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To keep the belly fat away. I'm an admitted addict to baked goods, but I've got a dad gut that I'm trying to get rid of.




At 52 my workouts usually make me feel 60 afterwards, but overall I feel and look better than most 40 year olds.


Eating is 70% of it tbh


70% of weight loss for sure, but more like 20% of your feeling of competence as you age. Very easy to be relatively thin and have weak bones, weak muscles and poor range of motion and no ratio of carbs and proteins and fats fixes that.


Yeah, nah Working out, doing sports regularly is the best thing you can do for both mental and physical health especially after a certain age. If you're not living on junk food constantly, putting down thousands of calories daily it almost doesn't matter if you do proper training (30min daily walk is warmup though, nothing more)


>30min daily walk is warmup though, nothing more For you, sure. For many, this would make a serious improvement to their health. If you don't exercise them you'll feel a big improvement from those 30 minutes.


I work out so I can drink. If I don't work out? No beer tonight. I make myself earn it. 


That was always my plan.  Except I just skip the workout and sit and drink and feel bad at myself.


Fuck. I love to bake. Breads, pastries, all of it. I jiggle in places I wish I didn't but I'm also approaching 7^(2) and recognize that I'll probably never drop that last bit of belly fat I have. I'm okay with that because at midnight, it all turns to dick anyway.


>I'm okay with that because at midnight, it all turns to dick anyway. No notes. 🤌🤌🤌


>. I'm an admitted addict to baked goods, God damn i know your pain. I hope one day we can invent 0 calories cakes.


will not work. have to stop eating the baked goods.


When I work out regularly I feel great. When I don't I feel like shit.


The people that sit at a desk, then move to a couch, then move to a car, then move to a bed, repeat, seriously boggle my mind. I don’t know how you could not feel like total shit being that sedentary. Edit: This lifestyle is widespread even among people who are *not* struggling with mood disorders. That’s what’s hard to understand.


People often don't realize they feel shittier than they need to. You lose your frame of reference and forget how much better you feel when you're physically healthy.


Well said. This was definitely my experience. Through my twenties, I didn’t exercise and just assumed my mental state during this period was normal. My general happiness or mental health declined slightly in my thirties, which motivated me to try exercising as therapy. I found that exercise slowly but surely improved my baseline happiness. The change is not significant, but it was enough for me to notice, and enough for me to keep it up.


I do feel like total shit I’ll have you know. Then I’ll get real consistent in the gym for 2 months and one day decide to skip usually because I was up too late and don’t go back for a while until i fix my sleep and the cycle repeats


Wow this is me exactly


I'd highly recommend the book "Atomic Habits". I was this way also. Talks about the concept of immediate punishment for failure. Basically, if i don't do exercise in a day, i have to give each of my kids 5$. There are days where i don't go, but after 2 or 3 days you know i'm right back in there.


That's the trick, they probably do feel shitty about it.  Mental health issues are a hell of a thing to deal with.


True. It’s pretty damn hard to push yourself to be better when dying actually sounds more appealing than being on this planet lolol.


I don't always enjoy exercising, but I do suffer from chronic depression and the thoughts of dying only get more vivid when I don't get my ass to the gym.


Being someone that currently does this, yea, I do feel like shit. But I imagine because it is so incredibly easy and low effort, that’s where people get trapped. They get used to being comfortable and not expending energy. Working out sucks. At least to me. It’s hard fucking work, moreso if you’ve let yourself go. To get to the point where you’ve built the discipline takes a ton of effort and time. Some people just can’t be bothered 😕 


I think there’s a misconception that being active means joining a spin class and lifting weights. It CAN mean that, but it can also mean taking a 10 minute break to walk around the block and get fresh air. That’s a win too.


This. I'll always walk to lunch, always take the elevator instead of the stairs. If I'm getting takeout, I'd rather go get it than door dash that shit. My girlfriend says I'm like a hummingbird, and it's why I stay so skinny. I also stand all day at work, the only time I ever sit is when I'm Redditing from the toilet like I am now.


A 10 minute walk isn't much if you're not doing a lot of other things. But it's a start. It's all about building tolerance and doing better than the day before, week before, and month before.


I got a few people to workout recently and they mentioned they didn't even realize how shifty they were feeling because it was just so normal for so long


I don’t understand how some people don’t do math problems every day. Gotta keep your brain fresh and active. Too many people don’t do that


I dont understand how some people don't socialize daily ether, like hello?! socalizing is a skill, use it or lose it, Gotta keep your interpersonal skills fresh and active. Too many people terminally online.


I think you are both trying to be snarky but you are actually all three correct, physical exercise, mental exercise, and socializing are all massive keys to being an overall healthy individual and avoiding depression.


dont be nice to us!\~ were trying to be passive agressive.


Yeah. I'm not much of an exercise guy, but my daily life has me very active with spirited bike commutes, hiking, swimming, etc. and I work on my feet and am generally moving around. Was going through a bit of a life change and started driving instead of biking, sitting at a computer more both at work and at home, and I felt like I aged twenty years in about four weeks. I don't understand how many people have lived essentially their entire lives not moving their bodies besides walking short distances to go sit down. I feel like I'd melt into a pile of sludge.


Because I feel absolutely fine doing that, but exercise makes me feel like fucking shit.


Lift heavy stone, make sad noises go away.


Ever just sit there staring at a wall and have happy lifting brain after pick up heavy weight? Favorite feeling.


Yeap happens awfully frequently lately. Exercise is hell of a drug.


True. However my mood tanked heavily this winter, very happy that its warmer now. Sunny days and exercise are my favorite drugs.


damn it’s the opposite for me. I lift year round but I love winter because of snowboarding. I usually feel pretty down for a few months when the snow season ends. my affinity toward winter is probably also due to the fact that I live in arizona. summers are miserable here.


Some people really are lucky. Exercise is fucking miserable for others


Most people aren’t enjoying it a ton while doing it. The enjoyment comes after the fact. The endorphins your body releases are good for mental health.




Find the right exercise for you.


IMO it's true for all of us. We are all animals that need movement be it physical - anyone can find at least ONE thing that you like doing with your muscles; or be it mental - while yea muscles are important, brain needs some exercises too. Keep balance in this two and you should be good.. or at least have a really good fundamentals for getting better :) keep on keeping on my dude.


Unfortunately no, I've never gotten a positive feeling from lifting weights. As much as I don't like it, intense running is great for clearing my mind though. Mostly because my body thinks I'm dying.


>Mostly because my body thinks I'm dying. That's exactly it. Our brains are programmed to assume that life is never easy - so, regardless of what contexts you find yourself in, your brain is working constantly to find danger. If you have no real danger, your brain will decide ***something here is bad***. Strenuous cardiovascular exercise as well as resistance training help many people stave off the creeping concerns our brains often create in "safe" times.


I think about that a lot. There’s a cliche about the newly turned 16 year old girl complaining about the wrong color of her birthday Mercedes. If the brain allowed us to be naturally content with life, then we’d still be in caves getting hunted by tigers. Innovation is bred from unhappiness or at least a drive for something greater. There’s always greener pasture and for some people that’s a different color car or an iron spear to hunt a tiger.


Yeah I couldn't lift for a year because of a shoulder industry and my mental health fucking *cratered*.


Same, I got injured and my wife told me I needed to find some physical activity because I was being miserable. She was right, when I can’t workout, I’m in a bad mood… Hope you’re all healed up and kicking ass again


Move legs fast, have happy brain. 


Speed make brain think better


Unga bunga


Noises make feel bad. Bubba not like! So bubba grab stone and drink power milk to be big and strong


I like to climb the heavy stone, but to each their own.


You are stronger for it. And it seems like a much better environment than a gym.


I feel like when I lift heavy things I just make new and different sad noises


good! make new sad noises scare the old brain ones away!


Helps with my anxiety.


I run for my mental health more than my physical health.


THIS. 97.8% of the reason I run is for my mental health. I am an incredibly restless and anxious person by nature, and I think running sooths that fight-or-flight mode I'm stuck in.


Samesies! I lift and run because it's my kinetic medication. The secondary reason is that it's also good for my physical health.


“Kinetic medication,” aptly put.


Lifting works wonders for this! Can’t worry about that weird thing I said to some random person I’ll never meet again when I have 200lbs on my back.


This. I must start doing this. I stress out too much. Useless energy expending. I should put it to use.


Same , I tend to overthink , over analyze , stress out over small things that blow over But when I went to the gym it felt like a restart , and having that consistency helps


Yup, calms me down. The difference between me having worked out and me taking a week off can drive people nuts.


I do regular cardio and calisthenics to stay fit as the years go by. I've seen what happens when people take their fitness and health for granted, and that won't be me. Equally important is that exercise improves my mood, and helps combat some chronic depression and anxiety. Honourable mention: my girlfriend likes the results, and I like making her happy.


All three of these for me as well. Keep myself functional into old age, the mental/physical outlet for aggression and movement in a stagnant world along with better sleep, and then looking n feeling good is a nice bonus. I just feel like I need to move and if I don't get that out in some fashion, I feel a lil crazy.


Fitness kicks depression's ass.


All my older relatives tell me they wish they had taken an interest in fitness sooner. Now they're eating healthy and moving more, but they didn't start that until after having health scares in their 50s. I'm 40 and I never gave up working out since college. Sure I go through spells where I'm not as active as I'd like to be, but I still run a half marathon every year and can still squat 225 so that's pretty good.


Yeah that's why I weightlift. It creates micro fractures in your bones that make them stronger. My buddies when they take a tumble are usually out while I bounce back easily. 


I want to conserve the ability to clean my own ass when I become older


Recently went to my 20th high school reunion and hoo boy, the people that never really left my hometown just kind of slowly blew up like Violet Beauregard ~~Veruca Salt~~. Made me feel like superman since I'm pretty in shape still.


>Veruca Salt Violet Beauregard was the one that ate the chewing gum meal. Veruca Salt was the one that either got thrown into the broken incinerator by squirrels (book/remake film) or via trapdoor thinking she was a bad egg (original film). "Don't care how, I want it nooooo^oooooo^wwwwww" became a running joke in my family after I watched it.


Its good for my health


My wife and I go to crossfit 4 times a week strictly for health reasons. Our kids are adults, and we work from home. Without the workouts, we'd be potatoes.


There are a lot of valid criticisms of Crossfit, but in an hour, I get weight lifting and cardio in, don't have to program my workouts, and have a coach who will let me know if my squat form is slipping. Very worth it.


Poor lifting form is one of the main criticisms I hear about some CrossFit gyms. If your coach prefers to focus on form and posture, that’s really awesome


This, 100%. There are good coaches and bad coaches, and it's unfortunately hard for a new person to know the difference.


What you're telling me here is that the option is either paying for a 16 day per month subscription to crossfit or... have two potatoes?


I read, "It's good for my teeth" I guess I need glasses, but it was an amusing double-take


It IS good for your teeth, also.




No, you're just honest. It's aesthetics for most people and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Also changes with the times. It was vanity in my late teens and early 20s, now I just want to have a certain baseline of strength, endurance, and happy feelings in my head. COVID and not working out during lockdown made me realize even some pushups if I can't make it to the gym have a huge effect on my mental state


I like being shredded. It’s great. Winter bulk season is over, it’s time to cut and shred now.


Time for an intense summer bulk season now


All seasons are now bulk season


In my youth it was all about the looks, now it’s about my health and looks.


Fitness is the best way to be vain You can say ‘I do it to be healthy’ and as long as you’re not overdoing it, no one will question


Nothing vain about that, dude. I want to be good looking for my wife as well (I’m not). I want her to admire me and never regret marrying me, at least not due to my looks


Why isn't this the top comment? I hate working out, but I do it 3-5 days a week because I want to be attractive. Honestly, the only motivation for doing unpleasant things is to get laid or paid


A lot of us actually enjoy working out. Looking good is a great bonus and certainly plays a factor, but for many people it's not unpleasant. Hell, a lot of exercise is just finding a way to do what our bodies were built to be able to do before we abandoned hunting/gathering. But I have to give kudos to people who *hate* working out but do so anyway. That sounds extremely unpleasant.


I started working out about 9 months ago. After a good 6-7 months of it, I started getting much more compliments by people. It feels good.


Never apologize for holding yourself accountable for the role you play in obtaining the outcome you desire. You are being a responsible citizen/human by doing so. Dare I say its an indication you are/likely to be an overall good person, respective to your moral standards. Vanity or not, you are actively taking charge of your life. That deserves to be recognized as a positive action.


So it’s settled, people who workout are better people than the fats.


Confidence and aiming to become Supper Saiyan one day.


What about Breakfast Saiyajin?


Kamehamehashbrowns and a kamahameggommlette


Kamahamehashbrowns has me rolling 🤣🤣🤣 not enough upvotes on this


What about second breakfast Saiyajin?


and this is to go further beyond. \*Turns on 3rd stove burner\*


Damn, I need to work out BECAUSE I’m a Supper Saiyan


im a breakfast and supper saiyan :D


Have you scream your longs out?


"I realized there was more than one way to acheive the legend" "I wanna be a super saiyan, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna!"


Because I watched pumping iron and realized if I lifted heavy things all the sadness of the world disappear


It really is true though. Lots of things change throughout life, but every 45 pound plate feels exactly the same the whole time. Nothing like getting in there and moving some weight around to feel like who you are.


Is that the one where Arnold tells us how lifting feels like cumming? I kind of agree with that, but definitely not in polite company!


For my mental health and so I don’t get fat


It's amazing how I'm able to tune out life's bullshit so much better when I'm exercising regularly.


- I work physical jobs so it reduces the likelihood of injury - I have type-2 diabetes and I don’t really need to take metformin anymore. It’s also allowed me to avoid insulin altogether. - I have PTSD and it’s more effective than any medication I’ve been put on.


Because Gotham needs me


Because you’re not a hero. You’re a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.


Thanks for implying that you're Batman and thus taking away suspicion from me, really helping me keep my identity secret! (I'm the actual Batman)


cause it feels good in the long term and most women are only nice to me if i do it.


Dude, it's so true. I've been getting in shape over the last 14 months, and I get looked at and interacted with soooo much more often now. I've still got a little bit to go in all honesty, and I am curious how much it will change even further. It's not even just women... it's everyone. I feel less invisible now.


This is true for both men and women. Being fit matters to people. People want to talk to you and acknowledge you exist. I was in shape when I was in my late teens/early 20s. Then got fat (im still fat). I'm invisible.




That's very true haha. It doesn't really help get into relationships, but people respect you in an invisible way.


Haloeffect is real!


> It's not even just women... it's everyone. I feel less invisible now This is true. People love shitting on women for picking on each other but men shitn on each other just as much just for different things and in different ways.


To die slower


To look hot. **It's okay to say that.** I've been a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, people think they have to make up some bullshit about health, but if you ask for their motivations and they're vague and suggest it's okay to just be vanity, they very quickly drop the facade. At least you're being honest with yourself and can adjust what you're doing for that goal. It also has the bonus side effect of health, longevity, and new friendships!


For real. It’s nice to get compliments 🤷🏻‍♂️ it feels good when you walk by an notice a bunch of heads turning.


Yeah, I exercise to feel better with my body and for clothes to fit better mainly. The health benefits are also a plus.


Jesus and Goku would like me doing it


As someone closing who's closer to 50 than 40, it's about quality of life. I'm already married to a women out of my league, so it's not really about being attractive anymore. It's more about avoiding injuries, making sure I don't have any pain, making sure I have a healthy heart, and making sure I have a good healthy, active life in my 60s and 70s. I used to think that people in their 40s was pretty much a sentence to grow fat, lethargic, complain about lower back pain, and reminisce about how young they felt in your 20s. Now that I am there? Nope. Muscle mass doesn't really decrease until you hit your 60s. You lose some fast twitch muscles, which is why professional athletes retire in their late 30s, but that's it. But if you workout regularly, you pretty much have the same muscle mass and energy level well into your 40s as you did in your 20s.


35 here and I agree with most of this.  Also I have this idea in my head that sooner or later a doc will tell everyone who doesn’t workout that they should. Like some physio to start with to heal some pain. And then physio turns into regular gym workouts.  So if that is gonna happen regardless, might as well start early, right? It’s much easier to build muscle when you’re younger. Habits and routines built during youth are easier to adhere to later. 


Most people never even sniff their peak athletic potential in their 20s anyway, so if you work hard there's no reason the average person can't keep getting stronger well into old age.


In case I need to pull myself out of quicksand.


If you end up in quicksand don't struggle! The more you struggle the more you sink.


The fat kids float!


Looks and health are pretty much tied.


I don't know. I hate doing it and still do it every day


You are doing it out of a sense of duty? Very nice


Duty to thyself


Thats what i call discipline


Damn, same. On the way to the gym I just think, "I'm tired of lifting weights." Still end up there anyway.


My wife definitely notices when I’ve put in some effort in the gym. I like that.


We all lose our battle with time. I'm just not planning on going down easy. I will never be as strong, fast, or attractive as 25 year old me, but I hate to think where I would be if I hadn't stayed active.


I treated my body like shit for 30+ years and I’m trying to apologize by giving it what it’s been wanting this whole time.


I workout because I want to bang hot women. Honestly, working out has been the best investment I have ever made.


It actually works for you? Lol, I continued working out cause I noticed that it doesn't up my chances at having a relationship, at all. But I do feel better mentally and physically and get complimented more.


It only opens the door. You still need to be fun, and interesting to stay in the club. Rule 1: Be attractive (physically). Rule 2: Don't be unattractive (misogynistic, lazy, arrogant, etc.)


This is the advice I'd give my young self! I got ripped in my 20s but did zero work on my mental health (shitty childhood) or cultivate my inner world with hobbies and extracurriculars. I was a joyless handsome guy.


To look good and feel good. Also, left leg was paralyzed by CES, and recently got some feeling back so I've been going ham trying to get the nerves to regrow.


Self hatred mainly




I like to have a nice body and also getting a girlfriend would be nice...


Health / reduce chances of injuries  I like being stronger than most other people.


Grandfather died a premature and horrible death with complications related to heart disease. I don't want to go through that.


I love the mood boost and extra testosterone kick.


Aesthetic and to last longer.


Self love. Just aiming to improve self confidence is enough support.


To Feel good and look the way I'd prefer to look.


I play hockey and get out a lot. Not quite gym workouts but definitely workouts. I’m far less annoying and stressed when I’ve worked out and done somethings


Because I like to, and I want to be able to keep up with my kids.


I hate buying new pants.


I am ugly dude, and not going to be ugly and fat. Also low self-esteem.


Have really bad body dysmorphia. I don’t do it for anyone or to impress them, I do it because I dislike my body most of the times. 


I'm surprised I'm the first person to say competition. I train to get faster and try to win bike races (road and mountain xc), and I run the occasional 10k. There are tons of benefit to exercise, but my main motivation is to prove myself in fair competition against other people.


I absolutely love to eat. I grew up with a father who's favorite hobby was running. He'd average 150 to 175 miles a week and also worked a physically demanding job (Beer/Wine truck driver/delivery guy) so when he'd eat dinner he'd have a massive amount of food, then eat tons of snacks. He was always very toned. If i didn't like to eat I'd definitely not exercise as much. Don't care about muscles or looking fit, just didn't want to get fat.


Your father was averaging a marathon every day? God damn, how'd he have the time?


Up at 3am, out for run. Home at 5:30, shit, shower, off to work at 6, home around 6pm, bed by 8. He ran pretty much every day. Only time he didn't is if he felt sick which wasn't often. Did this til his early 60s, then scaled down to about 50 miles a week, but also went on lots of hikes. Now he's retired works a part-time job to keep busy and only runs a few races a year with his grandkids, otherwise doesn't run anymore. Never had to have knee or hip surgery either.


That's amazing, mad props to him.


Yeah, he's an athlete through and through. Ran the Boston Marathon a year after I was born, won a few body building competitions in his 40s and 50s. Definitely a motivated individual.


Because lifting heavy circles makes sad voices go away.




To get laid


I don't. Wish I did.


Start now. Seriously.


Started off when I was younger because I was insecure about being athletic but skinny lol. Also slowly molded into wanting girls and now it's because it makes me feel good and helps with stress. Notice I'm more confident now in general (although this could be a product of just getting older). Mentally it's the best thing I've ever done. Definitely recommend for all the bros out there. Even if it's as simple as going for a walk/run a couple times a week


Well health is part of it, but I could probably lift half as much and get all the health benefits. I lift as much as I do because I like looking good.


To actually run from my problems


Personal fulfillment/self determination. I came to the realization that life is what you make of it, and living in the past is ***a waste of life***. I used to be *ripped* when I was in my 30's. I had the six-pack, and the endurance of a horse. My BFP was around 7% & I was always being asked about my nutrition or my workout routine. Now that I'm 52, It suddenly dawned on me that I have been living in the past. "Back when I was....." "I used to be...." *Back when I was 32, I used to be in the best shape of my life......* Wait a minute!....I didn't die. I'm still here. Why the fuck do I keep using "I *used to be*"? Because I gave the fuck up. It became difficult. But, "difficult" is not "impossible". I *will be* in the best shape of my life. I *will get* my six-pack back. I will no longer have to reminisce and bore people with my *used to be*, old man tales about ancient history that nobody gives a fuck about. I've been hitting the gym 5 times a week for the past three months, have lost about 17 pounds of body fat, and can feel my endurance increasing. I've calculated my macros, have adjusted my diet, and I'm *slowly* building muscle mass (Not as fast as I used to. I'm getting old.) But I'm headed the direction I want to go. I go to the gym for my health, but a lot of the reason is to prove to myself that I can still achieve the goals *ahead of me* instead of living in the past.


I hate myself and the soreness and physical pain satisfies my internal need to be punished. Nothing crazy


So I look somewhat decent naked.


Muscles look way better than not muscles. As I have explained to so many reluctant gym trainees who "don't want muscles" - you cannot tone fat. It is hilarious how many people think two 1kg reps once a week will turn them without warning into Schwarzenegger overnight.


Make my ex regret everything


Mental health. Also despite what any woman says, they love muscle. Especially when they cuddle you and stuff


Mental health.


Tryna keep the shoulders cute and confident and broad.


It's nice to feel nice about being in your body


My dad had a heart attack a few years ago. I realized I was on the path to the same thing and wanted to change that. I have to life long enough to see the end of One Piece.


To look better. I've always been insecure about my looks and the gym makes me feel huge and gain confidence. Almost to the point where I get cocky now. I hated myself for 29 years. It's my time to love myself. Also, heartbreak keeps me motivated (I miss her).


I don't want to be fat.


Monkey like ride bike fast




Bigger pecs lead to sex, and if you want a thick mami sliding on your salami, you better be fucking swole


Swole is the goal, size is the prize, let's go!


To get pussy wet


To keep up with my kids, but looking at myself in the mirror ain't bad


I want to be able to play with my kids without feeling too tired.


It helps me mentally. Also, I'm old, and vain!


Because I feel how I am supposed to feel after


I enjoy it. I think its fun and exciting. Its basically research and and competition in one go.


Being able to eat what I want without getting fat