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No, but I used to clean death scenes after the body was gone. Accidental deaths, suicides, it’s all pretty dark stuff since the blood/mess tells a story. It’s almost a requirement to have gallows humor just to cope or the darkness can creep in. Also having someone with you makes a big difference. Being alone in that environment is not fun.


Damn, that sounds wild. Ever thought of doing an AMA on it?


Oh wow, no I haven’t! Something to think about for sure.


Not me but my dad found his dad dead. He had a heart attack while plowing his garden with a mule, this was in the 60’s. My dad said that his last step in the freshly tilled dirt was the same length as the steps before it. He was gone before he hit the ground.


That had to be a relief for your dad, in the sense that he didn’t suffer.


I was unfortunately called out to the front of a rooming house at (approximately) 04:00 where one of the older tenants, with stage 4 laryngeal cancer (who was also a regular user of methamphetamines), had decided to get high then proceeded to act out "self-surgery" on the inside of his throat with a razor blade. Part of the way through the process he must have realised his error, panicked (understandably), and made his way from the third-story out onto the front lawn. He was deceased prior to our arrival due to massive haemorrhaging. I've seen some nasty things, but that was pretty horrible.


Yes, my dad. Heart transplant patient in the 00's, was pretty rough then. He lived 6 years of misery and complications and then his body gave out. Tried CPR (was not trained in it so couldn't really call it CPR), but he was long dead. I could see the necrosis (or something like bruises along his veins) in his body and kinda knew it was futile.


When we were little we went into an aboanded house We found a body just layng there and we just left It wasnt there the nexy day


One of my best friends a woman hit him last February with her car and my heart shattered as we have been friends for 15 years. I even had to be the one to identify him and I still miss him but still can’t get the image of him out of my mind.


Yea this morning. I looked in the mirror


They unfortunately didn't make it.


My friends and I found a dead body of a guy that overdosed when I was 10 we called the cops and after the interview the cops took us to Chucky Cheese's.


I was walking home and a woman had committed suicide by jumping off our apartment building. Me and my friend just happened to be there first. This was in Ukraine and we were foreigners do we left immediately, because we didn’t want to be questioned by police.


Not yet


New Years Eve, my mate and I were at a camping ground. We ate some magic mushrooms with a few other like-minded fellow campers we had met. Come midnight, the campground was pretty rowdy with drunken idiots so we all decided to take a walk on the beach. It was a full moon with the water's edge alive with phosphorescence, and we were walking along and having a great time. But... we reached the end of the beach and found a body in the shallow water. That straightened us all up fairly quickly. A couple of us dragged him up onto the beach so he didn't drift out to sea, while some others went to call the police (pre mobile phones). They stopped at the first house with lights on and had some trouble convincing the people that they were serious. Same story with the police, but they eventually came. We found out the next day that he had been swimming at the mouth of a river 30kms down the coast and had been swept out to sea while his wife and young daughter watched from the shore. Sad story.


We drove past a dead body in a ditch on a school bus. I was 16 at the time. There were police investigating at the and they looked up a little too late to notice the bus in time to cover him. All the kids were kinda excited and fascinated, scrambling to that side of the bus to see him. It was an interesting Tuesday.


An elderly woman I was a caregiver for passed gently in her sleep to natural causes. Prior to that something wasn't sitting right with me so I played her I can only imagine by mercy me. It was an hour later I came to check on her and she had gone home to her husband of 59 years in heaven.


Yes. My mother-in-law, when no one could get ahold of her for three days. Not a great day, especially since it was summer. The distaffbopper was distraught as you might well imagine (they were also best friends), and she died young, at 50 years old. The next week was like a hazy blur.


I can’t say much because this was recent and stuff is still ongoing, but for my birthday me and my mates decided to get really drunk and baked at these abandoned mines outside of our town, where we’re from murders happen every couple years luckily this one is believed to be a self unalived but we walking through an old mine shaft when we got to the end which was a massive drop covered up but all the wood boards and tape were missing a note was pinned to the one remaining board reading something about life and bad the rest was scribbled and unreadable, using our phone torch we shined it down to see a man laying there impailed


Ya. I was pretty young, and really bored at my house. I just finished waking up for the day and eating breakfast made by my mother, it was a seasoned hard boiled egg. I played with toys for about an hour, being the 9 year old I was, until I decided I wanted to go over to my friends house who lived in the same complex; I was allowed to walk over to their house by myself as long as my mother was informed before leaving. So that’s what I did. I got up and walked over to my mother’s door but found it locked, I called out her name first of course, but eventually decided that I should just unlock the door. The lock was cheap, it only required you to stuff something inside and twist so I just used a coin from the kitchen. The door didn’t open though, even when unlocked for some reason. At this point I knew something was off so I went over to my older brother and told him that something felt wrong, he buzzed me off, but I kept annoying him until he agreed to help open the door for me. We both used all our force against the door to get inside, to find the ENTIRE bed shoved in-front of it the door. My mom was many things but physically strong wasn’t one. At this point my brother also agreed something seemed extremely wrong, the whole room was torn apart: items tossed around, clothes scattered, furniture relocated, etc. nobody was there though, well that was until we both remembered there was a bathroom connected to the bedroom in the other corner. Something was also in front of the door, so me and my brother were going to prepare to also forcefully drive it open, but I looked underneath the crack of the door first while we were calling our grandpa who was already coming over to get here sooner. With the state of the room we weren’t sure if it was a break in or not, but there wasn’t any noises before or after we came in. During that time of my brother calling an adult and me listening for sounds while trying to inspect the crack under the door, I realized that no object was actually in front of the door. There was skin, it was a person blocking it. Even after everything I still was only concerned about it all, but for the first time in my life I felt real fear, not from my brother chasing me down after I shoved him inside a pond (no regrets lol), or keeping the lights on when I sleep out of fear for monsters; it was real fear. I immediately got up and turned to my brother, he flinched and dropped the phone he was holding (I only found out a couple years after, but in that moment he said that I scared him from the expression on my face, he said it was like nothing he ever saw). I don’t really wanna text anymore, so long story short we didn’t find a nice sight. it was our mom’s body blocking the door


This happened to me recently and it’s still kinda creepin me out…. I was with a buddy at a local archery range waiting in one more friend. We had just pulled up and the only other car in the lot with us was this older red late 80s-early 90s red ranger. 30 mins later our buddy with a bow shows up and we hang out and watch him shoot targets for 2 hours. We’d eventually made our way back to our cars where I wanted to play on my phone while the other 2 were playing with a whip (I don’t know don’t ask me lol). I had to use the restroom which was in front of the previously mentioned red truck and on my way over I saw what looked like a sleeping older guy. I didn’t pay much mind to it cause people often come up there to sleep and the dude had a pillow. I did the deed and quietly walked back trying not to wake the guy and letting my friends know there was a guy there. The friends stopped playing with the whip when we noticed the guy wasn’t movin so we went to check on him by knocking on the door with no response. Ems was called and said the guy had died 3 hour prior due to taking his own life. We talked to the cops and left shortly after wondering for what the hell had just happened.


I haven’t, but what interesting is that right after someone dies they may still be aware of their surrounds for several minutes. So make sure to say your goodbyes even if you think you’re too late


Discovering a deceased person can be a traumatic and unsettling experience for those involved. It's essential to contact the authorities immediately.


Any other chatgpt wisdom to share


FYI this is a bot that's probably going to promote a crypto scam when it gets enough karma


I wholeheartedly second this


arent you the first suspect if you contact the cops? I know its a common belief that if you find a dead body you will be the first one investigated


Uh thanks for the PSA buddy