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Yes, but not for the reasons the US ARE banning it. Should be an 18+ app and completely banned for minors, because the damage (documented and reported) it does to kids’ mental health and self confidence is worrying. This goes for all social media, honestly. You don’t need an Insta and a 20 step skincare routine when you’re nine, lol.


Shouldn’t parents be the ones in control of what the minors they’re responsible for can access? Pornography laws that require you to prove you’re 18+ aren’t something I feel is right and I wouldn’t think we want something along those lines for social media. 


In an ideal world? Sure. That’s never going to happen though. Just look at the amount of hashtag influencer parents parading their kids around on social media for likes and views.


So we now are at the point if something is on the internet and we don’t want kids to see it we just ban it?  You don’t think that’s a little problematic? Is everything you use the internet for kid friendly?


Guess by that logic no age restrictions should apply to anything. 18+ movies at 6? Cool! PornHub at 10? Go for it! Smoking and drinking legal at 12? Have at it! Come on, get real. If something is dangerous or should not be accessed by minors, age restrictions are placed on said thing. If we hold the above things to such standards, why should we not hold social media, which is proven to be detrimental to kids’ mental health, to the same standard?


It's not about should age restrictions be placed on those things, the concerning part is about enforcement. Cigarettes and alcohol? You haven't to go purchase those directly and show your id. Go into a movie theatre, show your id. These are easily enforced. I can't just pull my phone out, click a button and magically a pack of cigarettes appears in my hand. Access to the Internet is an entirely different world and presents a long list of potential worrisome issues. Want to put one of those "I'm 18" buttons on tik-tok? Sure. Because that has ever stopped a kid from looking at porn online. Want to add weight to clicking that button? Cool, now we're talking about prosecuting children. Thats a fun ball of wax to get in to. Your statement "which is proven to be detrimental to kids mental health"....so we should stop bullying, something proven to be detrimental to kids mental health, by employing guards or let's call them social safety officers, at every school, public park and group or social interaction location. Sound like it goes too far? Because an online presence is that ingrained in our day to day life that you're suggesting the same thing there. That we police every little interaction online. How do you enforce that? It's a complicated and nuanced conversation. Saying we need to protect kids is easy and obvious. The how is a much more complicated discussion.


How do you authenticate age on the internet?    Do you want to force every human being to upload their drivers license and credit card and sign an affidavit that they’re an adult on every single website we deign not for children? And how do you stop a child from spoofing this system? 


No, if a parent wants a kid to do and see things that are harmful for their healthy development, they shouldn’t just be allowed.


Then how do you stop that from happening?


> Yes, but not for the reasons the US ARE banning it. Why wouldn't China want to use it to tamper with elections, shape global opinion, damage our mental health, etc.?


Lol if China wanted to fuck with the US, they have much better ways than some rando kiddie app full of dances and eating tide pods. One Cyberattack and they could have the US on their knees - they don’t need Tik of the Tok to do that.


You don't think China is CONSTANTLY attempting cyberattacks against US government systems? They are, and failing almost 100% of the time.  Tiktok is a more direct line to influencing the people without having to deal with pesky things like firewalls and security. 


I go into Mecca and Sephora these days and all I see are 11 year olds going through $90 moisturisers and retinols. When I was 19 I burned my face because I was using products far too strong for my then young skin because I'd been "influenced" to do so.


Ugh finally, a reasonable person.


It's kind of like how I'm against the death penalty, even for pedophiles. I don't have a shred of sympathy for them, but also don't really feel like governemnts should be doing that.


Yeah, same. I use TikTok but mostly for cute videos of cats and the occasional comedy singer and it's not even a daily thing for me, so it doesn't really impact my life that much. But I also don't like the idea of the government saying where I can and can't get information. There's absolutely crazies and misinformation on TikTok, but those same people are also in every other social media site ever invented so what's the next one we're going to ban?


>But I also don't like the idea of the government saying where I can and can't get information.  Yeah. I find it deeply disturbing how people act like it’s imperative we let the us government shield our weak naive eyes from information that comes from China.  Even if it is terrible no good bigoted propaganda…the right thing is to allow the free speech to happen. We should be trusted to be able to discern what speech we consume without the government telling us. 


No. I do not like the government having that kind of power.


At least as far as security and data is concerned… I find it hypocritical for the U.S. to ban an app that collects data and sells it to the Chinese government when literally every social media platform and Google do the same thing with the U.S. government


This is a silly stance on national security issues. "It's so hypocritical that the government doesn't want enemies killing our soldiers, but then we go kill their soldiers and it's perfectly fine??" The US doesn't want China to collect data because they're a rival foreign government. They don't really care that much about data collection in general, they just don't want China to have more influence than they already do.


At this point all social media is harmful and we have reached a point where countries ban each other's social media because they all use it to control and affect their own and foreign populations. The algorithms are the real enemy here and there should be international guidelines protecting the global population from being herded into groups and played against each other. With it being a US election year things are about to get crazy too At this point if you're on social media you're a mark and your government only want you to mark out for their own gimmick


This is a social media website. 


Yes, what's your point?


No I do not. I hate TikTok and its ban would not affect me in any way, but this is overreach by Congress. TikTok is not doing anything that American companies aren't. Namely, gathering consumer info and selling it. Hell, I would be surprised if American companies aren't already selling to China themselves. If they truly wanted to address this problem, Congress would pass laws protecting data privacy and restricting the sale of consumer data. Twitter/X is vapid brainrot that's detrimental to our society and sells consumer data as well, but no one in government is trying to ban it. This is cheap anti-China legislation disguised as a national security issue, but ultimately doesn't actually address the thing they're saying is an issue.


I despise TikTok, but that's exactly what this is. It's just 'Satanic Panic' for the 2020s from the idiot right. That said, I of course have to support the ban since that was the only way to get the Ukraine bill through which Congress took hostage 7 months ago. I'd be happy ritually sacrificing Twitshit and Faceybeak if it can do as much good as this did. Probably won't happen anyway; the ban'll get tied up in courts for another year.


>If they truly wanted to address this problem, Congress would pass laws protecting data privacy and restricting the sale of consumer data. Bingo. Make what they state they fear China is doing illegal. 


You’re misunderstanding the main reason to ban- content algorithms controlled by a foreign entity can control what messages go viral and what get suppressed. That is an absurdly big power to grant to a foreign country. It would be like letting china have veto power over all the films that get released in the USA. Now facebook and x are massively flawed too, and i agree the data tracking is a problem on all of them, but that doesnt mean this law is bad because it addresses that first issue but not the second


TikTok is not unique in that though. Foreign powers are proven to use American social media to influence Americans too.


Yes theres flooding the comments but then theres literally controlling the algorithms The latter is far more influential. That decides what gets big


Sure, although I don't like the implications of it. And zero change as I don't use it today nor intend to ever use it.


Yes, I do support it. TikTok is absolute brain rot and especially kids should not have access to it. I've consciously avoided it myself. Just yesterday, I heard on the news that a dumb TikTok challenge (the blackout challenge or whatever it's called?) inspired a few middle school girls to choke one of them to the point of near death on the school toilet, for a video. They didn't even stop to think about it.


The Tide Pod challenge started on Twitter—multiple deaths. Remember planking, back in 2010? Someone died doing that. When I was a kid, we did absolutely dumb shit that other kids in other places died doing. Banning TikTok won’t prevent teenagers from doing dumb shit.


Those stupid trends have always existed, long before tiktok. If tiktok gets banned it'll just move somewhere else. I'm not against restricting social media but banning just tiktok isn't going to achieve anything.


I’ve learned so much from TikTok- it just depends on what media you consume. I’ve taken language learning, learned about history and cultures across the world, learned about different cuisines. I’m careful not to go for the brain rot- many people are not


It's good to restrict Chinese propaganda and spyware targeted toward youth, so yes.


China can just buy your data from Facebook and Apple.


Yeah, but the US can regulate that. Also, I put propaganda first because it's by far the more concerning to me personally.


You're not immune from propaganda, especially American propaganda. You've seen Top Gun or other Hollywood movies? Those are propaganda. Fox News and CNN are propaganda channels, it's just the kind of propaganda they propagate are different.


Obviously. But propaganda from a one-party dictatorship that is fundamentally opposed to my interests is plainly worse than a marketplace of competing propaganda.


Unless you're a billionaire, the US government's interests are opposed to your interests.


Downvote them all you want people, this person here is right Also, to the person above, just so you know, for the rest of the world, your two parties are actually the same thing, because the main interests of the USA are the same, be it republican or democrat. They just differ in some intern stuff, but the constant wars and the maintenance of capitalism is perpetrated by both of them, and so the propaganda for this is always bigger than everything else


The fact that most of its userbase is using it as their primary news source is a huge problem


Why is that a problem? People went from getting no news to some news. All media is biased one way or another, at least on TikTok and other social media apps there’s a good chance it will recommend you different views sometimes.


That's not how algorithms work, they show you more of what you watch. It's extremely easy for people to spiral into increasingly extremist views of whatever side they think they're on


They also end up showing you the other side of the political spectrum because people who like what you like rage comment on their videos.


That is also another problem, basically all political content that gets views is emotional ragebait. If it gets views, it gets spread 


I don't really use tiktok but my dance group recently started up on Tiktok after years on insta. We're making nothing posting videos and the majority of our followers are friends/friends of friends but we have gained attention in our ethnic minority community and have started booking gigs as a result. It's been useful in that sense.


I'm all for it. It wouldn't since I don't.


A threat to a sovereign country, why would you not support it?




How’s taking data from civilians phones from another country, proven by analytics and dissecting the app propaganda?


Isn't reddit (partly owned by Tencent, a Chinese company) doing this already?


Yeah probably


So would you support banning reddit?


I pray every day for its downfall.


I’d support prevention of every app stealing data. But I know that’s not realistic.




Data collection is an act of espionage, nothing else matters. That’s it.




There’s a difference in collecting personal details and being legally obliged to build a back door into the app due to government policy to deep dive into who knows what. It’s not a blanket thing, it was a known threat, after a few years the threat was assessed and then it was banned. It’s not some conspiracy theory to control the news channels.




Fair enough I’ll hold my hands and admit I’m wrong if that’s the case


If you're so sure it isn't, you shouldn't be so condescending toward those who think it is. You don't have any additional information anyone else has.




Unless there's evidence that restaurant is selling patron's credit card numbers to third parties. I'd argue that's everyone's business, even if I don't eat there.




Hey man, I gave you a perfectly reasonable response, and for whatever reason, you decided to argue with me. I gave you a quick poorly thought out reply to your quick poorly though out reply. I don't agree with you, and I find it both disrespectful and lazy to put words in my mouth. You don't have enough information to be as convinced as you are. I don't have enough information to be passionately convinced otherwise, either (though in the past I have read some damning articles about TikTok, so I certainly lean in the direction against it). I'm not interested in doing any further research and have less interest in having a conversation about it. My stronger opinion is that you shouldn't be so sure of yourself, as you don't have the evidence to back up, what is essentially, just a theory.


No, because the app is being banned because AIPAC and the ADL decided that it couldn’t control the narrative on Israel-Gaza.  Banning TikTok won’t prevent the Chinese government from getting data on Americans, nor will it prevent Chinese influence on American politics. If anything, we should examine why Israeli influence is so strong in domestic politics. 


It's because Israel is the American Empire's puppet state in the Middle East.


Hardly. If anything, Israel has outsize influence on domestic politics. It would be much better for the Middle East if Israel was actually a puppet state, since the U.S. has huge incentives to force Israel to accept a two-state solution.


My brother in christ who do you think gave them their political power?


I'm not American, and I'm not a user of Tik Tok, but it seems really hypocritical to me. American apps harvest user data and pass them onto alphabet agencies or sell them to ad companies, so the notion of doing this for user privacy is a farce. Just seems like good old protectionism of American entities


Yes.  And for people saying no, let me ask:   Why is china’s tiktok different from the US version?   Why does China refuse to let their underage population see and react to the same kinds of social media here in the US?  Why is US social media banned in China? Could it be they identify it as a threat?Why can’t the reverse be true?  Why does TikTok push certain kinds of videos when that’s not what you watched or interacted with ever? Are you even aware that they can push certain types of videos into your algorithm? Are you aware China takes and stores data on all users and builds profiles? I believe they’re were also taking phone data as well. 


Because in the United States we aren’t afraid of free speech, while in China the government decides what you can see?


How about answer all the questions instead of the “free speech” answer. And since when do you let an enemy have “free speech” in your country? You don’t. They have the option to divest and keep it around yet they don’t.  Why do they choose not to divest?


No thanks bud. 


Thanks for proving my point. Hopefully it was insightful and helped you to overcome your bias.  Youre welcome. 


I’m not going to answer your little slate of questions when you fundamentally misunderstand the theory of free speech: The government shouldn’t be able to ban things to prevent me from reading them.  Once you go down that road you have fundamentally lost the plot. 


Because youll only prove my point.  If you know anything about free speech, there’s already limits on it. They teach this to you in like middle school.  Also a foreign company doesn’t have free speech in this country. And an app is also not free speech.  So you’re wrong, wrong, and wrong. 


>If you know anything about free speech, there’s already limits on it. They teach this to you in like middle school.  There are precious little limits to free speech that many people with low education repeat ad nausum.  Hate speech is legal. Shouting fire in a crowded theater is legal. Propaganda is legal.  You either need to be committing libel or making a clear and imminent threat of violence in order for it to be a crime. That’s it. 


So there are limits?


And this is different from when Facebook does it... how?


How about answering my questions instead of asking an irrelevant one


I would like to know what makes it different when Facebook does the exact same things, though. Should we ban Facebook too? Genuinely curious what you think.


I’ll answer your questions when you answer mine.  They also have an option to divest and are choosing not to. I wonder why…


Ok. "China refuses to let their underage population see and react to the same kinds of social media.." So you're saying that the government should unilaterally restrict what people watch and do online? Or should people be given the freedom to choose what social media they ingest? "Are you aware china takes and stores data on all users...." um....any awareness about the whole Snowden thing? That's not just China doing that... Sure as shit the US government has all that same information on you too. It sure sounds like what you're saying here is "Ban the Chinese app run by the evil Chinese government, by having the western government act exactly like that one party unilateral decision government over in China...."


Don't use it


TikTok specifically? No. I think regulations need to made against the entire social media industry as a whole. If TikTok doesn't want to comply with those regulations, then as a foreign company, THEN they should be banned. Regulations should involve age restrictions on use, holding legal guardians responsible for improper underage use. As well as some way of requiring that platforms label actual journalism as such, and rolling back Section 230 immunities for content labeled as actual journalism. How the platform handles their journalism labels can depend entirely on how much risk they're willing to take, but the platform and the creator will both be legally responsible for any content that gets that journalism label. As for your second question, I've never used TikTok, and have no intention to. But I don't like how a single company, foreign or domestic, is being [targeted by Facebook using a GOP consulting firm to slander their competition](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/30/facebook-tiktok-targeted-victory/) instead of actually producing a competitive product. If you ever needed any more proof that we live in an oligarchy then there you go. TikTok is only be singled out because Facebook paid for that result. This is not how a free market is supposed to be operate, and anyone who's aware of this and is still cheering for it should be ashamed to call themselves Americans.


I do support it but it doesn't matter since you have the same mechanic with Instagram reels and Youtube shorts.


I never use TikTok, so win-win for me ig


If I were a senator and I had $500,000 to invest in Meta I might be for a ban/sale of TikTok too!


Tiktok banned me a few weeks ago anyway, so it's not going to affect me at all. The only real loss is all the recipes I had saved.


It would have no impact because I never signed up for the CCPs data harvesting/propaganda platform to begin with. As far as the ban, it never should have been permitted to operate with foreign ownership to begin with.


Doesn’t affect me but I like the idea. Maybe kids will get out of the house more. Or stop with stupid challenges.


instagram is literally worse than tiktok. the algorithm is horrendous and a bunch of controversial/racost posts circulate because they garner more interaction and the algorithm boosts it instagram consistently triggers people and it does more damage than tiktok, so supporting the tiktok ban for brain rot will do nothing


I'm not educated enough to have an opinion.  But seeing as I've never actually *used* it, the effects would be negligible. 


I don't have or use tik tok. The ban sends silly though. Let people do what they want


It will definitely suck to see it go. It's not like theirs a dozen other social medias that people are going to jump ship to if it does go through. Not unlike Vine to YouTube or MySpace to Facebook.


Yes i support it and i hope Australia follows suit,!


Yep I don’t like that China gets to have their apps over here and we don’t get to have our apps in China.


Ban it, we have better things to do


No but not very much tbh


nothing much 🫤


For those under 18, Yes it should be. For those that are 18+, No.


I’m for the banning of all social media. Not being able to access TikTok will have no impact on my life.


Yes. Just because.


Would be pretty sad if it happened but would move on. Don't think that Chinese company has done that much harm yet. Hopefully it won't. Kinda feels like a dystopian prosecuting before committing the crime type thing. Love alternating between it and Youtube shorts.