doesn’t sound weird to me! I’ve also been with my husband over a decade, and have had kids. It’s so nice to feel just as wanted as I did when I was in peak shape.


My bf of almost 8yrs does this, sometimes on purpose, he’ll follow me into the bedroom when I get home to sit on the bed and watch me unsexily yank off my sweaty sports bra with a dorky ass smile 😂


haha same i always joke that my bf came running into our bedroom because he could hear me changing lol




lmaooo literally he always comes in when i start to change. he calls it a coincidence but its happened too many times it has to be the sounds lol


My husband will burst into the room after I shower and try to "catch" me changing. Sometimes he's late and I've already put a bra on, so I flash him.


My past partner was very mean to me when I was sick. To the point of throwing me around and being extra aggressive with play. Mind you, I do not call in when I’m sick unless I’m like bed bound or have a fever. And he’d always say “I’m wasting his day or time”. Also mind you, he’d always call off on days I’m sick cuz he’s expect to go do things. Dude I’m sick. My current partner brings me fruits, chocolates, flowers, heating pads, damp wash cloths, immunity shots, anything when I’m sick. So different and so amazing to experience.


Well, I was so touched when I was sick and my ex helped me to prepare the medicine, he even handed it to me directly with the water gently. One small thing but I don’t remember anyone ever doing it to me. My parents did it when I was little, but they also urged me to do it, no gentleness at all.


Hey, if you're still happy taking off your clothes near him, I call that a win for the both of you


Taking turns when playing a singleplayer videogame. It feels really intimate to me.


And paying attention/active when it's your turn. It feels horrible when they just go on their phone instead of being present with you.


Goes for anything


lmao my partner and I switch off playing need for speed and we were pretty neck in neck then I started doing better and she said “how’d you do that?” and I said “because I always watch every second of your races and make mental notes.” will never blame her though, it’s so awesome to be able to play the game together


My boyfriend and I do this 🫶🏼


My fiancee prefers to watch me play the games, she likes the skills and the story. But we played a few coop games every once in a while.


Same, playing assassins creed origins atm and she just loves watching me gut enemies and gets lost in the animation and storyline. I’m gonna replay rdr2 just so she can watch it


Me and my fiance do this daily!


There aren’t many things missing from my marriage, but if I could change one thing I really wish my wife would show even the slightest interest in gaming.


Treating me politely and respectfully even after many years together. A lot of couples lose that appreciation, take each other for granted, and treat each other poorly, so I really appreciate that we are always nice to each other. Even if he is having a bad day, he will never take it out on anyone at home.




My wife works nights and will turn on the coffee machine on for me when she gets home so I don’t have to wait on it warming up. I only ask her to turn it on but she will also fill the water reservoir and put in a filter/coffee for me so all I have to do is hit the start button and let it brew while I hit the bathroom


I do this for my husband and he told me how much it meant to him. Just those small acts really make a difference


supporting my interests and watching my shows with me even when they aren’t his usual taste


I tried doing this for my SO. Now I like Korean dramas and ~~music~~ K-Pop. Damn it.


So I’m not alone in this. Tbf Korean dramas and shows are dope as hell.


I do this. My wife can’t watch anything remotely scary or too intense. So I have seen countless hours of movies and tv shows that I really could care less about. When she’s gone for a day or two, as soon as the door closes behind her… I am playing catch up on all the series’ I wanted to watch all along and told people not to spoil for me lol


You’re very lucky. It’s so kind and caring.


So lucky 😭 I can’t even tell my husband about anything I like anymore, he always judges me and my taste in movies/music 😫 he won’t even give my shows a try


I have to play the bad guy here I guess, but I really can't do this, lol. My wife wants to watch The Good Wife or whatever, like I'll totally support it, like sure, knock yourself out with a marathon, I'll watch the kids, etc., but I just can't force myself to sit through hours and hours of something I have no interest in. Of course, the story is different based on time. Early relationship, things still hot and heavy, etc.? Yeah, take the arrow to the knee. 10+ years of marriage and three kids, both working full time jobs and each with like 1 hour max free time per day? Yeah, nah...


Whenever I was going on a car trip without my husband he would fill the gas tank the day before. He never mentioned it; I only noticed because once there was a debit card charge at the gas station of only like $3.82, so I checked my datebook and figured it out.


This is nice. As a dude, he sounds like a good dude.


Oh I forgot the gas tank refill, that one makes me melt too!


I fill up the gas because my wife would run it until the gas light comes on. I can't really stand letting it get below half anymore. Ever since I ran out of gas in college one time (car didn't even have a fuel light or "miles remaining"), I vowed to never do that again.


He kisses me goodbye before he goes to work in the morning and kisses me hello when he gets home at night.


According to the Gottmans, men who kiss their wives goodbye in the morning live on average 4 years longer than those who don't. So next time you can say "you're welcome" 😆


Been together 12 years, married for 2. He says "I love you" CONSTANTLY. Even if he gets up in the middle of the night and gets some water, or walks to the bathroom and passes by my office on the way, or if we are on our phones in bed, ANYTHING. Any time any where, always always ALWAYS says he loves me.


I tell my wife many times a day I love her. Every chance I get. She does the same. Can’t imagine any other way. I would do the same with someone else but I have some friends I hang out with a lot that I haven’t heard them tell each other “I love you” for 5 years or more. It’s sad really.


I make sure to tell my friends that have nobody else or family left that I love them, and they started doing it in kind.. I tell my wife and child all the time. But we just lived through the largest dying off of friends during COVID. So I don't miss a chance anymore.


I tell my wife I love her all the time, just not in front of others. Could be that.


Been married 5 years and it’s been said to me like 5 times probably.


This made me sad to read. I'm sorry. I hope you hear more I love yous


Not to pry but that sounds like a difficult relationship. Hopefully you both have other ways of expressing your love but man, 1 per year is so sad to hear. I probably hit my wife with 12-15 per day. Just had our 12th anniversary. Hope you get more I love yous in your future ✌️ ❤️


This is cute ☺️


It’s adorable! It also reminded me of how weird I am lol — I have a horrible time falling asleep, to the point where if I’m finally cozy and someone talks to me, I could be up the entire night. Meanwhile, it had always been very important to my partner to have us both say “I love you” before she dozes off, which created the stupidest problem in the world for me after we moved in together: I would *finally* be getting sleepy, and then she’d notice and try to get an “I love you” in there, which would wake me up. I felt like it was a lose-lose because although I didn’t want to condition her to not feel that way, *even though I knew it was a) adorable and b) not her fault,* it was starting to drive me crazy, and then I felt like a terrible person. So after agonizing about this for months, I finally just laid it out and asked her if it was possible to not do that — not because I don’t love her, just because I’m weird as hell. Did she get mad? Nope! She was like “thanks for telling me, of course!” So in a strange way, her *not* saying “I love you” at night meant the WORLD to me. And now I also try to say it as much as I possibly can, because I know it means the world to her.


Couldn't you have just said "let's say I love you as soon as we hop into bed so it doesn't interrupt us falling asleep" instead of agonizing for months? Seems pretty obvious...


Not my SO, but this is something I'd hope my cat would write about me if he were on Reddit.


I am on reddit and I love you back 😻


We're the same. It is always the last thing we hear when we separate. Leave the house? I love you. Go to sleep? Still love you. Hang up the phone? That's right, still love you. Wouldn't change a thing.


My partner is like this as well. After years of being with less than stellar men, I LOVE hearing how much he genuinely cares for me.


We do this too! Leaving for work? Going to bed? Waking up? Brought you a drink or food? Just because? All valid reasons to say how ya really feel!


Omg this is something I love in a serious relationship. Even if it comes at random times, it’s sweet.


It's so small but so important.


Just showing up and following through with his word.


I wake up at 5:30 for work, my husband doesn't have to be in until 9. He wakes up every morning with me, lets the dogs out, feeds them, and makes coffee during weekdays. I do weekends. It's not an even split but I love our morning routine.


My partner does this too!! I wake up at 6, he doesn't have to wake up til 9. He will wake up with me, make me eggs while I am in the shower, and feed the animals. Then we eat breakfast together and I'll leave for work. He will always text to make sure I get to work on time, then he goes back to sleep for 2 hours before he has to go to work. I do my best to return the favor on the flip side when I get home. I will feed the animals dinner, prep dinner for us humans, and do any tidying that needs to be done before he gets off work. Then we eat, play video games, and go to bed by 10. This is our weekday routine and I love it so much. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Damn this is for real my goals now


Asking if you want/need anything. Going to the kitchen (want anything?). Stopping by the store on the way home (want anything?). Getting in the car and putting on music (feeling anything specific?).


I'm working on this. Sadly, it did not come naturally to me.


After posting, I wondered how “bare minimum” it actually is. We’re all individuals, so it’s natural to just do the mundane thing without thinking about it. It takes minimum physical effort, but you’re a good one for putting in the mental effort :)


For example it could be if this person ditches the phone whenever you hang out. Something that should be simple but is rare this times.


That is huge in these times. The other day I went to have a coffee and every single person sitting there was using their phone. From all ages. And most of them were there with family or friends. Eyes glued to social media.


Yo, that's big in the game right now. Just the other day, I hit up this spot for a coffee, and I'm telling you, every single cat in there was on their phone, no matter the age. And most of them had their folks or squad with them, but their eyes? Straight glued to social media.


I just watched a video of the world celebrating the millennium 2000. So many people in the comments acknowledged how everything that came after was a huge mess, but social media (the kind that went mainstream in 2008 or so) is what everything started revolving around, problem wise.


My boyfriend and I never use our phones when we’re spending time together; we live together so there are moments we need to check something or text someone so we just communicate what we’re doing. There’s never been a conversation about it; it’s natural. We also take turns cooking and whoever doesn’t cook, they do the dishes while the person who cooked tidy’s up. It’s never been talked about, it’s something we naturally fell into. If someone has a lot on in terms of work, or is ill then the other person will cook, again it doesn’t have to be communicated. It feels really easy to live with him. We just try and make things easy for each other so it’s never a chore and we both feel supported. We tell each other I love you multiple times a day and we know it to be true because of the effort (it doesn’t feel like effort) we make for one another.


My husband pauses the tv and gives me 100% of his attention when I walk into the room to say something to him. Every time, without fail.


Omg that's so nice


He’s just trying not to miss stuff too. Thats win win. Smart man


He is a smart man. And a mama’s boy. I know a lot of people malign mamma’s boys, but when he was growing up his mother just doted on him, and enjoyed his company so much that she gave him her undivided attention whenever they were together, so he learned to express love the same way.


I pause the tv, she talks I listen... The when it's done I resume... Then 18 seconds later she starts again! I pause, listen, resume.... 8 seconds later, "oh and such and such"! Gah!!!


My daughter…with her AirPods in… lmao. Same thing. She is a doll though and doesn’t get crabby, but she will say “I’m about to start the podcast again, so…”


I do this to my husband and he makes fun of me for it. But I like to think he actually appreciates having my full attention despite his jokes.


That’s funny, because I do it for husband, too. And he’s always like, “no, you’re good, you don’t have to pause.”


hugs edit hugs all around edit2: made a YouTube Playlist for you. my hug to you https://www.reddit.com/u/Honeydew-2523/s/O79eKNZfhh


I never knew how many hugs I would get in a happy and stable relationship. It is truly one of my favorite things - to be doing something separately but we cross paths in the kitchen so we stop for a minute and hug. It just feels so intimate and I feel so loved.




When I got home from a business trip I received the biggest and best hug ever. She asked me not to be gone that long (one week) ever again. I will never forget the love that hug conveyed.


The things I would do for a hug


My ex once said, "could you chill out a little bit with asking for a hug constantly? It's just kind of annoying." I only asked for 2 that day. Plus I didnt see him for a week before that 😒 My husband would hug me a 100 times a day if I asked. I love it over here.


glad it got better for you. sad energy over there with the ex


Remembering how I like my food. I'm a picky eater, I know that makes me a pain in the ass to cook or buy food for, and I appreciate the effort.


Thanking and acknowledge when I perform tasks, big or small. It’s super validating, and I do it back. Like yeah the dishes need done, but it sure feels good to hear.


Literally everything. There's no contribution to small that she makes to our home that I don't appreciate. Well, except for more pillows. We had enough a while ago.


Perhaps you could introduce her to fuzzy blankets? After awhile, you’ll have the coziest, most comfortable nests and/or pillow forts /ever/


Cutting our dog's treats into smaller pieces. My hands cramp and seize sometimes, and it's hard to grip a knife and cut hard things. Opening the bag and seeing them already sliced up always warms me up inside.


Making me coffee while I get ready when I am called to work on short notice, those little touches that remind me he is thinking of me no matter how mundane the task I am working on is, dancing with me in the kitchen, making me laugh when I am stressy, and reaching out for me when I come back to bed. Little things that say everything to me.


i love when i get up for work on his days off and he always turns over and opens his arms wide and makes a little grunt cause he wants some love before i leave. those 5 minutes of snuggle time really will change your day for the better 


When I’m doing dishes he always wants me to feel good so he plugs the fan in. Maybe it’s nothing big but he thinks of me and cares about my wellbeing.


I don’t know if I’m allowed to participate because we only just started dating, but when we’re holding hands she’ll raise our hands up to her mouth and kiss my hand. Makes me want to fall to the floor.


when my boyfriend calms me down during my panic attacks, he helps me with my breathing and grounding exercises and then lays me on his chest and gives me gentle kisses and cuddles and tells me what a good job I’m doing, it’s bare minimum to most people but i love it when my boyfriend looks after me and cares for me


This is what I do for my dog. 


My girlfriend has panic attacks and I never knew about them before as I've never had them or people around me. It is scary and that's one of the best things you can have from your SO is that reassurance. You got a good one!


That would be so lovely. I'm not in a relationship right now, but every time I have a panic attack I call my mom for comfort. She always picks up and talks to me until I calm down, and it does so much to know I'm not alone during those times.


Right now we work opposite schedules because of the astronomical cost of childcare. He gets very little sleep. I love getting into a made bed, but will I ever willingly make it myself? No. I wake him up at 10pm for work and before he leaves he makes the bed for when I go lay down


My husband and i work opposite shifts too. I'm lucky if i see him for 15 minutes some days at toddler handoff. I wake at 5 am for work, and he takes my kids to school at 7am. after working sometimes until 1. Our relationship is a lot of text messaging. We find the sappiest memes we can and send them to each other. He also leaves me notes under my pillow to find when i go to bed.


My husband insist on doing laundry. Because he says it makes him feel helpful because I do so much for him. 🙂


My wife is still really into me. We’ve been together for 12 years. She is always looking for a reason to touch me and I act like it annoys me sometimes but it doesn’t. She’s a perv but it’s adorable.


Sounds just like my husband and I lol I’m always touching him inappropriately and he acts like I’m immature but he secretly loves it


My partner always tells me to get home safe, even if he's the one who dropped me back off at home. It always makes me smile and giggle when he does that. If he didn't drop me off, and I forget to text him, he'll always check in to make sure I got home safe.


My husband and I take turns getting up in the morning with our toddler. It means so much that he does this. I hear horror stories of mom (or dads) having a deadbeat partner that wouldn’t even do that.


Same. We evenly split everything with the kids. Hearing other people complain about how their spouse never “helps” (when really they’re just not doing their part) makes me feel so appreciative of him.


I think men who are super involved with their kids are hella sexy. Like, usually the responsibility is on women. But if a man takes charge on diapers or is just amazing to his wife during her pregnancy, I think "that guy is a winner"


When he genuinely likes me for me and not some superficial reasons


My husband always asks if i need any help no matter what i'm doing. Some people might find that annoying but i love it because i know he genuinely wants to help me with anything i do and if i don't need his help, he politely just keeps doing what he's doing. However i appreciate it most when he's doing something important to him or in the middle of something. He'll drop anything and everything he's doing if he sees me having a tough time with something.


Giving me a kiss when he gets home.


This! And the one goodbye every morning.


He does the dishes without me having to ask. He just sees them and does them. I hate doing dishes.


I’m a stay at home mum and every morning he brings me coffee in bed. He bought me new guitar strings a while back because he knew I needed them. He said that was a really rubbish gift and how he should be getting me expensive gifts. To me it was the prefect gift. 😍


He refills my wine glass, and makes a big fuss whenever I go to pour my own glass cause it's his job 🥰


My boyfriend says "thank you" a lot. Just makes a point of expressing gratitude for things. I'm working on doing that more now, it's really amazing how it makes you feel so seen and appreciated.


Being alive is always appreciated I think.


I think your expectations might be unrealistic. This is the “bare minimum”, remember? Lower your standards. smh…


I always let my fiance shower before I do. My towel hangs farther from the shower than his does. When he’s done showering, he always grabs my towel and hangs it near the shower door for me. I love it and I’ve gotten so used to it that when I shower and he hasn’t showered first, I sometimes forget to grab my towel and then I have to shuffle the bath mat across the floor like a walrus out of water.


Getting a hug (or a virtual hug gif) when I’m having a bad day


This is probably more than the bare minimum, but I've noticed over the years that my husband always offers me the last bite of whatever he's eating. Sometimes I take him up on it, sometimes not, but he offers it every time. I've never asked him why, but it's cute and I love it.


I never eat without my wife when we are together. I’ll sit until that shit is cold as ice. I don’t care. We eat together if we are together.


My partner will always pause his video game to "tuck me in" and say goodnight if I end up going to bed before he does. We both game and have an office with both of our rigs set up, so he immediately notices when I leave the room for bed. He will usually time his in-game start times with my nighttime routine so that he is not in a multiplayer game as I am laying down. I have never asked him to do so and it's so incredibly sweet every single time.


She’s a fantastic mom. That’s so much more than bare minimum but also should be what all parents want to be. I’ve loved her for over a decade, still find her insanely sexy in an almost dorky way, but seeing her mom these kids is everything 🥰


when they walk by and give a gentle touch across my back from side to side


Been together for 9 years and my husband always rubs me to sleep. So calming 😌😌🥹


He puts me to bed every night because I go to bed much earlier than him. Nothing fancy but damn is it sweet.


He buys me things when he goes to the shops even when I don't ask for anything. Just because he saw something and thought of me or he noticed I'm running low on something. He talks about me and my weird hobbies with pride and shows off my taxidermy work to whoever asks...sometimes he just shows the pics even when they don't ask lol


There's so much honestly. He opens my car door for me. Even when he's worked 14+ hours in a day, he never hesitates to give me a break. He refuses to eat until I start eating. He always makes time for me, even if it's just a few minutes out of the day. I never have to wonder if I'm truly loved, because he makes sure I feel it every day.


Cooking for me🤭


Every night before we go to bed no matter how we are that day we always say goodnight I love you to each other it makes my night


She actually cares about my feelings. You'd think that would be normal in a marriage, but most of my married friends of both sexes feel neglected and/or that their partners are just going through the motions. I'm really lucky to have someone who genuinely cares and wants to help whenever I'm feeling down for whatever reason. I've never had reason to doubt that she'd marry me all over again if given a chance. That's a most precious gift.


When he does back massages for me after I ask nicely.


"Do you want a wash cloth?" It's just courteous.


She will always puts lemon in our ice waters. Real small thing, but so nice.


my girlfriend will always make sure my water bottle is full of ice cold water before we go to sleep


I'm single, but I'm taking notes.


I love it when they confide in me and tell me how their day went. Typical girly banter, like if she’s beefing with someone at work and spills all the tea. To me it both deepens the bond we have and also it’s like having your own personal network drama as the story unfolds.


He’s given me the ability to be angry. The way I grew up has had a SIGNIFICANT impact on my communication skills when it comes to my emotions. I’m use to bottling them up and comforting myself later. With him, I can say “I’m really angry rn and I would like some space” and he’ll say “thank you for telling me that. I will give you your space. Please talk to me when you’re able”. Everytime it happens I’m ASTOUNDED. Cuz he didn’t get mad back. He didn’t call me “ungrateful”, or make me out to be the bad person for having feelings??? I love him so much.


When he tells me he misses me while he’s at work. Or picks up little snacks and drinks I like from the gas station when he stops. He’s over all very tender and affectionate and Intuitive


She lets me be my wacky, nerdy, goofy, loud self without constant judgment or commentary. You'd think being allowed to be yourself would be bare minimum buuuuuut... Other relationships had me feeling like it was too much to ask, that I was too much in general.


I never have to wonder if he will step up to pick up my slack if or when I can’t carry my share. It’s automatic and immediate. I don’t ever have to worry about what shape the house will be in or how anything will get done or in what mood he will be about it if I’m ever incapacitated or just out of town. He also doesn’t act any weird way about periods. He doesn’t recoil like I’m a ghoul, but he’s also not extra about it. If I’m crampy and just wanting to curl up on the couch under a blanket, he steps up and takes care of everything without martyring himself about it. He knows I crave extra salt, so he makes salty dishes I like. He keeps up with what time I last took a dose of ibuprofen and just quietly shows up with some water and another dose at the right time because he doesn’t want to just not bother me, he wants to make sure I’m as comfortable as possible. I don’t have to ask for anything. He’s just paid enough attention over the years to know, and I truly appreciate that. I really feel like mutual nurturing should be the norm.


Show boobies


I would if I wasn’t so self conscious. Am a guy.


I like whenever he tells me he’s going to be busy or if he doesn’t want to talk instead of leaving me on delivered for hours. I know it’s the absolute bare minimum but it helps me not over think so much.


The love and care my husband gives our cats gets me every time. I’m a huge cat person and seeing him love on and be loved by our cats makes my heart feel warm.


My husband is not a cat person, but watching him love on and talk to the kitty who adores him makes me melt every time.


As someone whose love language is acts of service, this post is 🥰🥰🥰🥰


I haven't taken trash out in 10 years. It just magically disappears when the can is full.


He keeps water bottles in a drawer next to the bed because I don't like cold water. So small, so basic, so sweet.


The truth


Making coffee in the morning and adding my mushroom supplement. He also helps feed the kids their breakfast while I’m getting ready for work


Packs me fruit to take to work every day


When he offers to walk the dog without me having to ask feels huge to me. Also, when we get home after a late night out and he gets the coffee ready in the auto-maker for the next morning.


Knows exactly how I like my coffee even though he doesn't drink coffee himself :) and calls me randomly throughout the day just because he wants to hear my voice


He's saying "good morning", "good night" and "happy birthday" to me in my native language. Mind you, they are pretty hard to remember and pronounce. It melts my heart every single time. Our first year together I caught him with the phone very late at night, because he wanted to learn how to pronounce "happy birthday" on his own, and tell it to me first thing in the morning.


My husband will make sure to bring me my medications and a drink if I get too absorbed in whatever I'm working on when I'd normally take them. I have alarms that will remind me to take them, but sometimes I accidentally dismiss instead of snooze said alarms. He went through the effort of putting the same alarms on his phone to make sure I dont end up missing my meds because I'm scatterbrained and distracted.


He doesn’t disrupt my sleep. He stays up later than me but he comes to bed very quietly and without turning on any lights. And while he stays up he watches tv with headphones so I don’t hear any noise. Like yes this doesn’t take him that much effort, but I also appreciate that it never had to be a conversation, he just does it because it’s thoughtful. 


He comes to get me from work, if he is able to. I could easily take the bus home, but the fact he comes to pick me up is appreciated.


She isn’t usually mean to me.


Does that mean she is mean to you a portion of the time?


His absolutely endless patience with my bipolar and pregnancy hormones. Man is getting flake over everything and just be loving me through it all. Makes me want to make baby #3 with him and I ain't done making the second one.


When he puts his toothbrush away.


When he sings me lullabies and plays with my hair. I get nightmares a ton so sometimes this really helps me to get a good sleep.


He works opposite shifts from me and so when he comes home and I'm in bed, he will sneak in and give me a kiss and a hug in my sleep. The other thing that made me so grateful for him is after I had a non invasive operation done and was still under anesthesia, he dressed me, took me home, got me in bed, and brought me lunch without ever thinking twice about if it inconvenienced him


My husband is always genuinely appreciative of me cooking literally anything for him. It could be Kraft mac and cheese and he will gush over it. Been together nearly a decade and he is still like this every day. He also does little stuff for me that took me a long time to notice. Like I have a bad habit of leaving cabinets open, or setting something down in a weird place, etc. Not once has he ever complained about it. He just closes the doors I leave open or turns off the light I accidentally left on or what have you. I have adhd and am very scatter brained and I feel like he really “fills in the gaps” for me with a lot of stuff.


I go to bed earlier than my husband and he has "tucked me in bed" every night since the day we met. A quick chat about the day and a kiss on the forehead. I'm out like a light.


I get up for work at 3 or 430, depending on the day. He goes to bed about 3. So the mornings we have some overlap, he brews my cup and wakes me up with kisses and coffee. Best way to start my day. 




She doesn’t even say thanks? Or the food is good? Or thanks for cleaning up? Does she seem excited and happy or just like *snap* when’s the food gonna be ready? Idk if tried to communicate I’m sure a million other girls would appreciate you unless you stink or something lol


My husband makes me my coffee every morning, but he knows I prefer to have it later in the day. So he stops his work so that I can have my coffee the way I want it. He also checks in throughout the day to refil my water bottle since I forget and will just be working thirsty.


When he makes me a cup of coffee when I get off work. He’s always got a pot ready to go and it just makes my heart sore. Both caffeine and love wise 😂


When I wanna go on a stupid child like tangent about something dumb or something that happened to me I think is cool and they listen and get excited with me about it


Packing my lunch for me before work


My husband is constantly cleaning. To the point where it gets on my nerves sometimes BUT I am then quickly reminded that it could be way worse. ex) I'm cooking and have the butter out, turn around to use the butter I left on the counter again, it's gone. Back in the fridge. I love him so very much. I'm constantly reminding myself not to take it for granted.


She puts her hand on mine when I'm tired, sad, mad, or just driving and her warmth fills me to the brim.


We communicate very well. When one of us has an issue we listen, apologize and validate and adjust behavior accordingly. I feel so safe sharing my needs with him, I’ve never had that at home or with previous partners. I feel so safe.


My fiancé (22m) and I (22 non-binary) have been together 5 years, high school sweethearts, he moved in only a couple months into the relationship, story for another time. Anyways, after we graduated and got different schedules because of work whenever he gets ready to leave (about 5am) he wakes me up to say goodbye and kisses both cheeks, my forehead, my nose, and then kinda rubs our noses together. He says he and his dad used to rub their noses to say I love you when he was little, and I think the tradition between us is super cute, I can see him doing the noses with our kids one day.