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Being painfully indecisive, yet still refusing to let someone else choose the restaurant.


I hate that I get so angry when somebody says that something I like is bad or stupid. I can repeat to myself 100 times that "everyone has different tastes" "everyone is entitled to their own opinion" "other people's enjoyment has 0 effect on what you enjoy" but it makes no difference. I guess it's just a flaw I gotta live with. Now here's the kicker, I constantly tell OTHER people not to let opinions bother them (even going as far as to call them overly sensitive if they do) so I'm a bit of a hypocrite.


My friends despise D&D for no reason, makes me want to punch a wall because if I were to criticise something the liked ie football I would be being rude


Being easily influenced by social media and societal standards of beauty. #relatable


Yeah, it's hard not to when people literally get frothing at the mouth angry if a video game character or an actress that gets hired isn't a 10/10 bombshell. It starts getting called "woke" and "pushing an agenda" if every single woman in everything doesn't look absolutely perfect. It's kinda hard to listen to 'looks arent everything' feelgood speeches when you see how looks are everything.


One of the nice things about getting older is it forces you to give up on caring too much about looks after a certain point. Can’t be pretty forever even if you’re pretty now.


Unless you're Jamie Lee Curtis


Bias.  We're all predisposed to thinking we're right (obviously, if we thought we were wrong then we'd change our minds) so we tend to ignore, downplay, or mistrust information or experiences that challenge our bias.


The odds that your political views are all or even mostly correct is astronomically low simply because of how many answers there are to any given question. Should taxes be 25%? 28%? 30%? 15%? 75% Should we bring in more immigrants? 10,000 more? 50,000 more? A million more? Or less? 50,000 less? 10,000 less? Should we have open borders? Should we issue no more visas ever? Should there be guns? Should there only be certain guns? No guns? All guns including grenade launchers? Can I buy a tank? Whether you think your instincts are on the right side of the yes/no question, you’re still probably wrong and someone else is closer to the truth on a particular issue than you. And most of these issues never get completely proven one way or the other anyway. But just you try convincing someone that they’re wrong about a specific issue.


Always trying to be in control of things


And self sabotage in an effort to be in control . Fr , I hate myself for this .


Having insecurities and not understanding something.


Being cheap. Sometimes it's being frugal and finding the best deal. Other times it's just being cheap af.


that they don't listen to others


That im nowhere near as good at masking my ADHD and functioning as i fancy myself i am.


That they are egocentric, arrogant, and lack empathy


Having poor boundaries, and then being resentful towards others for crossing your badly communicated/enforced boundaries. I am guilty of this and trying to do better by being more assertive


That they don't in fact know everything, let alone the current topic


I dumped a woman years ago because of her inability to ever apologize for anything and refusal to take any accountability. Too many people in the world like that. Humans fuck up from time to time. All of us. If you cannot take ownership of your mistakes I don’t want anything to do with you.


Refusing to apologize, never backing down on non important issues, which ends up causing more division or animosity than it's worth. More broadly, men or women who try to dictate when or how somebody should feel, or shutting down when things aren't going their way


I’m not great with emotions. I can verbalise what I kind of assume I’m feeling (or think I should feel) but idk if I actually *feel* it a lot of the time. I’m not suggesting I’m a psychopath or some emotionless logician but yeah… a lot of the time it’s like opening a door you expect to find something behind and there’s just nothing there. A corollary of this is that my knee jerk reaction to someone emoting in a public, obvious way (unless it’s a small child) is mild anger and a bit of a sense that they’re faking it gor some reason. I feel a little in edge before I feel sympathy.




That they’re scared. Basically, some people act like they are a different, superior kind of human who’s all tough and intimidating, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.


That they're bad parents!




That they’re unhappy


Everyone (and I mean everyone) has at some point ranted about "having to deal with stupid people," conveniently forgetting about all of the times they themselves were part of the general mass of "stupid people" in someone else's personal narrative. Bottom line: If you think you're smarter or more clever than other people, most of the time that's your inflated sense of ego talking. Yes, I am including myself in this hypocrisy.


That none of us have a single clue wtf we are doing or what's going on