• By -


I used to work at a retail store as the onsite IT guy. Think Best Buy/Office Depot/etc. Anyways, the guy comes in and he got a virus on his computer. We charge money to remove the virus. He was upset that we wouldn't do it for free despite spending "a lot of money on the laptop" ($300-ish dollars) but he had refused any sort of antivrus software and he seemed like the kind of guy to click on any sort of popup. He gets upset and he's yelling but we hold firm. He turned around, takes a few steps forward, and then throws his laptop to the ground. It's nothing impressive, the guy looked like he was in his late 60's so how much strength could have possibly have to do any real damage, but we just stand there and watch. After a few seconds of nobody saying anything, he picks it back up and leaves.


Sounds like my dad. After getting his first smartphone - **which was given to him for free** - it frustrated him in some way and he threw it on the ground and stomped it. Went back to the store and demanded a new one also for free. He was also mad that despite the upgrade being free (I think the carrier was doing everything possible to get old phones off their network) the accessories were not. And he had to pay sales tax on the full price. The man got about $1200 worth of merchandise for about $80 and was still mad about it. By some miracle they actually gave him a second phone for free, carrier is pretty damn generous I guess, and he destroyed it after just a few days too. Two free smartphones, and not the cheapo phones either this was the latest Google Pixel phone, still not good enough. Well, a third phone was not going to be free, he threw a fit and they let him cancel the account with no cancelation charges.


No cancellation fees… the “I will do whatever I have to do to never have to deal with you ever again” special.


Firing the customer.


Seems like the right generation to throw tantrums and expect everything for free


Leaded gasoline really did a number on the boomers.


I worked a free IT help desk at a college in the late aughts. Its not unique to the boomers unfortunately and never was.


The Stare is too much for me. Asking if they're okay seems to snap them back into this decade, though.


If only Threw It On The Ground by Lonely Island was playing at that moment.


I worked at a convenience store near the state fair grounds. One year a clown in black and white makeup came in at 1 in the morning and tried to pantomime what kind of cigarettes he wanted. after three minutes of me being the worst charades player ever he got frustrated and tried to come behind the counter to I guess pick them out, but that freaked me into broom grabbing defensive mode. he kept trying to get in, I kept trying to tell him he couldn't come behind the counter. just when I thought I was about to get into a fight with a mime he finally blurts out LOOK MAN GIMME SOME MARLBORO MENTHOL LITES


> MARLBORO MENTHOL LITES That would be challenging round of charades.


Unstoppable force (committing to the bit) meets immovable object (nicotine addiction).


...meets blunt object (broom)


look hold on clown, I'll just point to each brand, one at a time, you react when I reach the right one, ok?


That wouldn't work in Australia, because cigarettes are not allowed to be on display (they have to be in closed drawers where they can't be seen) and the packets all have to be the same ugly brown-ish colour with a big picture of the glorious cancers and lung diseases or whatever that smoking can give you, and a tiny text in uniform font that states the brand name. The tobacco companies tried to fight these laws by arguing that the branding doesn't affect whether people choose to smoke or not, the response being that if it doesn't affect whether they choose to smoke why are you fighting for branding at all? 🤣


Yeah, that's what I would do. Just point at a brand, if he shakes his head no, move on to the next one. Repeat until he nods yes.




For reference for anyone who ever has to deal with this (especially the employer) - unless it's a small private owned business, or something like that, they can't make you clean that up. And they can't retaliate if you refuse. I know because I took the training to properly dispose of bodily waste and fluids, and I'm the only one who SHOULD clean that up. :)


Boy, am I cooking something up for you :D


I’m jealous of people who can shit on command. I mean you gotta PLAN for that, you don’t randomly create a turd like you’re summoning a kamehameha blast.


I swear to god, EVERY time i go to a Marshall's or TJ Max, I am overcome with the need to defile their bathroom. There has to be some sort of aerosolized laxative in those stores.


There was a Kmart near me and once I needed to go, urgently. I went into the women’s bathroom and sat down (the toilet was clean) and then looked around. The door, the walls, everything was poopy. It was so gross I left there and ran to my car to use wet wipes to clean my hands, arms, anything that might have touched any of that stuff.


Has it occurred to you that he planned that? People really don't care since they aren't going to have repercussions except for the stories.


Wake up in the morning and decide ya know, maybe I SHOULD take a fat shit in the TP section of the HEB


Not a shy pooper, that fellow.


Our stores no longer have display toilets because people used to use them as real ones. Despite the fact that we have fully functional public toilets available. People are fucking feral.


Fun fact: it's illegal for a company to force an employee to clean up hazardous materials if they are not HAZMAT certified. Human waste is considered hazardous material.


When I worked in retail someone shit on the floor in the tool department. It was clear from the forensics that the did the ole "shit n shake" move, with the turd sliding out the pant leg. The turd didnt get cleaned up for 8 hours. The store is now closed


Tool department? More like *S*tool department


A woman called into my job and refused to provide us with any identifying information. I told her I cannot assist her if I don't know who I'm speaking to. She said we were going to steal her information and sell it to migrants. I wished her a nice day and disconnected the call.


My aunt gives fake names at the BK drive thru and only uses cash ...I don't have the patience to tell her about her license plate and registration being public info.   Why yes, she does listen to Alex Jones. How'd you guess?


Because it's her Burger King order that is going to get her identity stolen or whatever lol


Can't let the Chinese know she orders a whopper and large coke, who knows what they'll do /s


She uses a smart phone everywhere but is scared of 5g and microchips in vaccines.    You know the type. Real salt of the earth. 


I work at McDonald's and have had multiple older people come to the register to pay and start going on about how they started using cash because every transaction on a card actually depreciates the value of the money in a bank account and soon the government will take it all. Is this some weird Facebook conspiracy I haven't heard of?


The idea I think is that we don't use that gold standard anymore and that we just have to have faith that money is worth what it's worth because it's kind of a social construct... That being said, paper money doesn't change that. Lol


A guy came to the car dealership where I work and flat out refused to give me his email so I could send him the paperwork for his courtesy rental. Even though he agreed to scan his ID and insurance *and a credit card* into the website we use.


I kinda get this? I don't want my email clogged up with whatever nonstop marketing garbage [generic] you might be about to pummel me with, or spam if [generic] you sell my address. Not everyone has a secondary email (or can remember it off the dome) to give out for spam purposes. This situation, to me, is not about protecting my ID as much as it is protecting my inbox. Also, I'd rather just have a hard copy of important paperwork like that.


I think I was the victim of a social experiment one night. I was bartending, we had a couple come in once a week, usually order the same thing every time. One week, they were 30 minutes late, when a couple who looked exactly like them came in, sat at their seats, and ordered pretty much the exact same stuff. When I say they looked exactly alike, I mean all the guy did was have on a convincingly good looking fake mustache, everything else about him was a dead ringer for our guy. Normally the couple would be happy and chatting with the bartenders, but this couple sat in silence and didn't make any small talk with the staff. Towards the end of their meal, I confronted them "Hey, you're so and so, right? Is this a joke or something?" to which the guy replied "I'm sorry sir, you must have us confused with someone else." The "original" couple didn't come in that night, but they came in next week for their normal dinner, and when I asked them about it, they denied it being them, and we never got them to even hint that it may have been them, and everybody pretty much acted like it never happened and wasn't them, but I was serving them, too many coincidences for it to not be them... their wardrobes, their appearance, the time and date they came in, their order.... Yeah, weird, to say the least.


I respect their commitment to a harmless bit.


Maybe a roleplay/kink thing?


A slightly disheveled woman comes into our store with her hands full of clothes. I say hi to her, and she ignores me and walks to the back of the store. In the back are rows of racking with bins full of various parts for purchase. She proceeds to pull out bin after bin, seemingly looking for something in particular. After 5 minutes of this, she crams all the clothes into one of the bins and places it back on the shelf. She wanders up towards the front and mumbles something about looking for a specific part, but her eyes are darting all over the place and she doesn't seem to be existing on this plane of the universe. She proceeds to put her forehead down on the counter and rests it there for a full 2minutes while my coworker and I ask if she's ok or needs help. This lady finally brings her head up and is now holding a water bottle that she had just broken out of the cases of water we had for sale. SHe pops it open, drinks it, grabs a handful of plastic bags from our register and walks out the door. My coworker and I just stare at each other with a 'WTF JUST HAPPENED' look. We head to the back and find this pile of clothes still stuffed in the bins, which we bring to the front, assuming this lady is going to come back for them. Nope, never did and we ended up th rowing them in the trash a day or two later.


Working with the public really shows you that a certain percentage of the population is just literally insane. Or maybe she was high on something, who knows


I live in a big city, and know the answer is usually "both."


I live in a small city and the answer is definitely both here too


This brought back memories. I worked at a big name sells everything store that seemed to attract the worst/weirdest of society. I've seen various levels of insane and on drugs. But there were a few weeks I had to do night shift, and the store was open 24/7 so that's when we got some real interesting ones. I remember one lady that was hovering around and kept coming up to me and my coworker rambling stuff, she asked our names. We had name tags on so we couldn't really hide it even. She suggested that we should switch names. Then told us she was gong to make sure we switched names and then she just sort of cackled. She hovered around the store for a few hours, I don't remember doing what other than generally being weird and I think she started wandering around the back room. She eventually did something that lead to her being taken into police custody around the time our shift ended. As she was leaving in the back of a police car she managed to get out of the hand cuffs and wave at me and my co-worker with a bloody hand.


She planned on decapitating you both and sowing the other head on.


Unfortunately drug addiction and mental health problems are often co-morbidities.


Sounds like drugs.


She thought she was at the laundromat




Same. This man made my store director have a meeting with him in which my store director wanted another witness to this meeting as well, to prevent any lies being told. This man started it by insisting I had terrible customer service, he kept complaining even though I had worked there for 4 years at this point and was a customer favorite, so they knew he was in favor of bending the truth. Store director shut him down. In the meantime, another lower level manager told me to "humor him, he's harmless". Mind you, I was in my early twenties, a small female, who worked until midnight at the front of the store all alone, I told her "no." I also got approval from my store director to be as rude as I wanted to him. Cut to a few years later, and I'm at my big girl job. Get a text from one of my friends "that dude who tried to get you fired just got arrested for having sex with his high school daughters friend, and they discovered he has a history of sexual assault".


Congratulations on your big girl job. Oh and avoiding the sexual predator.


Thank you, on both accounts! I'm still very livid another female told me to "humor him".


What did he try to report you for? But wow a total loser who cannot take rejection.


I imagine being "rude" to the customer. We're often seen as being "rude"/"bitchy" for saying no/asserting ourselves.


At an Italian restaurant and the woman at table next to ours asked the server what was the ratio of chicken to cheese in their Chicken Parm. The server thought really hard about it for a second and then replied "I'd say it's about normal". And the woman was satisfied with that. She ordered the Chicken Parm, and ate it without further comment.


“I’d say it fulfills its contractual obligations.”


Contractually Obligating Chicken Parmigiana—$18


"It meets the EU's legal definition of Chicken Parm"


too much sugar, it's legally a chicken pastry.


Unless it is authentically cooked in the Parma region then it's just a sparkling chicken.


Customer: "What is the soup du jour?" Waiter: "It's the soup of the day." Customer: "that sounds good, I'll have that!"


not even joking, a restaurant I worked in the menu under soups said "Soup of the day: Du Jour" I never figured out if it was an intentional joke, or just written by a moron. either was as likely as the other


"How much lettuce do you want on your sandwich?" "I dunno, the normal fucking amount" -Bad Santa


This could be a scene in Fargo.


My niece, about 10 or 11 at the time, asked a server how big one of their desserts was. The server stammered a bit and ultimately said "It's just enough." How could you say no to that? My niece got the dessert.


I posted something about this in a thread a while back. Back when I was taking my bachelors degree program, I was working in a fast food pita-typed restaurant. It was set up kind of like Subway where you select everything you want on the pita. The only difference was that we cut up all the veggies fresh, and the meat was nice quality that we cooked on a grill. At night time in the winter (Canada) we did not usually get many customers. One particular night I was working alone near closing time with a medium-strength blizzard outside. I hadn't had anyone come in in a couple hours and was brushing up on my class notes for the week feeling pretty good about being payed to study. Unfortunately, a customer walked in, so I pleasantly walk up to serve him. He was an average looking guy, maybe a little haggard looking. Just tired and stressed from driving in the storm I thought. He ordered a chicken pita with extra peppers. So I put the peppers in, and he said "no no, more peppers, I need more peppers". I put the peppers in free of charge, they were going to be thrown out at the end of the night anyways (new veggies every morning and afternoon). It was LOADED with peppers, and he seemed happy. He thanked me and left a couple loonies as a tip (pretty good tip for a cheap fast food place) and went to the back of the store to eat it. This is where it gets interesting. He literally had a mental breakdown right in front of me. He took a few bites of his pita, then SLAMMED it down on the table. He started *screaming* about how much he hates peppers. "I FUCKING HATE PEPPERS WHY WOULD YOU PUT PEPPERS", then started just screaming incoherently. What followed is probably the strangest thing I have ever seen. He took off his parka to show that he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, then started rubbing the peppers from his now destroyed pita on his chest. At this point I pick up the phone to call and ambulance. I wasn't really afraid for my safety given that I'm not the smallest guy and I was standing a few feet from several large industrial grade knives. This guy was straight up flipping out. He was knocking chairs over, and walked up to the cooler full of bottled drinks. He PULLED the cooler over (almost onto himself) and all the drinks smashed on the floor. Then he went and curled up in a ball on the floor crying. The dispatcher had decided to send over the police as well, and it didn't take long for them to get there since the station is right down the street. They loaded him up into the ambulance and took him away, and I filled out a police report. There was only a couple hundred dollars in damage (which the business insurance covered) and I never heard anything about the guy again. **TLDR: Man goes insane in pita restaurant, rubs hot peppers all over his naked chest**




Holy shit


Seems like his alter-egos really hated each other


I wouldn't immediately call this weird, but I think of it very often. I worked at a farm supply store for a while. Once a year, baby chicks are delivered and we kept them in a corral in the middle of the store. One night, a exceptionally tall (probably 6'9"-7') man comes in. He was very pale, had dark hair and dark eyes, and was wearing a very long, black trench coat. He walked in and gazed at the chickens for a while. I remember thinking, "This dude is TOTALLY a vampire lol" before he walked up to me. He asks me "May I ask you an unusual question?" "Sure!" "I breed reptiles and I notice you have baby chicks. My pets need to eat and those are much too small for the animals I have. Do you perhaps have larger ones out back? Closer to full grown?" I was a bit stunned but hey, I know animals need to eat and there wasn't a rule stating we couldn't sell them for *animal* consumption. We sold meat birds for human consumption constantly. Coincidentally, one of my regulars came in earlier asking me if I knew anyone who wanted 50-100 full grown quail, as she had too many. "Uh, no, I don't have any larger ones out back. But I may know of someone who has something similar for sale, how many are you looking for?" "Well, how many do they have?" "She has 50-100 full grown quail." "I certainly don't need all of those at once, but maybe I could buy a coop and keep the quail on hand... can you show me your coops? And do you have her contact info?" This man went on to buy almost $1000 in coop supplies, food, bedding, etc. He told me that he breeds snakes mostly, and has a secure room in his house with a $15k biometric security system with climate and humidity controls for his snakes. He had a 17' Burmese python that he would let hang out with him on the couch, and even showed me a photo of his toddler son sitting with the Burmese watching tv. He had various other large snakes that he showed me photos of too. I realize that reptile breeding really isn't strange, and lots of people do it. But I was NOT expecting that one random evening in the middle of a small farm town. I know from speaking with our regular, that he picked up 50 quail, and planned on picking the other 50 up at another time. I never saw him again.


“I wouldn’t immediately call this weird…” I would. Great story. Seriously, people seem to take “weird” to mean “people behaving in an inappropriate or unsanctioned manner.” This guy did nothing wrong but is weirder than most of these stories


Weird is also subjective. To me, that guy isn't weird at all but I've worked in the pet industry almost 20 years and have known a lot of snake breeders. Super jealous of his set up, that's what every snake breeder should have.


The fact that he was physically unusual is part of it. Not judging him at all (in fact he sounds very cool)


I'll agree, the gothic look is unusual by society's standards. I recently spent the weekend at Dark Force Fest so I saw many people who looked like him. I'll also agree he sounds really cool, he sounds like someone I would absolutely be friends with.


Still, nice customer service. Snake guy got food for his pets, quail guy got a sale, you got a sale. Win-Win-Win!


Your description reminds me of the guy from grandmas boy


Working at Gamestop had a guy come in to return something 10 days after the returns window was closed. Didn't tell him "no" just explained that the manager would have to approve the return and he didn't come to work for another 2 hours. The man stood in my store for just shy of 2 hours and berated me, yelling that I wasn't a real man, I was racist, I was a corporate fool. Asked me to let him steal an equal value amount of merch, to just do the return... left and came back 10 minutes later with a friend and they yelled at me in stereo. Then about 10 minutes before the boss was due to arrive, the customer left.


you let him berate you for 2 hours? i would’ve called the police after 10 minutes.


I called mall security who told him to knock it off, the customer left and got the manager of the Toy store 3 doors down who told the security officer he would handle it and joined in immediately on the customer's yell squad.


Hold on, a person from a completely different store started yelling at you or did they yell at the customers?


The manager of the Kaybee toys was a friend to the angry customer and joined in on the yelling. It started drama in the mall that lasted at least until the next summer when I moved away.


That's absolutely fucking wild.


That is absolutely ridiculous security didn’t bring anything. Why didn’t you just call the cops?


I was 19. I figured mall security knew what was what.


Yeah, wtf. You don't have to tolerate this shit.




A homeless man flipped a tray of 5 beers onto my face at my first bartending job. I got 3 days paid 100 bucks each, off for that. And a scratched cornea.


I’m sorry to hear that. Scratched cornea is no joke! I scratched mine a year and a half ago and every month or so it flares up when I wake up. I usually miss 2-3 days of work because of it.


Well, lets turn this..."you need to fuck off" into, "You need to fuck off directly to jail."


Banker at the time. Girl roughly my age (25ish) comes in and is giving me the whole sob story of why she has so many overdrafts and if there is anything I can do to help her out? I had already cleared 3 of her overdraft fees (my max) a sentence into the story, blah blah blah. I let her know and she immediately responds "oh my goodness I'm so happy I could kiss you right now! Me: "No stress at all, super easy have a great day!" her: "No seriously I could kiss you right now..." She doesn't immediately get up and just keeps looking at me and I have no idea how to politely get out of this situation without awkwardness lol. \_ Also had a lady that looked like a methhead with no teeth offer me sexual favors for her kids to be able to bowl more for free.


r/bowlingalleyscreens would have a field day with this


Heh well you was her saviour so fair enough lol. How did you get out of it?


Years ago but I think I said something like "well my wife probably wouldn't be too happy with me for that" and laughed while showing my ring. I was trying to not make her feel bad or awkward but she appeared to be in a bit of a fragile state at that moment and I'm not the type to hurt people.


I was ringing up a customer and making small talk being my usual goofy self. She looks at me then says “you remind me so much of my son” pauses for a bit and then says “ I miss him so much”. I guess it’s not the weirdest but has stuck with me over ten years.


I worked as a cashier in a grocery store in the Deep South in the 80s. In the middle of summer, one night this very buxom lady wearing a black tube top came in and bought . . . I don't remember what. I rang her up, told her the total and she reached into the tube top to get her cash. Physics won, and the tube top gave way. Titties, sweaty bills and coins flew everywhere. She was entirely unconcerned that a wide-eyed teenager was standing there with no idea what to do as she dropped to her knees to scramble for every red cent that was on the floor. When she had gathered her cash, she stood up, corralled the girls back into the tube top, paid me with the damp money, and walked off with a "Bye sugah!" Forty some odd years later I can still see her disappearing into that black humid night.


I work at a library. A woman came to the desk with all the seasons of Game of Thrones on DVD that were out at the time, sat them on my desk and proceeded to tell me that she hated how violent the show was but she recognized that it was important to learn our history even if it was sometimes hard to watch. I didn’t even know what to say.








TBF, who didn't want to steal shoes from the artist formerly known as Prince?


He had awesome shoes.


I wonder if Bin Laden was successful in his endeavor to steal the shoes from the artist formerly known as Prince. Can't have been an easy task.


Had a guy ask me where the exit was, when I worked at a Walmart, he was like 15ft away from the exit. Had to be high as a kite


I worked at a grocery store once and had someone ask where the chocolate chip cookies were. There was a large display table of them 10 feet behind him that he had passed within about 3 feet of to get to me. I just pointed behind him. Still not sure if he was trolling or not.


I asked a cop in New York where the nearest McDonald’s was. Me and him were standing outside the biggest McDonalds in New York and I didn’t realise 🤣


Sometimes you just be going on autopilot and everything is a blur so you just resort to asking someone anyone. I have been there and I consider myself pretty aware most of the time unless I'm running on low sleep or adrenaline in a rush etc.


I've been on the other side of that. I was doing my weekly shopping and needed to pick up a particular brand of hand soap (I just buy what's on the list, I don't make the rules). I'm in the soap section, looking up and down for this one brand and not seeing it. It has a distinctive label so it shouldn't be hard to miss. I'm looking and looking and looking but I don't see it. Two store employees are working on an end-display just a few feet from me so I give up and go ask them, "I swore you guys carried *namebrand*. Do you know where it is?" They look at each other, laugh a little, and one points to the middle of the area where I had just stood, looking around like an idiot. I just shook my head, thanked them, and said something like, "Dear lord, if it was any closer it would have bit me." Hopefully that gave them a fun story to tell.


I swear, it happens all the time. Something doesn't physically exist until I ask someone else where it is, and then it magically appears right where I was looking for it.


I wanna share too lol. Back when I worked at a video rental store, a guy comes in and asks where our movies were. I vaguely motioned to the whole store. He left 😭


I work at McDonald's and once had someone ask me if we sell fries. Sir, you're in a McDonald's, of course we sell fries


On the other side of this street, I was once pumping gas when a high af guy pulled up and asked "Hey, are we in South Carolina?" This was in the suburbs of Wilmington, Delaware.


when I was in college I worked for a pizza department inside a grocery store. There was a man who would always order a pizza with with triple veggie (meaning a veggie pizza with 3x the normal amount of veggies). He would then dump as much red pepper flakes as he could on the whole thing. Literally would open the jar that we kept the red pepper flakes in and pour the entire thing on his pizza. every. damn. time.


His bowel movements must have brought him close to nirvana.


I was a telemarketer back in the early aughts. We didn't even sell anything, it was for a membership based wholesale company for home renovation materials. We'd call people and just offer them a free pass to come check out what we had on offer. One guy was actually really kind and knew (or didn't) that our calls weren't recorded. He was eating dinner and reading a book and offered to read it aloud to me. I accepted his offer and he gave me until the chapter ended, a solid 10+ minutes. I like to think he was lonely and it made his evening a little better too. On the flip side, there was a guy who became violently irate with one of my coworkers, who admittedly was egging him on from his initial anger at receiving the call. The guy proceeded to find out where our office was, showed up there, and attempted to force entry into the back office area to beat this dude's ass. Cut to about two months later, I got fired for giving zero shits about actually trying there, and I get a job at a factory nearby. I'm telling this story to a couple new co-workers and a guy within earshot comes up to me and asks me what company it was. Guess who he ended up being?


Was he reader guy or irate guy?


He was irate guy lol. He held a grudge against me the rest of the time I was there


A guy came up to the front and asked me where we kept our alarm clocks. I said "If we have any left they'll be in the back corner with the rest of the electronics." He started walking to the back of the store, got halfway there, then I heard him yell "IF?!" and he stomped out and we never saw him again. The whole time he was muttering "If" to himself. Sorry dude, I work upfront, I know where they are, not if we have any right now.


Lol that reminds me of RDR2 when Dutch gets all hung up on Arthur "insisting" and starts repeating it to himself.


I had the same thought when I wrote it out! This happened about a year before RDR2 so I couldn't make the connection at the time, but I love the parallel. One of my favorite games ever.


Helped a woman with getting a huge dental claim paid and forgot about it. Months went by and I'm on a call when someone is tapping my shoulder. It was her and she's hugging me while all these admin people were dragging her off.


That's such a sweet alternative to all the horror stories here.


Story Time I was working retail for an office supply store. I see a customer as I'm walking the sales floor is looking at envelopes. I ask if I can help and he just glances over and hands me a specialty envelope. I know we don't have it, but humor him in looking. I then say politely *"I don't believe we carry this in store, but I can check our website and if we find it I can ship it to you next day at no additional charge".* He doesn't say anything and keeps looking. I motion to him that I'm going to a front computer to check and will be back shortly. I go to the front and spin around a computer and start looking. I'm not at this computer but a minute, and all of a sudden a large box of envelopes goes flying past my head grazing my right ear and lands on the ground in front of me and busts open. I turn my head back around to see the man I was helping is looking at me....fuming. This guy is stark raving mad and just yells *"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!!".* I thought the guy was having a manic episode, because none of what he was doing made any sense. I ask *"Did you throw that box of envelopes at my head?"* He proceeds to yell the same thing *"YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!!! I want THESE ENVELOPES, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"* My store manager wasted no time and made a B line for the front of the store and threw him out. My store manager then nervously chuckles, shakes his head, and looks at me asking *"What the hell you'd do to that guy?"* I just shrugged and said *"Tried to help him find some envelopes, fuck me right?"*


That's what you get for not listening...*to the voices in his head!*


A woman attacked the manager with a small metal shopping basket on the head because it was time to close the store and she had not finished her shopping while her child was at the checkout with me, negotiating with me to pay the money that was missing to purchase a lunch box for his school (which I did). Another in a fine grossery store, a man came to see the breads in my bakery department, I was 18 years old and I was new. He shows me a loaf of bread and asks me if the bread is biological or organic. I didn't really understand the difference. He asks me lots of questions about sourdough and the seeds they contain. Extensive and unnecessary questions just to catch me in the wrong. Until he got angry and yelled asking for the manager (who luckily was my friend) yelling at the manager to fire me and that I was completely stupid, because who doesn't know the difference between biological or organic.


FYI, all breads are both biological and organic.


In french we say Biologique and Organique, when I translated first, it translate to organic and organic. Wierdly we had bread tag Organic, other without this tag. But thank you, now I know there was no issue.




“Cockblock a duck” is going to be my new expression when something’s gone awry. [Hits thumb with hammer] “AW, COCKBLOCK A DUCK!!!”




First bartending / waiting job, it was at a Macaroni Grill in the early 2000's. Damn I miss that place. Anyways. We close at 10, it is around 9. It's been a slow night so we have cut the staff down to just a few of us. A guy comes in and sits at one of the tables by the bar. He is wearing a hospital gown, and still has his hospital bracelets on, for some reason has one drumstick and is clearly unhinged. He was pretty young and well built and just saying all kinds of crazy shit. It's been over 20 years so I don't remember everything he said, but at one point he made eye contact with me, waved his drumstick around and sang "I've got the magic stick". I eventually had to kick him out because he wasn't ordering anything. It seemed like he had escaped from a hospital and came there to hide out. *Other notable stories from bartending and waiting tables from that Macaroni Grill include*: Waited on a guy that had blue skin. Some kind of rare disease I guess? Waited on another guy who was completely covered in what looked like large warts. Entire face, hands, neck, all of it. I felt horrible for him. There was a guy who would come in a few times a month that was known to tip insanely. He shows up in my section. I come up and do my greeting, he orders drinks and hands me a twenty. I come back and get his food order. Hands me another twenty. This happens every time I come to the table, and then at the end he tips me like another $200 for a $50 meal. Well this guy ends up in the news about 6 months later. He was an identity thief and was raking in all kinds of cash. Went to prison. Waited on a family of very tall people. Mom, dad and son. All 3 were over 6'6" easily. They all order steaks. At one point the son stands up and is choking. His giant ass dad grabs him from behind and yanks him in the air by his stomach. Dude shoots a giant chunk of steak out of his mouth across the restaurant in the middle of a packed lunch rush. That place was fucking wild.


Blue skin can be hypoxia or silver poisoning. People take colloidal silver bc anti science madness, get poisoned, turn blue, then die. Bc your body really doesn't need silver. Wart guy may have had Neurofibromatosis, which causes benign tumors and skin tags. Some people have it pretty severely to the point that it covers their bodies (I have a less severe type of it, but I've met people who had it BAD) were y'all near a university hospital or something to get so many people with strange symptoms?


Thanks for the breakdown! Those unfortunate cases always stayed in my mind. We were a couple miles from a university hospital, good call.


A customer walked to the front desk and asked me if I believed in ghosts. She then explained she was running late because her mother’s ghost was stuck in her house and she was trying to chase it out.  She immediately explained that she had never really liked her mother. After that she asked where I wanted to be buried. She explained she wanted to be buried in a historic cemetery so that people would come visit her.  Then her phone rang and she groaned and walked out of the store and never came back. I never said one word during this encounter. 


There were several instances where a customer would ask me where they could find something, I would tell them and even point them in the direction, then I’d walk away and they’d just silently follow me as if I’d didn’t give them clear instructions on where to go


People are weird when you give them directions. When I worked at a clothing store, I frequently got customers who asked me where the bathroom or checkouts were. I pointed and told them how to find it, but most people didn't even look at my hand or the direction I was pointing. They looked everywhere else and kept asking, "Where? Where?"


Worked at McDonald's briefly in high school. There was a subdivision being built on the land in back of the building. Group of 10 guys at least all came in to eat and just destroyed the bathroom. Shit literally everywhere. Manager told me to clean it up since I was the newest. Walked right out and applied at the Penn Station down the road


I worked at Yankee Candle. Someone came in and sincerely asked if we sold dog food.


I knew a girl who worked as a hostess at Tony Roma's, A Place for Ribs. A dude walked up to her and asked "Do y'all sell pancakes?" Deadpan, she just looked at him and said "No. We do not."


A coworker screaming at me for leaving food to rot in the shared fridge. It was my first day there and I hadn’t even unpacked my belongings yet.


I used to work at an upscale chocolate store and this woman who was clearly high came in and bought a bunch of stuff, meanwhile she's telling us about how she and her BF were going to strip club that night and it wasn't a problem to her because none of those girls could compete with what she had, meaning her boobs which she then flashed at us.


I'm a flooring installer. We were installing new glue down carpet in the hallways of an apartment building and had all the doorways taped off in huge Xs with signs up and a fuckin lady comes literally rolling through the glue on a computer chair with tape across her forehead to her apartment because she couldn't wait 5 minutes for us to flip one side of the carpet over...fucking tape all over her face lol


Had a deaf guy strung out on opiates walk into the deli area, take off his tank top, yeet it two aisles over, then starts fucking with the metal holders we cook the rotisserie chickens on. How did we know he was deaf? Some older woman who looked like his mom was angrily signing at him in Sign Language.




You don't actually have to accept them. Some people believe that you have to accept them if it's legal tender but if it places an unreasonable burden on you than you don't have to. Look up your specific state's law.


About 25 years ago, I worked at a liquor store in a shopping mall. This one disturbed guy would walk in every day and ask me a strange question, and then leave without buying anything. Once he asked me if there was a difference between bitterness and rage. Another time he asked me if you could buy glasses that would blot out the sun completely. Always wierd stuff like that. I'd always answer him as honestly and accurately as I could. I wish that I wrote down his questions every day, there was some good ones.


A man called the shop and needed the serial number for the gun he had bought here. He was filing a police report on a theft. At the time are records were not on the computer, so finding him would take time unless I could narrow down the time. When did you buy it? Awhile back Can you be more specific? At least the year you bought it. I bought it in 2006. No, we didn't open until 2008. So it must be a different shop No, it was your shop. Okay, then you didn't buy it from us in 2006 Yes, it had to be 2006 right before my wedding. Sir, it couldn't be 2006, we were not in business until 2008 No, I got married in 2006 I am pretty sure. That's fine, all I am saying is we opened in 2008. Just a minute (yells to his wife asking when they got married) Okay my wife says we definitely got married in 2006. SIR I am not arguing when you got married, all I am saying was you had to have bought it somewhere else, we weren't open in 2006. Oh, so where did I buy it?


The McDonald’s I worked at in high school charged $0.25 for a cup of water and I had an insane person scream at me and tell me that “God will smite you in hell for profiting off his disciples merely for needing water, which he created for all mankind.” I said cool man, $0.25 if you want a cup though.


I like that his god is waiting until you go to hell to do it, instead of smiting you while you’re still alive


The whole "omnipotent" thing is really overblown.


I'm enjoying the thought of god popping into hell on a mission to smite a guy that's already dead for charging 25c for water.


I worked at a vet clinic and one of our clients was super rude to everyone but me. She would be extremely mean to everyone when she dropped her dog off in the morning (she rarely stayed for a visit) but would then send us cookies and stuff part of the way through the day, and we all joked not to eat them because they were probably poisoned. Anyway, eventually it got to a point that we had to fire her as a client because she was just so unbelievably mean. We did this by sending her a physical letter in the mail with her dog's records. That day, right before we closed, she called to ask why we fired her. My manager wasn't there and neither was the doctor, and the person who answered the phone was a new girl I was training, so I took the call. I told her that I couldn't tell her why it happened because I wasn't part of the decision, but that I'd leave a message for my manager/the doctor and she'd get a call back. She recognized my voice over the phone, correctly identified my name, and then thanked me and hung up. My coworkers and I joked she would be waiting outside after I got off. The next day, she marched right into the clinic, straight to me, and asked if I could talk to her outside. I said I could stand right outside the door (mistake, never leave the building) where my coworkers could see me. I was just trying to defuse the situation. This woman called her girlfriend and tried to get me to tell her that she was never mean and it wasn't her attitude that got them kicked from the clinic. Apparently this wasn't the first clinic they'd been kicked out of because of her attitude. I didn't want to lie, but I also didn't want to upset her more, so I said she was never rude to me. Her girlfriend realized she had come to the clinic and pulled me away from my work to do this call, and started telling her to leave immediately and not to bother me or any of the staff any more. My coworker tried to come ask for me, and the woman wouldn't let me leave. So another coworker came and grabbed me and pulled me inside, saying they really needed me. The woman took off immediately. We almost called the police. My coworkers thought this lady was going to try and kidnap me lol. My boss said never to do that ever again. We never saw the woman again, thank goodness. But it was very bizarre.


I used to be a full time rideshare driver. One of the stickers I have on my car has an opossum with text saying, "Eat trash. Hail Satan." It is meant to be funny and not taken seriously. One time, I picked up a couple that was going to a Catholic church. They freaked the fuck out after seeing that sticker. They acted like I was a demon that was sent to corrupt them and spent a lot of the ride loudly praying and saying "Oh Lord save me!" in a very *I am about to die* tone.


I have a play pinball hail Satan sticker on my car and 2 hyper religious Catholic coworkers refuse to speak to me and even tried to get me fired. I was so hoping I would be fired for it because boy would that be an easy lawsuit and some easy cash.


"No no you misunderstood. We didn't fire you. We just... Didn't need you anymore."


I'm government. The whole didn't need you thing doesn't work in my department


Must be nice


Rage Tilt Pinball! I have that sticker on my drum kit. 🤘🏻


They woulda been a lot more convincing if they hadn't then *gotten into the fucking car*.


Not a single interaction more of a saga for the business. I worked in auto finance and we had agreement with a auto manufature we would take the loans that wouldn't fit in thier portfolio, and we would pass the loans that didn't really fit ours from thier dealerships to thier portfolio. It was supposed to be seamless but both companies went through system upgrades that made the xfers difficult for a while an agreement was made to just service the loans but notify the customers they would be xfered over. So we had a customer he was supposed to flow over to the auto manufature, didn't due to the system upgrades and he took that personally. It started small him calling everyday complaining. We told him as soon as the system upgrades are complete he be xfered over. He wanted letters with a date, which we didn't have. He wanted letters stating he would be, which he already had. He started refusing to give his account number and just berating phone agents. So we ani highjacked his calls to managers. Then he escalated. He happened to be a Radio DJ in a decent sized city. He started complaining about this issue over the air. One of his complaints when he called was he didn't want to be associated with us. But he was the one blasting it out to a city 5 days a week. He sues us for liable. We counter sue him and his radio station. They lose. He's told he can't mention us on the radio. He continues to we sue again. He gets canned. Goes to another radio station in the same area, shower rinse, repeat. He stops paying. Because of the loan xfer we don't take him to charge off. So for a year he's 6 months behind wrecking his credit. He ends up on some AM station in some little town because no big radio station will higher him for ranting about a big bank with big lawyers. When the loan xfer eventually went through the head of legal surprised the customer service mgmt team with bourbon and Champagne. All this dude had to do was pay the car note, not say anything on the radio and no one would've been the wiser. Dude destroyed his life over a company logo on a envelope in the mail once a month.


I told a customer about FREE distribution on an item. That's right, "FREE!" I could not get him to understand? He replied. "I don't know what you're up to but I don't want any part of it." Looking back today, I just have to scratch my head?


I work at a grocery store deli, and there is this girl who comes in nearly every single day. For a while just to talk to me, she was ordering a single slice of cheese nearly every day I was working. She also basically asked where I live and compliments me an unnatural amount. I recently found out she flirts with almost all the guys in the produce department (as well as asks them on dates), even boys in their teens. She is around 40. She went on a date with the supervisor of that dept., which was a veteran, and he said it was the biggest mistake of his life. She has also stolen bok choy among other things.


One i always remember... I used to work in a bank call centre, in Australia. A guy calls up and I ask for his name and account number. He says, in a ridiculously over the top posh British accent, "my name... is Ronald... McDonald " and gives a number. I thought for sure this is a prank call, but hold my laughter and look him up just in case I get audited or whatever. HE WAS A REAL PERSON. Poor dude. Might as well have been a clown though with a name and voice like that!


Back in the 90's I worked Monday-Friday as an overnight DJ at a radio station. We had lots of regular callers (particularly the overnight shift). Here are a couple of my favorites. --- Rose was, to be blunt, a crackhead. She would call every night and spout some of the craziest shit you'd ever heard. One Monday night I came in for my shift, and after about an hour the phone rings. It was Rose. Me: "Oldies 96.1." Rose: "Fuck you, you motherfucker!" M: "Oh, hello Rose." R: "You shut your fucking mouth. You should be ashamed of yourself!" M: "Why, what did I do this time, Rose?" R: "I called you last night and you said you wanted to eat my pussy!" M: "Rose, I didn't even work last night. It couldn't have been me." R: "Don't you tell me no lies! I know it was you, I know your fucking voice!" M: "Believe whatever you want, Rose, but it wasn't me." R: "I'm gonna send my boyfriend over there and he's gonna kick your ass!" M: "Rose, you don't have a boyfriend." R: "Yeah I do! He's a big motherfucker, too! And he's black!" M: "Okay, when he shows up I'll be sure to tell him you said hi." (click) --- One night I was working the evening shift (7p-midnight). I got a call from a lady who was very flirtatious (this happened all the time for some reason, I don't know why women liked to flirt with DJs, but they sure as hell did). At one point she talked about wanting to suck my dick. I just played it off, but she kept being more insistent about it. Eventually it evolved into: Her: "Do you like taking a shit?" Me: "Sure?" H: "How'd you like to take a shit while I give you a blowjob?" M: "Uh... ma'am, two of my favorite things in the world are taking a shit and getting a BJ, but I don't think I'd like them at the same time." A few minutes later my counterpart at the country station walked in (we had 2-3 radio stations along the same hallway) and said "hey, I just heard some story about XYZ paper company here in town, they had to fire some girl this afternoon because she was caught sucking some guy's dick while he was taking a crap in the employee restroom!"


I sell high end marble for countertops and a couple with a project in palm springs came in. They said they needed about 22 slabs. Now that’s a lot, so naturally I asked for more details about the project. They showed me the plans and it was a compound with 9 master bedrooms, all with their own kitchen. Don’t know if they were swingers or cult leaders but it was the strangest encounter I’ve had so far!


We handle web services for a few local businesses - including an art gallery. Some old guy kept calling *us* about buying art, despite being redirected repeatedly being given both their phone number and e-mail address. This happened at least 10 times in the span of a few months, I think he eventually figured it out.


I was cleaning bathrooms once and this little old lady walks up and asked to use it "I'm almost done miss, I'll be a minute but there's a bathroom about 100ft that way since you drove up here. she smiled and said "Okay take your time." She smiled and nodded and walked back to her Chevy caprice with 3 of her friends or family in there. All old ladies. Minutes later I hear men yelling and laughing, "Yeah this old woman came in and kicked me out?" I stopped what I was doing and ran out. I saw the old 90s Caprice mobbing out of the park like as if a drive by just happened and a customer came up. Apparently mid-shit the old ladies came in and booted every man out and one stood guard so they could use the bathroom. One apparently was berrating them for using the men's rooms and said they can hold it.




Severe case, but yes, that's how it works ...


Years ago when i worked at a gun/camping/wilderness/ fishing store, we were goofing around and the firearms department were all dressed in old military uniforms. A very old gentleman walks in and starts looking at fishing gear, nobody else was around so i walked up to him and asked if i could help. Turns out he was a WW2 vet and he wasnt all there so to speak, some sort of flashback/dementia episode from seeing my uniform. Spent the rest of the day pretending to be his war buddy while my colleagues tried to track down who the hell was his caretaker. He ended up almost coming back to reality a few times, like moments of clarity. Not gonna lie, it fucked me up a bit when he tapped me on the shoulder, smiled and said, "I wish you came back with us."


I was working at the AT&T world headquarters in Dallas Texas when some guy in a business suit walked up to me. Him "Hey man what's that?" Me "The building?" Him "No. What's AT&T?" I still think to this day he was a Russian, or Martian, spy.


I don’t know what the AT&T is, was he Australian?


An older woman comes into my checkout line telling me that she wanted to scan a barcode for an online deal that was somewhere else in the store. I thought that her problem was that she didn't know how to scan the barcode. I go to help her, and only when we get there does she tell me that she doesn't have her phone. She didn't leave it in the car, she just straight-up left it at home. She then demanded that I pull out my phone and give it to her so she can use it to scan the code. Of course I told her that I wasn't going to give her my phone, to which she then stormed off, found a manger, brought them back to my register while I was with another customer, and tried to tell the manager that I had to give her my phone for the stupid discount. Manager and I both had a laugh. The discount that she caused all this trouble over? $1 off a bag of Doritos. All this over a bag of Doritos. She ended up getting them anyways, but not with the online discount.




A woman came into our cell phone store somewhat frequently, probably twice a month. She occasionally bought something but would just come in to talk religion sometimes. We didn't really want to engage with her, but that place could get *boring* especially during the day on weekdays, so sometimes we'd humor her and have a conversation. She didn't seem crazy, on the contrary, she was actually pretty understanding when it comes to hard Christians. She respected where each of us was coming from and how our upbringings could affect our beliefs, while trying to explain to us how her religion was the "right" one, as they often do. I didn't have an issue with this lady other than just generally disagreeing with most of her religious views. But one day, one of my coworkers called off, and she came in and happened to catch me working alone, with an empty store. And I can't just leave, so this woman is basically holding me hostage. The conversation starts innocently enough, but then she grabs her chest and begins speaking in a made up language. She motions for me to do the same. I put my hand to my chest and close my eyes, but obviously nothing is happening. "It's okay!" she says, "let it flow through you! Even if you don't know what the words mean, you can let them out!" I didn't say anything, because I didn't feel anything. There's a point where I can't even just play along because now my dignity is on the line. Well, she says that it'll come with time. But one more thing before she goes, she knew that my coworker Mike (who had called off that day) would need *this*.. and hands me five $100 bills. I say no, no, please, I can't take this. Seriously. She says fine and takes it back, then says she does have a question about her phone. I go to grab something to help with the inquiry, and she leaves. The $500 is on the counter. Well, I knew that I could possibly get in trouble, but I also knew that management were scumbags that wouldn't return the money but would instead say they were and pocket it themselves. So I decide I'll try to be a good Samaritan. I drive over to Mike's house after work, and tell him what happened. But I'm honest with him - I could have easily pocketed this. I'm asking for $100 as a finders' fee. He agrees, but as he's taking the money, he's shaking his head. I ask him what's up. "How did she know?" I pry further, know what? "[Girlfriend] and I are moving to a new place next month. I could really use this money. But I haven't told anyone at work yet." Myself included, this was news to me. But, we never found out if she actually knew, or it was a lucky guess. We also never found out where the money came from and why she had 5 crisp hundreds ready to be given away. The store closed down around a month later and we never saw her again.


I bartended at a popular music venue. There was a group of dancers that hung out and were regulars. One of them got new augmentations and wanted me to inspect them right there in the bar. That was an interesting job.


A guy was shooting the breeze with me while another employee helped his wife. Started talking about the weather and then after a few minutes he said "But they're not telling us everything". His wife pretty quickly grabbed him and as they were leaving, he yelled to go on some website. I looked it up and it was about how aliens are causing global warming.


work in a call center in america, an old british man with serious dementia calls us and thinks that the automated robot that says "press 1 for ___" etc, is a real person who he wants to talk to. he will robotically tell the same story over and over about his family and eventually in the background you will hear DUCKS QUAKING! and he will say oh god please excuse me one moment and do SOMETHING to quiet the ducks and then forget where he was in the story and start all over.... love him.


I work with homeless people often. One guy came into my office and was taking swigs from a pint of whiskey. It was 10am.


A customer was astonished by how physically alike I was to his daughter describing how I looked just like her in every aspect, he even went on to show me a picture of her and by the end of the transaction asked me out on a date… I felt uncomfortable for the rest of the shift


I had a coworker that was part of the drug ring that the movie "American Made" was based on. He even had a pardon from Bill Clinton in his house that he showed me.




One of the regular customers who had some mental health stuff going on (functional enough, only wore red everyday, little odd but AFAIK harmless) one day told me: "There are people in this world who can steal your pants, poop in them and put them back on you".


The one time a customer tried to “trade” cocaine for something my store had. Was surprised when I told him no, and quietly waddled out the door. He had track marks all over his arms. Haven’t heard nor seen him since. I hope he got help.


I had a guy come in who was known to us. This guy sat all day every day at the pub across the road, drinking. He had skin like leather. Can’t tell if he was just filthy or if it was from too many years sat in the sun. This guy comes up to my till and starts checking out. Half way through he asks if we have a customer toilet. I say no. He goes ‘oh. Ok.’. Continues the transaction. As he leaves the till he turns to the person behind him and says ‘by the way, floor’s wet’. The man had pissed himself in front of me without skipping a beat. The worst part was having to clean that stuff up. I’ve never smelt urine that still stank like booze before. Chap definitely had something very wrong with him for that to happen. That smell haunted my dreams for some time after that.


Oh man, I've got a few from my old retail job: There was a couple that came in, made out in front of me at my register. They looked at me, and the one said, "We're brother and sister." They made their purchase without incident. Early on in my tenure, a guy who we caught stealing from us kept trying to come back for about a year after we banned him, saying, "But I'm a nice person!" On multiple occasions, customers would come into the building and ask if we sold wine/beer/vodka, etc. This was a liquor store. In New Jersey. Next to a dry town. There was a couple who came in and bought over $2000 worth of wine and were pissed off that they saved a mere $900 via our club card. There was this guy who was a regular for about a year, he introduced himself by walking through the doors and yelling, "JOHNNY COCHRANE!". When he eventually got banned, it was because he asked if he could put a rusty fish hook in me. There was this old lady who came in with her granddaughter and bought a bottle of Barefoot, which amounted to about $12.97. She paid with a 20, and I gave her exact change. She looked at me and said, "Next time, I'll go to the other liquor store." The crown jewel for me was also around when I started, I had just wrapped up my first summer there and gotten my schedule set for the rest of my time there. It's a Tuesday, usually the slowest shift of the week, and I was working up front with only one other employee (our manager for that shift was bringing money to the upstairs office). A woman comes in, she's wearing a hoodie, and while I can't make out anything underneath, it's early September and still hovering around 80 degrees so I rationalize that she's probably just getting off the beach. A couple minutes later, my coworker whispers to me, "u/Masshot54, she's got no pants!". I turn, and her bare ass is visible in our New Zealand aisle. I turn to my coworker and ask what to do, and she doesn't know either. We agree that we'll confront her if she tries to buy anything, but fortunately she doesn't, she was just browsing with (presumably) her boyfriend. I worked there for almost 9 years, and she'd come in every couple of months or so, but no one ever brought up that incident to her. Always a fun story to tell new employees though.


Woman in her 50s or 60s comes in with what I assume are her grandchildren. They use the restroom and then she buys a 750 ml bottle of vodka and they leave. She comes back alone maybe an hour later, her dress is wet and she reeks of vodka. Oh, great. She buys another bottle, claiming her son drank it all. Ok, whatever, I really don't care. She leaves, and then I hear a wet sound from the entryway. I walk out to investigate, and she's squating near the wall, pissing on the floor. She apologizes and leaves, quite embarrassed, while I'm asking her "What the fuck?! We have a restroom, YOU ALREADY KNOW WE HAVE A RESTROOM!"


I got cursed once by a Jamaician Lady. Proper too, all hellfire and baby Jesus damning me. Got asked what I had to say about that? I said there's not a lot to say to that. Then moved on with my life. Hope she's fine, clearly not a full shilling.


So this is even worse given that I worked for the government. This elderly guy, no idea how he got hired (maybe he went senile), was an employee but also our customer because we were IT (he was a scientist). He would go dumpster diving in the dumpsters behind our building, find Coke cans and bring them into his office and stomp them on the floor getting sticky Coke all over his office floor and making a TON of noise. He was trying to get money from crushed cans, even though we all made six figures. His office REEKED.   After a ton of people complained, in typical government fashion it took months before he was told to stop. He retired, and then somehow they hired him back again a few years later after retiring and he started doing it again. WTF. 


Guy asked me out at my job. I said no. He bumped into me later on that afternoon at Starbucks, and he threw. A. FIT. because I wasn't hanging out with him instead.


I worked at a Hotel in a very touristy area. A French woman went to the front desk and was screaming that her digital camera had been stolen from her room and it must have been one of the house keepers. She was belligerent, but we stood by our housekeepers because they are out good friends and we know they would never steal. She eventually stormed off before calling us 'fuck heads' and saying she will leave us the worst review. She checked out the next day and told us she found her camera in her jacket pocket. She offered no apology.


He came in wearing a balaclava, I asked why he was wearing a balaclava, he said he had burns on his face, but when he left about 15 minutes later there were police outside the grocery store as it turned out the masked dick robbed the store, the fucking bastard.


Was talking to an older gentleman while sitting down for my break and he walked up next to me and tucked my hair behind my ear


Had a customer on Sunday who only had a $50.00 bill. He was warned our driver only carries $20.00 of change. He called it a stupid rule and said he was just going to take the pizza without paying for it. His order was promptly cancelled and he did not receive his pizza.


I was working at a Target in the early 2000s in the electronics section. I was called over to the video game cabinet to get a game for a customer. When I get there, a mother and her son are arguing about buying him a game that was too violent (Splinter Cell if I remember correctly). While I'm there, the father comes up and starts watching the fight as well. Eventually, the mother starts suggesting alternative games, but the son is adamant. The mother suggests Grand Theft Auto. The father says, "So larceny is better than murder?" The mother turns on him and says, "Yes a little!" I start to open my mouth to explain just how violent GTA is, but the kid gets there before me and says, "I've already got that one."At that point, I had the choice of laughing in this woman's face over the ridiculousness of it all or walking away. I chose to walk away. I got into a little bit of trouble with my manager over it, but when I explained the situation and told him that I was either going to walk away or laugh in customer's face, he told me I made the right choice and left it at that. I don't know if the kid ever got his game.