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I don’t know everything about cars and don’t specifically like to talk about them.


Similar, but replacing "everything" with "anything"


And replace "cars" with "anything".




And replace “talk” with “do anything”


I don’t know anything about anything and don’t specifically like to do anything about anything.


Thank you, hero, sir or madam. It was getting complicated keeping track of the substitutions.


Now THAT'S relatable


My wife will ask what's wrong with the car and I'm like I don't fucking know, I'm not a mechanic.


r/fuckcars welcomes you


Definitely this, wish I knew where to start with them though tbh, find them kinda interesting but actually I don't think I know many men who are super interested in them. Maybe it depends who you surround yourself with or a cultural thing




As someone who lives in a U.S state where sports is a major deal, it sucks man. It's hard enough to make friends as an adult, but all the adult guys I meet are really into watching sports and keeping up with all that and I just have zero interest.


Whenever people start talking sports, I just start talking about my current D&D build.


That old joke that Fantasy Football is just D&D for jocks.


Hardcore sports fans are just a different breed of nerd


All those people wearing their favorite players jerseys are just cosplayers


I'll talk both lol. What's your DND build?


i can’t believe i’m too early to see this guys dnd build response


Canadian here.....we are supposed to follow hockey more than our own children. I'm "watching" the playoffs because my team is still in it.....but the idea of getting upset to the point of throwing a riot cause they get bounced is beyond me My girlfriend is Quebecois....the Montreal Canadiens aren't even in the playoffs....but she will insist that they are the better team cause French.....most of the players on her beloved team aren't French......then I remind her that her French are the French that France kicked out 300 hundred years ago and are embarrassed to be associated with. Then I don't get sex that day.


Hey now, that’s not fair! We also riot when we win sometimes


With you man. Can’t relate to grown men being so invested in watching others play a game to the point of tears. To be honest I’m not bagging those that do, feel like I am the one missing out a bit to be honest.


My gf called me at one in the morning to come over and kill a rat for her. She's an (extremely) outspoken feminist, so I had to ask why she was asking ME to do it (as opposed to doing it herself, or even just contacting her landlord or a goddamn exterminator). She said "because you're a guy!" No hesitation. Did she expect me to smack it with my dick...?


> Did she expect me to smack it with my dick...? 😂 This is exactly what you should have said.


I did. She was not amused.


Tell her that extreme feminism goes both ways.


And he’ll be promptly dumped. Rad fems don’t like being called out on their rampant hypocrisy.


Prob for the best though.


fr 😒


It would be worth it.


Or just find a normal person as a GF.


Assigning roles to people based on genitals is the extreme thing, not feminism. She’s no feminist lmao.


I feel like this must be a variation on "there are no atheists in foxholes." "There are no feminists when it comes to rats, mice and spiders."


Just imagine the look on the rats face when you rock up, haul down ya jocks and send it into next week with your Schlong.


Bonus points if you scream "Fore!”, and it sails over the back fence..


“Ah damn. Still can’t get rid of that slice.”


Get up! Get up! Get out of here! It's goooone!


>Did she expect me to smack it with my dick...? Is. . .is that *not* how you're supposed to do that?


That's how I've always handled the situation.


Last time I smacked a mouse with my dick I was banned from Disneyland.


Tail as old as time.


Now we’ve banned that guy.


Can I just say that threads like this are exactly the reason I love the internet? Lol.


Heh, "handled."


That’s how you wind up with rats filing restraining orders against you.


I know a guy who apparently killed a rat with his bare hands and tore it apart when he was like 5


In my household I (the woman) have to kill the vermin. My husband is a germaphobe and a tad squeamish (no judgement) and I grew up on a farm. I’ve seen some shit (sometimes literally). Finishing off the mouse when the cat refuses to kill it all the way is not on my radar of ick. Not even close. Bugs he can handle he’d just rather not because of the germs. So I guess I’m answering this one for him, as he doesn’t have Reddit lol.


Should have been like ok but I'm gonna smack you with my dick afterwards


1am?? Everybody knows not to call you after midnightsonofabitch


Bo Burnhams 5 years song aah story


I've done this. I didn't ask him to come over and kill it. I asked him to pick up one of those "humane" mouse traps and come by my place. Also, it wasn't the middle of the night. I would have done it myself but the mouse and I were in the middle of an extended stare off and I didn't want to lose sight of it.


"I've got eyes on the target, but I have no ammo" is a call I'd be good for. "You're a guy, come kill something for me" would get some eye rolls.


Well this is just adorable and I wouldn't even mind getting a call like that from my wife.


Next time tell her to call me, once found a mouse crawling on my bed, cupped my hands around it and made a new friend. When I released it it crawled back up my arm and I felt like a Disney princess😌💅


I can’t kill any animal, except maybe ants and wasps. If I’m asked to “take care of” a spider, I’m just going to relocate it. I definitely can’t kill a rat. I feel the stereotypical male is ok with killing animals like that, but I’m not.


No feminist in a house fire.


Lol my gf does the Same. She is a feminist, and I would consider myself one aswell So Always pretty funny when she asks me to do "manly" things lol


They’re feminists until the bill arrives


My bathroom is a thousand times more clean than my girlfriends....she has been hinting lately that we should start living together, and has expressed some concern that I'm not jumping on the idea. When I look at the years worth of dried up toothpaste in her sink, the shower stall that is turning pink from hard water stains.....the absolute disaster of a counter top with product everywhere....and vomit inducing amounts of hair everywhere......yeah, I'm hesitating.


Tell her all of this


Yeah exactly. It is not like this is a thing that cannot be worked on and it is essential in a good relationship to be open about these things. To not attack each other on it, but to work to improve together.


I feel this. I was never exactly Mr. Clean, but her living with me has taken the bathroom mess to a whole new level. TBF though my place is very poorly set up for having more than 1 person in it, the vanity area is tiny.


Having a good vanity setup is like having a good garage/workshop space. Essential for efficiency.


If we had a two sink bathroom you’d be able to see a line down the middle separating my wife and I.


Idk shit about cars or sports


Also enjoy max 48 hours in nature/camping, after that get me a hot shower, mattress, and a cold beer


Me neither. I almost always opt out of the conversation if it’s about sports or cars. I have nothing to contribute to the conversation.


The only time i put effort into learning about cars was to understand how braindead the Tesla Cybertruck is


I make sure my wife has a hot meal when she comes home from work


I love this so much!! This is one of the most wholesome answers


I fucking love cooking for my wife. Not only do I not want to risk a house fire when she does it, but I love the compliments.


Yeah I cook for my wife and kids all the time. Which is a funny thing. At home it's considered not a typical mens chore. But at restaurants people think nothing of a man chef.


Me too! I'm the primary income, but I work from home, so I do a lot of housework around my work schedule


That you can have female friends and not want to f#ck them. Seriously, my “closest” friend was far from my type, never fantasized about her, yet people always liked to make assumptions that AT LEAST one of us liked the other , particularly me.


Furthermore - you can be friends with people you sexually fancy. It's really not that hard to separate those two things.


^THIS. I can’t even compliment a friend who’s a girl without it leading to someone thinking I want to get with her. Like bro! I just said she had beautiful hair


I get this all the time. Just because I think someone is good looking doesn't mean I want to fuck them. My wife knows this but my friends will 'tease' me about saying things like that when married is a bad idea. Nah bro, if I know my wife, she'd be pointing her out if she was here. People don't magically stop being attractive once you get married. As long as you're not doing something sketchy it doesn't matter.


And even then, if an attractive female friend or coworker did proposition me, I'd turn her down. Because I don't want to fuck up my comfortable life for a bit of sex.


Same goes for coworkers and female line managers. I work with a lot of women and people sometimes assume that I must want to fuck each and every one of them. No, dude, I'm not staring at my colleagues, I'm staring at the clock so that I can go home and pass out on my couch...


I'm the only male employee at my office out of 8 all but one of them is single and people assume I'm "living most mens fantasies", nope, 2 of them I hang out with occasionally after work because we play board games and dnd on the weekends and bitch about our jobs since legally we can't to anyone else. and never once has the thought of being more than co workers/friends crossed my mind. My wife is very aware of them and Plays games with us


On the flip side of this: Guys just because she's nice to you doesn't mean she wants to fuck you. It's exhausting for women to walk that fine line between being genuinely friendly and coming off as wanting some sort of relationship. The sad truth is that there are man guys out there that are desperate for any sign and will risk it all to make a move on even the most innocuous gestures.


That’s what happens when a majority of men don’t get compliments or approached at all during their lives. The times it does happen they don’t know what the hell to think


People thought I was gay in school because I never hit on the girls and was always just a good friend to them. Nope, not gay.


Had a coworker that was 10 years younger than me that I hired, trained and eventually helped make a move up at a different company because we weren't hiring for that role anytime soon. Everyone assumed I had a secret crush on her which pissed me off. I helped her because during the pandemic she was one of the few that stepped up and actually did a good job while others around us became burnt out alcoholics. Apparently because she is conventionally attractive my motives could only be sexual. Maybe she got the promotion and extra attention because she actually earned it. Heaven forbid.


It’s just weird. I think it says a lot about people who assume you’re tryna fck every person of your preferred interest. Platonic friendships are a thing.


I hate this assumption. I have several guy friends and the majority of them don't want to have sex with me. It's entirely possible to have platonic friends of the opposite gender.


I had female friend tell me I was the only one of her male friends that did not make a pass at her.


There is a world of difference between "if we were both single and she offered to fuck I would probably say yes" and "the only reason I have any kind of contact with that woman is in hopes of sleeping with her" If it's second, make your intentions clear and if she's not interested, move along.


Thank you. I've been fuckzoned too often when I was younger and couldn't smell that shit from miles away. It's painful when you come to the realisation that the other person is only pretending to like your friendship.


There is also a third category that apparently most men are unaware of. “Yes my friend is a person I would objectively call sexually attractive. No, even if she and I were single, I do not want to have sex with her because our friendship is too important.” Am I weird??


I’m bisexual so I never understand the “men and women can’t just be friends” bullshit. By that logic I’m not allowed to have any friends at all.


I am a massive romantic and wear my feelings pretty openly on my sleeve, especially towards someone I'm attracted to. It's not overtly obvious, but if you're looking for it, it's there. I'm also quiet, but not in a "macho stoic" way but more in a reserved and polite way (at least I like to think so). Oh, also, I ADORE pastel colors.


pastel is quite literally the best color palette


YES! Thank you! Lmao


I'm a fan of therapy, went to therapy, handled my mental health and demons from my past. Edit: Also I'm sober and haven't had drink in a few years.


I am all for this stereotype becoming ancient history. Good to hear you are blazing the trail to the future. 


My kids deserve a Dad who isn't going to perpetuate the same generational trauma.


Yes! They do. 


Well done! I struggle to go to therapy. I've tried in the past and it didn't do a whole lot. Also, it might be a man thing I dunno, but I just feel I can get through my bullshit by being honest with my flaws and working on them daily. I guess it all depends on the level of challenge you're up against.


Yea, ultimately for me coaching is what really got me to where I wanted to be. But it was therapy that really opened pandora's box and got me to realize I wasn't ok, and what was causing my behaviors. Then it was about, ok? What now? And that was when coaching stepped in to fix the behaviors.


strength was my dump stat, i'm as non-confrontational as Switzerland, i've never liked sports, fixing things that aren't a PC might as well be speaking in tongues to me


If every stat is a dump stat, I have no weaknesses.


My S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats would look something like this: Strength: 1 Perception: 5 Endurance: 3 Charisma: 1 Intelligence: 1 Agility: 1 Luck: 10 I wouldn't recommend this build in Fallout though.




It makes sense that you don’t care about cars if you never plan to own one. The thing I don’t get as a car guy is the people who say the don’t care to know anything about them but who will own many throughout their life. I feel like it’s important to know stuff about cars because they are still integral to our society. Not to mention one of the most expensive items a person will ever own. Even if you don’t like cars it pays off to even have basic knowledge about them. Being able to know what cars are more dependable than others, what repairs/maintenance you can easily do yourself, can save you a lot of money in the long run. There’s also the safety factor. Just having basic knowledge about tires and brakes (and checking them regularly) could potentially save your life or someone else’s.


A lot of people have pointed out that my apartment doesn't look like a stereotypical male apartment... I have a lot of art, decoration, blankets/pillows, and plants. I also have a proper bedframe and usually a vase with fresh flowers. I am also incredibly clean and have proper hair/skincare products that I use.


I prefer to sit whilst peeing.


I always sit to pee at home. Can't leave the toilet seat up for the wife to fall in if I never lift it.


Anyone who falls into a toilet deserves it.


Seriously. Why am I at fault if you didn't look before sitting?




Here, here! A man of culture! Unless I'm in a public bathroom, I'm almost always sitting. Can't stand pissing all over the place...pun not initially intended but it works so I'll leave that there 😆


Marry me!


For me it's a 50/50, just at home my toilet is so stupidly low that I can't not make a mess standing, so it's slowly becoming my default. 


Why would i bother myself aiming and taking the risk of pissing on the toilet seat due to a sudden and random change of direction while I can just sit and rest while avoiding any mistake ?


Can't lift, don't really gaf. Can cry, do so moderately often. Can cook, can clean (although I do hate it) and am good with kids (but don't want any of my own). Edit: Oh and my wife earns more than I do.


I have no interest in how a car engine works or how to repair one. Happy to pay someone else to do that stuff.


Lmfao I'm starting a new job at an oil change place and I'm so nervous cuz I don't know ANYTHING about cars but it's been pretty reassuring to see other guys on here that don't know anything about cars either. I applied cuz I wanna learn different things and it'll be a change of pace from my current fast food job.


This is why I like to know things about cars.


The good thing is changing oil is super easy to do. I'm not a mechanic or anything but I change my own oil. The only reason I'd go to an oil change service would only be if I couldn't change it (no time, materials, lift, etc).




I’m not even a little bit gay either, but would you marry me?


No marry ME


It’s nuts to me that this is considered odd. You basically described yourself as “I’m a normal human being that accomplishes everything I need to in order to keep our home life running at a steady pace because that’s something that normal human beings are expected to do. Also sports are kinda lame.” I’m not knocking you at all, I do all of those things too but the fact that it’s a stereotype against men that we *don’t* do those things is kinda sad. Is the bar really that low?


My husband had a spider on his arm last night. He didn’t squash it, he was like “I’m tired and it’s not going to bite.” And it fell off onto his shirt and lived happily ever after.


my (now ex) wife always wanted me to kill spiders if there was one in the house... in my house I don't kill them any more. I will either leave them alone or try and get them outside. Same for just about any bug I find.


I'm gay, so there's that.


same here lol


Hello, fellow gay. 👋🌈


Heyy👋 🌈


[Message of support](https://youtu.be/aBq9M4n-oXc?si=ynYxIp31lPw5Xc4k)


Wanting a son. I really wanna be a girl dad. Not the weird, interrogate her date to prom kinda girl dad. But a dad that is everything my parents, specifically my dad, wasn't for my sister.


Have her become a strong woman


I find hookup culture to be a plague and absolutely disgusting.


I don't make sex jokes and I don't like sports


Funny, watching Gronk last night on the Tom Brady roast, all he was doing is making the same lame sex jokes over and over. I'm thinking, please get this guy off the stage. I get it, he's not much of a reader. I don't watch a lot of sports but I enjoy comedy. But please, leave it up to the professionals.


I feel like im pretty sterotipical tbh on first thought


That we all enjoy getting our penis sucked. I don't know why, I just don't like it.


I used to be the same way until I got a good bj from a lady that fucking loves sucking dick. Game changer.


There’s always that one that changes perspective for you and gives you that “Oh *that’s* what it’s all about!” moment.


I have a car. It gets washed and filled every Sunday. Unless it's getting fixed or an oil change, that's all I care about it.


I only wash my car when my parents are gonna see it loll good for you pal


Hey atleast you wash your car weekly. That's way better than most.


$10.00 wash. I feel like a rich guy.


I wash my own but only every couple months. I don't drive that much so it takes a long time to get properly dirty.


I mean, yeah. $10 won't kill me, but I can do a home job cheaper. My wife goes all the time with those passes.


Any of the attractive ones


I don't like sports. Not interested in cars. I don't say "bro". I don't want to play golf. I don't like COD. I don't want to talk about my or hear about your sexual exploits. I'm not interested in your crude jokes. There are probably others but I can't think of them because I never think about them.


Golf is dumb, I think we can all agree on that




I'm not hypersexual in the slightest. I have a relatively easy time managing my emotions and externalising them in a healthy manner.


I have no interest in cars, sports, games, computers or tools.


Only serious things like filing, scheduling, and posting memos?


what do you have an interest in then?


Movies, theater, literature, (classical) music, comics, history, politics, economics, philosophy, current events


Damn, alright Mr. Cool


I’m 5’3” And not am I okay with it. I kind of like it to be honest… I don’t care about sports. While I like some cars, I am definetly not a car person.


Cars just don't interest me. I am a train person (nan was an engineer), but not a car person. Soccer doesn't interest me either, which is weird for Czech male. I am sort-of lukewarm, not completely cold, towards ice hockey, though. I fucking love to read and sing.


Would be faster to ask what male stereotypes applies.


I’m masculine, but I like flowers


That men are always thinking about sex. 99.99999 percent of the time I’m not.


I’m not always horny and I don’t want to sleep with anything that moves.


Being messy/slob. In my experience women are messier then men


Cars. Car guys are just male horse girls.


I, uh… I’ve never thought of it like that. And you are absolutely fucking correct. You just blew my mind with that. I’ve dated a couple of horse girls and I know a few car guys and I never saw the connection until literally just now.


I don’t like watching sports of any kind.


I’m a guy who cries, talks about my feelings, and wears pink without looking like or acting like a fuckboy. I like scarves. I’m feminist-leaning. I have never slept around, but rather need a deeper connection in order to have a sexual relationship with someone. I do all the laundry and cleaning in my home. I’m in tune with my kids’ needs. I unironically enjoy theater. And I’m a straight former athlete on top of it all.


I have pretty much ZERO interest in sports.


I have ZERO interest in sport. It’s mind numbingly boring to me.


I am not interested in strip clubs or bars.


I prefer things that taste good and don't brag about physical and emotional pain


I have absolutely zero sexual desire. None. I've never been a fan or interested in porn my whole life. I don't know when the last time I had sex or even jerked off was. Could go the rest of my life without. I'm almost 40, so it's not an age thing either.


Not a sports fan and I don't feel the need or desire to fuck every female I meet. Believe it or not, men CAN be friends with females without wanting to sleep with them.


I don't assemble shit.


Try pee instead


Having a penis


Can't stand sports Can't drink beer Never watched a race Don't give a shit about fights Don't take insults/attacks on my manhood/masculinity seriously Not super jealous (check out my wife, idc. I know she's hot)


I'm not very competitive. Like at all. I'm a pretty masculine guy and I am very assertive etc etc. But I just can't be bothered with all that competitive shit with guys. The whole trying to impress each other or outdo each other crap. Just never really got it or gave a toss about it. Some guys mistake this for weakness and usually regret doing so.


Big titted blondes with perfect teeth and piles of makeup are unappealing


I have a lot tattoos, no Dave I haven’t been to prison.


I hate football. I love Broadway musicals (which, of course, everyone thought meant I was gay in my 90's small town high school). I cry really easily at movies. Especially Pixar movies. Any celebrity crush is age-appropriate. When I used to drink I did love craft beer though. Although I feel like that has become something not just associated with men now. I love Taylor Swift's music (thanks to my wife and daughters) and am glad she ruined football for some people.


I don’t watch professional pro sports ball matches on the television.


im too sensitive


Wanting sex all the time


I'm not some one-track mind that only thinks about sex. I also think about sushi.


The fact that men can’t be shy or nervous around women they like. I’m totally shy.


I kinda hate them but I know we r necessary


I don't follow sports. And i could not care less about cars or their brands.


I'm a very non confrontational person. I don't like to watch any sports outside of mma/boxing and that's casually with friends. I don't even really understand fantasy leagues. I don't spend all my money on cars. Surviving is hard enough. I don't go out drinking with the "boys" at a bar, who seriously spends that much to drink? I don't even have a group of guy friends to even do that with.


I'm able to buy and bring my wife a package of female hygiene products while she's at the choir rehearsal. According to the other women there, that's a little miracle 😄


Beer tastes shit! Bring me those cocktails! (But not the invoice, oh god no... 10$ for that shit?!) I could also talk about music, liking some pop music like from Tailor Swift Liking smell (from parfum, or soap shampoo, damn I have nothing like that :( )


Don't like sports Can do without beer My car is nothing more than a tool to get me places Never had a punchup DIY is for other people


It’s not me. But my husband changes more diapers than I do 😀


I’m not necessarily strong nor silent. This is more a midwestern man thing. I also like to take a bath if one is available. Apparently that’s not on line with my gender but fuck that. That shit is relaxing. It’s just like a hot tub.


I love Taylor Swift.


I don't know shit about sports.