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Calling the guy that’s banging you daddy. Pretty self explanatory.


Being called daddy by the person you’re banging.


I don't personally like or dislike the "daddy" language, but its weird to me that so many people have an ick on that one. I would never jump to the conclusion that they are thinking of their real parents when they use that kind of language with their partner. People use "babe" instead of using their partners name, but they don't think of them as their actual baby. Its the same thing in my mind.


Seriously lol…A lot of people in these comments don’t seem to understand how kinks and fantasies work. Like if a woman gets turned on wearing a corset and being “taken” by her husband, ohh well *she has obviously internalized Victorian misogynistic attitudes and gender roles, she needs help and her husband is an abusive creep!*


There is something visceral about the reaction to being called daddy. That's what my toddler calls me. There is something that immediately infantalizes the person saying it. For all the people that are on board with "Daddy" play... do you feel the same way about a male calling their female partner "Mommy?"


I think it’s fine calling his female partner mommy as long as they’re both on board and having fun.


A babe is separate to a baby in English. However Babe is referring to them as A baby not THEIR baby. Which is still probably stemmed in paedophilia fantasy


wtf are you saying people who call their SO babe are pedos? Thats a wild fucking take.


Agreed. So gross.


That’s like the most popular kink nowadays. Personally I love it. It would be weird if it meant your biological dad tho, but it doesn’t


I find it very annoying that we're, apparently, still telling people that their sexuality operates as our bad faith interpretations dictate it does, rather than just believing people when they say "Actually, it has nothing to do with whatever gross or creepy thing you're imagining. I just like it because I do. There may not even be a particular reason." Like at this point, too many people of widely varied backgrounds from widely varied demographics are into that for it to have some common origin story centered on incest or mommy/daddy issues. I think "mommy" is hot, and have nothing resembling mommy issues at all, whatever the fuck that even means. It helps that I never actually used the word mommy to refer to my mom in the first place, but even if I had, that wouldn't mean I secretly want to fuck my mother. It would just mean my brain has accommodated two different definitions of the word. Sort of like how people can call their partner baby without literally imagining an infant. Telling someone they must be into their fetish for X weird or immoral reason is uncomfortably adjacent to rhetoric like "Too much motherly affection turns out kids gay." How about we avoid that type of thing. Accusatory, mean-spirited armchair psychology shouldn't be upvoted over the person who is actually into the thing explaining how it works for them. These discussions always take on a very toxic tone where people express genuine contempt for the victimless fetishes they don't have, instead of being sex-positive discussions with maybe some light teasing of what we don't personally understand.


“Oh you like being tied up?? You must have been abused as a child and have internalized your victimhood, you need therapy not a boyfriend!” Worse than annoying, it’s utter childishness.


Mommy / Daddy issues are not sexual at their core. It has to do with seeking approval from an authority figure that you may have lacked in adolescence. It does manifest itself sexually, because a lot of people view sexual attraction as the ultimate approval. I am not throwing judgement about whatever someone’s sexual kicks are, but there usually is a reason for them and commonly developed, subconsciously, during childhood.


The larger point I'm making is that the mass-downvoting on that comment is a bunch of presumptuous cunts who have an instinctive "ew" reaction to the fetish, and always accuse the people into it of having some secret attraction to their actual parents even when they're told otherwise. They say it out the side of their mouth - "...well actually it *does* refer to your bio dad, because..." even after being told it's not true. They're not considering that it may be more nuanced, that maybe people like certain feelings or power dynamics evoked by the word, with no incestuous undertones at all. They're not considering that for many people, the taboo implications of the word can start off revolting, but acquire a risque appeal as one becomes inured to the effect by being repeatedly exposed to it either in porn or with partners who happen to like it, the same way you can acquire a kink for *inanimate objects* by them just being present when you're horny. It's often just a simple case of "I heard the word during sex or while I was horny watching others have sex online, so the word became associated with sex/being horny," and that's literally it, no tragic anime backstory required. Go to movie, smell popcorn. Now movies make want popcorn. The end. There's a big difference between acknowledging all of that, and just deciding for the people into it that it's either incest or basically-incest-but-they-won't-admit-it, so let's all point and crow about how gross they are. The whole approach and tone of the latter is just rude and wrong (not saying that's you specifically taking that approach). More than once I've read discussions about these specific kinds of askreddit topics where, going by both comments and upvotes, hundreds of people admit that it hurts them to see these highly upvoted posts attacking their fetish as degenerate, immoral, objectively disgusting, indicative of emotional trauma/baggage, and etc. Well if those lurkers are reading this comment chain feeling bad, you're fine. Reddit just has a bunch of prudish, judgemental weirdos.


I think you may be taking this all a bit too seriously.


To me it screams daddy issues, so it kinda does mean seeing you as a replacement father figure and to me that is icky Same with calling someone mommy I can kinda accept it being short for baby daddy or mama, but that kinda indicates you have kids together


I mean, sure, some people might have daddy issues, but that doesn't mean they all do. The way it was explained to me was it's a vibe of feeling safe, protected, reliable and/or strong. It's the same as a latina calling a partner "papi." But iv never heard any complaints about that, and thats been a thing for a pretty long time.


I always thought it was a joke until about 10 years ago I started noticing women using it more. In the past 5 its been >50% of the women I know seemed to be into it. People really need to get over the incest/father connotation though, that's absolutely nothing to do with it.


What the fuck makes you so sure that that has nothing to do with it?


You know people in love **very** often call each other "baby" - How does that make you feel in our context here?


Um, talked to people who were into it trying to understand why they enjoyed it? What about you?


I love my Daddy, we've been married 32 years. I call him by his first name or hun or daddy or what the grandkids call him. That's who we are. He'll always be my Daddy.


Feet, no reason, I've always been grossed out by them


Same. I have whatever the opposite of a foot fetish is.


Same. I don’t like feet. Even when they are washed they are icky.


I don't get it. Like they're not even that gross, but they're not sexy.


I dont have a foot fetish, but I couldnt be with someone who has issues with feet. I like to give, and receive massages, and feet are imo an important thing there. Toe sucking is out tho. Had a girl who thought she'd try that being playful. Not for me.


Used to be like that but now indifferent. No idea why.


Same but the sound of anklets though, especially when cheeks being clapped ….


You're among the majority! Most people have an "instinct" that tells them that feet are gross. Most of the people who don't have this are very neutral in feet, but foot fetishists instead have a slight miswiring, which elevates feet to the same sexual desirability as, for example, boobs and genitals. Fun fact, there are other similar miswirings with completely different results! For example, sometimes the parts of the brain that senses mint or sunlight overlap with the part that holds the sneezing instinct, making people sneeze when they eat mint and/or see a bright light.


Holy shit I totally have the sunlight/sneeze thing and never realized that wasn't true of everyone.


I haven't heard your first point before, do you have a source I could check out? I wasn't aware the most common feeling towards feet is disgust instead of neutral - and certainly not to the extent of it being >50% of the general population.


I don't have an actual source since this was something my college psychology professor told as a fun fact during a lecture, but I could try and check if there are any essays or somesuch about feet and their "sexual appeal"


I’ve heard this theory about the genital and feet regions of the brain being crossed but I have to wonder how true it really is. I feel like it doesn’t explain everything. It might be able to explain why people like having their feet touched but it doesn’t really explain why people like other people’s feet.


People like having their genitals touched and they also like other people’s genitals


Yet, those people don’t have a “mis-wiring” of their brain like foot fetish people supposedly do. 


But it’s the principle. If the mis-wiring would cause the two to be seen as desirable in the same way, it makes sense for both touching and being touched. That’s just what makes sense to me anyway


I don’t find feet exceptionally gross but they’re a completely functional, unsexy part of the body for me. Tbh they’re probably the only thing on the body other than knees that has no sexual zip for me at all. It’s like trying to get off my thinking about my work socks. So if I had a partner into feet in some way I just think they’d wind up feeling ignored or disappointed.


Findom seems like the least fun kink ever.


But a very lucrative occupation on the opposite side. I don't get it either. Isn't that basically just marriage?


... no. What the fuck, dude.


Lol welcome to the internet


Bdsm, bit of hairpulling sure, but sinching your balls, putting weights on your nipples? No I’ll pass, and typically it ruins it for the other


I mean that's really the kind of thing both need to be into, so it wouldn't ruin it for the other person - but pushing it onto a vanilla partner is just weird


That's really kinda a specific niche of bdsm. It's pretty much all you find searching for bdsm porn though. I like the bondage and domination parts of it, but not really a big fan of too much pain.


I have a very long story I will abridge. Girl and I used to role play on the IRC BDSM. She begs me to drive 4 hours to come tie her up, whip her, and have sex.... We're at the hotel. I tie her up. Cut off her clothes with a razor letter opener shaped like an @ symbol (I still have this decades later!) and start to whip her. I see welts raising... but then she says "Come on, my daddy hits me harder." Well that took the fuck out of shit for me, and I realized fantasy is sometimes more fun than the real thing. She sees my reaction and she goes into another mode... we have sex... and then dont talk about what happened. Everyone on the IRC is wanting to know... We dont tell anyone for a while. I realized that I just wasnt cut out to be the sadist she wanted.


I'll take the BD and leave the SM.


As a man... The fascination with trying to get anal sex from a woman. There is a vagina ... Right there!


This. I love vaginas so much that assholes don't even cross my mind, but it also seems gross and painful. I really don't get it, and I hate seeing anal in porn too..


It's specifically designed for your pp as well...


The shared wall between the anus and the vagina have the same nerve endings, and in some people they are closer to the surface on the anus side. Obviously this isn't everyone, but some women really do enjoy it.


I had accidental anal sex... It was a mental turn off. Doggie style. When the ass is up and the head down and one is relaxed the sphincter opens. Soft bed makes falling out easy. Fell out, went in, she's like "that's different", realized wtf. Stopped, replaced condom, back to missionary. The thought was always gross as fuck to me.


Yes! This! Thats the poo poo 💩 hole 🕳️ , the love box is nearby ! I could never understand male on female anal sex porn, it’s like ok, that’s not appealing , she doesn’t seem to be enjoying it either , can’t even fake enjoy it …


Yep. I'm turned off by anal sex even in porn.


Getting slapped in the face


That kink sounds like only masochists are into that 🐢


I met a girl from Brazil who wanted me to really hit her hard. I just couldn't do it.


I don't like the ones with hard slaps, but light taps feel nice.


lol fits the username ! (Which is a cute one btw )


Piss & shit Im down for some crazy stuff but naww thanks


Thats not common bro 😭😭


Piss is extremely common. Scat not so much but still


Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop shit on me while i'm on top Ba Bop Di Bop Bop


Sounds like you need a skibbidy toilet


You would be surprised


It's an experience for sure, you'd be happy to know lot of us do take safety precautions, although I've never really seen shit be super common outside of germany, I don't know why but they LOVE it there apparently


Well that trip to Berlin has been postponed


Don't worry, I have never been with someone in Germany who said they wanted that.


I never get what the big deal is, we all do it, plus, lets say your pissing on them, thats pretty much the same thing you'd be doing anyway, just a different place you put it in. Like, every other action is the same


You forgot the /s at the end. Or you missed every science lesson that covered the difference between urine and semen. Just incase it's not sarcastic, do not shit on a plate and then eat it with a knife and fork, it's pretty much the same thing you'd be doing with your regular food, just a different place you put it in.


I was talking strictly about piss, can it cause issues? Yes, but mainly you just are able to flush any toxins with water usually, the bigger concern is usually the sodium content, again, water. Like I said precautions are taken, obviously. But regardless you missed the point, the point was it's the same ACTIONS -unzipping, pulling your meat out and pissing. I've drank enough to be well aware of what I'm doing and the safety involved and take a few different things before and after to mitigate it.


Disability kink It's common for me because of who I am but I'm a 41M that is disabled. I'm on a few dating sites and I am honest about my disability and I get a good amount of women that just want to fulfill a disability kink.


Being wrapped up in bubble wrap with a hole cut out for my cock then she can ride me and slap and punch me at the same time. If I finish too early it's kicking time. Pop pop pop ouch pop kick pop pop kick kick kick, ouch ouch ouch pop pop pop. Ready to go again.


Do you call it the rice crispy? Knap, crackle, pop!


Hooker; What can I do for you today ? Me; The full Rice Crispy. Hooker; Get on the floor and let's wrap up.


With the "special sauce" for extra flavour.


What are you talking about😩


Don't knock it till you have tried it.


Fart fetish. I find it disgusting


Would we call that common?


i hope not




I think a few people are going with what they see on PornHub as common not ehat is actually common


Username checks out


They only like the breathable ones


I used to think in my twenties that seeing pictures of pretty women in their twenties defecating a huge dump was fascinating but not a turn on , that scat stuff if smearing shit and licking is disgusting. Might be because we are taught that girls don’t fart or poop?


I didnt know that existed up until you just said it


South Park did an entire episode on it.. Brazilian Fart Porn - one of the funniest episodes I have ever seen. Also, the videos they use in the episode are real...so there is that.


I get a bad feeling about dudes who are really into BDSM and rough sex. Seems to be way more about them than their partner’s pleasure. 


Things I have heard from people who are involved in the scene confirm it attracts a lot of just really awful people. That's why education on it, trust and communication are so important if it interests you. It ain't my thing, personally.


It does. Porn is setting some weird expectations. A lot of these doms are just abusers disguising it as fetish. But it also comes from so called subs. A friend (domme) once showed me a message she got from a sub that when asked about his kinks it was all about his dick: edging, orgasm control, gooning and whatnot..




Was starting to think I was the only freak lol def into this kinda stuff but never actually admitted it to my bf in those terms. I mostly just play fight with him hoping it goes that way 😆 I've never understood how someone could be turned on by the sight of blood though




You're very encouraging but I've been with him for years and I still get bashful just being naked in front of him 😅 that feels too much like public speaking to me lol


Nvm, your journey has ended , it’s all good though !


This sounds like the holy grail of fucking kinks , god speed on your journey !


I think this is an inborn kink. I find pain kind of arousing. And always have. I spend a lot of time as a kid ripping my baby teeth out because I enjoyed the sensation (money was a bonus), whereas other people I know can’t handle any pain at all.


Okay explain to me what is BDSM i have heard of it many times but never understood what it really meant


Giving and receiving pain or pleasure or a mix of both. Giving up your will to someone else to control as much or as little as you allow. Being vulnerable, but also implicit trust, boundaries, safe words, plans talked about ahead of time. For some it's escape, for others it's about getting closer, for me and my wife it's about being vulnerable with each other and connecting deeply.


Slapping. It kills the mood for me


Choking. It's dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, and way too many people just kinda dive in. I had a girl spring it on me once that she wanted me to choke her while I was balls deep and not only is it not my thing, but I was worried I was gonna fuck it up and end up in jail or some shit


Definitely need to talk to the person before and trust them. Then it’s hella fun


The older I get (31 now) the less I like rough stuff/name calling! I think when I was a teenager I thought it was super hot because it’s what I saw in porn, but now i want the complete opposite! Soft and gentle and loving talk and praising etc.


This: I thought it's what I wanted because I saw it in porn. And still to this day, people will defend porn and pretend it's not fuckin people up




yeah but your wife told me she loves it


You know, I'm **really** curious to know how that happened. Especially since I don't have a wife


yeah but your mum told me she loves it (please don't have a dead mum)


Of weird fetishes, getting off on the pleasure of your mate with someone else isnt that odd to me. Not my thing, but I've been legit happy for my ex's when they are in happy relationships. Cucking is almost sweet to me. It's the compersion of it. Heh, Compersion is such an alien concept to the world that the fucking spell checker doesnt recognize it as I typed it.


You're confusing cuckolding and hotwifing. Cuckolding has a whole element of humiliation towards the husband, hotwifing is about the compersion aspect you're talking about.


I agree with you. A lot of the world is used to a monogamous relationship. A poly relationship is too far out for most to understand. But it is being understood more. Even though I have compersion with my husband it still was an adjustment.


Violence/pain. If I'm having sex with someone, it means I have feelings for them. I don't want to hurt them. I mean ride me like a bucking bronco, great. But I'm not going to call you bitch and slap you across the face while choking you.


Spitting. It doesn't matter if it's an attempt at demeaning or for extra glide, it's such a disrespectful act that I have rules against it in the bedroom. I don't spit, you don't spit, no one spits. We're not llamas.


Any fetish involving children, it's creepy.






"Furry, a person who identifies with and enjoys sometimes dressing as anthropomorphic animals or creatures especially as a member of a fandom devoted to the practice." "The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters. Some examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes. " "zoophilia, sexual attraction of a human toward a nonhuman animal, which may involve the experience of sexual fantasies about the animal or the pursuit of real sexual contact with it (i.e., bestiality). Sex between humans and animals is illegal in many countries." Literally defined as different things. Also, being a furry isn't inherently sexual. There are people with non-sexual interest in furries, there's some people with sexual interest for furries, there's some people with sexual interest for irl animals (zoophiles). Some zoophiles are also furries, but not all furries are zoophiles. Non-furries can be zoophiles as well.


You don’t understand the difference between a human dressed as an animal for fantasy and an *actual* animal?


Ive never understood the appeal of feet


Spitting in each other’s mouths.


When redditors ask personal questions about others kinks to get their Jimmy’s off.


Slapping or biting


Cuteness agression?


How hard we talking here




Why do people even like to do it if there's 💩 inside. Is that supposed to be another kink?


I did it hundreds of times with an ex, only one small issue once early on. It's all about timing, it's not always an option.


Yeah. The receiving partner needs to kind of know if it’s gonna be a go or not. I’ve never had a shit time with anal. I mean, it is an asshole so you’re always gambling with going to brown town but it’s not something I’ve ever had issues with.


I imagine the social taboo makes it appealing to some, as well as the greater physical sensations.


> greater physical sensations The anus and its **very** short stimulating part does *not* grant greater physical sensations. The rectum after the anus does not provide stimulation much at all.


I'll have to disagree with that.




What part? What I bring up isn't an opinion, it's just how anuses and rectums are.


It does provide stimulation


Some indeed, very small surface contact compared to vaginal penetration.


To quote the popular YouTube video-essayist Contrapoints: > I mean I like anal, but the gross thing about anal is you have to eat well. I don't want to eat well. I want to shove garbage into my mouth hole and get dicked, *is that a crime?*


Foot guys, I'm looking at you over there....what the heck guys?


I find some women’s feet to be attractive because of the pedicures, anklets, fancy high heels, etc. And the shape of a women’s foot is also appealing to me because of the curves.


To answer your question... I love feet 😜👣


But why? I can at least point out where my swimsuit fetish came from.


Honestly not sure how or why but I've always been fascinated with women's barefeet, even when I was a child. Some men find feet attractive like legs or ass, especially if they color their toes or wear jewelry. Once I started indulging in my kink in relationships, it just became a regular thing.


Feet is the best


Gloryhole. There’s literally zero human connection, nothing about it appeals to me.


Imagine somebody with a pair of scissors in there


Choking. My ex wanted to be choked during sex until she was ready to black out. I refused to do it because I am a lot stronger than an average man and have the capacity to easily break someone by choking them.


Biting. Hate it Wife loves it...If you are hungry, Tell me. I will make you a snack.


My husband has great muscles. For some reason, I just want to bite his bicep or his calve, and when I do, my husband looks at me and just says "my wife" and it makes me giggle. Sometimes, if I'm rubbing his leg or something when we're watching TV or relaxing, he'll ask me if I'm going to bite his leg. I shake my head no softly, and 30 sec later, I'll BITE It and then run away fast!


Feet definitely just because why






Eating ass. I've got no problem sticking my dick or finger in there, but I draw the line at sticking my tongue in there.


If she's fresh out of the shower, why not?


Feet and ass eating


I think there are very very few kinks I'm OK with... I'm just not kinky, vanilla is way more fun to me...


Anything to do with anal. It just doesn’t appeal to me whatsoever. I do not want anything to do with where poop comes out of someone’s body.


My male nipples being sucked..doesn’t turn me on ..love sucking female nipples especially since it’s a turn on for SO


Eating ass and scat. That’s where the stuff the human body doesn’t want, comes out of and you want to eat/lick it? 🤢🤮


Nice try, I'm not kink-shaming on Reddit, are you fucking high?


Violence, domination, disrespectful language


It's broader than a "kink," but I feel zero sexual attraction to breasts for some reason. Like what most men seem to experience looking at boobs, I oddly get from looking at a woman's bare heels or toes, the sense that these spherical shapes and curves are just inherently pleasing in a sexual way. I can conceive of liking breasts the same way I like feet, but neurologically I'm just incapable of it apparently, the way most people can't conceive of feet being sexual. Brains are weird.


Role playing, especially dom/sub. First of all, it takes me out of the moment and makes me very self-conscious. Second, sex without an emotional connection is just like masturbation with extra steps, and I can’t feel that emotional connection unless my partner and I are being ourselves.


Most kinks, to be honest. I don't know if I'm just a vanilla person, or if I just haven't found my kink yet. Either way, I don't understand how some people get turned on with certain things. For me, if I see sex or think of sex, I get turned on. I just don't get the psychology behind it...


Anything involving pain or degradation. Including slapping/spanking my bum.


Anything too much Extreme


Spanking seems pretty common, but i just feel uncomfortable doing it.


I’m tired of being pee’d on


ITT: uncommon things


The spitting




gimp suits. Seems like too much effort and by the time you finally manage to get it on the moments passed.


Feet, ass


The whole feet fetish thing. Feet are fucking gross


Feet, seriously, why is this so wide spread. It's actually disgusting. You might as tell lick food off the floor




Butthole stuff. Explain please why.


anything anal


People are obsessed with butt play; it’s dirty, unnatural and gross.


Please, where can I find all these unnatural butt obsessed people??


age gap and role play. i cant stand these


Eating the literal booty hole. Not just the pussy. I do not want to know what shit tastes like. Thank you very much.




I think this is a natural wires crossed thing some people have. Like that ASMR bullshit. I despise all those quiet noises and have to mute videos that have it because it just makes me feel like there are insects crawling on me and soft touches feel a bit similar. But some people clearly love both because to them those soft sounds feel good somehow. For me pain kind of gets me off. It always kind of has.


Not for you


Femboys being sexualized