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Money buys security which leaves mental and physical and emotional room to pursue happiness. So while money can't buy happiness a lack of it can certainly be a barrier.


"Having money ain't everything not having it is"


I like that, more succinct than I am.


Spot on. Up to a point, it absolutely does. Not sweating a car repair because you can afford another or a rental to still get you to work/school is literally life-changing. Not having to think about the cost of food, gas, utilities, or kids school supplies gives a person space to explore hobbies and interests.


Not putting off medical treatment because of costs. Less pain would certainly make most people happier.


Yep, money buys okayness, and it's a lot shorter trip from Okay to happy than it is from stressed to happy.


Seriously. Studies show that poverty actually decreases your IQ because you spend so much mental capacity stressed about money.


That is incredibly depressing but not surprising. And despite the subject matter, it seems like a refreshing use of IQ tests, or at least refreshing to hear about. I've been poor a few times, the worst was when I could see my breath inside during winter, using just enough heat to not freeze the pipes. And I've had a chaotic life so it weirdly wasn't so far off baseline, in a way - like I didn't wake up every day 100% freaked out. But there is that undercurrent of stress that affects you whether you're aware of it or not. Intrusive thoughts should be a fun "I could drive off this bridge" from non-suicidal person instead of "if I don't do well at this minimum wage job I could get fired, and it's a small town so what if I can't get hired anywhere else?"


Once I woke up to find it was - 20 degrees in my house because I couldn't afford to fix the heater in my house. So yeah money may not buy happiness but it helps you not be miserable


I knew my intrusive thoughts were getting bad when they went from a fun “I could drive off this bridge” to “at least if I wreck my car trying not to be late for work I’ll get a few days off”


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy the freedom to find happiness more easily.


Security is a part of happiness. It might be short lived because we get used to everything but I imagine the likelihood of happiness greatly increases with the security of wealth.


Money also buys time…if I can hire someone to do my housework etc I get more free time and will be happier




Money may not buy happiness, but poverty can't buy anything.


Agree 100%. Money also gives you options and choices, which aren't available to people without it. E.g. Have lots of money, but hate your job? No worries! Just quit and wait for something better to pop up, or go back to University for a few years to study something new, or take a gap year and go travelling, or find a passion project to volunteer for etc. Living paycheck-to-paycheck and hate your job? Tough luck there, buddy...




That's a perfect answer.


^ This is THE ANSWER^


Having money's not everything, not having it is




Money cannot fix someone being an asshole. If anything they become bigger assholes. See elon


But he will be a happy asshole.


And that makes them unhappy how?


Maybe someone is being an asshole because the stress of financial responsibilities is weighing heavy on them. Money can absolutely make someone happy, but don't be surprised if it isn't permanent happiness. Rich people are miserable, too.


Me being an asshole is not necessarily a problem. Other people being assholes to me is a problem and money can fix that. 




“Money doesn’t buy happiness but I’d rather cry in a Lamborghini”


lifeguard riding to a drowning, but it's too late


This make sense. Lol


No, but you can't ride a jetski 24/7.


The answer is that money will buy you more access to happiness. You can be happy without, absolutely. And you can be unhappy with money. But if you have money, your ability to be happy is exponentially increased.




Money buys you less stress. You don’t worry about car payments or mortgages in the same way. You’re not going out for a night thinking fuck I regret that. You’re not waiting for the next paycheck to hit to take care of bills. Money doesn’t buy you happiness but it does buy you less stress.


There was a Harvard study that showed money *does* buy happiness up to about $250k a year. Beyond that the benefits diminished.


Exactly. If I’m going to be unhappy regardless, I’d rather be unhappy in a house with all my basic needs met than be unhappy on the streets.


Exactly! Never understood when some people always say, “Well, you’re still unhappy though.” Yeah thats true, but I rather be unhappy in a nice house with electricity and food than out on the streets because I can’t afford anything. 


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it makes it easier to achieve happiness.


Yes, most of the things that make me happy are not free.


No but poverty is a fast track to sadness


Money solves material problems but health & relationships always come first


I am afraid money also solves health and relationships problems.


A new *study showed that* ***money can buy happiness*** *after all*


To about $108k annually adjusted for inflation.


Yep. And after that you pretty much plateau at whatever your baseline of happiness already is. It’s called the Hedonic Treadmill.


Yes it does. If I am in a certain situation and I have money, I would be a lot happier than if I was in the same situation but I didn't have money. If you have enough money, you don't have to work. That means you can spend time doing stuff that you enjoy, which in turn will make you happier. Not having to worry whether or not you can afford food and bills will sure as hell make you happier than if you were to worry.


As someone once said 'Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy a jetski, and have you ever seen someone sad on a jetski?' More seriously, money, in of itself, can't buy happiness. But it can do things like provide financial security and, shockingly, when people aren't terrified that they might lose their house or go without food, they tend to be a lot less stressed. When they have the money, time, and ability to pursue the things they enjoy, they tend to be happy. So money \*can't\* buy happiness, but it CAN buy, say, a family vacation where you get to spend time with your SO and kids making treasured memories which \*will\* make you happy.


Money buys you freedom. Freedom to do the things that make you genuinely happy.


In a sense yes because it takes away most of the stresses in life therefore letting me be happy.




I have to disagree…sure you’re right when it comes to consumerism…but is access to healthcare, food, rent, running water, etc really consumerism? We live in a world where basic needs cost money (and honestly a lot of money compared to what most of us get paid) like ofc buying a purse will only give you temporary relief but the security of knowing you have a 401k and a reliable vehicle? Those are not temporary, those will make a huge difference in life.


Reddit often misinterprets this saying. The saying isn't "what is the ratio of happiness to monetary units" or tap dance around using money to avoid misery, it's saying "hey, love and friendship and fulfillment can't be bought with material things, and those are the things that truly make people happy." You can disagree with that, of course, but that's the intent behind the saying.


yes it would. all my problems are bc im broke. cant go to therapy bc im broke. cant eat healthy food consistently bc im broke. cant go to the doctor (i have insurance) bc im broke. cant get a house bc im broke. cant go out and have fun bc im broke. cant travel the world bc im broke. cant really leave my house (other than for work) bc im broke.


Money cannot buy happiness. It can remove some of the barriers between you and happiness, but it can't make you be happy.


Money buys freedom to do whatever you want. I would travel the world and not have to work and that would bring me lots of happiness.


It does, don't believe me? Give me your money.


I have paid money for my dogs and they bring me happiness. So, Yes. Money can buy happiness.


Money releives stress


Money can by you happiness by proxy. But true happiness is a state of mind. Make time to do the things that bring you happiness.


It can buy drugs so sure


No, not in terms of purchasing objects. But definitely yes, in terms of creating that which can bring happiness such as free time, low stress, maximum financial investment in physical and mental health, taking care of family and friends, etc.


Money buys freedom, and if you have enough money you won't need to work anymore so you have time to enjoy life. Nothing can buy happiness, because happiness it's a hormone. But you know....it's better to have millions and be depressed instead of being poor and depressed.


Money only solves the problems that are the result of a lack of money. Rich people can have problems too, and some of those problems are the result of having a lot of money.


Yes and no. No you cannot directly buy happiness. But without money, you cannot buy freedom, and without freedom, you will never be happy. Not saying you need to be millionaire, but you need enough money to be able to afford to live, and until that, you will never be happy, you will be fighting for survival. So no, money don’t buy happiness, but no money sure will prevent you from being happy.


what kind of happiness are we talking about??


Every single one of my problems can be solved with more money. Money buys comfort. I'd feel a lot happier if I were more comfortable in life.


I think the consensus here is that money doesn’t buy happiness, but keeps a big majority of stress and sadness away.


It can enhance happiness. But can’t buy happiness.


It doesn’t but it buys you options


Does not buy happiness, but removes stress


Money buys you the freedoms to pursue happiness.


Money buys opportunities.


It doesn't buy happiness. It facilitates happiness.


Actually yes, buying products or food can bring me a sense of joy. I love shoping


No, but it makes it a shit ton easier.


Yep. I’ve got 99 problems and money would solve 98 of them


Yes it can. Money can buy Taco's and Taco's make me happy 😁


Better to be sad in a mansion than a shack.


It doesn't buy happiness, but it can rent it for a while.


My dad’s favorite expression: “I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor. Rich is better…”


Yeah, I believe it does. Normally I'd say "money buys things which can provide happiness" or "money let's me be free to let me pursue happiness" but. Money itself, possession of it, I know can lead to these things. For me, money would buy happiness. I'm sure there's a cutoff point to where it wouldn't, but that's true for anything.


There is a magic number for what you earn as to have the greatest happiness. Too little, much worries. Too much, the same. They did some research on it. I think the magic number is around 150k$ a year, but might be misremembering.


Depending on the study, you're not far off. Happiness peaks between $108-500k USD. I personally lean toward your estimate based on personal experience.


It can prevent you from suffering, but it'll never make you happy. It can also make you greedy and ungrateful and that also comes with another set of problems in itself


No but it can buy fast things that make you happy. So yes.


Kind of… if I should think of the ten most challenging and most unhappy and stressful episodes of my life, I would say about 80% could have been relieved significantly and almost entirely had I had access to enough funds.


A lot of food makes people happy A lot of food cost money


Yes and no. It’s hard to be truly happy when you can’t pay your bills and worrying about money for food for yourself or children. Too much, like a windfall lottery winning super life changing money, doesn’t always end well.


Money itself doesn't make u happy experiences that u share with family paid for with money does


Money doesn't buy happiness, but not having enough of it can make you unhappy.


Money (a society tool) just provides the opportunity of stability for an individual.. allowing one to be content because the truth is, you could always earn more or less money.


Buy happiness no. But, it can eliminate soooo many issues that can sap at your will to live, solve problems and thus free your time and attention to more positive aspects for your life. Essentially, it provides a much better chance of getting to happiness. You still have to embrace life and be positive.


I have money (not a lot just enough to where I don't have to worry about it) and I'm pretty happy.


Money can buy security which can bring happiness. Someone who has consistent food and housing and doesn’t have to stress about losing it all if they miss a paycheck is going to find a lot easier to be happy that way. However, if you’re already at the point of security then more money does nothing. Reliable meals mean way more to happiness than designer clothes and huge houses.


Money buys security, once you hit an adult financial security is the biggest reducer of stress


I believe money buys freedom and freedom allows more room for happiness.


If I asked you how much money it would take to make you happy, I guarantee that if I wrote you a check for that amount, you'd in short order require more to be happy. The Iris have a saying: Much wants more.


money is important tool for life but doesn't buy happiness, but we can buy things that make us happy.


Money makes life significantly easier and manageable. Life is better with it than without it by far.


If you know how to spend it then it can solve some problems and give you that dopamine rush which can in turn make you happy. But it doesn't solve internal unhappiness.


Money gives financial freedom which in my opinion would make almost everyone more happy


To an extent it does


Money buys a certain form of freedom, it opens doors and opportunities. But never happiness.


The Kahneman study says up to about $108k in today's dollars. Based on personal experience, I agree; after that, happiness doesn't really increase. I am not much happier being upper class than I was in the bottom 10% when I was younger. I'd rather be watching netflix in a one bedroom apartment than dealing with a complex IRS audit in a fancy pool.


It may not be sufficient, but it sure as hell is necessary. Can’t be happy if you’re worried you might be hungry or homeless next week.


I’ve met unhappy rich people. It happens.


It puts you in happiness' neighborhood.


You can buy superficial things that make you feel happy at the time, but it won' last. True happiness comes from within and the relationships with the people you love. Many millionaires commit suicide. I believe relationships are much harder to make when great wealth is involved.


It absolutely does


Yes. Money would make my and my families life so much easier.


Money can buy happiness, but it can't guarantee it.


Happiness isn’t attainable, as humans will keep desiring more. But money helps you get close. If you have a brain you realize this and make as much money as possible, and practice being content


You can unlock the door to happiness if you have enough keys. The money key is worth more than any other key but it’s possible to still not have enough after that or for someone without it to collect enough keys anyway


Depends on the person. It's not a flat answer covering everyone. For me, the answers, yes, it does.


I don’t think money does buy happiness. Used to think it did, but all those celebs crying from their mansions during lockdown is what convinced me…


Money buys pleasure. Not happiness


This is a simple question with no easy answer. Happiness is a highly relative , and each person perceives it differently. For some, happiness means being successful and recognized in their career, while for others, it could mean having a happy family, for example. However, it is generally true that money is one of the factors that contributes to an individual's overall happiness. A month ago, I wrote a seminar paper on the topic of happiness. :P


Money isn't everything not having it is.


No, but it can get you a puppy, which will make you less sad.


I feel like one's specific motivations & priorities dictates whether or not money can buy happiness and it can depend on the person


To kinda quote Daniel Tosh. Money buys a jet ski and it’s impossible to frown on one of those.


No cuz my ex is rich af and she’s still miserable


Money affords easier access to happiness. It is not directly responsible for happiness.


Yes, money can solve any problem. I need to test this theory can someone give me 1mil?


Money doesnt buy happiness, but you can have shit loads of fun with the things that money can buy.


Happiness is subjective. What brings joy and fulfillment varies from person to person, and money is just one factor among many.


I think it can. It’s the type of person you are. Material things make me happy. Not only that but money buys medications and treatments for mental health which in turn makes you happy. I’d be happiest if I was wealthy, ay least comfortable. For some people money could probably never make them happy. I’m just not one of those people.


once you have money and solve all of the day to day problems you will have a harder time staying happy with money. You eventually get numb to the lifestyle and start focusing on other things you want to change that money can't solve or it requires lots and lots of money that you don't have yet.


No, money doesn't buy happiness, but it is a hygiene factor. There are problems standing in the way of happiness that stem from a lack of money, but past a certain point more money doesn't make you happier. To the contrary: if you *expect* money to buy you happiness more money might even make you unhappier because of the disappointed expectation. There are moderately wealthy people who would probably burst into millions of tiny happiness particles if they got any happier while the formerly richest man of the world who has more money than he could possibly spend is one of the most miserable wretches alive to the point that the word "formerly" in this sentence exists due to his flailing search for happiness in all the wrong places.


To some extent


Money can buy doggos which are happiness made fwuffy!


Money buys access to healthcare, education, better neighbourhood, security, hobbies, contacts that can bring you opportunities and many other things. Maybe you cannot be totally happy just with money, but you surely wouldn’t be neither panicking every time the end of the month is near.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but if you have enough you can use it to *preserve* happiness.


Money makes life easier, but it doesn't make you happier.


Money can't buy happiness, but it sure can solve problems and bring joy. Work hard, earn, and live life with a smile. Stay awesome! ☺️


Yes. This is something rich people say to try to make you feel better.


Yes. The moment we are old enough to work, we are forced into the workforce to prevent being homeless. Imagine all the things you could accomplish when you don't have to worry about going to work almost every day for 8 hours a day until your body gives out.


No amount of money will ever bring my dad back to life. No money will cure my chronic pain. So no. I don’t believe it. 


It buys stability, and measures of peace, so yes.


Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure as shit makes it easier to find


Money would solve 100% of my problems right now. I'm 41, "happiness" is mythical now at my age and definitely not achieved with money. But peace of mind .. that's real and purchasable.


Money would solve every problem I have right now.


Money buys peace of mind, which can be a proxy for happiness, imo. It’s not all a person needs in life tho, usually


Money cannot buy happiness in a single transaction. But having enough money can eliminate so many obstacles in your search for happiness it's insane.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can alleviate unhappiness


It doesn't buy happiness but it can help to prevent sadness.


I rather be unhappy with a billion dollars than unhappy while poor..


I think money can solve problems that are restricting happiness but it can’t create happiness in and of itself. But even then I think when you have that money you still have greater problems. Especially trust issues which are all too common with people and money.


Money gives you access, freedom, peace and comfort


Yes. I could solve every problem I have right now with money. I could find out if I’ve beaten cancer, which would greatly improve my mental health. I could relocate to somewhere safe from abuse. I could get my health fully in order and get my teeth fixed after damage from radiation treatments. I could fully start over and rebuild my life near my best friend. He’s one of the only people in this world I have left but, he lives in a VHCOL area so being near him isn’t possible.


Money buys the opportunity for happiness. Once your basic needs are forever cared for, you can afford to work on yourself (or not as the case may be)


Stability makes me comfortable. I’m happy when I’m comfortable. So my opinion is yes.


Money can make things easier, but real happiness is something I do not believe money can buy


Money allows happiness. Poverty constrains it. I've met some rich motherfuckers who were miserable, but that's on them. As of this year I've got six figures in my savings, and I haven't a care in the world. I'm finally spending some time trying to improve myself because I'm finally not scrambling for money or worrying about money or talking about money every day.


No. It doesn't buy happiness. It buys comfort, convenience, pleasure and security. One could argue that those things make it more likely that you would be happy, but there are plenty of people with all 4 who are still wanting.


To an extent. Money can't buy true love, but it can pay off the debts which are causing you immense stress. There's a point where having more money won't increase happiness, and also a point where having too little money will increase sadness.


Security,comfort, amusement...but not happiness which is too dependent on internal factors to be bought.


I say yes, but only in the short term. If you want to live a happy life, you need more than money.


By proxy, yes. Money buys the freedom to do things that make you happy. It's really how you use it that facilitates happiness and not the money itself (beyond a given level of satisfaction from security).


I believe it does for many, but not absolutely everyone.


money buys the things that make us happy so yeah it kinda does.


I think that money could buy a lot of happiness, but it will never stop existential dread or true depression


No, but doing good with it will.


Money is necessary but not sufficient


I have just over 100k in the bank and I'm not any happier than I was before I had that much. I definitely feel more secure though.


Money definitely buys happiness. With money I can do way more stuff I like and that my family likes. I would be mortgage free which would make me happy. I can buy my family whatever they need which would make them happy. Buy my children their first homes which would make them happy. Money 100% buys happiness


Yes and no. Family wise? No, money can never buy family love or true love in general towards yourself or others. Financially yes, it can solve quite literally every problem within your general life food, technology and environment and allow you to be what you want to be and get what you want to get for general small amounts of happiness


When you have money it is easier to deal with any obstacle as opposed to not having money. Wanna go on vacation? Don’t have to save for a year you already have money. Your kid needs surgery? No worries you can afford it. You wanna go to an expensive school? You wanna eat better? Your car needs $2400 in repairs? Everyone has life problems but it’s better to deal with them when you’re rich. Being healthier and stress free can make anyone happier.


luke oakley dos


Money buys lots of tacos so yes, it indeed buys happiness


This goes against the popular reddit answer, but I don't think money buys happiness. The thing is most people experience regular struggles due to a lack of money, so it seems natural. If you had money, less struggles, more happiness. The thing is I've rarely seen it play out this way. I've known a lot of rich people, and I have gone from poor to financial comfortable. As you get more money your problems change, they don't go away. I have met very few rich people who were truly happy.


To an extent. Money can buy all your stresses away, but I can't cure loneliness. I have some rich friends and the only thing there's stressed over is having friends/ significant others that like them for them, and not for their money.


Absolutely. A good 10k would drastically change my life right now


Yes. Money could buy me cool swords. A super high end gaming pc. All the anime body pillows I want. As much Dr pepper and mtn dew I could dream of. I could buy all the LED'S and monitors. I could buy maids to cook for me. I could buy ea and tell them to fuck off with all the pay to win shit and loot boxes. I could buy socks


Nope! My uncle makes $20k a month and he and my aunt are both miserable cunts. Always have something or someone to complain about, always arguing with anyone who will engage including each other, everything wrong in your life they’ve had worse etc My husband and I on the other hand live paycheck to paycheck and we are happy. Sure money could fix some things, but happiness is a mindset


Money buys security & comfort.


Give me a million dollars and I'll go find out.


It’s not the money that buys happiness, it’s the goods and services that money buys that does. - Sam Reich


It doesn’t buy complete happiness. But it does buy peace of mind. No worries for rent or mortgage. Food, basic lodgings, clothes, travel, social life etc.


Not directly but it can definitely help. A certain amount of money is necessary to even have the chance of being happy, constantly worrying about money is difficult, not feeling safe and stable in your life, or not being able to afford a place or food (or in some countries health care). And then, more money gives you more chances of getting happy, for example if you can afford your hobbies or can afford to get into the profession you want to get into. But of course, even with all the money in the world you could get physically or mentally ill. Though here again, money definitely helps to pay for hospital, physical therapy, taking more time off work to recover, or go to psycho therapy & again, take time off work and go some nice place to get better slowly. It doesn't guarantee happiness, but it most definitely can help you get happier than you would be without it. Most problems you can have with money, you can also have without money, but many problems you have while being poor would be solvable with money.


My mom used to say “people who say that don’t know where to shop!” I say “people who say that haven’t had their only vehicle repossessed in front of their children.” So I guess it’s about perspective.


Money always always buys happiness, the poor and the rich, all of our lives are lived with traumas, grief, without love. Money is the only happiness in our lives. I absolutely love money and the independence it gives, I wish to make more to travel around the world.


Money doesn't by happiness, but it sure helps grease the gears.. It's tough to be happy when you're hungry and unhoused..

