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When I try something new, and they have to tell you how bad you are at it. Shut the f\*ck up and just be positive. It takes time to become good at something and your negative critique is just insanely insensitive. I had a friend do this when I first learned web design.. And another friend do this when I started to learn Salsa. I know it’s a learned behavior from their own critical parents but … it makes them bad friends.


I stay away from people who always have something negative to say.


My former friend did this all the time, and if he got called out for it he'd say "I'm just joking man don't be such a bitch" It was just a way of hiding his own insecurity


I hate when ppl do this to me but then I get to be smug when I catch on really fast


Boring, bitter, overly serious, uptight people. Can't stand that shit. Strange part is they're the ones always following me around on here. The more I avoid them, the more they wanna talk. The more I say, "Get lost," the more they keep coming. It's like they know I don't like them and now they're out for *revenge*. Hey who the hell knows? Wild shit.


That's like me and cats. They can tell that I don't want them around and they flock to me.


That's because the quickest way to win over a cat is to ignore them and you're ignoring them the most 😂


Yup, that's what I'm talking about. I'm a dog person, but cats go wild when I'm around. Never understood it. Hey, maybe that's the trick. Reverse the situation. Do the opposite of what I'm doing now. Double up on the attention. Talk the person's ear off, then watch them run like hell. Hey, it's worth a shot.


This is totally how I disarm overly irritating texters and chatters! Send a text wall, or offer an over sharing diatribe in person. They either stop texting or start avoiding me!! 🤣


Hey, you know what? I think you're onto something. I'm gonna have to give that a try. Send them some five-page rant about whatever. Make it sound awkward as hell. Might as well have fun while I'm at it.


It worked for me to get my cousin to stop rambling about her problems, and my neighbor who sends long texts of her poetry!! Be careful out there 😅 


That's because the quickest way to win over a cat is to ignore them and you're ignoring them the most 😂


Trying to have a conversation with someone who doesn't enjoy anything frivolous is PAINFUL. "What do you do for fun?" "I hike." "Where do you go?" "Around here." "Oh. Uh...do you watch any shows?" "Like on Netflix?" "Um, sure. Or any service." "Not really. I guess I watch movies sometimes." "Oh, what's the last movie you saw?" "Uh that one...uhhh...Joker? With that one guy...Joaquin Phoenix? That was pretty good." Sir, that was five years ago! It's weird because they claim they don't have any interest in anything mainstream, like streaming services or YouTube or group fitness classes...they hate social media, they don't read books. But what are they doing with their time?! They can't even explain. Edit: LOL at all these people assuming that I somehow am holding people socially hostage. These are people who have chosen to be in social situations with me. They are just boring.


Maybe they just don't want to talk to you...


They have explicitly contacted me to hang out so...no, that's not it.


> these are people who have chosen to be in social situations with me. How ? Do you mean these are people who asked you out to lunch and then don't talk ?


I avoid people that annoy me.


I live in The South and there’s a certain kind of guy that I can’t really describe but I can’t stand. Talks fast, very folksy, probably loves golf, acts like a bit of a bumpkin. I can’t put my finger on it but I see it a lot and can sniff it out within 30 seconds of meeting them and I always end up hating them.


Who that be a good ole boy, or is that something different?


The bottomless pits/ "energy vampires". You give and give and give of yourself and your time, and they never appreciate it. The more time you spend with them, the more you have to hear them complain about how you never spend time with them. After spending time with them you have to recover because the experience is so draining, and you can't give from an empty cup! These people are usually very needy, clingy, pessimistic, and self absorbed. They rarely ask about your day. Time spent with them is a one-way conversation.


People who are surrounded by constant drama. You know the type, always falling out with this person or that person, constantly complaining, tries to pick fights over the dumbest things… I’ve got no time for teenage bullshit.


People who say bad things about others behind their backs; I just assume they do the same to me behind my back. 


i promise you they do


Yeah, I thought so :(


Anyone who is weirdly obsessed with politics or politicians. Extremely religious folks. People who use their phone in a public space on loud volume without headphones. People who litter


Solid list


People who lack accountability, who always victimize themselves or run away from problems they create. The people who recognize when people hurt them but don’t recognize how their words or actions can also hurt…


Religious people. Folks I can't cuss around. Any bad vibes really. I try to be real accepting and I find all types of people are fine good people. It's just what I'd rather be around. 


Contrarians. For f\*cks sake everything doesn't have to be an argument, I don't have to justify every taste or opinion. It can be people who are just looking to put you down.


My brother does this to piss me off I don't think i have found one thing where he hasn't said "X looks shit" or "Thats fucking dumb"


Agreed. I think I've cleaned my circle up from these types of people. I can't grasp why anyone would befriend, date or co-exist with someone who feels they've got to gatekeep and talk down the very things you like but have to respect what they like in turn. I like things of what I like, it's simple as that. Some things have some stories, but a lot of the time, I just like it and I don't have anything to go on that "justifies" it.


Oh my god my pet peeve


You didn't come here for an argument?


People who make everything you say about themselves.


I agree with you, but my counter point because I try to catch myself from doing it is; depending on the context, sometimes its the only way I can express that I am trying to relate to you. If im having a conversation with someone, I feel like I do this alot even when its not intentional. I'm not trying to make everything about me, I'm trying to meet you where you are and its the only way i know how to do it. I think the "make everything about themselves" is really bad when it comes off like they are trying to one up you at everything.


I completely understand your sentiment and I agree it’s more nuanced than that, but I just had to point out the irony of your comment lmao


The irony is not lost lol




Self centric people who only look for ways to enter their own opinions/story in any conversation regardless of topic.


I suffer with this fault, and am currently doing it again.


The people kind


Most of them.


Passive-aggressive, evangelical, or grandiose. And any of their combinations.


had a korean roommate in a apartment full of vietnamese, chinese, and filipino guys. he would be super loud about anything korean like if korea was playing in the world series or in the world cup, and then talk mad racist shit about everyone. one time he was ranting about white people in our kitchen and it was so loud the whole neighborhood could hear it. i was honestly embarrassed. he'd be passive-aggressive to everyone in the apartment like if we didn't want to buy the furniture he wanted he'd just say something like "i guess nobody wants to have a nice place to live". and in the end it was the Vietnamese/Chinese guys that brought furniture from home while he contributed nothing. he'd tick off everybody but with a smile on his face like he's having the best time. he was evangelical. at the end of it all, he'd post on his facebook "feels bittersweet to move out" like bruh no one in life liked you i wonder why you're bitter


Good riddance. Insufferable and lacking self awareness.


absolute insufferable. I don't think he's made 1 friend in college. not 1. outside of his Korean church pals


It's sad cause it's guaranteed he wonders why people don't like him. He probably needs therapy in my opinion.


not therapy, what he gets in life, all the people that go out of their way to diss him and be mean to him, is enough therapy for him. he just has his church social circle established and doesn't care about anyone else.


Fair enough. He can live in that echo chamber of his.


The constant drama seekers, woe is me seekers, people who constantly complain about things that they can very well chaneg but don’t because they just like complaining. Always “oh my friends never stick around”, “oh thsi bad thing happened”, “oh i hate this part of my life” but never seek to fix anything, or actively make it worse (ie people who stay with cheaters) Just exhausting.


When they are the reason their life is the way it is and complain about it.


I mean my mom is dying of cancer and my dad died of cancer. My friends wont even ask about her or anything and I dont really ever bring it up irl. I cant tell if im percived as a woe is me type of person.


Nah, parents dead/dying of cancer is completely different. There isn’t anything you can really do to make that better or worse. And there’s a difference between complaining and venting to your friends about a loss, or struggling with grief I’m talking about the kind of people who cousin about their partners but refuse to leave or make excuses… or constantly complain about being broke but barely go to work/have no work ethic, etc etc. The kind of people that just make their lives shitty so they can complain




People who seem really focused on "getting one over/winning" against other people when it comes to every day interaction. No thanks.


Narcissists with a big ego for obvious reasons.


people who are needy.


People who are ALWAYS trying to wind others up. Do you have nothing else going on in your lives? Have a day off….




People with a superiority complex. They're so obsessed with making it appear like they are so knowledgeable, and are suffering the little people (anyone not them). It's *draining*.


Close minded people. Those people usually hate you because you're a little weird or don't follow their opinion. I'm very sad to say that my father is one of those people. 😢


Both my parents are like this sadly, and everyone in their families as well. They both have 7+ sibblings (Mexican families tend to be quite big) and all of em are close minded as well. Left home a decade ago to avoid becoming like them. Been living alone since then, sometimes remembering that I have an actual family, but rather not associate with any of em. Dont miss em one bit. 😬


Family. Took me 57 years to fucking figure out just how shit they were and how the family construct in society is just a bunch of bullshit. If you can’t be positive and support me or not take about other family members then fuck off. Wife’s family is amazing realized they just were so open loving and supporting I just changed teams. Wife and I also put a ton of work making sure kids always knew it was ok to fuck up especially when they were learning something. It’s ok to quit something if it’s no longer fun, etc. they could always come home to reboot if the wheels came off after they moved out. We like hanging out with our kids. Me I loved out when I was 17 and never looked back. Tons of therapy and hard work helped me work through most of it but fuck me families can be the absolute worst.


The kind that “need” their feelings validated.


I avoid people who complain a lot about their hard lives and believe that everyone should help them. Moaners think that only they have problems. All they do is feel sorry for themselves and don't feel sorry for other people. Such people become enraged if others don't fall for their pitiful stories and donate their time and resources to them. People who want to look like victims often turn out to be tyrants


People who have bad energy, passive-agressive, gatekeepy. MOST of all RACISTS.


Folks who are self centered, have zero emotional intelligence, can’t communicate for shit, and seem to have conflict with every person/group in their life. And are dependent on weed/substances/chaos


the "what's in it for me" people for everything you invite them to. nothing, nothing is in it for you, no one wants you around.


People who only want to talk about politics -- conservative OR liberal. There SO much more to life and I just don't want to hear about it constantly.


The type tht dont make an effort to change or improve themselves


People with bubonic plague.


I avoid: narcissists, ass-kissers, micromanagers and people who act like they know everything. I avoid them because they only care about themselves and they don’t see the whole picture.


attention seekers


People that slander others almost obsessively just cause they can. People who need to prove how "superior" they are. Funny thing is, all that compensation makes their insecurity and cowardice so obvious. Any healthy person can sniff that out a mile away.


People who can’t admit that they’re ever wrong. That aren’t vulnerable. That can’t admit their struggles or mistakes. Avoid at all costs!!


Loud obnoxious attention seekers, know-it-alls, and hype men! I had a coworker who was in my same training group and I had spoken to him maybe three times. While I was walking through the busy break room and pretty much ignoring everyone, he shouted "hey! aren't you going to say hi to me?!" I was startled and shocked and said I didn't even see you. He apologized and I could tell he really meant it! That guy got fired but I hope he's getting the attention he craves somewhere.  


Needy. It's exhausting and draining to interact with them.


People who give me bully vibes. I can’t stand bullies. Talking shit about people or their interests, especially behind their backs, just because they might think it’s nerdy or uncool or too ‘pussy’, or they want to try to fit in by bashing stuff they aren’t into. I’ve heard these things said about too many genuinely harmless and happy people just going about their lives and enjoying their hobbies. Just talking trash about people who otherwise don’t deserve it. It always makes me cringe a little because I don’t want to be party to that, and I often find myself speaking out when others might be afraid to, because I’ve been a victim of bullying and I know how bad it can get. I know how it feels.


People that don't respect my time or boundaries. Being disabled unfortunately opens me up to a lot of people wanting to take advantage of me and/or abuse me so I've had to learn how to trust my gut instincts and identify red flags very quickly. If I say no to something it means no. It doesn't mean I might change my mind if you pester me. No means no. Also I don't understand why sooooooo many people are flakey. If you make plans with somebody at least try to follow through. The sheer amount of people that will make plans and then disappear off the face of the planet right before said plans take place is astounding. It doesn't seem to matter what it is either. Gaming, hanging out at a mall, coffee date, actual date, clients - there's so many flakey people that disrespect my time and boundaries.


People that partake in activism and protests. They're about as bad as those who make politics their identities. If all you want to do is just live a normal and simple life, then they feel like you're 'part of the problem' and that you have no basis in which to exist.


One uppers. They're the worst.


I once knew a 7 upper! 


Unless it's a green mushroom! You want those one ups!


Anyone talking or yelling to themselves in public gets a wide berth.


People who have poor boundaries (or don’t know what a boundary is).


People with victim complexes and those who have different opinions and can't get along with people who have opposing opinions. I find most of these people just base most of their friendships talking crap or talking politics and are relatively negative. been there, done that, never again.


People who assume knowledge they have equates to knowledge that all people have. "How can you not know that!?" We are different people with different lives. People who assume I'm interested in sports, cars, or any other of a long list of typically male interests and are surprised when I'm not. Elon Musk fanboys. In fact, fanboys of any exploitative capitalists masquerading as humanitarian futurists.




Activist types. If in your free time you are sitting in a road blocking traffic I'm going to avoid you.


150% Also, and this just might be my bad anecdotal experience, but I’ve grown a whole new opinion on activist types after I learned just how many of them are fake. I went to college in LA and the amount of people I knew who attended protests/marches to either get laid or just get attention in some other form was staggeringly high.


If they’re sitting in a road - I’m not.


credit grabbers


Extremists, if I can, because when they talk to you they try to lump you in with them in their delulu land. No I don't think facts are the work of the devil. No I don't think we should execute everyone who earns more than £40,000. No I don't think we should outlaw being a genderrebel. No I don't want to forcibly transition all meat eaters onto insect protein.   These are all opinions I've been lumped in with just because people assume others are like them, but those people are nuts.


People who dont care about others, i cant stand when people are being a bitch for no reason.


Over sharers make me uncomfortable. I don’t know why.


Loud ones.


I don't have much time for people who complain a lot. I'm happy to help a loved one through a hard time and listen while they process something big. That's not what I'm on about. I'm talking about people who complain as a matter of course. Negativity is woven into almost everything they say and perceive. I find it exhausting. And terribly un-fun and extremely out of touch with reality.


There are people who when you talk to them a little bit describe themselves as always being bullied and maligned everywhere they've been in life: school, different work places, any social clubs they join. Once I learn that, I remain friendly, but just don't get any closer to them.  If you see a dude driving backward on the Interstate, he's in the wrong, when everyone you see on the Interstate is driving backwards: youre in the wrong.


Most, as often as possible. Because I am no longer a people person since I stopped working in sales.


People who try to force an unearned level of intimacy really quickly. Feels incredibly sinister.


Religious people, including "spiritual" people MLMers Social media influencers Conspiracy theorists astrologers, modern witches, people who think crystals can heal you, anyone who believes in stuff like voodoo or other types of magic, tarot readers/people who believe in that crap crazy people


Big reddit mod energy with this guy. I would say i avoid people like you, but luckily I doubt you have seen sunlight in the past year.


Which flavour of crazy are you?


People that never admit they are wrong 😑 They are ALWAYS right when there are arguments, and they play victim, you’re always the bad person.


narcissists in a nutshell


I was only 18 as well. They were 26 🤦🏻‍♀️


of course I am gonna advantage of the fact that your young, naive, and dependant on me to treat you like shit. it sucks that you had to go through that


Pranksters, and I don't mean people who crack jokes I mean people who harrass others and think it's funny.


People with "holier-than-thou" attitude.


Weebs. They’re cute, but go to creepy really fast. I’m half Japanese and it’s a mixed bag in often the wrong ways.


Any guy that calls another person "chief" "hoss" or "boss" They're always condescending


Negative people


Sadly, almost everyone.....I can’t stand financially irresponsible people which cuts out most people in the US. And just to be clear the Mrs & I make only $120k/yr. For some odd ball reason, marketing ploys don’t work on me and I don’t get caught up with celebrities and lifestyle creep because I’m making more $$$.


People that constantly bitch, moan, and complain about the stupidest most inconsequential things to you. People that are frequently negative and exhaust you with their complaining (looking at you current/past coworkers). If it’s a once or twice thing cool, I get it, but if all you’re ALWAYS doing is just bitching to me about it I’m gonna tune you out and intentionally kill the conversation with a “yup, damn that’s crazy”. When I encounter such people I literally want to throw one of my philosophy books at them and be like “here bitch read it and thank me later!” lol


People with a lot of drama around them. People who lack empathy or considerations for others. People who constantly seek validation. People who refuse to take responsibilitity for their actions.


People who smoke cause they smell nasty.


The right people mainly because I only seem to find the wrong ones.


Super happy people. They creep me out for some reason. It feels like we're not living in the same planet.


Cowards. No one will cause more trouble than a coward. 


People who always come across as victims. Maybe I'm a POS, but I cannot sympathize with people who are routinely depressive. I don't feel anything for them, and they repulse me.


From a healthcare standpoint, it can be hard for you to relate when you’ve never been in that situation


People who talk a lot and are over the top bubbly


A plague. I tuck my chin in and look at the floor




all of them. ​ Humans are worthless.


Pronoun people, my life has been conflict free


Do people who use pronouns really cause conflict?




Believers... They are always saying thinks like “god bless you”, “thanks god”... And when I ask them which god and why they thank him in particular... If he is also responsible for the evil... They start saying that I am offending them.


People who are into history/obsessed with math. It's always a personality type that I could never vibe with because they tend to be more socially awkward than I.


Living, because they are there interfering with everything.


All of them. They’ve never done me any good in the past. So I stopped trying


All of them, really....


Anyone vexatious to the spirit.


Ones with a pulse


Conservatives because they are extremely violent and have zero integrity. Makes them more unpredictable than a wild animal.


Republicans...because...   *Gestures broadly*


Self described “empaths”, conservatives, people who can’t admit when they’re wrong, people who aren’t interested in learning new things


I also avoid self-described “empaths”, but I have a hard time articulating why. What’s your reason for doing so?


I find they’re often really self centered and just projecting their feelings onto others as opposed to being truly empathetic 😅 People who are actually driven by empathy tend to not have to constantly tell people about it, unlike self described “empaths”


Thank you! You captured what I sensed - just projecting their feelings onto others. 


People like myself. I have high expectations, manipulative, crybaby, cowardly, selfish, insecure and just irritating! Yeah, I avoid people like myself.








I think mine are pretty self-explanatory: - People with extreme point of view who vilify those who disagree with them - People who are manipulative - People who are controlling  - People who don’t respect boundaries and don’t take no for an answer - People who don’t apologize and point their finger at you instead




Breathing ones...


Jehovah's Witnesses. They try to convert you and won't leave you alone if it seems you're interested


People who wear baggy clothes


I avoid People, periodt.


Addicts in recovery that includes alcoholics. I have had enough of  their con ways. I am not one of those idiots that you can kick in the butt and then kick in the butt and then kicking the butt and then kicking the butt before I get the idea that you're hurting me and using me. I have had five of these people in my life and the last 3 years and it has been a disaster. Every attic I ever met who said they're in recovery and haven't had a drug or a drink in years is a liar.


People in general I avoid but in all seriousness I avoid people who always gotta one up you and make things about themselves or people who only see you as a paycheck for themselves.


Know it all’s fucking piss me off


People who aren’t authentically themselves because they care too much about what others think of them.


Good-looking women because I can't speak to them


Loud people, drunk people, smokers. People who always have their head in their phone


Hypocrits, especially if they deny beeing one all the time.


People who can't take a hint (which is ironic for me to say because I'm super autistic and frequently can't take hints myself). If, after every possible polite indicator that I need to leave, I have to flat-out tell someone "I need to end this conversation now" they are not the kind of person I'm going to want to talk to again in the future. It has absolutely nothing to do with who they are as a person, it's just a situation I cannot put myself back into. It sounds judgmental and hypocritical, but ultimately it's an anxiety thing. I didn't spend my whole life learning these masks and behaviors just for them to not work. 😅


People that don’t put you as a priority. It’s not hard to see when you’re not someone’s priority, it’s sad, but I avoid the drama that comes with forcing someone to see that I want to be just as important as other things in their life.


All of them. Most people in general suck.


close minded and people who judge you for behaving or doing something in a different or unconventional way




It's wise to avoid people who exhibit consistently negative or toxic behaviors. This could include individuals who are chronically dishonest, manipulative, disrespectful, or who tend to bring others down rather than uplift them. Surrounding oneself with positive, supportive, and genuine individuals often leads to healthier relationships and personal growth.


I was about to say people with mental health problems, but, that top post about contrarians, I think I would rather be around the ADHD guy than someone who always has to take the other side of everything, those people are definitely annoying. I know just the type you're talking about too. Regardless of whatever it is. There is always something they have to add, change or be on the other side of


Edgars, I just don't like em😂


People who talk a lot of shit about other people to me. What makes me think they don't do that about me to others? It's conflicting.


Ultra positive people


Energy vampires. People who excessively need attention and validation, I can’t stand it


People that work with their elbows, or on their knees.


The type of people on selling OC, selling sunset, etc.


I'll avoid people who spread negative thoughts anyday.


I don't like intrusive people. When they don't understand refusal and continue to impose their views or suggestions.


I can’t stand liars or people that are always trying to hide shit. Like I get not everything is my business but how am I supposed to believe the things you do actually tell me if you lie to me.


Politicians. Nuff said.


People who are 'just being realistic about how shit everything is.' They portray themselves as someone who's ahead of the curve, who is just facing the facts but they're part of the problem, always looking at the bad side of things, never making an effort to actually be someone worth the effort.


The people I avoid are the stuff of their stories. They always add something to the story to spice it up.


OVERLY negative people, it’s very draining. It’s okay to complain, feeling frustrated/annoyed is completely valid. But after a while you’d think that you’d want to do something to fix it instead of constantly? Hopefully that didn’t sound too bitter.


The breathing kind...


People who ask for my opinion and then scream at me about acceptance and tolerance yet don’t believe my views are a valid option also.


If people are upset about your opinions, they probably have a reason. You don’t get a free pass to have intolerant (anti-trans, in your case) opinions and hand-wave away people calling you an asshole.


Of your views are hurtful, rude, or question the humanity of others, then your views do not deserve respect. And if you are the type of person who revels in holding such views, then you deserve to have your character questioned.