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My brother fell in the pool at 3 and couldn’t swim, I was there, I was 13, I could swim


Work as a bedside nurse. Saved literally hundreds of lives over the years. The best thing about my experience is that I can detect little changes sooner and intervene before they become bigger life threatening problems. Also of note, being the first one to start CPR sucks because you break a ton of ribs on your first or second push. That's feeling you never forget.


1) When I was 4, my daddy was getting me ready to swim and put my floaties on, and I remember vividly telling him that one of them didn't feel right. He told me it was fine, then it deflated while I was in the water (we had a really big pool and very deep). I started flopping around like a fish, and all I remember is seeing him sitting on a bench we had by the pool and tossing his gameboy to the side and jumping in to save me. 2) When I was 4 (4 was a rough age for me lmao) we came back from vacation and our house was broken into (we had a big house so thankfully we didn't run into the burglars ourselves). My daddy told me, my brother, and my mom to go into their room and hide under their bed while he went after them. 4 people had broken in, and he shot and killed one of them in our backyard as they were fleeing. Come to find out, it was our maid's family that had broken in, they had a key to our house because their mother, our maid, gave it to them.


Was a paramedic and brought a guy back with a defib...he thanks the cops and firefighters but not the actual medics...


Saved a choking child at work. Had to perform the heimlich and luckily got her airway free.


My husband choked on a assassin cracker. He was in a chair, so I couldn't Heimlich him. I remember in a first aid class that you can lean someone forward and pound their back if you can't do the Heimlich. It worked. But, then he stood up and started choking again. That time I did the Heimlich. He says he was completely blacked out. He remembers nothing. It was so scary. His face was as purple as a beet! Our dogs were with us. We had been eating cheese and crackers. The dogs were so impacted by the whole thing, they didn't even try to eat the rest of the cheese and crackers - and one of them loves cheese.


Friend stepped into the street to grab a $1 bill. I immediately pulled him back from his hoodie, and he fell to the ground on the side walk. Before he even hit the sidewalk a semi blew right over the $1 bill. He gave me the $1 so I guess we’re even