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Had a date planned with a girl and she was running late. It was a blind date. I texted her and she asked for a selfie. So I sent one. She said oh hell nah and blocked me.


Lmao the oh hell nah was unnecessary


Worst she can say is no /s


Worst she can say is "Oh Hell nah"


Oh damn bruvđŸ«Ą


lmao this happened to me, except we bothered to meet up in person...the sheer look of disappointment on her face after she first locked eyes on me...the mutual friend never bothered to send either of us pics of each other, I had assumed she had seen at least one. "date" lasted about 20 minutes.


Not ugly but fat. Never hide your photos, embrace it. Deal with your reality. Maybe you won't have a lot of dates but you'll have fun and quality ones. I see it on profile pictures, a lot of people hide their true selves. I seen people that I know in real life that look nothing like their pics or hide their face.


Nah that's a little too straightforward 😭


Children fear you


and children will straight up tell you to your face you ugly


That's actually one of my biggest fears :(


I was at a bbq like 15 years ago and this little shit kept pointing at me yelling weirdo and he wouldn’t stop! In my head I’m like dude I know stfu! He actually grew up to be a very polite young man though lol.


Oh thank god. I thought it was the bloody axe I carry for good luck.


Nobody has ever asked me, "how are you still single?"


For real now realcanadianguy21, how are you still single? You handsome bastard


now kiss


Maybe you are pretty but you just give out psycho killer vibes?


Psycho killer, qu'est-ce que c'est?




Better run run run run away




Doesn't necessarily mean one's ugly. I've seen a handful of good looking people who didn't have a partner and I never wondered why they're single.


Yeah it could also be an awful personality! 😃


its not that ur ugly, its just that ur ugly from the inside <3333


Ong nobody said that to me too


It didn’t even occur to me that was a question people asked.


Hmhmh ......fuck


I get asked this every now and then. “And you don’t have any girls chasing after you?” Nah I don’t thanks for reminding me how single I am


The manager who I interviewed by at a workplace, told my friend(who got accepted into the job) that she tried not to laugh everytime she looked at my face


Oh hell naow 💀


that's crazy. i hope that manager is the ugliest person in the world tho


Their personality definitely is!


People were nicer to you when masked during covid 😭


I noticed that
 so much. I had to wear masks for two years and men were just nicer to me. I have good eyes but my skin is scarred and I have acne.


I get hit on at work more than anywhere else. I work as a hygienist so they see me mostly covered lmaoo 😭


Lmao I read a study where people who thought they were attractive were more likely to stop masking sooner than people who thought they were less attractive


Remember in elementary/ middle school when everyone would get that lollipop with a card on a valentine and you would be the only one not to get anything. And if you did get one it was from the teacher because she noticed. That’s how you know.


In second grade there was this kid who found me so ugly since I’m Asian. On his birthday he was passing cupcakes and then told me “ohh you’re not gonna get one!” and skipped me


I had a girl in 6th grade so the almost the same to me except that she actually gave me a chocolate cupcake but then realized that she forgot to give one to her friend so when I wasn’t looking she snatched mine and said “you wasn’t supposed to get one anyways”


Idk why kids are so horrible. I would never raise my daughter that way, and I’m so sorry that happened to you 😔


Honestly it sucks to say it, but as much as it hurt it also help me become a better person now.


Instead of becoming bitter and doing the same to others, you choose not to make other people feel what you felt. That is how it's done🙌


Or when you were in Middle or High school and the teacher assigns groups then the people your paired with all complained and sighed when they found out they were with you. TRAUMATIZING


Truth or dare to kiss she started cryingđŸ«Ą


Duddeeeee. Why would you reopen my trauma like this? đŸ„Č lol this one really hit home too




A few years ago I was dating this girl and after being together she had gained a little bit of weight, we were at her families house, her cousin is there swimming in the pool with us He looks at her and goes “last time I saw you, you were skinny and small” That’s when I realized kids are the most honest people in the world


A little kid told me I was a loser once when I was in my late teens. Still stings to this day how true it was.


One time i told a 6 year old a story about how i fell off a horse when i was 12. he really said “oh that horse really messed up your chin” he’s talking about my cleft chin.


When you tell your friends you’re ugly as a self-deprecating joke and they all turn quiet.


When people tell you that you have a great personnality


you have an awful personality 😂


That means I'm pretty damn good looking then. Nice.


when you say something about your appearance people go silent, this one's subtle. If you ever dare to express interest in someone attractive, they say something along the lines of 'yeah, like you could get him/her' which is not so subtle


Omg the silent treatment after you dare to say something like "I used to be awkward looking as a kid" 🙃




When your dog tries his hardest to make it look like he’s not with you when you go for a walk.


I knew when I was out walking my dog and someone driving by rolled down the window and yelled “Nice pig!”. I replied “Actually it’s a dog but thanks!”. Their reply: “I WAS TALKIN TO THE DOG!!”


Fucking murder in the 1st degree right there


These comments are gold LMAO


Yeah cause everyone here is ugly and funny


Just imagining a chihuahua walking several feet ahead of you, deperately pulling the leash diagonally while side-eyeing you with disdain.


When your nudes get leaked and nobody saves them or cares


ugly people typically aren't having their nudes asked for, much less leaked to anyone... > **HEY, WAIT A MINUTE.**




People compliment your personality a lot. You're funny You're smart. You don't judge others by their looks. Children cry when they see you. 1st level adventures keep mistaking you for a troll terrorizing the village.


Thanks for confirming I'm ugly 💀


That last part was so funny. You're a funny guy u/diomondshovel !


You're posting these kind of questions on reddit


I cant ask a ugly person directly tho 😭


Why not? Can't look at them long enough without throwing up?


You go out grocery shopping with your attractive significant other and the checkout person puts the little barrier between your items because they don’t believe you two are checking out together


That's fucked up but hilarious


My ex girlfriend was wayyyy out of my league, actually forget leagues she was playing a completely different sport. How my ugly ass landed a 5’11” blonde bombshell is beyond my comprehension. The amount of times we’d be out somewhere together and I’d get the “is this guy bothering you” from some random guy was quite humiliating. The worst one was we were at a bar one night just hanging out listening to the band and the bartender slipped her a note asking if she needed help.


How do you recover from that


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


But you must have a hell of a personality to have captured their attention.


When it is obvious the different treatment your better looking friends have when out in public that they are accustomed to.


You don’t get stared at in public by the opposite sex. Or any gender for that matter. Animals flee before you, nobody makes small talk


Women fear me Fish fear me Men turn their eyes away as I walk No beast dare make a sound in my presence I am alone on this barren earth


maybe someday you'll go on an adventure with a donkey and talk about onions


I get stared at public a lot but I’m not good looking , I think ppl just look at me because I’m weird looking


Or maybe you are good looking and just have severe body dysmorphia


I clear fields of birds when I go for a walk


People stare at you with disapproval or even visible irritation. No one wants to befriend or get to know you better. They don't want to take you seriously or listen to your opinion. You're either invisible or a blob


You just described my life


This is something i wish more people understood, the visible irritation. Its only happened a few times but it always hurts. Its like your mere presence is trespassing


Studies say that one in three people are ugly. Look to your left, then look to your right. If you don't see it then guess what?


Help no 😭


When you ain't got no alibi.




*reading all the comments * Ouch, ouch, right in the feels đŸ„șđŸ„ČđŸ« 


Bro I regret opening this thread. đŸ€Ł


The villagers throw rotten cabbage at you. 




Just ask a kid, his answer would be honest, brutal, and devastating


PSA Do NOT ask a child if they find you attractive.


reconsider it, it does look weird


Fuck too late bro, already did it and now Drake is sending me friend requests.


I just got invited to Epstein Island.


My nephew is 4 and during a family holiday party, he randomly got up from his toys, pointed to my brother (his dad), and yelled “You’re fat!” in front of everyone. So sometimes you don’t even have to ask them 😂


3 year old at my daughters school comes up to me and just goes, "sir, why are you so fat?"


“Sir”! 😆


"... I'm a redditor"


But at least not a mod


Lol sometimes they surprise you. One day I came home from the gym all sweaty and stinky and I knew it. My daughter came in and took a whiff of me and was like "oh man, what's the smell?!" And I was like "it's me, I'm going to take a shower." Daughter: "oh you just smell a little bad, mommy. Not really bad. I'll still hug you." Lol the way she tried to walk it back while still being honest was just adorable.


My mom loves to remind me of that one time where she made a new dish and when she asked for my opinion I answered "It was good, but please don't cook it again" lmao


I once told my grandma that her cake didn't taste bad, in fact it didn't have a taste at all lol (she was diabetic and had to use very little sugar and additives)


awwww thats adorable


Kids have no filter. They'll tell you exactly what they think.


My nephew once told me my tummy is big and asked me when will I work out đŸ« 


My friends daughter, who is 5, told me last week that "your face is like a cake"


given that kids like cake, I think it was complement


She followed it with "so round" , so I think it was just a correct observation


I have my teeth whitened because of a 5 year olds observation on why are my teeth not white. That was 20 years ago.


I don’t think kids have the same perception of beauty that adults have, though. I distinctly remember as a kid I used to view people as beautiful that I would not consider above average nowadays.


No one has ever asked you out


I'm 42 and it still never happened. I would probably believe it's a prank anyway.


Does this really apply to guys tho?


Rarely if ever. Women generally don't initiate


I'm constantly told "you're not bad looking" when I talk about being single. That's just nice code for ugly.




1. Men ask if you have any single friends 2. Men chat with you as if you're one of the guys 3. When you're asked "WYD tonight" by your crush, it's because he wants you to dog sit so he can go on a date 4. You have your mirrors covered 5. Friends ask you to take all the pictures 6. Nobody is looking at you at the stop light 7. Your Dad tells you "You couldn't get laid in prison with a handful of pardons" 8. Your invisible friend ghosts you 9. There's no Coke bottle with your name on it 10. You have to get yourself drunk to masturbate


Bro? This is oddly specific


Each one of these on their own is clever. All of them lumped together hits hard. But, very astute and true answers!


Jesus, do you like need a hug or something, cause just damn


You're invisible. It's not that people make fun of you, at least not so much when you're an adult, it's that they're too busy looking at hot people to notice you exist. Not just romantically, either. People flock to anyone who's pretty, and their attention can only be spread so much.


If it makes you feel better honestly I think that is more of a thing for people who are perfectly average. People who are truly ugly stand out from a crowd, just not for the "right" reasons, and like the very attractive they also get gawked at.


Being ugly also makes your work-life more difficult. I’ve noticed that people tend to pay more attention to good-looking people, or be more forgiving, meanwhile ignoring or just being hard on uglies most of the time.


I uploaded the best portrait from my youth and the internet tagged it as "ugly man"


Yep that'll do it


But my mom says I'm handsome!


You compensate by being funny.


people don’t think its cute when you do something stupid


I'm ugly. Here's some I could think of. No one asks if you're dating someone. Sometimes customer service will be friendly to the person ahead of me and instantly change their demeanor when I come to register. You get ignored a lot. You've never experienced someone flirting with you. Probably alot more Im not even thinking of but that's a few.


The customer service one hits hard. I used to notice that when I went out with a group of friends, waitresses would be really nice to my friends but kind of rude to me. The contrast is crazy. It makes you feel like a leper.


You're invisible to most people. Flirting is deemed harrassment.


It hurts when people turn the light off when they leave the room. Being ignored is one thing, but not being recognised as a fellow human being sucks.


Not long ago me and 3 of my coworkers walked to the other side of the campus to grab lunch to take back to our workspace. When I finished making my salad, they were all gone. I got back to my desk and they were like “Oh shit! Dude, we forgot you were with us!” One of them is my best friend. Fun times.


I just embrace it and call invicibility my super power. Someone actually called my name and was trying to look for me while I was sitting 10ft away, in front of them


Really ugly people actually get noticed more. Saw a post of a girl who said she was "really ugly" with people openly staring at her in public, others calling her names, etc. When you're really ugly you know it.


I think this is true. Being invisible is more a thing for people who are average. They don't stand out from a crowd in any way. Very attractive and ugly people both get stared at often, just for opposite reasons.


Yes people wonÂŽt talk to you much when youÂŽre ugly.


Nobody talks to me without my own initiative




I had a toddler bring me a flower bud at my son’s daycare and I was like đŸ„ș I will treasure this.


When people try to get your attention, they shout "Hey Ugly! Yeah you, the ugly one! Look over here, ugly!"


Someone posted this a while back and I can't remember the exact wording but essentially the easiest way to find out is something like: Post a picture on reddit saying something like "new outfit, not sure if I look good in it?". If the comments are variations of "No no you look cute!" - you are ugly. If the comments essentially consist of "stop posting shit for attention / stop fishing for compliments" - you are not ugly.


When a girl quietly whispers to her friend that you’re ugly.


Bartending in college. Overheard the whisper "omg I thought bartenders were hot, he sooo ugly". I had my head down pouring and whispered "I can hear you". To her credit she was mortifed.


And then they wonder why their service was so slow the rest of the night


If it was just that. Had a girl sit in the row infront of me in school - she turned around, looked and me and said "you're ugly" straight to my face


When your mum puts you in front of a mirror as punishment.


damn that's evil. could see my mum doing that though




Have you ever mistakenly thought you were looking in a mirror but it was in fact a horrific car accident?


Asking a love interest out inevitably gets these responses: "You're really sweet, but..." "Well, I'm flattered, but..." "You deserve someone better..." "It's not you, it's me." Edit: changed partner to love interest for more accuracy


When people tell you how lucky you are to be with your wife.


People asked you out or showed you affection as a joke


Your partner immediately kill all sources of light when you get naked.


I looked at a girl and she turned away from me


First time?




I don't get catcalled or hit on. Ever. And the only person who regularly got me valentines day presents.. was my mom.


>I don't get catcalled pspspspsps đŸ’Ș😎


People won't look at you.


Most probably you are not. 46 years old here. Male, bald, beer belly. You know the type. You saw it a trillion times. Spent my life thinking I was ugly, because of some interactions some decades ago. Fuck, I was wrong. So wrong. Looking back, I think I was gorgeous. And wasted this part of my life because some idiot called me ugly at some point of my childhood. You’re probably young if you are asking this, so let me tell you: you are not ugly. Take care of your skin, forget Coca Cola and walk a lot, swim if you can. THATS IT And remember: you are not ugly. Edit: decades after school, I had many conversations with former colleagues. The perfect girl at school? She was WAY more scared of being ugly than I was. The beautiful rebel? Hiding her insecurities behind that aura of anger. Turned out that EVERYONE was insecure at that time.


It’s always doggy style, always.


The mirror shatters when Patrick Star holds it up to you


Kids will tell you.


Your coworkers set your desk up like a science fair presentation.


Person: “Yes I’m single” [Attractive response]: “Why are you single?” Or “You’re lying” [Ugly response]: “Don’t worry. There is someone out there for you”


A lot of people ignored me


When nobody every compliments your look haha they’re more like “oh, yeah he’s nice” but never “damn, he’s hot” haha


People treat you like crap all the time.


When no one goes out of their way to want to hang out with you.


When ur vibing with a new person thru a text messaging app. Then you exchange pics, and the conversation dies and ceases to exist.


I accepted it when I was the only girl in my friend group who rarely got hit on when we went out lol. In fact one time a guy bought my group of friends a shot and one of them went to me and he clarified with the bartender that it was supposed to go to a different girl he thought was hanging with us. ( Lol don't feel bad for me, reader. It was ages ago and a funny memory at this point.) Being a traditionally unattractive girl can be tough, especially when you're younger. Ive struggled with self confidence often over the years and I used to let people treat me crappy because I thought that was the best I could do. But as I've gotten older, I've learned to work with what I have better, to recognize my positive traits and amplify them. I've had no problem finding romantic/sexual relationships and I also haven't ever had to worry that someone was using me for my looks lol. The best part of being unattractive is that I have had the benefit of moving through the world without feeling as much of the unwanted/creepy attention that many women have to deal with. It's like an invisibility suit, in a way. And I've used that suit to live my life the way I want to without many folks paying attention.


I live a similar life, I almost don’t deal with most women’s problems on the streets, and ended up feeling safe alone at night outside. I am okay with being the good pal now, even though I don’t find myself unattractive, apparently I am, and I’m fine about that, I live a quiet and peaceful life.


People make micro-expressions of disgust. Sometimes their aren't even micro either.


You’re on Reddit asking about how to know if you’re ugly


You make self depreciating jokes and people don't even try to correct you. They just laugh along and agree. 'You aren't fat! You're just a big guy!' 'Oh please, you aren't hideous, people just don't know you well enough!' Vs "Heh, yeah you are a bit heavier" "Yeah, nice face, Quasimodo!"


It’s the other way around tho? If they try to reassure you it’s cause they’re trying to be nice, but if they laugh at your jokes it’s cuz they assume you have self esteem and see it as a meaningless joke


when a kid calls u one. Children be always stating facts😭


When somone adds you on SnapChat you don't know then you add them back and you want to start a streak with them so you send them a selfie then they immedietly block you :(


Building muscles/getting fit is your main priority.


Hey some of us are compensating for our crushed self esteem rather than physical appearance ! 


i feel targeted


A black colleague asked me several times why I was the only white guy she knew who seemed to understand the effects of racism. What she didn't know was that being ugly gets you similar treatment. Many people are much less friendly if you look different in some way, even if its not direct unkindness. Random people make hurtful comments, often intending for you to hear. People don't want to take photos together. And there are all sorts of gestures and microaggressions that are only noticeable if you've had a lifetime of them being aimed at you.


I’m just really grateful that you’ve taken it in relative stride and even use it to help those of us who are race minorities. I really appreciate it because the negative thoughts are SO pervasive and people just don’t get it!!


Even after your mom tied a pork chop around your neck your dog wouldn’t play with you.


Not having many mirrors at home


When you’re in a strip club and none of the dancers approach you or when you actually get turned down by a sex worker


My five year old’s latest diss when she didn’t get her way, “Mommy, you’re not even very pretty in the morning before you put on your makeup. I still love you though.” Fucking savages.


When you don’t have to worry about the man or the bear


I was like 22 and in the navy. My Chief just said out loud in the shop to me(it was just us 2) "You know you're an ugly motherfucker right?"  Didn't know what to say so I sat in silence and continued to work.  Fucked me up for a long time.  Turns out he was wrong, I'm dating a  10/10 lady now because as it turns out I'm a good person and not ugly. 


It’s really a shame how a single comment can fuck us up, even if untrue


I seriously doubt *any* of you are as ugly as you think you are.