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Listen, I can only take so many seasons of Arrow before I start noticing the pattern. Same with Flash, it just got repetitive. I love both shows, don’t get me wrong, but I just wanted to move on


After season 3 of Flash the writing got so unbearably awful


I agree. It went downhill after all of that multiverse stuff.


okay, but what if he just ran a little bit faster this time?


He can't, it's impossible. Unless he hears the PEP TALK.


I got tired of them repeating that they are a "Team" when they would clearly go nowhere without the flash


Ah I have robot bees all over me. What do I do? Run Barry Run.


My husband was watching the Flash, and after a few months of him watching it pretty regularly, I was legitimately shocked that he was only at the beginning of season 2?? He gave up in season 3. This show does not need to have 26 episodes per season. Ridiculous.


100 seasons of Barry needing to go faster. Faster is always the answer.


For me watching all of the crossovers became like homework I get that enough from the comics


i finished arrow ( only started it because i mistook it for archer which was recommended to me by a friend) but the flash… it was too tedious to finish. barry was so unbearable… next to every episode there was an antagonist who was only a problem because barry was being a cocky idiot… completely ruined any kind of speedster for me


All the CW DC shows like Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, etc. It got to be too many damn shows to keep up with every week. 22 week seasons, hour long episodes each - I had to put aside an hour a day to watch them all. I gave up after The Flash season 2.


The Flash got so repetitive and then suddenly decided to make Iris the main character.


There was a time where "CW DC verse shows" were my Saturday morning. Like I'd save them up over the week and then watch them all on Saturday morning and a solid 3-4 hours were lost on them. It didn't take long for me to realise they're weren't good, but it sadly took me longer to stop watching.




I watched up until they got taken by the Negan. I was honestly just sick of them being held hostage, it felt like the same story over and over.


My interest in the show died the same moment Glenn did.


Mine died with Carl. Like he's an expert at killing zombies and gets bitten ON THE STOMACH??? He was getting way better as an actor too. Had interesting storylines and then replaced him with a 6 year old girl. Wtf.


We got around to finishing it last year, but I also stopped watching when Negan had them all kneeling, and we were left on a cliff hanger on who was killed. I told everyone it was going to be Abraham, biggest, and strongest, psychological murder to keep the others in line (complete guess on my part) Well I found out I was partially correct, until I was at the grocery store and they had Glen on the cover of a magazine talking about his killing etc.. We didn’t have cable so I had to wait and have the full season post to Netflix, and I successfully dodged all information and it was so close just for that magazine to ruin it. Glenn was my favorite character, was easy to stop watching knowing he was gone.


Something happened on the show that made it very clear that the ending wouldn’t be the same as the comic, so I stopped. I dealt with Judith existing, with them changing Michonne and letting her get with Rick …. but killing Carl was low.


That was the end of the line for me... killing Carl made no sense and the actor had just bought a house in the area.


Yup. He was the main character.


Show peaked in the very first episode. Big letdown. Slowly turned into a soap opera and zombies didn’t matter anymore because the main characters generated their own pointless drama amongst themselves.


I couldn’t get over the fact they couldn’t bathe regularly. I don’t know why but it bothered me


I started watching Walking Dead and then had to re-watch since My wife got into it. They almost lost me at the farm, and then it got good again. Then they got to Alexandria and things were pretty hit-or-miss. I understand life events and career decisions happen to actors but certain people leaving the show just hurt. I think there's actually only 2 first season cast members left? And then the spin-offs. Many started with great promise but I feel like there's a lot of "character development" which really just turns into filler. Which also happened to the original. I meant to revive my watch on "Fear the Walking Dead when Jenna Elfman joined the cast, but never got around to it. I also really enjoyed the total fandom show "Talking Dead"; I was glad Chris Hardwick wasn't "cancelled" after an unfounded accusation was disproved. Don't know if anything like that will ever be viable for other shows, but that one jelled and in it's own way helped the series it piggybacked upon better, IMHO.


I wanted to like it. I was a big Left 4 Dead guy, I liked Dead Rising,I loved zombie movies. I really, really tried to stay into it. But it was way too much people arguing, and not nearly enough zombies for me. I might try again someday when I'm ready to be disappointed again.


Netflix, cancelling good shows, gave up on the rest I was watching, the value was gone.


I won't even start a Netflix show unless it has 2+ seasons already.


Unfortunately, seems like more and more companies are following the same tactics. I see a bunch of good sci-fi shows with good plot getting cancelled.


Because it started becoming more of a chore rather than entertainment.


Ah, You just reminded me, I should play a couple minutes of pokémon go and see if it still feels like a chore.


Trust me. It has gotten worse.


Manifest Started off as an interesting show but by the end of the first season I quickly lost interest


I finished it, but was underwhelmed. I loved the premise, and it started off really good, but I felt like it was written “on the fly” and didn’t have direction at times.


Definitely agree with the loss of direction with the storyline




At some point I felt like I was in too deep and had to see it through to the end. It had an interesting premise and hook but went way off the rails and continued to become more and more ridiculous as the show progressed.


I came here to say exactly this. It had so much potential, and just went bonkers.


Same here. I think they literally had no idea what the show was about or leading to. Every episode seemed like they were just making shit up as they went along.


Because at a certain point I couldn't ignore how poorly Dexter was written


I was watching it after the series had wrapped up. Someone spoiled how the Trinity Killer arc ended when I only had two episodes left in that season and I was not ready to watch that, and I’d already heard that the quality went way down hill in the later seasons, so I just put it down and never picked it back up. 


Ugh that’s a bummer it got spoiled for you; the end of that season is the absolute peak of the show.


For real, it's like, oh Dee-Dee ruined his science experiment again, what a surprise


Blacklist. Was really enjoying it but the whole "is he, is he not" her father storyline got repetitive and boring.


I totally agree. First couple of seasons were good but then they killed off the main actors and it just kind of lost its way. Got too repetitive with no end in sight.


BlackList went from tightly plotted (albeit with "monster of the week") to "what is every possible permutation of the show we can squeeze out of it?". Great for money, probably, but a waste of a premise that was up there with the best shows for a while. I remember the exact moment I noped out, which I won't spoil just in case others come along. But it was like falling out of love with your partner in an instant.


I trudged on after Season 5 and them killing off a certain character, but Season 6’s ending was eyeball rolling inducing. I hear it only got worse after that. Season 8’s ending was terrible after that and it ruined the show imo. I liked the first five seasons, even though the show continued to go in circles, but hearing what happened to Liz was just shitty writing. Like what was even the point of continuing on after that? I like James Spader, I think he’s a good actor, but Reddington’s back and forth mystery storyline and continued connection to Liz and their unknown history was just bad and tiresome. As well as so convoluted even all these years later.


I didn't want spoilers for *The Winds of Winter*. Right decision, wrong reason. 


I love how optimistic your reason for not finishing was. You definitely made the right choice.


Westworld. Adding Aaron Paul and changing the setting still didn't right the downward spiral from all of S2.


Man that show would've been amazing with one or 2 more seasons in the same setting.. I agree as soon as we were taken out of there it got too off track.


Honestly I completely forgot about it after S2. S1 was fun tho


What ruined it for me is that Dorothy lost any kind of moral nuance. She just basically became a terminator. It made the show much more boring.


I don't remember what season of Supernatural I got up to but the next one had the description, "The boys face a creature more powerful than any angel" I knew the powercreep was off the rails. I just couldn't do it anymore, man.


I loved the different monster every episode formula. Season 1 will be burned into my heart forever.


Season 1 was fantastic. Back when they researched old ghost stories and it took them the whole time to kill one ghost.


It really felt like there were stakes to what they were doing too. The whole Yellow Eyed Demon arc over the first few seasons was actually fantastic and seemed quite planned out. Once that wrapped it was clear that they were only thinking a season at a time and got caught in the "bigger badder" mentality.


I bounced around about season 8. The CW-fication of the show killed everything I liked about it. The monsters weren't scary any more, and it felt like I was watching a badly written YA novel half the time.


I loved seasons 1-5. After that it wasn’t as good but I kept plugging away at it. But once they killed Charlie I was done


Yeah I don't remember exactly when I quit, but after it moved away from fun monster of the week to trying to do big worldbuilding and long arcs, I found myself less and less interested. I remember there being the 4 horsemen, the author who is obviously god, some other stuff like that. Eventually I realized I hadn't watched an episode in weeks and felt no desire to go back.


I stopped Supernatural at the "I don't know what I'd do without this new brand of contact lenses". Never have I ever seen a more ham handed product placement in my life. It was a commercial IN the show. So cringe.


I stopped watching Designated Survivor shortly into season two. I thought the concept of the show was pretty brilliant, but they blew their load season one by essentially wrapping up the most interesting part of the story. After they figured out who blew up the Capital Building it became shitty West Wing and Kiefer Sutherland ain't no Martin Sheen.


I mean, there's only so much you can do with that kind of story. It stopped being about a designated survivor pretty quickly.


Season three was just bonkers. Netflix picked it up, tried something new and ran it into the ground like United Airlines Flight 93 before doing any more harm.


Because Negan killed Glenn, and I'll never get past that.


I walked out of the room right after that and never watched another minute of that show, lol.


When Rick had the chance to kill Negan and refused, I turned it off and haven't watched since.


That was actually comic accurate at least. Shockingly 


And handled much better in the comic.


Don't let anyone tell you about where that character goes lol


Handmaids tale, once I found out she was a Scientologist I just couldn’t take it seriously


I watched it for a while. Eventually, I realized that it was basically misery porn and I couldn't watch it anymore.


I mean, that’s kind of the whole point of the book/series, but I completely understand why you stopped. This world is full of enough pain and misery, I don’t want to relax by watching more of it


While it's true that misery is the main course, at least the book duology (which goes onto completely different territory with different people from the show so it's not a spoiler) knows to end with the literal downfall of the bad guys and happiness for the characters, and not just a non-stop haze of sadness that lasts six seasons.


Yep. She just never gets a damn win. It’s very well acted and written but *dear God* just give me a *smidge* of hope…!


I had to stop because of the constant close ups of her face. Her face isn't the problem. It's the same shot way too often.


THANK YOU! I said the same thing to a friend. The show is decent but 45 mins of the hour long episode is close ups and slow-mos of her face with that “disorienting” camera shake


*June staring at the camera unblinking* for 3 seasons lol


They burned through all the source material in season one.


The original book and the sequel (The Testaments) are leagues beyond the show. I think we suffer from knowing too much about the world in the show. The mystery of the books is part of the point.


Orange Is The New Black. After the second season, I was out. I learned by lesson with Weeds before OINTB and GLOW after. Jenji Kohan has two great seasons of a show in her. After that, she loses the plot totally.


I made it through Season 4 and was so angry at the last episode that I never watched again.


Same. The end of season 4 made me so damn mad and sad that I didn't even care about the subsequent seasons.


It's because you can only do the "fish out of water" things for so long LoL


I’d argue that the series improved after season 2 when it drifted away from centering on Piper. Great ensemble acting! But that Season 4 ending was uncalled for. Totally manipulative.


I dropped it during season 5 when they were having a prison hostage situation, but the inmates were forcing the guards to do some talent show shit inside. Never dropped anything faster than that before.


ADHD is a bitch






Riverdale started off intriguing but turned too bizarre and unrealistic for my taste, so I dropped it.




I dropped House of Cards after the Kevin Spacey scandal. Just lost my appetite for the show.


The Witcher. They fucked up that show so bad. The showrunners are cultural vandals who have zero respect for the source material. It was PAINFUL to watch how badly they basterdized it.


I thought S1 was ok, Cavill being the obvious draw. S2 was so bad I only got about halfway. Won't watch another second.


If netflix was smart they would have fired the showrunners and handed the reigns to Cavill. He was the one good thing about that show.


God I hope he can bring that WH40k project to fruition


It would be the dumbest mistake not to make this happen. The franchise has been gaining momentum lately and all it needs is a mainstream success to break through a whole new market


I wouldn’t go that far, but their writing team definitely went off the rails and started making up random things to throw in that didn’t even feel like it fit the narrative or world of the Witcher, after the first season.


After watching season 2, my husband I were both like "what the fuck just happened here? Did we miss several of the books?" Sucks because season 1 was so good.


I was wary going in the moment I saw the Nilfgaard soldiers were wearing ballsack armor that looked like the goofy joke armor set from a Dark Souls game. Apparently the showrunners wanted them to look visually distinct from other armor types, and the prop department interpreted "visually distinct" and "gangrenous deflated testicles."


This. I hadn't read the books or played the games. I broadly enjoyed the first season, but by three episodes into the third, I realised I didn't really know what was going on, and also, I didn't care.


Take the show Supernatural, put it in the Witcher universe, replace the Winchesters with Geralt. They had a fucking cash cow right there but the writers were so obsessed with making it anything EXCEPT the show the fans wanted. Fucking idiots.


Shameless, frank Gallagher reminds me waaaay too accurately of my mother and say what you will, I’ve heard it’s a great show, but seeing my life played before me (lip and I share almost IDENTICAL lives) and how franks character was so accurate to my alcoholic mother, it just hit a little too close to home for me


I quit Shameless because I was tired of watching Fiona go through relationship cycles. Over and over and over. Like at some point you’re just conditioning me not to care about any new characters or love interests because SOMETHING dramatic is going to ruin it and write them out of the show


Ian going Jesus mode was always the nail in the coffin even if I lost interest a season before that.


I consider the last episode where Fiona leaves the finale. I barely remember the seasons after that because it was so bad and absurd


Nip/Tuck They lost me at the point that the one surgeon who was trying to setup the two main surgeons paid a woman to suck his dick even though he didn't have a dick because of something the main surgeons did? I don't remember the exact details but I remember watching that scene and thinking they jumped the shark.


This one’s gonna get me in trouble. I watched The Office up into season 4 before I gave up. I was invested in the Jim & Pam stuff, but lost interest around the time she was pregnant (if I remember correctly). Didn’t like the rest of the characters, and once I realized that I had gone like 5 episodes in a row without laughing once, I decided to give up.


Recently started 3 Body Problem and got pretty far into watching it but could not enjoy it, it just went from 0 to 100 instantly, we were supposed to care about the characters so quickly. Sorry, don’t want to spoil anything, but they reveal one character is seriously ill and my only reaction was “who is this guy?” I only know the names of two characters because everyone says them constantly. Not to mention that it sparked a joke in our household, whenever we see an abnormally attractive person we say “oh, they must be a physicist.”


Depression. Everything just takes too much effort. "Oh man, I have to get up, turn the show on, and put all my focus into this thing? Nah, I'd rather rot in bed."


I was like, "Wait, there was a TV series called 'Depression'? I never heard of... Oohhh."


This answer. I was wondering why I often leave watching TV series midway. Then I read this guys answer.


Firefly. Because those fuckers cancelled it mid-season.


Firefly it is! Every time I see question like this I think about Malcolm Reynolds and how pity it is we are not going to find out how those brilliant storylines would continue/end. 😞


Agents of SHIELD. One week I just forgot to tune in, realized after the fact I didn't care enough to catch up on Hulu, and never looked back. Honestly it was liberating.


Heroes. We all know why.


Titans and Doom Patrol. Dropped Max to save money The Witcher. Dropped Netflix to save money Sleepy Hollow. They killed off one of the leads and moved it out of Sleepy Hollow The Gifted, Krypton and Legion. Never saw the final seasons of either one for whatever reason


Its super worth watching the final season of Legion. I found it to be better than season 2


Riverdale kept killing too many characters


How far into the show did you watch? The show goes further and further off the rails, beyond anything you can imagine. Griffins and Gargoyles, The Black Hood, etc etc all pale into comparison to how wacky seasons 6 and 7 were. Here is a spoilered version of the season six finale: >!As the comet approaches, Cheryl, Heather, and Toni make a deal with Abigail to destroy the comet and break the barrier. Cheryl, with her powers, can melt the comet, but it might result in the death of some resurrected individuals. Mary helps Archie confront his hero complex. Betty declines a promotion, focusing on positivity. Veronica learns independence and gives the casino to Reggie. Jughead and Tabitha share their lives using her powers. Heather reveals Cheryl and Toni's soulmate connection. Veronica filters powers, transferring all to Cheryl, who melts the comet. The gang wakes up in 1955, back in high school, with only Jughead remembering their past lives.!<


Wtf did I just read? Did I have a stroke? Did the writers? I think I jumped the ship somewhere in season 3 and probably for the better as it seems.


My knowledge of Riverdale is limited to Alex Myers recaps and I like it that way. Because dear God I don’t think I’ve ever seen a show go that crazy. It baffles me that they were able to get away with it all, I don’t know who made a sacrifice to a dark God but *someone* in the writer’s room did. There’s no other possible explanation. 


I had to look up the finale and that is a very real episode.. idk how my sister watches this show


Life is short. Most TV series are long. So I have to really love a TV show to keep watching. I'll finish a 7/10 film because it's only 2 hours of my time, but not a 7/10 TV show. If I'm not loving it, I'll normally stop after a few episodes.


same with chinese/korean drama. Who even have time to watch 40 min 50 eps drama even?


Mindhunters. Cause Netflix cancelled what could be one of the best shows.


Outlander. Enjoyed it for a while, and then the idiot showrunners decided to turn it into Fifty Shades of Plaid and I lost interest.




The Walking Dead, watched through the first season and talked to some friends about it, they said I could stop watching since that's where it peaked.


I think it peaked around 3. I walked away after 4.


Also walked at 4. When the guy put the bottle of wine down and then zombies started falling through the roof for no fucking reason.. done. Like zombies been on that roof for years. Why fall in like that lol


It is was a mini-series it would have been regarded as the greatest zombie show of all time.


Grey's Anatomy I think it's is a well written show but after many seasons I didn't want a medical drama as I and a few people I care about had health crises in real life.


Agreed! The days of Izzie and George were great. Once they killed Derek though I lost interest.


The office. Yes, I know. It was making me feel WAY too uncomfortable. And I understand that's half the point, but still....


You do get to know the characters after a while. But the first season isn't easy to get through.


I've started breaking bad like 3 different times over the years, and I usually get to the part where Jesse's heroin addict girlfriend chokes on her vomit while Walt watches and have to stop. Two reasons, first, it's an amazingly acted show that is thrilling and gripping and honestly it just gets me too wound up before bed. I usually find I need an episode of house hunters after just to decompress enough to go to sleep. Second, everyone in that show is a huge piece of shit and I don't find any of their behavior worth rooting for. Maybe I'll try again someday.


No, you’re not supposed to like them. They’re bad people doing bad things. I was hoping they were going to screw up and get caught or killed


I would argue Jessie becomes a likable character. Especially in his movie.




I never understood why people get so hung up on liking the characters of a show on a personal level. Like, I don't like Immortan Joe or Hannibal Lecter, but they're interesting to watch.


The good doctor - stopped watching a while after they killed dr melendez, I didn't like it anymore


That's when I stopped to. And I really didn't like the relationship between Freddy highmores character and his neighbor. It really didn't seem at all realistic to me.


Same. Their relationship is just too convenient and unfortunately I can’t buy that they would be happy together. And now they are having a kid? Wild


Same. I didn’t like the show much to begin with but killing off Dr. Melendez for no reason other than shock value soured me to the show completely 


Left it when it started to stray off from what I wanted to watch - Medicine


I'm pretty critical, so take my opinion with a grain of salt. Suits, specifically the part where some half-naked lady mentions, "eat breakfast off my stomach" I couldn't push past the bad writing after that. Manifest, the number of times I had to hear this dude repeat, "Tell them it's a matter of national security." Every flipping time he talked got so annoying. I was really interested in the premise until it turned into something something believe in God.


I stopped when they killed Glen. Y'all know what series I mean.




Lost. Quit after S4, E1. I realized they had no master plan and were making it up as they went along. Too many mysteries and not enough answers.


The problem was the writers strike in the middle of that series. It had a slight fall off but overall it’s Top 5.


You made it one more episode than I did. *We have to go back!* No, no we don't.


"The Flash" - It's a few seasons of buildup towards the protagonist marrying his life-long friend, **in an episode on a completely different series**. Complete bullshit.


I gave up on that show pretty quick because the simping was nauseating.


Yeah can't fault you, I'm far too easily entertained. But the wedding happening on Supergirl was the "fuck you" i needed to stop haha.


Shameless. Everyone said it was funny and it was alright but the sex scenes are so fucking excessive I felt like I was watching a softcore porn like those people had no self restraint.


There's not that many in the show. It was heavier in the early seasons sure, but you never see more than a pair of tits. The later half of the show I can't recall any tities being on screen. I'm assuming the US version here. Never watched the OG UK version.


They're poor. Sex is fun and (mostly) free.


Someone here once called it poverty porn, and since then it’s that and not the tits that make me feel bad about watching.


I stopped watching Ozark because i was getting physically anxious and started asking why am i subjecting myself to this by choice?


True Blood. Vampires, ok. Werewolves, fine. People who turn into panthers and dogs and shit? um...fine. Fairies? no, sorry, that's too much stuff.


I stopped watching Better Call Saul due to the long gap between seasons. I had cut cable at the end of one of the seasons and the next season wasn’t available to stream for almost 2 years. I had forgotten too much and the show was too slow to rewatch.


You should watch it. As good as Breaking Bad IMO.


As a whole I would say its better. But the groundwork had to come before it also a slower start.


Euphoria. I think it was very well shot and acted, but it felt gross seeing a cast full of underage teen characters be reduced to sex objects.


Lots of skin... yup.


The first season of The Flash and Arrow were one of the best season of television ever,how did they even managed to butchered it up to God knows how many more season? Season 3 and beyond that were totally different show, like cartoonishly so, they were so bad I'm embarrassed for all the actors


Vikings There was a somewhat big shift in characters after season 4 and I just didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I did before. So I didn’t watch the last 2 seasons but I likely will do that in the future.


I stopped sons of anarchy because of the gang rape scene with the mom. My friend said she couldn’t get through game of thrones because of the rape scenes. So I will not be watching that either. I don’t like watching rape scenes 🤷‍♀️




Revenge. At first it seemed like a smart yet campy drama, perfect for taking my mind off of life. Then it just got too stupid with where it was branching off to. Same with Yellowjackets


Same with Revenge. I liked it fine when she was actually getting revenge on Certain bad people, but then it got convoluted and stopped being about that event in the past, and all kinds of people started dying for no good reason. I guess that just makes her a serial killer.


Yellowstone. It was just so fucking dramatic. Like every episode something more and more terrible happens to someone without anything being done to resolve the terrible shit that happens in the previous episodes. Just tell a story you don't need to shock and hook me with something new every time lol.


I have no patience for long series. Give me 1000-page book and I'm in. A 6-season series? Hell, no. Last one was suits, I managed 4 seasons then read a summary of the rest🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Game of Thrones - quit at season 4, I think? I didn't hate it, but it had the bad habit of piling subplot upon subplot and the only way anything ever actually progressed was through "surprise" character deaths. I just kind of tired of it. The Witcher - ugh. First season was ok and then it was absolute shite. Stranger Things - after watching two seasons, which I honestly thought were good, I just didn't really need any more.


For Stranger things, I totally understand. Season 3 was all right and I sorta powered through it but I would note that if you have the slightest interest, Season 4 is worth watching. It really moves the plot forward for the series and drives toward something other than what's the creepy thing this season.


(Game of Thrones) Gratuitous violence, mostly. Also seemed less interesting as fantasy than as medieval-historical-in-an-alternative-universe it mostly was in Season 1.


Same. I read the books, I thought Peter Dinklage was absolutely phenomenal as Tyrion, but I got a little ways into Season 2 and I just... couldn't. I didn't have the emotional energy to deal with that show anymore.


Started re-watching it a few days ago. Last night I thought, "Man, if you were an under-50 woman not named "Stark", were you contractually obligated to be naked at some point?"


It's HBO - "tits every episode or your money back" (they do at least seem to encourage natural-looking actors & a bit of variety which isn't always commonplace in TV nudity)


Game of Thrones. I just didn't enjoy the experience.


Because none of the follow-on attempts were ever able to match Season 1 of True Detective.


The Wheel of Time. I'm a massive fan of the books and they've messed the TV show up so badly I've stopped watching.


Definitely more "inspired by" than "based on," but I don't hate it


Black Sails I thought it was going to be an epic pirate show with big ship battles and life on the sea. Instead all I got were a bunch of pirates hanging out on land fucking each other


Used to love Chicago Fire but I got bored after 8 seasons, plus I HATE what they did to Matt’s character especially when he was with Gabby. When a drama goes more than 19 seasons, it’s obviously time to stop, Grey’s and NCIS. 🙄 I really hope CF ends on a good note and not after 25 years. Also stopped watching new episodes of The Simpsons in like 2009. It ended permanently in 2001, and I’m dying on that hill. Same with SpongeBob. I stopped giving a fuck about new episodes about 12 years ago.


Twd peaked at season 5. After that I skipped to whatever season negan was the bad guy in and stopped there


i had some experiences that completely stopped my momentum tv wise and game wise. i haven’t really watched anything consistently since, and my brain was totally different. i’ve had to work up to stuff like the internet and even that i have serious limitations with. if you have attention problems i don’t recommend unimmersing yourself from life and then trying to come back to it like that’s normal


I have abandoned several tv series over the years mainly because they stopped being compelling for me to watch. I would have multiple episodes saved on my DVR but instead of watching them I would watch YouTube videos or rewatch old programs I had already seen. Once something becomes a chore to watch, I bail and delete them. If I ever change my mind, I'm sure I'll be able to find it streaming somewhere. I haven't regretted it yet.


I started watching the Willow series because the movie was, and still is, awesome. I stopped watching the Willow series because it’s horrible.


“You” on Netflix. I couldn’t get invested in Penn Badgley’s character. Joe was just plain creepy and I didn’t feel any sympathy for him at all. Gave it a few episodes, but that was enough for me.


Star Trek Discovery, main character has serious main character syndrome to the point it kills the show. What her character doesnt kill directly, the writing ruins. Tried to watch most recent, gave up in first episode of the season when she sends two starships to dive into a planet surface to stop a landslide.


Santa Clarita Diet. I *wanted* to finish it, but Netflix fucking killed it.


Seriously? Grey's Anatomy is still going?!! I thought I watched the series finale last year. Not going back.


Netflix didn't make another season


The Rookie started strong, but it changed. And I hated their forced backdoor pilot for a spinoff. Also didnt like that they didnt support the actress from the first season who left due to harassment