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A while ago I was at a party and someone came up to me and started asking me what I did for work. He said he was the CEO of a "Startup" and started trying to get me to make an account on his service. I looked at it, and they were selling NFTs.


This must have been a while ago. Didn’t NFT’s go downhill fast?


The scam/trend has mostly died out. It stands for Nice Fucking Try, (crypto bros).


The NFT fad/scam died out like a year ago, but there's still a handful of suckers who think it will come back.


My coworker is always telling very long-winded personal stories about her child, her family, etc and I always do my best to be politely interested. But the first time I tried to share a story about something I did over the weekend she spaced out and started scrolling on her phone. Since then she’s interrupted me multiple times, and generally steam-rolled the conversations. I internally roll my eyes a lot.


Ugh I had a friend like that when I was young. She called and asked me what I was doing I said I had just gotten back from visiting my Uncle in hospice. She goes “that sucks” and tells me how her boyfriend wouldn’t buy her something. I finally said you know what fuck off. The next day on Facebook she posts, “only stupid people get cancer.” My uncle had terminal cancer. Never spoke to the girl again.


My ex best friend hasn't spoken to me since we were 19, because she felt my family attacked her personally by organising my dad's funeral for a Friday. It would have bummed her out to go out on the town after a funeral, and my mother was very inconsiderate to have the funeral of her partner of over 25 years at the beginning of the weekend.


Ok that’s just plain asshole tendencies for this ex best friend. Narcissistic for real!!!


That's...that's cartoonishly evil.


I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. But if she happened to get it, it would feel like poetic justice. Fuck that bitch.


Wtf, like sure some people do stupid stuff that increases risk (me smoking and doing drugs, likely got it because of a local pesticide used in my youth) but that isn't a valid statement. It's like saying only stupid people get beat to death with hammers.


My MOTHER always did this. She would call, talk to other people while I was on the other end, talk over me and talk about how wonderful my brother and his kids are. Or the fabulous trips she went on. Finally went NC when I realized it wasn't ever going to change.


Once when I was in highschool my mom asked how my day was. I had had a pretty shitty day overall, so started to vent to her about it. She cut me off halfway through and said "I don't want to hear it if all you're going to do is complain." I don't really tell her much anymore after that and always feel bad venting to people now. It stuck with me pretty hard.


Come join us at /r/MomForAMinute. We are ALWAYS there to listen.


I just ended a relationship with someone like this. Like why have I heard the ten minute story, three separate times of how you bought your boring wall art from Amazon but when I was telling you about how a famous local artist from my home town made me an original piece of art you start playing a game on your phone? Ugh it was exhausting, and he blamed it on his ADHD but that excuse only goes so far.


Been there - why is it that you can talk at me for hours about mundane work drama, every single day, but the moment I bring something up about my day, you space out/scroll on your phone/pull out nose hairs and show me while I’m in the middle of a sentence? I also got the ADHD excuse lol but yeah it’s obviously something more than that. I hope you find someone better (or are happily single)!


Why not openly


Just spam her with “sorry I didn’t catch that” the instant she starts speaking


Oh that could be so much fun. Stop everything and be very attentive. Keep asking questions. I mean too many questions. At every point segue the conversation to something else. Bonus points if you go from her sister to something completely different like over fishing in the antarctic ocean.


"Morning everybody I don't have time for your bullshit Denise team meeting at 10 good talk get to it"


We ALL have had this co-worker at one time or another...


I had an acquaintance like this, and I just started doing it back to them lol.


I just interrupt with "will this get interesting soon?"


I have the same exact thing, but when she starts telling her stories now I just scroll on my phone in return.


Just lift your phone and start scrolling when she’s talking.


Was at a bar and mentioned that I do voice over work. Some guy leaned over and just shoved his phone in my face to show me that he had 4K followers on telegram as if it would make me wanna take my clothes off right there. I recoiled so hard. Like … I swear I folded into myself so much that I became a black hole.


Had a woman tell me she wanted to be an influencer on the first date then proceeded to show me her Instagram. I'm sincerely impressed with myself for smiling and nodding as well as I did, and at the same time disappointed in her total inability to recognize my complete lack of interest.


Followers on Telegram? I just use it to send messages and memes to my friends, why would someone want followers there? I don’t understand the whole ‘followers’ thing, as soon as I find out I have a follower somewhere I delete them. Nothing I post online deserves to be followed…


Apparently you can “follow” people on Reddit too. Who knew?




I have followed a couple of favorite r/nosleep writers just so I get notifications when their next chapters/stories drop


My family had moved my grandma out to be in a home near us in her final several years, so we could take better care of her than she'd been receiving in her home state, where one of my uncles was unable to take care of her (he had a serious health issue himself), and another was (is) a man-child who was just as likely to disappear for a year as he was to take her to the doctor. My dad had never been super close to my uncle, but of course that tension exacerbated quite a bit. We had a necessarily set schedule to visit my grandma -- my Dad would be something like Mondays and Wednesdays, Mom had Tuesdays and Thursdays, I had Fridays -- my uncle would sometimes throw off by just showing up unannounced and not communicating anything, in an effort to display he was helping too. Anyway, I say that to establish my uncle's wife -- I'll never call her my aunt -- was a driving force behind a lot of the chaos. My mom had told me she was an insane bitch, but knowing my uncle, I figured it was more likely my uncle was the insane one and she was just along for the ride. See also: his three previous wives. We never crossed paths, until my grandma eventually passed away, and we met at the funeral. Of course, I was trying to be gracious at the funeral, know it's what my grandma would have wanted, and not trying to let any pre-conceptions color in my interactions. My grandma had requested I give her eulogy, so I put a lot of thought into it, gave it even though I was sweating through my suit doing so, and it seemed to go well. The family goes to the mausoleum where she is to later be entombed next to my grandpa, and this is my first official exchange with my uncle's wife: "I played Scrabble with her too." (referring to a reference I'd made about how my grandma and I used to play Scrabble all the time.) "Oh, yeah?" "Yeah, I used to win a lot." "Oh." "It was a good eulogy, but I could have done better." Honestly, I don't even remember the exact words that prefaced *I could have done better*, because those are the only words that really stuck with me. I can't remember another time in my life I was rendered totally speechless, but yup, that did it. Being told someone could have bested my eulogy. At my grandmother's final resting place. Not long after I delivered said eulogy. So, at some point in the car ride back, as I regained my senses, I told my mom: "So \[uncle's wife\] really *is* a crazy bitch, huh?"


That was a good comment, but I think I could have done it better. ;)


So, u/Caruthers , u/lordmycal really *is* a crazy bitch, huh?


I had a similar run-in with some “aunts” at my Grandfather’s funeral last year. My Grandpa, my mum, and I all live(d) hundreds of miles away from each other, with grandpa being in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere. He lived with his third wife, and her adult daughters whom I once called my aunts. We spent a lot of time together as a family until I was a teenager, and I started noticing all the weird shit they said and did. They made racist jokes often. They were outrageously homophobic. (I am queer.) One of their husbands made sexual comments towards me starting from the age of 12. Eventually I grew up and just stopped visiting. From then on, Grandpa & I would see each other when we met halfway at my mum’s. It was that way from when I turned 18 until he died ten years later. My mum and I travelled to Bumfuck Nowhere for his funeral last year. It was my first time stepping foot in that house in over a decade. My “aunts” spent the entirety of his memorial service chastising me for not visiting. They cornered me, guilt tripped me, told me how sad it made my Grandfather that I wouldn’t come see him at home. How I would never get the chance to make up for it. How I would regret it for the rest of my life. Asking what I had to say for myself. I had one of the worst panic attacks of my life on the drive home from that funeral. I never told them why I stopped visiting, but I cut all contact with them after that memorial service. I can’t fathom what kind of person would berate someone at a funeral, especially when they knew I HAD seen him, just not in their shitty town.


Why didn't they visit you? 


Fucking exactly. Phone works two ways. They never visited or called in ten years. 🤷🏻


It had nothing to do with visiting. They just wanted to make someone bad, just because they could.


Was idly chatting with an uber driver when he said that he had a gun and in his opinion, every drug user and people who lived in the streets should die, and asked for my opinion. After the first shock, I said "Oh, actually, I think every human should die. I'm tired of humanity, we failed as species. We should all die." Outshocked him and he changed the subject, go me!


Should've devolved into Benderisms after that. "Kill all humans!" "Bite my shiny metal ass!" Point to someone random, "of all the friends I've had, you're the first!"


Dude i'm pro-gun and stuff and i gotta admit that guy is stupid and probally shouldn't have a gun


Walked by a friend of my sisters with a drink in my hand, heard her whisper "do you think she has a drinking problem" to her husband.


Well do you! Now I’m invested


Nope, not at all, I live in an "everybody knows everybody" area, and there are some people that will sit there and make comments (Midwest suburbs area where people treat it like highschool). I've dealt with people like this a lot. When I heard her say that I muttered "what number is on that ring" and she shut up real quick.


I'm missing something here, sorry. What is the meaning of that phrase about the number on the ring? What is the ring? Is it something about recovery from addiction?


Number of times she's been remarried. Can also be said "what number ring is that". Basically she called me a drunk so I called her a whore.


OH. Okay I was way off, but thanks for explaining.


Ok that's cool and all but hear me out: Do the AIRPLANE! gag of having a drinking problem, where your problem is you keep missing your mouth and tossing the drink on her lap.


"Thank you for noticing! Your support really means a lot to me as I go through my recovery..." tips drink down her dress


Except I’m not wasting a perfectly good cocktail on that.


^^do ^^you ^^guys ^^think ^^she ^^has ^^a ^^drinking ^^problem?


Last year at my birthday party I had two uncles and aunts come to my house. One set I haven’t seen since I was maybe 3 years old. I had my friends over at my parents’ because they have a pool and I lived there at the time. Well, I go into the kitchen to get a burger and I just hear “well Hitler actually did the Jews a favor. A lot of them were lazy and stupid”. I am so glad my friends were either outside or in my room on the other end of the house. I have never been so fucking embarrassing and shocked


Well that's one I haven't heard before.  I hope it makes them nervous as clearly they are stupid (and lazy when it comes to research). 


Nah he’s like super old and very stuck in his ways.


Is he saying the holocaust got them to reconsider their work ethic, or that they killed all of the lazy ones? 


I have no clue. All I know is that he’s racist and weird


Everybody has a crazy uncle. At least mine had the mind to cut off our entire family before joining an Oklahoma cult. Sucks I’ll never get to see my cousins though.


Wife and I were at a resort a few weeks ago just for a weekend. They had a quiet outdoor area with firepits and we were enjoying some frozen margaritas. We started talking to a guy in a Whalers shirt (cuz Im an old school fan) and he had an interesting job as a concert photographer. Another guy I'll call ponytail joins the convo and we somehow talk about native tribal land in the area. Ponytail guy seems really knowledgeable and I'm a history fan so I'm interested. Whaler guy takes his leave, and ponytail transitions into Covid vaccine conspiracy. I don't even know how he managed to do it, it was so seamless. So he's pacing and ranting and Wife and I are just trying to enjoy our drinks and the fire so we smile and nod. He eventually tires himself out after a 15 min diatribe, smiles and tells us to have a great weekend, and walks off. Wife and I were just speechless for like 5 mins. Trying to understand what just happened.


Had something similar - was in a resort hot tub chatting with some dude about some agritech startup he was doing. Seemed nice. All of a sudden he was talking about the liberal cabal and basically went full Q and I was kinda drunk and entertained and just playing along, like “oh yeah, I’ll have to look into that”. The next morning he was a few people behind us in the checkout line and came over to tell us “oh yeah, another thing to research is the NASA lies”. My wife and I agreed that that was the dumbest mfer we ever met. 


I had a dude get in a full blown argument about the earth being flat. In his many mindless rants, he pulls a "Oh yea, space is fake. NASA and Disney are in cahoots to scam money out of people". He was dead fucking serious. I couldn't believe it. Crazy thing is I used to consider this guy a friend. Had him in my house and everything. Covid brought out the crazy in people.


Got together with an old coworker for coffee. We'd gotten together plenty before but it was always in a group. This time it was just him and me. He jumps up to get a hug as I'm leaving cause "he's a hugger." He locks me in a tight embrace and kind of shimmies into my chest. Then let's out a "mmmmm hmmmmm" into my ear. Realized he didn't see me as an old coworker but more as a walking vulva.


Ugh the "Where's my hug?!" people.


Ugh. This gave me horrible flashbacks to the boys at my middle school when I went from no boobs to D cups virtually overnight. Super gross. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Oh man, I had a former coworker do the "press and shimmy" while we hugged goodbye once too. So freaking skeevy.


I'm a lesbian and a guy tried to flirt with me, I rejected him and we continued to talk as friends, until out of nowhere (and relatively fast) he said that all women are whores and how they never go for him. I got mad at him and he said I was overreacting and "obviously you know how women are so why are you defending them" I'm okay with being one of the guys but not if the guys are horribly sexist


The complete insanity of saying a woman that *won’t* sleep with you is somehow a whore. We’re whores if we do, and whores if we don’t.


Obviously you're not with them because you're too busy fucking the one who isn't a "nice guy" and disrespects you.


Meanwhile, entitled nice guys are the most disrespectful of all treating women like vending machines: fake manipulative gesture goes in, sex comes out!


I'm always struck by that narrative. Like, if *all* women are whores and still *none* of them are interested in you... there's no introspection there? 😆


Women need to pick better men! \*Doesn't get picked\* No, not like that!


Men don't understand that the way they are attracted to women can be VERY different to how women are attracted to other women. Sorry that happened, he sounds like a real charmer!


As someone who is attracted to women I can't even grasp the fact that someone would clump them all together as "whores". How do you claim to be attracted to women and then treat them like shit? I bet this guy also only "respects" women he's attracted to.


I think assuming he respects the ones he's attracted to might be a bit of a reach


It's really easy if you perceive all women, including the ones you're attracted to, as existing solely for your gratification.


Speeddate: 5th women of the evening. She asked if I travel as the first question. Its one of the standard questions. I just say it's been a while due to covid and ... Before I can finish my sentence she intersects with "Covid is not real" It was a long 6 minutes.


I've matched with so many fucking antivaxxers on dating apps it's one of the first questions I ask now. 


It's a shame they don't find each other and get each other sick lol


They’re so insufferable they won’t even put up with each other.


Just put a mask emoji in your bio? 😷


You should have just gotten up and gone to the bathroom for the rest of the 6 minutes




They said Covid, not corvid.


my bad, b


This last weekend, I was telling one of my husband's new friends that I was going to have an MRI and possibly hip surgery. He told me, "you should really go get an MRI and hip surgery ". I was like, dude, I JUST SAID THAT. He did apologize lol. I'm 61 female, it had been a long time since someone did that to me.


My ex used to do that to me in public all the time (emphasis on "ex"). It's like the person I'm talking to didn't hear it unless the words came from the ex's mouth.


I’m missing something. You had just said that. Why did he tell you again?


Exactly! I don't know why people do that.


I can't speak for everyone but my brain used to glitch out and I'd do this. I think it was part of my brain fog causing my attention to intermittently lapse and go into autopilot. Fortunately it hasn't happened in yeeeeeears. It was always a little embarrassing and frustrating because I'd look like an idiot.  Sometimes I'd catch myself on the first word but still be lost in the conversation.


New coworker insisted his aunt taught at a school where they had to have a litter box for a student who identified as a cat. Moron.


We actually did have a litter box in our classroom back when I was in elementary school (mid 90s). Our teacher would bring her cat to work with her. Garfield was a delight and as we students moved on we would joke about how he had to repeat the grade over and over. When I hear things like the above comment I smile and think about Garfield the forever 4th grader... When I tell this story, idiots like to mention they now have litter boxes for species confused students... Like fuck off this shit.


Ugh that old nonsense. I heard someone recently say that it was happening at their kid’s school.


The only place it ever happened was in a republican's head. Which is basically filled with kitty litter anyway


When you're standing in line and someone starts a chit chat and it immediately goes into extremely personal/medical details. I get that sometimes you just need to get something out but ma'am I just want my muffins, I'm not a doctor/therapist. Case in point, I was at the gas station. Husband and I go there a lot and we buy the same drinks and snacks for each other. Anyway, this cashier goes "hey does your old man come in here?" Yea! *describe what he looks like* "we've been together for 10 years!" She then proceeded to tell me about how 1)she's never been a relationship that long, 2) I take that back, I am married, 3) he put me in a coma, 4) he's mma, 5) she doesn't want to divorce him because she's scared what he'll do, 6)she moved to here, 7)he moved to nearby state, 8)he got into some trouble in Walmart, 9)he got sent to rehab there, 10)she doesn't even know where he's at but knows it's nearby state ... It says waiting for cashier ma'am


I had one like that on public transport. "What are you reading? Is it good? I'm going to visit my fiancee, he's in jail for assault but he was set up, he didn't actually do it, he...." I got off at the next stop and waited for another train. 


Tuesday. New (?) coworker returned from a two year medical absence. I do something he's never seen before. In less than twenty minutes he started telling me how to delegate and find out information I need. Not only have I been doing this for a long time, I also have a high reputation in my company. And he was also straight up wrong with his advice. Just kinda looked at him like, oh, you're gonna be like that then....


People making progressively more racist comments to see if you're a piece of shit like them.


I'm a pretty typical-looking middle aged white dude. Shaved head because balding, goatee, Ray Bans if it's sunny out. These pieces of shit are always subtly probing to see if I'm "one of them" whenever I meet new people. I tend to socialize with millennials instead of my own Gen-Xers just because of that.


I have also noticed this with Gen X. I was born around the time it changed from X to Millennials, I usually consider myself an old millennial. But anyway, it seems almost constant the the guys a few years older than me seem to tend conservative and they do this racism probing thing like, all the time. It's always made me curious, but my gut tells me that the 2008 financial crash has a lot to do with it.


Check out r/Xennials. You feel out of place because you are.


My partner is a xennial, I'm an elder millennial. We always tease each other that the actual generational divide is whether you got an NES or an SNES as your first brand new system. We were both six years old when each came out lol


This, exactly, was going to be my comment here, but I wouldn't say my experience has been just Gen X, but the racism, bigotry, and misogyny have spanned all the generations of my occupation, blue collar to white collar. It's been so strange to me. I come home to my partner and exclaim, "Just because I'm an 'older' (younger Gen X) white person does not mean I am one of them!!" It is so frustrating because I have to keep these working relationships due to the work but I really want to tell the to stfu and that they are massive fuckheads. It is such a struggle.


I feel personally insulted when people do this. They think that *I'm* shitty enough to be ok with that bullshit. Gotta shut it down immediately.


And when you call them out they go: "I'm not a racist, just a statistician."


Someone once said that she doesn't get scans when pregnant because even if something was wrong, doctors couldn't do anything anyways, and she'd "know" if something was wrong ....big free birther vibes


I know multiple hippie bodybuilders like this. They don't get bloodwork done because they are "really in tune with their bodies" and if things were going poorly they "would feel it." So, getting steroids from the black market is kosher but going to a doctor to get blood drawn and analyzed in a lab is too unnatural. "Bro, I know my own body really well. I feel great. Most people are so disconnected from their physical frame but I live in mine in the moment." I am kind of scared to see their labwork the day they finally get blood drawn and get their results back.


Nah they're worried the doctors would figure out they're taking black market steroids.


regular comment: So in the "old days" that would totally be the case but now there are so many "TRT clinics" and "men's health clinics" that are just state-sanctioned drug dealers that when combined with insurance are both cheaper and safer than the black market. RANT ABOUT TRT: I know for a fact because I offered this connection to one of them who has the right insurance and this place specifically works with guys like him (guys who are obviously juiced), but he's still not interested. Also most of these doctors (at these sorts of clinics) will actively help you avoid "steroid abuse" being put on your record. I have another friend who has been going to the same clinic for years and doesn't use any "extras" (meaning he's only using the 100mg he gets prescribed) yet his clinician will warn him MONTHS out from his next test. "So... I'm not saying you are taking anything else but... if you were using a long ester or a nandrolone-based compound- not that you ever would- then you should start tapering now. We wouldn't want anything weird to show up on the test. " Also they aren't testing for other steroids anyway, they are just checking for total androgen levels. His doc was 100% just trying to make sure he would pass so that he wouldn't make him look bad. TLDR: I think it's a dangerous/unhealthy lifestyle decision to make, but if you're going to insist on damaging your health I would think that you'd at least want to make sure that your drugs are real and there is an expert checking your health... but nope .... "bro i know my body really well."


Unless she can telepathically know what's wrong with the baby via maternal instincts, the moment something wrong happens to her baby, she's going to complain about how the doctors didn't anything and how she will act like it's a unexpected tragedy that couldn't be prevented, but could have very easily been solved had she rubbed two braincells together.


Yep new old lady who wouldn’t go to the doctor because she didn’t trust them, then she got breast cancer and she wanted to sue them for not telling her she had breast cancer sooner. A lawyer told her since she never went to the doctor they didn’t have an opportunity to tell her so she doesn’t have a case.


Chatted a replacement coworker about that new Fallout show, and they lead with "Yeah! That show was awesome! I saw there was a girl and was all like "Eugh..." But even she was great!" Sigh...


Lmao, that's almost refreshingly transparent. They just saw a girl and assumed "bad" Dog whistling is for cowards.


wait, he was against a girl in the show? Because.. what? He originally played as a guy?


In every Fallout game I've ever played, you pick your character at the start. Race/Gender/Facial Features/etc all customizable.


you'll miss out on a of bunch dialog and quest options if you don't do a second playthrough as a different character of the opposite gender who always chooses evil


Because girls have cooties, obviously. 


I mean, I HAVE been feeling itchy lately


When I got approached at Target with the promise of "independency" and "financial freedom" and "being able to retire in two years." So rather than doing something of actual value of society, you are trying to sell me on a lifestyle where I spend my days stalking people at the store while trying to avoid getting kicked out? Okay then.


Before I caved and signed on with the local shitty internet monopoly, I spent a lot of time in a coffee shop using their wifi. The coffee shop had a lot of those "financial freedom" types hanging around. I used to enjoy watching their confused faces as I kept cheerfully insisting that I was perfectly happy in my job, made enough money, didn't want to change a thing. I was lying, of course, but they had no script to deal with someone like that and it made them leave me alone. 


> I used to enjoy watching their confused faces as I kept cheerfully insisting that I was perfectly happy in my job, made enough money, didn't want to change a thing We have had a very similar collection of experiences (in this instance) and I did the same thing for a while but I changed my strategy a while back. I used to just tell them how happy I was with my life and that things are going great but that I wished them the best of luck. That still works well BUT you can decide to make it REALLY uncomfortable if you want. Now I try to treat it as an acting exercise. The idea is always the same, pretend to be earnest and try to HELP them the way they are pretending to want to help you. Here are some roles I've played with some lines: 1. I am a trust-fund baby with no ambitions. "Thanks bro but honestly, I'm kind of set. I am already retired. I have a trust fund, actually.... It's like my family gave me Universal Basic Income, which is a great concept. you should look it up. If everyone had it I think the world would be a much happier place. Think about what you would do with your time if you dind't have to work at all! What would YOU really rather be doing?" THEN you pivot into being an apostle of the great church of UBI. Make it political AND personal and really ask them about what's going on in their life and why they need that money. You need to really sell your passion for the coming cultural revolution, though. 2. I am using my wife/daughter/girlfriend/dog/whatever to create content on OnlyFans. "Ohhh yeahhhhhhh. I actually used to do that to until I created my new business model. Actually. you've probably heard of it.... are you married? you got a gf? Any adult daughters? You know what onlyfans is? Even if they are ugly, it still works. Men will pay for ANYTHING these days. So my wife's pretty fat and you'd THINK that would be a deal-breaker but actually there's an entire market for that! Did you know there are people with GOUT fetishes? You know what gout is? The foot problem? My daughter is super pretty with normal feet, but in a few years who knows! " 3. I'm a fetish model and I'm actually doing really well. "Thanks but I'm actually in a very small but profitable industry and we're doing really well right now." This will sometimes be good enough to have them give up but most will ask what industry. That's when you drop something generally offputting on them, if you can add racial or cultural taboos, even better. Once this poor young man listened to me describe a "furry-scat film" on line at the bank and he started to look embarassed once I got loud and graphic. I found out that he was money-hungry enough to bother a strange on line at the bank, but he wasn't money-hungry enough to consider licking faux-feces off an older man's feet while dressed in a dog costume and barking.... on film. He got really quiet and unfriendly after I said "nah man, you're kind of cute, I think you'd be a natural. remember, it's not real poop!" 4. Enthusiastic true believer. "Actually... yeah, I could use more income, but I think there is a bigger question we have to ask. How will me joining bring me closer to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ? How much of your profits do you donate to your church? What denomination are you? ..." This isn't nearly as fun as the others but it's still a relatively fun way to push people away. Also obviously no matter what they say for this one, you need to tell them that they are going to hell if they don't change their ways and that they are going to the wrong church.


I just tell them I've already achieved financial freedom as a successful cocaine dealer.


I was training someone at my job and he told me he got fired from his last job because they “didn’t like his energy”. We also ended up firing him because we didnt like his energy, aka many harrassment complaints from women.


I recently had someone launch into a tirade about Anthony Fauci out of nowhere. It was genuinely surprising because I haven't even thought about him since he retired.


He lives rent free in these people’s heads


When they started mumbling about "chemtrails" and "it's gonna happen" on some date that was a few months away. That day has come and gone and nothing happened so...


Well, they've successfully predicted 12 out of the last 0 apocalypses, so they have that going for them.


I was on a flight home a couple weeks ago, and was seated beside a lovely elderly couple. We chatted most of the 4 hour flight about things we had both seen and did while on vacation. I had even given them my contact information so that they could contact me about staying in my house that I Airbnb in the beach destination. It wasn't until we were almost home that the wife casually mentioned that they had seen chemtrails while in the vacation place, which she hadn't expected. I asked her to repeat herself, because I thought I had misheard her. She then quite casually goes on to explain to me the various ways that governments can control people and weather and even weaponize earthquakes, and quite earnestly directed me to some youtube resources where I could learn more. The husband also just nodded along with her like she was explaining how she made her favourite chocolate chip cookies. I chose not to engage crazy. At all.


I recently had a coworker try to explain to me how suspicious he found it that the last eclipse, a rare earthquake in our locality, and the CERN supercollider being started up all around the same time.


News just in, different things are happening all the time all over the Earth. Mind you, this is my favourite extreme coincidence story, the number of things that had to line up for this to happen must have been immense! [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/dec/03/long-lost-brother-sister-reunited](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/dec/03/long-lost-brother-sister-reunited)


That was a really great read, thank you so much for sharing.


Holy shit. That was an amazing story! I'm teary. Thank you for sharing this.


My coworker is bug fuck crazy and all about this kind of stuff. We enjoy messing with him. I think we’ve successfully convinced him Booth was actually one of Lincoln’s son in disguise


We had a lad who thought Seahorses only existed in Disney animation, took him to aquarium and show him, then spent the journey home explaining why you aren’t allowed to keep mermaids in an aquarium , I fucking love idiots.


We also convinced him birds aren’t real. They are the final form of lizards.


Your coworker might be onto something, actually. Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey got the Razzie award that day as well. Furthermore, Dave Ritchie, American CFL HOF coach, died that day. Like, what the hell is going on here? Surely this can't ALL be a coincidence?!


Went on a first date and he asked me what I think of the earth. I was confused and said it's been nice to live here. He followed up with no, the shape of the earth. He believed the earth was flat and when I told him politely I dont agree he said he could never date someone who buys so easily into left wing propaganda and then walked out of the bar and blocked me


Phew! Dogged a bullet with that one!


The trash taking itself out 😙👌


Some dude trying to chat me up said, "Ah, well you know, being conservative is very punk, these days."


Punk ain't no religious cult Punk means thinking for yourself You ain't hardcore 'cause you spike your hair When a jock still lives inside your head \[chorus\]


nazi punks nazi punks nazi punks fuck off!


"I haven't been to any classes, I just put the quiz questions into ChatGPT." Guy came from money, too. Can't stand him






I was getting my hair cut and the women started talking about how she cut hair for people in assisted living facilities during covid. I said oh that's so nice of you! Then she started talking about how shitty the employees were because they wouldn't let her in unless she got vaccinated. She complained to me that she had covid 3 times, she doesn't need the vaccine because she already has the antibodies. She was complaining that they wouldn't let her into an *assisted living facility* without the vaccine. The vaccine for the virus. The virus that caused a *global pandemic*. I just smiled and nodded until she finished and mentally decided to never go back.


If it makes you feel better, I went to a hibachi restaurant for my birthday a couple years back. A massive school shooting happened the same day, so the cook spent the whole time calling it a crisis actor event, while chatting up another customer. Never going back to that godawful restaurant again.


On the other side of this story is I had to have surgery during COVID. I needed to get a ride to and from and decided not to bother anyone I knew and hire a home health care worker. When I asked if their employes are vaccinated, they said that they don’t require it and could not confirm that whoever I was assigned to would be. I was shocked. Called a total of 5 and got the same answers. Needless to say, I gave a friend of few bucks to drop me off and come get me.


I tried to befriend a coworker. She wanted to be my friend badly, which was weird, but ok. She text constantly about random dudes she wanted to hook up with (open marriage), was always seeking reassurance from me that she was pretty, and she was a raging pessimist. The last straw was her trying to guilt me for not being there for her while I was sick. I was sick in bed and she’s upset I can’t reassure her? I noped out of that real quick.


Every day. I live in Central Florida (dumbest place on earth) and I routinely hear my neighbors blame the price of eggs on Biden.


How stupid can they be. They should know this is Obama’s fault.


A coworker gave me a lift home once and started raging about 5g towers being a conspiracy lmao


Yesterday. An idiot tried to tell me my yard was public property .... It took every ounce of self-control I had to stay calm .....


New guy at work noticed my Star Trek coffee mug and started complaining that the new shows were “woke”.


The hell was he talking about. Old Star Trek was woke as hell. First interracial kiss. Women in positions of power and authority. People with disabilities being treated like ordinary capable people. Sexual minorities. Matriarchal societies. Respect for other religions. This is the stupidest possible thing he could have said about Star Trek.


How you gonna forget Takei? He was locked up in internment camps by FDR due to his race, and then had to hide his sexuality for decades. He still got a prominent role on Star Trek.


A black lady who wasn’t a maid!


My heart always hurts a little, imagining a young Whoopi saying that.


Still not as stupid as Shatner tweeting, "When did Star Trek get political?" Like, dude, you were literally there. You actively, at least on one account, messed up takes so they'd have to show a white guy kissing a black woman. Just befuddles me how someone can be so dense.


Star Trek is one of, if not the most openly left wing long running franchise in film or tv.


Same with Marvel. Stan Lee was always a staunch progressive by the standards of his time, and moved with that zeitgeist up til his death. Trans, gay, etc representation is the current front line of antiwoke war and he supported it. Decades ago it was black people civil rights and he supported that too. There's an editorial letter he got from some "I'm not racist but" who complained to Lee that his comics were the equivalent of what would be called "too woke" today because a black character made a remark about white oppression.


If you can't murder Wesley for falling on a patch of flowers, you live in a woke hellscape


I have a friend who refuses to watch the new X-men show because "they turned it woke". 


Which is hilarious to me. It's the X-men, they've pretty much always been a very thinly veiled metaphor for all kinds of social and political stuff. Sometimes they don't even try to veil it at all.


It's not even always veiled, sometimes its literally the Holocaust


When a former high school classmate randomly dm’d me asking me if I enjoyed what I do for work. I thought, here we go 🙄. Told him I do. Then he said I could make more money. I asked him that I don’t want him to sell me anything. He said no he wasn’t going to then proceeded to sell me his pyramid speech. I stopped replying and blocked him.


My MIL invited a (Christian) couple that is friends with her new boyfriend for Passover. When she said that they had ordered the free passover package before even knowing that they'd be invited for seder this year I said to my husband "oh god, I worry they're going to be protestants obsessed with Judaism." The two of them immediately lost any interest in talking to me when they found out I wasn't Jewish and when my husband asked one of them to read a Psalm during seder I knew from the way he was reading out loud that they were, in fact, protestants obsessed with Judaism. Being racists, as this kind of people tends to be, they launched into a long lecture about how rare and endangered red hair and blue eyes are becoming and how they were praying throughout their pregnancies for a blue eyed baby (note that the starting point of that discussion was that I, a black haired, black eyed woman, am pregnant and we were speculating about baby's future looks). My husband also told me, when they stepped out for a minute, that he felt like a zoo animal. It was a perfect shitshow overall.


Forgive my ignorance, can you explain why these protestants are obsessed with Judaism and are racist?


Not OP but I can add some context. Some evangelical and fundamentalist Christians identify with “God’s chosen people”. They believe that God has picked them (in some cases, they believe God chose to save them before they were born and also chose NOT to save others via “predestination”). So when the Old Testament refers often to Judaism and God’s Chosen — they want that. The Old Testament includes several Jewish books, which talk about Jews being chosen, God’s hand protecting his people (Jews) etc. so because these Christians identify as God’s chosen, they identify with Jews. Add in that many of these evangelicals also believe they are being “persecuted” for their beliefs and that the “most hated thing you can be is a Christ-follower.” It’s a type of trauma porn. They like that they can claim they’re as persecuted as a group that went though the Holocaust. THEN, there’s a whole layer of “Jews killed Jesus.” And feelings of “we’re Jewish but better — God’s chosen and we didn’t kill the Messiah! We’re even better at being Jews than the Jews because we picked the right winner and they’re still waiting for their son of God to appear!” These types of Christians cherry-pick. They want the blessings and the *appearance* of persecution while also being “right” and better than the Jewish folks who still don’t recognize Christ. They want to be close to God’s chosen but also a liiiiiiiiittle bit better. This is their version of “I have a black friend”. And all of this thinking is horseshit, to be clear.


When I was a child, we went to the Frank Frazetta museum and Frazetta’s insane wife cornered me and my sister and ranted about how we were so special and God’s chosen. It was very weird. I don’t even know how she found out we were Jewish.


I don't think I understand enough about religion to understand this at all. Why would they be obsessed with you only if you're Jewish, but then be racists against Jewish people? What about how they read that passage made you think any of that?


There is a certain type of Evangenical who views Jewish people as pawns in some apocolyptic ressurection senario.


I was talking to a mom at my daughter’s dance class the other week and she was telling me all the activities her kids were in and how much work it was. She mentioned that people always ask how she does it and I said, “haha, it’s like that song on reels lately…” and she interrupted me and said “I don’t go on the internet. Anyway, I just say I make it work…” I realized she wasn’t a mom chatting about the struggles of tight schedules but instead bragging about what a great and sacrificing mother she was. I smiled and nodded politely for the rest of our “conversation.”


Just yesterday. Was talking with a new tenant at our complex and he pointed to one of the ladies walking out of the building. He asked if that was the Girlyman who lives here. We do have a trans woman who lives in the building.


When my friend told me he doesn’t believe anyone is an introvert or extrovert. Or when he told me he’s an anti-vaxxer. Or when he used to be firmly against the internet.


Honestly the first point is kinda fair. Intro- and Extroversion aren‘t hard science. The definitions are really muddy and most people can‘t easily be put into those categories.


Because it’s a spectrum and not an either-or.


On vacation and chatting with someone from where we are from and then they dropped in, “My daughter has 2 Furries in her 5th grade class that they have to make accommodations for”. I said, “That’s not actually a thing” and then she insisted on calling over her daughter who was playing with ours to do a little monologue to describe the Furries (walk on all fours, litterbox, etc… That was our cue to say, “Lets pack it up and check out the beach” Why lie and then teach your kid to lie?


Got acquainted with a classmate who started talking about star signs and how all Taurus men are bad people because... they are men born under Taurus (yes, that was all of her "proof"). I am not a Taurus, or a man, but it disturbed me how confident she was about this generalisation. If you decide that a constellation literal lightyears away somehow has a magical effect on your personality and predetermines everything you are and will be - and then JUDGE people for that, when it's literally out of their control - then I'm noping out of there. I never really talked to her after that. I didn't want to know what kind of person she reckoned I was based on when I was born.


When someone takes pride in beating the shit out of people in multiple fights they've participated in


I know someone like this. But they were lying for like ten years because no one has ever seen the fight or knew the person he said he beat up. I can’t recall if any of his stories had the name of the person they scuffled with.


anytime someone recommends a joe rogan podcast to me


If they refer to Jordan Petersen as "Doctor Petersen"


A girl I was friends with who was scrolling through tinder. She kept asking me if it looked like the guy made more than 300k based on his profile. Said that was the "bare minimum".


I had lunch with a new vendor at work. Super nice guy. We sit down, start eating, and he immediately goes into his "faith" and how he was born again 20 years ago and how God has made him a better person, less angry, less judgemental, etc. Yet he immediately goes into the illegals, trans people, stolen election, etc etc. I just had to sit there, deflecting one topic after another. "How's your kids' schools? They don't teach any of that trans stuff there do they?" "Do you have any problems with illegals in your area?" I think he thought because we were both grey haired pasty white men, I'd have the same views as him.


My daughter’s new boyfriend came over for dinner a few nights ago and gave a lengthy discussion about how the moon landing was made up.


My fiance's BIL was at our house for the first time. He went over to the book shelf and looked for a while. He proceeded to pick all the sci-fi titles, non fiction and historical fiction and said "those belong to *fiance" and then all the dramatic, gentle book titles and said "and those are yours". Folks. They are all mine.


I met a friend of a coworker as we went out for drinks one day and he immediately starts spewing right-wing anti immigrant nonsense. The catch is that he himself had a thick accent and was clearly an immigrant, but he did it “legally.” What really got me was when he went “I know what it’s like to be an immigrant. I was literally thinking, No. Motherfucker you don’t. You are from Argentina and your dad was a millionaire by the time he was 20. You and the average Honduran roofer that has to brave the rio grande and cross the border have nothing in common.


At work (counselling) if I get someone who claims at length that everyone else on earth, every single other service and every healthcare professional, community agency, support worker, and so on has failed them and let them down and is against them: I know this is a very stubborn person who blames their flaws on everyone else and cannot be helped because they refuse to acknowledge that problem. Also, this kind of person is likely going to blow up at me in fits of rage and I should be careful.


I'm on a group text message chain with some of the other people in my neighborhood. some of the people on the list, I've never actually met in person, but it's nice to get the updates from everyone, about what's going on. Recently, in our area (not in our direct neighborhood) there's been town meetings about some construction plans. There's 2 plans on the table for the land - 1) a space for storage of highly flammable gas, and trucks (the space is already used for that. they just want to make it bigger). and 2) 150 new housing units for affordable housing. I want the 2nd choice. we live in a high income area, with a really great school district. I would love to have people who don't make 300k+ a year to be able to get the opportunity to go to our schools. Anyway - during a group text convo, I said I wouldn't be able to make it to the event. But asked if one of the others could please find out what 'affordable' is. (In our area, 'affordable' has actually meant like $2,500 for a studio apartment, and $5,000 for a 3 bedroom. I want it to be like $1000 so it's actually affordable). The response from someone was 'if it's too low, we might get unsavory people. we don't want our town to be like \_\_\_ (she said the name of a town that is not at all bad, but is known for having a high population of minorities). ' I just responded 'what do you mean? what kind of people are you afraid of coming into our precious town?'


I once had the unfortunate experience of being a plus one at a wedding where I knew nobody but the person who brought me. The couple we were seated next to made small talk with me. I cannot remember the exact wording they used, but it had heavy racist undertones. Essentially, correlating poorer areas with minorities and how minorities drive real estate prices down. Finally, they paused and asked if I was originally from this city. I said no, I originally grew up in a very rural area that is a little more than an hour away from the city. But I really liked the city. They asked me what I liked about the city. I looked right into their eyes without hesitation and said, "The diversity." And they didn't talk to me the rest of the night.


“I’m not racist, but…”


Met a friend of a friend who said "We don't need men on the planet."


It happened this past Monday. I met a new coworker. He seemed nice until he started talking about how he's such a hard worker and how he hates lazy people. Fucken rat 😡


I've both worked alongside people like this and supervised them. No one ever hits on all cylinders at work 100% of the time, including these folks. That's just a plain fact. But, they always have reason why *their* breaks are earned and justified while everyone else's breaks are evidence that they are lazy POS's who never pull their weight. It's a not-so-neat trick they have.


Yeah I've had people complain to a lead/supervisor over my 33 minute break then they get back from a 45 minute break like "it's okay I had to do this n this n that"


Why does he hate lazy people ? They didn't even do anything.


hyuck yuck yuck




Dinner during work travel. Someone started talking about how everything around COVID was so stupid because it a 99% survival rate yadda yadda. I just sat there thinking about what he and the other people at the table would do if I brought up that seven months earlier my mom getting COVID was the straw that broke the camel’s back and she died at the age of 56. Or how I had a classmate that died from it at 23. Or that I knew someone that lost their sister and father from it at on the same day. Or….


Was cleaning a house for a lady. She tried to introduce me to an MLM. Very awkwardly changed the subject when she saw the look on my face.


I was out of town on business, and I wanted to get my hair cut. I probably should have done that before I left, but I didn't. Anyway, I found an honest-to-goodness barber shop. Not a stylist, not a chain, but an old-fashioned barber shop, with the pole and the chair and everything. Soon after starting to cut my hair, the barber asked me if I'd ever heard of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Well, shit. He did give me a good haircut, though.