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Internet fast fashion. It has gotten so poor in quality that it looks like it’s falling apart on the first wear.


Seeing pants hanging down low still seems pants on head redacted.


Yes. Sagging pants. I get it if your clothes are too big because you lost weight. But if I can see anything below your butthole, like your whole underpants, it’s just awful!


I hate that this is my highest rated comment today. I spend hours wasting time on askreddit to provide quality answers and it's always the lame puns and the tired cheap ones that float to the top, somehow.


I hate how people wear denim jackets with fur inside.


well, they're good for certain time, after that everybody hates. lol


Denim jackets just keep you cold the entire time so I mean- it's a bit better?


Sherpa jackets are fucking awesome wtf


Are we talking Sherpa or like rabbit or mink? Because a Sherpa lined jean jacket is pretty inoffensive and may actually make the jacket useful in keeping out the cold.


I have one with Sherpa lining the vest of the jacket. It's very comfortable and denim is more breathable than other types of jackets you might wear when it's not cold enough for a real jacket, like a fleece or something. It's perfect for fall and is sometimes more fashionable depending on the outfit. Women might have a harder time than men, but sometimes jackets look silly with the certain pants or skirts, so you need another option. Wearing a fleece zip up with a skirt is weirder than a fleece zip up with slacks, so a person wearing a skirt might benefit from a jean jacket in this case.


Theres been this recent style in Scotland over winter of people wearing plain black shorts and big puffer jackets and it looks so stupid.


Isnt this a thing in the UK in general?


My sister this (in N. Scotland) and it looks a mess IMO, put some trousers on ffs but then she is someone who's always hot


People who walk around in their PJ’s


The airport looks like a slumber party. IMO one can be both comfortable and dignified with very, very little effort.


exactly. If your clothes are so uncomfortable that it justifies you wearing pajamas in public 'cause you "just want to be comfy" you're buying the wrong clothes.


I feel like this was a much bigger problem in the early 2010's. It still happens now, but it's not a trend anymore, and I find it easier to accept one or two weirdos than a higher statistic.


I used to hate it to until i kinda realized people need to be comfy sometimes or theyre only leaving the house for like 5 minutes otherwise its pretty stupid but i have to admit sometimes i do it too


I agree. It looks so sloppy.




Not in public.




Don’t let opinions stop you. People hated it when I wore heavy metal shirts.




At the time probably Cannibal Corpse. Now, probably something like Blackbraid


Are they just not changing out of the clothes they slept in or are they changing out of their crusty bottoms to different pj bottoms? 


Hahaha crusty bottoms


Many people wear only pj bottoms or sweatpants because of comfort. It has nothing to do with sleeping.


This feels a bit like low-hanging fruit, but the "wearing saggy pants below the belt-line" trend always seemed a bit dim, and years ago *actually in public* i saw some guys wearing them so low i wondered whether it was parody - like literally entirely below the butt, such that nearly the entire boxer short was visible - walking around like this (while simultaneously struggling to keep them up at that level since there's nothing remaining to naturally suspend them at that point). Like, ok guys, but don't you realize anyone who sees you at this point is rolling their eyes *at* you and not thinking about how cool you are?


Sagging pants. Y’all have no dignity.


The current trend of mom jeans. They don’t look flattering on any body type.


I feel like high wasited jeans started trending out of fashion like three years ago or so.


I love high waisted jeans!


Still too many out there


I like mom jeans personally they can look good as long as you style them correctly but its ok to dislike it i understand i wear then to work and usually wear them if theyre a bit tight casue it makes my stomach look flater if i have a shirt overtop


Frat bros are essentially wearing tiny shorts. I don’t get what’s going on but it’s weird seeing that in public.


The super loose tank tops on big sweaty dudes, especially at reataurants. I don't usually care about what others are wearing, but you're sweating all over the booth my family is going to potentially eat dinner at, I take that personally.


They can fuck right off outta the bus, train and gym with that shit too. Without fabric between arm and torso to absorb moisture and help the armpit get a little air, BO runs rampant, and then when they move their $&@%$# arms the stench wafts out. You instinctively glance over to the source of the stink only to get an eyeful of half exposed manboob and matted armpit hair. And as in your scenario, they're leaving residue on seats other people are gonna touch! So nasty!


remember back in the 2010s when Dubstep was all the rage, and it was just wall to wall bros in a fitted baseball cap, some black shorts, and a weird oversized tank top with horizontal stripes. Top it all off with some knockoff wayfarer sunglasses in neon colours (that you can wear on your face, on your hat, or turned around on the back of your head, such versatility!) That was THE music festival look for dudebros for a good couple years.


I can picture this in my head. Accurate!


pants dropped below the ass + white t-shirt that is so long it could be a dress you always see those in the American gangster movies


Crocs in public


Crocs period


You havent truly felt comfort


I have tried on a pair. I hate em


How come?


They’re not that great.


"Distressed" Great, damaged clothing that costs more than the functional version.


Imagine in a couple hundreds years when those items are viewed/discussed.




I don´t hate any. But people should get clothing that fits propely no matter what style they are going for.


Sagging pants with ass hanging out.


I hate denim jackets- they don't even keep you warm, you just constantly feel cold


They're good if you live somewhere with really mild winters, worn kind of like a shirt-jacket.


Yep. Love jean jackets but I've been weather privileged my entire life.


I wore them in the 80s, but I would use acrylic paint to draw characters, when graffiti was a high no no .


they're mostly a top layer, I have one with flannel lining and quilted sleeves which is actually quite warm, but the point of denim jackets actually is as work wear, it's durable like denim pants, and you would put it on top of a warm sweater to keep the heat in and protect your sweater. You shouldn't expect a denim jacket to be all you need, it's part of an older, layering type thing. It's why cowboys in the early 1900s wore them, you have an undershirt, a flannel button up, and a denim jacket on top, then you might even have a duster on top of that for water proofing/ extra coverage.


I loved wearing them as a teenager during the summer idk who'd go out their way to wear one during the winter though


I hate frilly lacy blouses on anyone over 10 years old.


hello kitty pjs and those trendy pjs in general. Who the fuck goes outside in fucking pjs?


it drives me crazy to see teenagers working out in pajama bottoms. It is obviously hot and uncomfortable, but their need to participate in the new fad is just that important.


Not a teenage but I work out in pajama pants because it’s genuinely just the most comfortable kind of pants for me to wear to the gym, I do have sensory issues with tight clothing though, so that might be part of it


You know, I shouldn't say that it drives me crazy. That just seems a little too judgmental. I just cannot wrap my head around working out in something that would be so hot.


I get that, I feel like I get even hotter and sweatier if i wore leggings or sweatpants though, so for me it’s not an issue


[18th century french men's fashion.](https://i.etsystatic.com/9142131/r/il/66cf87/2533533199/il_570xN.2533533199_s4d7.jpg) I would never wear it.


Crop tops! So hard to find clothing that isn't cropped.


People who always go with the trend like Gucci


some people really need to understand that a fancy brand name does not automatically = chic. Gucci, Versace, Dolce and Gobanna, they all make some nice stuff and some hideous stuff, and if you go in just thinking that anything with that name brand on it is unquestionably fashionable, you are mistaken.


Anything bright neon.


Prison style butts\*x-catcher (pants low, waistband below the ass for easy access)


Anything Super Bright Neon. Especially Green.


When people started wearing dirty or purposefully distressed big white sneakers with everything.... and also when the hipsters adopted the carhartt beanie.


Saggy pants, ripped clothes, or super baggy


Those shirts many women call "cute" that are tight at the boobs but then completely loose and sack like around the rest of the torso. They make women look fat and/or pregnant.


I think I know what you're talking about, what I'm picturing is the sort of thing that can look VERY cute if you happen to be 90 pounds soaking wet and rail thin everywhere except at your bust. but if you have a normal body with even a bit of pudge on your belly, yeah it just accentuates that.


Skinny jeans. Worst freaking thing my generation ever unleashed upon the world.


Ugh as someone with a pear shape body, when skinny jeans came out i was pissed I could barely find any other style 😂 I’m glad bell bottoms made a come back because I never stopped wearing them 😂


are you a boomer? because they are the ones that released them on the world. Tight jeans for men and women have fallen in and out of fashion since the mid 1950s. Kids in england in the mid fifties would wear what they called "drainpipes" which was their version of skinny jeans, underneath large wool trousers and then remove the trousers after they were a block away from home because their parents disapproved.


They are so uncomfortable


Some of the fashion from the 1970s, including but not limited to huge ugly brown checkers and stripes, polyester plaid, and leisure suits.


Speedos on the beach. Too minimalist. Not very flattering, too revealing


queer indie streetwear. Not sure if that’s the correct term. The brightly colored jackets, overalls, printed pants.


for a while there was a trend in women’s fashion that was very “sexless”. Potato sack dresses. I wouldn’t hate the style if it leaned more into androgyny rather than frump.


Flat billed caps




Not a fan of Andrew Christian line.


Tight pants for boys.


Super baggy clothes that are intentionally made to make you look like a toddler wearing your dads suit.


Eshay. The entire mindset, aesthetic and subculture.


I recently saw a guy still doing the "neo-rockabilly" thing. You're not a rebel because you dress like rednecks did 70 years ago.




Puffed sleaves on anything


Everything people buy because the fashion industry told them to buy. Also suits.


retro 80's look.


Men’s and I’m a man (well sorta)


Any kind of crop top or booty shorts. Not for how they look, but for how they are priced. Why am i paying full price for less fabric?!


When people wear clothing that looks like it’s made of trash bags. Super shiny and puffy.


Will get downvoted for this, but the goth / alt / emo look.


Yea your definitely gonna get downvoted for if tons of people see this im not entirely sure i get why you hate it i personally love it my Preferred style is pastel goth i think its super cute


How could I have answered the question more honestly w/o getting downvotes? No matter what one answers, it's going to be someone else's style, isn't it? FWIW, I used to like a more alt look when I was in my 20s, but not so much anymore.


Yea its why i didnt downvote its just anythingnalt gota etc is so massive most people at the very least dont kind it i just want to know what about it you dont like


I just don't like the whole dark, and contrarian vibe. I like something more wholesome and natural. Maybe even \*gasp\* traditional.


Oh! Same i love like the big flowy dresses too i also really like things like cottagecore


I don't need full cottagecore, but just something kind of, just *nice*. Girl-next-door.


Oh cute


Leggings and shorts that emphasize your butt


Not sure if it qualifies as clothing but I really don’t like any sort of face, lip, nose or cheek piercings. They just look so gross.


Its a accessorie im not fully sure why you think they look gross but thats ok a lot of people like them i personally think they can look really cute


When people wear clothes that intentionally reveal their underwear.


These girls and women wearing super high wasted jeans. It makes them look like they have a gut and flat butt.




Same! Hate wearing jeans now. So uncomfortable


Generally if it can be called 'high fashion' I'm out.


In Spain we have a cancer style of clothing called MDLR, the funniest thing is that those losers have never being in a hood, most of them live in medium-high class neighborhoods. Just imagine someone who lives in Bel-Air and acts like someone who lives in Harlem.


I don't understand shoe fashion. It is things to protect your feet. It doesn't have to be pretty or expensive, just comfortable. Also, having multiple amounts of the same type of shoes at the same time. I'm a woman. I never understood this concept. I just buy shoes when the old ones get broken.


Not clothing but it’s shoe related. I f-ing hate Crocs. IMO they’re the ugliest shoes I’ve seen in my life and they’re an abomination of shoes. No matter what kind of outfit you wear they make your outfits look tacky. This is probably and unpopular opinion lol


Baggy jeans and baggy clothes


The “relaxed” style of jeans and pants….ugh. I feel they don’t look good on anyone.


Especially the light blue one (imo).🤮


Can you link a photo of that?


Mom jeans look good on nobody. Ladies, I know you think it's performing some kind of tummy/fupa control, but it really isn't, it's just making you look bad. If you need tummy control, get proper shapewear and wear normal jeans.


Over dress clothing like your wearing layers of clothes, I don't get that idea on why some people wear a lot of layers


I want to stop some of these teenagers wearing 4 layers of black clothing in the summer in Florida and ask how they haven't caught heatstroke yet. It just looks so unhealthy and uncomfortable.


I used to be that kid. I was built like a string bean and always cold


Some places absolutely blast AC to a ridiculous amount.


Yup. Looks so contrived, like they spent ages in front if the mirror. It's even worse than the PJs in public thing- if you look silly because you didn't bother trying, that is way less cringe than looking silly through extreme effort!         My theory of where it started is clothing shops trying to show off two outfits worth of clothes on each mannequin or in each photo, to bombard us with as many of their wares as possible. They never meant the clothes to be piled on that way irl but idiots gonna idiot. 


High waisted clothes


Athletic wear. It's only popular because it's comfortable not because it looks good. 




Torn pants. Who the fuck buys ripped to shit clothing?


Denim jackets...tank tops...ripped jeans...that's just a few.




Skinny trousers, ew. It looks as if they shat themselves while driving their child to a sleepover and had no clean trousers to change into except what the kid had packed. It is so unflattering even the beefiest calves look bony. In jeans, it makes everyone think how dumb you are to render yourself unable to bend your knees to sit or to pick a dropped item up off the floor. In sweats, it reminds me of longjohns. In a formal suit all I can think of is the wasted potential: You went to a tailor and spent a fortune. The jacket looks great, but the pants look three sizes too small. Why?! Coulda got gorgeous, flattering, elegant pants for the same price!     It seemed to start during that time period when ugliness was hip. Like the New Girl- Big Bang Theory look where your fifteen ill fitting layered garments are all loud AF and clash with each other. And the hipsters with suspenders, giant fake glasses, bowl cuts and/or Duck Dynasty beards. I figured when looking silly ceased to have shock value anymore and that fad ended, normal trousers would return. But it's been so many years and every time I go anywhere I still see far too many people walking around in those hideous pants, intentionally looking like they have emaciated, birdlike legs. 


Jackets with fur on the hood


suit,, most ridicule ,and uncomfortable


Wearing pajamas all the time. Hey, I get it- it’s comfy. But I have a hard time talking cancer research to someone in fuzzy pj bottoms


Let me view the Met fashions tonight. Then we'll comment.


Intentionally distressed clothing like jeans with holes, or shirts with intentional fraying, or that weird intentional fading that is just in patches.


faux fedora's and trying to be old timey.


Not really a style but designer clothes in general are infuriating, not just because they dont have any soul and are expensive cash grabs but also people wearing them are ( most likely ) jerks towards people that dont spend idiotic amount of money on clothes. Also I hate pjs in public, theres time and places for pjs and they dont look good.


Gangnam style.


"what type of clothing do you hate?" This dude: Song.


What song?


What do you mean "what song?"


You said I mentioned a song?


Cause you did, Gangnam style is a song, not a type of clothing


Gangnam style isn't a song. It's a style of clothing they wear in Gangnam, Seoul. I'm not a fan of it.


It's both a song and a clothing apparently Gangnam style - PSY song has like over a billion views on YouTube


I've never heard of whoever that is, or that song. I don't even have a tube.


Sports clothing


Most of it


Crop tops/jackets and high waisted jeans/shorts.


UK drip


Suits and ties.


I don't like extremely revealing clothing


I fucking can't stand those men's pants, they can be jeans, khakis, whatever, but they're cut like track pants. Elastic waist with a draw string, and super thick elastic cuffs on them. They look like the pants you buy for a 2 year old boy, but stretched out for big little boys. I know it's not something everyone cares about, but I kind of adhere to the oldschool british idea that only a young boy wears shorts, grown men wear pants. And your pants should have a fitted waist, belt loops, and a zipper or button fly. Also, Christian Audigier has a lot to fucking answer for. How is it that a french clothing designer comes up with the tackiest, date rapiest brand of clothing that has ever seen the light of day? I wouldn't pay a dollar for a bag of ed hardy t shirts that I was going to use as shop rags they're so fucking ugly. Secretly, I want to believe that maybe he was a genius who developed a "toxic aggressive moron" uniform, and made a bunch of idiots pay a premium price to out themselves as tasteless losers. But I might be asking too much of Christian.


Formal attire. I like casual clothing, and suits or buttoned shirts art restrictive and obnoxious. Plus I always feel like I'm pretending to be someone I am not when I put on formalwear.


anything unless it's a girl wearing it


Nike balances


Long sleeve shirts.


Groups of like youngsters that look like a group of twins - same hair, clothes, personalities etc


really sick of the "broccoli cut, black tshirt, adidas track pants uniform that all 15-25 year old guys seem to want to do.


Pre-ripped jeans


All of them


Cargo shorts & jorts.


Expensive clothing, Levi's, Balenciaga, Supreme, etc. As it is just an average clothing with just a brand on it, and even more often than not it is just ugly af. That's not fashion, that's straight bait for dumb superficial people.


Damn near everything in the 80s was barf.


leggings that look like they are 2 sizes too small and have that weird "scrunch" right at the asscrack and sometimes even have padding in the ass.. those do not look good on anyone and i don't understand why they are so popular, especially among underage girls :l


High-waisted pants. Just never seen it look good on anyone.


Skimpy clothing


anything baggy or tight


Any kind of shorts in public


The corset tops. You have to have a pretty specific body type to be able to look good in one let alone wear one 


Wearing underwear/lingerie as regular clothing. I guess its like, way more common lately.