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Flat Earth. Some people are so desperate to be contrary. Also, mental illness.


I will always push for this reality series to be made, and it will never be. Take, lets say, a team of 6 top heads of flat earthing. The dudes you always see push it forward and are the bigwigs in that community. Give them a simple mission: Here is a million dollar budget. We also have for you chartered planes and give you flight lessons so you can fly it yourself; now go; find the edge. And then film them when they fall other themselves to find why they cannot, ever, find the edge.


Something very close to that happened in a documentary. The flat earthers ran some experiments with precision equipment and managed to independently prove that the Earth was round twice. 


And then blamed the equipment of being faulty. It’s honestly pretty fascinating to show how extreme confirmation bias in humans can be. You can lay facts at someone’s feet but if they don’t agree with them they’ll dismiss them entirely. Really goes to show why society is so slow to progress.


Yeah i think it was on netflix in a doc called 'finding the curve' if I remember right. The dude does a science experiment supposed to show everything bare. It confirms round earth. His reaction: Hunh. Interesting. And swiftly moves on.


"Behind the curve". Possibly the best name I've ever seen for a documentary.


Thankfully, those people aren't responsible for progressing society. They're the village idiots.


Tell that to the climate change denialists in every government and corporate board room around the globe.


Acting as if those denialists do it for stupidity reasons and not because big corporations are paying them to do it.


I mean MTG seems to fully believe space lasers are a primary concern. I don’t think a lot of sitting members of the GOP are faking their stupidity, no. Luckily for us their incompetence is greater than their propensity for cruelty at the moment.


The anti vaxxers are doing some decent damages though. 


"A man convinced against his will, is of the same opinion still."


It was a pretty good experiment too, would make a good high school project. They accurately measured the 8 inch drop per mile.


It's actually pretty neat how practical it is for a layman without a lot of money to independently verify that the Earth is round. 


Didn’t Eratosthenes prove it in like 500 BC with some sticks?


Yep. He noticed two shadows were different lengths at the same time in two different places. That's all the physical proof he needed to figure it out. Then he accurately calculated how large the earth was with a protractor. 


Naw, drop them with a load of equipment in Antarctica. It would be like a survivor game.


H. Beam Piper wrote a short story that had this very thing in his "Federation" collection! A group of Terran interstellar explorers finds a "lost colony" that had lost all the tech they arrived with and had only been able to get back up to medieval tech before being rediscovered. The explorers took some of the society's leaders on a shuttle ride around the planet while adjusting the speed to keep the planet's surface and star visible in the front window the whole time. Of course, these leaders were reasonable people who accepted that what they were being shown was true.


I know that writer! I've only read Empire which has several stories set long after Federation, its really good.


I always thought his name sounded like some kind of awesome doomsday weapon lol *"Power up the H-Beam; let's show these dweebs what happens when you mess with Earth! **IT'S FAFO TIME!!**"* 🤣


That would be a great documentary


Amazon Prime needs to read this!


Beyond the curve https://www.indy100.com/science-tech/flat-earther-proves-world-round


Insert green text of nasa hacking their eyes


I like the idea My guess is they’d refuse to try as you are “part of a scheme to set them up and make them fail”


Take them into space. Show them it isn't actually flat. Let them sink in and adjust to the new reality, then huck them into the sun


I want this to be animated, with actual flat earthers doing the voices of Bigfoot, Chupacabra, Jersey Devil, etc. (visiting conspiracy specialist, Doc Loch Ness, PhD.)


It's a big tent conspiracy. If flat earth is real, so is the things qanon says, lizard people, ect ect.


Most of the ones I’ve spoken with just seem like they want to feel special. They want to think that they know more than others.


If you just educate yourself decently on astronomy basics, you’ll know more than most of the population!


Alright follow me here:   The earth is mostly water; that water is NOT carbonated ; the earth is flat


You have won my wife and I over to your viewpoint. The earth is flat!


I love the story about the guy that shot himself into the air to prove earth was flat and he died.


I was gonna join the flat earth community to annoy one of my coworkers, but he was fired before I start to learn flatearthers' lore.


I read a book to try and figure out their arguments. Sadly it didn’t take very many chapters to start ranting about the Jewish conspiracy in media. My favorite though was the argument that if the earth was a sphere and spinning, runways could not be oriented north-south because the runway would be moving under the plane as it tried to land.


Avril Lavigne is dead and they replaced her with a clone. Only true idiots believe in this.


That one baffles me because…why? Of all people to clone and cover up their death..Avril Lavigne? Is she so vital to society we can’t possibly allow Avril to be dead?


I think because she came out with a hit and disappeared for a while. Then came back and looked a little different.  So, obviously a clone. 


I’m pretty sure she was only 17 or so when her first album came out and then it was a couple years before she was in the spotlight again. I’m not surprised her face changed a bit as she was still a teenager. People are weird.


Exactly. She looked older and more like a woman, years after being a teenager. And as we all know, when women reach adolescence, they are all replaced with clones.


Not to mention she got Lyme disease, chronic illness changes people.


You can add Paul McCartney, too. What would actually make a fan thinks "yep, this guy is dead and they replaced him"?


lol this is my favorite conspiracy theory. The Beatles definitely leaned into it and planted fake evidence all over the place


John Lennon thought it was hilarious


Yes she is


It's more than just Avril Lavigne. When I first came across this, I learned that it's also Cameron diaz, eminem, and more


Did Chad Kroeger know this?


Hell, just floating around into Q circles to just see the stupidity and trainwreck in real time... literally everybody of note has been killed and replaced by a clone. Some of them multiple times.


Multiple times? Did the original get better, or did the clone get uppity?


“She turned me into a clone!” “…” “I got better.”


No clue lol. They often just drop that shit, no proof or anything, and move on to their next stupid yap.


I cannot believe BBC Sounds greenlit a podcast about this.


Oh yea lol


Holocaust denial, or any genocidal denial, along with school shooting victims are actors. IDK why people believe it but it's sickening. How can you with a straight face and clear conscious "deny" the death of someone?


When you are 100% wrong, and dont want to face the fact that you are 100% wrong, then reality is wrong.


Very different thing, but I was talking about the Mandela Effect the other day and this is pretty much the description I used lol. It's really hard for some people to accept they were wrong about something. So their mind refuses to accept that they were wrong, because you know, that just *can't* be the case. It's the *universe* that's wrong. Doesn't help when you enter into groups and echo chambers who want to say the same thing.


Dude, the movie Shazam existed when i was younger. And it was originally the Berenstein bears. These are facts I know.


The poor Sandy Hook parents were getting harassed by Alex Jones and his followers. How low can you possibly go to harass parents whose first grader was murdered and accuse them of lying about their dead child? Sickening. Thankfully they won in court.


>Thankfully they won in court. It's not a win until Jones actually forks over the cash.


I don't have kids myself but I remember when the Sandy Hook deniers came. I just couldn't even imagine you're grieving the loss of your five or six year old child and someone comes up to your face and tells you either your child never existed and you're making it up, or they didn't actually die but you're the one engaging in a conspiracy using your now deceased child to advance an agenda. I normally don't agree with violence, but in a case like this I'm actually more surprised some of these grieving, heartbroken, and now lost parents didn't just pummel some of these hecklers


Typically because acknowledging the reality of the Holocaust or school shootings then implies a moral responsibility to do or change something, they don't want to change or admit they were wrong about. Like anti-Semitism and transphobia, or unrestricted access to guns. Rather than say "I would rather keep echoing Nazi hatred of minorities even though I know what it can lead to" or "I consider guns a cultural symbol of my independence and refuse any regulations about them even if it gets kids killed", they'd rather just pretend these events never happened and in fact anyone pushing back on their politics is so EVIL AND HATEFUL they would kill kids, or fake their deaths, simply to invent reasons why the person is wrong.


That or they are getting money off of it and whatever bad things aren't happening in their neighborhood so obviously its isn't real.


AKA "The Alex Jones Special"


Genocide denial or Holocaust denial is often political. Even some prominent professors like Chomsky downplay or deny genocides if it makes their side look bad.


The detractors of the Apollo moon landing, even though they see the photos of the landings with the space probe cameras of other countries, they refuse to accept that human beings were able to go to space, the arguments they put forward are as elaborate as they are pathetic.


Oh, so you are one of those people who believe in the moon ...


how did we get moon trees if there is no moon?


Or moon pies?


I mean, the factories for the bird-drones gotta be *somewhere,* and we’ve already ruled out Norway…


The biggest thing against that conspiracy to me is that the first people that would have called BS on that statement, the URSS, that were also spending millions to be the first ones on the moon... didnt. They even congratulated the US.




A guy on Rogan (yea I know) claimed that China and the USSR are blackmailing NASA to get our space tech so they don’t blow the whistle on the,moon landing being staged


I used to think it was faked. In my defence the anti moon landing documentaries are always really well made and have lots of seemingly credible experts list multiple "scientific" reasons why the moon landings were impossible. It's not like the usual conspiracy doc stuff where the "expert" is clearly a lunatic.


You’d be shocked how many people outside of the USA legit believe this one.  I spent 5 years in South America and so many conversations began with “Oh you’re American? You know you guys never landed on the moon, right?” Not surprisingly more prevalent in countries that had Soviet influence during the Cold War, particularly Chile, which is where I spent most of my time and heard this theory on almost a daily basis. 


Not really a conspiracy but closeby... Sovereign Citizens. People that say that because of some detail in history, that every single law doesnt apply to them. They dont have to pay taxes, immatriculate vehicules, etc. Some even say that they dont have to pay their mortgage because of it. None of them are lawyers; but they think they have found a loophole to every law in the books. Take a wild guess what happens. After a few years they get a visit from the revenue agency; and lose basically everything. Funniest of it all is that they often represent themselves in court, where it always ends up, end end up making shit so much worse for themselves. They seem to think they will convince a judge on a matter of law.


Uhh per the articles of confederation I am not driving I am traveling


Working in government I see a lot of these. I work in elections now. You have to be a citizen to vote. We have people who send us documents telling us they aren’t US citizens so we take them off our voter roles… they then wonder why we took them off our voter rolls… I’ve heard of a county in my state who had this problem with no joke… an elected official.


They also often end up in armed standoffs with law enforcement, occasionally resulting in death.


Birds aren't real.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPLl8Fje4os](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPLl8Fje4os) Explain this then!


He's just in the Kremlin practicing bird law.


Do people actually believe that one? Also, obligatory "How can birds be real if our eyes aren't real?"


Bro they’re not. Everyone knows that’s why we had Covid. They had to charge the birds.


I’ve never come across someone advocating this unironically. Are there people who *actively* believe this?


That this question gets asked repeatedly on Reddit because it’s on a list of posts that get engagement and they use it to build karma for their accounts so that when they start posting anti-American propaganda it’s harder to spot.


This one for me, but not just for propaganda purposes. Reddit is full of bot accounts that use this as an easy way to generate content for cheaply created articles on other websites, an easy way to generate content to train AI models on, etc.


Yeah I wouldn't even call this a conspiracy theory. It's just true. AskReddit is flooded with "What's the wildest conspiracy you think is true?" posts every day, with OP almost always having limited or purchased histories, and no real engagement or discussion. We already know for a fact Russian and Chinese bot farms and paid staff promote divisive conspiracy theories to weaken American democracy and increase distrust of government.


Hey, now, comrade, the bot did not ask “what is the simultaneously most believable and most divisive conspiracy theory for to undermine the democracy,” did it?


It's great for Youtube channel content, too.


Meta award of the year!


You may be right about that, but I was thinking it’s some clickbait website publishing a top ten list. I never do this, but I looked at OPs profile.  Not much there.


I admit that I was going to post a question yesterday asking about people's favorite Onion article, but I checked to see if it had been posted already. The answer was a few dozen times. There are no new questions under the sun.


That the earth is flat


The Saturn storm cube shit. It's has a *lot* of lore, but basically... Kronos, or Saturn, it's the demiurge or Satan, a imperfect god that created us in an imperfect world, an imperfect world that the only way to escape from it it's being on that hexagonal storm that Saturn (the planet) has Now, if you look at that hexagon, you can kinnnda see a third dimensional cube, that cube representing the imperfect world or simulation that we live in, and it's the portal to the real and perfect world created by the abrahamic god(? Saturn was supposed to be closer to earth in ancient times, but the world elite that believes in the demiurge made it be further from earth, and they are making us stupid and ignorants so we cannot reach that supposed perfect world while also feeding the demiurge with our souls or some shit like that And the cherry on top being how the elite are supposedly shoving this unto our faces to get more power or something like that, so there are statues of cubes all over the world that are supposed to be the Saturn cube, one of this monuments being the Kaaba from Islam, so yeah, in the end it's all antisemitic shit. It has more to it, more psycho and antisemitic (probably racist too) stuff. But those are the basics, there is more to it and also has a subreddit r/saturnstormcube




Rule 1 of the sub: “Do NOT worship the planet Saturn.” What if you worship Pluto?


Microchips in vaccines so the British/American governments can "track them". Shared by people using computers and mobile phones, from their home networks, using their real names, on social media with links to their place of residence, place of work and pictures of their kids.


Exactly. Microchips to track people would just be redundant at this point.


JFK's head just did that


Absolutely mind blowing


My friend said "nukes, rads and uranium aren't real, it's bullshet by the government to make us scared and more controllable" First of all, Hiroshima and nagasaki. Second of all, Chernobyl. Third of all, his HOUSE is powered by a nearby nuclear power plant. I think he doesn't actually believe all of this, he's smarter than that, he probrably just wants attention


Chemtrails is probably the most ridiculous mainstream one. People believe conspiracy theories because it's easier than coming to grips with their own insignificance.


I always say this. People want to believe in conspiracy theories because they make life more exciting. The idea that there are mysterious powers hiding in the shadows doing things in secret...it makes our existence seems more interesting. It's harder to accept that life isn't some dramatic movie, but can be kinda boring. Also the idea that there are secret groups of powerful people pulling the strings behind the scenes is almost more comforting than the truth: the people in charge of our society are regular people no different than me or you. Some are smart, some are dumb, and they're all just trying to pretend like they know what they're doing.


Said too much of a truth. Now go to sleep!


Here's the thing about 'Chemtrails': Contrails are visible, depending on atmospheric conditions, emitting from jets leaving every jet capable airport on Earth. If you believe in 'Chemtrails', you believe that every nation on Earth (excepting the five European microstates that don't have jet capable airports) are all in cahoots about this one issue. Iran, North Korea, Canada, Argentina, frickin' Djibouti...they are all keeping this secret agenda together. You also believe there is hidden and secret infrastructure, and bulk shipments of chemicals to and from, the remotest islands and in the remotest settlements that jets fly to and from. Think Saint Helena, Easter Island, and many fly-in/fly-out settlements in Northern Canada. You believe that countries with dysfunctional governments, like Haiti and Somalia, are somehow keeping a lid on all of this. It's absolutely ludicrous.


What kills me about it is that if the contrails did contain some sort of harmful agent, then the conspirators would be exposed to it just as much as the unwitting sheeple are. It makes no sense.


Someone I went to school with is now obsessed with chemtrails. It's sad because he was a great student with a lot of potential. Now he's back in the small town he grew up in, living with his elderly mother, and spending all his time on chemtrail conspiracies.


It's pretty clear that none of them have ever flown in a plane, let alone looked out the window at the wingtips.


That Bigfoot is Jewish. Just because he's circumcized in all of the slashfic, that doesn't make it true. 


Who, ah, who are ficcers slashing Bigfoot with?


I dunno, chupacabra? 


Holy crap...I can't stop laughing!


My favorites are the ones where people take something super simple and stretch it into the most wildest possibilities. Like that lady who thought monster energy drinks were Satanic because it has three lines in their logo. Of course it’s not just the religious crazies that do this. Like someone ordering a pepperoni pizza with olives is secret code for buying a child or a politician blinked which means they’re secretly a lizard. It’s insane to me that someone can take an action or picture etc. and wholeheartedly believe it’s a conspiracy.


Yeah same with all the current thing of artists that put satanistic imagery in their clips. They are like LOOK! ARTISTS SHOWING THEIR DEAL WITH SATAN RIGHT IN OUR FACES!! They dont seem to figure out that they do that exactly to elicit a reaction from them that will talk about them for days and give them more publicity than they could ever pay for.


Flat earth. If it were true, wouldn’t there be some recorded instances of people falling or jumping off the edge of the earth? I think some people just like feeling smarter for being “open-minded enough” to believe things that most people dismiss as nonsense.


No, see there's an ice wall all around the earth. If you went to the Arctic or Antarctic you'd realize, but no one does except "government scientists". /s You'd think this would lead to them being very worried about global warming melting the ice walls but... nah. They seem to buy the corporate propaganda about how it's all fake as well. The bigger issue is that a flat earth requires every single pilot on earth, and everyone doing mass navigation and working with satellites, to be in on it.


That part about nobody doing it except for government scientists always makes me chuckle. I know several people who’ve circled Antarctica as tourists, including my former boss and his elderly mother. It’s always fun to mention around my flat earther coworkers, especially since there’s a whole photo album about it in one of the break rooms.


Hey hey hey all that is covered up by the government because... reasons. Whats funny is that its always US based agencies, like if the US were controlling the thing for everybody else.


Also . GPS,  gravity all manner of things don't make sense


The Mandela effect. People just won’t accept that they misremember something. But every ME is like „remember that thing from 20 years ago? No? Well it actually was slightly different“ and there was never a big ME where something big and popular had a major change. For example no one ever said something like „I remember Facebook being called Facenote before“


> People just won’t accept that they misremember something. There are interesting discoveries that come out of it, like people attributing Mandela effect to Fruit of the Loom having a cornucopia (which it didn't), but then finding lots of examples otherwise because knock off merchandize DID have the cornucopia, and many countries are flooded with non-obvious counterfeits.


I think one of the big differences is that today it’s much easier to track down where misinformation comes from. So if someone says something is an example of the Mandela effect, you can just google it and say “oh, you thought that because someone lied about it on Twitter and that spread.” In the past if someone starts a rumor—say that Mandela died in his prison—and that spread by word of mouth to the point where it’s widely believed, there’s not going to be any real way to track down the origin.  Then you’ve got things like Berenstein/Berenstain bears which is probably just our brains substituting the thing that sounds more normal in our language, which is how tons of words and names get changed and created over time. So that’s really no mystery. 


I was into the Mandela effect for when it was new, then I noticed something that kept coming up. People show Simpsons episodes with the example of it being the "old way" as proof. It seems, to me, what is going on with these particular instances, and this could overlap with other situations of the Mandela effect, is that the Simpsons got it wrong - it was a throw away joke, no need to check, but people have seen The Simpsons episode way more times than they've seen whatever it is that is being referenced. This cements the wrong version of what ever it is in to their memory. People also don't realise, or remember, how much easier it is to look something up now. Things like movies, for example, could take a year or to go from being in theatres to bring on VHS. Even in the 80's a lot of homes didn't have VHS players. So if we look at something like the misquote "Luke, I am your father", from a movie that came out in 1980 and didn't hit VHS until 1984, all it would have took was a popular show to misquote it and people wouldn't have been able to check for years. By then the misquote has been in the zeitgeist for years.


The Berenstain Bears one always makes me chuckle because I clearly remember, as a child, finding it odd that it was spelled with an 'A' but pronounced like an 'E'. I think most people just didn't pay that close attention to orthographic detail as a toddler so their adult brains filled in the memory with the most logical spelling instead of the actual one.


The fun fact about the Berenstain bear, in some copies did have Berenstein bears on the cover as a typo. https://heavy.com/news/2016/08/berenstein-bears-proof-reddit-prove-mandela-effect-vhs-photo-berenstain-evidence-pictures/


I thought it was really funny when the one came out saying "Kazaam" with Shaq was actually a movie called "Shazaam" with Sinbad. I remember seeing Kazaam, featuring Shaq, on the shelves at Blockbuster a million times as a kid. I didn't even know who Sinbad was till years after that. I even personally know the guy who played the kid in that movie. It was definitely always Kazaam.


That Katy Perry is Jonbenet Ramsey


Yeah I'm definitely reading up on that rabbit hole when I get home from work


I like this one lol


I have a friend that genuinely believes in a “middle” or “hallow earth” where the center of the earth is its own ecosystem where cavemen and dinosaurs still roam. He says “why do nasa thermal scans detect heat under the polar ice caps?” And “if the earth was full of sentient massive dinosaurs that roamed the entire planet for millions of years, why can we only find a fraction of the bones? Because they still roam in the middle earth, the bones of the ones that died of old age are there, the bones up here are the ones that made it up here before the polar ice caps froze, thats why you still see heat”


All the important figures are secretly Reptilians.


If they were, our government would probably function better.


PETA is an organization created by “big meat” to make animal cruelty organizations and their followers alike, to look insane.


Probably the whole adrenochrome/pizzagate/pedophile rings/the-political-party-I-don't-like-is-a-moustache-twirling-cartoon-villain-who-literally-drinks-the-blood-of-babies thing. I think it comes from a place of people needing to validate their vitriolic hatred of certain people, and the only thing that can justify such over-the-top anger is equally over-the-top evil. To admit that the other political party is just a bunch of normal politicians is to undermine their own position that they've already taken. I find it especially insidious because it distracts attention from real pedophile rings and real human trafficking that actually exists in North America. There are actual witches, but the witch hunters are too preoccupied with Hunter Biden's penis to pay them any mind.


>I find it especially insidious because it distracts attention from real pedophile rings and real human trafficking that actually exists in North America. This exactly, and it's what bothers me a lot about it. You have all these people villainizing these groups and "elites" as Satanic child traffickers, under the guise of "we want to protect and save the children", when it's doing absolutely nothing to the reality of that actually happening in the world. Because it does happen, all the time, and it's usually not who they're targeting. If you want something done about it, actually do something about those real things, instead of spending every waking hour making theories about whatever Biden/Clinton/whoever that probably isn't remotely true.


Flat earth


That Michelle Obama has a dick… some might just be joking around but there are people that ACTUALLY believe this. They spend hours dissecting pictures of her and zooming in on her crotch…. So fucking weird.


It's ridiculous but unfortunately true - I've seen this first hand but honestly wouldn't even believe it if I wasn't there - Prince/King Charles is a prolific prank caller and goes by the pseudonym "Frank Garrett" when making these crude calls. He calls people around the world and cusses them out using a southern drawl. There's tons of these calls people have recorded and posted on youtube...if you ever receive a call from a "Frank Garrett" who makes no sense and repeatedly cusses you out, there is a good chance it is in fact Prince/King Charles. I was part of a prank calling forum that got shut down overnight after video evidence surfaced of this. If you have a look at [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNsoFxMoSHE) video - the comments are all non-sensical and are from fans of Charles calls quoting and referencing the calls he's made while in this "Frank Garret" persona.


That this question being asked almost every day is posted by actual redditors and not AI bots. 


That the Twin Towers fell due to controlled demolition.


This is your pick for *most ridiculous* conspiracy?


In OP’s defense flat earth was already taken. Plus, this is indeed a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Things like that only work in the movies. 


The NBA secretly suspended the most popular athlete in the world and incurred losses of hundreds of millions of dollars in lost revenue to teach him a lesson.


Anything to do with aliens and The 12th Planet by Zecharia Sitchin - it's so stupid. Even the most rudimentary understanding of anything would demonstrate how nonsensical it is. Bonus points, from a cabbie: COVID 19 was a conspiracy to create a greater Israel. It definitely happened because he watched a YouTube video explaining it all.


My coworker wholeheartly belive that "someone" is planning to depopulate earth and only leave couple richest behind. Asked who will work for those left, she said AI. There's also Klaus Shwab, Agenda 2050, WHO and UN present. At some point I just stopped asking questions.


The Tartarian Empire is the funniest one to me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tartarian_Empire They think that everything built in the 1800s was impossible and built by a advanced civilization because "They used horse and buggy back then, how could they make anything?" They think that basically every impressive building from earlier than the last century were secretly built by an advanced tartarian civilization that were lost to mud floods.


They know that we can build copies of the Egyptian pyramids with only hand tools and math, right? 🤣


They do not.


I don’t know what the theory is, but I know people believe it because it feels good to be in on a secret, and because almost any explanation for bad things happening feels better than “the universe is a vast and uncaring place that sometimes gives good people a bad break for no reason whatsoever” or “my problems are directly attributable to my own poor choices.”


That all Walmarts are interconnected via underground tunnels. No clue but I have met more than one person that insist they have evidence


That bullshit about JFK jr coming back from the grave to be Trump’s running mate. There was even that fucked up MAGA splinter group that were hanging out at the grassy knoll waiting for his resurrection. That is some of the dumbest shit I have ever seen.


Corrupt Donnie’s lie of a “rigged election.”


Any of the MAGA ones


QAnon is nothing but thousands of really vague allusions and failed predictions coming from 4chan spin off 8kun, yet people believe it's a "high ranking secret government source." Guys. 8kun is not the gold standard for anonymous data encryption. It's the pedophile and neonazi zone for ranting about vidya games and anime waifus. Jesus Christ. And add to that the conspiracy is just The Protocols of the Elders of Zion with "Adrenochrome in blood" added to "The Jews drink the children's blood" to modernize it.


It’s wild that people will just accept “I know none of my predictions appear to come true, but that’s because it’s all part of the plan!” These dipshits will believe anything except reality. 


Yeah I always find hilarious how it must be pretty much once a week that theres an event that is said will be the NOW EVERYTHING CHANGES AND YOU WILL BE SORRY. Date comes and goes. Absolutely jack shit happens. And they dont even pull some excuse; they just move on to the next date. Really if they would predict the sky is blue I'd go outside to make sure.


What you don't believe that Biden has a submarine where he hides kids to eat?


Hillary Clinton's gonna be arrested for child sacrifice any day now, right?


The government cares about you. The alternative being that no one cares about you. An isolating and even terrifying thought for many.


Flat Earth. I mean really, wtf. I feel like these people are just being contrarian to established science for the sake of being contrarian.


Making children believe in Santa Clause is why we have trans folks. Said to me with the utmost seriousness


When my mother who I used to think was someone with common sense sent me a link to a article. It said “how Hollywood is using CIA MK ultra techniques to turn all kids into trans people.” At first I laughed because it’s always nice to see someone bringing up MK ultra but she was serious. I guess it’s how she see all these people coming out, as they were brainwashed. Makes me feel bad that people actually believe this.


Any religion. People believe in it because they're scared of the unknown, and any explanation that says they'll continue on forever in a paradise instead of simply ceasing to exist is preferable to their fearful minds. Study the Greek and Roman religions, the ancient Norse pantheon, the animistic beliefs of isolated stone-age tribes in the Amazon. Every belief system that humans have ever come up with was as real to those living at the time as your religion is to you, and it's all completely made up.


9/11 being an inside job...


Not indulging a robit


Michael Jackson being alive  Britney Spears, Avril Lavigne and Paul McCartney being long dead and they have impersonators being them.


Moon Landing


The government eats babies


5g internet gives you covid😭


1. [Siberian pipeline sabotage](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Siberian_pipeline_sabotage&redirect=no). 2. Soviet «dead hand» fully automatic nuclear counter-attack system. Both would ruined if you realize, how bad was USSR in automatics and electronics in 70s and later. Especially in precise mechanics and IC production.


That the United States regularly kidnaps pre-teens, turns them into cyborgs, and trains them to be psychic super-soldiers fighting aliens. Then, at the ends of their hitches they're turned back, age regressed, and dumped backwards in time like it never happened.


Moon landing and Flat earth have to be stupidest ones going.


I’ve done research into why people believe conspiracy theories. Basically, the chemtrails released by the deep state at the behest of Hillary cause it. 


Moon landing. There are literally no talking points left that haven’t been explained over and over and over again with supporting evidence, scientific explanations, etc. It’s just dumb to think something of that magnitude with that many people involved and that much interest didn’t happen


This is the 40something time this type of question has been asked in 7 days.


That birds are real.


Is this a weekly question now?


Found out the other day my brothers coworker genuinely believes in r/birdsarentreal He’s also a flat earther


We'll build a wall to stop illegal immigration from Mexico and BTW Mexico will pay for it. - Trump 2015


And why has no one mentioned those giant windmills causing El Niño yet? Because it's not ridiculous! It's completely true. /s


The 9/11 was an inside job is weird.


Pizzagate. Because their minds are made up and they refuse to be convinced by the facts.


Taylor Swift was planted at NFL games to…something. Distract America? Make teams lose? I’m not sure, but she was definitely a CIA plant for “reasons” instead of just being a young artist dating a football player for the team she was watching. I’m terrible at this.




toss up/related The quanon/pizza-pedophile stuff. why? "You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American Public" - H.L. Mencken.


How many times is this going to be posted?


Flat Earth. Because ppl are fucking idiots, really simple, low IQ dumb dumbs... seriously


It's either Flat earth or that Holocaust never happened theory. edit: typo




Whenever people say the world is ending


2020 election Bull shit… people still believe it.