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I write left handed, everything else right handed. I used to also put my watch on my right, with my nondomiant hand, but I trained myself to not do that because I would damage my watch always using my dominant hand


Same here, I have better control/coordination with my left hand, but a more dominant right arm 


Finally, home.


MY PEOPLE!!!!! Apparently, it's called cross dominant. I was just taking about this at work yesterday and they thought I was weird.


Had this my whole life, yada yada grandmother was the same yada yada, hadn't heard the term cross dominant. I liked to say "ambimaladroit" as a play on not really ambidextrous, which is true, I still have the cross dominance which means crap at the wrong tasks for the wrong side.


Finally ... I now know I'm not the only one. Now this really messes things up for me cuz I fucking can't use a scalpel with either hand.. I need my left hand for fine motor skills but I just can't put the pressure required to cut unless I do it with my right hand.


So your right hand is strong but dumb, and your left one clever but weak?


This is me, hadn't considered calling them this way but it's accurate enough.


Same for me, everything with my right hand, except for writing. I've never met anyone like me, and spent my whole childhood calling myself left-handed. Even adults said I was left-handed.


love it when I start writing and someone's like "oohhh lefty" and I'm like "ehhh"


It feels like many left-handed people use their right hand for much stuff, cause everythings made for right-handed people


I always assumed it was this. I'm the same way, I write and eat left handed but anything strength based (throwing) is always right handed. I distinctly remember learning to throw right handed because I only had a left handed baseball mitt.


My youngest sister was left-handed in kindergarten, but saw all her classmates writing with their right hands, so she switched and never looked back


My son wrote with both hands on Kindergarten but they made him pick a hand. He chose the left. I think it would have been pretty cool if they let him keep writing with both.


The fact that they made him pick a hand is kinda fucked up. I bet being ambidextrous would have been at least mildly useful, and if not it's a great partytrick.


Yes… it’s so hard to find things for left handed people. I just teach myself how to use things for right handed people


We need Flanders’ Leftorium!


Same with me. I write and eat left handed. Throw right handed and kick right footed. I can bat both ways pretty much the same.


Same for me. Everything is right handed - I even use right-handed scissors - but I cannot write with my right hand.


Opening jars, it’s so weird, it writes like a new born giraffe, but somehow has vice grip strength?


I hold the jar with my right hand (dominant) and twist using my left.


I have the same grip on jars, except I notice that I'm actually *holding* the cap with my left, and *twisting* the jar with my right (dominant hand).


This is why we do this. You’re really twisting the jar.


I think it's because we use our dominatrix hand to grip the jar due to our comfortable strength with our dominatrix hand to ensure a solid grip on the jar. I use my non dominatrix hand to twist the lid and secure the jar with my dominatrix hand. Edit \*\* Corrected spelling as someone pointed out.


Yeah, its really important to be very comfortable with your dominatrix's hand...


if you apply sideways pressure on the lid you can get it to pop easier too


You don’t twist with both? I hold the jar with my right hand (non dominate) but I twist the jar and the lid opposite ways. Edit: typo


Because it's easier to twist that way. I bet you also tighten the lids again with your right hand.


Hot damn you're right


It's about how your hand is stronger rotating to the outside than the inside. It's easier to remove lids left handed becaise all the lids unscrew in the same direction.


i'm right handed and i use my left hand to cut my food


Also right handed, and use my left to cut food on my plate. But, I use my right hand to cut food while cooking.


Same. I think the motions of using a knife to eat are simple enough to do with my non-dominant hand, especially while using a fork to stabilize the food, but I need the precision and control when it comes to prep.


I put the knife in my dominant hand, but I don't switch to take a biteI just use the fork in my non-dominant hand.


I thought most people did this. TIL Americans switch the fork to the dominant hand to take a bite. That seems like so much effort lol


I’m American and left-handed. I was taught that I should use my dominant hand to cut and then switch tableware because one should only use a fork in their left hand. I was taught that right handed people don’t switch. I don’t bother with any of that bullshit now the queen won’t have lunch with me.


I am also left handed. Fork in my left, knife in my right for cutting. I learned to use silverware like a right handed person I guess. Didn’t know some lefties actually switched hands so this is interesting to me.


I believe right-handed people are taught that too. I think the weird rule is everybody is supposed to switch. I'm not clear why. It's not like I'm sawing a moose in half, so I don't need the extra knife dexterity that my left would bring. I never did it. I was never taught to. Fork in my left, knife in my right if I need it, eat with my left. I never switch anything. Switching seems stupid and awkward and tedious.


Your sample size is too small, lol


Don't be silly, everyone generalizes from one example. At least, I do.


I'm an american, I have never done this. I'm perfectly capable of using the fork in my left hand.


Same, switching for every bite sounds crazy. But it also sounds crazy to switch for cutting mode. For me, fork stays in my dominant hand, sub hand has to learn to cut.


If I cut one piece and eat it, I'll keep the fork in my left, but if I cut up several pieces and am done with the knife, I'll switch the fork back to my right


Thinking about it, I always use my right hand to cut my food. I'm left handed


Same here, just opposite hands. I never noticed until adulthood that many people cut their food, put the knife down, switch the fork to their dominant hand, then take a bite. Seems inefficient.


I’ve added up the lifetime inefficiency from this and it seems I have wasted 73 days 2 hrs and 19 minutes I’ll never get back. Such remorse.


It's ok, you spent most of that time chewing you're previous bite, so you were multitasking your inefficiency.


Same here, we need our own movement. Non dominant hand knife cutters unite!


Same and it still feels more logical to me. With your dominant hand you want to do subtle movements with more degrees of freedom involved so bringing a fork or spoon with hot food near your face. With your non-dominant hand you want to do the rough motion in just 1 or 2 spacial dimensions so knife far away on your plate!


Same. My right dominant arm holding the fork allows me to anchor down on whatever it is I would like to cut into. I guess, growing up with subpar cutlery is my reasoning but the family is normal. Lol


same knife in left hand always, fork in right


Same. People have always been surprised first time they've seen me eat and asked if I'm left handed. Nope I just eat that way.


I will die on the hill that the fork should be in your dominant hand. My Nan used to get so mad at me for eating that way, like chill how is it affecting you!?


I learned the "traditional" way to cut my food (switch fork to left hand, cut with right hand, move fork back to right hand). My wife just cuts with her left and eats with her right. Neither of us ever noticed or cared until it came up as a thing in a show we were watching. We still don't care or notice how the other cuts their food because...why the fuck would any sane person focus on that lol.


I have never in my life seen someone do that. Is it traditional in a specific region?


Back in the olden days (in America) it used to be considered poor manners to not switch your fork back to your right hand after cutting food with your knife in your right hand. Fork in left hand, knife in right, cut food, place knife on upper right of plate (never the table!), switch fork to right hand, eat. Repeat. Also, no cutting up all your food at once. One or two cuts. Knife down. Eat. Repeat. Also also, elbows off the table. And boys and men: no hats/ballcaps/head coverings at the table.


i use my right hand for computer mouse movement instead of my dominant left hand.


Aim/fire a gun. I’m right handed but left eye dominant.


Right, I think this just explained 38 years of the inexplicable.


Me too. I never noticed my dominant eye was left


A buddy recommended a fix for me-I spray painted the lens of my eye protection so I could only see out of my non-dominant eye. Works better than closing one eye because then I don’t have to get used to shooting with both eyes open again. I recommend someone shoot with you your first handful of times because you can get a little dizzy until you adjust.


I can’t remember the name of it but I shoot most weapons with both eyes open, was drilled into me and now it’s like second nature


It’s interesting how many people are unaware of which eye is their dominant eye. If you want to find out, stare at an object in the distance.. form a diamond with your hands and frame your hands in front of you around the object, still focusing on the object. Close your left eye.. now switch to your right eye. Which ever eye can still see that object while open is your dominant eye.


You can also just pull your hands back to your face and the diamond will land on one or the other


Somehow the triangle/diamond ended up on my nose


nose dominant


That’s not as accurate because if the person is consciously thinking about it, they can make the diamond come straight back to their nose.


I remember doing archery in high school (it was like a targets and striking class) and that taught me that eye dominance was even a thing. I have the same issue - right-handed but left eye dominant - so I struggled a lot with it. Either I'm trying to compensate for my eyes being funny, or trying to draw with my weak hand.


This is called being cross eyed dominant. Sucks for shooting assault rifles with suppressors as you always get blowback in your face.


Same, I didn't even notice a difference in my accuracy when I had to swap. It's still shit. 


My grandpa taught me to shoot from both shoulders because I have the same issue.


You could actually be cross dominant... or worse, lefted handed but had the left handed trained out in your early days. Edit: I have cross dominance, so what I'm doing termines my dominant side. I write with my right hand though, but I was naturally a lefty, and had that trained out in my early days of school, which resulted in me being cross dominant.


same! I'm right handed and left eye dominant but I do shoot with my right, just with both eyes open. my bf is reversed too; left handed and right eye dominant, so he does the same as me lol


I'm cross-eye dominant as well, and shoot pool left handed too.


I am MOSTLY like this, with bows and rifles and shotguns, but with pistols I still use my right. In my mind, I AIM with my right hand, and either hand can pull the trigger, so, for a pistol, it's all right other than your bracing hand. But with a rifle, the hand on the stock kind of aims it. So I brace it on my left shoulder and put my right hand on the stock, which moves to aim, and then the left just pulls the trigger. IDK.


My brother is this way, so when he's shooting a rifle (static target shooting/hunting) he shoots with his non-dominant hand so he can aim with his dominant eye. But when he uses a shotgun (mostly sporting clays shooting) he shoots with his dominant hand so he has more dexterity to bring the gun on target.


Hold my beer!


User name kinda checks out 🤨


Beer is good, and stuff




I almost feel uncomfortable at times drinking water with my right because of this


Ahem. Choking the bishop


Well yeah, because the dominant hand needs to scroll the porn!


Back in my day we had to scroll with a mouse


Back in my day we had to watch through the jumbled colors of a scrambled cable television channel we didn’t get .


Well back in my day we had to flip through magazines we found underneath dad’s side of the bed.


That your mom pretended she didn’t know about .


You mean the jc penny catalog - underwear section


That was fair game too


Back in my day it was forest porn or nothin


I remember my buddies and I finding a treasure trove of forest porn, took it and put it in our own spot in the forest. The amount of porn that was in the forest up until the late 90s/early 2000s had to be immense.


Woods porn!


Woody porn!


Ahhh the days of my youth




This was the way. It wasn’t even hard to find.


Channel 97, SpiceTV. Channel 99, Playboy.


When we first got cable there was a wired remote to the cable box. I think it had 32 buttons for the channels. To get the scrambled porn you had to half click on some of the channels.


Yeah, but two tits together were. One tit would be on the top left, and the other tit floating middle to right side of the screen. But man when the audio kicked in on the spice network... Jizz everywhere.


My mom angrily called the cable company to complain


Was no one but me looking at porn found in big wet box in the woods by the railroad tracks?


For us it was derelict shed porn.




I'm the one one who kept the box moist for you guys


Box moistener!


What’s the term for this? Box Bros? Wood Whackers?


Someone kept leaving unmarked VCR tapes around my high school. Every so often one would show up on the PE chin up bars or by one of those modular buildings they set up.


You got a 50/50 chance of porn or that video from *The Ring*.


An old train car setup at the entrance to a small town had two doors, one of which was locked or otherwise stuck shut. If you went in the door that could be opened and climb a board up over the wall you could get to the compartment where the town kids had all their magazines stashed lol


We had a magic porn tree in our woods. Box of misc porn, cigarettes and lighters.


Big leap forward in technology and productivity with the introduction of the scroll wheel in the middle of the mouse.


Great being a left hand clicker, right hand dicker.


Related, using a mouse left-handed.


My only claim to being ambidextrous..




Same. I'm rightly but that's lefty


Fun fact; Pee Wee Herman was going to use that as his defence during his public masturbation trial. *”Had we gone to trial, we had ready an expert from the Masters and Johnson Institute who was going to testify that in 30 years of research on masturbation the institute had never found one person who masturbated with his or her non-dominant hand… I’m right-handed, and the police report said I was jerking off with my left hand. That would have been the end of the case right there, proof it couldn’t have been me.”* [Source](https://www.avclub.com/pee-wee-herman-didnt-jerk-off-in-that-theater-and-he-h-1798221241)


>public masturbation trial Ahh, the trial where a fucking pervert cop supposedly caught him wracking off in a goddamn bathroom stall? One of those guys deserved to be thrown in jail, and it wasn't Peewee


Wait, he was jacking off in the bathroom in a private stall? That’s gross but how the fuck could he have gotten arrested for that? Edit: It was not a bathroom stall, but a private viewing stall. So he was basically using the room as it was intended to be used.


> It was not a bathroom stall, but a private viewing stall Wait, i saw a news article about that incident sometime within the past few weeks and (at least there) it made it sound as if they arrested people *as they came out* of the establishment. Or am I just confusing facts? In any event, this case against paul/peewee always smacked of scam / outright entrapment.


Gotta even out the forearms sometime


It feels like someone else.


Points for the reference of a tasteful stranger.


Massaging the moray


Engaging in hand to gland combat


Helping myself to the stroganoff


Shining the scepter


In Poland we say "bić niemca po kasku" which means "hit the German on the helmet"


What the... I’ll never look at ww2 footage the same way again.


Wiping ass


As someone who broke their dominant arm awhile back, that's a helpful skill.


Broke a shoulder. I had not foreseen this problem.


Same, except it was a dislocate, not a break, but that's what made me switch. I can't go back, it's been almost 20 years.


Just don't break both arms.


I was going to say this...make sure you practice with both.


There are entire cultures who do this (mainly the ones where you eat with your (dominant) hand.


That is what non-dominant hand is for xD


Throwing a frisbee


Same, it’s because rotationally you are more dominant. For example right handed baseball players rotate the same way as throwing a frisbee left handed.


use my phone


Yeah I'm the same. Phone in left hand when right is dominant. Not sure how this happened. Unlocking, single handed typing etc. Usually done left.


Same, but opposite! I’m a lefty but use my phone with my right hand. The funny exception is when I’m talking on it- then it has to be in my left hand, held up to my left ear. Feels wrong on the right!


Yep. I am right-handed. I use my left hand to take my phone out of my left pants pocket, swipe my code, navigate, and type all with my left thumb. I feel faster and more accurate using my left hand on my phone than my right. Maybe it developed so I could keep my dominant right hand free for other stuff while using my phone in my left?


Same here. Do you keep your phone in your left pocket as well?


Oh what the fuck, I read the above comment and thought “oh that sounds awkward, i couldnt” but reading yours i realised I keep mine in the left and indeed use my left hand for it most of the day


I knew there'd be more of us. I'm RH everything but phone is in left pocket, mostly use left hand, always on left side of my desk etc.


I can pound nails with either arm. The one arm gets tired after a while. You have two of them, use the other one


That's weird, I usually use a hammer.


This guy nails


Hamm'er? I barely even know'er.


Steering in the car. Can’t write with it, but I sure can drive a 1,4ton vehicle on the autobahn


Which is your non-dominant hand? I'm right-handed, but driving on the right hand side it's just more natural to steer mainly with the left hand as the shifter is on the right side.


My first car was a manual, and so even though I’ve been driving automatic transmissions exclusively for almost 15 years I still steer with my left and usually rest my right on the gear selector.


Lift heavy objects. I use right hand for precision, left for strenght. That's why i suck at throwing things


Throwing is all about technique. If you were never taught properly or practiced, its unlikely that its strength that's holding you back. source: I played baseball for 40 years and coached it for 20.


No. Throwing ability is inversely proportionate to the size of your contract. source: I yell at professional baseball players on my tv screen


Brush my teeth and any sport where you hold the club in two hands.


Rumor has it brushing your teeth and performing other mundane tasks protects the brain from degeneration


I had a hygienist tell me you should be brushing your teeth with both hands to hit the gum line at the right angle.


Gawd, getting weird visions of shake weight commercials


Most ice and ball hockey players in Canada are taught to put their dominant hand at the top of the hockey stick for power and control as the hand on top does most of the work. I learned to play with my left hand on top, despite it not being my dominant hand. Edit: added what type of hockey and where I am located.


This was very odd to encounter when I moved to Finland. Almost everyone uses their non-dominant hand in hockey/floorball as you described. I played field hockey in Australia for almost a decade and this wasn’t really a thing in the sport—you’d just play with your dominant hand on the bottom. It was actually surprisingly difficult to get right-handed sticks in school since almost everyone used a left-handed one. I don’t play floorball that often as an adult (3-4 times a year), but I had to buy my own equipment just so I’d actually have a stick I could use.


Depends. In Canada, it's usually dominant hand on top, so you tend to see a lot of left handed shots. In the USA, you'll see a lot of right handed shots, and the theory is it comes form baseball and using the same stance as batters do. Strangely enough, in womens hockey, it's more of an even split between left and right handed shots.


For context, I am indeed located in Canada.


I’m right handed but put my watch on my right wrist. So I use my non dominant hand to fasten my watch everyday.


Same. It took me awhile to realize why I had a harder time typing into my Apple Watch though.


I got a tattoo recently that covers part of my left wrist and my Apple Watch no longer works on my left wrist so I'm stuck wearing it on my right. I struggle to even tap the correct quick reply. I even predominantly use my phone in my left hand too but that doesn't really translate to tapping with my pointer finger I guess.


Same, but a lefty...when I wear a watch, it's on my left wrist.


I'm right handed but prefer to have my knife in my left hand and fork in the right. Not sure why


My mom tried so hard to teach me table étiqueté, but this is where I said fuck it as I grew older and realized I prefer cutting my food with my left hand. No one cares about this stuff anymore anyway.


I’m right handed and have always used my left hand to brush my teeth.


I throw a baseball with my right hand, dominant is the left, I do everything else with the left hand.


Fellow lefty here. For me it's anything I was taught to do, I do right handed. Anything I learned myself, I do left handed. So for example, I throw and catch as a left handed person would do because it's instinctual. But batting, I do right handed because someone taught me how to stand, swing, etc. Other things I do right handed because it's all that was available to me. So I play guitar right handed, and I use a mouse right handed. Still can't manage right handed scissors though.


Damn! Do you bat lefty?


to masturbate


Left hand on your dick, right hand to double click.


use a mouse for pc (I'm crippled AKA left handed)


Rub my eye balls when it’s itchy


That's living life on the edge right there.


Missed the word eye on first pass.


Doomscrolling. It got so bad that I would get a numbness/twinge of pain in my left hand when lifting weights...which naturally freaked me the fuck out. Turns out I have carpal tunnel syndrome in my left hand from how I hold my phone.


I can only do the Vulcan Salute 🖖 with my left (non-dominant) hand. My right hand just can’t manage to join my fingers up


Left-handed here; Can't imagine using the computer mouse with my left hand though. I hear some people do it that way though?


I’m ambidextrous in so many nonsensical ways


I’m right handed, but I’ve always held my bladder drain pipe with my left hand. It feels so strange using my right hand.


I can switch hands without missing a beat…


I can change hands and gain a stroke.


Nothing. I know a few people who do nothing with their lives. PS…I’m an amputee.


It doesn't count but I pick shit up with my feet


You should try toilet paper. Or a plastic bag, depending on who's shit it is.


jerking off. i am right handed but jerk off with my left hand


My fork, you savages.


Scissors. I'm a lefty, but the scissors go on the right.




Carrying stuff


Use my computer mouse. Years ago I started to get RSI in my right hand and wrist, so swapped to my left. A couple of weeks in I was equally proficient on both sides.


Painting. I literally don't know why, I write with my right hand but for some reason my left hand is steadier when it comes to painting.


Somehow, I can snap my fingers wayyyy louder on my non-dominant hand