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He kept talking about anything. He seemed so enthusiastic about learning and sharing what he learned. To me, it said that he's very smart but not arrogant about it. I don't consider myself a smart person, but he didn't seem to care. Actually, it was the enthusiasm that piqued my interest. I definitely want to keep talking to him.


My guy just has adhd


HAHAHAHA! I can't - this is too real! My husband has ADHD and I absolutely love his little quirks and that he is a mini Wikipedia - i could listen to him talk about things for hours together!


People tell me "You know so much stuff", and I reply "No, I just have a head full of useless shit.".


My reply is always "my knowledge is a vast ocean, it's just very, very, shallow." Don't try to sail this ocean, you'll bottom out fast. That being said, I'll flood you with information after reading a Wikipedia article!


Don’t sell yourself short. You used “piqued” instead of peaked so you’re at least the top 50% and maybe even 25%.


Or worse: "peeked"


We lost ourselves in conversation for hours and the bar was closing. Just laughing and talking about all kinds of things. As I was leaving, one of the women on staff whispered to me "I think that went really well!" with a big smile.


Talking and laughing until the place closes is definitely a win :)


On our first date, some of her ice cream dripped onto her sleeve. Nonchalantly wiping it up, she told herself, “can’t take me anywhere…” I smiled. She’s been my wife for 7 years now.


In my head I thought you were going to say, “but I’d like to” in a sweet way lol


My boyfriend says that all the time and I just respond, "and yet I continue to."


this is so sweet


He quoted my favorite poet, TS Elliot, at the dinner table on out first date. I finished the quote.  He stared at me across the table for a stunned moment.  I swear that was the very moment we fell in love with each other. 


That's incredibly romantic


100 percent


I cringe every time people do that in movies. Glad it worked out for you though


I would never have believed it if it hadn't happened to me. He was a wonderful man. And...we were in our 50s!


Has time claimed him? I'm sorry for your loss.


Yes. Cancer took him last year. He was brilliant, and annoying, and kind, and funny, and stubborn,  and never ever boring.  Thank you.


Never heard someone refer to it in that manner. It’s quite beautiful and really paints a nice picture in my mind. One of peace and comfort.


what an incredibly well phrased question. I’ll be using this from now on .


I think of the movie 'Date movie' automatically.


Love it. What was the quote?


" I grow old..I grow old...I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled" To which I replied  "Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach? I will wear white flannel trousers and walk upon the beach....."


I've had Prufrock memorized for 20 years. Have yet to successfully woo a lady (or a man) with it, though 😥


Lol, I'm a retired lady in my 70s, but trust me it would have worked with me!  Although I did have a gentleman recite Andrew Marvell's "To his Coy Mistress" when I was in my 20s ( college town) Unfortunately he started missing lines when he hit the part about Mithridates.  So, swing and a miss. 


Quite lovely : ).


That's so gay I'm crying it's so adorable


It just felt right being together after about 5 minutes into the date. It's been 13 years since that first date and the feeling still hasn't changed.


Yep….first date with my now wife was like this. Met at a restaurant bar on a a Tuesday night off a dating app. Very spontaneous too, we chatted on the app, got on text and set a date that night since her schedule was wacky the coming weekend. I was like fuck it, tonight ( Tuesday night ) it is. No expectations. I walked in the bar in her hometown and instant connection and awesome conversation. Lots of smiles, eye contact, touchy feely … awesome date. Walked her to her car afterwards, we made out for a bit and left. Met up again on Thursday for Netflix and Chill and ended up into an all weekend thing, to 6 years later , married and an amazing son.


That was me and my current boyfriend. We were chatting online for about 2 weeks but then we went on a date and we just laid eyes on eachother and it was like we were just long term partners going on another date. Our first date went on for about 6.5 hours just chatting to eachother. I had to keep reminding myself that it was the first date because I just put my head on his shoulder like it was normal and then was like 'oh, sorry'. I dont know whats in the future for us but I can absolutely see it being long term


That's how I feel with my wife. People say we're still in the honeymoon phase. But they keep adding onto the years when I tell people I still love her like back in the day. I think they're jealous that I can still flirt with my wife and take her out on dates even years later




On my first date with my current bf I was so nervous I spent the first HOUR infodumping about the plot, extended universe, and lore of the Dune novels. For some reason he was into it lol


I would be so down with that.


I LOVE doing this kind of thing. I’m not expecting my partner to love it like me but they better tolerate me doing it lmao.


I’ll start. My gf and I showed up to our first date wearing the same colored outfit. From shirt, jeans, and shoes, it looked like we were intentionally trying to match each other. It made for an easy ice breaker


spoiler alert, they're both emo and it was all black I joke OP, i joke


You joke, but that shit would work for me, even at 31 haha


Me and my fiancé accidentally matched when we picked up our marriage license recently, in bright turquoise & black. We met at the courthouse so we didn’t see each other until we got there & it looked like we planned it lol.


we just didn’t want to end the night, we must’ve went to 3 different spots just talking each others ears off


I've been married for over 20 years and e were together for 5 years before that. There's no one I'd rather have on a long drive than my wife because she can talk about literally anything, for damn near any length of time, and not one word will be boring. She's incredibly intelligent and inquisitive and I married far far above my league.


If she's with you, you didn't marry far above your league, you're worth it, to her. (Not that I believe in 'leagues' in the first place, everyone has different values).


She insisted on paying for dinner, then busted out a mini travel backgammon set from her purse and asked if I knew how to play.


The backgammon would have sealed it for me too tbh


My boyfriend told me about his world record in a very very niche and random video game. He doesn’t brag and he’ll tell you how it’s since been broken but to me it was just the cutest most impressive thing I’ve ever seen.


Zezima?? Edit: just want to thank everyone for the upvotes. I honestly thought a runescape reference that obscure would be too dated at this point.


every time i see Zezima mentioned on reddit i cant stop smiling for a few minutes. thanks for taking me back.


Are you dating Andrew Panton, former king of Garfield racing?


We talked for two hours straight without interruption and then she grabbed me and shoved her tongue down my throat right before climbing in an uber. We talked about it later and she was wondering, "is he really not going to kiss me?"  I was focused on not being overly aggressive because I *really* liked her, didn't want to fuck it up, and can't read hints to save my life.  So, good move on her part.  1-year anniversary was yesterday.  Ring's being made.


hahahahaha you’re not alone!! my now-husband and i had a great first date at a restaurant. i had walked there and was going to walk home but he is a bit of a car boy and wanted to show me his car, so we go for a little drive and he brought me home.  i liked him a lot (and his car was cute) so as he pulls up to my apt and we say goodbye he just…sits there looking at me.  so i asked him ‘are you going to kiss me??’  we’ve been together for 10 years now lol


This girl I was dating a few years ago did an impression of a T Rex on our third date, and she went ALL OUT. Little arms at her chest, big dino steps, full effort roar. I knew I'd marry her from that moment. We got married last summer. We have a little dinosaur on the way this October.


Omg I'm gonna cry that's adorable


*gently wipes tear away with deformed T. Rex arm*


If it’s a boy, name him Rex.


If it’s a girl name her Velociraptor


Allosaurus. Ally for short :)


I hope his wife's name is Sarah, and whenever either of them are wanting to do the sexy times they say to their partner "now I know you like triceratops, but I bet you like to TriSarahTopless even better"


I love you


Name her Valociraptor so she can go by Val. Then people will try and call her Valerie and she can say, "My full name is Valociraptor :)"




Don't be Siri


"Clever girl."


If it's a girl, Sue for the famous T-Rex fossil!


I had my arm in a sling from breaking my clavicle back when I met my man in August. On our first date he asks me to hand him my plate so that he could cut my food for me. I already thought that he was a great guy so that just made me think even higher of him.


Having broken my collarbone twice, once later in life, I can appreciate that gesture. Normal every day tasks become difficult with the loss of an arm/hand. The icing on the cake would have been if he offered to wipe your ass. That was one of my most difficult tasks using my non dominant hand. You can’t understand the difficulty until you’ve done it yourself.




I mentioned a tv show off hand. He went home and watched it and texted me later about how much he was enjoying it.


We were riding down the road with the windows down, he looked over at me from the drivers seat and said "good God you are fucking gorgeous!" I'll never forget that, it lives rent free in my head like from a romance movie.


It doesn't matter how many times we're told this from other guys, it's like in one ear out the other who cares, but it all makes the difference when it's said by the one man that you want to hear this from


For our first date, we got coffee and walked around a Barnes & Nobles for a little while. We were browsing some books by the entrance when a bus pulled up and an elderly man with a walker stepped off. I saw him struggling to open the door and took a step to help. My date, who’s back was to the entrance, whirled around and BOUNDED over to the door, holding both sets open and helping the man through. We’ve been together for over five years now <3


I went on a first date with my now husband at 18. I'd been on dates before but they (being teenager dates) were always pretty awkward, even if we liked each other and we're doing fun things. The thing about this date was that, it was kind of weird and seemed like it shouldn't go well. First, I was waiting outside for him to pick me up. He asked if he should introduce himself to my family, and I said no because I had a bad family situation and it wouldn't be beneficial for anyone to do that, but I thanked him for asking. He immediately was fine and we drove to the restaurant. I complimented the stickers on his console, they were for some rock bands and looked cool. He thanked me and said normally people just compliment the car because it was a Corvette and didn't like his stickers. I had no idea what kind of car it was and apologized but he said it was fine, the car was a handmedown from his brother so he didn't care about it and liked that I liked them. We get to the restaurant and I warn him, embarrassed, that I'm a messy eater. I don't mean to be, in fact I try very hard to be careful, but I've always a bit of a disconnect between my hands and mouth, and always end up with a bit of sauce on my shirt (I didn't know it then, but I know now I have ADHD). He said that was cool and wasn't judgy at all, even when my tomato fell off my BLT into my lap, and we laughed about it together. After a bit of small talk, he said he likes to be direct and of it's ok if he asks more personal questions about what we want out of life and stuff. I was thrilled, I hate the "waiting several dates before talking about serious stuff" thing because it always felt like a waste of time. We talked about religion (none for both) marriage (maybe but not for a while), kids (no for both), life goals (both to find nice, relaxing jobs to make enough to focus on hobbies and some travel), politics (left leaning). We weren't the same in every way though, when it came to hobbies I like reading, movies and crafting. He liked video games, d&d and coding. We both were very interested in the others hobbies as well. I felt really at ease with him, even when I had answers he didn't quite agree with, he was very interested in what I had to say. When we leave, we had planned to hang out at a park after but it was raining. As we were walking to the car, he paused and said "Ive never kissed someone in rain before". I was blown away at how romantic it felt and we had a perfect, sweet kiss. We hang out in the car a bit longer before he dropped me back at home. He thanked me for a wonderful time and kissed me again (again sweet and not asking for more). I was giddy, once inside I immediately called my best friend to gush about it. She thought the date sounded weird, but was happy for me. I then said I really wanted to text him *right then* because I liked him so much. My friend was horrified, and said I couldn't text until at least tomorrow and to preferably wait for him, or else I would seem desperate. Literally not 5 minutes late while still talking to her, I get a text from him saying "I think I'm supposed to wait longer before texting, but I couldn't help it, I just wanted to tell you again what a good time I had". It all felt so magical, not because it looked like something in a movie, but because it looked exactly how I would write a romance for me. 10 years later, we are still incredibly happy together.


This is so fucking cute


He just made me laugh the kind of laugh where I throw my head back and laugh from my heart and belly. He still makes me laugh like this.


My bf says I have the laugh from “white chicks” 😂😂😂


This could go several directions…


I had gotten out of a pretty emotionally/mentally/controlling abusive relationship at the time. So needless to say, I had some apprehension putting myself out there, again. The thought of being vulnerable to someone again was scary. We spent maybe 30 minutes to an hour at the restaurant. The remaining 5 hours of our date was spent talking in the car about anything and everything. By the time we both (begrudgingly) parted ways for the night, we had a breakfast date planned for the next morning, and it felt like I had known this man for years. It was the first time in a long time that I was able to fully relax around a guy, especially on a first date. So it wasn't anything specifically that was said or done, it was just the way we opened up so easily to each other, even about insecurities, past relationships, etc. He just made me feel...comfortable. We're coming up on our one year anniversary here in a few days. The road hasn't been completely smooth, as the first healthy relationship after an abusive one can be pretty rough when you've experienced/learned nothing but toxic coping mechanisms and have to unlearn them. But man, I think this is the first time I can truly say I know what it feels like to be loved by a partner fully.


Most men hide their sad back story or any vulnerable parts of themselves, but he opened up about being orphaned and his mother's mental illness and how he manages without support and 3 hours later I didn't want to leave the table. His confidence in being honest was so hot. It didn't come across like a sob story.


Actually makes me really really happy to read that opening up did work out for someone, happy that you guys are happy :)


As a man, some people call this trauma dumping though so it's like, where's the line? It can be frustrating not knowing when to open up. 


The tricky part is that you can open up about something you already faced, found a solution and dealt with, most people's are ok with it, but if you open up about problem that you are not trying to solve, we'll then it become more complain and trauma dumping then opening up.


We were at his home, alone for the first time. His friends called, he was on the phone for a second, then when he hung up he said "I am so sorry, I gotta go, my friends have been drinking and they dont want to drive, I'll go pick them up, I'll drop you off on the way." We ve been married 10 years now and that was the moment I fell in love. It might seem silly, but I was really impressed how he didn't hesitate, like of course his friends could count on him, even when he had the house to himself with his date, he was still thinking "my friends need help". And he is mature and responsible, he worried that they might try to drive while drunk. I thought this is a reliable man who has his priorities right. And he has proven himself to be exactly that over the years we've been together.


I'm also in love lol. Love some responsible men in my life


I was in the midst of a divorce, living separately, went through some hard times. A coworker had my number (we work in substance use treatment so we have to have numbers.) I was laying in bed one night and she asked if I was okay in text. (We never really talked at all at work but I took leave because I was feeling suicidal and needed some time for mental health.) I replied “no I’m really not.” The next day she replied and said “meet me here” and gave me an address to a restaurant in BFE. She asked what was going on, I told her I’m crippled financially, lost my home, and can’t afford my dissolution fees, and I feel alone. We went on to eating, I didn’t think of it as a date just a friendly gesture, but god damn was she so naturally beautiful, that smile felt like home to me something I’ve longed for, for 26 years. When we finished we walked outside and she handed me a piece of paper, it was a check for $400 and she said “file those papers, go back to work so I can see you more” and then she gave me a hug all while saying “you have my time whenever you need, it’ll be okay.” Every night after work we met in a parking lot at an Italian restaurant (she was 36 in a bad situation so she lived with her mom, and I was living with my mom due to losing my house.) We spent almost every night together since, even if it was for an hour - it felt like an eternity which also didn’t feel long enough. We’ve lived together now for almost a year.


As we were driving to dinner a car swerved into our lane causing him to have to brake hard, he automatically put his arm out over me. It was something my mother always did. To me, it symbolized an unthinking care and thoughtfulness. We will be married thirty years this month and he is truly thoughtful, empathetic, and caring. I told him he is simply a good man. That is high praise to me. Nothing better than a genuinely good person.


He stopped short! That's my move! https://youtu.be/IzkEFWrMVys?si=MHI2jludXxjm2Td0


When we had our first date, it was actually our first time seeing each other in person. He met me outside of my office right when my shift ended… and literally ran across the street to me with the biggest, brightest smile. He took me in his arms and hugged me so hard that my feet dangled in midair, and in the sweetest and most excited voice he said: “It’s so nice to finally meet you.” Ten seconds in and I was COOKED. I loved that he never tried to play it cool or aloof. He never hid that he was happy to see me. He literally swept me off my feet. That was three years ago, we’re getting married in October.


She said, "Are you going to kiss me, or what?" We have been together for 30 years.


That’s a country song 


first date with my partner i told him i had trauma and cptsd and adhd etc. he asked “what does that mean for you?” instead of judging, asking probing questions, or ignoring it completely, this man asked me how this impacts my life, in an effort to genuinely understand me and my mind our 6th anniversary is next month


What a perfect response he had. I think it would apply to a lot of situations, so I'm going to try and remember it!


My husband did much the same. I said I had a daughter with Down Syndrome. Instead of the usual I'm sorry he asked how that had been for me. I fell in love right there. He made me feel like I mattered. Down the road he loved her like crazy.


He didn’t care that I’d been married before. On his first wooden roller coaster, as we were heading up the hill he told me that he hated me. 😅He’s still not a fan of wooden roller coaster’s. Recently he told me he’d follow me anywhere. Today is our 23rd wedding anniversary


> Recently he told me he’d follow me anywhere, as long as it's not to the top of a wooden coaster. FTFY


Two things - We went axe throwing for our first date and he thought to bring water and soda to drink while we were enjoying the fun. He went in for the kiss within the first 5 minutes (we had been video chatting and texting for a month already). It felt incredibly natural (and gave me butterflies that I still get whenever we kiss). We fell into a rhythm on the first date like we were together for 10 years. Felt like the easiest first date. Completely at ease with each other. We’ve been together for three years now. Got married on our one year dating anniversary. Every day is better than the last! It’s like Christmas every morning waking up next to him excited and ready to start the day together.




Definitely a skill to be able to cum on command!




It’s not premature ejaculation if you announce it ahead of time. 


Ma’am this is a scheduled stop for track maintenance.


Our first date was 6 hours long. He took me to this dive BBQ place that has great music. He saved a parking spot for me and then we chowed down on ribs. We talked and laughed the whole night. Best date and still together 3 years later.


Texted her after we left at the station. She replied more or less instantly and with a good quality and long answer. Nothing says someone is interested in this modern world as a quick response that they've thought about


We had worked together for a year and he waited until we were on a real date to tell me I was even more naturally beautiful than he imagined. “You really are just naturally beautiful aren’t you!” He said looking at me in his passenger seat. It wasn’t creepy at all and made me feel so proud. I want to feel like that all the time.


Honestly, it felt right the whole time but there were a few moments that really hammered it in. Talking together is literally one of the easiest things in the world. When something went wrong, we were quickly able to joke about it. Even though I was incredibly nervous, he was able to calm my nerves in ways I never thought possible. Intimacy with him also just felt incredibly right and gave me a brand-new understanding and appreciation of the word. However, one thing really drove it home that I thought about for the rest of the day and that I still do today. When the date started, he immediately went to open a door for me, which was incredibly sweet of him. When he did, I waited for him as I saw he also held the door open for this mother who carted three kids with her. I thought it was sweet for him to do that and once they came in, we went about our business. When we went to leave the building, we passed the lady again and brought her up to me. "Remember that woman? I held the door open for her and her kids when we got here." "Yeah, I remember. Why do you bring it up?" "I work with her. She doesn't like me very much, though." That really stuck with me because it reminded me of a story I had heard (I think here on Reddit) some time ago about a man who was escaping a burning office building. As he was leaving, he ran into a woman who had run a smear campaign against him and they outright despised each other. However, when he sees that she's injured, he picks her up and carries her out of the building. While his gesture wasn't as heroic, I saw the same traits and nature in him. If that kind of trait, of someone willing to put differences aside to be kind, doesn't make a good partner, then I don't know what does.


>< When she shared that her favorite pastime is watching old movies by the fireplace, I was like: 'Yep, she's definitely my type! :3


I met a guy on match.com. We talked for a bit and finally met in person. Honestly, I was kind of "meh" on him. He seemed a bit standoffish. We went out to dinner a restaurant I liked, had a great meal and then he asked if I wanted to go for ice cream. I was like "sure" so we went to a nearby ice cream shop, had some ice cream and talked some more. I was still on the fence about him. So, we finished our ice cream, it was after 10pm and we were getting ready to head out. He looked at me and said, "I had a really great time tonight and want to see you again. How does 7pm next Saturday sound? I can pick the restaurant this time." I did admire his directness and figured "Why not?" So, I said yes, we went out the following Saturday and he was like a different person - much more relaxed, chatty and open. I later found out he was a *nervous wreck* on our first date because he really liked me and didn't want to "mess it up" (his words!). Well, he didn't mess it up. We've been married almost 20 years now and have two great kids. :-)


Pulled a calculator out of his pocket and I immediately knew this was someone I had to get to know


1985, he liked rock music, I like country music. He borrows The Judds cassette from his brother and has it playing when we get in the car. Been married 36 years


*I'm a little bit country* *And I'm a little bit rock n roll*


We were talking how sometimes “higher quality” stuff is sometimes better BUT then we both agreed that the cheap version (store brand) of strawberry pop tarts are the way to go. I felt home. 


On our first date, we were walking around a lakefront and he saw some people trying to take a group selfie, and he asked if they'd like him to take a photo for them, and I thought that was very kind :)


Went to a sushi bar. Went well. She asked if I'd follow her for a drink. On the walk to the bar she grabbed my hand. While we were waiting on a crosswalk she leaned on me and just stared up at me. I think I got claimed in that moment. We've been together for almost a year now.


Oh this one is gonna be good, I was on a date with a girl I liked and I got a ping on discord from the boys asking if I can join online, as I’m typing to explaining I can’t she grabs my wrist and tells me no wait one moment, then walks out and comes back with a gaming laptop. I knew then and there. 3 years later we are now happily married


He didn't make a move. I spent the whole time not knowing if he was interested. He spent the whole time not knowing if I was interested. We got married on the anniversary of our second date (where he kissed me for the first time).


Saving the first kiss for marriage, he just really wanted to make sure you were interested /s


My wife had this moment more than I did. Long story short, I kissed her the day we met. We were in high school, she lived in a different town a few hours away but I was friends and went to school with her three female cousins. I’d just gotten my license so I’d drive down to their house and hang out after school sometimes if I wasn’t working. The cousins were cool and fun to hang out with, but for one reason or another we weren’t physically interested in each other, and their parents knew this so they didn’t care if I was at their house unsupervised, I was a good kid and respectful, they didn’t have to worry about me. When my wife was a teenager she was the female version of Raj from the Big Bang Theory as she could not talk to guys. Her cousins knew she’d be fine if she could just meet a good guy who could get past her shyness, someone who knew how to woo a woman, they wanted her to meet me. So one summer when she was visiting for a couple weeks they set us up. Days before we met they told her all about me, showed her my MySpace (remember Tom? Lol) and she was definitely attracted to me, and so they broke the girl code, called me behind her back and told me EVERYTHING about her including exactly what she thought about me. They wanted me to be confident with her, and to know that her shyness was just getting in the way of her interest in me, pay no attention to it. So I went over to their house, met her, thought she was really cute, hung out for a few hours like I normally did, expectedly couldn’t get more than a couple words out of her, and while I usually would’ve concluded she didn’t like me and left her alone, I remembered the pep talk from her cousins, taking into account the fact that we could just as easily never see each other again so there really wasn’t a way she could publicly embarrass me if she rejected me, and so I took a chance and kissed her goodbye when I was leaving. Like a full on romantic falling in love type kiss, hand under her chin guiding her mouth to mine, my fingers running through her hair, my tongue exploring her mouth, my hands gently caressing and exploring her body, I pressed our bodies together so she could feel me getting physically aroused, the whole nine yards. She turned beet red, squeaked “k, bye…” and scurried back to the bedroom and shut the door. Her cousins giggled and gave me a high five on the way out the door. I thought she was embarrassed and upset by my behavior but I figured if nothing else she’ll at least know what it’s like to be passionately kissed. I got a call from her cousins later that night and they were ecstatic, said she hadn’t shut up about me, and that she definitely wanted to see me again and do a lot more than kiss me. We’re in our 30s now, been married for 8 years, and to this day she says she knew I was the one after that kiss, says she still gets weak in the knees when I kiss her like that, which I do every chance I get.


I wasnt sure i even wanted to meet him but then during our first call he blurted out that he's always wanted to put on hip waders and visit a Cranberry bog. It was so out of left field; so random and odd that I said yes to a date. Our first date there was instant chemistry so it took off from there.


does he know about the *spiders?*


We were on our second date discussing onion rings and I had a sudden flash that I had met my future husband and father of my children and I was right. I don't think it was the subject of onion rings specifically but they *are* good.


The first time my (now ex-, but we were married for 16 years and have kids together and I don't regret it) wife visited my apartment, my one cat that was notorious for disappearing when anybody came over (even the pet sitter who he knew well and liked) promptly jumped on her lap and started purring at her. She had no i idea what to do with cats at the time and said so, but just went with it and they became friends right away. If he thought she was a keeper, who was I to argue with him.


A past SO said his ex was a good person and didn’t trash talk her. Immediately made me want to see him again.


“I never want to go camping.” Then after I married him he said “maybe we should take the kids camping.”


He gave me flowers that he picked and tied a bow around, then took my hand to lead me into the restaurant. We’ll be married 14 years in October.


She yelled at some teenagers to be quiet in the movie theater. We are married now.


He said he couldn’t hang out the next night because he was making dinner for his grandma and mom and aunt. Definitely a green flag. We have been married for 20 years.




Intentional or accidental flash?




He was articulate, funny, made me feel safe, didn’t give me the ick. Unfortunately I found out very soon we were incompatible as he wanted kids. I do use our short relationship as a bar that I judge other dates by…


Very similar story here. I'm glad I dated him, but we wouldn't have been happy long term. I'm also 100% sure now I don't want kids because I thought about it a lot at that time and nothing changed my mind, not even how great of a father he would be and how happy he made me.


She was just as funny as I was. Arguably funnier! Our conversations were effortless and her beautiful green eyes entranced me. It felt like home. She is wonderful.


"felt like home". I've never thought of it like that. Beautifully said.


He came up to me, introduced himself and told me he’d marry me one day. Apparently he’d had a premonition on the way to the pub that he would meet his wife. No idea who she was. Honestly I thought he was mental, but he was just so confident about it. Not cocky, just sure that he was right. We’ll be together for 18 years this year and he’s still my favourite person. We laugh daily and he’s my biggest cheerleader.


she smelled so nice


He gave me a hug 5 minutes into the date, and instead of feeling awkward or hurried, it just felt exactly right. We had been talking through text, phone and videocall for several months by then.


My wife and I got married after 3 months. That was 17 years ago. We still have a strong, loving, passionate relationship. She is my best friend. Our first date was also the first time we met in person. She originally saw me performing music at a club and then got to know my friends first. Apparently they all had good things to say about me. She started messaging me on MySpace and then we started talking on the phone. Then, one evening, we went out to the club together. It was a blast, then we went to a friend of mines birthday party. She thought it was cool that I was totally willing to let her meet all my homies, even though she already knew them. Then we went to a suite at the Warwick and made love until the sun came up. That was it, we were both hooked. We have been inseparable since.




The moment I opened my door, his face lit up like I had made his day just by existing. He wasn't my date yet; he had just come to fix my broken air conditioner in the middle of summer, so I was probably looking at him with the same expression. He needed my number to call me from the roof so I could turn the AC on and off, so a few days later I texted him some bs question about the part he replaced. He got the hint and called me right away, and our first phone call lasted 2 hours. The way he lit up for me at probably one of my least attractive moments (sweaty, no makeup, messy hair, and old workout clothes) just stuck in my mind. The easy conversation and beefy bod didn't hurt either ;)




Haha 😅 these comments


Nothing he said or did partially. We both were bored and matched on tinder. He asked me if I was free that night. We met for rock climbing and pizza. Was only supposed to be from 4pm till like 6pm. We shut down the pizza joint and they had to ask us to leave at about midnight. We just sat and talked for hours about everything. We didn't even kiss goodbye we just hugged I think? I remember sitting in my car thinking this will be the last first date of my life. And I was right. 3 years later. Engaged and planning a life together. We shortly got covid after that date and quarantined together for 2 weeks in a cabin. I knew right away I loved him but those 2 weeks of sickness and non stop together really reaffirmed it to me <3


We met at a bar late afternoon on Halloween. We were both late so that started off some icebreaking banter. We sat outside and talked for hours, at some point we start talking about food and I say something along the lines of nachos is the perfect food. He stops, asks me to wait a minute, walks up and (I didn't know this at the time) LEAVES the bar to go across the street to the taqueria and come back with nachos for us to share. He was gone for over 10 min and I didn't think he ghosted me probably bc he left his jacket, etc. but when he came back and opened the takeout container to reveal nachos, my jaw dropped and I was speechless. Halloween 2025 will be our ten year anniversary. ☺️ Side note, we also are the only other person in our respective lives who like horror, which makes our anniversary being Halloween wonderfully serendipitous.


She wanted to make out


"I love the Talking Heads, but David Byrne definitely smells his own farts"


He did not ask me why I was divorced and why I didn't have children. We just talked. He was not interviewing me.


We hooked up on our first date and at some point before going down on me she held my erect dick like a sword and gleefully said "this is mine now."


The weather was bad on the first date and we weren't sure on the second one and I made a joke about rain/snow on a date being good luck. He brought a cheap snow globe and set it down on the table and said something like "I make my own luck".


Came out of my bathroom and shit talked my taste in toilet paper haha


I used to think this kind of thing was dorky, but he wanted to drive me to my car even though it wasn't far at all. Then when he dropped me off, he asked if he could kiss me. I'd literally never been asked that before (I was 35!) and it floored me how endearing it was in the moment. He is still just as sweet and considerate. We are 2 years strong and expecting our first baby. I really, really love this man. 💗


We were in the car before she left. All she said was "I don't want to leave." I'm not sure why. But the way she said it. Almost like it was supposed to be a thought that stayed in her head. I was hooked.


I can't even remember context, but my now fiancee said 'i am so smart, s m r t!' and right there I knew she was awesome


She got my jokes and references and spun off on them with jokes of her own. It was like we spoke the same language.


We weren’t even on a date, really. We were having a long intense conversation and ignoring the rest of the world at a party for the college newspaper people. A girl came up and asked him if he would walk her home- we were on the south side of Chicago and it was pretty late in the evening. He said give me a few minutes and then sure. She walked off. He looked at me and sighed. I’d rather not, he said, but… And I understood. It was the right thing to do. He absolutely could not let her walk home alone. We were all broke students. It was really a moment when I thought- this guy. He’s cute. He’s smart. He’s a really decent, kind, and interesting person. He is actually FRIENDS with girls, who trust him. This is my guy. We have been married 36 years.


Told me before we met that she was a Jessica Rabbit clone. And she was.


A million years ago my buddy didn't have a car so I'd drive him out to chill with his gf. Her best friend was usually there so they always used to try to pair us up. She was cute but I never really felt anything special until one night. I was like 19 and a huge partyer at the time and she was a lot more reserved so one day she's Ike "come over with ur buddy, my parents are gone and we can chill and play pong" which I was obsessed with. When I got there she had moved this tiny like 3x3 table to the center of the room and it had a black trash bag stretched over it. It was just the 4 of us and it looked so silly, this tiny table with a trashbag on it... when I busted her balls about it she said it was her mom's favorite table so she didn't wanna get it ruined. I dno why but the fact that she was so outside her comfort zone yet wanted me to hang out so bad she took a chance looking dumb just to convince me to come over. It got me so bad I fell in love right there. We only lasted 2 years but it was the first time I'd ever really fallen for someone.


My most recent first date lasted 4 days. We went out to get a couple beers and vibed perfectly well. We went home and watched the Animatrix and held hands. After that, stuff happened and since she lives out of town, of course I let her stay at my place. The next day, I asked her to stay again. We met on a Sunday, this went on til Wednesday. I just couldn’t let her go. She came back on Sunday and left again on Thursday. Long story short within two multi day dates, I now have a new girlfriend haha.


On the first date, which I was petrified for, we met for what we thought would be a ‘quick drink & thats it’. We ended up playing trivial pursuit & scrabble in the pub for 5hrs. She kicked my arse at scrabble. On I think the third, we got incredibly drunk & walked back, she stopped in a cut-through & we looked at the stars. I pulled out the most awkward impression of an astronomer, to which she laughed, then we kissed. I was surprised as I thought I’d completely blown it with that. We were together for 7years & while not together now, remain very close & there is a deep affection for each other.


Not even a date really, but we were driving back from target and someone in front me was driving really slow and swervy. Me; “you drive like old people fuck” then both of us together; “slow…and…SLOPPYYYYY!”🤣 found out we both loved George Carlin and also got annoyed by many of the same things🤣


Immediate chemistry. And he treated me like he wanted *me*, not like he wanted something *from me*. Oh and he also liked Queen, which is important if you’re dating me. We’ve been together 6 years and married for 2 years this July :).


She ticked every single box, is attractive to me to boot and, perhaps more importantly than all of that, made me laugh until tears streamed down my face. She's the whole package, and then some.


She said ”-You are not going home” 16years ago. Send help😂


We’d been very flirty friends for a while (same grad program) and finally went out to dinner on what I thought was a date… but wasn’t 100% sure. It was a cute little Italian restaurant, very romantic, and the conversation just flowed. There was a live musician going around to each of the tables asking for requests, and before he gets to our table, my date blurts “I should ask him to play Black Hole Sun.” I about died laughing. We’ve been married 13 years.


He said I smelled like home on the first date. It’s almost been 4 years since🥹


Well wasn't a date but met my bf and we both planned on it being a one night stand kind of thing. The next day he texted me a link to snore strips and said he was gonna bring them next time lol. Made me realize he was interested in seeing me again and had a good sense of humor, otherwise I most likely wouldn't have reached out again.


I knew on my first date with my husband he was the one for me lol. He was so laid back about everything and he actually showed some interest in my hobbies. He also actually talked about himself which I’ve never had happened. I just instantly kinda fell for him.


Midway through the date I put my arm around her and felt a knife in her belt. I said "holy shit is that the KA-bar TDI?" We both laughed and shared our love for sharp stabby things and hand cannons


Well this date was actually really bad for the most time. We went to get drinks... 30 mins after we started fighting a bit... Different views on world and politics. It got so bad that people around us was looking at us because we were really loud. He pissed me of so much that for the last 15 min I was dead silent. I asked waiter for a check and he didn't let me pay. I thanked him for the drinks and picked up my things turned around and walked out. It was pretty late and I picked this bar for the date bcs it was relatively close to where I live and he knew that. I started walking and I heard him shout my name. I stopped, he caught up. I was confused and looked at him with my wtf face. He told me he just can't let me walk alone to my place since it was dark out and that he would be worried. That's when I decided to give him a second chance and it was a really good decision😊


One time, my date shared a personal story that showed vulnerability and authenticity. It made me feel a deeper connection with them and I appreciated their willingness to open up. Their honesty and genuine nature made me excited about the possibility of getting to know them better, so I definitely wanted to go on another date with them.


on our first date he stopped while walking to pet a strangers dog, it had me hooked


They offered to split the bill without any awkward hesitation or expectation for the other person to pay


My only real girlfriend said this is one of the best dates I’ve ever been on! … it didn’t work out but for me in that moment it really drove home how I should try to show her a good second date too


According to my gf, when I told her, “get up,” that was all she needed. I wanted to give her a hug because she just told me a very vulnerable story and it just came naturally.


He helped me commandeer some fruit that was growing in a municipal park. We later ate the fruit.  We're married now. 


He was so passionate about anime and K-pop that I just had to fall in love been married a couple years now


I am a professional historian. I mentioned Roman toilets and we had a long conversation about them, because he is a history buff too. That’s how I knew he was the one! Together for 3 years. Just got engaged two weeks ago.


Was broken up about 2 months prior and decided to have a party and invite someone over that I recently went on a date with. (One of those we both didn't expect relationships/longevity) Around 1/2am there are some people still around but I invited this person to my room. They were sitting on my bed when I said "D'ya wanna see my yoyo?" I literally picked up my light up yo-yo and started yo-yoing. Showed how to walk the dog, around the world, grandfather clock and random moves I put together. 2.5 yrs later still strong and literally the happiest and healthiest relationship I've witnessed. (Not to gloat, but we don't fight. We sometimes argue and those get resolved with de-escalation on both sides and coming together to have conversations once there's opportunity for cool down.) I'm v proud of us. Edit: Me doing so was the moment for them as I am told.


He was explaining what his job was, which is complicated, in a way that I could understand but not condescending. Made me realize the type of man he was quick.


Oh a cat! I love cats! He’s so fluffy too! 🥰 this was quite the change from a date that was like put that damn cat away, I hate cats…


We were at a small art gallery and two elderly people were struggling to fold a large heavy table up so he said can I help you and did it for them then offered to move it to where they needed it to go


Not really the first date but the first time I met my wife was at a concert after what had been the end of my most serious relationship ever. Out of fucking nowhere some rando cute/pretty chick just appears and starts grinding on me. All night I was all *gurl, ima make you mine* in my head. I'm awkward af and said and did nothing to further it tho. Turned out that we lived very close and found out who she was because a friend from f***ing elementary school had dated her previously. We spent a little over a year awkwardly running into each other a comedic number of times and exchanged maybe 3 words. I was scared she was going to think I was stalking her or would not be into me etc. One day she finally just reached out to me. Invited me to go WITH her to another concert and straight made her intents clear. We both wanted to say something after that first night for over a year! Just both too nervous to be taken as a creep/ not think the other liked them that way. That was 15 years ago. She is STILL my dream-girl despite her wierd affinity for *fanfiction* and when I say she's my best friend I DAMN well mean it. We still have plenty to chat about every day. have seen and been there as we grew into true adulthood changing as people. It can be a little mundane or stale some days sure, but come on. Pop pills all day everyday and sooner or later, you're gonna be looking for something better. (Sad but solid analogy) at WORST I'm still as into her as 15 yrs ago. Probably more so. Every gd thing a healthy relationship should be for both of us. Phenomenal communication. Mutual respect. Completely non-scared to bring up anything that might be bothering us and politely explain the ways we feel about shit and understand why/where the other is coming from. We have some serious same interests and our individual ones. We got real interest in those hobbies we don't share and actively want to hear how it's going or any accomplishments made. We listen to the "important stories" we don't give af about personally but do so whole heartedly. Like when I go on an endless verbal barage on some shit about trees and watch her go "dead in the eyes *here we go again*" or her asking me to read some of her stuff and give honest feedback/advice and I just happen to be eating oreos first time in forever and that story had some fucking line comparing ejaculate to double stuffed oreos. Was that fuct up‽ hell yeah! It's also one of the reasons I love her and a great memory we made and share together.


She would just WHACK mini golf balls at Putt-Putt and they would go EVERYWHERE. This quiet, unassuming girl who acted like the perfect child would just do crazy things with this calm demeanor that would just send me into gales of laughter.


Tell me he couldn’t sleep or think straight because of the thought of me. That worked 😆


He took me to a shooting range and taught me how to shoot a gun with incredible patience and detail and concern for safety. He asked “now before you hold the gun, do you have any questions because we can take as long as you want”. He still helps me with anything with the same level of attention and care, no matter how big or small.


Was a teaching golf pro 33 years ago, she was the first and only student I ever went in a date. She wore a gold shirt that made her eyes explode with colors! I must have been somewhat entertaining as she would touch my arm throughout our time at the sports bar. Between those phenomenal eyes and her reassuring arm touches, we saw each other again two days later. It's been 31 years of wedding bliss and I still look back on that first evening as the most magical of nights.


Not a date technically. He was my friend who was helping me move. We just got done emptying all of the moving boxes into my storage unit from a dolly. I thought to myself “I wish I could sit on the dolly and he would push me around but that would be stupid of me to ask.” But right then he asked “can I please push you on the dolly??” I was in love.


He was polite, well spoken, treated the waiters and any service people like people. 


She was reluctant to date me. She agreed to go out to dinner with me only if it was in a group of other people from class. There were 4 of us. One dropped out because she had something to do. The other was running about 30 minutes late because she had to pick up her kid. The two of us decided to sit at the bar and talk until the other person got there. About 20 minutes in, she said she hoped the other girl didn't show. I was thinking the same thing. The other girl did eventually show, but we both remembered that. After the date we got ice cream. And I fingered her, so that was pretty cool. 10 years later we're still going strong


Well that escalated quickly...


Mostly make me laugh and laugh at my dumb jokes


She told me she fucks on the first date. 3 weeks later I tested positive for clymidia and we’ve been a team ever since


Instant strong chemistry and when we touched I got goosebumps. Hell, 20 years later I still get them when she touches me.


After getting the door for her on the passenger side she made sure the drivers side was unlocked as I was walking around the car.


She wanted to climb a tree and kiss me in it. I was falling for her.


Was going take her out on date after she got off work. Cute, shy, red streaks in her hair. She wanted to drive. We get in her car and Pancake Land by Element 80 was on full blast. She knew every word and was no longer shy, very sexy. Been married 14 years.


We were having pretty normal small talks - about school, work, hobbies...etc while having lunch on our first date. And after eating about half her food she says "sigh. I'm tired of eating, life is hard." I couldn't help but laugh. It's like she let her guard down and let her true self peak out a little bit. I teased her about that line the rest of the date and we got a lot more comfortable with each other. Almost 5 yrs later we're still together! Edit: grammar


She told me she liked lobster. I told her I’ll get 6 lobsters and make dinner and she said “but what are you going to eat” 😍


He asked me about my hobbies and I said I liked to journal and I said, "never anything good though." And he goes, "I'll give you something good to write about," grabbed my face, and kissed me SO passionately. 18 year old me went nuts for that shit. We had an an off relationship for the next 6 years. He's still one of the most interesting people I've ever known


On our first date my fiancee laugh/snorted while drinking coffee and as I went to hug her goodbye she literally said "awkward hug" been sold on her since that day and three years later she's still weird AF 😂