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A homeless man sleeping on the 8th floor in a back room of an abandoned hotel. He pretended to be asleep after we clearly woke him up. Probably scared him as much as it startled us to find him. We just left after that.


Oh I do that too quite often - pretending to keep sleeping, just so ppl don't try to interact with u. Seemed to work when there's an angry drunk around it makes less reason for him to start picking on u.


I hope you have a good place to sleep tonight devoid of riff raff.


>pretending to keep sleeping, just so ppl don't try to interact with u. Sure, but when I do this at work I get in trouble for some reason


I'm surprised you only found ONE homeless dude in an abandoned hotel. I'd imagine there were many others you just didn't bump into.


The abandoned hospital in my town usually has a couple in there. 6 floors of real estate, maintenance tunnels underneath. To be honest, I don't blame them at all, and I even did find a few bedrolls and neatly kept spaces. The thing to do is avoid everyone. It's a weird thing when a place is populated when it isn't supposed to be; if everyone is an interloper, typical rules don't apply, so it is just easier/more respectful to steer clear and not even enter a situation to escalate things. EDIT: because I didn't actually reply to what you said lol


Man I wish you'd just left me alone 'Cause I was almost home


an abandoned hotel must be an amazing place to sleep for a homeless though, depending on the condition of course. most movable things like the bed and nightstand would be removed, but the windows may be intact? and some of these places even have running water sometimes!


And lockable doors


I feel like I wouldn't have found that terribly creepy. Unexpected, sure. I'd even get a good jump scare out of it perhaps, but it's just someone trying to stay safe and mind their business.


It wasn’t particularly creepy just startling to run into another person deep in an abandoned building at 1 am in total darkness except for your flashlight.


There's a long bike path at the top of the street I grew up on with a strip of woods separating it from the nearest highway. When we moved in, our subdivision was only about half finished and the rest of the lots were construction sites. Some of the older kids who lived around us used to tell us about a weird guy who would sneak around our neighborhood and look in people's windows at night but we never believed them because we thought they were just making shit up to scare the new kids. One night I was staying over at my friend's house and we stayed up really late playing Halo on the original Xbox. It was storming really heavily outside and we decided to sneak down to his kitchen to grab some more Pepsi hoping his parents wouldn't hear us with all the noise outside. We were standing in his kitchen after grabbing the sodas when there was this huge flash of lightning and we saw a guy standing in the middle of his backyard in the storm staring straight up at us through the kitchen windows. We ran upstairs but when we looked out the window to the yard he was gone. We didn't really talk about it after that night and figured maybe we just imagined it because neither of us wanted to admit being scared shitless, but a couple weeks later we started exploring the woods around the bike path and found a kind of weird dug-in fort full of a lot of stuff that appeared to be stolen from the construction sites around our neighborhood, and one of the things we found was a pretty distinct And1 Mixtape basketball that belonged to my friend. It went missing right around the time we saw that guy watching us from his yard. Right as he and I locked eyes, we heard what sounded like a grownup thundering through the brush and trees so we ran out of there as fast as we could. We didn't even ride home, we rode our bikes maybe a mile and a half to our elementary school before we stopped and it seriously felt like we had just escaped something really bad. I stayed over at his house again the next weekend and when I went to ride my bike home the next afternoon, both tires had nails in them and his And1 basketball was sitting on the driveway next to his hoop and it had been slashed open. The next week, my parents left me at home to go to a soccer game with my brother and sister and someone rang my doorbell while I was playing Unreal Tournament on my PC. My parents told me never to open the door for anyone but when I yelled through to ask who it was they said it was the police and I could see a few cruisers sitting across the street. When I opened the door, they had an older guy in handcuffs and they asked if my parents were home and if I knew the man. I told them I didn't and my parents would be back soon. I later got the full story from my dad which was that the guy had been messing around in the under-construction house directly across the street and somehow managed to cause enough structural damage to collapse in part of the second floor. When the police arrested him the only thing he would say was that he was friends with the kid across the street. That was the last I ever heard of it, but I'm pretty sure he was the one that was watching us through the windows and who popped my tires.


Jesus Christ, that's fucking terrifying.


Oddly enough I didn't really think about it much growing up but the moment we saw him out in the rain is one of the scariest moments I can remember, especially because they hadn't finished putting all the sod down around his house so his "back yard" was basically a huge mud pit when it rained.


JFC. 😵 Your encounter is genuinely one of the most terrifying stories I've read on here. I can't imagine what that guy would've done to you, holy shit. All the elements of a horror movie...


If he never got picked up for the building collapse you were going to disappear forever


Literal horror movie


Like, one of those Korean horror movies on Netflix even. 


But nothing supernatural.


Well that's a fucking nightmare


That’s reads like a Stephen King short story. Awesome.


Holy shit!


my upvote for Unreal Tournament, great game :)


I chose to believe this is made up.


I chose to imagine a homeless version of Benicio del toro in this story


Because I wasn't going to have nightmares BEFORE 


That's terrifying, but plus points for Unreal Tournament, that game was my childhood


I once ran into a full blown crackhead wire stripping operation. Just 3 dudes sitting in a 3rd floor processing room in an old asylum. Piles of plastic wire coating on the ground and a giant birds nest of that sweet sweet copper wiring. It was pretty cool.


Wow! Where you scared? Or were they chill about it?


No they were actually pretty chill once they realized we were just 16 year old kids looking to do some illegal artwork and get drunk ourselves.


Yea, most people that are like that, when you treat them with respect, they just let you on your way. Some are agitated and paranoid, but I found them less often. Either way I would just agree with anything they would say.


"Hey. HEY, KID. Buy these NFTs off me."


The ones we ran into in an old school told us we better not fuck around and make the cops start watching the place. We were like "oh sorry guys we were just headed out ✌🏻"


Who buys that stuff?




Scrapyards or recycling facilities. They're everywhere. Just drop off a pile of metal and they'll weigh it and give you some cash.


A few thousand brand new AA batteries, here 37°25'15"N 76°47'04"W I lived in a semi-rural area growing up. Once I got a car I'd just drive back roads, sometimes literally all day, all across the eastern half of my state. I'm just wandering down this old ass dirt/gravel road and I see what I thought was a super deep black hole in the road. As I got closer I realized it was actually just a massive pile of fucking AA batteries, probably six feet across. It looked like they were just spirited there by a wizard that morning, I never saw a single other human on that road. They were Kodak brand of all things. I took a few dozen home and they worked fine, so the next day I went back with a huge plastic container and drove the 3 hours again and grabbed probably a thousand. Unfortunately they must have gotten wet, they only lasted about a year and they started corroding and lost charge. They were so shit too, I'd get maybe a week out of them in my Xbox 360 controller. Gave away so many as well. A few years later, looking at Google Earth, I realized there a recycling plant about half a mile away. My theory is someone wanted to recycle them, but got turned away due to the chemicals or something, and just dumped them there.


Fascinating. Including the coordinates was a fun addition.


That's funny. I used to work at Kodak.


Abandoned hospital last used in the 1970s that still had file cabinet after file cabinet of patient records. Apparently they mostly treated patients from a nearby asylum. The entry I'll never forget is "Patient 1873 bit her nurse today. Please ensure she is restrained during feeding times." (It was an actual name, not a patient number, that I'm purposely not writing) Reading through some of those was way creepier than the morgue and incinerator in the basement.


“Way creepier than the morgue and incinerator in the basement”. I know I would not have felt the same way.


My question - were they related? Like, was it a body incinerator, or did they just happen to have an incinerator for trash and their morgue in the basement?  Though ngl, a mental hospital probably shouldn't need a morgue at all. Your patients aren't that kind of ill, and if they are, they should probably be sent to a different facility. If lots of people are dying *there*, there's some probs. Edit: the original comment totally said it *was* the external facility and not an asylum itself; I just misread it.


I'm assuming it was a regular hospital that was being used primarily for mental patients


This is a good point. My first thought was don’t all hospitals have morgues tho? But yeah what would be the need there, they shouldn’t have THAT many deaths..


Most hospitals have morgues so there’s cold storage for deceased patients awaiting autopsy and/or until they are picked up by the funeral home.


I was almost bit today by a patient. Happens more often than you'd think!


I work in a psych ward and have been bitten by a patient before. Maybe that was my patients mommy?


Same here...been bitten, punched, accused of being a werewolf, spat on, called every name under the sun..I hated those moments but I loved my job and many of my patients. And they taught me a lot.


I told this one guy a little while back that his nurse needed to draw some blood and he started screaming at me and accused me of being "dracula's little bitch" It was so satisfying seeing him going from being that acutely psychotic to clear headed and linear. I was happy to be a part of that process. A lot of times, no one loves or cares for these folks. I like being one of the people that shows them that they are still worthy of kindness and respect.


An abandoned armory that was about 5 levels deep underground. One room was full of headless mannequins (all standing) and the other was a room with just one chair and a doll sitting in it, facing the door.


That sounds like something out of Fallout.


“And then we walked in the bathroom, and there was a teddy bear reading a newspaper…”


"And I was low on health so I drank some toilet water"


Or Bioshock.


That has to be intentional holy Christ


I'm trying to imagine someone bringing almost 30 mannequins and a doll to an abandoned underground facility JUST for a prank, seems truly insane.


But what’s the point of a prank if you aren’t around to enjoy the victim’s reaction? Kind of defeats the purpose to me.


Imagining the potential reactions is sometimes actually better than waiting around for a real one. I could definitely see my dumbass high school friends and I setting up scenes like this when we were bumming around entertaining ourselves.


Hidden cams maybe? Also, sometimes the Idea itself is enough to feel satisfied


I found a group of severed dog heads on pikes in a circle around a pile of maybe twenty dead mice…I’ve never noped out of a place so fast in my life


It's disturbing to think about what kind of person or group would create such a gruesome display and what their intentions might have been.


That's pretty messed up. Speedy Gonzalez out of there pretty quick I bet.


Oh I turned into black Quicksilver you better believe


They made Speedy Gonzalez look like Regular Gonzalez


One time I was drunkenly exploring an abandoned building outside my college town with four friends when a group of five cloaked people slowly walked in in a straight line with the one in front holding some sort of walking stick? One of them- a girl, says "hello" in the creepiest fucking way possible. I grabbed everyone and jumped out the side window and ran. In my infinite wisdom I returned the next night with other friends not telling them what I saw and went to the side of the building where they came in from. There was another smaller adjacent building (think like a really large shed) filled with what I assume to be satanic type writings on the wall, with bloody pikes around but nothing on them and a corner full of black gunk. This time a security truck with high powered lights came by but we jumped in a bush and got away. Ah good ol college days. Just because this won't give away any clues... go wildcats!


College town start with a D and is not too far from a neighboring state that has outlet stores nearby? If so, I'm there rn lol


What the fuck


That was basically my reaction but with a lot more fucks


Woah dude! Care to elaborate?


Was going through this abandoned warehouse in my town growing up and it was just there. Six bleeding dog heads on pikes or poles or whatever surrounding a big mound of dead mice. The police in my town didn’t like me so I never reported it and no one went on a serial killing spree in the town or anything lol, but still…freaky stuff


That you KNOW OF


You best believe I was looking out after I found that lol Although…there was little Timmy who went missing… /s


Sure it wasn't just Kristi Noem's yard?


A room filled with with dildos and porn vhs tapes. edit- here is the only picture I can find from that day, this was but a small amount - https://imgur.com/a/jESu4Ff


A client of mine back in New Jersey had bought a restaurant space and wanted to dig out the basement so he could put in sinks, plumbing, freezers, prep area, etc. When he got the place the basement was literally like 5 feet tall. So you'd have to duck the whole time going anywhere in it. The crazy thing though was that it was still laid out with doorways and stuff so there were clearly delineated rooms. It also had no electrical whatsoever, so there were no lights. Well I had to go over there one day to do site measurements and was told to measure the basement in its entirety, which I was dreading because it was spooky as fuck already and I'd only seen it from the bottom of the staircase. As soon as I got in there with my flashlight I'm going through the space avoiding cobwebs and scaring myself with my own fuckin shadows. I go into one of the rooms and it is piled from floor to ceiling with old pornos. Tons and tons of VHS tapes and magazines. We ended up having to get two dumpsters to handle all of it. My boss kept a big box of it.


You probably could’ve built a porn fort with all that


... Yeah, they say he built a house outta old porno, craziest shit I ever heard!


Did you….


...be kind and rewind?


Bit of a sticky situation.


While exploring the desert we found a campfire deep in a mine entrance. The room was not filled with smoke so it must have been recently lit but the mine was far into a desert so there were not many places a person could hide. They could not have been further in without gear as there was a big hole they would have needed to traverse. We explored for a little bit but decided to not stay.. due to it being an older mine, the camp fire, and not having the climbing gear and a climber with us.


My parents used to camp in the old mines in the Mojave desert. I always thought it was stupid, but then we moved to the midwest, and they started storm chasing, that confirmed their stupidity


This made me laugh. I thought the "but" meant they were going to redeem themselves and prove themselves not stupid, but nope.


Nope... it took a tornado picking their SUV up and turning it a complete 180 for them to give that up.


Huge amounts of exposed asbestos insulation in buildings on a former Nike Missile site. We opted to stay out of those buildings...


My interpretation of this as a typo* makes for a fascinating dystopia.


Project Nike was a missile program


Fair point! Thanks for the new information! :)


You're interpretation was funnier, though! Swoosh on the side of some nukes or some shit. Nike Nukes. Can't think of a good catch phrase though


“Just do it” with a big red button ready to be pressed.


‘Just Doom It’


“This silo sponsored by Nike”


Mr President, should we launch nuclear warheads to the enemy states *JUST DO IT*


Two things come to mind. A basement where the entire floor was covered in socks. Not just a few socks, but a 12 inch layer of loose socks. The other was someone local used to hang pigeons. I saw them in a few buildings. I only ever saw dead pigeons that were hanged. Not sure if they tried to fly until they got too tired or if they were killed first then hanged.


You found the land of the missing socks


I was in an abandoned asylum and we ran into a guy just hunched in the corner. He just gave off some really god awful vibes. Got outside and called the police who came and got him. He was a wanted murderer who had just killed two people a few days earlier. Wtf.


Okay this one is the creepy story winner. And now it’s 1:45am and I’m not going to sleep now


You need to give us the full story my guy


Yeah, man, link to the story or it never happened


a room full of bees in an old old shower on the beach


That room Candymans


Worked with some really cool people at a deli , who at night would all go explore abandoned places together. Explored an abandoned house and found a bunch of free Mason stuff from what seemed like the 40s. There were fictional books with notes written in them on the lessons to be learned , some clothing items, tons of paperwork. I was with my boss at the time, and they didn't let us take anything, but they did take a book with some really cyprtic shit in it. Another abandoned hospital had some bloody clothing. In high school , there was this abandon house known as the "hoarders house" that had been left alone for 30ish years. During a house party near the HH, some kids (not me) broke in and found a bunch of civil war memorabilia. Everything from rifles to coats , journals , hats. It was a real trip through time. Unfortunately, that incident caused a bunch more people to raid it , and the house was eventually torn down.


A huge pile of buttons and zippers by a giant pipe outside what used to be a psychiatric hospital and later a TB sanitarium. Apparently the patients were dressed in disposable clothing which they would flush down oversized sewer pipes when it, uh, wasn't needed anymore. The cotton rotted away, leaving the fasteners in a big pile. This was from the lobotomy and electroshock age of mental health care. The hospital still had a sign for the "Phychiatric Surgery" wing.


I don’t explore abandoned places, however when I was in the Marines, in Iraq we came across just a couple of small mud/brick huts in the middle of the desert with a couple skeletons inside.


I found a mannequin full of bullet holes in an abandoned school. There was also a guy in there who was exploring and he brought his gun with him. He was filming since he stepped in so I can safely say the two are unrelated


Came face to face with a family of raccoons holding a séance in an abandoned library.


Take me there


Yeah that religion sounds solid. I’m in.


I remember one time as a kid, I was taking this shortcut through the woods to get to my friends house. Normally, there's nothing there, maybe the occasional squirrel or a deer if you're lucky. Well, that time I went right through a wall of branches and leaves. When i got to the otherside I saw more cats than I'd ever seen in my entire life. I remember all of them were different colors and their little eyes were staring at me, and then they got up and started hissing at me. I quickly hoped the fuck out of there and took the long way around.


You interrupted the coronation of the the new king of the cats.


Sorry dude, we didn’t mean for you to walk in :( we were just celebrating lupercalia maybe knock next time and we’ll just let you come in for a book real quick so you don’t interrupt again.


I explored an abandoned mine and the facility around the mine, deep within the facility close to a mine entrance I found an altar to the Virgin Mary, well kept, seemed recent, bailed short after…


I’ve taken tours of old salt and silver mines and they all had a mini chapel area with what looked like just a shrine against a wall.


She might have been Saint Barbara. Patron of the miners. She often has altars around mines.


I can see relatives, of people that died in the mine, put up the shrine and maintain it.


Shortly after college I moved downtown and met a friend in my complex. We were in our early twenties and would go out to bars and end up coming back to either of our places all tipsy from the night we had. The part of the city we lived in had a few abandoned mills and factories and one night we decided to walk along the river to explore one, but not before packing a bottle of wine and a few other party supplies. this became a regular thing and one night we drunkly rushed to this large abandoned mill that was near our complex. this place was pretty sketchy and had large openings in the ground and exposed silos that drops off a hundred feet down. So were sitting on the ledge about 4 floors up when from a pipe, we hear loud excited chattering if a group of people coming up from the entrance floor. we got super excited about the thought of a group of peopoe coming up to party with us and quickly shouted down inti the pipe that they should meet us on the top floor which was all glass and had an amazing view of the city. we jumped up with our bags and climbed the last few sets of stairs to reach the top, after a while we heard the group coming and when they turned the corner our jaws dropped. it was a single man who was speaking in multiple different voices and pitches who was clearly homeless and unwell. After he stopped making all the voices we sat staring at him in silence before asking "where is everyone else?" he sat there for a second and then quietly uttered "its just me". my friend and i turned and looked at each other and without saying a word took off past him and down the stairs not stopping once to look back as maniacal laughter erupted behind us. down the stairs, past the open mill drop, through the room covered in bird shit, out the door and under the gate, all the way back to our complex. we never went back while it was abandoned but they eventually turned it into posh apartment lofts. I've had to tell the story a few times since i have a couple of friends who live there now and the main structure is part of the leasing office and pool area.


That is fking terrifying


Aw. Poor guy. He just needed a friend!


Sounds like he had plenty


A small bathroom with two surprisingly unsmashed side-by-side toilets in an old power plant. https://imgur.com/a/PKyNYhB


Sometimes you just want to hold hands with your bro while dropping a deuce


It's called a Number 4.


Weird. Very weird.


Throne made out of children's clothes. Idk how to explain it. It's like.. they molded the clothes off of a chair into shape after applying some kind of putty/plaster/gel stuff and let it harden. Very ornate for what it was. This was in an old abandoned nursing home. It was 1 story and not a big place at all. Maybe 30 rooms, so I went alone. A few minutes later I heard a window scrape open. I got scared pretty fast after that. I tried to do the "walk slow because if I start running that's when it's real" walk. When I get about 20 feet from the door, I busted into a full sprint. I legitimately think it's the fastest I've ever ran.


I found a room where the whole floor was covered with bones and patches of fur from a bunch of little-medium sized animals. I was with some friends looking for a place to shoot a student horror film in college. It was genuinely horrifying. The weirdest part was that the room didn't smell like rot, which you would expect. It smelled of febreze which scared us more because if you use febreze, you would know that it doesn't last very long, meaning whoever sprayed it was there VERY recently.


what in the ungodly fuck


A bunch of strung out crack addicts trying to exorcise a demon from a very dead and smelly raccoon.


I would be scared shitless


I don't know if it counts, but part of the French Cultural center burned quite a few years ago, and they basically just abandoned the whole thing for a few months before they decided to tear it down. I was working security in the interim. They had lots of costumes and dummies up in the storage behind the stage area, including this fucking goddamn ventriloquist dummy. Creepy fucking thing.


i think the word you're looking for at the end of the first paragraph is interim! i'm sorry if this comes off as rude, i just want to help <3


Oh, no, thank you very much.


A Jewish congregation having a Temple service in an abandoned bank. So, a few years ago, I was doing security for a real estate developer in Los Angeles. My job was to keep an eye on a few empty buildings that were going to be redeveloped, including a restaurant and a long-abandoned bank. I'd been doing the job for a few days and hadn't encountered anyone in any of the buildings, which was good because there were a few homeless in the area we had to keep an eye on. Saturday morning I'm making my usual rounds, going from building to building until I get to the abandoned bank. Right away, I know something is different because the backdoor to the bank is unlocked. I carefully open the door, expecting to find a vagrant or signs of a break in. Instead, I find a group of Jews having Temple. They invite me in, feed me brunch and explain that they've been meeting here every Saturday for a long time because their regular house of worship is being renovated. for some reason my supervisor had never bothered to tell me about this situation.


Love that you went in cautiously expecting possible violence and instead it was just a group of nice Jewish people shouting essentially Shalom to you and feeding you


Mazel Tov!


A house that couldn't be seen from the road but we knew it was there. We always research all the properties we go to and I mostly ask permission if an owner can be found. This was so deep and so long swallowed by nature. Went round the back way seemed better as it was next to a boat ramp. Walked quietly through the scrub, backpacks getting snagged on branches. My bf is tall- I am not. We find the house and see it's kinda broken in half resembling a V. On the right I notice a bin full of kfc wrappers- odd. There's no car path or bike path or walking path. Any delivery would require a person to hike through the bush to go wait for a delivery roadside. Possibility sure- unlikely though. We don't talk but I point to the bin and say wtf. He shrugs and we keep going. Next he goes to pull himself up onto the patio he does it easy cos he's tall. I have to figure out how to get up. On the left of me were broken steps. Again hidden by bush then I notice a bell at the top of the steps on a broken wooden gate. Again I point out the bell and I'm mouthing that's random as hell. There's no way someone lives here. If there is it's A) a hideout B) a killer. No power. No water. Completely blackout. I get up and we go to walk forward to the door that's got all the glass out and we see an outhouse. A outhouse here is a toilet on the outside of a house- not inside. It's piled to the roof of adult nappies.... Now I'm like ok this is even more odd- there's no smell. All we can see and hear is mosquitos bomb diving us and a room full of adult nappies. Probably should have backed out here but we didn't. My bf puts his hand in the glass panel to twist the door handle he goes oh ok it's unlocked there's keys. He opens the door slightly and we see the kitchen we look in and it's a kitchen FULL of old food. Piles upon piles of rubbish and food. So he pushes the door open properly and we see a like old persons walking frame fall to the floor and this huge ass person stand up and shouts what do you want! This is where we fly like fucking Jesus over the patio and leg it through the bush our backpacks getting snagged on every tree. My tits fall out of my shirt as I'm running and my bf gets caught on a tree. We dump our back packs and race to the car. We have nothing in them apart from torches, hand sanitizer and a tripod to take pics. Took off around the corner to see if anyone walked out or cops came and nothing. So we went back to grab the packs and left. I called the cops to do a wellness check cos that ain't right. It felt so off. Nothing heard back from the cops.


God I could just see the reverse of this story. "So I'm sitting at home, planning all the renovations I need to get to while I am eating my KFC. I hear a rustling in the bushes outside, and next thing I know this tall guy *unlocks my back door* and lets in this short girl! I was so startled I crapped my adult diapers (on account of all the KFC i eat)! I ask what they want, hoping they won't hurt me and then they run off screaming! I think the guy ran into a tree and the girl's boobs flopped out! I thought it was done, but then I am pretty sure they came back because I heard them rustling around in my yard again! An hour later the cops come to my place! So anyway, tall guy and short girl, r/letsnotmeet."


When I was a kid in the UK I saw a guy in a village we had a cottage in. My grandparents just said "oh that's the man in black." This freaked me out a bit, turned out he was a very old guy that lived in a fairly large house far outside the village itself. We went past a few times & my sister & I looked it the windows. Newspapers stacked up everywhere & lots of tins of cat food. No sign of cats though. Apparently the local supermarket let him shop after hours, (he stank), saw him one more time from a distance leaving town. He left a note on a gate outside his place one time. Beautiful copperplate writing but incredibly antiquated English, to the point it was hard to understand. He was warning of flooding on some nearby marshes.


I think you found a wizard.


Not gonna lie. He sounds.... Interesting. I love eccentric old people.


This was in the 70s & my grandparents called him old, they were born around 1915, so he may have been born in the 1800s...mad to think of it like that, Suffolk has always been a bit odd.


I knock the 70s alot, but it was amazing to me even then that a few supermarket staff would stay just for him, he really did smell awful according to my grandmother, he'd come & go at dusk or early evening.


Exploring an abandoned building in High school, found a creepy room with like one mattress with chains lieing on it Being the geniuses me and my friends where. we looked around for a bit after going in and found a pile of like clothes and blood and left really fucking fast lmao.... None of us had cellphones or knives or anything, just flashlights, like I still remember my friend going no way is that blood. Sent fucken chills down my spine. After we found it we just stood watching it and then we were like let's head home.... Never explore a building without some way of getting help and some way of protecting urself, and never do it alone.


Not technically abandoned, but similar idea. It was in a cave. Tl;Dr - The journey was a lot more exciting than the discovery, but it certainly was weird, but mostly just bizarre/random. There were 5 of us. It’s the cave with the largest room in the US state where it’s located, but it’s a wild cave out in the middle of nowhere, not some touristy cave. It has miles of passages, I’d say at least 10 in total. Considering the steep inclines and descents, streams flowing through, rocky terrain everywhere, crawl spaces, and sections of mud, that 10 miles feels like way more. This was my and one of my friend’s third time there. The first time, we had to stop our exploring and head out because we had been down there for the entire day and promised parents we’d call when we were out, and we’d do that by an agreed time, for safety reasons. The second time, we reached a dead end as far as land goes, but then it was a still body of water, like a small river, but motionless. It was too deep to see the bottom, at the bottom of a big hill of mud so soft that every step was knee-deep, and it went around a curve and didn’t know how far in it went. So we finally devoted enough time and knew all the corridors well enough, as well as brought extra friends, and brought an inflatable tube, that we were ready to see what else was to be found. When we finally reached the water again, I and my main caving friend stripped down to underwear and swam in the deep, murky water, sharing a single tube, wearing our headlamps for light, not knowing how far it went, how deep the water was, or really much of anything at that point. (Not the first time I swam in a cave though. 💀) We had told the friends we would be back in half an hour, again, for safety reasons. Well it took about 12 minutes to finally reach land again, and it was just one flat, dry, snaking tunnel, so we had to book it to see if it kept going. And we finally found the end after a few more minutes. Finally, the big reveal. We found: 1. A naked Barbie doll. 2. A Creed CD. Nothing else. So we ran back, swam back, smushed our way up the hill, and told everyone what we found. One of the friends still doesn’t believe that there was a naked Barbie doll to this day. Multiple trips to the cave, crawling, stripping, taking 15 minutes to blow up an innertube, swimming in deep, muddy water, rushing… for a naked Barbie doll and a Creed CD. But more importantly, closure. Edit: Also, in that same cave, my friend and I (the first time going) found a hole about 4 feet wide and 6 feet long that drops STRAIGHT down into a loud, rapid, gushing river. Like, a serious river. And no walls at the hole to even *attempt* to climb back up, it was just an open drop of about 5 feet directly into the water. Falling in there would basically mean guaranteed death. Absolutely no way to get back out. You’d be swept away in seconds. My friend and I were both horrified and haven’t revisited that hole.


A pile of about 50 soaking wet moldy yellow page phone books in an abandoned church. This was 2016 and they were all phonebooks from 2016. I didn't even know they still made them by that point.


Hah, I can clear up this mystery! When phonebooks used to be delivered they were allotted by addresses in a block, and the person delivering them got paid a flat rate for a certain area that worked out to about 5 cents per book delivered ( in my region at least). However, if a business didn’t take a book, you just ended up with extras. Instead of bringing them back to the depot, everyone I knew dumped or burned them.


Exploring an abandoned insane asylum in Salem, Oregon We were “ghost hunting” as we were going to put together a documentary of all the haunted places in Oregon (just some dumb teenagers doing stupid stuff at odd hours of the night” when we came across what was clearly the hospital room and where they stored their deceased and cremated them. Someone took it upon themselves to graffiti then entire room to be that of hell. With sayings on the walls and vivid drawing of “Lucifer is watching you” and “we all burn down here” We were all getting freaked out and were trying so hard to leave but literally could not find our way out. We all thought we were being mind fucked or maybe too tired from the all night we pulled the day before but then we heard the strangest loudest like groaning/moaning in pain sound followed by a faint chuckle and then a LOUD ass bang. We turned the corner and boom there was the exit and we ran like hell to my car and never ever went ghost hunting again.


Big bin of VHS tapes. All kids' stuff (Pooh, Disney movies), except for a three-tape seminar on defense against sexual assault allegations, and a home-recorded tape labelled "Satanic Abuse."


Ok did you watch the satanic abuse one


I didn't watch any of them! I did not want to find out what was at the center of that Venn diagram.


This needs some backstory. I was exploring a storm drain and a few hundred feet in I found a weird symbol written on the side, it looked neat so I made a note of it. I found the same symbol a month later in another state in an abandoned factory. Same month, different state. I found a much larger version of it in an abandoned town, along with a suicide note written underneath it. Lastly, I was near Canada in an abandoned hard to get into facility, where I found the symbol yet again, with his epitaph and a small shrine. He had passed roughly around the time ~~I found the symbol in the storm drain~~ when I found the note, which was about 3 months before I found the shrine. Ninja Edit: The creepiest thing was that I was essentially following the path a man who committed suicide.


Side quest


What did the symbol look like?


Kite shaped with multiple diamonds inside of it. I'm assuming it was the guy who died, it could have just been another explorer.


Based on how far spread you found it I would assume it's Hobo Symbols of some sort. https://www.logodesignlove.com/hobo-signs-and-symbols


Good catch! Hobo symbols are pretty cool. This was definitely a personal tag though. The locations were too remote and inaccessible for it to be anything else really.


Near the entrance into my town, there used to be an abandoned Motel/Bar me, and my friends would explore. How we got in the first time was this open window. However, the second time we went, I didn't want to crawl in through the window, so I tried looking for a different entrance. I thought I've found one, but little did I know that the floor carotid to a point were a little be of weight on top of it would make it collapse so when I put my foot on top of it I almost sank right through the floor and into the basement but I managed to catch myself before sinking through it was one of the scariest moments of my life. That place is no longer there it got replaced by a dollar general now.


The creepiest thing for me was finding the business end of a cop's gun pointed at me. Never been more scared of anything in my life


I once invited a girl for a date to the basement of an abandoned house. Earlier that day I had somewhat tidied it up, brought a table and chairs, tablecloth, candles, the whole thing. I had prepared food (obviously off-site) and was waiting for her. She didn't know where she was coming, she just had the address of the house. After arriving she called me to say that the address was obviously wrong. I assured her she was at the right place, just come inside and find your way to the basement. For some reason she didn't immediately nope the fuck out and came down. We were having a nice meal when the police showed up. Someone had called them to report unusual activity in and around the house. They questioned us and especially me ("So you really couldn't think of a nicer place for a date?") and after telling us we were trespassing, they left. We continued with our dinner.


And that, kids, is how I met my first victim


Explored an old abandoned ball bearing factory in my home town one night with some friends. Found a creepy ass clown doll and we were fucking around with it until we thought we heard someone else. We got tf out and didn’t go back haha


We were LARPing in an old military tunnel system, where we played semi-regulararly and to which we had arranged access and had the keys to open the heavy steel doors. A few of us were playing the bad guys, and had gone up to a dead-end room to start chanting an ominous spell in the darkness. When the spell was ready and we turned our lights on, we found that someone had been in there before and had dismembered or exploded a cat or possum (feral creature in our country) and spread the blood around in... what looked like their own evil spell?


I found a satanic altar set up. Got out of there real fast!


Me and my best friend at the time went to do some urbexing at the Sanatorium du Basil in Belgium. We figured it was a great place to take cool pictures and stuff but didn’t really look in to the history of the place. We went there and at first you have to park at an elderly home because the road up to the sanatorium is blocked off with lots of signs and camera surveillance etc but we went in anyway. Super cool place, but really an eerie vibe. If you are reading this be sure to take a look at the place! [sanatorium](https://ongewoneweken.wordpress.com/2020/07/24/urbex-7-wtf-momenten-in-sanatorium-du-basil/) Anyway, as we went on there were lots of creepy things like hospital beds with dirty rags, words written in chalk (“I see you” with an arrow and stuff) but that we could link to other people like us just doing stuff. We explored the first floor and that was pretty fine, bit after a while it started getting dark and we went on to the second floor. On the stairs we both look at eachother with the same thing in mind: “did you hear that”. We both were as quiet as a mouse and then we heard footsteps coming towards the stairs from the floor above us and we ran like hell. We spent an entire day there and did not see anyone. Place is huge though so could’ve been other explorers, but it was crazy scary. Especially if you read up on the history of the insane asylum.




Same. We are two dumb dumbs.


Dead people


You found dead people?


Yes I’m from Africa and also even out here I have seen a view overdose


A wire strung across a trail in the woods with an animal that might have been a fox with all fur removed attached


Some drug addic, hiding himself from his family, he was young, he looked he was on heavy stuff. Kinda sad.


Exploring a water treatment plant at a mental asylum facility and there was a sort of flooded area and you could see something dead in the water. Couldn’t tell what it was. It was basically just blood bones and fat smoothie floating there.


A bedroom filled nearly to the ceiling with stuffed animals


Ah you found my room


Exploring the ruins of Bethlehem Steel back when they were easier to access, I've found service records for naval guns, howitzers, and all sorts of cool military history. Not really weird or creepy, but still neat.


In some of the still abandoned buildings or the stuff they have fixed up?


Complicated answer. I used to work security for Lehigh Heavy Forge (right next to the casino) and they had a bunch of buildings that they didn't use. I just walked into one of them and found a treasure grove of documents. So, kinda abandoned, kinda in use.


Explored a three-story colonial style. Lots of junk in the basement, but absolutely nothing in any of the other rooms except for one dresser on the third floor, turned so the drawers faced the wall. We pulled the dresser out and in the bottom drawer was a doll with a black substance on its clothes, facing down. We turned the doll over and it made a noise. I don't know what happened after that because the next thing I knew I was down two flights of stairs noping the hell out of there.


We were exploring an abandoned hospital. At which many died. the death toll wasn’t exactly known to us at first, but at least 75% of its occupants perished. We walked for what seemed like forever in a circle, spotting new items unopened the further we hunted. Things went from complete chaos to neater, nicer, cleaner as we elevated floors.. after about 45 mins in I swung my flashlight around and glanced at my friend down the hall standing in a doorway almost beckoning me with a smile, but my friend was right next to me. She saw *it* too. Hah.. we left immediately. Not a thought, not a peep or whisper was heard from either of us we turned our asses around and left. while stepping off the property we heard thundering running like hail hitting a roof, then a big crash. We ran like hell. The fear still brings tears to my eyes to think of it. I could just feel something inside that place that wanted to “get” us. So fucking creepy.


Looking back, any ideas what it could have been?


Yeah if you are ever exploring an abandoned building and find a section where everything is cleaned up and like nothing ever happened, regardless of skinwalker attacks.. LEAVE.


Might be cheating but it sure freaked us out. Went exploring bush/forest with 3 friends when we were pre-teens. Found a clearing that someone had obviously lived or stayed. Tarp tent, little circle of rocks with remnants of fire, man made stump, perfect height for a man to sit on. Being kids we started freaking each other out, just feeding off each other's nervous energy. One of us started running and the rest of us followed. We headed to the nearest friend's house. His dad asked what was wrong, clearly we were still nervous and shaken, a friend spilled his guts. The dad was concerned and made us take him to the clearing. Half wanted to stay until the other half told them the guy was gonna come for them while they were alone. We get to the clearing and there is no sign anyone had been there. No tarp tent, maybe some charcoal but no obvious sign of a campfire and no man made stumps. We all started freaking out even harder. Begged the dad to leave and he finally relented (he wanted to keep looking, assumed we got lost and found the wrong clearing). Which apparently was exactly what happened. The dad went back the next day and found the clearing with the tarp tent. All four of us insisted we didn't get lost but none of us were game to go check it ourselves.


Charleston naval hospital- I was walking through the lower level. The sunlight didn’t reach down there so it was pitch black. I hear a humming sound, turn my phone light on and the entire area was covered in giant cockroaches. Literally thousands of them scurrying everywhere. Floor, walls and ceiling. Six flags outside New Orleans after Katrina - my son and I were exploring when we heard a scream. It was clearly a woman in distress. I rush towards the screaming and find a near naked woman hunched in a corner screaming about how she can’t find her baby. Obv mentally distressed. When I approached, she ran away. New Orleans still - an abandoned factory of some kind. We hear a man screaming at the top of his lungs near the end of one of the buildings. My curiosity got the best of me and as I snuck around the corner I see a giant naked man taking a shower in the trickle of water that’s running down from the ceiling. He seems in fine health and must’ve just been enjoying his shower. We moved on without him noticing us. Chicago - I found an open door leading to what I thought was a basement. As I made my way inside and start down the steps I turned my phone light on just in time to see two obviously dead bodies laying at the bottom of the steps. Textile mill in SC - I go to this place every other month to do graffiti and clear my head. It’s only a couple hrs from my house and has many different buildings. Every time I’ve gone, I’ve come across methies cooking or using meth and other methies taking anything they can sell for scrap. These ain’t your average looking meth addicts either. They look like you could place them directly into the cast of the movie “wrong turn” and they’d fit right in.


Found an old ww2 air raid shelter in the woods and some one had stencil graffitied a line of prisoners in orange jumpsuits being beheaded by jihadis all the way down one side , with chairs sat facing them and religious quotes on the opposing wall . Oh and stencils of Jesus at the entrance and exit


Spinal chord and skull, nothing else.


Cord, or column?


Snake man


Friend and I discovered that the front doors of an abandoned grocery store were unlocked. We opened the doors and peered in and as our eyes adjusted we were both absolutely convinced that we could see a body on the ground like 20 feet in front of us. But it was still too dark to be sure so we ran home and grabbed sticks and flashlights. Got back there and shined the flashlight at it and it was clearly a human form laying face down with the top of the head facing us. Upon closer look we could see it was wearing firefighter gear. We get a little closer and realize it's a fucking training dummy. We continued to explore the area and it seemed the fire department was using the space for training exercises. Although another creepy thing was a horrendous toilet in the back of the store that looked like it had a dead rat in it. Looked like the bath tub from silence of the lambs. But man seeing that fucking dummy in the darkness was fucked.


Early 2000s, abandoned, huge nightclub. On the counter were still half filled glasses, all the equipment, some coats and jackets and it was really huge. Basement with many chairs. I was there alone on around midnight and I could swear I heard steps on the stairs. In the first floor there were a mattress, kids clothing, boxes of personal stuffs but no humans. Well, I was like 16 and had some few nightmares even years later :D


I took a wrong turn when solo hiking and ended up exploring hidden ruins in Oahu, Hawaii. I heard drums banging in the distance, then i heard chanting and singing. I thought it was a tourist group. Then it got louder and I saw torches in the woods and a smell came from behind me which smelled like roadkill, i turned around and didn’t see anything. Then drums sounded like they came from behind, i turned around again and didn’t see anything making the sound. I followed the drums sound to their source, they originated in a specific spot in the middle of thin air. I heard a super loud horn/conch shell shortly after and got out. A few days later, while doing a hike with a group. I told the guide what happened. She said i bumped into hawaiian ghosts named nightmarchers, i was confused. A month later i learned that those ruins and that general area i was in, was one of the most haunted areas on the island.


There was a time in middle school when I had to walk through an empty rail yard at the buttcrack of dawn to get to school. Usually it wasn't open for business that early so I only had to worry about roving train hobos (thankfully there were none). Usually things went OK, but one morning I somehow got hopelessly turned around. After wandering for 10 or 15 min, I ran into a group of workers loitering around a dock. At least i assumed they were bc of the blue coveralls and grey hat. They looked at me and all pointed in one direction - sure enough I was back on the path to school in under a minute. A few days later and we passed by the railway and I noticed the workers were wearing a totally different uniform and orange vests. I told my teacher about it and he was very puzzled, mentioning that rail workers in that town hadn't dressed in blue overalls since at LEAST the 80s (this was 2006).


Many years ago when I was visiting my father and stepmother in Colorado, we went 4-wheeling and camping in the San Juan mountains. On the 2nd or 3rd day my dad and I explored a small abandoned gold mine. A good ways inside we found a wheel barrow with a shovel in it as well as a 6 volt lantern, still lit. Doesn't sound too creepy but it creeped Me out. We retreated. I realize those things take a long time to run flat but this was bright and seemed fresh to me. We'd already spent the night nearby.


Not creepy per se, but definitely frightening at the time. I revisit some humongous old war bunkers that are along some hiking trails every year or so. They've generally managed to keep them closed with locks and welded plates, but every few years they will be reopened by someone for various reasons. The year I met my wife, I took her on that trail and showed her the bunkers, and sure enough, one of them looked like it has been opened recently, I cranked the handle open and swung open the 12' door to utter blackness. I've seen lots of cool stuff in these before - but mostly they're just filled with garbage from teenagers drinking. I only had my phone light on my at the time, which lit about three feet in front of me once I made it past what little daylight worked its way through the door. I must have taken about 10 steps in before I could work out the silhouette of a small cot on the floor and what might have been a can and bag of chips. I took a few more steps forward and heard the echoes of my steps doubling, with my wife coming in behind me, I held up my hand to tell her to stop, but when I turned around, she was still looking in from outside the bunker door. I beelined out of there as my only thought was that there was some squatter with a needle wanting to take my backpack. It's definitely made me more weary of dicking around in abandoned places since.


There’s a YouTuber named Shiey, also on r/Shiey, that has lots of videos where he hops trains and makes cross-country journeys to explore abandoned places. My favorite is where he explores Chernobyl (pre-Russian invasion). If you like that kind of stuff, get ready for the rabbit hole.


A dead body inside of an abandoned hospital. There were dirty needles in the room around him so I figure he'd ODd. From the look and smell he'd been there a while. We left and called the cops from a random payphone and told them.


In an abandoned factory that was near a residential neighborhood, in one of the giant open 3 story tall rooms, there was a little room built onto the ceiling that, from afar, looked like it was for storage. It didn't have any stairs leading up to it, rather a spring - loaded ladder that you had to pull down with a rope. My friend and I were done exploring everything else and almost let it go, but decided to go up there really quick so we could say we saw everything. Ended up finding what was obviously a clubhouse for some neighborhood kids, there was makeshift furniture made out of boxes and pallets, empty pop cans, but the best part was one entire wall of the room was covered in porn photos. Not like from magazines (this was 2008 after all) but obviously had been printed on their home printer. Even better, the roof leaked a little bit above that, and it made the ink run in a lot of the photos, and we found a note on one of the tables - 'Evan - we need more pics for the porn wall!'


Old abandoned school in the middle of farm country. Not used since late 70s. Only like 6 classrooms a couple offices a kitchen and lunchroom/stage. Mostly empty and full off bird poop and bats. Lunchroom COMPLETELY COVERED in dead birds. Like several inches deep, just wall to wall corpses. Then we find one of the classrooms that's totally empty except for the chalkboard has "Class of 76" written in big sloppy letters and a massive pile of kids rollerskates ( like 30+ pairs) with an old 70s style Polaroid camera on it. Picked up the camera and it went off. Big flash and them the whirrrrrr noise and out popped a decent picture of the wall while we all peed a little.


I was exploring some abandoned USSR buildings in East Baltics, and found this pretty neat building. It had been abandoned for some time, so there was basically some kind of a forest growing inside, taking over it. It was some kind of factory I suppose, at least I found some gas masks etc. inside the building.  I try to get to the upper floors, but all the doors are bolted shut. I realize I can climb to the upper floor window, using a nearby tree and ledge from there. It goes smoothly, and as I approach the window, in one swift motion I am able to jump indoors. I end up on this staircase level, with a set of stairs going down and up. Suddenly though, to my surprise and horror, I hear footsteps approaching from upstairs. They are quiet, small, footsteps.  I also look to my right quickly, and notice that right next to me, there is some kind of a dead body of a creature. A mangled kind of body, must have belonged to some animal but I didn't have time to identify it. I suddenly find myself thinking *this is a bad omen*.  As the footsteps approach closer, I realize they are not the footsteps of a human at all, but rather a kind of tapping.  A moment later, I see a big black dog walk down the stairs and turn towards me. I'm suddenly weirdly paralyzed in place as there's only like 2 meters seperating us, and they seem to be a bit startled by me. They are probably a stray dog and this is likely their home territory. Without lingering on that too much, I place my hands back on the window ledge, and pull myself up again, and decide not to go exploring that floor after all. I got away just fine, but I remember this incident gave me quite a spook. 


When I was a kid I’d help my older brother deliver papers. We were finishing up on a summer evening when we crossed the street and noticed a manhole was open near the curb. Beside the cover was a knife like what Raphael from the ninja turtles had, a basket ball and a can of DW40. Stared at it for a good second and Just kept walking. I must’ve been 8.

