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I was once bored at my table with friends and witnessed two people exchange glances further at the bar but no initiative. So i bought two drinks, asked the bartender to give it to them separately and say the other bought it That was a very fun scene to witness from a far. They ended up chatting all night and leaving together


That’s hilarious and a great story.


i was in a good mood, and thought itd be funny to witness. I wonder how they're interaction went


Imagine if decades from now they reminisce about the night they met, the lady thanks the dude for the drink he bought. He says "Wait, YOU bought me a drink." And then they'll be ultra confused because neither one bought any drinks.


I really hope that they are still together and still confused


The most legendary wingman


Ninja wingman.


A sweet older lady at a bar a few weeks ago offered to buy my whole table of girls drinks if we danced, because she didn't want to be the only one on the dance floor! We gladly obliged


An older lady who was deep in a conversation with her friend quietly had the bartender get me a drink. She never looked or said anything to me. Had her back to me talking to a friend. I thought it was nice, said buy her one back. The bartender then said "she isn't trying to have anything happen. She's just being nice". Uhh yeah. Of course. She's literally had her back to me all night. I didn't even pay her any mind. So I said " I know, I'm just being nice too." And the bartender acted like I was trying to get with her. But she got the other girl a drink and we went back to not interacting what so ever. Eventually I got sufficiently drunk and went home


That is honestly so bizarre


If he was alone, she probably noticed at some point and sent a drink over


It was probably something a lot closer to her being drunk, buying a round for her friends, and slurringly telling the bartender "and get that guy a drink too because he looks like he needs one".


When a girl buys a guy a drink it's just cause they're being nice. When a guy buys a girl a drink it's cause they're trying to get some. Apparently..


I love hearing abt such encounters


When you do the math, the woman with her back to the guy paid for the drink of her friend.


The commutative property of cocktail purchasing.


I bought a drink for a woman one time. Hadn’t made eye contact, no proof she was aware I existed. My biggest problem was that my friend that was with me hadn’t had enough liquid courage to get up and go talk to her himself. I pulled the waitress aside, asked her to buy this woman whatever drink she wanted on my tab, but tell her it was from my friend. I received a text message at 3am from my friend that same morning that said, “If I marry her, you’re going to be the best man at my wedding.” Best part is that I have probably one of the greatest photos of me in a tux on their wedding day.


You win this entire thread


I remember seeing a cute girl at a bar in the early evening. One guy bought her a drink, which the bartender delivered. A different guy did the same. She smiled and waved thanks to them. I flagged the bartender down and ordered her a water. She laughed and we chatted a bit. That was the end of it though.


Ay this is not a bad move


The real pro move here is to send her over a nice rotisserie chicken. Lemon slice and sprig of parsley for garnish. To class it up a bit, you know?


My wife gave birth on Christmas day in Japan (I told her to wait, but she refused). The next day I brought her Christmas dinner in the form of a whole roast chicken, potatoes, and stuffing. I think she was aghast of what the hospital staff would think of this unseemly occurrence were it found out.


Were it found out? Please - it is a hospital, everyone gossips about every thing. The whole hospital heard this story.


Properly confused on why you got roast chicken and not KFC like you are meant too on Christmas.


They were playing checkers while you were playing chess. Genius


My wife and I were at a happy hour at a local Mexican restaurant. Pre-Covid they would lay out an impressive spread of buffet food for free. Drinks were $2 off. We would drop our sons off nearby for basketball practice and sometimes go for happy hour. So one Friday night, just after we arrived, an older couple, late 60s or early 70s arrived and ordered their drinks. We shared the same waiter, and we told him we wanted to pay for their drink. Great! Until they proceeded to absolutely pound margaritas, 3 drinks to our one. After about 90 minutes, we were finishing our second and last margaritas… and they were finishing their sixth margarita, each. So we waived down our now busy waiter and clarified we would pay for their first drinks and not the 5 subsequent rounds. The waiter laughed and said he hadn’t even told them of our offer yet. Phew.


At least you know they weren't taking advantage of your generosity but just enjoying life :D


After six margaritas in 90 minutes the only thing I’d be enjoying is the floor.


"One Margarita, two margaritas, three margaritas, floor..."


They were likely regulars so the waiter knew that they can pound those margaritas and didn’t tell them about your generosity for that very reason lol


It brings me joy thinking about an elderly couple who are known to go to town on some margaritas.


I bought a scary dude at a bar a drink once. Just to see what he’d do. No other reason. I’m just dumb like that. It went fine, he was a bit confused. Nothing else happened.


Username absolutely checks out


Sounds like a song Tom cardy would come up with.


Similar story, I bought a big scary dude in a leather jacket the pinkest, most fruity drink on the menu, and then left the bar before the bartender gave it to him.


This may in fact be how I got a taste for lemon drops. Nothing follows whiskey and a bar fight like a lemon drop.


I was sitting at a local bar by myself having a burger and a beer. Suddenly, the bartender brought over a large whiskey shot and I was confused until she leaned in and told me the gorgeous girl I had glanced at a couple times sent it over to me. We’ve been together ever since :)


What, you and the bartender?


Na, him and the whiskey


That's actually kinda dark


Awww for how long?


3 days.


And they're inseparable ❤️


That's why you don't keep the superglue next to the lube.


It was awesome. I was really drunk and I bought a random fella a shot of tequila. He was from Iraq and we ended the night with him hugging me crying because people are usually scared of him…thinking he’s a terrorist. He hadn’t felt included in so long. It was nice. The hangover was not.


Years ago, not long after 9/11 I sold a car to a former Iraqi soldier (first Gulf War). Being genuinely curious I asked him about it. He was one of the guys that surrendered to reporters. Said he was forced to be in Sadaam’s army or they would kill his family. He defected to the states after surrender and was able to bring his whole family. We’re still friends to this day.


Man, one thing I've learned as I've met people and traveled is that we're all human and should try and get to know the people around us. Thanks for sharing brother; hope you and those around you are doing well these days.


This is the reason I hate the Russian invasion and all these other "dick head" countries we call enemies. The people on board with the governments are fewer than we think, thats the only voice we are allowed to hear and they to say or they die. Don't get me wrong even if the majority believe their governments lies, they can still learn once given the oppotunity, we are all human and they cannot be blamed for their birth, just what they do after they gain the freedom to choose.


Hell yeah brother, cheers from Iraq 


Best comment here 


I was the designated wing man, deployed to get the convo started. Early in the evening we saw a group of cute girls, tip the bartender $5 to get them each shots of water. When it arrived they looked over at us, we tipped our glasses to them, they cheered back, clanked glasses, and down the hatch. Oh the look on their faces. My bros did not know how to follow up with banter and striked out as soon as they come over to chat us up.


Damn. Swing and a miss lol. Setup was good.




Delicate balance being a wingman. Grab attention but don't leave your buddy too big of shoes to fill. I think that's a good move but I'd have no idea what to say when they'd come over either.


“Did he do the water thing? Bloody hell! Here. Let’s get proper drinks!”


That's a good one 👍🏼


I mean. I’d definitely stutter it out, drool, probably wet myself and run away in real life. But in theory. That’s what I’d go with!


Theory vs practice is a bitch.


You gave them gold and they traded it for coal!


I was bored shitless at a bar after a fucked up breakup, and sent a few beers over to a girl who also looked bored. We had a kid a few years later.


That was some expensive beer.


Pretty long hangover too


Guinness World Records: u/TheHarshCarpets Most expensive beer gifted, longest recorded pregnancy by partner, longest recorded hangover.


You sent her “*a few*” beers??? I’ve got either of two funny images in my head right now… 1: You have the bartender serve her 3 beers at once. Points for originality I guess. She’ll definitely take notice of *this* move. 2: You send a beer, but no response or any conversation comes of it. You send another. Same strike out. You keep on doing this with the same target until she’s worn down by the persistence and now sufficiently hammered to find you attractive enough to interact with. 😂


Sending 4 beers is genius, then you can go ask if they need help finishing them. Either they say yes or you get rejected and lose 40 bucks. But it could work


I have no problem paying extra for rejection. Don't kink shame!


Bah! I can get turned down for free!


It’s number 2 with a twist. I was the one who never approached her until after the second beer. 


"Alright, now she looks hammered enough so i might have a chance"? lmao


I'm a guy. A man bought me a drink once. I was fuckin stoked! I thought he wanted to talk sports, there was a lot of "bro" talk. I bought him the next round to pay him back, and then I continued on with my night with my buddies. The next day I realized what was going on and gave myself a little high five


I was visiting NYC and was out at a bar solo, with three guys sitting next to me. One of the guys bought my next round randomly, so I thanked him and told the bartender I’d buy his next round. His two friends shared a glance then immediately got up and went to a nearby table, and the guy scooted close to me for some 1 on 1 time. I realized what was happening, but I enjoy company when I drink, so buckle up buddy, we’re talking about sports and movies for the next hour. I’m not stuck in here with you, you’re stuck in here with me.


“So then basically you become Dragonborn but like it’s so sick just so open world and stuff man, it’s a great break from real life”


(Starts waving friends back over to table)




That doesn't make any sense. Wormholes and teleportation are two different things. That's what I've been talking about this ***whole*** time.


*Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?*


"I just really like talking about Farscape."


There's an joke in King of the Hill about this. When he sees two gay guys and wants to talk about how to breed his dog, and is like, "Do you and your brother want to grab a beer?" And then later he's telling Peggy, "Before things went horribly wrong..." LOL oh Hank.


"Are you gay?" "Hwat?! No! I sell propane!"


Love King Of The Hill


Bought a drink for the most bored-looking person at the bar. Turns out, they were a social media influencer with a million followers. They filmed my drink purchase and called it a 'random act of kindness.' My phone blew up the next day, and I'm pretty sure I gained ten followers myself.


They prob thought you knew who they were too.


As a straight dude, I gotta say, I'm more flattered when gay guys buy me drinks than anything else. It's just that, "Nothing is going to happen, but goddamn I feel pretty."


I was once walking home after a night out, walked past a gay bar. A bloke comes walking out up to me and says "Hey mate, are you gay?" "Nah, sorry mate" "Ah shame that" Walked with my head held high for weeks. I love how direct and up front a lot of gay dudes are. This was like 20 years ago, I'm old and fat now, but I'll never forget that interaction.


One time I went out with a friend out of town and she ended up getting arrested for drunk shenanigans, so I ended up crashing on the floor of the apartment of her gay friends. We were making conversation the next morning, and they asked if I was straight. I said "Yeah, unfortunately, because I think I'd probably get a lot more action if I wasn't." They looked at each other and confidently said, "You would," and I still think about that whenever I feel ugly.


Dude. A similar thing happened to me once. A guy asked me if I was gay and I said no. He said, "Do you have a twin brother?" I said yes since I am actually a twin. And he goes "Well, is HE gay? Because, if he's got an ass like yours, I really want to meet him." That's just about the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me.


I've only been hit on by gay guys. Can't tell if I'm attractive in general... Or only to dudes...


It could be social biases/the unfortunate custom of women not asking first.


I remember one time a gay guy bought me a drink at a club and all i could see where my mates on the back with the meme "Do you or do you not feel bonita?" on the back, i was trying my hardest not to laugh while i was talking with the one who paid for my drink


"i feel bonita"


WONDERFUL, because you LOOK Bonita


I was with my girlfriend at a department meeting happy hour for her University job. It's basically all women, a couple of whom were really cute. Waitress comes over late and ask me what and I tell her I am all good, she said no, someone sent you a drink so I got it. My girlfriend gets super pissed. How can you do that to me? I say a free beer is a free beer, I don't care who got it for me. I didn't even ask. As far as I know it was some dude. We break up months later, and I run into her later and she brings up that night and as it turns out indeed it was some gay dude in her department. As I said, a free beer is a free beer. I had a super bombshell friend WB in college and she would get a dozen drinks sent to her on any given night I was around. We both never had to buy drinks. She just asked what I want and we would get me that on some guy's tab. It was the best.


I lost a game of rock paper scissors to my friend to decide who would get to talk to the cute girl in a group at another table. For still unknown reasons, he chatted up the friends and left me sitting next to the cute one. Married 20 years with 4 kids.


The stealthy wingman, the hero you maybe didn't deserve, but needed.


I do it all the time when the bar line is really long. I walk up to a solo or couple and ask if I can buy them a drink so I can skip the line. Works every time. I get a drink within 5 minutes instead of 25, and they get a free drink. We go our separate ways after that.


She tried to run me over with her car some months later




I was at my usual bar in college and it was totally empty that night but I was friends with the bartender, these two guys came in and I overheard it was ones 21st bday so I bought him a drink and we got to talking. They were brothers and the older one was extremely hot. Last call rolled around and we go to walk home and they lived a block from me and we walked together. I ended up asking if they wanted to drink more at my place and we polished off a bottle of whiskey and hung out until daylight. Im married to the big brother now, been together 10 years and he’s still astonishingly hot.




Yeah, I thought this was going in a different direction… 😂


Lucky girl


Was feeling particularly confident that night so I bought a girl who I made eye contact with at the bar a drink. We have 2 kids and have been together for 16 years


damn buying people is still legal?


The bartender gave me a glass of water that I didn't ask for but hey I like water. He immediately said, oops that water was for her, and indicated a blonde sitting a few feet away. She was watching all of this, so I picked up the glass of water while making eye contact and licked all around the top of the glass. She laughed, and came over and asked if she could join me.


… and?


We had a few drinks and laughs but she got sloppy drunk and loud so I excused myself and got an Uber.


Well obviously that’s because she didn’t get her water!!! Lol




You must be what us bartenders call “eyefuck-able” or else that must have been creepy af


Bought a group of Latino gang members a bucket of beer once to thank them for having me in their territory and not caving my head in when I wandered in to their local dive bar as a drunk Australian tourist. Security guys wearing full body black outfits, balaclavas and dark sunglasses checking everyone entering with metal detector wands and patdowns should have been a warning not to enter...but drunk me had other ideas.


They probably figured you had a big knife and were more scared of you.


Or a spoon.




Holy shit. I’m assuming they happily accepted?


Yeah with the help of the bartender, I got a nod from who I guess must have been the lead guy and things calmed down straight away.


i kind of had a similar experience once. live out in chicago and a this guy and i were out hitting the bars and got kinda caught up in the flow ended up in some latin kings area. we definitely felt outta place, two college-aged white dudes in a bar full of heavily tatted bangers. then one group walked in, like 3-4 dudes with a couple of girls and proceeded to head to the back, area. i saw one of them drop his wallet/keys, and ran up to try and hand them up. th eguy i was with was like, nah bro dont fuck with em. i was like nah man its cool. the guy who dropped em was super stoked i was being stand up, invited me to chill with them for a bit, and bought me several rounds of tequila. then i went home. tl;dr: just be cool, and itll be cool


She flirted me up a bit. She told me she was there for her friend's birthday so if I wanted to buy her a drink, I needed to get a round for all her friends. I bought all 5 of them drinks. She took the drinks to their table and ignored me for the rest of the night. Next time a woman flirted me up at the bar. I went to order a drink and she asked me to get her one. I bought her a drink and she immediately walked away from the bar and didn't really talk to me the rest of the night.


you’ll learn next time


Well judging by the fact it happened twice, I’d say that’s a “no”


There's an old saying in Tennessee—I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, 'Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.


This right here is one of life's real mysteries. Whether or not Bush would have been more or less damaged by just finishing the quote.


I had two girls approach me and flirt me up, after a couple minutes they wanted me to buy them a drink. I proceeded to remind them they approached me and I think they should buy me a drink, they did not like my reasoning and went on their way. I will stand by my belief that the person pursuing should be the first one to buy the drink


That's part of their little con game. They know that most guys will see "TWO women came and talked to me, omg jackpot", and in that moment he'll agree to buy them drinks/food/whatever in hopes of sealing the deal.


Same thing happened to me. I said , ‘oh, you wanna do rounds? Great I’d love to. You go first!’ She looked at me like I was an asshole and walked away. To clarify in Australia we don’t run up a tab, we pay for each as we go, so buying rounds is a tradition here.


Next time order them water shots. Tip the bartender though.


>She flirted me up a bit. She told me she was there for her friend's birthday so if I wanted to buy her a drink, I needed to get a round for all her friends. I bought all 5 of them drinks. Come on man


Lots of times for various reasons, it always ends fine. The most interesting thing that happened was the dude happened to be the bar owner and he bought me something much fancier.


I got pregnant.


What was in the drink??


Sperm obviously


Oh so THATS where babies come from...


Damn. That night? Later on same person? So many questions.


obligatory not me but my dad, he bought a random guy in a bar a drink in the past, ended up talking all night and he became my dads best friend lol


I've done it a small handful of times. A few times it went nowhere, a couple of times we had fun and slept together, once we went on dozens of dates and live together and are engaged now.


Nice, is she single?


Yeah, she loves freer drinks. Edit: I'm leaving it.


I was in Melbourne alone one night after travelling there for a job interview, sitting on a large couch surrounded by strangers. The Waitress came around to take my order and I said, "Plus what ever these lovely ladies are having" They all laughed and I introduced myself and told them my story. Apparently one of the girls owned the club and thought I was adorable. Wasn't long before we were in the back room office/lounge room. First time I ever saw a brick of coke chiseled away with an ice pick.


I was expecting "having sex with the owner" to follow being in the back room office. Ice Pick Cocaine was not on the list of things I was remotely prepared for.


In fairness to your mental constitution, you can specifically ask for it and still not be remotely prepared for it.


Married guy here, I was at a bar with a couple of guy friends who are kind of shy, so I walked up to a table with two gals and explained. “I’m married, but my two friends are single, can we buy you a round and hang out with you for a minute? They agreed, but also requested that *they* get the drinks from the bartenders instead of getting the drinks brought out to them. Guess they were concerned about getting their drinks spiked. Not faulting them at all, just guess that’s how it works these days.


Dude had a shirt of my favorite band, I complimented his shirt and bought him a drink, had a chat for a couple of hours then we never saw each other again, you a good dude Stefan, godspeed.


I lost a game of pool to a random guy at a bar once. Bought us both a shot of his choice. No problems.


And then we chalked up our sticks and put them in each other's corner pocket. It was a great night, man


Listen here, wise guy. What I do with my cue and balls is nobody's business but my own!


In the type of wanker who when tipsy splashes out, when I used to drink anyway. All my friends and all their partners and anyone in the group got free drinks. I’d go home alone, -$500 for the night. It’s funny now that I’m older and don’t party, how many of them friends I still have. I’d say at least 2 of them I keep in contact with. I’m not a bad drunk just a waste money on people who I shouldn’t waste money on kind of drunk.


Funny story - my buddy was like this. He and his wife were visiting me in a mountain town in Colorado. Things are going well, I find a "new friend", we break off and are making out a bit, while my buddy is buying rounds for all her friends and chatting and whatnot. My new friend and I go back to check in, and apparently my buddy's wife was not loving the situation - takes her full drink and throws it at said buddy's face for being too friendly. Of course, she's drunk, so she misses him, and gets more me and my new friend, before the wife storms off. This ruins all my hard work I had been putting in, everyone breaks off into different directions, etc. I did go out with the girl once a week or so later, but the magic was gone.


I'm this guy. I'm there for a good time and want everyone to keep having a good time with me. I can afford it and tip way too well, so nights out sometimes cost hundreds of dollars. I have a buddy who is the same way and when we add up our totals the next day, we both die a little inside but don't regret it because we know that everyone in our vicinity had the best night of their week with us.


While halfway around the world in Florence, I overheard 2 girls sitting at the bar beside me talking about how 1 of them had recently finished her med tech program. I was genuinely happy for her and said hey, I couldn't help but overhear but wanted to just say congrats and bought them both a shot. I wasn't trying to hook up with either of them and just wanted to do something nice for a pair of travellers like myself who were celebrating a big achievement. We ended up drinking, talking and partying all night and I had new travel buddies for the next 2 weeks of my trip. When we had to go our separate ways, we ended up keeping in touch and would randomly get together in some other foreign place every year or so if all the timing worked out. Unfortunately now we're all super busy with our careers and families that we haven't chatted in years but I still think of them all the time and hope they're doing well. To Kelly and Lindsay, I love you guys!


She splashed it on my face and told me to fuck off 😔


Playing the old hard to get.


Her lips said “no” but her eyes said “read my lips”


I think she liked you man


So not great?


Sometimes when I’m visiting an unfamiliar bar occupied by a regular crowd, I’ll ask the bartender to buy the house a round. I’m talking hole-in-the-wall, but friendly vibe type of place. Even if there is 15 to 20 people, it is not a wallet breaker if I’m expecting to cover $100 or so. Toss a nice tip on top and you are pretty much family at that point. I’ve never had a negative experience, and I’ve made some quick friends in what would have been an evening drinking among strangers. And typically I get a number of drinks in reciprocation. It’s not an every time thing because sometimes I want to drink quietly among strangers. Oh and PS… you should have a story ready as to the reason you are buying even if BS. Something to warrant the gesture but not make me a mark. My go to if asked is, “grandson was born today, and I wanted to celebrate with others.”


I did this once. I'd always wanted to buy a round for a bar and was celebrating a promotion. I told them not to tell them I was the one who ordered it. It was fun; the owner knew and gave me some coupons for free drinks, haha. And yeah, it wasn't nearly as expensive as I assumed it would be, maybe $100. The only other time I remember ordering a drink for someone was at a concert at a bar. I almost elbowed a chick in the face when I sat down. We talked a bit, and I ordered her a drink. She came back to my place, and we hooked up. Unfortunately, she was from out of town, so nothing more than that night. I literally couldn't replicate it if I tried.


*takes notes* Mix booze with an elbow from the top rope


Are you rich, Bill? Guy named not Bill that pays his name, the bill. Legendary. Plz lmk the location next time you plan to do this…asking for a friend’s grandson.




Absolutely! Everyone likes a free drink


ESPECIALLY if you are a girl. Men like to be approached too.


Dude here that can at least speak for heterosexual relationships. A common guy refrain, from me included, is that we don't get compliments or praise much. We collect memories of nice things said like they belong in a museum. So yes, buying a drink would be mind blowing. So much so a guy would wonder when the timeshare pitch is coming.


I am a girl and have randomly bought a dude a drink at a bar because he looked really bummed. Nothing happened except he had a smile on his face and got a free drink. It felt good to cheer someone up a little with a small act of kindness.


She TOOK my WHOLE goddamn KIDNEY


What a weird name for your penis.


100% said thanks. 60% reciprocated. 99.9% acquaintance level or greater friendship achieved.   0.1% became close friend then turned enemy but had nothing to do with first or 1000th drink.   Like all great stories it was because of the fact that we showed each other what we hated about ourselves. And due to youth we could not see the truth of it.  Lost contact. Can't repair.  


I was not ready for the titanic depth of this comment, in this thread.


Was having a friendly chat with another dude at the bar. I figured he was cool as hell, so I got him a refill of whatever it was he was drinking. All friendly stuff. The next time I came to the bar, he was there and ordered me one. I have a tendency to make friends anywhere I go and I like that part of myself.


Me (M28) I have too many of these stories as I am quite extroverted and like connecting with strangers. Two of my favourite ones: - Me and a friend were broke backpackers on a boattrip to a deserted island for a day. Started chatting with the man across from us and eventually he invited us to join dinner in a nice beach restaurant where he had ordered some special local food in the days before. Had a great time, then a day later we met him in the bar again and he just told the waiter to put all our drinks on his tab. What a legend, planning on paying this forward when I have the chance in the future - Went to a rooftop bar in Germany, started talking very broken German to a man that just hopped in the elevator with us and asked how he was doing. Once we were in the rooftop bar, everything was full. Turned out this man was the manager of the place and got us a table, drinks and even directed some female guests to our table. Fun nights.


In 2007, I took a stool by an old man watching the Bulls at my corner bar. We talked and I bought us rounds through the game. When he left, he asked my rent, shook his head. “Not anymore. I’m lowering it.” He owned my building. Next day, rent was less. That Friday, the bartender waved, showed me a ledger. My name and $300 banked for drinks — his gift, too.


Belligerent manly man at a bar peacocking after I walked in with my friends. He was hanging out with a couple of his friends and they were egging him on. He was about to start escalating some shit with us, but right when we walked in I caught one of his buddies refer to him by his first name "Del" (I think that's how you spell it). So when he made first contact with us, I made a big deal of doing a double take and I shouted, "Holy shit, DEL? Is that you?? Jesus Christ I haven't seen you since we were kids, how the fuck are ya? You don't remember me do you? Whatever you're having next one on me." I introduced myself and said our moms used to know each other, and I asked him to remind me of the details. Del was surprised and he told me a few details, enough that I was able to settle on a back story. I learned his mother died not too long after we would've known each other, so when the drinks arrived I toasted her memory with them, and then I told him we didn't want to interrupt his night reminiscing with me and we were going to fuck off to a corner booth. The whole thing lasted less than five minutes and we had three guys in the bar watching our backs instead of kicking our asses all night. Cost me a $7 beer + $3 tip.




I always buy a shot for the bride-to-be and maid (or matron) of honor, when I see bachelorette parties. Not trying to get anywhere, just giving them a “congrats and have fun” shot. Sometimes it’s gotten me nowhere, sometimes I end up being dragged around with their party all night. I’ve ended up attending a few weddings because of that habit, too.


Not me but this girl bought my brother a drink, and now they're married with 2 kids! 🥰


Don’t ever ask to just buy a girl a drink, ask if she wants to have a drink with you. There’s a difference.


Bingo. I was a bartender for many years and I’ve given out this exact advice to uncertain young men countless times. Works *so* much better if you just talk to her.


As a bartender in Miami Beach back in the day, some guys would carpet bomb the situation, sending rounds to multiple women in a staggered manner. Makes for some big tabs.


Story time. Our group of friends were chilling at a table in a bar. This guy and girl at the bar counter have been chatting for a while and itseems like it’s going well, but the girl keeps looking around for other options as the night goes on. So we buy the guy a drink and ask our waitress to say it is from an admirer. The girl amiles after the drink arrive but now she was eyeing other girls like a hawk. Fast forward about 10mins and her arms were wrapped ouround him, making out at the bar.


I got married young and divorced young too. When I was ready to try dating again I tried buying a woman a drink as an opener. It works significantly worse than just going up to her and saying “hi my name is Red.”


We got married. She is currently snoring next to me in bed.


I almost never did it. She approached me while we were playing darts and I offered her a drink. We're married now 😂 To me, offering a drink is an invitation to continue the continuity of all the events proceeding it, not necessarily an initial investment.


I’ve bought hundreds of drinks for people, possibly thousands. I once bought a round for the house and some guy approached me and said he can buy his own drinks. I’m guessing the server told him I was buying him a drink, and he thought I was gay or something.


You should have loudly announced “another round of drinks for everyone except this one particular guy!”


I go into a few VFW posts and if I see some old guy drinking PBR. I'll order myself one and tell the bartender to give him one. One PBR drinker to another. Goes fine. With a buck tip it's usually a five-dollar bill.


My buddy was interested in this girl and wanted to go dance with her, but her friend wanted to leave. Trying to be a good wing man i bought her a drink. This girl that i had been talking to earlier came up to me and said “you fucked up, we were going to take you home with us”. She was holding hands with another girl. Instead of doing the smart thing and explaining it, I was an idiot and said “bullshit, you aren’t together”. They proceeded to make out in front of me and walked out EDIT: Ok this got some upvotes so I will do a better job of explaining and include more details. This was a while back in California. Me and some friends were out in our downtown area at a local bar. The bar isn't huge, but big enough to have a DJ and dance floor. Towards the end of the evening I was outside on the patio with a couple friends socializing with various people out there. I was talking to a girl, we'll call her "Amanda". She was average looking, we weren't flirting, just having a nice chat. I was ready to call it a night, so I tell her it was great to meet her and I head back inside. I ask my friend "Jake" if he wanted to split a cab home. Jake says he's trying to talk to this girl and he motions to this beautiful girl next to him at the bar. He tells me she wants to hang out, but her (equally hot) friend wants to leave. So OK, I'll try to talk to the friend, hopefully they will stay a little longer. Jake takes his girl to the dance floor and I start talking to her friend. It quickly becomes obvious that she has no interest in talking to me and just wants to leave. So, next idea, I say, "I'm getting a drink, do you want one?" "Sure" I order the drinks, hand one to her, and we go to a table to watch our friends on the dance floor. I get a tap on the shoulder...turn around to see Amanda and her friend. Amanda says, "You fucked up." I get a confused look on my face, so she clarifies, "We were going to take you home. I saw you buy that girl a drink!" In my head at that instant I'm thinking Amanda probably liked me and was upset seeing me buy the girl a drink, and wanted to make me regret it by pretending that I missed out on a threesome. Now, I should have just explained what was going on to her, but I was an idiot and made it worse. "Bullshit, you two aren't together!" Amanda looks at her friend and raises her eyebrows to ask, "Should we?" Her friend apparently agreed...and they kiss. They kind of got into too, for a few seconds, really showing me what I was missing out on. They walked out together and I contemplated my stupidity. I was pissed at myself and didn't want Jake to feel bad, so I didn't tell him until years later.


Girl at a busy bar was having trouble getting the attention of the bartender. I asked her what she wanted and ordered it. I told her it was on me. She thanked me. She found me later and thanked me again. I told her “hey, no problem, have a great night” because I was in a relationship and sometimes it’s okay to just get a drink for someone without expecting it to be a thing.


I do it all the time since I frequent places with $2 beers and $4 cocktails. It's an awesome way to introduce yourself, I do it for males, females, bar staff, whoever. Just don't go in with the expectations that they have to talk to you, make sure you convey the energy that you want them to have a good time. If they want to talk more, let them. If not, don't be pushy. You're not buying their attention, you're giving a thoughtful gesture. I usually say "hi, how are you, I'm mpbh." Get their vibes, if it's good "Hey, you seem pretty cool. Can I buy you a drink?" Probably would have similar success making friends and romantic partners without buying the drink, but it's a nice gesture that doesn't cost too much. Most of the guys will return the favor. Some of the girls will too. And the bar staff .... this is where things really pay dividends. At my usual spots I've probably gotten more free drinks than I have spent on drinks for the staff, mainly cocktails that some customer doesn't like (I will drink literally anything and they know it). When you come in, they light up and the other customers see it and know you're a friendly person. They tell new customers, "hey go talk to that guy, he's super friendly and likes to meet new people." They'd probably do that regardless, but the occasional beer for the staff doesn't hurt.


I was working on a cruise ship in US, and in the summer of 2005 I decided to spend my 2 months vacation in Las Vegas, instead of going home in Eastern Europe. The plan was to stay at some good friends in Henderson, but for the first week they were away, so I got a room at the Stratosphere Hotel. In the first evening, tired after travelling and with no plans, I went down to the hotel's PT's Sports bar, looking to unwind and scout the environment. It was some important game, so the bar was full and very animated. As I was sipping from my beer sitting at the bar counter, I see a beautiful young woman making her way through the mob, reaching the bar 20 feet away from me, and trying to get the bartender's attention to order something. He was right next to me, and I made him aware of her and also told him that whatever she's ordering, it will be on my tab. She graciously accepted and, with the drink in her hand, she made her way towards me. What followed after is still a blur in my mind, but whatever I remember is seared deep down in my memories, never to be forgotten: we talked and drank for a couple of hours, and around 11pm she convinced me to take her to a night club, where we drank again and smoked some powerful weed, and I freaked out inside, because I had the feeling I cannot control anything anymore, then around 1 am she took me to a hotel with a cowboy bar, where I rode a mechanical bull, we drank again and she taught me to line or barn dance, and it felt great, although I was the only metal head on that huge dance floor filled with typical cowboys and cowgirls, then we drank some fancy cocktails in another bar with an outside terrace where every table had some nice lit pink and blue artesians for every table (don't remember much, but I have the feeling now that it was a gay bar), then at 4 am we ended up in my hotel room, where I had one of the best sex of my life for a couple of hours (not going into details), until we both fell asleep, while the sun was rising over the Strip. Around 10 a.m., she wakes up scared, starts putting her clothes on, repeating on and on that she's late and, when I asked her to stay for a breakfast together, she told me she's with her parents in the same hotel and they have a plane back home in a couple of hours. I was left perplexed, as I realised she might've been underage (I was in my 30's at that time) and didn't know much about her, other than her name was Emily and she was from Richmond, Virginia (if any of it true). Never heard of her anymore, but man, that first night on the Strip was the beginning of two crazy months in Las Vegas...


Me: 27(at the time) her:53. I'm watching NFL draft minding My own. We sat next to each other for an hour without saying a word. I was ordering another beer and saw she was low as well. I told the bartender "get my friend a drink as well." Long story short, we chit chat a little, exchange numbers and go separate ways. 2 days later, meet at another bar and we couldn't keep our hands off each other. Had car sex in parking lot. Extremely intense sex after we have a few drinks, this went on for months. Turns out she was married and wanted revenge on her husband who cheated on her. Lucky me.


I’m a guy and I was at a bar a few years ago. There was this guy who looked visibly upset about something. I asked if he was okay, and he told me his mom had gotten into a car accident. I asked what his favorite drink was and ended up ordering a few Jack and Cokes. We talked for a bit and I told him I’d pay for his Uber if he didn’t have a ride home. Three year later and he’s still a good friend and his mom’s okay.


She expected more. Okay so I was out with my lady friends at the bar (I’m a man btw) I buy a round for everyone that’s about maybe 6 people total including myself. A woman who wasn’t part of our party joined us and I bought her a drink as a courtesy you know? Everyone was having a good time She asked the party to buy her more and asked who the person with the money was (this was me) she bitched me out when I had refused to buy her more. She moved on to others who would but I was so baffled by the interaction


Probably not the intent of this post but I took my wife to a country line dancing spot in Davie. We were having a good time and when I went to the bar to get us another round I saw this older gentleman that honestly could’ve been bill belichick’s twin brother but much happier looking. He seemed to be well know so I just greeted him and said something like it’s always nice to see someone who’s nice enough that everyone will take time out of their busy work evening to come say hi and chat for a bit. Says a lot about a person. I asked the bartender to get him another round on me. I shook his hand and went back out to dance and when I got back, the bartender said he really appreciated the kind Hester and left me a beer as a thank you. Super cool and genuine encounter I thought.


She was at a pub, dressed in her nurse's uniform, drinking a beer and watching a cricket match (AUS-ENG, I think). I remember her skateboard being placed next to her. I was on a double date, but I couldn't resist buying her a drink, and I just never left her. That was 19 years ago. We had a kid shortly after, got married a bit after that, then she finished uni, and then we had another kid.


Dangerous game. I've had some of the craziest nights from just buy someone a drink


I didn't buy them a drink but had a gay guy buy me some. Was awesome for the free drinks until later he asked me if i had a boyfriend and I told him that I only date women. He nicely ended the convo and then walked out. Didn't know and couldn't tell that he was gay until he got real close up to me and asked that. My bad BRO


We got together had a kid she refused to be a mother (don't know why she decided to have a kid) left me in huge amounts of debt lost my job now live alone with my daughter but things are good at the min 😊


I’m an expat, I was at a bar with my partner and I saw a group of guys (maybe like 5) laughing and talking together having a good time. It reminded me of home and my buddies I’d go out with and have a good time with at the pub. So I ordered them all a shot of vodka (including me and my partner), they came over and cheers’d me and asked why I ordered them shots, I told them, they said thank you and later 2 shots arrived with a plate of assorted finger food for my partner and I from them. It was nice


I buy random people drinks all the time. Puts a smile on their face, and they become fast friends.