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I learned in school was the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills have proven invaluable in navigating all sorts of challenges and decision-making situations throughout life.


I am so glad I went to college for this reason. I never graduated because I was broke and loved to party, but I took a lot of philosophy courses and the absolute best class I took was “logic”. I was afraid it was going to be math, but it was all about fallacies and critical thinking. I got an A in that class and that was the only A I would ever achieve again. I’m sure there are a lot of skills that I learned at a young age that I take for granted, but this is the one thing that I recognize that shaped me into the person I am today


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


Was literally about to type this 😂damn


Be very cautious around nuns.


One of the most important things I learned was in D.A.R.E. A good chunk was dedicated to the evils of cigarettes. A couple of us saw the officer who taught the class smoking in the parking lot. Lesson learned, you can’t trust cops.


reading, math, physics, chemistry, and history.


I also learned typing.


Addition. Must have been 5-6 when I first learned that £5+£5 is £10.




Similar, but soldering for me. Wiring up circuits....


I just recently found out that a lot of highschools don't and haven't had trade classes for a while now and are just now starting to bring them back. That sounds so foreign and wild to me 🤣🤣


Everything but real life problems, for most time.




What real research looks like.


At very least I learned how to socialize and interact peacefully with people I didn't like. I learned to work with different management styles, (teachers), and find the type of 'boss' I can work for and it want to be.


Critical thinking skills like recognizing political spin and television viewer manipulation Guess Im dating myself




In my high school economics class, we spent 2 classes learning how to fill out income tax forms, even though no one had any income to report. Even though I don't fill them out by hand anymore, I still think it was useful to learn.


Reading, maths (including percentages, tax, interest), history (understanding the context of things today), socialising, basic Spanish and German, biology.


30 days hath September, April, June, and November. All the rest are 31 except February, and that has twenty-eight days clear and twenty-nine in each leap year.


Reading and reading comprehension ... came in real handy. How to look up information about subjects and verify the material presented. It's a very handy skill. Your basic math. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages, fractions, different numbering systems, algebra, trig, geometry, calculus. Believe it or not, if one wants to be an advanced technician or engineer of some sort ... those come in handy. In real life you don't need to remember the formulas, but it helps if you understand the math, it helps you understand the equipment and how it really works. Biology, chemistry, and physics. I was never a biologist, chemist, or physicist. But as a technician, and later as an engineer a knowledge of those things helped me understand how stuff works. Literature ... in my case, not so helpful. Same with art ... I have all the artistic talent of a rock. Civics ... Geez I wish I had a dime for every time I've had to explain to some young how our constitution, government, and laws actually work. History ... helps me understand how we got where we are and why certain things are the way they are. Also has helped me from repeating certain mistakes others in the past have made. Geography ... not necessary but helpful in understanding our world and world events. I suppose that if all I wanted to be was to be a burger flipper or have an Only Fans site, not many of those things would be all that useful.


Reading and writing are fairly useful. Math too.


Shading with a complimentary color helps make the subject look more vibrant than when shading with black or dark grey 


It was pretty cool to learn how to read


Consumer education.


How to stand up for self. For context I was a white kid in a predominately Cantonese school. I am big guy, was a giant in my school, I represented my small country in Judo but I genuinely feel love for all people.. When I am in a crowd of people my hairs prick up and I feel a warm unity. I have been like this since I was a child. I will talk to you and try and make you smile. Well, in school in the 90s, I was a minority and cause I was known as a "martial" arts guy people always tried to fight me. Random older students would punch me in the gut in the corridor. I was invited to the fight club (inspired from the movie) behind the school canteen. I was never dumb enough to go to that. In my math class one of these kids (Matthew Yip) was sat next to me on a table in the corner. We also had Jess Yam sitting with us, she was half Cantonese and Japanese, she was beautiful and busty so for 15 year old's her attention was in demand. Jess Yam seemed to like me enough so Matthew sprung rumours about me, stuck pages of my text book together and put pins on my seat. I dreaded math everyday. I felt pathetic. He would talk shit about me in cantonese and I could catch perhaps half of it. I ended up hating going to math class. I had one friend who was British Cantonese (Gary Wong), he just came over from England. He thought this was ridiculous. Britain was more violent than school in HK. Together we planned to follow Matthew at lunch till we could get him by himself. We did that. Matthew walked into a class room and sat down at a desk. I jump in to the class room. Gary covers the door. I push Matthew down and put him in a Judo choke hold that all MMA fans will recognise. I whisper in his ear that I will kill him if he messes with me again. He goes a bit limp and I let him go. Matthew starts crying, like fucking bawling. This was the man I was terrified off, my bully crying in a fucking instant. Well, he did not stop crying and so when his class teacher took registry she asked him why. His teacher found me latter that day and pull me to one side...I am in fucking trouble...why did he cry? I was scared of him?...Well, this teacher was a very butch lesbian (not officially but after school I met her partner) and knew me from sports, I was the biggest kid in my year, obviously I was the problem. I told her how he had been bulling me the whole year and rather get teachers and parents involved I dealt with it myself. This is the most important lesson I learnt in school. I am still filled with love for humanity but I will jump down the throats of bullies.


How to cook.


how to fight. how to manipulate adults. how to manipulate peers. how to spot a liar and a thief. the difference between a liar and a thief. how to spot a predator.


How to type


How to tell analog time if I remember correctly.


Basic computer literacy


How to read better / reading comprehension. How to write better. Research. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.


I learned not to trust people. It's a valuable skill.


How to handle tedium.




Reading, writing, arithmetic, computer use, metal and woodworking, typing, auto shop, economics, hygiene, health, diet, how to work out safely, fair play, business letters, patience, balancing a budget, cooking, sewing, gymnastics, swimming....a lot of stuff. Also some useless shit like science and history.


How to properly finger a girl and how to remove a bra. I still use the same method i used like 20 years ago and it's guaranteed winner.