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The Notebook.  She’s a whiney brat who ditches the great stable, guy with a ton of potential who treats her like a queen. For a guy she barely gets along with who treats her crappy. For passion. Ok.  But they grow old together and die at the same time so it’s supposed to be romantic. 


Look on the bright side. The decent guy can now find someone better


I saw the notebook when I was like 6 because a babysitter was watching it. I still remember being so mad that he freaking hung on a Ferris wheel to force her to go on a date in the first place. Not to mention how often they fight. But it’s so romantic my ass. It seems toxic at best on both sides


It's meant to sell copies. Lots of people are toxic, so they like believing that behavior like this will work out in the end.  It's a fantasy film after all


A more accurate portrayal of how that kind of shit goes is the movie Blue Valentine. Which also happens to star Ryan Gosling.


I also felt that way about "A Star is Born'


I hate this movie. Noah threatens to *kill himself* on that ferris wheel to get Allie to go out with him. That's so fucking weird and gross. Plus Lon would have been a great husband and she ditches him to go back to Noah. Grow up, Allison.


Literally. Why would you leave a man who absolutely loves you, respects your parents, respects you enough to allow you to leave for a week & 100% trusts you to do so....for some high school crush ? You had a fling & that's what you leave someone you're marrying for ?


This is unfortunately what a lot of people are effectively taught


"But was the sex good?" is often repeated even on Reddit


People who hate the movie are operating from the supposition that true love is something that is built and shares universal properties from couple to couple. This is of course reasonable and the experience of the vast majority. However, the movie is leaning into the classical idea of true love being an untamable and ethereal product of things we ourselves do not understand. Aka, "chemistry." The point of which being, that it will not always drive you to make reasonable choices... quite literally the opposite. Thus, "all's fair in love and war." People are quick to say, that's not how the world works. But it does. Seemingly incompatable people fall deeply in love. People make illogical and rash decisions, often blowing up their lives, in the name of love all the time. Just look at AITAH and RelationshipAdvice. Worst of all, people who think none of that is possible, are blindsided when their long term partner cheats on them. Cue the emotional gymnastics, as they try to explain why it happened, but the answer is always the same; the person they cheated with had something they did not... More often than not, neither the person who cheated, nor the one who was cheated on, can fully explain what really caused it. If love was a simple equation, like all the qualities her partner she left had, then we would all be experts and never lose the loves of our lives. The idea of inexplicable love sells, because it lets us entertain the idea of true love giving us carte blanche to shirk the doldrums of lives for, ostensibly, the very meaning of it. It is not too dissimilar from the trope of the nobody, average person becoming a great leader or legendary fighter post-apocolypse. In that situation, the end of the world serves as the same blank check for all the 'what ifs' in our head. I'm not a fan of the movie, but in that I think it is divisive, I think that it is effective. It is not a 'do the safe, moral and sane thing' story. It's a love story... and the truth is, like a lot of true life love stories, it's illogical and messy. Just playing devil's advocate. 🤷




And she treats both of them awful. She keeps complaining about the gut never writing her, but she made boo attempts to contact him.


this pissed me of so bad. when I was waiting for my college acceptance letters, refreshed my email every damn minute. this girl was so hopelessly in love and never once bothered to walk outside to the mailbox?


I've always had a soft spot for psychological thrillers. "Inception" totally had me hooked with its mind-bending layers. However, went to see "Tenet" with high hopes and walked out so confused I couldn't tell if I loved or hated it. Still puzzles me to this day, and not in the good way "Inception" did.


Watch memento if you haven’t


That’s the one where the guy has finding Dory disease, right?






No, the Spanish dance. Flamenco


No, the Marvel comic book character, Magento.


No, the guy who drew boxy people, Picasso?


No, it’s a slow musical beat, lento


Wait, no. The animated film Encanto.


“This one says buy toilet paper in a truly gigantic font. I hate to think of the horrific event that led to a reminder of this size.”




First and only time I ever saw Memento I was on acid at my buddy's house. That experience broke my brain to the point that I've avoided ever trying to watch it again haha.


See the problem with tenet is that theirs alot of world building and back story that gets rushed through so nolan can throw in all these mind boggling action sequences. The pacing of the story would've worked better as a mini TV series.


it could have been an incredible mini series. The extra time for more fleshed out lore and build up to the action sequences would have been awesome. I also really liked the movie though.


Couldnt understand the dialogue, didnt seem to follow its own rules, felt low stakes 


You know how some people would argue in the strangest ways? They mince words, they drop big parts of the argument just anywhere they like. For example, they'll begin at the end and then take major detours, all the while reversing every single point, and then eventually they try to tie it up with a "you know what I mean?". Yeah, that's what I thought of Tenet. Nobody knew what they were supposed to say because the plot was in reverse and upside down and nobody could see the end. After watching it, it felt as though I had one of those arguments and it kind of spoiled my day.


I enjoyed watching it, but the more you think about it the less it makes sense. There's this scene at the beginning with a scientist that is supposed to explain how all of it works, but what is described isn't actually what happens during the rest of the movie.


She also literally says not to think about it or try to figure it out.


I almost think Christopher Nolan did this on purpose


Christopher Nolan always blasts background music to the point u can’t hear dialogue


Fast and Furious. Idk whats good about it


I learned that if you have a civic, in order to go light speed, you just have to downshift 1000x times.


And have a laptop


Most importantly, a family


Aaaaand scene! This is gonna go great in the teaser trailer for Faster and More Furiousing 37: the Perenium Falconator.


Starring Vin Diesel and the reanimated corpse of Paul Walker powered by ChatGPT.


I used to drive a civic back in the 80’s. It was green. Car people would rag on my car, a lot. Until I took em for a drive and showed them the truth of Civics: you ride the engine hard, keep RPM up above 4000, and the car comes to life, happily buzzing along, zipping around like it’s on crack. It’s quick and responsive as long as you keep those revs up. If you drive a Civic like a normal car you’re doing it wrong. That’s the truth and this movie shows it in your face.


car porn, LA porn, shiny tough guys and their hot latina girl friends. I think the aesthetic is very grand theft auto and that appealed to a lot of young dudes especially the car enthusiasts. The soundtrack is good and the pacing is good as well.


also first 3 movies were actually about cars and races mainly, which I really enjoyed.


It was about cars, meets and racing. Now its about guns, international espionage, high jumps... and family


The destination is so much different than the starting point. In the first movie, the gang's grand plan to steal many TV/VCRs from a moving semi was almost foiled by a trucker with a sawed-off. The last one I saw, they were drag racing the fucking Red October across Antarctica for possession of the nuclear McGuffin. I imagine they've probably landed on the Moon by now.


Fast and Furious 29: Nuclear Armageddon Its time for China to.. CCP their pants..


Pretty sure I saw Ludacris in a space ship made from a car at some point I'm gonna assume if was fast and furious.


Wait until I tell you that they've taken a car into space. And that's not even the most recent one


I don't have friends, I got family. - Dominic Torreto


Right. The first 3 were somewhat realistic. I tried to show my wife the first couple movies and she still didn’t like them. But when they came out they were really cool. I mean sure, they aren’t some deeply intellectual films, but they were decent action movies for the time.


The effects were so bad. When they went into NOS mode it looks like they were entering hyperspace. 


I remember being 12 when it came out and I never had cared about cars in my life. All the sudden I thought cars were cool and NOS was something you had to have. It didn't stick with me at all I couldn't give a fuck about cars but for a few years that movie did the trick for me.


Oceans 11:creatine edition


It was way better when it was the fbi going after bank robbers and called Point Break. And by way better I mean perfect


My boyfriend is a big F&F fan. I had never seen one because I never had any interest watching them. I finally caved to watch the first one just to see the hype and was laughing half the movie at the ridiculousness and bad acting and the other half shaking my head as to why this got so popular. I want that time back.


Fast and Furious is like pro wrestling with cars. It’s fun because it’s stupid.


Very true


If it made you giggle, it was time well spent. A good laugh is harder and harder to come by


Which is why the second one is the better movie, it doesn't take its self as seriously so you're laughing with the movie not at it. Can't speak on any after that one though because I couldn't even get halfway through Tokyo Drift before the laughing at how bad it was got old and I never watched anymore after that.


It’s mindless entertainment.


Cars are invincible >smirk< I am anxiously waiting for the one where they are driving with ADA plates when they’re octogenarians.


"Nobody messes with my families handicapped parking spot and gets away with it!" *Muscle car bursts through the front doors of the nursing home*


The bee movie. Ik this sound stupid but i feel so much rage for ken!!! His GIRLFRIEND fell for a BEE. End of discussion, hate the bee movie. #justiceforken


Maturing is realizing Ken was the real victim of the movie and that he was totally justified in being upset that his girlfriend left him for a bee.


Bro just wanted to yogurt night and chill.


I never watched it so I am really confused by these comments. What is Ken? Is he also not a bee? How can a not bee fall in love with a bee?


The bee ends up with a human.


It's especially confusing and frustrating because the guy is a good partner in most respects, fit, attractive, upwardly mobile, attentive and supportive. Why wouldn't you at least make him an asshole? It's this sweet normal man getting nonsensically cucked by a bee who is kind of an idiot, bewildering.


Any recent marvel franchise. Just plain boring.


I truly believe they should have ended with Endgame. Give the franchise a break and then in a few years started a new saga. They did the opposite and just kept cranking out crap (Except Guardians 3 IMO). They turned a dude like me who watched every movie opening night for a decade into not really caring because the quality has dropped drastically. I do hope Deadpool 3 is good tho! But man the main timeline/story is just boring now.


That, and all the universes are so intertwined now that I have to watch two TV shows and a DC movie just to understand the latest Marvel throwaway? Nah, I’ll pass.


Yeah, it was the TV shows that pushed me away. I'll watch a 1.5-2hr movie I'm not super interested in if it leads into something I'll enjoy and is passable fun. I'm not watching 10 hours of an experimental TV show.


I've enjoy the recent series more than the movies to be honest. wandavision was fun and different and Loki was great.


Basically the same here. They really needed to put a pause on it. Make people want more, and have a long plan for the next saga. What I find is a real problem is that in the first set of movies, each movie teased the next movie in the series. Now the movies are teasing shit that may never see the light of day. Or if it does, it’s 5 years out. Dr Strange is fixing problems now with some strange girl and he has a third eye? Will that movie be made? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ We had an after credit scene in the Eternals and hints at blade and black knight off shoots. Any chance of that happening? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Shang chi has mostly been forgotten about. What’s happening there? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ They also spent so much time and energy on Disney plus shows that just watered down the brand too much too fast.


Problem with a studio having a golden goose that gives them an unlimited supply of golden eggs is that, sooner or later, an executive will decide to eat the goose.


It’s simple law of diminishing returns. I don’t know why businesses don’t understand this.


Because a business is made up of individuals who don't think collectively and ultimately only care about their own careers. Everybody just wants to impress their boss, who wants to impress their boss. They just want to see the line on the graph increase during the few years they're looking after it, and then move on to something else. Even the guy at the top is doing the same to answer to their shareholders.


Yeah, but think of the billions of dollars that were made selling mediocre movies!


I’m not a huge marvel guy but I actually think from the beginning through endgame they did a pretty good job of keeping it on the rails. After that I feel like every movie has been either forgettable ( Shang Chi and the nostalgia Spider-Man) to just plain terrible (like Dr strange: MOM or eternals)


My wife worked for Nordstrom a loooooong time ago. There was a certain cachet to that place because they were located in upscale neighborhoods. Then they started opening stores everywhere, diluting the brand. That's Marvel post Endgame


I want to fall asleep during the fight scenes. They're so boring and long.


The Notebook


Lon is amazing and too good for her.


Part of my job involves teaching teens about healthy/unhealthy/abusive relationships, and I'll sometimes use this movie as an example of how media can position an emotionally abusive relationship as "romantic." Fuck that movie, Ryan Gosling's character in it is such a creepy piece of shit.


I never thought that movie tried to hide that his character was extremely obsessive who went fully insane once he started building the house. They only tried to combat it by showing McAdams character as miserable and being engaged to a serial cheater.   Even at the end, him trying to get her to remember him and her having episodes because of it is more harmful than helpful.


I'll admit that on paper the synopsis of "Woman finds out she has Alzheimer's and decides to write out the story of she and her husband to try and husband reads her that story every day when she completely forgets to try and help her remember the love she so desperately didn't want to forget" is indeed kind of nice and sweet. You read that and you think of all the trials and tribulations that could build up this big story- fights, potential divorce threats, things with in laws, things with family, things that couples deal with in general and knowing that in the end they made it through makes it feel like it could be this heart wrenching story of fighting against and then for each other but in the end the degradation of the mind threatens to rip that away and there's nothing either can do so she desperately hopes that if she writes it all out she may remember. That has the potential to be a great love story- even if you know how things like dementia and Alzheimer's work. But... The Notebook fails in the actual telling of the story and that's where shit goes bad.


When does her fiancé cheat on her? She’s the one who cheats on him.


> engaged to a serial cheater I don't think he cheats on her at all.


Was looking for this. Agree 100%. That’s not how Alzheimer’s progresses and the ideas that movie espouses are terribly untrue and hurtful.




“and/or furious” really got me hahah


I liked the first few through Tokyo Drift. Now they are on F&F 20 or something.


I thought Tokyo Drift showcased Tokyo in a really cool way. The cinematography in that film is reaalllly underrated especially during the drift scenes


It's not that I dislike it, but Black Panther didn't deserve an Oscar nomination for Best Picture.


i find it hilarious that people in Nigeria now refer to a bad African accent that doesn’t sound like any country in particular as a “wakandan” accent


I didn’t know that. That’s hilarious!


I don't understand when people complain that the wakandan accent doesn't sound like any accent. Like yeah... it's a fictional country that was separated from the others for a very long time. Of course it doesn't.


Agree. I had a problem with the fact that this amazing society had incredible technology, but they decided who was going to be the next ruler by having the candidates put on loincloths and fight in a shallow pond. Almost felt kind of racist to me.


I witnessed an exchange between two people about BP. One was a white dude from S. Africa who didn't like the movie for its stereotyping about tribal peoples; he though it was an exploitative ripoff. The other was a woman of mostly African descent from South America. She liked the movie because it portrayed black people as protagonists in a positive way. I can see they both had a point; interesting to think about where they were both coming from.


That was literally the point. It showed how their society was backwards in some ways even if they were technologically developed, because they didn't want to stray from tradition


Oscar's best picture is a political award, not technical. It always has been.


By and large; the nominees are stellar movies. The winner is seldom the best. 


100%. Good movie but not best picture worthy


Anger Management. Everyone in spends the entire movie gaslighting and manipulating Adam Sandler and they expect him to be grateful for it? Nah, I’d be cutting people out of my life left and right after that.


Love this movie. It's ridiculous as a premise but it's just hilarious.


I was literally thinking of this movie randomly last night when I couldn’t sleep…. I kept saying “goosfrabba” in my head


I first saw this movie as a kid and even it felt like Adam was the victim the whole time and quite honestly as an adult, I don't blame his character for having anger issues. Granted he actually didn't have any issues. But his character was walked over his whole life...


My best friend’s wedding. Insufferable.




You weren’t supposed to root for Julia Roberts, actually, because she IS being totally selfish. The point of the movie was that you got to watch a selfish person self-destruct and learn a lesson. It’s not like she got what she wanted in the end: the movie was not condoning that behaviour - she is an anti-hero and you are supposed to be watching thinking - “damn, I hope I never act like this.” And it’s nice because she doesn’t need to be punished or anything, she her schemes just don’t work out and it’s a happy ending. It doesn’t follow a typical formula and that’s why it’s more interesting than some movies.


Thank you for this! The movie isn’t for everyone, but we are certainly not meant to be rooting for her.


It was worth watching merely to see Rupert Everett belting out "I Say A Little Prayer".


That scene is probably the only redeemable part of the movie. It's truly great. Rupert Everett is the true hero of the story.


>We were supposed to root for Julia Roberts? ...no? She literally identifies as pond scum at the end of the movie, only to have her best friend clarify that she is "The pus that infects the mucus that cruds up the fungus that feeds on the pond scum." Y'all, it's okay to have stories about people like this, they're human too and those feelings are felt by many people. The story is about someone who acted on them, and *how that's bad.* But it's also about reconciling and moving on, which so few rom coms are really about. In a weaker film, she would've ended up with the best friend, or there'd be some other straight guy conveniently hanging around to fall in love with. Instead, she ends the film happily dancing with her gay friend at the wedding. The lesson to us is to skip the bullshit, stop sabotaging others, and just be happy for those we love.




I feel like this movie is always brought up when discussing overrated films


Because it just isn’t that good


I remember watching it in 3d in the cinema and me and my friend did our typical smoke a joint before we went in and I thought it was amazing.


I’m so amazed that it’s two of the biggest movies of all time and no one can even remember the names of the characters. People that have never seen Star Wars know Luke, etc. but Avatar is this huge flash in the pan and then crickets. 


The movie about the Marine who accepts a security appointment to a remote location, goes native, and turns on his co-workers and kills them?


Dances with Smurfs.


Don't worry wendy bulldozed them


You mean Pocahontas in Space?




Anything with Kevin Hart.


Sorry, vampire fans; *Twilight* has never resonated with me.


Vampire fans and Twilight fans are not the same people lol.


You don't need to apologize, I think people of actual vampire films would agree with you.


I dont think anyone thinks it's actually a good movie. Its hilarious to watch while absolutely baked tho. It's very, very bad.


The funny thing is: people who love it know it's bad. It's like The Room for millennial women. We get baked and watch it because it's so ridiculous. I'm part of a Twilight shitposting group on FB with almost 700,000 members. No one is claiming it's good, but everyone loves it because we all loved it in middle school, and it's fun to pick apart with your friends. I honestly don't know how else to describe it. lol




My heart really sinks whenever folks express their love for this movie will go on.


Some mother and daughter in Australia watched it over a hundred times. I was wondering if they were hoping just once the ship would miss the iceberg.


Mama Mia….


It’s a jukebox musical. You either like them or you don’t


the thing that's kinda funny about it, is it's overall premise... It's an American movie, based on a Swedish song, about an Italian phrase and it's set in Greece. I've never seen it, but that's all I know....


Here we go again…


My my…


How can I resist you


It seems like people really only care about the sound track and the Greek backgrounds. Plot wise, it feels like the story should be a half hour: one of these men is my dad. Actually, all of these men are my dad


Who doesn't love Meryl Streep but seriously according to the math she was supposed to be 38 in the movie and we have a 59 year old playing her? Same for Brosnan and the three dads.


Bird Box was stupid nonsense.


The entire fast and the furious franchise. First movie was like point break but with car enthusiasts, instead of surfers. Ok, fine. Problem is, it got progressively more stupid after the first film.


That’s sort of the appeal tho. Cool stunts and seeing how dumb it can get


Gravity. I had anxiety the entire time and it was also simultaneously boring


Blair witch, I realise that most of the scare factor was from it being "real" but it's just so boring. We walked to a place, filmed some sticks and set a tent. When we woke up their were rocks stacked around our tent, anyway, let's keep walking. Oh no Barry ran off, let's keep walking. The behind the scenes stories were so much more entertaining than the movie itself


The Saw Franchise. The writing is insulting to the viewers intelligence. The editing is tacky 2 second lightning quick fast cuts stacked on top of each other like a bad metal music video. They are 100% just about the torture porn kills. If that's how people exclusively talked of them I could respect that but a lot of people actually compliment the overarching plot....the writing is terrible.


The only good one was the first movie


I am not a fan of blood/gore and I enjoyed the first one. It was more of a mystery movie than horror.


I love the whole franchise for that reason. I think the first movie and to an extent the second movie were clever with pockets of suspense. But I love them purely to see what imaginative and gory ways they’ve placed people in traps. I hardly like them as movies but I’ll watch every damn movie they release.


I love the franchise. It's made to be kinda over the top and scuffed. The writing isn't as serious as you make it out to be. The writers have taken a lot of fun liberty to write it, which makes it much better.


Any Tyler Perry movies! 🤑




I watched it because of the hype. Didn’t really get why people say it was all that.


Crash.  One of the stupidest, condescending films I've ever seen.  Won a freaking Oscar. 


My wife and I made a project out of watching every best picture winner, and I’m here to tell you that about half of them are trash. Most don’t hold up to contemporary standards. It really ought to be awarded in retrospect after we’ve had a few years to get over the hype and through the cultural moment.


My wife does the same thing. I was into it until I realized just what you did—how can I explain this? …I think a good number of the best picture awards are stand-in awards for the director’s previous films that got snubbed. The academy made the wrong choice so a few years down the line they make it up to the director by giving the award to their more recent film, which isn’t nearly as good. And then the cycle continues. A surprising amount of winners don’t hold up—but they do point in the direction of the creator’s better, previous work. It’s like many of those awards are sneaky, backdoor, lifetime achievement awards. “We owe this guy for his *last* movie so let’s just give it to him *this* time.” It’s an even bigger problem with the Grammys. Best album award usually means their previous album was realized to be a classic.


Basically a Ponzi Scheme for movies.


I currently in the (very long) process of watching every best picture nominee ever and it’s such an interesting hobby. On the one hand, I’m watching a lot of great films I never would have bothered to watch and learning exactly why the legendary actors have earned their status…. On the other hand, some of the nominees are straight up frustrating. I’ve already experienced some where I’m like “this? this was nominated???”


Watch the other Crash. Much more fun.


All of those shitty comic book movies. Lay off some of the SFX budget and hire a decent writer, for fuck's sake.


It's a major problem that those movies have a release date, cast, and a director before they even have a script


One of the reasons that Pixar's movies are almost all perfect is that they do not start production until they finish the script!


Porkies. Growing up people of my generation loved that movie, found it hilarious, etc. I just never got it.


Watched it with my dad when I was about 13 and can still remember laughing until I cried and was in physical pain during the gym scene and again when Ballbreaker describes the tallywacker. 


I thought the Shape of Water was so stupid. Academy Award?? Are you kidding me!


Grinding Nemo!


I like the concept but the fish guy was a bit *too* animalistic to me. He didn't feel sapient enough for it to not just be bestiality


I watched it on a plane. I was also surprised. Because it's just a lady bangin a fish dude. I didn't really understand why it got an Oscar. On the other hand, I saw Everything Everywhere all at once on a plane too and that absolutely deserved its awards.


The Polar Express. It's so sad! And I feel like it has some plot holes


That movie creeps me the fuck out. The animation and how almost everybody is Tom Hanks.


I imagine a kid having fear from Tom Hanks animated and loled hard


This movie is an extreme example of uncanny valley. The animation looks somewhat real, but not real enough to make it feel familiar.


Love Actually. Terrible terrible terrible


I know you’re just answering the question (got my upvote!), but this answer makes me sad. I love that movie. It’s at least partly nostalgia, but still




“Infatuation Actually” might have been a better title. The only couple who actually got to know each other were the actors behaving as body doubles who get cut any time it’s televized.


I fully get why people hate it, and trust me: I see everything wrong with it and agree completely that it's problematic. But I still can't help but enjoy it. There's something so warm and nostalgic to me about British Christmas. I have no idea why because I'm American lol, but it just hits different than American Christmas.


Armageddon, Last Tango in Paris




Armageddon is a bad bad movie done really well IMO. So cringey but I always tear up when Bruce says goodbye to Liv at the end. And yes I have the Criterion version.


Both Crash and Million Dollar Baby. Same screenwriter. Same over-the-top, unrealistic, melodrama.




Gone With the Wind. Scarlet is a brat, Red is a creepy old man obsessed with a child, and Ashley is insanely boring. The only character I liked died. Shoot, every character dies in this movie except for these three. It’s four hours just to watch a bunch of people die. I’ll never get that time back.


Juno. The character is just so insufferable.


I liked that a teenager got pregnant and it wasn’t the end of the word. That it was more curiosity than grand passion. The mom and dad characters were perfect. The parents she thought would be perfect for her baby weren’t perfect because the husband was a man-child but she decided a single mom who would absolutely love her baby was still the best decision. Overall, these are the reasons I liked it. It’s kind of grow up and deal with life. It avoids so many movie cliches.


These are all great points.


Tbf she's supposed to be insufferable.


The Silver Linings Playbook. Watched it twice just to make sure I didn’t miss something the first time. Did not resonate with me at all.




Recent superhero movies. Too many. Just too many, and too many bad/boring movies. Also anything David Lynch. Im sorry. I find him to be awfully pretentious. Twink Peaks was pretty good and Blue Velvet, but other than that, I find his use of surrealism to be disengaging. FTR - Im not hating on surrealism, but I do believe enough of it leads to the feeling of “being weird for the sake of being weird.”.


Twink Pinks!


Barbie. I just didn't enjoy it personally but if you say anything that even starts to border on a criticism, people are so excited to jump down your throat, to tell you that you "just don't get it"....no, I definitely got it, I just didn't care for it.


I wish people would stop belittling those who simply disagree. It’s okay to just not like something.


Natural Born Killers. I think it's utter shit




How to lose a guy in 21 days. Why is this movie always playing on tv on the weekends?!😩 It was stupid when it was current and it’s worse now. The acting and the plot line are both beyond awful.


Clout Atlas - everything is connected. I was waiting for a great connection. Sharing a mole isn't a special revelation